; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ; ==++== ; ; ; ==--== ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP include AsmMacros.inc include asmconstants.inc ; extern "C" const BYTE* ComPreStubWorker(ComPrestubMethodFrame *pPFrame, UINT64 *pErrorResult) extern ComPreStubWorker:proc extern JIT_FailFast:proc extern s_gsCookie:qword ; extern "C" VOID ComCallPreStub() NESTED_ENTRY ComCallPreStub, _TEXT ; ; Stack layout: ; ; (stack parameters) ; ... ; r9 ; r8 ; rdx ; rcx ; ComPrestubMethodFrame::m_ReturnAddress ; ComPrestubMethodFrame::m_pFuncDesc ; Frame::m_Next ; __VFN_table <-- rsp + ComCallPreStub_ComPrestubMethodFrame_OFFSET ; gsCookie ; HRESULT <-- rsp + ComCallPreStub_HRESULT_OFFSET ; (optional padding to qword align xmm save area) ; xmm3 ; xmm2 ; xmm1 ; xmm0 <-- rsp + ComCallPreStub_XMM_SAVE_OFFSET ; callee's r9 ; callee's r8 ; callee's rdx ; callee's rcx ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = 0 ; ComPrestubMethodFrame MUST be the highest part of the stack frame, ; immediately below the return address, so that ; ComPrestubMethodFrame::m_ReturnAddress and m_FuncDesc are in the right place. ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + SIZEOF__ComPrestubMethodFrame - 8 ComCallPreStub_ComPrestubMethodFrame_NEGOFFSET = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE ; CalleeSavedRegisters MUST be immediately below ComPrestubMethodFrame ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + 8*8 ComCallPreStub_CalleeSavedRegisters_NEGOFFSET = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE ; GSCookie MUST be immediately below CalleeSavedRegisters ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + SIZEOF_GSCookie ; UINT64 (out param to ComPreStubWorker) ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + 8 ComCallPreStub_ERRORRETVAL_NEGOFFSET = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE ; Ensure that the offset of the XMM save area will be 16-byte aligned. if ((ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + SIZEOF__Frame + 8) mod 16) ne 0 ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + 8 endif ; FP parameters (xmm0-xmm3) ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + 40h ComCallPreStub_XMM_SAVE_NEGOFFSET = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE ; Callee scratch area ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + 20h ; Now we have the full size of the stack frame. The offsets have been computed relative to the ; top, so negate them to make them relative to the post-prologue rsp. ComCallPreStub_ComPrestubMethodFrame_OFFSET = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE - ComCallPreStub_ComPrestubMethodFrame_NEGOFFSET OFFSETOF_GSCookie = ComCallPreStub_ComPrestubMethodFrame_OFFSET - SIZEOF_GSCookie ComCallPreStub_ERRORRETVAL_OFFSET = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE - ComCallPreStub_ERRORRETVAL_NEGOFFSET ComCallPreStub_XMM_SAVE_OFFSET = ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE - ComCallPreStub_XMM_SAVE_NEGOFFSET .allocstack 8 ; ComPrestubMethodFrame::m_pFuncDesc, pushed by prepad alloc_stack SIZEOF__ComPrestubMethodFrame - 2*8 ; ; Save ComPrestubMethodFrame* to pass to ComPreStubWorker ; mov r10, rsp ; ; Allocate callee scratch area and save FP parameters ; alloc_stack ComCallPreStub_ComPrestubMethodFrame_OFFSET ; ; Save argument registers ; SAVE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + 8h ; ; spill the fp args ; SAVE_FLOAT_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS ComCallPreStub_XMM_SAVE_OFFSET END_PROLOGUE mov rcx, s_gsCookie mov [rsp + OFFSETOF_GSCookie], rcx ; ; Resolve target. ; mov rcx, r10 lea rdx, [rsp + ComCallPreStub_ERRORRETVAL_OFFSET] call ComPreStubWorker test rax, rax jz ExitError ifdef _DEBUG mov rcx, s_gsCookie cmp [rsp + OFFSETOF_GSCookie], rcx je GoodGSCookie call JIT_FailFast GoodGSCookie: endif ; _DEBUG ; ; Restore FP parameters ; RESTORE_FLOAT_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS ComCallPreStub_XMM_SAVE_OFFSET ; ; Restore integer parameters ; RESTORE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS ComCallPreStub_STACK_FRAME_SIZE + 8h add rsp, ComCallPreStub_ComPrestubMethodFrame_OFFSET + SIZEOF__ComPrestubMethodFrame - 8 TAILJMP_RAX ExitError: mov rax, [rsp + ComCallPreStub_ERRORRETVAL_OFFSET] add rsp, ComCallPreStub_ComPrestubMethodFrame_OFFSET + SIZEOF__ComPrestubMethodFrame - 8 ret NESTED_END ComCallPreStub, _TEXT endif ; FEATURE_COMINTEROP end