// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // /****************************************************************************** FILE : UTSEM.CPP Purpose: Part of the utilities library for the VIPER project Abstract : Implements the UTSemReadWrite class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History: *******************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "clrhost.h" #include "ex.h" #include #include "contract.h" // Consider replacing this with a #ifdef INTEROP_DEBUGGING #if !defined(SELF_NO_HOST) && defined(_TARGET_X86_) // For Interop debugging, the UTSemReadWrite class must inform the debugger // that this thread can't be suspended currently. See vm\util.hpp for the // implementation of these methods. void IncCantStopCount(); void DecCantStopCount(); #else #define IncCantStopCount() #define DecCantStopCount() #endif // !SELF_NO_HOST && _TARGET_X86_ /****************************************************************************** Definitions of the bit fields in UTSemReadWrite::m_dwFlag: Warning: The code assume that READER_MASK is in the low-order bits of the DWORD. ******************************************************************************/ const ULONG READERS_MASK = 0x000003FF; // field that counts number of readers const ULONG READERS_INCR = 0x00000001; // amount to add to increment number of readers // The following field is 2 bits long to make it easier to catch errors. // (If the number of writers ever exceeds 1, we've got problems.) const ULONG WRITERS_MASK = 0x00000C00; // field that counts number of writers const ULONG WRITERS_INCR = 0x00000400; // amount to add to increment number of writers const ULONG READWAITERS_MASK = 0x003FF000; // field that counts number of threads waiting to read const ULONG READWAITERS_INCR = 0x00001000; // amount to add to increment number of read waiters const ULONG WRITEWAITERS_MASK = 0xFFC00000; // field that counts number of threads waiting to write const ULONG WRITEWAITERS_INCR = 0x00400000; // amoun to add to increment number of write waiters // ====================================================================================== // Spinning support // Copy of definition from file:..\VM\spinlock.h #define CALLER_LIMITS_SPINNING 0 #if (defined(SELF_NO_HOST) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE)) || (defined(FEATURE_PAL) && defined(DACCESS_COMPILE)) // When we do not have host, we just call OS - see file:..\VM\hosting.cpp#__SwitchToThread BOOL __SwitchToThread(DWORD dwSleepMSec, DWORD dwSwitchCount) { // This is just simple implementation that does not support full dwSwitchCount arg _ASSERTE(dwSwitchCount == CALLER_LIMITS_SPINNING); return SwitchToThread(); } Volatile g_fInitializedGlobalSystemInfo = FALSE; // Global System Information SYSTEM_INFO g_SystemInfo; // Configurable constants used across our spin locks SpinConstants g_SpinConstants = { 50, // dwInitialDuration 40000, // dwMaximumDuration - ideally (20000 * max(2, numProc)) ... updated in code:InitializeSpinConstants_NoHost 3, // dwBackoffFactor 10 // dwRepetitions }; inline void InitializeSpinConstants_NoHost() { g_SpinConstants.dwMaximumDuration = max(2, g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors) * 20000; } #else //!SELF_NO_HOST || CROSSGEN_COMPILE // Use VM/CrossGen functions and variables BOOL __SwitchToThread (DWORD dwSleepMSec, DWORD dwSwitchCount); extern SYSTEM_INFO g_SystemInfo; extern SpinConstants g_SpinConstants; #endif //!SELF_NO_HOST || CROSSGEN_COMPILE /****************************************************************************** Function : UTSemReadWrite::UTSemReadWrite Abstract: Constructor. ******************************************************************************/ UTSemReadWrite::UTSemReadWrite() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END; #if defined(SELF_NO_HOST) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) if (!g_fInitializedGlobalSystemInfo) { GetSystemInfo(&g_SystemInfo); InitializeSpinConstants_NoHost(); g_fInitializedGlobalSystemInfo = TRUE; } #endif //SELF_NO_HOST && !CROSSGEN_COMPILE m_dwFlag = 0; m_pReadWaiterSemaphore = NULL; m_pWriteWaiterEvent = NULL; } /****************************************************************************** Function : UTSemReadWrite::~UTSemReadWrite Abstract: Destructor ******************************************************************************/ UTSemReadWrite::~UTSemReadWrite() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE_MSG((m_dwFlag == (ULONG)0), "Destroying a UTSemReadWrite while in use"); if (m_pReadWaiterSemaphore != NULL) delete m_pReadWaiterSemaphore; if (m_pWriteWaiterEvent != NULL) delete m_pWriteWaiterEvent; } //======================================================================================= // // Initialize the lock (its semaphore and event) // HRESULT UTSemReadWrite::Init() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERTE(m_pReadWaiterSemaphore == NULL); _ASSERTE(m_pWriteWaiterEvent == NULL); EX_TRY { CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation); m_pReadWaiterSemaphore = new Semaphore(); m_pReadWaiterSemaphore->Create(0, MAXLONG); m_pWriteWaiterEvent = new Event(); m_pWriteWaiterEvent->CreateAutoEvent(FALSE); } EX_CATCH { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions) IfFailGo(hr); ErrExit: return hr; } // UTSemReadWrite::Init /****************************************************************************** Function : UTSemReadWrite::LockRead Abstract: Obtain a shared lock ******************************************************************************/ HRESULT UTSemReadWrite::LockRead() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; // Inform CLR that the debugger shouldn't suspend this thread while // holding this lock. IncCantStopCount(); // First do some spinning - copied from file:..\VM\crst.cpp#CrstBase::SpinEnter for (DWORD iter = 0; iter < g_SpinConstants.dwRepetitions; iter++) { DWORD i = g_SpinConstants.dwInitialDuration; do { DWORD dwFlag = m_dwFlag; if (dwFlag < READERS_MASK) { // There are just readers in the play, try to add one more if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, dwFlag + READERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { goto ReadLockAcquired; } } if (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors <= 1) { // We do not need to spin on a single processor break; } // Delay by approximately 2*i clock cycles (Pentium III). // This is brittle code - future processors may of course execute this // faster or slower, and future code generators may eliminate the loop altogether. // The precise value of the delay is not critical, however, and I can't think // of a better way that isn't machine-dependent. int sum = 0; for (int delayCount = i; --delayCount; ) { sum += delayCount; YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spining } if (sum == 0) { // never executed, just to fool the compiler into thinking sum is live here, // so that it won't optimize away the loop. static char dummy; dummy++; } // exponential backoff: wait a factor longer in the next iteration i *= g_SpinConstants.dwBackoffFactor; } while (i < g_SpinConstants.dwMaximumDuration); __SwitchToThread(0, CALLER_LIMITS_SPINNING); } // Stop spinning // Start waiting for (;;) { DWORD dwFlag = m_dwFlag; if (dwFlag < READERS_MASK) { // There are just readers in the play, try to add one more if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, dwFlag + READERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { break; } } else if ((dwFlag & READERS_MASK) == READERS_MASK) { // The number of readers has reached the maximum (0x3ff), wait 1s ClrSleepEx(1000, FALSE); } else if ((dwFlag & READWAITERS_MASK) == READWAITERS_MASK) { // The number of readers waiting on semaphore has reached the maximum (0x3ff), wait 1s ClrSleepEx(1000, FALSE); } else { // Try to add waiting reader and then wait for signal if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, dwFlag + READWAITERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { m_pReadWaiterSemaphore->Wait(INFINITE, FALSE); break; } } } ReadLockAcquired: _ASSERTE ((m_dwFlag & READERS_MASK) != 0 && "reader count is zero after acquiring read lock"); _ASSERTE ((m_dwFlag & WRITERS_MASK) == 0 && "writer count is nonzero after acquiring write lock"); EE_LOCK_TAKEN(this); return S_OK; } // UTSemReadWrite::LockRead /****************************************************************************** Function : UTSemReadWrite::LockWrite Abstract: Obtain an exclusive lock ******************************************************************************/ HRESULT UTSemReadWrite::LockWrite() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; // Inform CLR that the debugger shouldn't suspend this thread while // holding this lock. IncCantStopCount(); // First do some spinning - copied from file:..\VM\crst.cpp#CrstBase::SpinEnter for (DWORD iter = 0; iter < g_SpinConstants.dwRepetitions; iter++) { DWORD i = g_SpinConstants.dwInitialDuration; do { DWORD dwFlag = m_dwFlag; if (dwFlag == 0) { // No readers/writers in play, try to add a writer if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, WRITERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { goto WriteLockAcquired; } } if (g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors <= 1) { // We do not need to spin on a single processor break; } // Delay by approximately 2*i clock cycles (Pentium III). // This is brittle code - future processors may of course execute this // faster or slower, and future code generators may eliminate the loop altogether. // The precise value of the delay is not critical, however, and I can't think // of a better way that isn't machine-dependent. int sum = 0; for (int delayCount = i; --delayCount; ) { sum += delayCount; YieldProcessor(); // indicate to the processor that we are spining } if (sum == 0) { // never executed, just to fool the compiler into thinking sum is live here, // so that it won't optimize away the loop. static char dummy; dummy++; } // exponential backoff: wait a factor longer in the next iteration i *= g_SpinConstants.dwBackoffFactor; } while (i < g_SpinConstants.dwMaximumDuration); __SwitchToThread(0, CALLER_LIMITS_SPINNING); } // Stop spinning // Start waiting for (;;) { DWORD dwFlag = m_dwFlag; if (dwFlag == 0) { // No readers/writers in play, try to add a writer if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, WRITERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { break; } } else if ((dwFlag & WRITEWAITERS_MASK) == WRITEWAITERS_MASK) { // The number of writers waiting on semaphore has reached the maximum (0x3ff), wait 1s ClrSleepEx(1000, FALSE); } else { // Try to add waiting writer and then wait for signal if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, dwFlag + WRITEWAITERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { m_pWriteWaiterEvent->Wait(INFINITE, FALSE); break; } } } WriteLockAcquired: _ASSERTE ((m_dwFlag & READERS_MASK) == 0 && "reader count is nonzero after acquiring write lock"); _ASSERTE ((m_dwFlag & WRITERS_MASK) == WRITERS_INCR && "writer count is not 1 after acquiring write lock"); EE_LOCK_TAKEN(this); return S_OK; } // UTSemReadWrite::LockWrite /****************************************************************************** Function : UTSemReadWrite::UnlockRead Abstract: Release a shared lock ******************************************************************************/ void UTSemReadWrite::UnlockRead() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END; ULONG dwFlag; _ASSERTE ((m_dwFlag & READERS_MASK) != 0 && "reader count is zero before releasing read lock"); _ASSERTE ((m_dwFlag & WRITERS_MASK) == 0 && "writer count is nonzero before releasing read lock"); for (;;) { dwFlag = m_dwFlag; if (dwFlag == READERS_INCR) { // we're the last reader, and nobody is waiting if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, (ULONG)0, dwFlag)) { break; } } else if ((dwFlag & READERS_MASK) > READERS_INCR) { // we're not the last reader if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, dwFlag - READERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { break; } } else { // here, there should be exactly 1 reader (us), and at least one waiting writer. _ASSERTE ((dwFlag & READERS_MASK) == READERS_INCR && "UnlockRead consistency error 1"); _ASSERTE ((dwFlag & WRITEWAITERS_MASK) != 0 && "UnlockRead consistency error 2"); // one or more writers is waiting, do one of them next // (remove a reader (us), remove a write waiter, add a writer if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT( &m_dwFlag, dwFlag - READERS_INCR - WRITEWAITERS_INCR + WRITERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { m_pWriteWaiterEvent->Set(); break; } } } DecCantStopCount(); EE_LOCK_RELEASED(this); } // UTSemReadWrite::UnlockRead /****************************************************************************** Function : UTSemReadWrite::UnlockWrite Abstract: Release an exclusive lock ******************************************************************************/ void UTSemReadWrite::UnlockWrite() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END; ULONG dwFlag; ULONG count; _ASSERTE ((m_dwFlag & READERS_MASK) == 0 && "reader count is nonzero before releasing write lock"); _ASSERTE ((m_dwFlag & WRITERS_MASK) == WRITERS_INCR && "writer count is not 1 before releasing write lock"); for (;;) { dwFlag = m_dwFlag; if (dwFlag == WRITERS_INCR) { // nobody is waiting if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, (ULONG)0, dwFlag)) { break; } } else if ((dwFlag & READWAITERS_MASK) != 0) { // one or more readers are waiting, do them all next count = (dwFlag & READWAITERS_MASK) / READWAITERS_INCR; // remove a writer (us), remove all read waiters, turn them into readers if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT( &m_dwFlag, dwFlag - WRITERS_INCR - count * READWAITERS_INCR + count * READERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { m_pReadWaiterSemaphore->Release(count, NULL); break; } } else { // one or more writers is waiting, do one of them next _ASSERTE ((dwFlag & WRITEWAITERS_MASK) != 0 && "UnlockWrite consistency error"); // (remove a writer (us), remove a write waiter, add a writer if (dwFlag == InterlockedCompareExchangeT (&m_dwFlag, dwFlag - WRITEWAITERS_INCR, dwFlag)) { m_pWriteWaiterEvent->Set(); break; } } } DecCantStopCount(); EE_LOCK_RELEASED(this); } // UTSemReadWrite::UnlockWrite #ifdef _DEBUG //======================================================================================= BOOL UTSemReadWrite::Debug_IsLockedForRead() { return ((m_dwFlag & READERS_MASK) != 0); } //======================================================================================= BOOL UTSemReadWrite::Debug_IsLockedForWrite() { return ((m_dwFlag & WRITERS_MASK) != 0); } #endif //_DEBUG