; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ; ==++== ; ; ; ==--== include AsmMacros.inc include AsmConstants.inc extern GenericPInvokeCalliStubWorker:proc extern VarargPInvokeStubWorker:proc extern JIT_PInvokeEndRarePath:proc extern s_gsCookie:QWORD extern ??_7InlinedCallFrame@@6B@:QWORD extern g_TrapReturningThreads:DWORD ; Min amount of stack space that a nested function should allocate. MIN_SIZE equ 28h ; ; in: ; PINVOKE_CALLI_TARGET_REGISTER (r10) = unmanaged target ; PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGNUM (r11) = sig token ; ; out: ; METHODDESC_REGISTER (r10) = unmanaged target ; LEAF_ENTRY GenericPInvokeCalliHelper, _TEXT ; ; check for existing IL stub ; mov rax, [PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER + OFFSETOF__VASigCookie__pNDirectILStub] test rax, rax jz GenericPInvokeCalliGenILStub ; ; We need to distinguish between a MethodDesc* and an unmanaged target. ; The way we do this is to shift the managed target to the left by one bit and then set the ; least significant bit to 1. This works because MethodDesc* are always 8-byte aligned. ; shl PINVOKE_CALLI_TARGET_REGISTER, 1 or PINVOKE_CALLI_TARGET_REGISTER, 1 ; ; jump to existing IL stub ; jmp rax LEAF_END GenericPInvokeCalliHelper, _TEXT NESTED_ENTRY GenericPInvokeCalliGenILStub, _TEXT PROLOG_WITH_TRANSITION_BLOCK ; ; save target ; mov r12, METHODDESC_REGISTER mov r13, PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER ; ; GenericPInvokeCalliStubWorker(TransitionBlock * pTransitionBlock, VASigCookie * pVASigCookie, PCODE pUnmanagedTarget) ; lea rcx, [rsp + __PWTB_TransitionBlock] ; pTransitionBlock* mov rdx, PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER ; pVASigCookie mov r8, METHODDESC_REGISTER ; pUnmanagedTarget call GenericPInvokeCalliStubWorker ; ; restore target ; mov METHODDESC_REGISTER, r12 mov PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER, r13 EPILOG_WITH_TRANSITION_BLOCK_TAILCALL jmp GenericPInvokeCalliHelper NESTED_END GenericPInvokeCalliGenILStub, _TEXT LEAF_ENTRY VarargPInvokeStub, _TEXT mov PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER, rcx jmp VarargPInvokeStubHelper LEAF_END VarargPInvokeStub, _TEXT LEAF_ENTRY VarargPInvokeStub_RetBuffArg, _TEXT mov PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER, rdx jmp VarargPInvokeStubHelper LEAF_END VarargPInvokeStub_RetBuffArg, _TEXT LEAF_ENTRY VarargPInvokeStubHelper, _TEXT ; ; check for existing IL stub ; mov rax, [PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER + OFFSETOF__VASigCookie__pNDirectILStub] test rax, rax jz VarargPInvokeGenILStub ; ; jump to existing IL stub ; jmp rax LEAF_END VarargPInvokeStubHelper, _TEXT ; ; IN: METHODDESC_REGISTER (R10) stub secret param ; PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER (R11) VASigCookie* ; ; ASSUMES: we already checked for an existing stub to use ; NESTED_ENTRY VarargPInvokeGenILStub, _TEXT PROLOG_WITH_TRANSITION_BLOCK ; ; save target ; mov r12, METHODDESC_REGISTER mov r13, PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER ; ; VarargPInvokeStubWorker(TransitionBlock * pTransitionBlock, VASigCookie *pVASigCookie, MethodDesc *pMD) ; lea rcx, [rsp + __PWTB_TransitionBlock] ; pTransitionBlock* mov rdx, PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER ; pVASigCookie mov r8, METHODDESC_REGISTER ; pMD call VarargPInvokeStubWorker ; ; restore target ; mov METHODDESC_REGISTER, r12 mov PINVOKE_CALLI_SIGTOKEN_REGISTER, r13 EPILOG_WITH_TRANSITION_BLOCK_TAILCALL jmp VarargPInvokeStubHelper NESTED_END VarargPInvokeGenILStub, _TEXT ; ; in: ; InlinedCallFrame (rcx) = pointer to the InlinedCallFrame data, including the GS cookie slot (GS cookie right ; before actual InlinedCallFrame data) ; ; LEAF_ENTRY JIT_PInvokeBegin, _TEXT mov rax, qword ptr [s_gsCookie] mov qword ptr [rcx], rax add rcx, SIZEOF_GSCookie ;; set first slot to the value of InlinedCallFrame::`vftable' (checked by runtime code) lea rax,[??_7InlinedCallFrame@@6B@] mov qword ptr [rcx], rax mov qword ptr [rcx + OFFSETOF__InlinedCallFrame__m_Datum], 0 mov rax, rsp add rax, 8 mov qword ptr [rcx + OFFSETOF__InlinedCallFrame__m_pCallSiteSP], rax mov qword ptr [rcx + OFFSETOF__InlinedCallFrame__m_pCalleeSavedFP], rbp mov rax, [rsp] mov qword ptr [rcx + OFFSETOF__InlinedCallFrame__m_pCallerReturnAddress], rax INLINE_GETTHREAD rax ;; pFrame->m_Next = pThread->m_pFrame; mov rdx, qword ptr [rax + OFFSETOF__Thread__m_pFrame] mov qword ptr [rcx + OFFSETOF__Frame__m_Next], rdx ;; pThread->m_pFrame = pFrame; mov qword ptr [rax + OFFSETOF__Thread__m_pFrame], rcx ;; pThread->m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled = 0 mov dword ptr [rax + OFFSETOF__Thread__m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled], 0 ret LEAF_END JIT_PInvokeBegin, _TEXT ; ; in: ; InlinedCallFrame (rcx) = pointer to the InlinedCallFrame data, including the GS cookie slot (GS cookie right ; before actual InlinedCallFrame data) ; ; LEAF_ENTRY JIT_PInvokeEnd, _TEXT add rcx, SIZEOF_GSCookie INLINE_GETTHREAD rdx ;; rcx = pFrame ;; rdx = pThread ;; pThread->m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled = 1 mov dword ptr [rdx + OFFSETOF__Thread__m_fPreemptiveGCDisabled], 1 ;; Check return trap cmp [g_TrapReturningThreads], 0 jnz RarePath ;; pThread->m_pFrame = pFrame->m_Next mov rax, qword ptr [rcx + OFFSETOF__Frame__m_Next] mov qword ptr [rdx + OFFSETOF__Thread__m_pFrame], rax ret RarePath: jmp JIT_PInvokeEndRarePath LEAF_END JIT_PInvokeEnd, _TEXT end