// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /* * CallHelpers.CPP: helpers to call managed code * */ #include "common.h" #include "dbginterface.h" // To include declaration of "AppDomainTransitionExceptionFilter" #include "excep.h" // To include declaration of "SignatureNative" #include "runtimehandles.h" #include "invokeutil.h" #include "argdestination.h" #if defined(FEATURE_MULTICOREJIT) && defined(_DEBUG) // Allow system module, and first party WinMD files for Appx void AssertMulticoreJitAllowedModule(PCODE pTarget) { MethodDesc* pMethod = Entry2MethodDesc(pTarget, NULL); Module * pModule = pMethod->GetModule_NoLogging(); _ASSERTE(pModule->IsSystem()); } #endif // For X86, INSTALL_COMPLUS_EXCEPTION_HANDLER grants us sufficient protection to call into // managed code. // // But on 64-bit, the personality routine will not pop frames or trackers as exceptions unwind // out of managed code. Instead, we rely on explicit cleanup like CLRException::HandlerState::CleanupTry // or UMThunkUnwindFrameChainHandler. // // So most callers should call through CallDescrWorkerWithHandler (or a wrapper like MethodDesc::Call) // and get the platform-appropriate exception handling. A few places try to optimize by calling direct // to managed methods (see ArrayInitializeWorker or FastCallFinalize). This sort of thing is // dangerous. You have to worry about marking yourself as a legal managed caller and you have to // worry about how exceptions will be handled on a WIN64EXCEPTIONS plan. It is generally only suitable // for X86. //******************************************************************************* void CallDescrWorkerWithHandler( CallDescrData * pCallDescrData, BOOL fCriticalCall) { #if defined(FEATURE_MULTICOREJIT) && defined(_DEBUG) // For multicore JITting, background thread should not call managed code, except when calling system code (e.g. throwing managed exception) if (GetThread()->HasThreadStateNC(Thread::TSNC_CallingManagedCodeDisabled)) { AssertMulticoreJitAllowedModule(pCallDescrData->pTarget); } #endif BEGIN_CALL_TO_MANAGEDEX(fCriticalCall ? EEToManagedCriticalCall : EEToManagedDefault); CallDescrWorker(pCallDescrData); END_CALL_TO_MANAGED(); } #if !defined(_WIN64) && defined(_DEBUG) //******************************************************************************* // assembly code, in i386/asmhelpers.asm void CallDescrWorker(CallDescrData * pCallDescrData) { // // This function must not have a contract ... it's caller has pushed an FS:0 frame (COMPlusFrameHandler) that must // be the first handler on the stack. The contract causes, at a minimum, a C++ exception handler to be pushed to // handle the destruction of the contract object. If there is an exception in the managed code called from here, // and that exception is handled in that same block of managed code, then the COMPlusFrameHandler will actually // unwind the C++ handler before branching to the catch clause in managed code. That essentially causes an // out-of-order destruction of the contract object, resulting in very odd crashes later. // #if 0 CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; } CONTRACTL_END; #endif // 0 STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_TRIGGERS; _ASSERTE(!NingenEnabled() && "You cannot invoke managed code inside the ngen compilation process."); TRIGGERSGC_NOSTOMP(); // Can't stomp object refs because they are args to the function // Save a copy of dangerousObjRefs in table. Thread* curThread; DWORD_PTR ObjRefTable[OBJREF_TABSIZE]; curThread = GetThread(); _ASSERTE(curThread != NULL); static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(curThread->dangerousObjRefs) == sizeof(ObjRefTable)); memcpy(ObjRefTable, curThread->dangerousObjRefs, sizeof(ObjRefTable)); #ifndef FEATURE_INTERPRETER // When the interpreter is used, this mayb be called from preemptive code. _ASSERTE(curThread->PreemptiveGCDisabled()); // Jitted code expects to be in cooperative mode #endif // If the current thread owns spinlock or unbreakable lock, it cannot call managed code. _ASSERTE(!curThread->HasUnbreakableLock() && (curThread->m_StateNC & Thread::TSNC_OwnsSpinLock) == 0); #ifdef _TARGET_ARM_ _ASSERTE(IsThumbCode(pCallDescrData->pTarget)); #endif CallDescrWorkerInternal(pCallDescrData); // Restore dangerousObjRefs when we return back to EE after call memcpy(curThread->dangerousObjRefs, ObjRefTable, sizeof(ObjRefTable)); TRIGGERSGC(); ENABLESTRESSHEAP(); } #endif // !defined(_WIN64) && defined(_DEBUG) void DispatchCallDebuggerWrapper( CallDescrData * pCallDescrData, ContextTransitionFrame* pFrame, BOOL fCriticalCall ) { // Use static contracts b/c we have SEH. STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_TRIGGERS; STATIC_CONTRACT_MODE_COOPERATIVE; struct Param : NotifyOfCHFFilterWrapperParam { CallDescrData * pCallDescrData; BOOL fCriticalCall; } param; param.pFrame = pFrame; param.pCallDescrData = pCallDescrData; param.fCriticalCall = fCriticalCall; PAL_TRY(Param *, pParam, ¶m) { CallDescrWorkerWithHandler( pParam->pCallDescrData, pParam->fCriticalCall); } PAL_EXCEPT_FILTER(AppDomainTransitionExceptionFilter) { // Should never reach here b/c handler should always continue search. _ASSERTE(!"Unreachable"); } PAL_ENDTRY } // Helper for VM->managed calls with simple signatures. void * DispatchCallSimple( SIZE_T *pSrc, DWORD numStackSlotsToCopy, PCODE pTargetAddress, DWORD dwDispatchCallSimpleFlags) { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED if (CORDebuggerTraceCall()) g_pDebugInterface->TraceCall((const BYTE *)pTargetAddress); #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED CallDescrData callDescrData; #ifdef CALLDESCR_ARGREGS callDescrData.pSrc = pSrc + NUM_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS; callDescrData.numStackSlots = numStackSlotsToCopy; callDescrData.pArgumentRegisters = (ArgumentRegisters *)pSrc; #else callDescrData.pSrc = pSrc; callDescrData.numStackSlots = numStackSlotsToCopy; #endif #ifdef CALLDESCR_RETBUFFARGREG UINT64 retBuffArgPlaceholder = 0; callDescrData.pRetBuffArg = &retBuffArgPlaceholder; #endif #ifdef CALLDESCR_FPARGREGS callDescrData.pFloatArgumentRegisters = NULL; #endif #ifdef CALLDESCR_REGTYPEMAP callDescrData.dwRegTypeMap = 0; #endif callDescrData.fpReturnSize = 0; callDescrData.pTarget = pTargetAddress; if ((dwDispatchCallSimpleFlags & DispatchCallSimple_CatchHandlerFoundNotification) != 0) { DispatchCallDebuggerWrapper( &callDescrData, NULL, dwDispatchCallSimpleFlags & DispatchCallSimple_CriticalCall); } else { CallDescrWorkerWithHandler(&callDescrData, dwDispatchCallSimpleFlags & DispatchCallSimple_CriticalCall); } return *(void **)(&callDescrData.returnValue); } // This method performs the proper profiler and debugger callbacks before dispatching the // call. The caller has the responsibility of furnishing the target address, register and stack arguments. // Stack arguments should be in reverse order, and pSrc should point to past the last argument // Returns the return value or the exception object if one was thrown. void DispatchCall( CallDescrData * pCallDescrData, OBJECTREF *pRefException, ContextTransitionFrame* pFrame /* = NULL */ #ifdef FEATURE_CORRUPTING_EXCEPTIONS , CorruptionSeverity *pSeverity /*= NULL*/ #endif // FEATURE_CORRUPTING_EXCEPTIONS ) { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED if (CORDebuggerTraceCall()) g_pDebugInterface->TraceCall((const BYTE *)pCallDescrData->pTarget); #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED #ifdef FEATURE_CORRUPTING_EXCEPTIONS if (pSeverity != NULL) { // By default, assume any exception that comes out is NotCorrupting *pSeverity = NotCorrupting; } #endif // FEATURE_CORRUPTING_EXCEPTIONS EX_TRY { DispatchCallDebuggerWrapper(pCallDescrData, pFrame, FALSE); } EX_CATCH { *pRefException = GET_THROWABLE(); #ifdef FEATURE_CORRUPTING_EXCEPTIONS if (pSeverity != NULL) { // By default, assume any exception that comes out is NotCorrupting *pSeverity = GetThread()->GetExceptionState()->GetLastActiveExceptionCorruptionSeverity(); } #endif // FEATURE_CORRUPTING_EXCEPTIONS } EX_END_CATCH(RethrowTransientExceptions); } #ifdef CALLDESCR_REGTYPEMAP //******************************************************************************* void FillInRegTypeMap(int argOffset, CorElementType typ, BYTE * pMap) { CONTRACTL { WRAPPER(THROWS); WRAPPER(GC_TRIGGERS); MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pMap, NULL_NOT_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; int regArgNum = TransitionBlock::GetArgumentIndexFromOffset(argOffset); // Create a map of the first 8 argument types. This is used in // CallDescrWorkerInternal to load args into general registers or // floating point registers. // // we put these in order from the LSB to the MSB so that we can keep // the map in a register and just examine the low byte and then shift // right for each arg. if (regArgNum < NUM_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS) { pMap[regArgNum] = typ; } } #endif // CALLDESCR_REGTYPEMAP //******************************************************************************* #ifdef FEATURE_INTERPRETER void MethodDescCallSite::CallTargetWorker(const ARG_SLOT *pArguments, ARG_SLOT *pReturnValue, int cbReturnValue, bool transitionToPreemptive) #else void MethodDescCallSite::CallTargetWorker(const ARG_SLOT *pArguments, ARG_SLOT *pReturnValue, int cbReturnValue) #endif { // // WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING // // This method needs to have a GC_TRIGGERS contract because it // calls managed code. However, IT MAY NOT TRIGGER A GC ITSELF // because the argument array is not protected and may contain gc // refs. // // WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING // CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(GetAppDomain()->CheckCanExecuteManagedCode(m_pMD)); PRECONDITION(m_pMD->CheckActivated()); // EnsureActive will trigger, so we must already be activated } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!NingenEnabled() && "You cannot invoke managed code inside the ngen compilation process."); // If we're invoking an mscorlib method, lift the restriction on type load limits. Calls into mscorlib are // typically calls into specific and controlled helper methods for security checks and other linktime tasks. // // @todo: In an ideal world, we would require each of those sites to do the override rather than disabling // the assert broadly here. However, by limiting the override to mscorlib methods, we should still be able // to effectively enforce the more general rule about loader recursion. MAYBE_OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(CLASS_LOADED, m_pMD->GetModule()->IsSystem()); LPBYTE pTransitionBlock; UINT nStackBytes; UINT fpReturnSize; #ifdef CALLDESCR_REGTYPEMAP UINT64 dwRegTypeMap; #endif #ifdef CALLDESCR_FPARGREGS FloatArgumentRegisters *pFloatArgumentRegisters = NULL; #endif void* pvRetBuff = NULL; { // // the incoming argument array is not gc-protected, so we // may not trigger a GC before we actually call managed code // GCX_FORBID(); // Record this call if required g_IBCLogger.LogMethodDescAccess(m_pMD); // // All types must already be loaded. This macro also sets up a FAULT_FORBID region which is // also required for critical calls since we cannot inject any failure points between the // caller of MethodDesc::CallDescr and the actual transition to managed code. // ENABLE_FORBID_GC_LOADER_USE_IN_THIS_SCOPE(); #ifdef FEATURE_INTERPRETER _ASSERTE(isCallConv(m_methodSig.GetCallingConvention(), IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_DEFAULT) || isCallConv(m_methodSig.GetCallingConvention(), CorCallingConvention(IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_C)) || isCallConv(m_methodSig.GetCallingConvention(), CorCallingConvention(IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_VARARG)) || isCallConv(m_methodSig.GetCallingConvention(), CorCallingConvention(IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_NATIVEVARARG)) || isCallConv(m_methodSig.GetCallingConvention(), CorCallingConvention(IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_STDCALL))); #else _ASSERTE(isCallConv(m_methodSig.GetCallingConvention(), IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_DEFAULT)); _ASSERTE(!(m_methodSig.GetCallingConventionInfo() & CORINFO_CALLCONV_PARAMTYPE)); #endif #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED if (CORDebuggerTraceCall()) { g_pDebugInterface->TraceCall((const BYTE *)m_pCallTarget); } #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED #ifdef _DEBUG { #ifdef UNIX_AMD64_ABI // Validate that the return value is not too big for the buffer passed if (m_pMD->GetMethodTable()->IsRegPassedStruct()) { TypeHandle thReturnValueType; if (m_methodSig.GetReturnTypeNormalized(&thReturnValueType) == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { _ASSERTE(cbReturnValue >= thReturnValueType.GetSize()); } } #endif // UNIX_AMD64_ABI // The metasig should be reset _ASSERTE(m_methodSig.GetArgNum() == 0); // Check to see that any value type args have been loaded and restored. // This is because we may be calling a FramedMethodFrame which will use the sig // to trace the args, but if any are unloaded we will be stuck if a GC occurs. _ASSERTE(m_pMD->IsRestored_NoLogging()); CorElementType argType; while ((argType = m_methodSig.NextArg()) != ELEMENT_TYPE_END) { if (argType == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE) { TypeHandle th = m_methodSig.GetLastTypeHandleThrowing(ClassLoader::DontLoadTypes); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(th.CheckFullyLoaded()); CONSISTENCY_CHECK(th.IsRestored_NoLogging()); } } m_methodSig.Reset(); } #endif // _DEBUG DWORD arg = 0; nStackBytes = m_argIt.SizeOfFrameArgumentArray(); // Create a fake FramedMethodFrame on the stack. // Note that SizeOfFrameArgumentArray does overflow checks with sufficient margin to prevent overflows here DWORD dwAllocaSize = TransitionBlock::GetNegSpaceSize() + sizeof(TransitionBlock) + nStackBytes; LPBYTE pAlloc = (LPBYTE)_alloca(dwAllocaSize); pTransitionBlock = pAlloc + TransitionBlock::GetNegSpaceSize(); #ifdef CALLDESCR_REGTYPEMAP dwRegTypeMap = 0; BYTE* pMap = (BYTE*)&dwRegTypeMap; #endif // CALLDESCR_REGTYPEMAP if (m_argIt.HasThis()) { *((LPVOID*)(pTransitionBlock + m_argIt.GetThisOffset())) = ArgSlotToPtr(pArguments[arg++]); } if (m_argIt.HasRetBuffArg()) { *((LPVOID*)(pTransitionBlock + m_argIt.GetRetBuffArgOffset())) = ArgSlotToPtr(pArguments[arg++]); } #ifdef FEATURE_HFA #ifdef FEATURE_INTERPRETER // Something is necessary for HFA's, but what's below (in the FEATURE_INTERPRETER ifdef) // doesn't seem to do the proper test. It fires, // incorrectly, for a one-word struct that *doesn't* have a ret buff. So we'll try this, instead: // We're here because it doesn't have a ret buff. If it would, except that the struct being returned // is an HFA, *then* assume the invoker made this slot a ret buff pointer. // It's an HFA if the return type is a struct, but it has a non-zero FP return size. // (If it were an HFA, but had a ret buff because it was varargs, then we wouldn't be here. // Also this test won't work for float enums. else if (m_methodSig.GetReturnType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE && m_argIt.GetFPReturnSize() > 0) #else // FEATURE_INTERPRETER else if (ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE == m_methodSig.GetReturnTypeNormalized()) #endif // FEATURE_INTERPRETER { pvRetBuff = ArgSlotToPtr(pArguments[arg++]); } #endif // FEATURE_HFA #ifdef FEATURE_INTERPRETER if (m_argIt.IsVarArg()) { *((LPVOID*)(pTransitionBlock + m_argIt.GetVASigCookieOffset())) = ArgSlotToPtr(pArguments[arg++]); } if (m_argIt.HasParamType()) { *((LPVOID*)(pTransitionBlock + m_argIt.GetParamTypeArgOffset())) = ArgSlotToPtr(pArguments[arg++]); } #endif int ofs; for (; TransitionBlock::InvalidOffset != (ofs = m_argIt.GetNextOffset()); arg++) { #ifdef CALLDESCR_REGTYPEMAP FillInRegTypeMap(ofs, m_argIt.GetArgType(), pMap); #endif #ifdef CALLDESCR_FPARGREGS // Under CALLDESCR_FPARGREGS -ve offsets indicate arguments in floating point registers. If we // have at least one such argument we point the call worker at the floating point area of the // frame (we leave it null otherwise since the worker can perform a useful optimization if it // knows no floating point registers need to be set up). if (TransitionBlock::HasFloatRegister(ofs, m_argIt.GetArgLocDescForStructInRegs()) && (pFloatArgumentRegisters == NULL)) { pFloatArgumentRegisters = (FloatArgumentRegisters*)(pTransitionBlock + TransitionBlock::GetOffsetOfFloatArgumentRegisters()); } #endif ArgDestination argDest(pTransitionBlock, ofs, m_argIt.GetArgLocDescForStructInRegs()); UINT32 stackSize = m_argIt.GetArgSize(); // We need to pass in a pointer, but be careful of the ARG_SLOT calling convention. We might already have a pointer in the ARG_SLOT. PVOID pSrc = stackSize > sizeof(ARG_SLOT) ? (LPVOID)ArgSlotToPtr(pArguments[arg]) : (LPVOID)ArgSlotEndianessFixup((ARG_SLOT*)&pArguments[arg], stackSize); #if defined(UNIX_AMD64_ABI) if (argDest.IsStructPassedInRegs()) { TypeHandle th; m_argIt.GetArgType(&th); argDest.CopyStructToRegisters(pSrc, th.AsMethodTable()->GetNumInstanceFieldBytes(), 0); } else #endif // UNIX_AMD64_ABI { PVOID pDest = argDest.GetDestinationAddress(); switch (stackSize) { case 1: case 2: case 4: *((INT32*)pDest) = (INT32)pArguments[arg]; break; case 8: *((INT64*)pDest) = pArguments[arg]; break; default: // The ARG_SLOT contains a pointer to the value-type #ifdef ENREGISTERED_PARAMTYPE_MAXSIZE if (m_argIt.IsArgPassedByRef()) { *(PVOID*)pDest = pSrc; } else #endif // ENREGISTERED_PARAMTYPE_MAXSIZE if (stackSize > sizeof(ARG_SLOT)) { CopyMemory(pDest, ArgSlotToPtr(pArguments[arg]), stackSize); } else { CopyMemory(pDest, (LPVOID) (&pArguments[arg]), stackSize); } break; } } } fpReturnSize = m_argIt.GetFPReturnSize(); } // END GCX_FORBID & ENABLE_FORBID_GC_LOADER_USE_IN_THIS_SCOPE CallDescrData callDescrData; callDescrData.pSrc = pTransitionBlock + sizeof(TransitionBlock); callDescrData.numStackSlots = nStackBytes / STACK_ELEM_SIZE; #ifdef CALLDESCR_ARGREGS callDescrData.pArgumentRegisters = (ArgumentRegisters*)(pTransitionBlock + TransitionBlock::GetOffsetOfArgumentRegisters()); #endif #ifdef CALLDESCR_RETBUFFARGREG callDescrData.pRetBuffArg = (UINT64*)(pTransitionBlock + TransitionBlock::GetOffsetOfRetBuffArgReg()); #endif #ifdef CALLDESCR_FPARGREGS callDescrData.pFloatArgumentRegisters = pFloatArgumentRegisters; #endif #ifdef CALLDESCR_REGTYPEMAP callDescrData.dwRegTypeMap = dwRegTypeMap; #endif callDescrData.fpReturnSize = fpReturnSize; callDescrData.pTarget = m_pCallTarget; #ifdef FEATURE_INTERPRETER if (transitionToPreemptive) { GCPreemp transitionIfILStub(transitionToPreemptive); DWORD* pLastError = &GetThread()->m_dwLastErrorInterp; CallDescrWorkerInternal(&callDescrData); *pLastError = GetLastError(); } else #endif // FEATURE_INTERPRETER { CallDescrWorkerWithHandler(&callDescrData); } if (pvRetBuff != NULL) { memcpyNoGCRefs(pvRetBuff, &callDescrData.returnValue, sizeof(callDescrData.returnValue)); } if (pReturnValue != NULL) { _ASSERTE(cbReturnValue <= sizeof(callDescrData.returnValue)); memcpyNoGCRefs(pReturnValue, &callDescrData.returnValue, cbReturnValue); #if !defined(_WIN64) && BIGENDIAN { GCX_FORBID(); if (!m_methodSig.Is64BitReturn()) { pReturnValue[0] >>= 32; } } #endif // !defined(_WIN64) && BIGENDIAN } } void CallDefaultConstructor(OBJECTREF ref) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; MethodTable *pMT = ref->GetMethodTable(); PREFIX_ASSUME(pMT != NULL); if (!pMT->HasDefaultConstructor()) { SString ctorMethodName(SString::Utf8, COR_CTOR_METHOD_NAME); COMPlusThrowNonLocalized(kMissingMethodException, ctorMethodName.GetUnicode()); } GCPROTECT_BEGIN (ref); MethodDesc *pMD = pMT->GetDefaultConstructor(); PREPARE_NONVIRTUAL_CALLSITE_USING_METHODDESC(pMD); DECLARE_ARGHOLDER_ARRAY(CtorArgs, 1); CtorArgs[ARGNUM_0] = OBJECTREF_TO_ARGHOLDER(ref); // Call the ctor... CATCH_HANDLER_FOUND_NOTIFICATION_CALLSITE; CALL_MANAGED_METHOD_NORET(CtorArgs); GCPROTECT_END (); }