// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //***************************************************************************** // // sxshelpers.cpp // // Some helping classes and methods for SxS in mscoree and mscorwks // //***************************************************************************** #include "stdafx.h" #include "utilcode.h" #include "sxshelpers.h" #define SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR_FLAG_IS_SURROGATE (0x00000001) #define SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR_FLAG_IS_CLASS (0x00000002) typedef struct _SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; PCWSTR pcwszRuntimeVersion; PCWSTR pcwszTypeName; PCWSTR pcwszAssemblyIdentity; } SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR, *PSXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR; typedef const SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR *PCSXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR; #define SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_USE_ACTCTX (0x00000001) #define SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_SURROGATE (0x00010000) #define SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_CLR_CLASS (0x00020000) #define SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_ANY (SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_CLR_CLASS | SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_SURROGATE) #define SXS_DLL_NAME_W (W("sxs.dll")) #define SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID ("SxsLookupClrGuid") typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFN_SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID)( IN DWORD dwFlags, IN LPGUID pClsid, IN HANDLE hActCtx, IN OUT PVOID pvOutputBuffer, IN SIZE_T cbOutputBuffer, OUT PSIZE_T pcbOutputBuffer ); // forward declaration BOOL TranslateWin32AssemblyIdentityToFusionDisplayName(__deref_out_z LPWSTR *ppwzFusionDisplayName, PCWSTR lpWin32AssemblyIdentity); // The initial size of the buffer passed to SxsLookupClrGuid. #define INIT_GUID_LOOKUP_BUFFER_SIZE 512 // Function pointer to the function to lookup a CLR type by GUID in the unmanaged // fusion activation context. PFN_SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID g_pfnLookupGuid = NULL; Volatile g_fSxSInfoInitialized = FALSE; HMODULE g_hmSxsDll = NULL; // And Here are the functions for getting shim info from // Win32 activation context // FindShimInfoFromWin32 // // This method is used in ComInterop. If a COM client calls // CoCreateInstance on a managed COM server, we will use this method // trying to find required info of the managed COM server from Win32 subsystem. // If this fails, we will fall back to query the registry. // // Parameters: // rclsid: [in] The CLSID of the managed COM server // bLoadRecord: [in] Set to TRUE if we are looking for a record // *ppwzRuntimeVersion: [out] Runtime version // *ppwzClassName: [out] Class name // *ppwzAssemblyString: [out] Assembly display name // *pfRegFreePIA: [out] TRUE if the entry is // Return: // FAILED(hr) if cannot find shim info from Win32 // SUCCEEDED(HR) if shim info is found from Win32 HRESULT FindShimInfoFromWin32( REFCLSID rClsid, BOOL bLoadRecord, __deref_out_z __deref_opt_out_opt LPWSTR *ppwszRuntimeVersion, __deref_out_z __deref_opt_out_opt LPWSTR *ppwszSupportedRuntimeVersions, __deref_out_z __deref_opt_out_opt LPWSTR *ppwszClassName, __deref_out_z __deref_opt_out_opt LPWSTR *ppwszAssemblyString, BOOL *pfRegFreePIA ) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; CQuickBytes rDataBuffer; SIZE_T cbWritten; HRESULT hr = S_OK; PCSXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR pFoundInfo = NULL; SIZE_T cch; GUID MyGuid = rClsid; DWORD dwFlags = bLoadRecord ? SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_SURROGATE : SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID_FIND_ANY; if (!ppwszRuntimeVersion && !ppwszClassName && !ppwszAssemblyString) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); if (ppwszRuntimeVersion) *ppwszRuntimeVersion = NULL; if (ppwszSupportedRuntimeVersions) *ppwszSupportedRuntimeVersions = NULL; if (ppwszClassName) *ppwszClassName = NULL; if (ppwszAssemblyString) *ppwszAssemblyString = NULL; if (pfRegFreePIA) *pfRegFreePIA = FALSE; // If we haven't initialized the SxS info yet, then do so now. if (!g_fSxSInfoInitialized) { if (g_hmSxsDll == NULL) g_hmSxsDll = WszLoadLibrary(SXS_DLL_NAME_W); if (g_hmSxsDll != NULL) { // Lookup the SxsLookupClrGuid function in the SxS DLL. g_pfnLookupGuid = (PFN_SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID)GetProcAddress(g_hmSxsDll, SXS_LOOKUP_CLR_GUID); } // The SxS info has been initialized. g_fSxSInfoInitialized = TRUE; } // If we don't have the proc address of SxsLookupClrGuid, then return a failure. if (g_pfnLookupGuid == NULL) IfFailGo(E_FAIL); // Resize the CQuickBytes to the initial buffer size. IfFailGo(rDataBuffer.ReSizeNoThrow(INIT_GUID_LOOKUP_BUFFER_SIZE)); if (!g_pfnLookupGuid(dwFlags, &MyGuid, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, rDataBuffer.Ptr(), rDataBuffer.Size(), &cbWritten)) { const DWORD dwLastError = ::GetLastError(); // Failed b/c we need more space? Expand and try again. if (dwLastError == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { IfFailGo(rDataBuffer.ReSizeNoThrow(cbWritten)); // Still failed even with enough space? Bummer. if (!g_pfnLookupGuid(dwFlags, &MyGuid, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, rDataBuffer.Ptr(), rDataBuffer.Size(), &cbWritten)) IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } // All other failures are real failures - probably the section isn't present // or some other problem. else { IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } } pFoundInfo = (PCSXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR)rDataBuffer.Ptr(); if (pFoundInfo->dwFlags == SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR_FLAG_IS_SURROGATE && ppwszRuntimeVersion) { // Surrogate does not have runtime version information !!! IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } // // This is special - translate the win32 assembly name into a managed // assembly identity. // if (ppwszAssemblyString && pFoundInfo->pcwszAssemblyIdentity) { if (!TranslateWin32AssemblyIdentityToFusionDisplayName(ppwszAssemblyString, pFoundInfo->pcwszAssemblyIdentity)) IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } // // For each field, allocate the outbound pointer and call through. // if (ppwszClassName && pFoundInfo->pcwszTypeName) { cch = wcslen(pFoundInfo->pcwszTypeName); if (cch > 0) { IfNullGo(*ppwszClassName = new (nothrow) WCHAR[cch + 1]); wcscpy_s(*ppwszClassName, cch+1, pFoundInfo->pcwszTypeName); } else IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } if (ppwszRuntimeVersion) { if (pFoundInfo->pcwszRuntimeVersion && (cch = wcslen(pFoundInfo->pcwszRuntimeVersion)) > 0) { IfNullGo(*ppwszRuntimeVersion = new (nothrow) WCHAR[cch + 1]); wcscpy_s(*ppwszRuntimeVersion, cch+1, pFoundInfo->pcwszRuntimeVersion); } else { // Sxs.dll returns empty string even when the runtimeVersion attribute is missing so // we cannot tell whether it's not there or is empty. We'll return 1.0 in both cases. // // The goal is to emulate pre-4.0 behavior where this function wasn't called with // non-NULL ppwszRuntimeVersion on the COM activation path at all so shim loaded the // latest runtime on the machine. IfNullGo(*ppwszRuntimeVersion = DuplicateString(V1_VERSION_NUM)); } } if (pfRegFreePIA) { *pfRegFreePIA = (pFoundInfo->dwFlags == SXS_GUID_INFORMATION_CLR_FLAG_IS_SURROGATE); } ErrExit: // // Deallocate in case of failure // if (FAILED(hr)) { if (ppwszRuntimeVersion && *ppwszRuntimeVersion) { delete [] *ppwszRuntimeVersion; *ppwszRuntimeVersion = NULL; } if (ppwszAssemblyString && *ppwszAssemblyString) { delete [] *ppwszAssemblyString; *ppwszAssemblyString = NULL; } if (ppwszClassName && *ppwszClassName) { delete [] *ppwszClassName; *ppwszClassName = NULL; } } return hr; } // TranslateWin32AssemblyIdentityToFusionDisplayName // // Culture info is missing in the assemblyIdentity returned from win32, // So Need to do a little more work here to get the correct fusion display name // // replace "language=" in assemblyIdentity to "culture=" if any. // If "language=" is not present in assemblyIdentity, add "culture=neutral" // to it. // // Also check other attributes as well. // // Parameters: // ppwzFusionDisplayName: the corrected output of assembly displayname // lpWin32AssemblyIdentity: input assemblyIdentity returned from win32 // // returns: // TRUE if the conversion is done. // FALSE otherwise BOOL TranslateWin32AssemblyIdentityToFusionDisplayName(__deref_out_z LPWSTR *ppwzFusionDisplayName, PCWSTR lpWin32AssemblyIdentity) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; size_t size = 0; LPWSTR lpAssemblyIdentityCopy = NULL; LPWSTR lpVersionKey = W("version="); LPWSTR lpPublicKeyTokenKey = W("publickeytoken="); LPWSTR lpCultureKey = W("culture="); LPWSTR lpNeutral = W("neutral"); LPWSTR lpLanguageKey = W("language="); LPWSTR lpMatch = NULL; LPWSTR lpwzFusionDisplayName = NULL; if (ppwzFusionDisplayName == NULL) return FALSE; *ppwzFusionDisplayName = NULL; if (lpWin32AssemblyIdentity == NULL) return FALSE; size = wcslen(lpWin32AssemblyIdentity); if (size == 0) return FALSE; // make a local copy lpAssemblyIdentityCopy = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size+1]; if (!lpAssemblyIdentityCopy) return FALSE; wcscpy_s(lpAssemblyIdentityCopy, size+1, lpWin32AssemblyIdentity); // convert to lower case _wcslwr_s(lpAssemblyIdentityCopy, size+1); // check if "version" key is presented if (!wcsstr(lpAssemblyIdentityCopy, lpVersionKey)) { // version is not presented, append it size += wcslen(lpVersionKey)+8; // length of ","+"" lpwzFusionDisplayName = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size+1]; if (!lpwzFusionDisplayName) { // clean up delete[] lpAssemblyIdentityCopy; return FALSE; } //copy old one wcscpy_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpAssemblyIdentityCopy); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, W(",")); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpVersionKey); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, W("")); // delete the old copy delete[] lpAssemblyIdentityCopy; // lpAssemblyIdentityCopy has the new copy lpAssemblyIdentityCopy = lpwzFusionDisplayName; lpwzFusionDisplayName = NULL; } // check if "publickeytoken" key is presented if (!wcsstr(lpAssemblyIdentityCopy, lpPublicKeyTokenKey)) { // publickeytoken is not presented, append it size += wcslen(lpPublicKeyTokenKey)+5; //length of ","+"null" lpwzFusionDisplayName = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size+1]; if (!lpwzFusionDisplayName) { // clean up delete[] lpAssemblyIdentityCopy; return FALSE; } // copy the old one wcscpy_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpAssemblyIdentityCopy); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, W(",")); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpPublicKeyTokenKey); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, W("null")); // delete the old copy delete[] lpAssemblyIdentityCopy; // lpAssemblyIdentityCopy has the new copy lpAssemblyIdentityCopy = lpwzFusionDisplayName; lpwzFusionDisplayName = NULL; } if (wcsstr(lpAssemblyIdentityCopy, lpCultureKey)) { // culture info is already included in the assemblyIdentity // nothing need to be done lpwzFusionDisplayName = lpAssemblyIdentityCopy; *ppwzFusionDisplayName = lpwzFusionDisplayName; return TRUE; } if ((lpMatch = wcsstr(lpAssemblyIdentityCopy, lpLanguageKey)) !=NULL ) { // language info is included in the assembly identity // need to replace it with culture // final size size += wcslen(lpCultureKey)-wcslen(lpLanguageKey); lpwzFusionDisplayName = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size + 1]; if (!lpwzFusionDisplayName) { // clean up delete[] lpAssemblyIdentityCopy; return FALSE; } wcsncpy_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpAssemblyIdentityCopy, lpMatch-lpAssemblyIdentityCopy); lpwzFusionDisplayName[lpMatch-lpAssemblyIdentityCopy] = W('\0'); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpCultureKey); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpMatch+wcslen(lpLanguageKey)); *ppwzFusionDisplayName = lpwzFusionDisplayName; // clean up delete[] lpAssemblyIdentityCopy; return TRUE; } else { // neither culture or language key is presented // let us attach culture info key to the identity size += wcslen(lpCultureKey)+wcslen(lpNeutral)+1; lpwzFusionDisplayName = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size + 1]; if (!lpwzFusionDisplayName) { // clean up delete[] lpAssemblyIdentityCopy; return FALSE; } wcscpy_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpAssemblyIdentityCopy); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, W(",")); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpCultureKey); wcscat_s(lpwzFusionDisplayName, size+1, lpNeutral); *ppwzFusionDisplayName = lpwzFusionDisplayName; // clean up delete[] lpAssemblyIdentityCopy; return TRUE; } } //**************************************************************************** // AssemblyVersion // // class to handle assembly version // Since only functions in this file will use it, // we declare it in the cpp file so other people won't use it. // //**************************************************************************** // Extract version info from pwzVersion, expecting "a.b.c.d", // where a,b,c and d are all digits. HRESULT AssemblyVersion::Init(__in_z LPCWSTR pcwzVersion, BOOL bStartsWithV) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR pwzVersionCopy = NULL; LPWSTR pwzTokens = NULL; LPWSTR pwzToken = NULL; size_t size = 0; int iVersion = 0; if ((pcwzVersion == NULL) || (*pcwzVersion == W('\0'))) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); // If fStartsWithV is true, then the version string should start with a v. // Verify this and if it is the case, start tokenizing at the character after the v. if (bStartsWithV) { if (*pcwzVersion == W('v') || *pcwzVersion == W('V')) pcwzVersion++; else IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); } IfFailGo(ValidateVersion(pcwzVersion)); size = wcslen(pcwzVersion); IfNullGo(pwzVersionCopy = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size + 1]); wcscpy_s(pwzVersionCopy, size+1, pcwzVersion); pwzTokens = pwzVersionCopy; // parse major version pwzToken = wcstok_s(pwzTokens, W("."),&pwzTokens); if (pwzToken != NULL) { iVersion = _wtoi(pwzToken); if (iVersion > 0xffff) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); _major = (WORD)iVersion; } // parse minor version pwzToken = wcstok_s(pwzTokens, W("."),&pwzTokens); if (pwzToken != NULL) { iVersion = _wtoi(pwzToken); if (iVersion > 0xffff) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); _minor = (WORD)iVersion; } // parse build version pwzToken = wcstok_s(pwzTokens, W("."),&pwzTokens); if (pwzToken != NULL) { iVersion = _wtoi(pwzToken); if (iVersion > 0xffff) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); _build = (WORD)iVersion; } // parse revision version pwzToken = wcstok_s(pwzTokens, W("."),&pwzTokens); if (pwzToken != NULL) { iVersion = _wtoi(pwzToken); if (iVersion > 0xffff) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); _revision = (WORD)iVersion; } ErrExit: if (pwzVersionCopy) delete[] pwzVersionCopy; return hr; } // pcwzVersion must be in format of a.b.c.d, where a, b, c, d are numbers HRESULT AssemblyVersion::ValidateVersion(LPCWSTR pcwzVersion) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; LPCWSTR pwCh = pcwzVersion; INT dots = 0; // number of dots BOOL bIsDot = FALSE; // is previous char a dot? // first char cannot be . if (*pwCh == W('.')) return E_INVALIDARG; for(;*pwCh != W('\0');pwCh++) { if (*pwCh == W('.')) { if (bIsDot) // .. return E_INVALIDARG; else { dots++; bIsDot = TRUE; } } /* // We can't do this sort of validation, because then our v1.2.x86chk version numbers will be invalid else if (!iswdigit(*pwCh)) return E_INVALIDARG; */ else bIsDot = FALSE; } if (dots > 3) return E_INVALIDARG; return S_OK; } BOOL operator==(const AssemblyVersion& version1, const AssemblyVersion& version2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return ((version1._major == version2._major) && (version1._minor == version2._minor) && (version1._build == version2._build) && (version1._revision == version2._revision)); } BOOL operator>=(const AssemblyVersion& version1, const AssemblyVersion& version2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; ULONGLONG ulVersion1; ULONGLONG ulVersion2; ulVersion1 = version1._major; ulVersion1 = (ulVersion1<<16)|version1._minor; ulVersion1 = (ulVersion1<<16)|version1._build; ulVersion1 = (ulVersion1<<16)|version1._revision; ulVersion2 = version2._major; ulVersion2 = (ulVersion2<<16)|version2._minor; ulVersion2 = (ulVersion2<<16)|version2._build; ulVersion2 = (ulVersion2<<16)|version2._revision; return (ulVersion1 >= ulVersion2); } enum RegistryBasePath { RegistryBasePath_Record, RegistryBasePath_CLSID_InprocServer32, RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_32Key, RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_64Key, }; // Find which subkey has the highest verion // If return S_OK, *ppwzHighestVersion has the highest version string. // *pbIsTopKey indicates if top key is the one with highest version. // If return S_FALSE, cannot find any version. *ppwzHighestVersion is set // to NULL, and *pbIsTopKey is TRUE. // If failed, *ppwzHighestVersion will be set to NULL, and *pbIsTopKey is // undefined. // Note: If succeeded, this function will allocate memory for *ppwzVersion. // Caller is responsible to release them HRESULT FindHighestVersion(REFCLSID rclsid, RegistryBasePath basePath, AssemblyVersion *prvHighestAllowed, __deref_out_z LPWSTR *ppwzHighestVersion, BOOL *pbIsTopKey, BOOL *pbIsUnmanagedObject) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szID[64]; WCHAR clsidKeyname[128]; WCHAR wzSubKeyName[32]; DWORD cwSubKeySize; DWORD dwIndex; // subkey index HKEY hKeyCLSID = NULL; HKEY hSubKey = NULL; DWORD type; DWORD size; BOOL bIsTopKey = FALSE; // Does top key have the highest version? BOOL bGotVersion = FALSE; // Do we get anything out of registry? LONG lResult; LPWSTR wzAssemblyString = NULL; DWORD numSubKeys = 0; AssemblyVersion avHighest; WCHAR wzHighest[32]; AssemblyVersion avCurrent; WCHAR wzCurrent[32]; _ASSERTE(pbIsUnmanagedObject != NULL); *pbIsUnmanagedObject = FALSE; if ((ppwzHighestVersion == NULL) || (pbIsTopKey == NULL)) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); *ppwzHighestVersion = NULL; *pbIsTopKey = FALSE; if (!GuidToLPWSTR(rclsid, szID, NumItems(szID))) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); if (basePath == RegistryBasePath_Record) { wcscpy_s(clsidKeyname, 128, W("Record\\")); wcscat_s(clsidKeyname, 128, szID); } else { wcscpy_s(clsidKeyname, 128, W("CLSID\\")); wcscat_s(clsidKeyname, 128, szID); if (basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_InprocServer32) { wcscat_s(clsidKeyname, 128, W("\\InprocServer32")); } else { _ASSERTE(basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_32Key || basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_64Key); wcscat_s(clsidKeyname, 128, W("\\LocalServer32")); } } // Open HKCR\CLSID\ , or HKCR\Record\ REGSAM accessFlags = KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_READ; if (basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_32Key) { // open the WoW key accessFlags |= KEY_WOW64_32KEY; } else if (basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_64Key) { // open the 64-bit key accessFlags |= KEY_WOW64_64KEY; } IfFailWin32Go(WszRegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, clsidKeyname, 0, accessFlags, &hKeyCLSID)); // // Start by looking for a version subkey. // IfFailWin32Go(WszRegQueryInfoKey(hKeyCLSID, NULL, NULL, NULL, &numSubKeys, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < numSubKeys; dwIndex++) { cwSubKeySize = NumItems(wzSubKeyName); IfFailWin32Go(WszRegEnumKeyEx(hKeyCLSID, //HKCR\CLSID\\InprocServer32 dwIndex, // which subkey wzSubKeyName, // subkey name &cwSubKeySize, // size of subkey name NULL, // lpReserved NULL, // lpClass NULL, // lpcbClass NULL)); // lpftLastWriteTime hr = avCurrent.Init(wzSubKeyName, FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { // not valid version subkey, ignore continue; } wcscpy_s(wzCurrent, COUNTOF(wzCurrent), wzSubKeyName); IfFailWin32Go(WszRegOpenKeyEx( hKeyCLSID, wzSubKeyName, 0, accessFlags, &hSubKey)); // Check if this is a non-interop scenario lResult = WszRegQueryValueEx( hSubKey, SBSVERSIONVALUE, NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pbIsUnmanagedObject = TRUE; } // This is an interop assembly else { lResult = WszRegQueryValueEx( hSubKey, W("Assembly"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if (!((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)&&(type == REG_SZ)&&(size > 0))) { // do not have value "Assembly" RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; continue; } lResult = WszRegQueryValueEx( hSubKey, W("Class"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if (!((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)&&(type == REG_SZ)&&(size > 0))) { // do not have value "Class" RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; continue; } lResult = WszRegQueryValueEx( hSubKey, W("RuntimeVersion"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if (!((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS)&&(type == REG_SZ)&&(size > 0))) { // We didn't find a RuntimeVersion value. This is fine for Records since // in V1.1, Records didn't have a RuntimeVersion value. However if we aren't // dealing with a Record, then this version subkey is invalid. if (basePath != RegistryBasePath_Record) { // do not have value "RuntimeVersion" RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; continue; } } else { // If a highest allowed runtime version was specified, make sure that the component // was built with a runtime version lower or equal to the highest. if (prvHighestAllowed) { NewArrayHolder wzRuntimeVersionString = new (nothrow) WCHAR[(size/sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1]; IfNullGo(wzRuntimeVersionString); // RegQueryValueEx() does not guarantee NULL-terminated strings wzRuntimeVersionString[size/sizeof(WCHAR)] = W('\0'); IfFailWin32Go(WszRegQueryValueEx( hSubKey, W("RuntimeVersion"), NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)(WCHAR*)wzRuntimeVersionString, &size)); AssemblyVersion rvCurrent; rvCurrent.Init(wzRuntimeVersionString, TRUE); // We only care about major and minor version number. rvCurrent.SetBuild(0); rvCurrent.SetRevision(0); if ((*prvHighestAllowed) < rvCurrent) { // This version of the component was built with a runtime version higher // than maximum allowed one so we don't want to consider it. RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; continue; } } } } // ok. Now I believe this is a valid subkey RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; if (bGotVersion) { if (avCurrent >= avHighest) { avHighest = avCurrent; wcscpy_s(wzHighest, COUNTOF(wzHighest), wzCurrent); } } else { avHighest = avCurrent; wcscpy_s(wzHighest, COUNTOF(wzHighest), wzCurrent); } bGotVersion = TRUE; } // // If there are no subkeys, then look at the top level key. // if (!bGotVersion) { // make sure value Class exists // If not dealing with record, also make sure RuntimeVersion exists. if ((WszRegQueryValueEx(hKeyCLSID, W("Class"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (type == REG_SZ) && (size > 0)) { // If there is no RuntimeVersion value, we will assume the component was built against // the V1.0 CLR. BOOL bSupportedVersion = TRUE; lResult = WszRegQueryValueEx( hKeyCLSID, W("RuntimeVersion"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if ((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (type == REG_SZ) && (size > 0)) { // If a highest allowed runtime version was specified, make sure that the component // was built with a runtime version lower or equal to the highest. if (prvHighestAllowed) { NewArrayHolder wzRuntimeVersionString = new (nothrow) WCHAR[(size/sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1]; IfNullGo(wzRuntimeVersionString); // RegQueryValueEx() does not guarantee NULL-terminated strings wzRuntimeVersionString[size/sizeof(WCHAR)] = W('\0'); IfFailWin32Go(WszRegQueryValueEx( hKeyCLSID, W("RuntimeVersion"), NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)(WCHAR*)wzRuntimeVersionString, &size)); AssemblyVersion rvCurrent; rvCurrent.Init(wzRuntimeVersionString, TRUE); // We only care about major and minor version number. rvCurrent.SetBuild(0); rvCurrent.SetRevision(0); if ((*prvHighestAllowed) < rvCurrent) { // This version of the component was built with a runtime version higher // than maximum allowed one so we don't want to consider it. bSupportedVersion = FALSE; } } } if (bSupportedVersion) { // Get the size of assembly display name lResult = WszRegQueryValueEx( hKeyCLSID, W("Assembly"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if ((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (type == REG_SZ) && (size > 0)) { IfNullGo(wzAssemblyString = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size + 1]); IfFailWin32Go(WszRegQueryValueEx( hKeyCLSID, W("Assembly"), NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)wzAssemblyString, &size)); // Now we have the assembly display name. // Extract the version out. // first lowercase display name _wcslwr_s(wzAssemblyString,size+1); // locate "version=" LPWSTR pwzVersion = wcsstr(wzAssemblyString, W("version=")); if (pwzVersion) { // point to the character after "version=" pwzVersion += 8; // length of W("version=") // Now find the next W(',') LPWSTR pwzEnd = pwzVersion; while((*pwzEnd != W(',')) && (*pwzEnd != W('\0'))) pwzEnd++; // terminate version string *pwzEnd = W('\0'); // trim version string while(iswspace(*pwzVersion)) pwzVersion++; pwzEnd--; while(iswspace(*pwzEnd)&&(pwzEnd > pwzVersion)) { *pwzEnd = W('\0'); pwzEnd--; } // Make sure the version is valid. if(SUCCEEDED(avHighest.Init(pwzVersion, FALSE))) { // This is the first version found, so it is the highest version wcscpy_s(wzHighest, COUNTOF(wzHighest), pwzVersion); bIsTopKey = TRUE; bGotVersion = TRUE; } } } } } // end of handling of key HKCR\CLSID\\InprocServer32 } if (bGotVersion) { // Now we have the highest version. Copy it out size_t cchHighest = wcslen(wzHighest) + 1; *ppwzHighestVersion = new (nothrow) WCHAR[cchHighest]; wcscpy_s(*ppwzHighestVersion, cchHighest, wzHighest); *pbIsTopKey = bIsTopKey; // return S_OK to indicate we successfully found the highest version. hr = S_OK; } else { // return E_CLASSNOTREG to indicate that we didn't find anything hr = REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG; } ErrExit: if (hKeyCLSID) RegCloseKey(hKeyCLSID); if (hSubKey) RegCloseKey(hSubKey); if (wzAssemblyString) delete[] wzAssemblyString; return hr; } // If the value exists and is retrieved successfully, returns S_OK // If the value does not exist, returns S_FALSE // If some other error occurs, returns error-specific HRESULT static HRESULT ReadRegistryStringValue( HKEYHolder &hKey, LPCWSTR wszName, __deref_out_z __deref_out_opt LPWSTR *pwszValue) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERTE(pwszValue != NULL); *pwszValue = NULL; // extract the string value. DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; NewArrayHolder wszValue(NULL); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(WszRegQueryValueEx(hKey, wszName, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize)); // If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. // If the wszName registry value does not exist, the function returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SUCCESS)) { // The value is not a string if (dwType != REG_SZ) return E_INVALIDARG; if(!ClrSafeInt::addition(dwSize, 1, dwSize)) IfFailWin32Ret(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW); IfNullRet(wszValue = new (nothrow) WCHAR[dwSize]); IfFailWin32Ret(WszRegQueryValueEx(hKey, wszName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)static_cast(wszValue), &dwSize)); hr = S_OK; } else if (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { return S_FALSE; } _ASSERTE(hr == S_OK); wszValue.SuppressRelease(); *pwszValue = wszValue; return hr; } // FindRuntimeVersionFromRegistry // // Find the runtimeVersion corresponding to the highest version HRESULT FindRuntimeVersionFromRegistry( REFCLSID rclsid, __deref_out_z __deref_out_opt LPWSTR *ppwzRuntimeVersion, __deref_out_z __deref_out_opt LPWSTR *ppwzSupportedVersions) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HKEYHolder userKey; WCHAR szID[64]; WCHAR keyname[256]; DWORD size; DWORD type; NewArrayHolder pwzVersion = NULL; BOOL bIsTopKey; BOOL bIsUnmanagedObject = FALSE; NewArrayHolder pwzRuntimeVersion = NULL; NewArrayHolder pwzSupportedRuntimeVersions = NULL; if (ppwzRuntimeVersion == NULL) IfFailRet(E_INVALIDARG); // Initialize the string passed in to NULL. *ppwzRuntimeVersion = NULL; if (ppwzSupportedVersions != NULL) *ppwzSupportedVersions = NULL; // Convert the GUID to its string representation. if (GuidToLPWSTR(rclsid, szID, NumItems(szID)) == 0) IfFailRet(E_INVALIDARG); // retrieve the highest version. IfFailRet(FindHighestVersion(rclsid, RegistryBasePath_CLSID_InprocServer32, NULL, &pwzVersion, &bIsTopKey, &bIsUnmanagedObject)); if (!bIsUnmanagedObject) { // if highest version is in top key, // we will look at HKCR\CLSID\\InprocServer32 or HKCR\Record\ // Otherwise we will look at HKCR\CLSID\\InprocServer32\ or HKCR\Record\\ wcscpy_s(keyname, 256, W("CLSID\\")); wcscat_s(keyname, 256, szID); wcscat_s(keyname, 256, W("\\InprocServer32")); if (!bIsTopKey) { wcscat_s(keyname, 256, W("\\")); wcscat_s(keyname, 256, pwzVersion); } // open the registry key IfFailWin32Ret(WszRegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyname, 0, KEY_READ, &userKey)); // extract the runtime version. IfFailRet(ReadRegistryStringValue(userKey, W("RuntimeVersion"), &pwzRuntimeVersion)); if (hr == S_FALSE) { IfNullRet(pwzRuntimeVersion = DuplicateString(V1_VERSION_NUM)); } // extract the supported runtime versions if (ppwzSupportedVersions != NULL) IfFailRet(ReadRegistryStringValue(userKey, W("SupportedRuntimeVersions"), &pwzSupportedRuntimeVersions)); } else { // We need to prepend the 'v' to the version string IfNullRet(pwzRuntimeVersion = new (nothrow) WCHAR[wcslen(pwzVersion)+1+1]); // +1 for the v, +1 for the null *pwzRuntimeVersion = W('v'); wcscpy_s(pwzRuntimeVersion+1, wcslen(pwzVersion)+1, pwzVersion); } _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // now we have the data, copy it out pwzRuntimeVersion.SuppressRelease(); *ppwzRuntimeVersion = pwzRuntimeVersion; if (ppwzSupportedVersions != NULL) { pwzSupportedRuntimeVersions.SuppressRelease(); *ppwzSupportedVersions = pwzSupportedRuntimeVersions; } return hr; } // FindShimInfoFromRegistry // HRESULT FindShimInfoFromRegistryWorker( REFCLSID rclsid, RegistryBasePath basePath, WORD wHighestRuntimeMajorVersion, WORD wHighestRuntimeMinorVersion, __deref_out_z LPWSTR *ppwzClassName, __deref_out_z LPWSTR *ppwzAssemblyString, __deref_out_z LPWSTR *ppwzCodeBase) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HKEY userKey = NULL; WCHAR szID[64]; WCHAR keyname[256]; DWORD size; DWORD type; LPWSTR pwzVersion = NULL; BOOL bIsTopKey; NewArrayHolder wzClassName = NULL; NewArrayHolder wzAssemblyString = NULL; NewArrayHolder wzCodeBase = NULL; LONG lResult; AssemblyVersion highestRuntimeVersion; // at least one should be specified. // codebase is optional if ((ppwzClassName == NULL) && (ppwzAssemblyString == NULL)) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); // Initialize the strings passed in to NULL. if (ppwzClassName) *ppwzClassName = NULL; if (ppwzAssemblyString) *ppwzAssemblyString = NULL; if (ppwzCodeBase) *ppwzCodeBase = NULL; // Convert the GUID to its string representation. if (GuidToLPWSTR(rclsid, szID, NumItems(szID)) == 0) IfFailGo(E_INVALIDARG); // retrieve the highest version. BOOL bIsUnmanaged = FALSE; // Initialize the highest runtime version based on the passed in major and minor version numbers. highestRuntimeVersion.Init(wHighestRuntimeMajorVersion, wHighestRuntimeMinorVersion, 0, 0); IfFailGo(FindHighestVersion(rclsid, basePath, &highestRuntimeVersion, &pwzVersion, &bIsTopKey, &bIsUnmanaged)); // if highest version is in top key, // we will look at HKCR\CLSID\\{Inproc,Local}Server32 or HKCR\Record\ // Otherwise we will look at HKCR\CLSID\\{Inproc,Local}Server32\ or HKCR\Record\\ if (basePath == RegistryBasePath_Record) { wcscpy_s(keyname, 256, W("Record\\")); wcscat_s(keyname, 256, szID); } else { wcscpy_s(keyname, 256, W("CLSID\\")); wcscat_s(keyname, 256, szID); if (basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_InprocServer32) { wcscat_s(keyname, 256, W("\\InprocServer32")); } else { _ASSERTE(basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_32Key || basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_64Key); wcscat_s(keyname, 256, W("\\LocalServer32")); } } if (!bIsTopKey) { wcscat_s(keyname, 256, W("\\")); wcscat_s(keyname, 256, pwzVersion); } // open the registry REGSAM accessFlags = KEY_READ; if (basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_32Key) { // open the WoW key accessFlags |= KEY_WOW64_32KEY; } else if (basePath == RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_64Key) { // open the 64-bit key accessFlags |= KEY_WOW64_64KEY; } IfFailWin32Go(WszRegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keyname, 0, accessFlags, &userKey)); // get the class name IfFailWin32Go(WszRegQueryValueEx(userKey, W("Class"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size)); IfNullGo(wzClassName = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size + 1]); IfFailWin32Go(WszRegQueryValueEx(userKey, W("Class"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)wzClassName.GetValue(), &size)); // get the assembly string IfFailWin32Go(WszRegQueryValueEx(userKey, W("Assembly"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size)); IfNullGo(wzAssemblyString = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size + 1]); IfFailWin32Go(WszRegQueryValueEx(userKey, W("Assembly"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)wzAssemblyString.GetValue(), &size)); // get the code base if requested if (ppwzCodeBase) { // get the codebase, however not finding it does not constitute // a fatal error. lResult = WszRegQueryValueEx(userKey, W("CodeBase"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if ((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (type == REG_SZ) && (size > 0)) { IfNullGo(wzCodeBase = new (nothrow) WCHAR[size + 1]); IfFailWin32Go(WszRegQueryValueEx(userKey, W("CodeBase"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)wzCodeBase.GetValue(), &size)); } } // now we got everything. Copy them out if (ppwzClassName) *ppwzClassName = wzClassName.Extract(); if (ppwzAssemblyString) *ppwzAssemblyString = wzAssemblyString.Extract(); if (ppwzCodeBase) *ppwzCodeBase = wzCodeBase.Extract(); hr = S_OK; ErrExit: if (userKey) RegCloseKey(userKey); if (pwzVersion) delete[] pwzVersion; return hr; } // Find shim info corresponding to the highest version HRESULT FindShimInfoFromRegistry( REFCLSID rclsid, BOOL bLoadRecord, WORD wHighestRuntimeMajorVersion, WORD wHighestRuntimeMinorVersion, __deref_out_z LPWSTR *ppwzClassName, __deref_out_z LPWSTR *ppwzAssemblyString, __deref_out_z LPWSTR *ppwzCodeBase) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; if (bLoadRecord) { return FindShimInfoFromRegistryWorker(rclsid, RegistryBasePath_Record, wHighestRuntimeMajorVersion, wHighestRuntimeMinorVersion, ppwzClassName, ppwzAssemblyString, ppwzCodeBase); } // try InprocServer32 first HRESULT hr = FindShimInfoFromRegistryWorker(rclsid, RegistryBasePath_CLSID_InprocServer32, wHighestRuntimeMajorVersion, wHighestRuntimeMinorVersion, ppwzClassName, ppwzAssemblyString, ppwzCodeBase); // if it fails try both 64-bit and WoW LocalServer32 if (FAILED(hr)) { // prefer the bitness of the process, use the other bitness as a fallback hr = FindShimInfoFromRegistryWorker(rclsid, #ifdef _WIN64 RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_64Key, #else // _WIN64 RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_32Key, #endif // _WIN64 wHighestRuntimeMajorVersion, wHighestRuntimeMinorVersion, ppwzClassName, ppwzAssemblyString, ppwzCodeBase); if (FAILED(hr) #ifndef _WIN64 && RunningInWow64() #endif // !_WIN64 ) { hr = FindShimInfoFromRegistryWorker(rclsid, #ifdef _WIN64 RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_32Key, #else // _WIN64 RegistryBasePath_CLSID_LocalServer32_64Key, #endif // _WIN64 wHighestRuntimeMajorVersion, wHighestRuntimeMinorVersion, ppwzClassName, ppwzAssemblyString, ppwzCodeBase); } } return hr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Gets config file name from Win32 manifest file. Strips the last extension (.manifest) from the manifest // file name. Doesn't strip the last extension if it is '.exe'. // // Note: Config file name could be already set in activation context by COM+ (out-of-process COM) - they // pick up CLR version information from registry. // // Arguments: // wszBuffer - [in, out] The buffer to fill the configuration file name (can be NULL) // cBuffer - [in] Size of the buffer in wide characters // pcNameSize - [out] Size of the name filled in the buffer (in wide characters including terminating null). // Can be NULL. // // Return value: // S_OK - Success. Buffer (wszBuffer) and config file name size (pcNameSize) are filled. // HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) - Buffer is too small for filling config file name. // Sets pcNameSize (if not NULL) to the size of config file name including null terminator. // HRESULT GetConfigFileFromWin32Manifest(__out_ecount(cBuffer) WCHAR *wszBuffer, SIZE_T cBuffer, SIZE_T *pcNameSize) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hActCtx = NULL; SIZE_T cbInfo = 0; SIZE_T cConfigFileName = 0; // Get detailed information about activation activation context if (!WszQueryActCtxW(0, // Flags hActCtx, // Activation context being queried NULL, // Specific to the information class ActivationContextDetailedInformation, // Information class - detailed information NULL, // [out] Buffer 0, // [in] Buffer size &cbInfo)) // [out] Written/required sized in buffer { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { CQuickBytes qbInfo; ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DETAILED_INFORMATION *pInfo = NULL; pInfo = (ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DETAILED_INFORMATION *)qbInfo.AllocNoThrow(cbInfo); IfNullGo(pInfo); if (WszQueryActCtxW(0, // Flags hActCtx, // Activation context being queried NULL, // Specific to the information class ActivationContextDetailedInformation, // Information class - detailed information pInfo, // [out] Buffer cbInfo, // [in] Buffer size &cbInfo) && // [out] Written size in the buffer pInfo->ulAppDirPathType == ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PATH_TYPE_WIN32_FILE) { // Application manifest was loaded from Win32 file (not an URL, AssemblyRef etc.) WCHAR *wszConfigFileName = NULL; CQuickWSTR qwszConfigFileName; if (pInfo->lpRootConfigurationPath != NULL) { // Configuration file name is provided, use it wszConfigFileName = (WCHAR *)pInfo->lpRootConfigurationPath; } else if (pInfo->lpRootManifestPath != NULL) { // Manifest file name is provided, use it SIZE_T cManifestFileName = wcslen(pInfo->lpRootManifestPath); if (cManifestFileName != 0) { // Manifest file does exist WCHAR wszConfigFileExtension[] = W(".config"); SIZE_T cConfigFileExtension = sizeof(wszConfigFileExtension) / sizeof(WCHAR); // Allocate space for manifest file name + .config + terminating null // (included in .config extension) SIZE_T cConfigFileNameAllocated = cManifestFileName + cConfigFileExtension; wszConfigFileName = qwszConfigFileName.AllocNoThrow(cConfigFileNameAllocated); IfNullGo(wszConfigFileName); // Use manifest file name as the template for config file name wcscpy_s(wszConfigFileName, cConfigFileNameAllocated, pInfo->lpRootManifestPath); // Find the last extension in the manifest file name (or NULL if not found) LPWSTR wszLastExtension = wcsrchr(wszConfigFileName, W('.')); // Is the manifest file in an external separate file? if ((wszLastExtension != NULL) && (_wcsicmp(wszLastExtension, W(".exe")) != 0)) { // It is an external manifest file (with .manifest or similar extension) // Excluded are files without an extension and with .exe extension (embeded // manifest in executable resources) // Strip the last extension in the manifest file name *wszLastExtension = 0; } // Manifest file name has stripped last extension (.manifest) // Append the .config extension behind the manifest file name wcscat_s(wszConfigFileName, cConfigFileNameAllocated, wszConfigFileExtension); } } // Do we have a configuration file name? if (wszConfigFileName != NULL) { // We have a configuration file name // Get the real configuration file name length (including terminating null) cConfigFileName = wcslen(wszConfigFileName) + 1; // Check the output buffer - is its size sufficient? if ((wszBuffer == NULL) || (cConfigFileName > cBuffer)) { // Insufficient output buffer (too small or not passed) IfFailGo(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)); } else { // Fill output buffer wcscpy_s(wszBuffer, cConfigFileName, wszConfigFileName); } } } } } ErrExit: // Should we return config file name size? if (pcNameSize != NULL) { // We should return name size // Return either copied size or potentially copied size *pcNameSize = cConfigFileName; } return hr; } HRESULT GetApplicationPathFromWin32Manifest(__out_ecount(dwBuffer) WCHAR* buffer, SIZE_T dwBuffer, SIZE_T* pSize) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Get the basic activation context first. ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DETAILED_INFORMATION* pInfo = NULL; SIZE_T length = 0; HANDLE hActCtx = NULL; SIZE_T nCount = 0; if (!WszQueryActCtxW(0, hActCtx, NULL, ActivationContextDetailedInformation, NULL, nCount, &nCount)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { pInfo = (ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_DETAILED_INFORMATION*) alloca(nCount); if (WszQueryActCtxW(0, hActCtx, NULL, ActivationContextDetailedInformation, pInfo, nCount, &nCount) && pInfo->ulAppDirPathType == ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_PATH_TYPE_WIN32_FILE) { if(pInfo->lpAppDirPath) { length = wcslen(pInfo->lpAppDirPath) + 1; if(length > dwBuffer || buffer == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } else { wcscpy_s(buffer, dwBuffer, pInfo->lpAppDirPath); } } } } } if(pSize) *pSize = length; return hr; }