// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "sigbuilder.h" #include "ex.h" void SigBuilder::AppendByte(BYTE b) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; Ensure(1); m_pBuffer[m_dwLength++] = b; } void SigBuilder::AppendData(ULONG data) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // // Inlined logic from CorSigCompressData // if (data <= 0x7F) { Ensure(1); m_pBuffer[m_dwLength++] = BYTE(data); return; } if (data <= 0x3FFF) { Ensure(2); DWORD dwLength = m_dwLength; BYTE * pBuffer = m_pBuffer; pBuffer[dwLength] = BYTE((data >> 8) | 0x80); pBuffer[dwLength+1] = BYTE(data); m_dwLength = dwLength + 2; return; } if (data <= 0x1FFFFFFF) { Ensure(4); DWORD dwLength = m_dwLength; BYTE * pBuffer = m_pBuffer; pBuffer[dwLength] = BYTE((data >> 24) | 0xC0); pBuffer[dwLength+1] = BYTE(data >> 16); pBuffer[dwLength+2] = BYTE(data >> 8); pBuffer[dwLength+3] = BYTE(data); m_dwLength = dwLength + 4; return; } // We currently can only represent to 0x1FFFFFFF. ThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); } void SigBuilder::AppendToken(mdToken tk) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; // // Inlined logic from CorSigCompressToken // RID rid = RidFromToken(tk); ULONG32 ulTyp = TypeFromToken(tk); _ASSERTE(rid <= 0x3FFFFFF); rid = (rid << 2); // TypeDef is encoded with low bits 00 // TypeRef is encoded with low bits 01 // TypeSpec is encoded with low bits 10 // BaseType is encoded with low bit 11 // if (ulTyp == g_tkCorEncodeToken[0]) { // make the last two bits 00 // nothing to do } else if (ulTyp == g_tkCorEncodeToken[1]) { // make the last two bits 01 rid |= 0x1; } else if (ulTyp == g_tkCorEncodeToken[2]) { // make last two bits 0 rid |= 0x2; } else if (ulTyp == g_tkCorEncodeToken[3]) { rid |= 0x3; } else { ThrowHR(COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT); } AppendData(rid); } void SigBuilder::AppendBlob(const PVOID pBlob, SIZE_T cbBlob) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; Ensure(cbBlob); memcpy(m_pBuffer + m_dwLength, pBlob, cbBlob); m_dwLength += (DWORD)cbBlob; } void SigBuilder::Grow(SIZE_T cbMin) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; DWORD dwNewAllocation = max(m_dwLength + (DWORD)cbMin, 2 * m_dwAllocation); // Overflow checks if (dwNewAllocation < m_dwLength || (dwNewAllocation - m_dwLength) < cbMin) ThrowOutOfMemory(); BYTE * pNewAllocation = new BYTE[dwNewAllocation]; memcpy(pNewAllocation, m_pBuffer, m_dwLength); BYTE * pOldAllocation = m_pBuffer; m_pBuffer = pNewAllocation; m_dwAllocation = dwNewAllocation; if (pOldAllocation != m_prealloc) delete [] pOldAllocation; } SigBuilder::~SigBuilder() { if (m_pBuffer != m_prealloc) delete [] m_pBuffer; } SigBuilder::SigBuilder(DWORD cbPreallocationSize) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_dwLength = 0; if (cbPreallocationSize <= sizeof(m_prealloc)) { m_pBuffer = m_prealloc; m_dwAllocation = sizeof(m_prealloc); } else { m_pBuffer = new BYTE[cbPreallocationSize]; m_dwAllocation = cbPreallocationSize; } }