// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // /*****************************************************************/ /* OutString.cpp */ /*****************************************************************/ /* A simple, lightweight, character output stream, with very few external dependancies (like sprintf ... ) */ /* Date : 2/1/99 */ /*****************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "outstring.h" /*****************************************************************/ // print out 'count' instances of the character 'c' OutString& OutString::pad(size_t count, char c) { if (cur+count > end) Realloc(count); memset(cur, c, count); cur = cur + count; return(*this); } /*****************************************************************/ // prints out a decimal representation OutString& OutString::operator<<(double d) { if (d == 0.0) { *this << "0.0"; return *this; } if (d < 0) { d = -d; *this << '-'; } // compute the exponent int exponent = 0; while (d > 10.0) { d /= 10; exponent++; if (exponent > 500) { // avoids a possible infinite loop *this << "INF"; return *this; } } while (d < 1.0) { d *= 10; --exponent; if (exponent < -500) { // avoids a possible infinite loop *this << "0.0"; return *this; } } // we now have a normalized d (between 1 and 10) double delta = .5E-10; d += delta; // round to the precision we are displaying unsigned trailingZeros = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int digit = (int) d; d = (d - digit) * 10; // ISSUE: does roundoff ever bite us here? if (digit == 0) // defer printing traiing zeros trailingZeros++; else { if (trailingZeros > 0) { this->pad(trailingZeros, '0'); trailingZeros = 0; } *this << (char) ('0' + digit); } if (i == 0) *this << '.'; } if (exponent != 0) { *this << 'E'; *this << exponent; } return(*this); } /*****************************************************************/ // prints out a decimal representation OutString& OutString::dec(int i, size_t minWidth) { char buff[12]; // big enough for any number (10 digits, - sign, null term) char* ptr = &buff[11]; *ptr = 0; unsigned val = i; if (i < 0) val = -i; // note this happens to also work for minint! for(;;) { if (val < 10) { *--ptr = '0' + val; break; } *--ptr = '0' + (val % 10); val = val / 10; } if (i < 0) *--ptr = '-'; size_t len = &buff[11] - ptr; // length of string if (len < minWidth) pad(minWidth-len, ' '); *this << ptr; return(*this); } /*****************************************************************/ OutString& OutString::hex(unsigned __int64 i, int minWidth, unsigned flags) { unsigned hi = unsigned(i >> 32); unsigned low = unsigned(i); if (hi != 0) { minWidth -= 8; hex(hi, minWidth, flags); // print upper bits flags = zeroFill; minWidth = 8; } return hex(low, minWidth, flags); // print lower bits } /*****************************************************************/ OutString& OutString::hex(unsigned i, int minWidth, unsigned flags) { char buff[12]; // big enough for any number char* ptr = &buff[11]; *ptr = 0; static const char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for(;;) { if (i < 16) { *--ptr = digits[i]; break; } *--ptr = digits[(i % 16)]; i = i / 16; } size_t len = &buff[11] - ptr; // length of string if (flags & put0x) { if (flags & zeroFill) *this << "0x"; else *--ptr = 'x', *--ptr = '0'; len += 2; } if (len < (size_t)minWidth) pad(minWidth-len, (flags & zeroFill) ? '0' : ' '); *this << ptr; return(*this); } /*****************************************************************/ void OutString::Realloc(size_t neededSpace) { size_t oldSize = cur-start; size_t newSize = (oldSize + neededSpace) * 3 / 2 + 32; char* oldBuff = start; start = new char[newSize+1]; memcpy(start, oldBuff, oldSize); cur = &start[oldSize]; end = &start[newSize]; delete [] oldBuff; }