// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // //***************************************************************************** // NamespaceUtil.cpp // // // Helpers for converting namespace separators. // //***************************************************************************** #include "stdafx.h" #include "corhdr.h" #include "corhlpr.h" #include "sstring.h" #include "utilcode.h" #ifndef _ASSERTE #define _ASSERTE(foo) #endif #include "nsutilpriv.h" //***************************************************************************** // Determine how many chars large a fully qualified name would be given the // two parts of the name. The return value includes room for every character // in both names, as well as room for the separator and a final terminator. //***************************************************************************** int ns::GetFullLength( // Number of chars in full name. const WCHAR *szNameSpace, // Namspace for value. const WCHAR *szName) // Name of value. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; int iLen = 1; // Null terminator. if (szNameSpace) iLen += (int)wcslen(szNameSpace); if (szName) iLen += (int)wcslen(szName); if (szNameSpace && *szNameSpace && szName && *szName) ++iLen; return iLen; } //int ns::GetFullLength() int ns::GetFullLength( // Number of chars in full name. LPCUTF8 szNameSpace, // Namspace for value. LPCUTF8 szName) // Name of value. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; int iLen = 1; if (szNameSpace) iLen += (int)strlen(szNameSpace); if (szName) iLen += (int)strlen(szName); if (szNameSpace && *szNameSpace && szName && *szName) ++iLen; return iLen; } //int ns::GetFullLength() //***************************************************************************** // Scan the string from the rear looking for the first valid separator. If // found, return a pointer to it. Else return null. This code is smart enough // to skip over special sequences, such as: // a.b..ctor // ^ // | // The ".ctor" is considered one token. //***************************************************************************** WCHAR *ns::FindSep( // Pointer to separator or null. const WCHAR *szPath) // The path to look in. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; _ASSERTE(szPath); WCHAR *ptr = (WCHAR*)wcsrchr(szPath, NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_WCHAR); if((ptr == NULL) || (ptr == szPath)) return NULL; if(*(ptr - 1) == NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_WCHAR) // here ptr is at least szPath+1 --ptr; return ptr; } //WCHAR *ns::FindSep() //@todo: this isn't dbcs safe if this were ansi, but this is utf8. Still an issue? LPUTF8 ns::FindSep( // Pointer to separator or null. LPCUTF8 szPath) // The path to look in. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; STATIC_CONTRACT_SUPPORTS_DAC; _ASSERTE(szPath); LPUTF8 ptr = const_cast(strrchr(szPath, NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_CHAR)); if((ptr == NULL) || (ptr == szPath)) return NULL; if(*(ptr - 1) == NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_CHAR) // here ptr is at least szPath+1 --ptr; return ptr; } //LPUTF8 ns::FindSep() //***************************************************************************** // Take a path and find the last separator (nsFindSep), and then replace the // separator with a '\0' and return a pointer to the name. So for example: // a.b.c // becomes two strings "a.b" and "c" and the return value points to "c". //***************************************************************************** WCHAR *ns::SplitInline( // Pointer to name portion. __inout __inout_z WCHAR *szPath) // The path to split. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; WCHAR *ptr = ns::FindSep(szPath); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; ++ptr; } return ptr; } // WCHAR *ns::SplitInline() LPUTF8 ns::SplitInline( // Pointer to name portion. __inout __inout_z LPUTF8 szPath) // The path to split. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; LPUTF8 ptr = ns::FindSep(szPath); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; ++ptr; } return ptr; } // LPUTF8 ns::SplitInline() void ns::SplitInline( __inout __inout_z LPWSTR szPath, // Path to split. LPCWSTR &szNameSpace, // Return pointer to namespace. LPCWSTR &szName) // Return pointer to name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; WCHAR *ptr = SplitInline(szPath); if (ptr) { szNameSpace = szPath; szName = ptr; } else { szNameSpace = 0; szName = szPath; } } // void ns::SplitInline() void ns::SplitInline( __inout __inout_z LPUTF8 szPath, // Path to split. LPCUTF8 &szNameSpace, // Return pointer to namespace. LPCUTF8 &szName) // Return pointer to name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; LPUTF8 ptr = SplitInline(szPath); if (ptr) { szNameSpace = szPath; szName = ptr; } else { szNameSpace = 0; szName = szPath; } } // void ns::SplitInline() //***************************************************************************** // Split the last parsable element from the end of the string as the name, // the first part as the namespace. //***************************************************************************** int ns::SplitPath( // true ok, false trunction. const WCHAR *szPath, // Path to split. __out_ecount(cchNameSpace) WCHAR *szNameSpace, // Output for namespace value. int cchNameSpace, // Max chars for output. __out_ecount(cchName) WCHAR *szName, // Output for name. int cchName) // Max chars for output. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; const WCHAR *ptr = ns::FindSep(szPath); size_t iLen = (ptr) ? ptr - szPath : 0; size_t iCopyMax; int brtn = true; if (szNameSpace && cchNameSpace) { _ASSERTE(cchNameSpace > 1); iCopyMax = cchNameSpace - 1; iCopyMax = min(iCopyMax, iLen); wcsncpy_s(szNameSpace, cchNameSpace, szPath, iCopyMax); szNameSpace[iCopyMax] = 0; if (iLen >= (size_t)cchNameSpace) brtn = false; } if (szName && cchName) { _ASSERTE(cchName > 1); iCopyMax = cchName - 1; if (ptr) ++ptr; else ptr = szPath; iLen = (int)wcslen(ptr); iCopyMax = min(iCopyMax, iLen); wcsncpy_s(szName, cchName, ptr, iCopyMax); szName[iCopyMax] = 0; if (iLen >= (size_t)cchName) brtn = false; } return brtn; } // int ns::SplitPath() int ns::SplitPath( // true ok, false trunction. LPCUTF8 szPath, // Path to split. __out_ecount_opt (cchNameSpace) LPUTF8 szNameSpace, // Output for namespace value. int cchNameSpace, // Max chars for output. __out_ecount_opt (cchName) LPUTF8 szName, // Output for name. int cchName) // Max chars for output. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; LPCUTF8 ptr = ns::FindSep(szPath); size_t iLen = (ptr) ? ptr - szPath : 0; size_t iCopyMax; int brtn = true; if (szNameSpace && cchNameSpace) { _ASSERTE(cchNameSpace > 1); iCopyMax = cchNameSpace-1; iCopyMax = min(iCopyMax, iLen); strncpy_s(szNameSpace, cchNameSpace, szPath, iCopyMax); szNameSpace[iCopyMax] = 0; if (iLen >= (size_t)cchNameSpace) brtn = false; } if (szName && cchName) { _ASSERTE(cchName > 1); iCopyMax = cchName-1; if (ptr) ++ptr; else ptr = szPath; iLen = (int)strlen(ptr); iCopyMax = min(iCopyMax, iLen); strncpy_s(szName, cchName, ptr, iCopyMax); szName[iCopyMax] = 0; if (iLen >= (size_t)cchName) brtn = false; } return brtn; } // int ns::SplitPath() //***************************************************************************** // Take two values and put them together in a fully qualified path using the // correct separator. //***************************************************************************** int ns::MakePath( // true ok, false truncation. __out_ecount(cchChars) WCHAR *szOut, // output path for name. int cchChars, // max chars for output path. const WCHAR *szNameSpace, // Namespace. const WCHAR *szName) // Name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; if (cchChars < 1) return false; if (szOut) *szOut = 0; else return false; if (szNameSpace && *szNameSpace != W('\0')) { if (wcsncpy_s(szOut, cchChars, szNameSpace, _TRUNCATE) == STRUNCATE) return false; // Add namespace separator if a non-empty name was supplied if (szName && *szName != W('\0')) { if (wcsncat_s(szOut, cchChars, NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_WSTR, _TRUNCATE) == STRUNCATE) { return false; } } } if (szName && *szName) { if (wcsncat_s(szOut, cchChars, szName, _TRUNCATE) == STRUNCATE) return false; } return true; } // int ns::MakePath() int ns::MakePath( // true ok, false truncation. __out_ecount(cchChars) LPUTF8 szOut, // output path for name. int cchChars, // max chars for output path. LPCUTF8 szNameSpace, // Namespace. LPCUTF8 szName) // Name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; if (cchChars < 1) return false; if (szOut) *szOut = 0; else return false; if (szNameSpace && *szNameSpace != W('\0')) { if (strncpy_s(szOut, cchChars, szNameSpace, _TRUNCATE) == STRUNCATE) return false; // Add namespace separator if a non-empty name was supplied if (szName && *szName != W('\0')) { if (strncat_s(szOut, cchChars, NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_STR, _TRUNCATE) == STRUNCATE) { return false; } } } if (szName && *szName) { if (strncat_s(szOut, cchChars, szName, _TRUNCATE) == STRUNCATE) return false; } return true; } // int ns::MakePath() int ns::MakePath( // true ok, false truncation. __out_ecount(cchChars) WCHAR *szOut, // output path for name. int cchChars, // max chars for output path. LPCUTF8 szNamespace, // Namespace. LPCUTF8 szName) // Name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; if (cchChars < 1) return false; if (szOut) *szOut = 0; else return false; if (szNamespace != NULL && *szNamespace != '\0') { if (cchChars < 2) return false; int count; // We use cBuffer - 2 to account for the '.' and at least a 1 character name below. count = WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, szNamespace, -1, szOut, cchChars-2); if (count == 0) return false; // Supply a bigger buffer! // buffer access is bounded: WszMultiByteToWideChar returns 0 if access doesn't fit in range #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning( suppress: 26015 ) #endif szOut[count-1] = NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_WCHAR; szOut += count; cchChars -= count; } if (((cchChars == 0) && (szName != NULL) && (*szName != '\0')) || (WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, szName, -1, szOut, cchChars) == 0)) return false; // supply a bigger buffer! return true; } // int ns::MakePath() int ns::MakePath( // true ok, false out of memory CQuickBytes &qb, // Where to put results. LPCUTF8 szNameSpace, // Namespace for name. LPCUTF8 szName) // Final part of name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; int iLen = 2; if (szNameSpace) iLen += (int)strlen(szNameSpace); if (szName) iLen += (int)strlen(szName); LPUTF8 szOut = (LPUTF8) qb.AllocNoThrow(iLen); if (!szOut) return false; return ns::MakePath(szOut, iLen, szNameSpace, szName); } // int ns::MakePath() int ns::MakePath( // true ok, false out of memory CQuickArray &qa, // Where to put results. LPCUTF8 szNameSpace, // Namespace for name. LPCUTF8 szName) // Final part of name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; int iLen = 2; if (szNameSpace) iLen += (int)strlen(szNameSpace); if (szName) iLen += (int)strlen(szName); WCHAR *szOut = (WCHAR *) qa.AllocNoThrow(iLen); if (!szOut) return false; return ns::MakePath(szOut, iLen, szNameSpace, szName); } // int ns::MakePath() int ns::MakePath( // true ok, false out of memory CQuickBytes &qb, // Where to put results. const WCHAR *szNameSpace, // Namespace for name. const WCHAR *szName) // Final part of name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; int iLen = 2; if (szNameSpace) iLen += (int)wcslen(szNameSpace); if (szName) iLen += (int)wcslen(szName); WCHAR *szOut = (WCHAR *) qb.AllocNoThrow(iLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!szOut) return false; return ns::MakePath(szOut, iLen, szNameSpace, szName); } // int ns::MakePath() void ns::MakePath( // throws on out of memory SString &ssBuf, // Where to put results. const SString &ssNameSpace, // Namespace for name. const SString &ssName) // Final part of name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; ssBuf.Clear(); if (!ssNameSpace.IsEmpty()) { if (ssName.IsEmpty()) { ssBuf.Set(ssNameSpace); } else { SString s(SString::Literal, NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR_WSTR); ssBuf.Set(ssNameSpace, s); } } if (!ssName.IsEmpty()) { ssBuf.Append(ssName); } } bool ns::MakeAssemblyQualifiedName( // true ok, false truncation __out_ecount(dwBuffer) WCHAR* pBuffer, // Buffer to recieve the results int dwBuffer, // Number of characters total in buffer const WCHAR *szTypeName, // Namespace for name. int dwTypeName, // Number of characters (not including null) const WCHAR *szAssemblyName, // Final part of name. int dwAssemblyName) // Number of characters (not including null) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; if (dwBuffer < 2) return false; int iCopyMax = 0; _ASSERTE(pBuffer); *pBuffer = NULL; if (szTypeName && *szTypeName != W('\0')) { _ASSERTE(dwTypeName > 0); iCopyMax = min(dwBuffer-1, dwTypeName); wcsncpy_s(pBuffer, dwBuffer, szTypeName, iCopyMax); dwBuffer -= iCopyMax; } if (szAssemblyName && *szAssemblyName != W('\0')) { if(dwBuffer < ASSEMBLY_SEPARATOR_LEN) return false; for(DWORD i = 0; i < ASSEMBLY_SEPARATOR_LEN; i++) pBuffer[iCopyMax+i] = ASSEMBLY_SEPARATOR_WSTR[i]; dwBuffer -= ASSEMBLY_SEPARATOR_LEN; if(dwBuffer == 0) return false; int iCur = iCopyMax + ASSEMBLY_SEPARATOR_LEN; _ASSERTE(dwAssemblyName > 0); iCopyMax = min(dwBuffer-1, dwAssemblyName); wcsncpy_s(pBuffer + iCur, dwBuffer, szAssemblyName, iCopyMax); pBuffer[iCur + iCopyMax] = W('\0'); if (iCopyMax < dwAssemblyName) return false; } else { if(dwBuffer == 0) { PREFIX_ASSUME(iCopyMax > 0); pBuffer[iCopyMax-1] = W('\0'); return false; } else pBuffer[iCopyMax] = W('\0'); } return true; } // int ns::MakePath() bool ns::MakeAssemblyQualifiedName( // true ok, false out of memory CQuickBytes &qb, // Where to put results. const WCHAR *szTypeName, // Namespace for name. const WCHAR *szAssemblyName) // Final part of name. { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; int iTypeName = 0; int iAssemblyName = 0; if (szTypeName) iTypeName = (int)wcslen(szTypeName); if (szAssemblyName) iAssemblyName = (int)wcslen(szAssemblyName); int iLen = ASSEMBLY_SEPARATOR_LEN + iTypeName + iAssemblyName + 1; // Space for null terminator WCHAR *szOut = (WCHAR *) qb.AllocNoThrow(iLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!szOut) return false; bool ret; ret = ns::MakeAssemblyQualifiedName(szOut, iLen, szTypeName, iTypeName, szAssemblyName, iAssemblyName); _ASSERTE(ret); return true; } int ns::MakeNestedTypeName( // true ok, false out of memory CQuickBytes &qb, // Where to put results. LPCUTF8 szEnclosingName, // Full name for enclosing type LPCUTF8 szNestedName) // Full name for nested type { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; _ASSERTE(szEnclosingName && szNestedName); int iLen = 2; iLen += (int)strlen(szEnclosingName); iLen += (int)strlen(szNestedName); LPUTF8 szOut = (LPUTF8) qb.AllocNoThrow(iLen); if (!szOut) return false; return ns::MakeNestedTypeName(szOut, iLen, szEnclosingName, szNestedName); } // int ns::MakeNestedTypeName() int ns::MakeNestedTypeName( // true ok, false truncation. __out_ecount (cchChars) LPUTF8 szOut, // output path for name. int cchChars, // max chars for output path. LPCUTF8 szEnclosingName, // Full name for enclosing type LPCUTF8 szNestedName) // Full name for nested type { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; if (cchChars < 1) return false; int iCopyMax = 0, iLen; int brtn = true; *szOut = 0; iLen = (int)strlen(szEnclosingName); iCopyMax = min(cchChars-1, iLen); strncpy_s(szOut, cchChars, szEnclosingName, iCopyMax); if (iLen >= cchChars) brtn = false; szOut[iCopyMax] = NESTED_SEPARATOR_CHAR; int iCur = iCopyMax+1; // iCopyMax characters + nested_separator_char cchChars -= iCur; if(cchChars == 0) return false; iLen = (int)strlen(szNestedName); iCopyMax = min(cchChars-1, iLen); strncpy_s(&szOut[iCur], cchChars, szNestedName, iCopyMax); szOut[iCur + iCopyMax] = 0; if (iLen >= cchChars) brtn = false; return brtn; } // int ns::MakeNestedTypeName() void ns::MakeNestedTypeName( // throws on out of memory SString &ssBuf, // output path for name. const SString &ssEnclosingName, // Full name for enclosing type const SString &ssNestedName) // Full name for nested type { STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; ssBuf.Clear(); ssBuf.Append(ssEnclosingName); ssBuf.Append(NESTED_SEPARATOR_WCHAR); ssBuf.Append(ssNestedName); }