// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. .intel_syntax noprefix #include "unixasmmacros.inc" #include "asmconstants.h" #define real4 dword #define real8 qword //extern CallDescrWorkerUnwindFrameChainHandler:proc // // EXTERN_C void FastCallFinalizeWorker(Object *obj, PCODE funcPtr); // NESTED_ENTRY FastCallFinalizeWorker, _TEXT, NoHandler push_nonvol_reg rbp mov rbp, rsp END_PROLOGUE // // RDI: already contains obj* // RSI: address of finalizer method to call // // !!!!!!!!! // NOTE: you cannot tail call here because we must have the CallDescrWorkerUnwindFrameChainHandler // personality routine on the stack. // !!!!!!!!! call rsi xor rax, rax // epilog pop_nonvol_reg rbp ret NESTED_END FastCallFinalizeWorker, _TEXT //extern "C" void CallDescrWorkerInternal(CallDescrData * pCallDescrData); NESTED_ENTRY CallDescrWorkerInternal, _TEXT, NoHandler push_nonvol_reg rbp mov rbp, rsp push_nonvol_reg rbx alloc_stack 8 // ensure proper alignment of the rsp set_cfa_register rbp, (2*8) END_PROLOGUE mov rbx, rdi // save pCallDescrData in rbx mov ecx, dword ptr [rbx + CallDescrData__numStackSlots] and ecx, ecx jz LOCAL_LABEL(NoStackArguments) test ecx, 1 jz LOCAL_LABEL(StackAligned) push rax LOCAL_LABEL(StackAligned): mov rsi, [rbx + CallDescrData__pSrc] // set source argument list address lea rsi, [rsi + 8 * rcx] LOCAL_LABEL(StackCopyLoop): // copy the arguments to stack top-down to carefully probe for sufficient stack space sub rsi, 8 push qword ptr [rsi] dec ecx jnz LOCAL_LABEL(StackCopyLoop) LOCAL_LABEL(NoStackArguments): // All argument registers are loaded regardless of the actual number // of arguments. mov rax, [rbx + CallDescrData__pArgumentRegisters] mov rdi, [rax + 0] mov rsi, [rax + 8] mov rdx, [rax + 16] mov rcx, [rax + 24] mov r8, [rax + 32] mov r9, [rax + 40] // All float argument registers are loaded regardless of the actual number // of arguments. mov rax, [rbx + CallDescrData__pFloatArgumentRegisters] and rax, rax jz LOCAL_LABEL(NoFloatArguments) movsd xmm0, [rax + 0] movsd xmm1, [rax + 16] movsd xmm2, [rax + 32] movsd xmm3, [rax + 48] movsd xmm4, [rax + 64] movsd xmm5, [rax + 80] movsd xmm6, [rax + 96] movsd xmm7, [rax + 112] LOCAL_LABEL(NoFloatArguments): call qword ptr [rbx + CallDescrData__pTarget] // call target function // Save FP return value mov ecx, dword ptr [rbx + CallDescrData__fpReturnSize] test ecx, ecx jz LOCAL_LABEL(ReturnsInt) cmp ecx, 4 je LOCAL_LABEL(ReturnsFloat) cmp ecx, 8 je LOCAL_LABEL(ReturnsDouble) #if defined(UNIX_AMD64_ABI) && defined(FEATURE_UNIX_AMD64_STRUCT_PASSING) // Struct with two integer eightbytes cmp ecx, 16 jne LOCAL_LABEL(NotTwoIntegerEightbytes) mov qword ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue], rax mov qword ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue + 8], rdx jmp LOCAL_LABEL(Epilog) LOCAL_LABEL(NotTwoIntegerEightbytes): // Struct with the first eightbyte SSE and the second one integer cmp ecx, 16 + 1 jne LOCAL_LABEL(NotFirstSSESecondIntegerEightbyte) movsd real8 ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue], xmm0 mov qword ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue + 8], rax jmp LOCAL_LABEL(Epilog) LOCAL_LABEL(NotFirstSSESecondIntegerEightbyte): // Struct with the first eightbyte integer and the second one SSE cmp ecx, 16 + 2 jne LOCAL_LABEL(NotFirstIntegerSecondSSEEightbyte) mov qword ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue], rax movsd real8 ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue + 8], xmm0 jmp LOCAL_LABEL(Epilog) LOCAL_LABEL(NotFirstIntegerSecondSSEEightbyte): // Struct with two SSE eightbytes cmp ecx, 16 + 3 jne LOCAL_LABEL(Epilog) // unexpected movsd real8 ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue], xmm0 movsd real8 ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue + 8], xmm1 #endif // UNIX_AMD64_ABI && FEATURE_UNIX_AMD64_STRUCT_PASSING jmp LOCAL_LABEL(Epilog) LOCAL_LABEL(ReturnsInt): mov qword ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue], rax LOCAL_LABEL(Epilog): lea rsp, [rbp - 8] // deallocate arguments set_cfa_register rsp, (3*8) pop_nonvol_reg rbx pop_nonvol_reg rbp ret LOCAL_LABEL(ReturnsFloat): movss real4 ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue], xmm0 jmp LOCAL_LABEL(Epilog) LOCAL_LABEL(ReturnsDouble): movsd real8 ptr [rbx+CallDescrData__returnValue], xmm0 jmp LOCAL_LABEL(Epilog) NESTED_END CallDescrWorkerInternal, _TEXT