; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ;; ==++== ;; ;; ;; ==--== #include "ksarm64.h" #include "asmconstants.h" IMPORT CallDescrWorkerUnwindFrameChainHandler ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; This helper routine enregisters the appropriate arguments and makes the ;; actual call. ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;void CallDescrWorkerInternal(CallDescrData * pCallDescrData); NESTED_ENTRY CallDescrWorkerInternal,,CallDescrWorkerUnwindFrameChainHandler PROLOG_SAVE_REG_PAIR fp, lr, #-32! PROLOG_SAVE_REG x19, #16 ;the stack slot at sp+24 is empty for 16 byte alligment mov x19, x0 ; save pCallDescrData in x19 ldr w1, [x19,#CallDescrData__numStackSlots] cbz w1, Ldonestack ;; Add frame padding to ensure frame size is a multiple of 16 (a requirement of the OS ABI). ;; We push two registers (above) and numStackSlots arguments (below). If this comes to an odd number ;; of slots we must pad with another. This simplifies to "if the low bit of numStackSlots is set, ;; extend the stack another eight bytes". ldr x0, [x19,#CallDescrData__pSrc] add x0, x0, x1 lsl #3 ; pSrcEnd=pSrc+8*numStackSlots ands x2, x1, #1 beq Lstackloop ;; This loop copies numStackSlots words ;; from [pSrcEnd-8,pSrcEnd-16,...] to [sp-8,sp-16,...] ;; pad and store one stack slot as number of slots are odd ldr x4, [x0,#-8]! str x4, [sp,#-16]! subs x1, x1, #1 beq Ldonestack Lstackloop ldp x2, x4, [x0,#-16]! stp x2, x4, [sp,#-16]! subs x1, x1, #2 bne Lstackloop Ldonestack ;; If FP arguments are supplied in registers (x9 != NULL) then initialize all of them from the pointer ;; given in x9. ldr x9, [x19,#CallDescrData__pFloatArgumentRegisters] cbz x9, LNoFloatingPoint ldp d0, d1, [x9] ldp d2, d3, [x9, #16] ldp d4, d5, [x9, #32] ldp d6, d7, [x9, #48] LNoFloatingPoint ;; Copy [pArgumentRegisters, ..., pArgumentRegisters + 64] ;; into x0, ..., x7, x8 ldr x9, [x19,#CallDescrData__pArgumentRegisters] ldp x0, x1, [x9] ldp x2, x3, [x9, #16] ldp x4, x5, [x9, #32] ldp x6, x7, [x9, #48] ldr x8, [x9, #64] ;; call pTarget ldr x9, [x19,#CallDescrData__pTarget] blr x9 ldr w3, [x19,#CallDescrData__fpReturnSize] ;; Int return case cbz w3, LIntReturn ;; Float return case cmp w3, #4 beq LFloatReturn ;; Double return case cmp w3, #8 bne LNoDoubleReturn LFloatReturn str d0, [x19, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 0)] b LReturnDone LNoDoubleReturn ;;FloatHFAReturn return case cmp w3, #16 bne LNoFloatHFAReturn stp s0, s1, [x19, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 0)] stp s2, s3, [x19, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 0x08)] b LReturnDone LNoFloatHFAReturn ;;DoubleHFAReturn return case cmp w3, #32 bne LNoDoubleHFAReturn stp d0, d1, [x19, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 0)] stp d2, d3, [x19, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 0x10)] b LReturnDone LNoDoubleHFAReturn EMIT_BREAKPOINT ; Unreachable LIntReturn ;; Save return value(s) into retbuf for int stp x0,x1, [x19, #(CallDescrData__returnValue + 0)] LReturnDone #ifdef _DEBUG ;; trash the floating point registers to ensure that the HFA return values ;; won't survive by accident ldp d0, d1, [sp] ldp d2, d3, [sp, #16] #endif EPILOG_STACK_RESTORE EPILOG_RESTORE_REG x19, #16 ;the stack slot at sp+24 is empty for 16 byte alligment EPILOG_RESTORE_REG_PAIR fp, lr, #32! EPILOG_RETURN NESTED_END END