// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #ifndef _APPDOMAIN_HELPER_H_ #define _APPDOMAIN_HELPER_H_ #ifndef FEATURE_REMOTING #error FEATURE_REMOTING is not set, please do not include appdomainhelper.h #endif // Marshal a single object into a serialized blob. // // class AppDomainHelper { friend class MarshalCache; // A pair of helper to move serialization info between managed byte-array and // unmanaged blob. static void AppDomainHelper::CopyEncodingToByteArray(IN PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbData, OUT OBJECTREF* pArray); static void AppDomainHelper::CopyByteArrayToEncoding(IN U1ARRAYREF* pArray, OUT PBYTE* ppbData, OUT DWORD* pcbData); public: // Marshal a single object into a serialized blob. static void AppDomainHelper::MarshalObject(IN OBJECTREF *orObject, OUT U1ARRAYREF *porBlob); static void AppDomainHelper::MarshalObject(IN ADID pDomain, IN OBJECTREF *orObject, OUT U1ARRAYREF *porBlob); // Marshal one object into a seraialized blob. static void AppDomainHelper::MarshalObject(IN AppDomain *pDomain, IN OBJECTREF *orObject, OUT BYTE **ppbBlob, OUT DWORD *pcbBlob); // Marshal two objects into serialized blobs. static void AppDomainHelper::MarshalObjects(IN AppDomain *pDomain, IN OBJECTREF *orObject1, IN OBJECTREF *orObject2, OUT BYTE **ppbBlob1, OUT DWORD *pcbBlob1, OUT BYTE **ppbBlob2, OUT DWORD *pcbBlob2); // Unmarshal a single object from a serialized blob. static void AppDomainHelper::UnmarshalObject(IN AppDomain *pDomain, IN U1ARRAYREF *porBlob, OUT OBJECTREF *porObject); // Unmarshal a single object from a serialized blob. static void AppDomainHelper::UnmarshalObject(IN AppDomain *pDomain, IN BYTE *pbBlob, IN DWORD cbBlob, OUT OBJECTREF *porObject); // Unmarshal two objects from serialized blobs. static void AppDomainHelper::UnmarshalObjects(IN AppDomain *pDomain, IN BYTE *pbBlob1, IN DWORD cbBlob1, IN BYTE *pbBlob2, IN DWORD cbBlob2, OUT OBJECTREF *porObject1, OUT OBJECTREF *porObject2); // Copy an object from the given appdomain into the current appdomain. static OBJECTREF AppDomainHelper::CrossContextCopyFrom(IN AppDomain *pAppDomain, IN OBJECTREF *orObject); // Copy an object to the given appdomain from the current appdomain. static OBJECTREF AppDomainHelper::CrossContextCopyTo(IN AppDomain *pAppDomain, IN OBJECTREF *orObject); // Copy an object from the given appdomain into the current appdomain. static OBJECTREF AppDomainHelper::CrossContextCopyFrom(IN ADID dwDomainId, IN OBJECTREF *orObject); // Copy an object to the given appdomain from the current appdomain. static OBJECTREF AppDomainHelper::CrossContextCopyTo(IN ADID dwDomainId, IN OBJECTREF *orObject); }; // Cache the bits needed to serialize/deserialize managed objects that will be // passed across appdomain boundaries during a stackwalk. The serialization is // performed lazily the first time it's needed and remains valid throughout the // stackwalk. The last deserialized object is cached and tagged with its // appdomain context. It's valid as long as we're walking frames within the same // appdomain. // class MarshalCache { public: MarshalCache() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(*this)); } ~MarshalCache() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_pbObj1) delete [] m_pbObj1; if (m_pbObj2) delete [] m_pbObj2; } void EnsureSerializationOK() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; if ((m_sGC.m_orInput1 != NULL && (m_pbObj1 == NULL || m_cbObj1 == 0)) || (m_sGC.m_orInput2 != NULL && (m_pbObj2 == NULL || m_cbObj2 == 0))) { // Serialization went bad -> Throw exception indicating so. COMPlusThrow(kSecurityException, IDS_UNMARSHALABLE_DEMAND_OBJECT); } } void EnsureDeserializationOK() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; if ((m_pbObj1 != NULL && m_sGC.m_orOutput1 == NULL ) || (m_pbObj2 != NULL && m_sGC.m_orOutput2 == NULL ) ) { // DeSerialization went bad -> Throw exception indicating so. COMPlusThrow(kSecurityException, IDS_UNMARSHALABLE_DEMAND_OBJECT); } } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // Set the original value of the first cached object. void SetObject(OBJECTREF orObject) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pOriginalDomain = ::GetAppDomain(); m_sGC.m_orInput1 = orObject; } // Set the original values of both cached objects. void SetObjects(OBJECTREF orObject1, OBJECTREF orObject2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pOriginalDomain = ::GetAppDomain(); m_sGC.m_orInput1 = orObject1; m_sGC.m_orInput2 = orObject2; } #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE // Get a copy of the first object suitable for use in the given appdomain. OBJECTREF GetObject(AppDomain *pDomain) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; CheckADValidity(pDomain, ADV_RUNNINGIN); // No transition -- just return original object. if (pDomain == m_pOriginalDomain) { if (m_fObjectUpdated) UpdateObjectFinish(); return m_sGC.m_orInput1; } // We've already deserialized the object into the correct context. if (pDomain == m_pCachedDomain) return m_sGC.m_orOutput1; // If we've updated the object in a different appdomain from the one we // originally started in, the cached object will be more up to date than // the original. Resync the objects. if (m_fObjectUpdated) UpdateObjectFinish(); // Check whether we've serialized the original input object yet. if (m_pbObj1 == NULL && m_sGC.m_orInput1 != NULL) { AppDomainHelper::MarshalObject(m_pOriginalDomain, &m_sGC.m_orInput1, &m_pbObj1, &m_cbObj1); EnsureSerializationOK(); } // Deserialize into the correct context. if (m_pbObj1 != NULL) { AppDomainHelper::UnmarshalObject(pDomain, m_pbObj1, m_cbObj1, &m_sGC.m_orOutput1); EnsureDeserializationOK(); } m_pCachedDomain = pDomain; return m_sGC.m_orOutput1; } // As above, but retrieve both objects. OBJECTREF GetObjects(AppDomain *pDomain, OBJECTREF *porObject2) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; CheckADValidity(pDomain, ADV_RUNNINGIN); // No transition -- just return original objects. if (pDomain == m_pOriginalDomain) { if (m_fObjectUpdated) UpdateObjectFinish(); *porObject2 = m_sGC.m_orInput2; return m_sGC.m_orInput1; } // We've already deserialized the objects into the correct context. if (pDomain == m_pCachedDomain) { *porObject2 = m_sGC.m_orOutput2; return m_sGC.m_orOutput1; } // If we've updated the object in a different appdomain from the one we // originally started in, the cached object will be more up to date than // the original. Resync the objects. if (m_fObjectUpdated) UpdateObjectFinish(); // Check whether we've serialized the original input objects yet. if ((m_pbObj1 == NULL && m_sGC.m_orInput1 != NULL) || (m_pbObj2 == NULL && m_sGC.m_orInput2 != NULL)) { AppDomainHelper::MarshalObjects(m_pOriginalDomain, &m_sGC.m_orInput1, &m_sGC.m_orInput2, &m_pbObj1, &m_cbObj1, &m_pbObj2, &m_cbObj2); EnsureSerializationOK(); } if (m_pbObj1 != NULL || m_pbObj2 != NULL) { // Deserialize into the correct context. AppDomainHelper::UnmarshalObjects(pDomain, m_pbObj1, m_cbObj1, m_pbObj2, m_cbObj2, &m_sGC.m_orOutput1, &m_sGC.m_orOutput2); EnsureDeserializationOK(); } m_pCachedDomain = pDomain; *porObject2 = m_sGC.m_orOutput2; return m_sGC.m_orOutput1; } // Change the first object (updating the cacheing information // appropriately). void UpdateObject(AppDomain *pDomain, OBJECTREF orObject) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // The cached serialized blob is now useless. CheckADValidity(pDomain, ADV_RUNNINGIN); if (m_pbObj1) delete [] m_pbObj1; m_pbObj1 = NULL; m_cbObj1 = 0; // The object we have now is valid in it's own appdomain, so place that // in the object cache. m_pCachedDomain = pDomain; m_sGC.m_orOutput1 = orObject; // If the object is updated in the original context, just use the new // value as is. In this case we have the data to re-marshal the updated // object as normal, so we can consider the cache fully updated and exit // now. if (pDomain == m_pOriginalDomain) { m_sGC.m_orInput1 = orObject; m_fObjectUpdated = false; return; } // We want to avoid re-marshaling the updated value as long as possible // (it might be updated again before we need its value in a different // context). So set a flag to indicate that the object must be // re-marshaled when the value is queried in a new context. m_fObjectUpdated = true; } // This structure is public only so that it can be GC protected. Do not // access the fields directly, they change in an unpredictable fashion due // to the lazy cacheing algorithm. struct _gc { OBJECTREF m_orInput1; OBJECTREF m_orInput2; OBJECTREF m_orOutput1; OBJECTREF m_orOutput2; } m_sGC; private: // Called after one or more calls to UpdateObject to marshal the updated // object back into its original context (it's assumed we're called in this // context). void UpdateObjectFinish() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(m_fObjectUpdated && m_pbObj1 == NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; AppDomainHelper::MarshalObject(m_pCachedDomain, &m_sGC.m_orOutput1, &m_pbObj1, &m_cbObj1); AppDomainHelper::UnmarshalObject(m_pOriginalDomain, m_pbObj1, m_cbObj1, &m_sGC.m_orInput1); m_fObjectUpdated = false; } BYTE *m_pbObj1; DWORD m_cbObj1; BYTE *m_pbObj2; DWORD m_cbObj2; AppDomain *m_pCachedDomain; AppDomain *m_pOriginalDomain; bool m_fObjectUpdated; }; #endif