// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // =========================================================================== // File: CEELOAD.H // // // CEELOAD.H defines the class use to represent the PE file // =========================================================================== #ifndef CEELOAD_H_ #define CEELOAD_H_ #include "common.h" #include "vars.hpp" // for LPCUTF8 #include "hash.h" #include "clsload.hpp" #include "cgensys.h" #include "corsym.h" #include "typehandle.h" #include "arraylist.h" #include "pefile.h" #include "typehash.h" #include "contractimpl.h" #include "bitmask.h" #include "instmethhash.h" #include "eetwain.h" // For EnumGCRefs (we should probably move that somewhere else, but can't // find anything better (modulo common or vars.hpp) #include "classloadlevel.h" #include "precode.h" #include "corbbtprof.h" #include "ilstubcache.h" #include "classhash.h" #include "corcompile.h" #include #include "wellknownattributes.h" #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT #include "dataimage.h" #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "winrttypenameconverter.h" #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN #include "readytoruninfo.h" #endif #include "ilinstrumentation.h" class PELoader; class Stub; class MethodDesc; class FieldDesc; class Crst; class ClassConverter; class RefClassWriter; class ReflectionModule; class EEStringData; class MethodDescChunk; class SigTypeContext; class Assembly; class BaseDomain; class AppDomain; class CompilationDomain; class DomainModule; struct DomainLocalModule; class SystemDomain; class Module; class SString; class Pending; class MethodTable; class AppDomain; class DynamicMethodTable; class CodeVersionManager; class TieredCompilationManager; class ProfileEmitter; class JITInlineTrackingMap; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT class TypeHandleList; class TrackingMap; struct MethodInModule; class PersistentInlineTrackingMapNGen; extern VerboseLevel g_CorCompileVerboseLevel; #endif // Hash table parameter of available classes (name -> module/class) hash #define AVAILABLE_CLASSES_HASH_BUCKETS 1024 #define AVAILABLE_CLASSES_HASH_BUCKETS_COLLECTIBLE 128 #define PARAMTYPES_HASH_BUCKETS 23 #define PARAMMETHODS_HASH_BUCKETS 11 #define METHOD_STUBS_HASH_BUCKETS 11 #define GUID_TO_TYPE_HASH_BUCKETS 16 // The native symbol reader dll name #if defined(_AMD64_) #define NATIVE_SYMBOL_READER_DLL W("Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.amd64.dll") #elif defined(_X86_) #define NATIVE_SYMBOL_READER_DLL W("Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.x86.dll") #elif defined(_ARM_) #define NATIVE_SYMBOL_READER_DLL W("Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.arm.dll") #elif defined(_ARM64_) // Use diasymreader until the package has an arm64 version - issue #7360 //#define NATIVE_SYMBOL_READER_DLL W("Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.arm64.dll") #define NATIVE_SYMBOL_READER_DLL W("diasymreader.dll") #endif typedef DPTR(PersistentInlineTrackingMapNGen) PTR_PersistentInlineTrackingMapNGen; typedef DPTR(JITInlineTrackingMap) PTR_JITInlineTrackingMap; // // LookupMaps are used to implement RID maps // It is a linked list of nodes, each handling a successive (and consecutive) // range of RIDs. // // LookupMapBase is non-type safe implementation of the worker methods. LookupMap is type // safe wrapper around it. // typedef DPTR(struct LookupMapBase) PTR_LookupMapBase; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // // LookupMap cold entry compression support // // A lookup map (the cold section) is notionally an array of pointer values indexed by rid. The pointers are // generally to data structures such as MethodTables or MethodDescs. When we compress such a table (at ngen // time) we wish to avoid direct pointers, since these would need to be fixed up due to image base // relocations. Instead we store RVAs (Relative Virtual Addresses). Unlike regular RVAs our base address is // the map address itself (as opposed to the module base). We do this purely out of convenience since // LookupMaps don't store the module base address. // // It turns out that very often the value pointers (and hence the value RVAs) are related to each other: // adjacent map entries often point to data structures that were allocated next to or close to each other. The // compression algorithm takes advantage of this fact: instead of storing value RVAs we store the deltas // between RVAs. So the nth value in the table is composed of the addition of the deltas from the preceding (n // - 1) entries. Since the deltas are often small (especially when we take structure alignment into account // and realize that we can discard the lower 2 or 3 bits of the delta) we can store them in a compressed // manner by discarding the insignificant leading zero bits in each value. // // So now we imagine our compressed table to be a sequence of entries, each entry being a variably sized delta // from the previous entry. As a result we need some means to encode how large each delta in the table is. We // could use a fixed size field (a 5-bit length field would be able to encode any length between 1 and 32 // bits, say). This is troublesome since although most entry values are close in value there are a few // (usually a minority) that require much larger deltas (hot/cold data splitting based on profiling can cause // this for instance). For most tables this would force us to use a large fixed-size length field for every // entry, just to deal with the relatively uncommon worst case (5 bits would be enough, but many entry deltas // can be encoded in 2 or 3 bits). // // Instead we utilize a compromise: we store all delta lengths with a small number of bits // (kLookupMapLengthBits below). Instead of encoding the length directly this value indexes a per-map table of // possible delta encoding lengths. During ngen we calculate the optimal value for each entry in this encoding // length table. The advantage here is that it lets us encode both best case and worst case delta lengths with // a fixed size but small field. The disadvantage is that some deltas will be encoded with more bits than they // strictly need. // // This still leaves the problem of runtime lookup performance. Touches to the cold section of a LookupMap // aren't all that critical (after all the data is meant to be cold), but looking up the last entry of a map // with 22 thousand entries (roughly what the MethodDefToDesc map in mscorlib is sized at at the time of // writing) is still likely to so inefficient as to be noticeable. Remember that the issue is that we have to // decode all predecessor entries in order to compute the value of a given entry in the table. // // To address this we introduce an index to each compressed map. The index contains an entry for each // kLookupMapIndexStride'th entry in the compressed map. The index entry consists of the RVA of the // corresponding table value and the bit offset into the compressed map at which the data for the next entry // commences. Thus we can use the index to find a value within kLookupMapIndexStride entries of our target and // then proceed to decode only the last few compressed entries to finish the job. This reduces the lookup to a // constant time operation once more (given a reasonable value for kLookupMapIndexStride). // // The main areas in which this algorithm can be tuned are the number of bits used as an index into the // encoding lengths table (kLookupMapLengthBits) and the frequency with which entries are bookmarked in the // index (kLookupMapIndexStride). The current values have been set based on looking at models of mscorlib, // PresentationCore and PresentationFramework built from the actual ridmap data in their ngen images and // methodically trying different values in order to maximize compression or balance size versus likely runtime // performance. An alternative strategy was considered using direct (non-length prefix) encoding of the // deltas with a couple of variantions on probability-based variable length encoding (completely unbalanced // tree and completely balanced tree with pessimally encoded worst case escapes). But these were found to // yield best case results similar to the above but with more complex processing required at ngen (optimal // results for these algorithms are achieved when you have enough resources to build a probability map of your // entire data). // // Note that not all lookup tables are suitable for compression. In fact we compress only TypeDefToMethodTable // and MethodDefToDesc tables. For one thing this optimization only brings benefits to larger tables. But more // importantly we cannot mutate compressed entries (for obvious reasons). Many of the lookup maps are only // partially populated at ngen time or otherwise might be updated at runtime and thus are not candidates. // // In the threshhold timeframe (predicted to be .NET Framework 4.5.3 at the time of writing), we added profiler support // for adding new types to NGEN images. Historically we could always do this for jitted images, but one of the // blockers for NGEN were the compressed RID maps. We worked around that by supporting multi-node maps in which // the first node is compressed, but all future nodes are uncompressed. The NGENed portion will all land in the // compressed node, while the new profiler added data will land in the uncompressed portion. Note this could // probably be leveraged for other dynamic scenarios such as a limited form of EnC, but nothing further has // been implemented at this time. // // Some useful constants used when compressing tables. enum { kLookupMapLengthBits = 2, // Bits used to encode an index into a table of possible value lengths kLookupMapLengthEntries = 1 << kLookupMapLengthBits, // Number of entries in the encoding table above kLookupMapIndexStride = 0x10, // The range of table entries covered by one index entry (power of two for faster hash lookup) kBitsPerRVA = sizeof(DWORD) * 8, // Bits in an (uncompressed) table value RVA (RVAs // currently still 32-bit even on 64-bit platforms) #ifdef _WIN64 kFlagBits = 3, // Number of bits at the bottom of a value // pointer that may be used for flags #else // _WIN64 kFlagBits = 2, #endif // _WIN64 }; #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT struct LookupMapBase { DPTR(LookupMapBase) pNext; ArrayDPTR(TADDR) pTable; // Number of elements in this node (only RIDs less than this value can be present in this node) DWORD dwCount; // Set of flags that the map supports writing on top of the data value TADDR supportedFlags; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT struct HotItem { DWORD rid; TADDR value; static int __cdecl Cmp(const void* a_, const void* b_); }; DWORD dwNumHotItems; ArrayDPTR(HotItem) hotItemList; PTR_TADDR FindHotItemValuePtr(DWORD rid); // // Compressed map support // PTR_CBYTE pIndex; // Bookmark for every kLookupMapIndexStride'th entry in the table DWORD cIndexEntryBits; // Number of bits in every index entry DWORD cbTable; // Number of bytes of compressed table data at pTable DWORD cbIndex; // Number of bytes of index data at pIndex BYTE rgEncodingLengths[kLookupMapLengthEntries]; // Table of delta encoding lengths for // compressed values // Returns true if this map instance is compressed (this can only happen at runtime when running against // an ngen image). Currently and for the forseeable future only TypeDefToMethodTable and MethodDefToDesc // tables can be compressed. bool MapIsCompressed() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return pIndex != NULL; } protected: // Internal routine used to iterate though one entry in the compressed table. INT32 GetNextCompressedEntry(BitStreamReader *pTableStream, INT32 iLastValue); public: // Public method used to retrieve the full value (non-RVA) of a compressed table entry. TADDR GetValueFromCompressedMap(DWORD rid); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void CreateHotItemList(DataImage *image, CorProfileData *profileData, int table, BOOL fSkipNullEntries = FALSE); void Save(DataImage *image, DataImage::ItemKind kind, CorProfileData *profileData, int table, BOOL fCopyValues = FALSE); void SaveUncompressedMap(DataImage *image, DataImage::ItemKind kind, BOOL fCopyValues = FALSE); void ConvertSavedMapToUncompressed(DataImage *image, DataImage::ItemKind kind); void Fixup(DataImage *image, BOOL fFixupEntries = TRUE); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef _DEBUG void CheckConsistentHotItemList(); #endif #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags, bool enumThis); void ListEnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE PTR_TADDR GetIndexPtr(DWORD index) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT _ASSERTE(!MapIsCompressed()); #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT _ASSERTE(index < dwCount); return dac_cast(pTable) + index; } PTR_TADDR GetElementPtr(DWORD rid); PTR_TADDR GrowMap(Module * pModule, DWORD rid); // Get number of RIDs that this table can store DWORD GetSize(); #ifdef _DEBUG void DebugGetRidMapOccupancy(DWORD *pdwOccupied, DWORD *pdwSize); #endif }; #define NO_MAP_FLAGS ((TADDR)0) template struct LookupMap : LookupMapBase { static TYPE GetValueAt(PTR_TADDR pValue, TADDR* pFlags, TADDR supportedFlags); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE static void SetValueAt(PTR_TADDR pValue, TYPE value, TADDR flags); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE TYPE GetElement(DWORD rid, TADDR* pFlags); void SetElement(DWORD rid, TYPE value, TADDR flags); BOOL TrySetElement(DWORD rid, TYPE value, TADDR flags); void AddElement(Module * pModule, DWORD rid, TYPE value, TADDR flags); void EnsureElementCanBeStored(Module * pModule, DWORD rid); DWORD Find(TYPE value, TADDR* flags); public: // // Retrieve the value associated with a rid // TYPE GetElement(DWORD rid) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return GetElement(rid, NULL); } TYPE GetElementAndFlags(DWORD rid, TADDR* pFlags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; _ASSERTE(pFlags != NULL); return GetElement(rid, pFlags); } // // Stores an association in a map that has been previously grown to // the required size. Will never throw or fail. // void SetElement(DWORD rid, TYPE value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; SetElement(rid, value, 0); } void SetElementWithFlags(DWORD rid, TYPE value, TADDR flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // Validate flags: that they are in the predefined range and that the range does not collide with value _ASSERTE((flags & supportedFlags) == flags); _ASSERTE((dac_cast(value) & supportedFlags) == 0); SetElement(rid, value, flags); } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void AddFlag(DWORD rid, TADDR flag) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE((flag & supportedFlags) == flag); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT _ASSERTE(!MapIsCompressed()); _ASSERTE(dwNumHotItems == 0); #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT PTR_TADDR pElement = GetElementPtr(rid); _ASSERTE(pElement); if (!pElement) { return; } TADDR existingFlags; TYPE existingValue = GetValueAt(pElement, &existingFlags, supportedFlags); SetValueAt(pElement, existingValue, existingFlags | flag); } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // // Try to store an association in a map. Will never throw or fail. // BOOL TrySetElement(DWORD rid, TYPE value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return TrySetElement(rid, value, 0); } BOOL TrySetElementWithFlags(DWORD rid, TYPE value, TADDR flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // Validate flags: that they are in the predefined range and that the range does not collide with value _ASSERTE((flags & supportedFlags) == flags); _ASSERTE((dac_cast(value) & supportedFlags) == 0); return TrySetElement(rid, value, flags); } // // Stores an association in a map. Grows the map as necessary. // void AddElement(Module * pModule, DWORD rid, TYPE value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; AddElement(pModule, rid, value, 0); } void AddElementWithFlags(Module * pModule, DWORD rid, TYPE value, TADDR flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // Validate flags: that they are in the predefined range and that the range does not collide with value _ASSERTE((flags & supportedFlags) == flags); _ASSERTE((dac_cast(value) & supportedFlags) == 0); AddElement(pModule, rid, value, flags); } // // Find the given value in the table and return its RID // DWORD Find(TYPE value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return Find(value, NULL); } DWORD FindWithFlags(TYPE value, TADDR flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // Validate flags: that they are in the predefined range and that the range does not collide with value _ASSERTE((flags & supportedFlags) == flags); _ASSERTE((dac_cast(value) & supportedFlags) == 0); return Find(value, &flags); } class Iterator { public: Iterator(LookupMap* map); BOOL Next(); TYPE GetElement() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return GetElement(NULL); } TYPE GetElementAndFlags(TADDR* pFlags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return GetElement(pFlags); } private: TYPE GetElement(TADDR* pFlags); LookupMap* m_map; DWORD m_index; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // Support for iterating compressed maps. INT32 m_currentEntry; // RVA of current entry value BitStreamReader m_tableStream; // Our current context in the compressed bit stream #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT }; }; // Place holder types for RID maps that store cross-module references class TypeRef { }; typedef DPTR(class TypeRef) PTR_TypeRef; class MemberRef { }; typedef DPTR(class MemberRef) PTR_MemberRef; // flag used to mark member ref pointers to field descriptors in the member ref cache #define IS_FIELD_MEMBER_REF ((TADDR)0x00000002) #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // // NGen image layout information that we need to quickly access at runtime // typedef DPTR(struct NGenLayoutInfo) PTR_NGenLayoutInfo; struct NGenLayoutInfo { // One range for each hot, unprofiled, cold code sections MemoryRange m_CodeSections[3]; // Pointer to the RUNTIME_FUNCTION table for hot, unprofiled, and cold code sections. PTR_RUNTIME_FUNCTION m_pRuntimeFunctions[3]; // Number of RUNTIME_FUNCTIONs for hot, unprofiled, and cold code sections. DWORD m_nRuntimeFunctions[3]; // A parallel arrays of MethodDesc RVAs for hot and unprofiled methods. Both of the array are parallel for m_pRuntimeFunctions // The first array is for hot methods. The second array is for unprofiled methods. PTR_DWORD m_MethodDescs[2]; // Lookup table to speed up RUNTIME_FUNCTION lookup. // The first array is for hot methods. The second array is for unprofiled methods. // Number of elements is m_UnwindInfoLookupTableEntryCount + 1. // Last element of the lookup table is a sentinal entry that's good to cover the rest of the code section. // Values are indices into m_pRuntimeFunctions array. PTR_DWORD m_UnwindInfoLookupTable[2]; // Count of lookup entries in m_UnwindInfoLookupTable DWORD m_UnwindInfoLookupTableEntryCount[2]; // Map for matching the cold code with hot code. Index is relative position of RUNTIME_FUNCTION within the section. PTR_CORCOMPILE_COLD_METHOD_ENTRY m_ColdCodeMap; // One range for each hot, cold, write, hot writeable, and cold writeable precode sections MemoryRange m_Precodes[4]; MemoryRange m_JumpStubs; MemoryRange m_StubLinkStubs; MemoryRange m_VirtualMethodThunks; MemoryRange m_ExternalMethodThunks; MemoryRange m_ExceptionInfoLookupTable; PCODE m_pPrestubJumpStub; #ifdef HAS_FIXUP_PRECODE PCODE m_pPrecodeFixupJumpStub; #endif PCODE m_pVirtualImportFixupJumpStub; PCODE m_pExternalMethodFixupJumpStub; DWORD m_rvaFilterPersonalityRoutine; }; #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT // // VASigCookies are allocated to encapsulate a varargs call signature. // A reference to the cookie is embedded in the code stream. Cookies // are shared amongst call sites with identical signatures in the same // module // typedef DPTR(struct VASigCookie) PTR_VASigCookie; typedef DPTR(PTR_VASigCookie) PTR_PTR_VASigCookie; struct VASigCookie { // The JIT wants knows that the size of the arguments comes first // so please keep this field first unsigned sizeOfArgs; // size of argument list Volatile pNDirectILStub; // will be use if target is NDirect (tag == 0) PTR_Module pModule; Signature signature; }; // // VASigCookies are allocated in VASigCookieBlocks to amortize // allocation cost and allow proper bookkeeping. // struct VASigCookieBlock { enum { #ifdef _DEBUG kVASigCookieBlockSize = 2 #else // !_DEBUG kVASigCookieBlockSize = 20 #endif // !_DEBUG }; VASigCookieBlock *m_Next; UINT m_numcookies; VASigCookie m_cookies[kVASigCookieBlockSize]; }; // This lookup table persists the information about boxed statics into the ngen'ed image // which allows one to the type static initialization without touching expensive EEClasses. Note // that since the persisted info is stored at ngen time as opposed to class layout time, // in jitted scenarios we would still touch EEClasses. This imples that the variables which store // this info in the EEClasses are still present. // We used this table to store more data require to run cctors in the past (it explains the name), // but we are only using it for boxed statics now. Boxed statics are rare. The complexity may not // be worth the gains. We should consider removing this cache and avoid the complexity. typedef DPTR(struct ClassCtorInfoEntry) PTR_ClassCtorInfoEntry; struct ClassCtorInfoEntry { DWORD firstBoxedStaticOffset; DWORD firstBoxedStaticMTIndex; WORD numBoxedStatics; WORD hasFixedAddressVTStatics; // This is WORD avoid padding in the datastructure. It is really bool. }; #define MODULE_CTOR_ELEMENTS 256 struct ModuleCtorInfo { DWORD numElements; DWORD numLastAllocated; DWORD numElementsHot; DPTR(RelativePointer) ppMT; // size is numElements PTR_ClassCtorInfoEntry cctorInfoHot; // size is numElementsHot PTR_ClassCtorInfoEntry cctorInfoCold; // size is numElements-numElementsHot PTR_DWORD hotHashOffsets; // Indices to the start of each "hash region" in the hot part of the ppMT array. PTR_DWORD coldHashOffsets; // Indices to the start of each "hash region" in the cold part of the ppMT array. DWORD numHotHashes; DWORD numColdHashes; ArrayDPTR(RelativeFixupPointer) ppHotGCStaticsMTs; // hot table ArrayDPTR(RelativeFixupPointer) ppColdGCStaticsMTs; // cold table DWORD numHotGCStaticsMTs; DWORD numColdGCStaticsMTs; #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags); #endif typedef enum {HOT, COLD} REGION; FORCEINLINE DWORD GenerateHash(PTR_MethodTable pMT, REGION region) { SUPPORTS_DAC; DWORD tmp1 = pMT->GetTypeDefRid(); DWORD tmp2 = pMT->GetNumVirtuals(); DWORD tmp3 = pMT->GetNumInterfaces(); tmp1 = (tmp1 << 7) + (tmp1 << 0); // 10000001 tmp2 = (tmp2 << 6) + (tmp2 << 1); // 01000010 tmp3 = (tmp3 << 4) + (tmp3 << 3); // 00011000 tmp1 ^= (tmp1 >> 4); // 10001001 0001 tmp2 ^= (tmp2 >> 4); // 01000110 0010 tmp3 ^= (tmp3 >> 4); // 00011001 1000 DWORD hashVal = tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3; if (region == HOT) hashVal &= (numHotHashes - 1); // numHotHashes is required to be a power of two else hashVal &= (numColdHashes - 1); // numColdHashes is required to be a power of two return hashVal; }; ArrayDPTR(RelativeFixupPointer) GetGCStaticMTs(DWORD index); PTR_MethodTable GetMT(DWORD i) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return ppMT[i].GetValue(dac_cast(ppMT) + i * sizeof(RelativePointer)); } #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void AddElement(MethodTable *pMethodTable); void Save(DataImage *image, CorProfileData *profileData); void Fixup(DataImage *image); class ClassCtorInfoEntryArraySort : public CQuickSort { private: DPTR(RelativePointer) m_pBase1; public: //Constructor ClassCtorInfoEntryArraySort(DWORD *base, DPTR(RelativePointer) base1, int count) : CQuickSort(base, count) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; m_pBase1 = base1; } //Returns -1,0,or 1 if first's nativeStartOffset is less than, equal to, or greater than second's FORCEINLINE int Compare(DWORD *first, DWORD *second) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (*first < *second) return -1; else if (*first == *second) return 0; else return 1; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // Swap is overwriten so that we can sort both the MethodTable pointer // array and the ClassCtorInfoEntry array in parrallel. FORCEINLINE void Swap(SSIZE_T iFirst, SSIZE_T iSecond) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; DWORD sTemp; PTR_MethodTable sTemp1; if (iFirst == iSecond) return; sTemp = m_pBase[iFirst]; m_pBase[iFirst] = m_pBase[iSecond]; m_pBase[iSecond] = sTemp; sTemp1 = m_pBase1[iFirst].GetValueMaybeNull(); m_pBase1[iFirst].SetValueMaybeNull(m_pBase1[iSecond].GetValueMaybeNull()); m_pBase1[iSecond].SetValueMaybeNull(sTemp1); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE }; #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT }; // For IBC Profiling we collect signature blobs for instantiated types. // For such instantiated types and methods we create our own ibc token // // For instantiated types, there also may be no corresponding type token // or method token for the instantiated types or method in our module. // For these cases we create our own ibc token definition that is used // to refer to these external types and methods. We have to handle // external nested types and namespaces and method signatures. // // ParamTypeSpec = 4, // Instantiated Type Signature // ParamMethodSpec = 5, // Instantiated Method Signature // ExternalNamespaceDef = 6, // External Namespace Token Definition // ExternalTypeDef = 7, // External Type Token Definition // ExternalSignatureDef = 8, // External Signature Definition // ExternalMethodDef = 9, // External Method Token Definition // // typedef DPTR(class ProfilingBlobEntry) PTR_ProfilingBlobEntry; class ProfilingBlobEntry { public: virtual ~ProfilingBlobEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; }; virtual bool IsEqual(const ProfilingBlobEntry * other) const = 0; // Pure Virtual virtual size_t Hash() const = 0; virtual BlobType kind() const = 0; virtual size_t varSize() const = 0; virtual void newToken() = 0; mdToken token() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_token; } protected: mdToken m_token; }; class TypeSpecBlobEntry : public ProfilingBlobEntry { public: TypeSpecBlobEntry(DWORD _cbSig, PCCOR_SIGNATURE _pSig); virtual ~TypeSpecBlobEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete [] m_pSig; } virtual BlobType kind() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ParamTypeSpec; } virtual size_t varSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return sizeof(COR_SIGNATURE) * m_cbSig; } virtual void newToken() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_token = ++s_lastTypeSpecToken; } DWORD flags() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_flags; } DWORD cbSig() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cbSig; } PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pSig; } void orFlag(DWORD flag) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_flags |= flag; } static size_t HashInit() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return 156437; } virtual bool IsEqual(const ProfilingBlobEntry * other) const; virtual size_t Hash() const; static const TypeSpecBlobEntry * FindOrAdd(PTR_Module pModule, DWORD _cbSig, PCCOR_SIGNATURE _pSig); private: DWORD m_flags; DWORD m_cbSig; PCCOR_SIGNATURE m_pSig; static idTypeSpec s_lastTypeSpecToken; }; class MethodSpecBlobEntry : public ProfilingBlobEntry { public: MethodSpecBlobEntry(DWORD _cbSig, PCCOR_SIGNATURE _pSig); virtual ~MethodSpecBlobEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete [] m_pSig; } virtual BlobType kind() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ParamMethodSpec; } virtual size_t varSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return sizeof(COR_SIGNATURE) * m_cbSig; } virtual void newToken() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_token = ++s_lastMethodSpecToken; } DWORD flags() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_flags; } DWORD cbSig() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cbSig; } PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pSig; } void orFlag(DWORD flag) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_flags |= flag; } static size_t HashInit() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return 187751; } virtual bool IsEqual(const ProfilingBlobEntry * other) const; virtual size_t Hash() const; static const MethodSpecBlobEntry * FindOrAdd(PTR_Module pModule, DWORD _cbSig, PCCOR_SIGNATURE _pSig); private: DWORD m_flags; DWORD m_cbSig; PCCOR_SIGNATURE m_pSig; static idTypeSpec s_lastMethodSpecToken; }; class ExternalNamespaceBlobEntry : public ProfilingBlobEntry { public: ExternalNamespaceBlobEntry(LPCSTR _pName); virtual ~ExternalNamespaceBlobEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete [] m_pName; } virtual BlobType kind() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ExternalNamespaceDef; } virtual size_t varSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return sizeof(CHAR) * m_cbName; } virtual void newToken() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_token = ++s_lastExternalNamespaceToken; } DWORD cbName() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cbName; } LPCSTR pName() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pName; } static size_t HashInit() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return 225307; } virtual bool IsEqual(const ProfilingBlobEntry * other) const; virtual size_t Hash() const; static const ExternalNamespaceBlobEntry * FindOrAdd(PTR_Module pModule, LPCSTR _pName); private: DWORD m_cbName; LPCSTR m_pName; static idExternalNamespace s_lastExternalNamespaceToken; }; class ExternalTypeBlobEntry : public ProfilingBlobEntry { public: ExternalTypeBlobEntry(mdToken _assemblyRef, mdToken _nestedClass, mdToken _nameSpace, LPCSTR _pName); virtual ~ExternalTypeBlobEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete [] m_pName; } virtual BlobType kind() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ExternalTypeDef; } virtual size_t varSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return sizeof(CHAR) * m_cbName; } virtual void newToken() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_token = ++s_lastExternalTypeToken; } mdToken assemblyRef() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_assemblyRef; } mdToken nestedClass() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_nestedClass; } mdToken nameSpace() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_nameSpace; } DWORD cbName() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cbName; } LPCSTR pName() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pName; } static size_t HashInit() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return 270371; } virtual bool IsEqual(const ProfilingBlobEntry * other) const; virtual size_t Hash() const; static const ExternalTypeBlobEntry * FindOrAdd(PTR_Module pModule, mdToken _assemblyRef, mdToken _nestedClass, mdToken _nameSpace, LPCSTR _pName); private: mdToken m_assemblyRef; mdToken m_nestedClass; mdToken m_nameSpace; DWORD m_cbName; LPCSTR m_pName; static idExternalType s_lastExternalTypeToken; }; class ExternalSignatureBlobEntry : public ProfilingBlobEntry { public: ExternalSignatureBlobEntry(DWORD _cbSig, PCCOR_SIGNATURE _pSig); virtual ~ExternalSignatureBlobEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete [] m_pSig; } virtual BlobType kind() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ExternalSignatureDef; } virtual size_t varSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return sizeof(COR_SIGNATURE) * m_cbSig; } virtual void newToken() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_token = ++s_lastExternalSignatureToken; } DWORD cbSig() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cbSig; } PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pSig; } static size_t HashInit() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return 324449; } virtual bool IsEqual(const ProfilingBlobEntry * other) const; virtual size_t Hash() const; static const ExternalSignatureBlobEntry * FindOrAdd(PTR_Module pModule, DWORD _cbSig, PCCOR_SIGNATURE _pSig); private: DWORD m_cbSig; PCCOR_SIGNATURE m_pSig; static idExternalSignature s_lastExternalSignatureToken; }; class ExternalMethodBlobEntry : public ProfilingBlobEntry { public: ExternalMethodBlobEntry(mdToken _nestedClass, mdToken _signature, LPCSTR _pName); virtual ~ExternalMethodBlobEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; delete [] m_pName; } virtual BlobType kind() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ExternalMethodDef; } virtual size_t varSize() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return sizeof(CHAR) * m_cbName; } virtual void newToken() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_token = ++s_lastExternalMethodToken; } mdToken nestedClass() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_nestedClass; } mdToken signature() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_signature; } DWORD cbName() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_cbName; } LPCSTR pName() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pName; } static size_t HashInit() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return 389357; } virtual bool IsEqual(const ProfilingBlobEntry * other) const; virtual size_t Hash() const; static const ExternalMethodBlobEntry * FindOrAdd(PTR_Module pModule, mdToken _nestedClass, mdToken _signature, LPCSTR _pName); private: mdToken m_nestedClass; mdToken m_signature; DWORD m_cbName; LPCSTR m_pName; static idExternalMethod s_lastExternalMethodToken; }; struct IbcNameHandle { mdToken tkIbcNameSpace; mdToken tkIbcNestedClass; LPCSTR szName; LPCSTR szNamespace; mdToken tkEnclosingClass; }; // // Hashtable of ProfilingBlobEntry * // class ProfilingBlobTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits > { public: typedef ProfilingBlobEntry * key_t; static key_t GetKey(element_t e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e; } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return k1->IsEqual(k2); } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (count_t) k->Hash(); } static element_t Null() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return NULL; } static bool IsNull(const element_t &e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (e == NULL); } }; typedef SHash ProfilingBlobTable; typedef DPTR(ProfilingBlobTable) PTR_ProfilingBlobTable; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT #define METHODTABLE_RESTORE_REASON() \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(CanNotPreRestoreHardBindToParentMethodTable) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(CanNotPreRestoreHardBindToCanonicalMethodTable) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(CrossModuleNonCanonicalMethodTable) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(CanNotHardBindToInstanceMethodTableChain) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(GenericsDictionaryNeedsRestore) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(InterfaceIsGeneric) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(CrossModuleGenericsStatics) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(ComImportStructDependenciesNeedRestore) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(CrossAssembly) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(ArrayElement) \ RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(ProfilingEnabled) #undef RESTORE_REASON_FUNC #define RESTORE_REASON_FUNC(s) s , typedef enum { METHODTABLE_RESTORE_REASON() TotalMethodTables } MethodTableRestoreReason; #undef RESTORE_REASON_FUNC class NgenStats { public: NgenStats() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; memset (MethodTableRestoreNumReasons, 0, sizeof(DWORD)*(TotalMethodTables+1)); } DWORD MethodTableRestoreNumReasons[TotalMethodTables + 1]; }; #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT // // A Module is the primary unit of code packaging in the runtime. It // corresponds mostly to an OS executable image, although other kinds // of modules exist. // class UMEntryThunk; // Hashtable of absolute addresses of IL blobs for dynamics, keyed by token struct DynamicILBlobEntry { mdToken m_methodToken; TADDR m_il; }; class DynamicILBlobTraits : public NoRemoveSHashTraits > { public: typedef mdToken key_t; static key_t GetKey(element_t e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return e.m_methodToken; } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return k1 == k2; } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return (count_t)(size_t)k; } static const element_t Null() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; DynamicILBlobEntry e; e.m_il = TADDR(0); e.m_methodToken = 0; return e; } static bool IsNull(const element_t &e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return e.m_methodToken == 0; } }; typedef SHash DynamicILBlobTable; typedef DPTR(DynamicILBlobTable) PTR_DynamicILBlobTable; // ESymbolFormat specified the format used by a symbol stream typedef enum { eSymbolFormatNone, /* symbol format to use not yet determined */ eSymbolFormatPDB, /* PDB format from diasymreader.dll - only safe for trusted scenarios */ eSymbolFormatILDB /* ILDB format from ildbsymbols.dll */ }ESymbolFormat; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The type of each entry in the Guid to MT hash // typedef DPTR(GUID) PTR_GUID; typedef DPTR(struct GuidToMethodTableEntry) PTR_GuidToMethodTableEntry; struct GuidToMethodTableEntry { PTR_GUID m_Guid; PTR_MethodTable m_pMT; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The hash type itself // typedef DPTR(class GuidToMethodTableHashTable) PTR_GuidToMethodTableHashTable; class GuidToMethodTableHashTable : public NgenHashTable { public: typedef NgenHashTable Base_t; friend class Base_t; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE private: GuidToMethodTableHashTable(Module *pModule, LoaderHeap *pHeap, DWORD cInitialBuckets) : Base_t(pModule, pHeap, cInitialBuckets) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } public: static GuidToMethodTableHashTable* Create(Module* pModule, DWORD cInitialBuckets, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker); GuidToMethodTableEntry * InsertValue(PTR_GUID pGuid, PTR_MethodTable pMT, BOOL bReplaceIfFound, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE public: typedef Base_t::LookupContext LookupContext; PTR_MethodTable GetValue(const GUID * pGuid, LookupContext *pContext); GuidToMethodTableEntry * FindItem(const GUID * pGuid, LookupContext *pContext); private: BOOL CompareKeys(PTR_GuidToMethodTableEntry pEntry, const GUID * pGuid); static DWORD Hash(const GUID * pGuid); public: // An iterator for the table struct Iterator { public: Iterator() : m_pTable(NULL), m_fIterating(false) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; } Iterator(GuidToMethodTableHashTable * pTable) : m_pTable(pTable), m_fIterating(false) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; } private: friend class GuidToMethodTableHashTable; GuidToMethodTableHashTable * m_pTable; BaseIterator m_sIterator; bool m_fIterating; }; BOOL FindNext(Iterator *it, GuidToMethodTableEntry **ppEntry); DWORD GetCount(); #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE // do not save this in mini-/heap-dumps void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; } void EnumMemoryRegionsForEntry(GuidToMethodTableEntry *pEntry, CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE #if defined(FEATURE_PREJIT) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) public: void Save(DataImage *pImage, CorProfileData *pProfileData); void Fixup(DataImage *pImage); private: // We save all entries bool ShouldSave(DataImage *pImage, GuidToMethodTableEntry *pEntry) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return true; } bool IsHotEntry(GuidToMethodTableEntry *pEntry, CorProfileData *pProfileData) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return false; } bool SaveEntry(DataImage *pImage, CorProfileData *pProfileData, GuidToMethodTableEntry *pOldEntry, GuidToMethodTableEntry *pNewEntry, EntryMappingTable *pMap); void FixupEntry(DataImage *pImage, GuidToMethodTableEntry *pEntry, void *pFixupBase, DWORD cbFixupOffset); #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT && !DACCESS_COMPILE }; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP //Hash for MemberRef to Desc tables (fieldDesc or MethodDesc) typedef DPTR(struct MemberRefToDescHashEntry) PTR_MemberRefToDescHashEntry; struct MemberRefToDescHashEntry { TADDR m_value; }; typedef DPTR(class MemberRefToDescHashTable) PTR_MemberRefToDescHashTable; #define MEMBERREF_MAP_INITIAL_SIZE 10 class MemberRefToDescHashTable: public NgenHashTable { friend class NgenHashTable; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE private: MemberRefToDescHashTable(Module *pModule, LoaderHeap *pHeap, DWORD cInitialBuckets): NgenHashTable(pModule, pHeap, cInitialBuckets) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } public: static MemberRefToDescHashTable* Create(Module *pModule, DWORD cInitialBuckets, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker); MemberRefToDescHashEntry* Insert(mdMemberRef token, MethodDesc *value); MemberRefToDescHashEntry* Insert(mdMemberRef token , FieldDesc *value); #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE public: typedef NgenHashTable::LookupContext LookupContext; PTR_MemberRef GetValue(mdMemberRef token, BOOL *pfIsMethod); #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; BaseEnumMemoryRegions(flags); } void EnumMemoryRegionsForEntry(MemberRefToDescHashEntry *pEntry, CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; } #endif #if defined(FEATURE_PREJIT) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) void Fixup(DataImage *pImage) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; BaseFixup(pImage); } void Save(DataImage *pImage, CorProfileData *pProfileData); private: bool ShouldSave(DataImage *pImage, MemberRefToDescHashEntry *pEntry) { return IsHotEntry(pEntry, NULL); } bool IsHotEntry(MemberRefToDescHashEntry *pEntry, CorProfileData *pProfileData) // yes according to IBC data { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(pEntry != NULL); // Low order bit of data field indicates a hot entry. return (pEntry->m_value & 0x1) != 0; } bool SaveEntry(DataImage *pImage, CorProfileData *pProfileData, MemberRefToDescHashEntry *pOldEntry, MemberRefToDescHashEntry *pNewEntry, EntryMappingTable *pMap) { //The entries are mutable return FALSE; } void FixupEntry(DataImage *pImage, MemberRefToDescHashEntry *pEntry, void *pFixupBase, DWORD cbFixupOffset); #endif }; #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN typedef DPTR(class ReadyToRunInfo) PTR_ReadyToRunInfo; #endif struct ThreadLocalModule; // A code:Module represents a DLL or EXE file loaded from the disk. It could either be a IL module or a // Native code (NGEN module). A module live in a code:Assembly // // Some important fields are // * code:Module.m_file - this points at a code:PEFile that understands the layout of a PE file. The most // important part is getting at the code:Module (see file:..\inc\corhdr.h#ManagedHeader) from there // you can get at the Meta-data and IL) // * code:Module.m_pAvailableClasses - this is a table that lets you look up the types (the code:EEClass) // for all the types in the module // // See file:..\inc\corhdr.h#ManagedHeader for more on the layout of managed exectuable files. class Module { #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE friend class ClrDataAccess; friend class NativeImageDumper; #endif friend class DataImage; VPTR_BASE_CONCRETE_VTABLE_CLASS(Module) private: PTR_CUTF8 m_pSimpleName; // Cached simple name for better performance and easier diagnostics PTR_PEFile m_file; MethodDesc *m_pDllMain; enum { // These are the values set in m_dwTransientFlags. // Note that none of these flags survive a prejit save/restore. MODULE_IS_TENURED = 0x00000001, // Set once we know for sure the Module will not be freed until the appdomain itself exits // unused = 0x00000002, CLASSES_FREED = 0x00000004, IS_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE = 0x00000008, // is EnC Enabled for this module IS_PROFILER_NOTIFIED = 0x00000010, IS_ETW_NOTIFIED = 0x00000020, // // Note: the order of these must match the order defined in // cordbpriv.h for DebuggerAssemblyControlFlags. The three // values below should match the values defined in // DebuggerAssemblyControlFlags when shifted right // DEBUGGER_INFO_SHIFT bits. // DEBUGGER_USER_OVERRIDE_PRIV = 0x00000400, DEBUGGER_ALLOW_JIT_OPTS_PRIV= 0x00000800, DEBUGGER_TRACK_JIT_INFO_PRIV= 0x00001000, DEBUGGER_ENC_ENABLED_PRIV = 0x00002000, // this is what was attempted to be set. IS_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE is actual result. DEBUGGER_PDBS_COPIED = 0x00004000, DEBUGGER_IGNORE_PDBS = 0x00008000, DEBUGGER_INFO_MASK_PRIV = 0x0000Fc00, DEBUGGER_INFO_SHIFT_PRIV = 10, // Used to indicate that this module has had it's IJW fixups properly installed. IS_IJW_FIXED_UP = 0x00080000, IS_BEING_UNLOADED = 0x00100000, // Used to indicate that the module is loaded sufficiently for generic candidate instantiations to work MODULE_READY_FOR_TYPELOAD = 0x00200000, // Used during NGen only TYPESPECS_TRIAGED = 0x40000000, MODULE_SAVED = 0x80000000, }; enum { // These are the values set in m_dwPersistedFlags. These will survive // a prejit save/restore // unused = 0x00000001, COMPUTED_GLOBAL_CLASS = 0x00000002, // This flag applies to assembly, but it is stored so it can be cached in ngen image COMPUTED_STRING_INTERNING = 0x00000004, NO_STRING_INTERNING = 0x00000008, // This flag applies to assembly, but it is stored so it can be cached in ngen image COMPUTED_WRAP_EXCEPTIONS = 0x00000010, WRAP_EXCEPTIONS = 0x00000020, // This flag applies to assembly, but it is stored so it can be cached in ngen image COMPUTED_RELIABILITY_CONTRACT=0x00000040, // This flag applies to assembly, but is also stored here so that it can be cached in ngen image COLLECTIBLE_MODULE = 0x00000080, // Caches metadata version COMPUTED_IS_PRE_V4_ASSEMBLY = 0x00000100, IS_PRE_V4_ASSEMBLY = 0x00000200, //If attribute value has been cached before DEFAULT_DLL_IMPORT_SEARCH_PATHS_IS_CACHED = 0x00000400, //If module has default dll import search paths attribute DEFAULT_DLL_IMPORT_SEARCH_PATHS_STATUS = 0x00000800, //If m_MethodDefToPropertyInfoMap has been generated COMPUTED_METHODDEF_TO_PROPERTYINFO_MAP = 0x00002000, // Low level system assembly. Used by preferred zap module computation. LOW_LEVEL_SYSTEM_ASSEMBLY_BY_NAME = 0x00004000, }; Volatile m_dwTransientFlags; Volatile m_dwPersistedFlags; // Linked list of VASig cookie blocks: protected by m_pStubListCrst VASigCookieBlock *m_pVASigCookieBlock; PTR_Assembly m_pAssembly; mdFile m_moduleRef; CrstExplicitInit m_Crst; CrstExplicitInit m_FixupCrst; // Debugging symbols reader interface. This will only be // initialized if needed, either by the debugging subsystem or for // an exception. ISymUnmanagedReader * m_pISymUnmanagedReader; // The reader lock is used to serialize all creation of symbol readers. // It does NOT seralize all access to the readers since we freely give // out references to the reader outside this class. Instead, once a // reader object is created, it is entirely read-only and so thread-safe. CrstExplicitInit m_ISymUnmanagedReaderCrst; // Storage for the in-memory symbol stream if any // Debugger may retrieve this from out-of-process. PTR_CGrowableStream m_pIStreamSym; // Format the above stream is in (if any) ESymbolFormat m_symbolFormat; // For protecting additions to the heap CrstExplicitInit m_LookupTableCrst; #define TYPE_DEF_MAP_ALL_FLAGS ((TADDR)0x00000001) #define ZAPPED_TYPE_NEEDS_NO_RESTORE ((TADDR)0x00000001) #define TYPE_REF_MAP_ALL_FLAGS NO_MAP_FLAGS // For type ref map, 0x1 cannot be used as a flag: reserved for FIXUP_POINTER_INDIRECTION bit // For type ref map, 0x2 cannot be used as a flag: reserved for TypeHandle to signify TypeDesc #define METHOD_DEF_MAP_ALL_FLAGS NO_MAP_FLAGS #define FIELD_DEF_MAP_ALL_FLAGS NO_MAP_FLAGS #define MEMBER_REF_MAP_ALL_FLAGS ((TADDR)0x00000003) // For member ref hash table, 0x1 is reserved for IsHot bit #define IS_FIELD_MEMBER_REF ((TADDR)0x00000002) // denotes that target is a FieldDesc #define GENERIC_PARAM_MAP_ALL_FLAGS NO_MAP_FLAGS #define GENERIC_TYPE_DEF_MAP_ALL_FLAGS ((TADDR)0x00000001) #define ZAPPED_GENERIC_TYPE_NEEDS_NO_RESTORE ((TADDR)0x00000001) #define FILE_REF_MAP_ALL_FLAGS NO_MAP_FLAGS // For file ref map, 0x1 cannot be used as a flag: reserved for FIXUP_POINTER_INDIRECTION bit #define MANIFEST_MODULE_MAP_ALL_FLAGS NO_MAP_FLAGS // For manifest module map, 0x1 cannot be used as a flag: reserved for FIXUP_POINTER_INDIRECTION bit #define PROPERTY_INFO_MAP_ALL_FLAGS NO_MAP_FLAGS // Linear mapping from TypeDef token to MethodTable * // For generic types, IsGenericTypeDefinition() is true i.e. instantiation at formals LookupMap m_TypeDefToMethodTableMap; // Linear mapping from TypeRef token to TypeHandle * LookupMap m_TypeRefToMethodTableMap; // Linear mapping from MethodDef token to MethodDesc * // For generic methods, IsGenericTypeDefinition() is true i.e. instantiation at formals LookupMap m_MethodDefToDescMap; // Linear mapping from FieldDef token to FieldDesc* LookupMap m_FieldDefToDescMap; // mapping from MemberRef token to MethodDesc*, FieldDesc* PTR_MemberRefToDescHashTable m_pMemberRefToDescHashTable; // Linear mapping from GenericParam token to TypeVarTypeDesc* LookupMap m_GenericParamToDescMap; // Linear mapping from TypeDef token to the MethodTable * for its canonical generic instantiation // If the type is not generic, the entry is guaranteed to be NULL. This means we are paying extra // space in order to use the LookupMap infrastructure, but what it buys us is IBC support and // a compressed format for NGen that makes up for it. LookupMap m_GenericTypeDefToCanonMethodTableMap; // Mapping from File token to Module * LookupMap m_FileReferencesMap; // Mapping of AssemblyRef token to Module * LookupMap m_ManifestModuleReferencesMap; // Mapping from MethodDef token to pointer-sized value encoding property information LookupMap m_MethodDefToPropertyInfoMap; // IL stub cache with fabricated MethodTable parented by this module. ILStubCache *m_pILStubCache; ULONG m_DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttributeValue; #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED_DATA // a wrapper for the underlying PEFile metadata emitter which validates that the metadata edits being // made are supported modifications to the type system VolatilePtr m_pValidatedEmitter; #endif public: LookupMap::Iterator EnumerateTypeDefs() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return LookupMap::Iterator(&m_TypeDefToMethodTableMap); } // Hash of available types by name PTR_EEClassHashTable m_pAvailableClasses; // Hashtable of generic type instances PTR_EETypeHashTable m_pAvailableParamTypes; // For protecting additions to m_pInstMethodHashTable CrstExplicitInit m_InstMethodHashTableCrst; // Hashtable of instantiated methods and per-instantiation static methods PTR_InstMethodHashTable m_pInstMethodHashTable; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // Mapping from tokens to IL marshaling stubs (NGEN only). PTR_StubMethodHashTable m_pStubMethodHashTable; #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT // This is used by the Debugger. We need to store a dword // for a count of JMC functions. This is a count, not a pointer. // We'll pass the address of this field // off to the jit, which will include it in probes injected for // debuggable code. // This means we need the dword at the time a function is jitted. // The Debugger has its own module structure, but those aren't created // if a debugger isn't attached. // We put it here instead of in the debugger's module because: // 1) we need a module structure that's around even when the debugger // isn't attached... so we use the EE's module. // 2) Needs to be here for ngen DWORD m_dwDebuggerJMCProbeCount; // We can skip the JMC probes if we know that a module has no JMC stuff // inside. So keep a strict count of all functions inside us. bool HasAnyJMCFunctions(); void IncJMCFuncCount(); void DecJMCFuncCount(); // Get and set the default JMC status of this module. bool GetJMCStatus(); void SetJMCStatus(bool fStatus); // If this is a dynamic module, eagerly serialize the metadata so that it is available for DAC. // This is a nop for non-dynamic modules. void UpdateDynamicMetadataIfNeeded(); #ifdef _DEBUG // // We call these methods to seal/unseal the // lists: m_pAvailableClasses and m_pAvailableParamTypes // // When they are sealed ClassLoader::PublishType cannot // add new generic types or methods // void SealGenericTypesAndMethods(); void UnsealGenericTypesAndMethods(); #endif private: // Set the given bit on m_dwTransientFlags. Return true if we won the race to set the bit. BOOL SetTransientFlagInterlocked(DWORD dwFlag); // Invoke fusion hooks into host to fetch PDBs void FetchPdbsFromHost(); // Cannoically-cased hashtable of the available class names for // case insensitive lookup. Contains pointers into // m_pAvailableClasses. PTR_EEClassHashTable m_pAvailableClassesCaseIns; // Pointer to binder, if we have one friend class MscorlibBinder; PTR_MscorlibBinder m_pBinder; public: BOOL IsCollectible() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return (m_dwPersistedFlags & COLLECTIBLE_MODULE) != 0; } #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN private: PTR_ReadyToRunInfo m_pReadyToRunInfo; #endif private: PTR_ProfilingBlobTable m_pProfilingBlobTable; // While performing IBC instrumenting this hashtable is populated with the External defs CorProfileData * m_pProfileData; // While ngen-ing with IBC optimizations this contains a link to the IBC data for the assembly // Profile information BOOL m_nativeImageProfiling; CORCOMPILE_METHOD_PROFILE_LIST *m_methodProfileList; #if PROFILING_SUPPORTED_DATA DWORD m_dwTypeCount; DWORD m_dwExportedTypeCount; DWORD m_dwCustomAttributeCount; #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED_DATA #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT PTR_NGenLayoutInfo m_pNGenLayoutInfo; #if defined(FEATURE_COMINTEROP) public: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL CanCacheWinRTTypeByGuid(MethodTable *pMT); void CacheWinRTTypeByGuid(PTR_MethodTable pMT, PTR_GuidInfo pgi = NULL); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE PTR_MethodTable LookupTypeByGuid(const GUID & guid); void GetCachedWinRTTypes(SArray * pTypes, SArray * pGuids); private: PTR_GuidToMethodTableHashTable m_pGuidToTypeHash; // A map from GUID to Type, for the "WinRT-interesting" types #endif // defined(FEATURE_COMINTEROP) // Module wide static fields information ModuleCtorInfo m_ModuleCtorInfo; #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT struct TokenProfileData { static TokenProfileData *CreateNoThrow(void); TokenProfileData() // We need a critical section that can be entered in both preemptive and cooperative modes. // Hopefully this restriction can be removed in the future. : crst(CrstSaveModuleProfileData, CRST_UNSAFE_ANYMODE) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } ~TokenProfileData() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } Crst crst; struct Formats { CQuickArray tokenArray; RidBitmap tokenBitmaps[CORBBTPROF_TOKEN_MAX_NUM_FLAGS]; } m_formats[SectionFormatCount]; } *m_tokenProfileData; #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // Stats for prejit log NgenStats *m_pNgenStats; #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT protected: void CreateDomainThunks(); protected: void DoInit(AllocMemTracker *pamTracker, LPCWSTR szName); protected: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE virtual void Initialize(AllocMemTracker *pamTracker, LPCWSTR szName = NULL); void InitializeForProfiling(); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void InitializeNativeImage(AllocMemTracker* pamTracker); #endif #endif void AllocateMaps(); #ifdef _DEBUG void DebugLogRidMapOccupancy(); #endif // _DEBUG static HRESULT VerifyFile(PEFile *file, BOOL fZap); public: static Module *Create(Assembly *pAssembly, mdFile kFile, PEFile *pFile, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker); protected: Module(Assembly *pAssembly, mdFile moduleRef, PEFile *file); public: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE virtual void Destruct(); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void DeleteNativeCodeRanges(); #endif #endif PTR_LoaderAllocator GetLoaderAllocator(); PTR_PEFile GetFile() const { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_file; } static size_t GetFileOffset() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return offsetof(Module, m_file); } BOOL IsManifest(); void ApplyMetaData(); void FixupVTables(); void FreeClassTables(); #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE virtual void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags, bool enumThis); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE ReflectionModule *GetReflectionModule() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; _ASSERTE(IsReflection()); return dac_cast(this); } PTR_Assembly GetAssembly() const; int GetClassLoaderIndex() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return RidFromToken(m_moduleRef); } MethodTable *GetGlobalMethodTable(); bool NeedsGlobalMethodTable(); // This works for manifest modules too DomainFile *GetDomainFile(); // Operates on assembly of module DomainAssembly *GetDomainAssembly(); void SetDomainFile(DomainFile *pDomainFile); OBJECTREF GetExposedObject(); ClassLoader *GetClassLoader(); PTR_BaseDomain GetDomain(); #ifdef FEATURE_CODE_VERSIONING CodeVersionManager * GetCodeVersionManager(); #endif mdFile GetModuleRef() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_moduleRef; } BOOL IsResource() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return GetFile()->IsResource(); } BOOL IsPEFile() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return !GetFile()->IsDynamic(); } BOOL IsReflection() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return GetFile()->IsDynamic(); } BOOL IsIbcOptimized() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return GetFile()->IsIbcOptimized(); } // Returns true iff the debugger can see this module. BOOL IsVisibleToDebugger(); BOOL IsEditAndContinueEnabled() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // We are seeing cases where this flag is set for a module that is not an EditAndContinueModule. This should // never happen unless the module is EditAndContinueCapable, in which case we would have created an EditAndContinueModule // not a Module. //_ASSERTE((m_dwTransientFlags & IS_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE) == 0 || IsEditAndContinueCapable()); return (IsEditAndContinueCapable()) && ((m_dwTransientFlags & IS_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE) != 0); } BOOL IsEditAndContinueCapable(); BOOL IsIStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GetFile()->IsIStream(); } BOOL IsSystem() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_file->IsSystem(); } static BOOL IsEditAndContinueCapable(Assembly *pAssembly, PEFile *file); void EnableEditAndContinue() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // _ASSERTE(IsEditAndContinueCapable()); LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "EnableEditAndContinue: this:0x%x, %s\n", this, GetDebugName())); m_dwTransientFlags |= IS_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE; } void DisableEditAndContinue() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // don't _ASSERTE(IsEditAndContinueCapable()); LOG((LF_ENC, LL_INFO100, "DisableEditAndContinue: this:0x%x, %s\n", this, GetDebugName())); m_dwTransientFlags = m_dwTransientFlags.Load() & (~IS_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE); } BOOL IsTenured() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_dwTransientFlags & MODULE_IS_TENURED; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE VOID SetIsTenured() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; FastInterlockOr(&m_dwTransientFlags, MODULE_IS_TENURED); } // CAUTION: This should only be used as backout code if an assembly is unsuccessfully // added to the shared domain assembly map. VOID UnsetIsTenured() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; FastInterlockAnd(&m_dwTransientFlags, ~MODULE_IS_TENURED); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE // This means the module has been sufficiently fixed up/security checked // that type loads can occur in domains. This is not sufficient to indicate // that domain-specific types can be loaded when applied to domain-neutral modules BOOL IsReadyForTypeLoad() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_dwTransientFlags & MODULE_READY_FOR_TYPELOAD; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE VOID SetIsReadyForTypeLoad() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; FastInterlockOr(&m_dwTransientFlags, MODULE_READY_FOR_TYPELOAD); } #endif BOOL IsLowLevelSystemAssemblyByName() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // The flag is set during initialization, so we can skip the memory barrier return m_dwPersistedFlags.LoadWithoutBarrier() & LOW_LEVEL_SYSTEM_ASSEMBLY_BY_NAME; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE VOID EnsureActive(); VOID EnsureAllocated(); VOID EnsureLibraryLoaded(); #endif CHECK CheckActivated(); HRESULT GetCustomAttribute(mdToken parentToken, WellKnownAttribute attribute, const void **ppData, ULONG *pcbData) { if (IsReadyToRun()) { if (!GetReadyToRunInfo()->MayHaveCustomAttribute(attribute, parentToken)) return S_FALSE; } return GetMDImport()->GetCustomAttributeByName(parentToken, GetWellKnownAttributeName(attribute), ppData, pcbData); } IMDInternalImport *GetMDImport() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE if (IsReflection()) { return DacGetMDImport(GetReflectionModule(), true); } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE return m_file->GetPersistentMDImport(); } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE IMetaDataEmit *GetEmitter() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_file->GetEmitter(); } #if defined(PROFILING_SUPPORTED) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) IMetaDataEmit *GetValidatedEmitter(); #endif IMetaDataImport2 *GetRWImporter() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_file->GetRWImporter(); } IMetaDataAssemblyImport *GetAssemblyImporter() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_file->GetAssemblyImporter(); } HRESULT GetReadablePublicMetaDataInterface(DWORD dwOpenFlags, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvInterface); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL IsWindowsRuntimeModule(); BOOL IsInCurrentVersionBubble(); LPCWSTR GetPathForErrorMessages(); #ifdef FEATURE_ISYM_READER // Gets an up-to-date symbol reader for this module, lazily creating it if necessary // The caller must call Release ISymUnmanagedReader *GetISymUnmanagedReader(void); ISymUnmanagedReader *GetISymUnmanagedReaderNoThrow(void); #endif // FEATURE_ISYM_READER // Save a copy of the provided debugging symbols in the InMemorySymbolStream. // These are used by code:Module::GetInMemorySymbolStream and code:Module.GetISymUnmanagedReader // This can only be called during module creation, before anyone may have tried to create a reader. void SetSymbolBytes(LPCBYTE pSyms, DWORD cbSyms); // Does the current configuration permit reading of symbols for this module? // Note that this may require calling into managed code (to resolve security policy). BOOL IsSymbolReadingEnabled(void); BOOL IsPersistedObject(void *address); // Get the in-memory symbol stream for this module, if any. // If none, this will return null. This is used by modules loaded in-memory (eg. from a byte-array) // and by dynamic modules. Callers that actually do anything with the return value will almost // certainly want to check GetInMemorySymbolStreamFormat to know how to interpret the bytes // in the stream. PTR_CGrowableStream GetInMemorySymbolStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // Symbol format should be "none" if-and-only-if our stream is null // If this fails, it may mean somebody is trying to examine this module after // code:Module::Destruct has been called. _ASSERTE( (m_symbolFormat == eSymbolFormatNone) == (m_pIStreamSym == NULL) ); return m_pIStreamSym; } // Get the format of the in-memory symbol stream for this module, or // eSymbolFormatNone if no in-memory symbols. ESymbolFormat GetInMemorySymbolStreamFormat() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; // Symbol format should be "none" if-and-only-if our stream is null // If this fails, it may mean somebody is trying to examine this module after // code:Module::Destruct has been called. _ASSERTE( (m_symbolFormat == eSymbolFormatNone) == (m_pIStreamSym == NULL) ); return m_symbolFormat; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // Set the in-memory stream for debug symbols // This must only be called when there is no existing stream. // This takes an AddRef on the supplied stream. void SetInMemorySymbolStream(CGrowableStream *pStream, ESymbolFormat symbolFormat) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // Must have provided valid stream data CONSISTENCY_CHECK(pStream != NULL); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(symbolFormat != eSymbolFormatNone); // we expect set to only be called once CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_pIStreamSym == NULL); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(m_symbolFormat == eSymbolFormatNone); m_symbolFormat = symbolFormat; m_pIStreamSym = pStream; m_pIStreamSym->AddRef(); } // Release and clear the in-memory symbol stream if any void ClearInMemorySymbolStream() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if( m_pIStreamSym != NULL ) { m_pIStreamSym->Release(); m_pIStreamSym = NULL; // We could set m_symbolFormat to eSymbolFormatNone to be consistent with not having // a stream, but no-one should be trying to look at it after destruct time, so it's // better to leave it inconsistent and get an ASSERT if someone tries to examine the // module's sybmol stream after the module was destructed. } } // Release the symbol reader if any // Caller is responsible for aquiring the reader lock if this could occur // concurrently with other uses of the reader (i.e. not shutdown/unload time) void ReleaseISymUnmanagedReader(void); virtual void ReleaseILData(); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // IL stub cache ILStubCache* GetILStubCache(); // Classes void AddClass(mdTypeDef classdef); void BuildClassForModule(); PTR_EEClassHashTable GetAvailableClassHash() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; { // IsResource() may lock when accessing metadata, but this is only in debug, // for the assert below CONTRACT_VIOLATION(TakesLockViolation); _ASSERTE(!IsResource()); } return m_pAvailableClasses; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void SetAvailableClassHash(EEClassHashTable *pAvailableClasses) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; { // IsResource() may lock when accessing metadata, but this is only in debug, // for the assert below CONTRACT_VIOLATION(TakesLockViolation); _ASSERTE(!IsResource()); } m_pAvailableClasses = pAvailableClasses; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE PTR_EEClassHashTable GetAvailableClassCaseInsHash() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; { // IsResource() may lock when accessing metadata, but this is only in debug, // for the assert below CONTRACT_VIOLATION(TakesLockViolation); _ASSERTE(!IsResource()); } return m_pAvailableClassesCaseIns; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void SetAvailableClassCaseInsHash(EEClassHashTable *pAvailableClassesCaseIns) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; { // IsResource() may lock when accessing metadata, but this is only in debug, // for the assert below CONTRACT_VIOLATION(TakesLockViolation); _ASSERTE(!IsResource()); } m_pAvailableClassesCaseIns = pAvailableClassesCaseIns; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE // Constructed types tables EETypeHashTable *GetAvailableParamTypes() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; { // IsResource() may lock when accessing metadata, but this is only in debug, // for the assert below CONTRACT_VIOLATION(TakesLockViolation); _ASSERTE(!IsResource()); } return m_pAvailableParamTypes; } InstMethodHashTable *GetInstMethodHashTable() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; { // IsResource() may lock when accessing metadata, but this is only in debug, // for the assert below CONTRACT_VIOLATION(TakesLockViolation); _ASSERTE(!IsResource()); } return m_pInstMethodHashTable; } #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // Gets or creates the token -> IL stub MethodDesc hash. StubMethodHashTable *GetStubMethodHashTable(); #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT // Creates a new Method table for an array. Used to make type handles // Note that if kind == SZARRAY or ARRAY, we get passed the GENERIC_ARRAY // needed to create the array. That way we dont need to load classes during // the class load, which avoids the need for a 'being loaded' list MethodTable* CreateArrayMethodTable(TypeHandle elemType, CorElementType kind, unsigned rank, class AllocMemTracker *pamTracker); // This is called from CreateArrayMethodTable MethodTable* CreateGenericArrayMethodTable(TypeHandle elemType); // string helper void InitializeStringData(DWORD token, EEStringData *pstrData, CQuickBytes *pqb); // Resolving OBJECTHANDLE ResolveStringRef(DWORD Token, BaseDomain *pDomain, bool bNeedToSyncWithFixups); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT OBJECTHANDLE ResolveStringRefHelper(DWORD token, BaseDomain *pDomain, PTR_CORCOMPILE_IMPORT_SECTION pSection, EEStringData *strData); #endif CHECK CheckStringRef(RVA rva); // Module/Assembly traversal Assembly * GetAssemblyIfLoaded( mdAssemblyRef kAssemblyRef, LPCSTR szWinRtNamespace = NULL, LPCSTR szWinRtClassName = NULL, IMDInternalImport * pMDImportOverride = NULL, BOOL fDoNotUtilizeExtraChecks = FALSE, ICLRPrivBinder *pBindingContextForLoadedAssembly = NULL ); private: // Helper function used by GetAssemblyIfLoaded. Do not call directly. Assembly *GetAssemblyIfLoadedFromNativeAssemblyRefWithRefDefMismatch(mdAssemblyRef kAssemblyRef, BOOL *pfDiscoveredAssemblyRefMatchesTargetDefExactly); public: DomainAssembly * LoadAssembly( mdAssemblyRef kAssemblyRef, LPCUTF8 szWinRtTypeNamespace = NULL, LPCUTF8 szWinRtTypeClassName = NULL); Module *GetModuleIfLoaded(mdFile kFile, BOOL onlyLoadedInAppDomain, BOOL loadAllowed); DomainFile *LoadModule(AppDomain *pDomain, mdFile kFile, BOOL loadResources = TRUE, BOOL bindOnly = FALSE); PTR_Module LookupModule(mdToken kFile, BOOL loadResources = TRUE); //wrapper over GetModuleIfLoaded, takes modulerefs as well DWORD GetAssemblyRefFlags(mdAssemblyRef tkAssemblyRef); bool HasBindableIdentity(mdAssemblyRef tkAssemblyRef) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return !IsAfContentType_WindowsRuntime(GetAssemblyRefFlags(tkAssemblyRef)); } // RID maps TypeHandle LookupTypeDef(mdTypeDef token, ClassLoadLevel *pLoadLevel = NULL) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; BAD_FORMAT_NOTHROW_ASSERT(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtTypeDef); g_IBCLogger.LogRidMapAccess( MakePair( this, token ) ); TADDR flags; TypeHandle th = TypeHandle(m_TypeDefToMethodTableMap.GetElementAndFlags(RidFromToken(token), &flags)); if (pLoadLevel && !th.IsNull()) { if (!IsCompilationProcess() && (flags & ZAPPED_TYPE_NEEDS_NO_RESTORE)) { // Make sure the flag is consistent with the target data and implies the load level we think it does _ASSERTE(th.AsMethodTable()->IsPreRestored()); _ASSERTE(th.GetLoadLevel() == CLASS_LOADED); *pLoadLevel = CLASS_LOADED; } else { *pLoadLevel = th.GetLoadLevel(); } } return th; } TypeHandle LookupFullyCanonicalInstantiation(mdTypeDef token, ClassLoadLevel *pLoadLevel = NULL) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; BAD_FORMAT_NOTHROW_ASSERT(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtTypeDef); g_IBCLogger.LogRidMapAccess( MakePair( this, token ) ); TADDR flags; TypeHandle th = TypeHandle(m_GenericTypeDefToCanonMethodTableMap.GetElementAndFlags(RidFromToken(token), &flags)); if (pLoadLevel && !th.IsNull()) { if (!IsCompilationProcess() && (flags & ZAPPED_GENERIC_TYPE_NEEDS_NO_RESTORE)) { // Make sure the flag is consistent with the target data and implies the load level we think it does _ASSERTE(th.AsMethodTable()->IsPreRestored()); _ASSERTE(th.GetLoadLevel() == CLASS_LOADED); *pLoadLevel = CLASS_LOADED; } else { *pLoadLevel = th.GetLoadLevel(); } } return th; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE VOID EnsureTypeDefCanBeStored(mdTypeDef token) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // THROWS/GC_NOTRIGGER/INJECT_FAULT()/MODE_ANY m_TypeDefToMethodTableMap.EnsureElementCanBeStored(this, RidFromToken(token)); } void EnsuredStoreTypeDef(mdTypeDef token, TypeHandle value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // NOTHROW/GC_NOTRIGGER/FORBID_FAULT/MODE_ANY _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtTypeDef); m_TypeDefToMethodTableMap.SetElement(RidFromToken(token), value.AsMethodTable()); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE TypeHandle LookupTypeRef(mdTypeRef token); mdTypeRef LookupTypeRefByMethodTable(MethodTable *pMT); mdMemberRef LookupMemberRefByMethodDesc(MethodDesc *pMD); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // // Increase the size of the TypeRef-to-MethodTable LookupMap to make sure the specified token // can be stored. Note that nothing is actually added to the LookupMap at this point. // // Arguments: // token - the TypeRef metadata token we need to accommodate // void EnsureTypeRefCanBeStored(mdTypeRef token) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // THROWS/GC_NOTRIGGER/INJECT_FAULT()/MODE_ANY _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtTypeRef); m_TypeRefToMethodTableMap.EnsureElementCanBeStored(this, RidFromToken(token)); } void StoreTypeRef(mdTypeRef token, TypeHandle value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtTypeRef); g_IBCLogger.LogRidMapAccess( MakePair( this, token ) ); // The TypeRef cache is strictly a lookaside cache. If we get an OOM trying to grow the table, // we cannot abort the load. (This will cause fatal errors during gc promotion.) m_TypeRefToMethodTableMap.TrySetElement(RidFromToken(token), dac_cast(value.AsTAddr())); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE MethodDesc *LookupMethodDef(mdMethodDef token); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void EnsureMethodDefCanBeStored(mdMethodDef token) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // THROWS/GC_NOTRIGGER/INJECT_FAULT()/MODE_ANY m_MethodDefToDescMap.EnsureElementCanBeStored(this, RidFromToken(token)); } void EnsuredStoreMethodDef(mdMethodDef token, MethodDesc *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // NOTHROW/GC_NOTRIGGER/FORBID_FAULT/MODE_ANY _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtMethodDef); m_MethodDefToDescMap.SetElement(RidFromToken(token), value); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE FieldDesc *LookupFieldDef(mdFieldDef token) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtFieldDef); return m_FieldDefToDescMap.GetElement(RidFromToken(token)); } #else // DACCESS_COMPILE // FieldDesc isn't defined at this point so PTR_FieldDesc can't work. FieldDesc *LookupFieldDef(mdFieldDef token); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void EnsureFieldDefCanBeStored(mdFieldDef token) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // THROWS/GC_NOTRIGGER/INJECT_FAULT()/MODE_ANY m_FieldDefToDescMap.EnsureElementCanBeStored(this, RidFromToken(token)); } void EnsuredStoreFieldDef(mdFieldDef token, FieldDesc *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // NOTHROW/GC_NOTRIGGER/FORBID_FAULT/MODE_ANY _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtFieldDef); m_FieldDefToDescMap.SetElement(RidFromToken(token), value); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE FORCEINLINE TADDR LookupMemberRef(mdMemberRef token, BOOL *pfIsMethod) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtMemberRef); TADDR pResult = dac_cast(m_pMemberRefToDescHashTable->GetValue(token, pfIsMethod)); g_IBCLogger.LogRidMapAccess( MakePair( this, token ) ); return pResult; } MethodDesc *LookupMemberRefAsMethod(mdMemberRef token); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void StoreMemberRef(mdMemberRef token, FieldDesc *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtMemberRef); CrstHolder ch(this->GetLookupTableCrst()); m_pMemberRefToDescHashTable->Insert(token, value); } void StoreMemberRef(mdMemberRef token, MethodDesc *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtMemberRef); CrstHolder ch(this->GetLookupTableCrst()); m_pMemberRefToDescHashTable->Insert(token, value); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE PTR_TypeVarTypeDesc LookupGenericParam(mdGenericParam token) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtGenericParam); return m_GenericParamToDescMap.GetElement(RidFromToken(token)); } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void StoreGenericParamThrowing(mdGenericParam token, TypeVarTypeDesc *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtGenericParam); m_GenericParamToDescMap.AddElement(this, RidFromToken(token), value); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE PTR_Module LookupFile(mdFile token) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtFile); return m_FileReferencesMap.GetElement(RidFromToken(token)); } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void EnsureFileCanBeStored(mdFile token) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // THROWS/GC_NOTRIGGER/INJECT_FAULT()/MODE_ANY _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtFile); m_FileReferencesMap.EnsureElementCanBeStored(this, RidFromToken(token)); } void EnsuredStoreFile(mdFile token, Module *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // NOTHROW/GC_NOTRIGGER/FORBID_FAULT _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtFile); m_FileReferencesMap.SetElement(RidFromToken(token), value); } void StoreFileThrowing(mdFile token, Module *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtFile); m_FileReferencesMap.AddElement(this, RidFromToken(token), value); } BOOL StoreFileNoThrow(mdFile token, Module *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtFile); return m_FileReferencesMap.TrySetElement(RidFromToken(token), value); } mdAssemblyRef FindManifestModule(Module *value) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_ManifestModuleReferencesMap.Find(value) | mdtAssembly; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE DWORD GetFileMax() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_FileReferencesMap.GetSize(); } Assembly *LookupAssemblyRef(mdAssemblyRef token); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // // Increase the size of the AssemblyRef-to-Module LookupMap to make sure the specified token // can be stored. Note that nothing is actually added to the LookupMap at this point. // // Arguments: // token - the AssemblyRef metadata token we need to accommodate // void EnsureAssemblyRefCanBeStored(mdAssemblyRef token) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // THROWS/GC_NOTRIGGER/INJECT_FAULT()/MODE_ANY _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtAssemblyRef); m_ManifestModuleReferencesMap.EnsureElementCanBeStored(this, RidFromToken(token)); } void ForceStoreAssemblyRef(mdAssemblyRef token, Assembly *value); void StoreAssemblyRef(mdAssemblyRef token, Assembly *value); mdAssemblyRef FindAssemblyRef(Assembly *targetAssembly); void CreateAssemblyRefByNameTable(AllocMemTracker *pamTracker); bool HasReferenceByName(LPCUTF8 pModuleName); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void FinalizeLookupMapsPreSave(DataImage *image); #endif DWORD GetAssemblyRefMax() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_ManifestModuleReferencesMap.GetSize(); } MethodDesc *FindMethodThrowing(mdToken pMethod); MethodDesc *FindMethod(mdToken pMethod); void PopulatePropertyInfoMap(); HRESULT GetPropertyInfoForMethodDef(mdMethodDef md, mdProperty *ppd, LPCSTR *pName, ULONG *pSemantic); #define NUM_PROPERTY_SET_HASHES 4 #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void PrecomputeMatchingProperties(DataImage *image); #endif BOOL MightContainMatchingProperty(mdProperty tkProperty, ULONG nameHash); private: ArrayDPTR(BYTE) m_propertyNameSet; DWORD m_nPropertyNameSet; public: // Debugger stuff BOOL NotifyDebuggerLoad(AppDomain *pDomain, DomainFile * pDomainFile, int level, BOOL attaching); void NotifyDebuggerUnload(AppDomain *pDomain); void SetDebuggerInfoBits(DebuggerAssemblyControlFlags newBits); DebuggerAssemblyControlFlags GetDebuggerInfoBits(void) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return (DebuggerAssemblyControlFlags)((m_dwTransientFlags & DEBUGGER_INFO_MASK_PRIV) >> DEBUGGER_INFO_SHIFT_PRIV); } void UpdateNewlyAddedTypes(); #ifdef PROFILING_SUPPORTED BOOL IsProfilerNotified() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_dwTransientFlags & IS_PROFILER_NOTIFIED) != 0; } void NotifyProfilerLoadFinished(HRESULT hr); #endif // PROFILING_SUPPORTED BOOL HasNativeOrReadyToRunInlineTrackingMap(); COUNT_T GetNativeOrReadyToRunInliners(PTR_Module inlineeOwnerMod, mdMethodDef inlineeTkn, COUNT_T inlinersSize, MethodInModule inliners[], BOOL *incompleteData); #if defined(PROFILING_SUPPORTED) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) BOOL HasJitInlineTrackingMap(); PTR_JITInlineTrackingMap GetJitInlineTrackingMap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pJitInlinerTrackingMap; } void AddInlining(MethodDesc *inliner, MethodDesc *inlinee); #endif // defined(PROFILING_SUPPORTED) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) public: void NotifyEtwLoadFinished(HRESULT hr); // Enregisters a VASig. VASigCookie *GetVASigCookie(Signature vaSignature); // DLL entry point MethodDesc *GetDllEntryPoint() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pDllMain; } void SetDllEntryPoint(MethodDesc *pMD) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pDllMain = pMD; } #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // This data is only valid for NGEN'd modules, and for modules we're creating at NGEN time. ModuleCtorInfo* GetZapModuleCtorInfo() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return &m_ModuleCtorInfo; } #endif private: public: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL Equals(Module *pModule) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_file->Equals(pModule->m_file); } BOOL Equals(PEFile *pFile) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_file->Equals(pFile); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE LPCUTF8 GetSimpleName() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_pSimpleName != NULL); return m_pSimpleName; } HRESULT GetScopeName(LPCUTF8 * pszName) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_file->GetScopeName(pszName); } const SString &GetPath() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_file->GetPath(); } #ifdef LOGGING LPCWSTR GetDebugName() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_file->GetDebugName(); } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT BOOL HasNativeImage() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_file->HasNativeImage(); } PEImageLayout *GetNativeImage() { CONTRACT(PEImageLayout *) { PRECONDITION(m_file->HasNativeImage()); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; SUPPORTS_DAC; CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACT_END; _ASSERTE(!IsCollectible()); RETURN m_file->GetLoadedNative(); } #else BOOL HasNativeImage() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return FALSE; } PEImageLayout * GetNativeImage() { // Should never get here PRECONDITION(HasNativeImage()); return NULL; } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT BOOL HasNativeOrReadyToRunImage(); PEImageLayout * GetNativeOrReadyToRunImage(); PTR_CORCOMPILE_IMPORT_SECTION GetImportSections(COUNT_T *pCount); PTR_CORCOMPILE_IMPORT_SECTION GetImportSectionFromIndex(COUNT_T index); PTR_CORCOMPILE_IMPORT_SECTION GetImportSectionForRVA(RVA rva); // These are overridden by reflection modules virtual TADDR GetIL(RVA il); virtual PTR_VOID GetRvaField(RVA field, BOOL fZapped); CHECK CheckRvaField(RVA field); CHECK CheckRvaField(RVA field, COUNT_T size); const void *GetInternalPInvokeTarget(RVA target) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_file->GetInternalPInvokeTarget(target); } BOOL HasTls(); BOOL IsRvaFieldTls(DWORD field); UINT32 GetFieldTlsOffset(DWORD field); UINT32 GetTlsIndex(); BOOL IsSigInIL(PCCOR_SIGNATURE signature); mdToken GetEntryPointToken(); BYTE *GetProfilerBase(); // Active transition path management // // This list keeps track of module which we have active transition // paths to. An active transition path is where we move from // active execution in one module to another module without // involving triggering the file loader to ensure that the // destination module is active. We must explicitly list these // relationships so the the loader can ensure that the activation // constraints are a priori satisfied. // // Conditional vs. Unconditional describes how we deal with // activation failure of a dependency. In the unconditional case, // we propagate the activation failure to the depending module. // In the conditional case, we activate a "trigger" in the active // transition path which will cause the path to fail in particular // app domains where the destination module failed to activate. // (This trigger in the path typically has a perf cost even in the // nonfailing case.) // // In either case we must try to perform the activation eagerly - // even in the conditional case we have to know whether to turn on // the trigger or not before we let the active transition path // execute. void AddActiveDependency(Module *pModule, BOOL unconditional); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT BOOL IsZappedCode(PCODE code); BOOL IsZappedPrecode(PCODE code); CORCOMPILE_DEBUG_ENTRY GetMethodDebugInfoOffset(MethodDesc *pMD); PTR_BYTE GetNativeDebugInfo(MethodDesc * pMD); // The methods below must be called when loading back an ngen'ed image for any fields that // might be an encoded token (rather than a hard pointer) and/or need a restore operation // static void RestoreMethodTablePointerRaw(PTR_MethodTable * ppMT, Module *pContainingModule = NULL, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); static void RestoreTypeHandlePointerRaw(TypeHandle *pHandle, Module *pContainingModule = NULL, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); static void RestoreMethodDescPointerRaw(PTR_MethodDesc * ppMD, Module *pContainingModule = NULL, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); static void RestoreMethodTablePointer(FixupPointer * ppMT, Module *pContainingModule = NULL, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); static void RestoreTypeHandlePointer(FixupPointer *pHandle, Module *pContainingModule = NULL, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); static void RestoreMethodDescPointer(FixupPointer * ppMD, Module *pContainingModule = NULL, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); static void RestoreMethodTablePointer(RelativeFixupPointer * ppMT, Module *pContainingModule = NULL, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); static void RestoreTypeHandlePointer(RelativeFixupPointer *pHandle, Module *pContainingModule = NULL, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); static void RestoreMethodDescPointer(RelativeFixupPointer * ppMD, Module *pContainingModule = NULL, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); static void RestoreFieldDescPointer(RelativeFixupPointer * ppFD); static void RestoreModulePointer(RelativeFixupPointer * ppModule, Module *pContainingModule); static PTR_Module RestoreModulePointerIfLoaded(DPTR(RelativeFixupPointer) ppModule, Module *pContainingModule); PCCOR_SIGNATURE GetEncodedSig(RVA fixupRva, Module **ppDefiningModule); PCCOR_SIGNATURE GetEncodedSigIfLoaded(RVA fixupRva, Module **ppDefiningModule); #endif BYTE* GetNativeFixupBlobData(RVA fixup); IMDInternalImport *GetNativeAssemblyImport(BOOL loadAllowed = TRUE); IMDInternalImport *GetNativeAssemblyImportIfLoaded(); BOOL FixupNativeEntry(CORCOMPILE_IMPORT_SECTION * pSection, SIZE_T fixupIndex, SIZE_T *fixup); //this split exists to support new CLR Dump functionality in DAC. The //template removes any indirections. BOOL FixupDelayList(TADDR pFixupList); template BOOL FixupDelayListAux(TADDR pFixupList, Ptr pThis, FixupNativeEntryCallback pfnCB, PTR_CORCOMPILE_IMPORT_SECTION pImportSections, COUNT_T nImportSections, PEDecoder * pNativeImage); void RunEagerFixups(); Module *GetModuleFromIndex(DWORD ix); Module *GetModuleFromIndexIfLoaded(DWORD ix); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT // This is to rebuild stub dispatch maps to module-local values. void UpdateStubDispatchTypeTable(DataImage *image); void SetProfileData(CorProfileData * profileData); CorProfileData *GetProfileData(); mdTypeDef LookupIbcTypeToken( Module * pExternalModule, mdToken ibcToken, SString* optionalFullNameOut = NULL); mdMethodDef LookupIbcMethodToken(TypeHandle enclosingType, mdToken ibcToken, SString* optionalFullNameOut = NULL); TypeHandle LoadIBCTypeHelper(DataImage *image, CORBBTPROF_BLOB_PARAM_SIG_ENTRY *pBlobSigEntry); MethodDesc * LoadIBCMethodHelper(DataImage *image, CORBBTPROF_BLOB_PARAM_SIG_ENTRY *pBlobSigEntry); void ExpandAll(DataImage *image); // profileData may be different than the profileData passed in to // ExpandAll() depending on more information that may now be available // (after all the methods have been compiled) void Save(DataImage *image); void Arrange(DataImage *image); void PlaceType(DataImage *image, TypeHandle th, DWORD profilingFlags); void PlaceMethod(DataImage *image, MethodDesc *pMD, DWORD profilingFlags); void Fixup(DataImage *image); bool AreAllClassesFullyLoaded(); // Precompute type-specific auxiliary information saved into NGen image void PrepareTypesForSave(DataImage *image); static void SaveMethodTable(DataImage *image, MethodTable *pMT, DWORD profilingFlags); static void SaveTypeHandle(DataImage *image, TypeHandle t, DWORD profilingFlags); private: static BOOL CanEagerBindTo(Module *targetModule, Module *pPreferredZapModule, void *address); public: static PTR_Module ComputePreferredZapModule(Module * pDefinitionModule, // the module that declares the generic type or method Instantiation classInst, // the type arguments to the type (if any) Instantiation methodInst = Instantiation()); // the type arguments to the method (if any) static PTR_Module ComputePreferredZapModuleHelper(Module * pDefinitionModule, Instantiation classInst, Instantiation methodInst); static PTR_Module ComputePreferredZapModule(TypeKey * pKey); // Return true if types or methods of this instantiation are *always* precompiled and saved // in the preferred zap module // At present, only true for <__Canon,...,__Canon> instantiation static BOOL IsAlwaysSavedInPreferredZapModule(Instantiation classInst, Instantiation methodInst = Instantiation()); static PTR_Module GetPreferredZapModuleForTypeHandle(TypeHandle t); static PTR_Module GetPreferredZapModuleForMethodTable(MethodTable * pMT); static PTR_Module GetPreferredZapModuleForMethodDesc(const MethodDesc * pMD); static PTR_Module GetPreferredZapModuleForFieldDesc(FieldDesc * pFD); static PTR_Module GetPreferredZapModuleForTypeDesc(PTR_TypeDesc pTD); void PrepopulateDictionaries(DataImage *image, BOOL nonExpansive); void LoadTokenTables(); void LoadHelperTable(); PTR_NGenLayoutInfo GetNGenLayoutInfo() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_pNGenLayoutInfo; } PCODE GetPrestubJumpStub() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; if (!m_pNGenLayoutInfo) return NULL; return m_pNGenLayoutInfo->m_pPrestubJumpStub; } #ifdef HAS_FIXUP_PRECODE PCODE GetPrecodeFixupJumpStub() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; if (!m_pNGenLayoutInfo) return NULL; return m_pNGenLayoutInfo->m_pPrecodeFixupJumpStub; } #endif BOOL IsVirtualImportThunk(PCODE code) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; if (!m_pNGenLayoutInfo) return FALSE; return m_pNGenLayoutInfo->m_VirtualMethodThunks.IsInRange(code); } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT ICorJitInfo::BlockCounts * AllocateMethodBlockCounts(mdToken _token, DWORD _size, DWORD _ILSize); HANDLE OpenMethodProfileDataLogFile(GUID mvid); static void ProfileDataAllocateTokenLists(ProfileEmitter * pEmitter, TokenProfileData* pTokenProfileData); HRESULT WriteMethodProfileDataLogFile(bool cleanup); static void WriteAllModuleProfileData(bool cleanup); void SetMethodProfileList(CORCOMPILE_METHOD_PROFILE_LIST * value) { m_methodProfileList = value; } void CreateProfilingData(); void DeleteProfilingData(); PTR_ProfilingBlobTable GetProfilingBlobTable(); void LogTokenAccess(mdToken token, SectionFormat format, ULONG flagNum); void LogTokenAccess(mdToken token, ULONG flagNum); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT BOOL AreTypeSpecsTriaged() { return m_dwTransientFlags & TYPESPECS_TRIAGED; } void SetTypeSpecsTriaged() { FastInterlockOr(&m_dwTransientFlags, TYPESPECS_TRIAGED); } BOOL IsModuleSaved() { return m_dwTransientFlags & MODULE_SAVED; } void SetIsModuleSaved() { FastInterlockOr(&m_dwTransientFlags, MODULE_SAVED); } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT BOOL IsReadyToRun() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN return m_pReadyToRunInfo != NULL; #else return FALSE; #endif } #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN PTR_ReadyToRunInfo GetReadyToRunInfo() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_pReadyToRunInfo; } #endif #ifdef _DEBUG //Similar to the ExpandAll we use for NGen, this forces jitting of all methods in a module. This is //used for debug purposes though. void ExpandAll(); #endif BOOL IsIJWFixedUp() { return m_dwTransientFlags & IS_IJW_FIXED_UP; } void SetIsIJWFixedUp(); BOOL IsBeingUnloaded() { return m_dwTransientFlags & IS_BEING_UNLOADED; } void SetBeingUnloaded(); void StartUnload(); public: idTypeSpec LogInstantiatedType(TypeHandle typeHnd, ULONG flagNum); idMethodSpec LogInstantiatedMethod(const MethodDesc * md, ULONG flagNum); static DWORD EncodeModuleHelper(void* pModuleContext, Module *pReferencedModule); static void TokenDefinitionHelper(void* pModuleContext, Module *pReferencedModule, DWORD index, mdToken* token); public: MethodTable* MapZapType(UINT32 typeID); void SetDynamicIL(mdToken token, TADDR blobAddress, BOOL fTemporaryOverride); TADDR GetDynamicIL(mdToken token, BOOL fAllowTemporary); // store and retrieve the instrumented IL offset mapping for a particular method #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) void SetInstrumentedILOffsetMapping(mdMethodDef token, InstrumentedILOffsetMapping mapping); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE InstrumentedILOffsetMapping GetInstrumentedILOffsetMapping(mdMethodDef token); public: // This helper returns to offsets for the slots/bytes/handles. They return the offset in bytes from the beggining // of the 1st GC pointer in the statics block for the module. void GetOffsetsForRegularStaticData( mdTypeDef cl, BOOL bDynamic, DWORD dwGCStaticHandles, DWORD dwNonGCStaticBytes, DWORD * pOutStaticHandleOffset, DWORD * pOutNonGCStaticOffset); void GetOffsetsForThreadStaticData( mdTypeDef cl, BOOL bDynamic, DWORD dwGCStaticHandles, DWORD dwNonGCStaticBytes, DWORD * pOutStaticHandleOffset, DWORD * pOutNonGCStaticOffset); BOOL IsStaticStoragePrepared(mdTypeDef tkType); DWORD GetNumGCThreadStaticHandles() { return m_dwMaxGCThreadStaticHandles;; } CrstBase* GetFixupCrst() { return &m_FixupCrst; } void AllocateRegularStaticHandles(AppDomain* pDomainMT); void FreeModuleIndex(); DWORD GetDomainLocalModuleSize() { return m_dwRegularStaticsBlockSize; } DWORD GetThreadLocalModuleSize() { return m_dwThreadStaticsBlockSize; } DWORD AllocateDynamicEntry(MethodTable *pMT); // We need this for the jitted shared case, inline MethodTable* GetDynamicClassMT(DWORD dynamicClassID); static ModuleIndex AllocateModuleIndex(); static void FreeModuleIndex(ModuleIndex index); ModuleIndex GetModuleIndex() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_ModuleIndex; } SIZE_T GetModuleID() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return dac_cast(m_ModuleID); } SIZE_T * GetAddrModuleID() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (SIZE_T*) &m_ModuleID; } static SIZE_T GetOffsetOfModuleID() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return offsetof(Module, m_ModuleID); } PTR_DomainLocalModule GetDomainLocalModule(); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT NgenStats *GetNgenStats() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pNgenStats; } #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT // LoaderHeap for storing IJW thunks PTR_LoaderHeap m_pThunkHeap; // Self-initializing accessor for IJW thunk heap LoaderHeap *GetThunkHeap(); // Self-initializing accessor for domain-independent IJW thunk heap LoaderHeap *GetDllThunkHeap(); void EnumRegularStaticGCRefs (promote_func* fn, ScanContext* sc); protected: void BuildStaticsOffsets (AllocMemTracker *pamTracker); void AllocateStatics (AllocMemTracker *pamTracker); // ModuleID is quite ugly. We should try to switch to using ModuleIndex instead // where appropriate, and we should clean up code that uses ModuleID PTR_DomainLocalModule m_ModuleID; // MultiDomain case: tagged (low bit 1) ModuleIndex // SingleDomain case: pointer to domain local module ModuleIndex m_ModuleIndex; // reusing the statics area of a method table to store // these for the non domain neutral case, but they're now unified // it so that we don't have different code paths for this. PTR_DWORD m_pRegularStaticOffsets; // Offset of statics in each class PTR_DWORD m_pThreadStaticOffsets; // Offset of ThreadStatics in each class // All types with RID <= this value have static storage allocated within the module by AllocateStatics // If AllocateStatics hasn't run yet, the value is 0 RID m_maxTypeRidStaticsAllocated; // @NICE: see if we can remove these fields DWORD m_dwMaxGCRegularStaticHandles; // Max number of handles we can have. DWORD m_dwMaxGCThreadStaticHandles; // Size of the precomputed statics block. This includes class init bytes, gc handles and non gc statics DWORD m_dwRegularStaticsBlockSize; DWORD m_dwThreadStaticsBlockSize; // For 'dynamic' statics (Reflection and generics) SIZE_T m_cDynamicEntries; // Number of used entries in DynamicStaticsInfo table SIZE_T m_maxDynamicEntries; // Size of table itself, including unused entries // Info we need for dynamic statics that we can store per-module (ie, no need for it to be duplicated // per appdomain) struct DynamicStaticsInfo { MethodTable* pEnclosingMT; // Enclosing type; necessarily in this loader module }; DynamicStaticsInfo* m_pDynamicStaticsInfo; // Table with entry for each dynamic ID public: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If true, strings only need to be interned at a per module basis, instead of at a // per appdomain basis, which is the default. Use the module accessor so you don't need // to touch the metadata in the ngen case //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsNoStringInterning(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns a BOOL to indicate if we have computed whether compiler has instructed us to // wrap the non-CLS compliant exceptions or not. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsRuntimeWrapExceptionsStatusComputed(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If true, any non-CLSCompliant exceptions (i.e. ones which derive from something other // than System.Exception) are wrapped in a RuntimeWrappedException instance. In other // words, they become compliant //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsRuntimeWrapExceptions(); BOOL HasDefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute(); BOOL IsDefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttributeCached() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_dwPersistedFlags & DEFAULT_DLL_IMPORT_SEARCH_PATHS_IS_CACHED) != 0; } ULONG DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttributeCachedValue() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttributeValue & 0xFFFFFFFD; } BOOL DllImportSearchAssemblyDirectory() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttributeValue & 0x2) != 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // True iff metadata version string is 1.* or 2.*. // @TODO (post-Dev10): All places that need this information should call this function // instead of parsing the version themselves. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IsPreV4Assembly(); protected: // initialize Crst controlling the Dynamic IL hashtables void InitializeDynamicILCrst(); public: CrstBase *GetLookupTableCrst() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &m_LookupTableCrst; } private: // This struct stores the data used by the managed debugging infrastructure. If it turns out that // the debugger is increasing the size of the Module class by too much, we can consider allocating // this struct lazily on demand. struct DebuggerSpecificData { // Mutex protecting update access to the DynamicILBlobTable and TemporaryILBlobTable PTR_Crst m_pDynamicILCrst; // maps tokens for EnC/dynamics/reflection emit to their corresponding IL blobs // this map *always* overrides the Metadata RVA PTR_DynamicILBlobTable m_pDynamicILBlobTable; // maps tokens for to their corresponding overriden IL blobs // this map conditionally overrides the Metadata RVA and the DynamicILBlobTable PTR_DynamicILBlobTable m_pTemporaryILBlobTable; // hash table storing any profiler-provided instrumented IL offset mapping PTR_ILOffsetMappingTable m_pILOffsetMappingTable; // Strict count of # of methods in this module that are JMC-enabled. LONG m_cTotalJMCFuncs; // The default JMC status for methods in this module. // Individual methods can be overridden. bool m_fDefaultJMCStatus; }; DebuggerSpecificData m_debuggerSpecificData; // This is a compressed read only copy of m_inlineTrackingMap, which is being saved to NGEN image. PTR_PersistentInlineTrackingMapNGen m_pPersistentInlineTrackingMapNGen; #if defined(PROFILING_SUPPORTED) || defined(PROFILING_SUPPORTED_DATA) PTR_JITInlineTrackingMap m_pJitInlinerTrackingMap; #endif // defined(PROFILING_SUPPORTED) || defined(PROFILING_SUPPORTED_DATA) LPCSTR *m_AssemblyRefByNameTable; // array that maps mdAssemblyRef tokens into their simple name DWORD m_AssemblyRefByNameCount; // array size // a.dll calls a method in b.dll and that method call a method in c.dll. When ngening // a.dll it is possible then method in b.dll can be inlined. When that happens a.ni.dll stores // an added native metadata which has information about assemblyRef to c.dll // Now due to facades, this scenario is very common. This led to lots of calls to // binder to get the module corresponding to assemblyRef in native metadata. // Adding a lookup map to cache assembly ptr so that AssemblySpec::LoadAssembly() // is not called for each fixup PTR_Assembly *m_NativeMetadataAssemblyRefMap; public: #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) PTR_Assembly GetNativeMetadataAssemblyRefFromCache(DWORD rid) { PTR_Assembly * NativeMetadataAssemblyRefMap = VolatileLoadWithoutBarrier(&m_NativeMetadataAssemblyRefMap); if (NativeMetadataAssemblyRefMap == NULL) return NULL; _ASSERTE(rid <= GetNativeAssemblyImport()->GetCountWithTokenKind(mdtAssemblyRef)); return NativeMetadataAssemblyRefMap[rid - 1]; } void SetNativeMetadataAssemblyRefInCache(DWORD rid, PTR_Assembly pAssembly); #endif // !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) }; // // A ReflectionModule is a module created by reflection // class ReflectionModule : public Module { VPTR_VTABLE_CLASS(ReflectionModule, Module) public: HCEESECTION m_sdataSection; protected: ICeeGen * m_pCeeFileGen; private: Assembly *m_pCreatingAssembly; ISymUnmanagedWriter *m_pISymUnmanagedWriter; RefClassWriter *m_pInMemoryWriter; // Simple Critical Section used for basic leaf-lock operatons. CrstExplicitInit m_CrstLeafLock; // Buffer of Metadata storage for dynamic modules. May be NULL. This provides a reasonable way for // the debugger to get metadata of dynamic modules from out of process. // A dynamic module will eagerly serialize its metadata to this buffer. PTR_SBuffer m_pDynamicMetadata; // If true, does not eagerly serialize metadata in code:ReflectionModule.CaptureModuleMetaDataToMemory. // This is used to allow bulk emitting types without re-emitting the metadata between each type. bool m_fSuppressMetadataCapture; // If true, then only other transient modules can depend on this module. bool m_fIsTransient; #if !defined DACCESS_COMPILE && !defined CROSSGEN_COMPILE // Returns true iff metadata capturing is suppressed bool IsMetadataCaptureSuppressed(); // Toggle whether CaptureModuleMetaDataToMemory should do antyhing. This can be an important perf win to // allow batching up metadata capture. Use SuppressMetadataCaptureHolder to ensure they're balanced. // These are not nestable. void SuppressMetadataCapture(); void ResumeMetadataCapture(); // Glue functions for holders. static void SuppressCaptureWrapper(ReflectionModule * pModule) { pModule->SuppressMetadataCapture(); } static void ResumeCaptureWrapper(ReflectionModule * pModule) { pModule->ResumeMetadataCapture(); } ReflectionModule(Assembly *pAssembly, mdFile token, PEFile *pFile); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE && !CROSSGEN_COMPILE public: #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE // Accessor to expose m_pDynamicMetadata to debugger. PTR_SBuffer GetDynamicMetadataBuffer() const; #endif #if !defined DACCESS_COMPILE && !defined CROSSGEN_COMPILE static ReflectionModule *Create(Assembly *pAssembly, PEFile *pFile, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker, LPCWSTR szName, BOOL fIsTransient); void Initialize(AllocMemTracker *pamTracker, LPCWSTR szName); void Destruct(); void ReleaseILData(); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE && !CROSSGEN_COMPILE // Overides functions to access sections virtual TADDR GetIL(RVA target); virtual PTR_VOID GetRvaField(RVA rva, BOOL fZapped); Assembly* GetCreatingAssembly( void ) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pCreatingAssembly; } void SetCreatingAssembly( Assembly* assembly ) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pCreatingAssembly = assembly; } ICeeGen *GetCeeGen() {LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pCeeFileGen; } RefClassWriter *GetClassWriter() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pInMemoryWriter; } ISymUnmanagedWriter *GetISymUnmanagedWriter() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pISymUnmanagedWriter; } // Note: we now use the same writer instance for the life of a module, // so there should no longer be any need for the extra indirection. ISymUnmanagedWriter **GetISymUnmanagedWriterAddr() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // We must have setup the writer before trying to get // the address for it. Any calls to this before a // SetISymUnmanagedWriter are very incorrect. _ASSERTE(m_pISymUnmanagedWriter != NULL); return &m_pISymUnmanagedWriter; } bool IsTransient() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_fIsTransient; } void SetIsTransient(bool fIsTransient) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_fIsTransient = fIsTransient; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE typedef Wrapper< ReflectionModule*, ReflectionModule::SuppressCaptureWrapper, ReflectionModule::ResumeCaptureWrapper> SuppressMetadataCaptureHolder; #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE HRESULT SetISymUnmanagedWriter(ISymUnmanagedWriter *pWriter) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(return E_OUTOFMEMORY;); } CONTRACTL_END // Setting to NULL when we've never set a writer before should // do nothing. if ((pWriter == NULL) && (m_pISymUnmanagedWriter == NULL)) return S_OK; if (m_pISymUnmanagedWriter != NULL) { // We shouldn't be trying to replace an existing writer anymore _ASSERTE( pWriter == NULL ); m_pISymUnmanagedWriter->Release(); } m_pISymUnmanagedWriter = pWriter; return S_OK; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE // Eagerly serialize the metadata to a buffer that the debugger can retrieve. void CaptureModuleMetaDataToMemory(); }; // Module holders FORCEINLINE void VoidModuleDestruct(Module *pModule) { #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE if (g_fEEStarted) pModule->Destruct(); #endif } typedef Wrapper ModuleHolder; FORCEINLINE void VoidReflectionModuleDestruct(ReflectionModule *pModule) { #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE pModule->Destruct(); #endif } typedef Wrapper ReflectionModuleHolder; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // VASigCookieEx (used to create a fake VASigCookie for unmanaged->managed // calls to vararg functions. These fakes are distinguished from the // real thing by having a null mdVASig. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- struct VASigCookieEx : public VASigCookie { const BYTE *m_pArgs; // pointer to first unfixed unmanaged arg }; // Rerieve the full command line for the current process. LPCWSTR GetManagedCommandLine(); // Save the command line for the current process. void SaveManagedCommandLine(LPCWSTR pwzAssemblyPath, int argc, LPCWSTR *argv); #endif // !CEELOAD_H_