; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ;; ==++== ;; ;; ;; ==--== #include "ksarm.h" #include "asmconstants.h" #include "asmmacros.h" TEXTAREA ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Start of the writeable code region LEAF_ENTRY JIT_PatchedCodeStart bx lr LEAF_END ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; GC write barrier support. ; ; GC Write barriers are defined in asmhelpers.asm. The following functions are used to define ; patchable location where the write-barriers are copied over at runtime LEAF_ENTRY JIT_PatchedWriteBarrierStart ; Cannot be empty function to prevent LNK1223 bx lr LEAF_END ; These write barriers are overwritten on the fly ; See ValidateWriteBarriers on how the sizes of these should be calculated ALIGN 4 LEAF_ENTRY JIT_WriteBarrier SPACE (0x84) LEAF_END_MARKED JIT_WriteBarrier ALIGN 4 LEAF_ENTRY JIT_CheckedWriteBarrier SPACE (0x9C) LEAF_END_MARKED JIT_CheckedWriteBarrier ALIGN 4 LEAF_ENTRY JIT_ByRefWriteBarrier SPACE (0xA0) LEAF_END_MARKED JIT_ByRefWriteBarrier LEAF_ENTRY JIT_PatchedWriteBarrierLast ; Cannot be empty function to prevent LNK1223 bx lr LEAF_END ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ ; End of the writeable code region LEAF_ENTRY JIT_PatchedCodeLast bx lr LEAF_END ; Must be at very end of file END