; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ; ==++== ; ; ; ==--== include AsmMacros.inc include AsmConstants.inc LEAF_ENTRY GetCurrentSP, _TEXT mov rax, rsp add rax, 8 ret LEAF_END GetCurrentSP, _TEXT LEAF_ENTRY GetCurrentIP, _TEXT mov rax, [rsp] ret LEAF_END GetCurrentIP, _TEXT LEAF_ENTRY GetRBP, _TEXT mov rax, rbp ret LEAF_END GetRBP, _TEXT ;// this is the same implementation as the function of the same name in di\amd64\floatconversion.asm and they must ;// remain in sync. ;// @dbgtodo inspection: remove this function when we remove the ipc event to load the float state ; extern "C" double FPFillR8(void* fpContextSlot); LEAF_ENTRY FPFillR8, _TEXT movdqa xmm0, [rcx] ret LEAF_END FPFillR8, _TEXT LEAF_ENTRY get_cycle_count, _TEXT rdtsc ; time stamp count ret'd in edx:eax shl rdx, 32 mov edx, eax mov rax, rdx ; return tsc in rax ret LEAF_END get_cycle_count, _TEXT ; EXTERN_C void LazyMachStateCaptureState(struct LazyMachState *pState) LEAF_ENTRY LazyMachStateCaptureState, _TEXT mov rdx, [rsp] ; get the return address mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__MachState__m_Capture + 0*8], rdi mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__MachState__m_Capture + 1*8], rsi mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__MachState__m_Capture + 2*8], rbx mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__MachState__m_Capture + 3*8], rbp mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__MachState__m_Capture + 4*8], r12 mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__MachState__m_Capture + 5*8], r13 mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__MachState__m_Capture + 6*8], r14 mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__MachState__m_Capture + 7*8], r15 mov qword ptr [rcx + OFFSETOF__MachState___pRetAddr], 0 mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__LazyMachState__m_CaptureRip], rdx mov [rcx + OFFSETOF__LazyMachState__m_CaptureRsp], rsp ret LEAF_END LazyMachStateCaptureState, _TEXT end