// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // /*** *makepath.c - create path name from components * * *Purpose: * To provide support for creation of full path names from components * *******************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "winwrap.h" #include "utilcode.h" #include "ex.h" /*** *void _makepath() - build path name from components * *Purpose: * create a path name from its individual components * *Entry: * WCHAR *path - pointer to buffer for constructed path * WCHAR *drive - pointer to drive component, may or may not contain * trailing ':' * WCHAR *dir - pointer to subdirectory component, may or may not include * leading and/or trailing '/' or '\' characters * WCHAR *fname - pointer to file base name component * WCHAR *ext - pointer to extension component, may or may not contain * a leading '.'. * *Exit: * path - pointer to constructed path name * *Exceptions: * *******************************************************************************/ void MakePath ( __out_ecount (MAX_LONGPATH) WCHAR *path, __in LPCWSTR drive, __in LPCWSTR dir, __in LPCWSTR fname, __in LPCWSTR ext ) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END const WCHAR *p; DWORD count = 0; /* we assume that the arguments are in the following form (although we * do not diagnose invalid arguments or illegal filenames (such as * names longer than 8.3 or with illegal characters in them) * * drive: * A ; or * A: * dir: * \top\next\last\ ; or * /top/next/last/ ; or * either of the above forms with either/both the leading * and trailing / or \ removed. Mixed use of '/' and '\' is * also tolerated * fname: * any valid file name * ext: * any valid extension (none if empty or null ) */ /* copy drive */ if (drive && *drive) { *path++ = *drive; *path++ = _T(':'); count += 2; } /* copy dir */ if ((p = dir)) { while (*p) { *path++ = *p++; count++; if (count == MAX_LONGPATH) { --path; *path = _T('\0'); return; } } #ifdef _MBCS if (*(p=_mbsdec(dir,p)) != _T('/') && *p != _T('\\')) { #else /* _MBCS */ // suppress warning for the following line; this is safe but would require significant code // delta for prefast to understand. #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning( suppress: 26001 ) #endif if (*(p-1) != _T('/') && *(p-1) != _T('\\')) { #endif /* _MBCS */ *path++ = _T('\\'); count++; if (count == MAX_LONGPATH) { --path; *path = _T('\0'); return; } } } /* copy fname */ if ((p = fname)) { while (*p) { *path++ = *p++; count++; if (count == MAX_LONGPATH) { --path; *path = _T('\0'); return; } } } /* copy ext, including 0-terminator - check to see if a '.' needs * to be inserted. */ if ((p = ext)) { if (*p && *p != _T('.')) { *path++ = _T('.'); count++; if (count == MAX_LONGPATH) { --path; *path = _T('\0'); return; } } while ((*path++ = *p++)) { count++; if (count == MAX_LONGPATH) { --path; *path = _T('\0'); return; } } } else { /* better add the 0-terminator */ *path = _T('\0'); } } #if !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) static LPCWSTR g_wszProcessExePath = NULL; HRESULT GetProcessExePath(LPCWSTR *pwszProcessExePath) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CONSISTENCY_CHECK(CheckPointer(pwszProcessExePath)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (g_wszProcessExePath == NULL) { NewArrayHolder wszProcName = new (nothrow) WCHAR[_MAX_PATH]; IfNullRet(wszProcName); DWORD cchProcName = WszGetModuleFileName(NULL, wszProcName, _MAX_PATH); if (cchProcName == 0) { return HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&g_wszProcessExePath, const_cast(wszProcName.GetValue()), NULL) == NULL) { wszProcName.SuppressRelease(); } } _ASSERTE(g_wszProcessExePath != NULL); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); *pwszProcessExePath = g_wszProcessExePath; return hr; } #endif