// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // Simple Logging Facility // #include "stdafx.h" // // Define LOGGING by default in a checked build. If you want to log in a free // build, define logging independent of _DEBUG here and each place you want // to use it. // #ifdef _DEBUG #define LOGGING #endif #include "log.h" #include "utilcode.h" #ifdef LOGGING #define DEFAULT_LOGFILE_NAME W("COMPLUS.LOG") #define LOG_ENABLE_FILE_LOGGING 0x0001 #define LOG_ENABLE_FLUSH_FILE 0x0002 #define LOG_ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOGGING 0x0004 #define LOG_ENABLE_APPEND_FILE 0x0010 #define LOG_ENABLE_DEBUGGER_LOGGING 0x0020 #define LOG_ENABLE 0x0040 static DWORD LogFlags = 0; static CQuickWSTR szLogFileName; static HANDLE LogFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static MUTEX_COOKIE LogFileMutex = 0; static DWORD LogFacilityMask = LF_ALL; static DWORD LogFacilityMask2 = 0; static DWORD LogVMLevel = LL_INFO100; // @todo FIX should probably only display warnings and above by default VOID InitLogging() { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; // FIX bit of a workaround for now, check for the log file in the // registry and if there, turn on file logging VPM LogFlags |= REGUTIL::GetConfigFlag_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogEnable, LOG_ENABLE); LogFacilityMask = REGUTIL::GetConfigDWORD_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogFacility, LogFacilityMask) | LF_ALWAYS; LogVMLevel = REGUTIL::GetConfigDWORD_DontUse_(CLRConfig::EXTERNAL_LogLevel, LogVMLevel); LogFlags |= REGUTIL::GetConfigFlag_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogFileAppend, LOG_ENABLE_APPEND_FILE); LogFlags |= REGUTIL::GetConfigFlag_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogFlushFile, LOG_ENABLE_FLUSH_FILE); LogFlags |= REGUTIL::GetConfigFlag_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogToDebugger, LOG_ENABLE_DEBUGGER_LOGGING); LogFlags |= REGUTIL::GetConfigFlag_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogToFile, LOG_ENABLE_FILE_LOGGING); LogFlags |= REGUTIL::GetConfigFlag_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogToConsole, LOG_ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOGGING); LogFacilityMask2 = REGUTIL::GetConfigDWORD_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogFacility2, LogFacilityMask2) | LF_ALWAYS; if (SUCCEEDED(szLogFileName.ReSizeNoThrow(MAX_LONGPATH))) { wcscpy_s(szLogFileName.Ptr(), szLogFileName.Size(), DEFAULT_LOGFILE_NAME); } LPWSTR fileName = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogFile); if (fileName != 0) { if (SUCCEEDED(szLogFileName.ReSizeNoThrow(wcslen(fileName) + 32))) { wcscpy_s(szLogFileName.Ptr(), szLogFileName.Size(), fileName); } delete fileName; } if (REGUTIL::GetConfigDWORD_DontUse_(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LogWithPid, FALSE)) { WCHAR szPid[20]; swprintf_s(szPid, COUNTOF(szPid), W(".%d"), GetCurrentProcessId()); wcscat_s(szLogFileName.Ptr(), szLogFileName.Size(), szPid); } if ((LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE) && (LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_FILE_LOGGING) && (szLogFileName.Size() > 0) && (LogFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { DWORD fdwCreate = (LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_APPEND_FILE) ? OPEN_ALWAYS : CREATE_ALWAYS; LogFileHandle = WszCreateFile( szLogFileName.Ptr(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, fdwCreate, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN | ((LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_FLUSH_FILE) ? FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH : 0), NULL); if(0 == LogFileMutex) { LogFileMutex = ClrCreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, NULL); _ASSERTE(LogFileMutex != 0); } // Some other logging may be going on, try again with another file name if (LogFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && wcslen(szLogFileName.Ptr()) + 3 <= szLogFileName.Size()) { WCHAR* ptr = szLogFileName.Ptr() + wcslen(szLogFileName.Ptr()) + 1; ptr[-1] = W('.'); ptr[0] = W('0'); ptr[1] = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { LogFileHandle = WszCreateFile( szLogFileName.Ptr(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, fdwCreate, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN | ((LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_FLUSH_FILE) ? FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH : 0), NULL); if (LogFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) break; *ptr = *ptr + 1; } if (LogFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int ret = WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szLogFileName.Ptr(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); const char *msg = "Could not open log file, logging to "; DWORD msgLen = (DWORD)strlen(msg); CQuickSTR buff; if (SUCCEEDED(buff.ReSizeNoThrow(ret + msgLen))) { strcpy_s(buff.Ptr(), buff.Size(), msg); WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szLogFileName.Ptr(), -1, buff.Ptr() + msgLen, ret, NULL, NULL); msg = buff.Ptr(); } else { msg = "Could not open log file"; } DWORD written; WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), msg, (DWORD)strlen(msg), &written, 0); } } if (LogFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) UtilMessageBoxNonLocalized(NULL, W("Could not open log file"), W("CLR logging"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, FALSE, TRUE); if (LogFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_APPEND_FILE) SetFilePointer(LogFileHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_END); LogSpew( LF_ALWAYS, FATALERROR, "************************ New Output *****************\n" ); } } } VOID EnterLogLock() { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; // We don't care about violating CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK in debug-only builds, and it's // rather hard to care about this, as we LOG all over the place. CONTRACT_VIOLATION(TakesLockViolation); if(LogFileMutex != 0) { DWORD status; status = ClrWaitForMutex(LogFileMutex, INFINITE, FALSE); _ASSERTE(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == status); } } VOID LeaveLogLock() { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if(LogFileMutex != 0) { BOOL success; success = ClrReleaseMutex(LogFileMutex); _ASSERTE(success); } } static bool bLoggingInitialized = false; VOID InitializeLogging() { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; if (bLoggingInitialized) return; bLoggingInitialized = true; InitLogging(); // You can call this in the debugger to fetch new settings } VOID FlushLogging() { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; if (LogFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // We must take the lock, as an OS deadlock can occur between // FlushFileBuffers and WriteFile. EnterLogLock(); FlushFileBuffers( LogFileHandle ); LeaveLogLock(); } } VOID ShutdownLogging() { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; if (LogFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LogSpew( LF_ALWAYS, FATALERROR, "Logging shutting down\n"); CloseHandle( LogFileHandle ); } LogFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; bLoggingInitialized = false; } bool LoggingEnabled() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return ((LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE) != 0); } bool LoggingOn(DWORD facility, DWORD level) { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; _ASSERTE(LogFacilityMask & LF_ALWAYS); // LF_ALWAYS should always be enabled return((LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE) && level <= LogVMLevel && (facility & LogFacilityMask)); } bool Logging2On(DWORD facility2, DWORD level) { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; _ASSERTE(LogFacilityMask2 & LF_ALWAYS); // LF_ALWAYS should always be enabled return((LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE) && level <= LogVMLevel && (facility2 & LogFacilityMask2)); } // // Don't use me directly, use the macros in log.h // VOID LogSpewValist(DWORD facility, DWORD level, const char *fmt, va_list args) { SCAN_IGNORE_FAULT; // calls to new (nothrow) in logging code are OK STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if (!LoggingOn(facility, level)) return; DEBUG_ONLY_FUNCTION; LogSpewAlwaysValist(fmt, args); } VOID LogSpew2Valist(DWORD facility2, DWORD level, const char *fmt, va_list args) { SCAN_IGNORE_FAULT; // calls to new (nothrow) in logging code are OK STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if (!Logging2On(facility2, level)) return; DEBUG_ONLY_FUNCTION; LogSpewAlwaysValist(fmt, args); } VOID LogSpewAlwaysValist(const char *fmt, va_list args) { SCAN_IGNORE_FAULT; // calls to new (nothrow) in logging code are OK STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; DEBUG_ONLY_FUNCTION; // We can't do heap allocations at all. The current thread may have // suspended another thread, and the suspended thread may be inside of the // heap lock. // // (Some historical comments:) // // We must operate with a very small stack (in case we're logging durring // a stack overflow) // // We're going to bypass our debug memory allocator and just allocate memory from // the process heap. Why? Because our debug memory allocator will log out of memory // conditions. If we're low on memory, and we try to log an out of memory condition, and we try // and allocate memory again using the debug allocator, we could (and probably will) hit // another low memory condition, try to log it, and we spin indefinately until we hit a stack overflow. const int BUFFERSIZE = 1000; static char rgchBuffer[BUFFERSIZE]; EnterLogLock(); char * pBuffer = &rgchBuffer[0]; DWORD buflen = 0; DWORD written; static bool needsPrefix = true; if (needsPrefix) buflen = sprintf_s(pBuffer, COUNTOF(rgchBuffer), "TID %04x: ", GetCurrentThreadId()); needsPrefix = (fmt[strlen(fmt)-1] == '\n'); int cCountWritten = _vsnprintf(&pBuffer[buflen], BUFFERSIZE-buflen, fmt, args ); pBuffer[BUFFERSIZE-1] = 0; if (cCountWritten < 0) { buflen = BUFFERSIZE - 1; } else { buflen += cCountWritten; } // Its a little late for this, but at least you wont continue // trashing your program... _ASSERTE((buflen < (DWORD) BUFFERSIZE) && "Log text is too long!") ; #if !PLATFORM_UNIX //convert NL's to CR NL to fixup notepad const int BUFFERSIZE2 = BUFFERSIZE + 500; char rgchBuffer2[BUFFERSIZE2]; char * pBuffer2 = &rgchBuffer2[0]; char *d = pBuffer2; for (char *p = pBuffer; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '\n') { _ASSERTE(d < pBuffer2 + BUFFERSIZE2); *(d++) = '\r'; } _ASSERTE(d < pBuffer2 + BUFFERSIZE2); *(d++) = *p; } *d = 0; buflen = (DWORD)(d - pBuffer2); pBuffer = pBuffer2; #endif // PLATFORM_UNIX if (LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_FILE_LOGGING && LogFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WriteFile(LogFileHandle, pBuffer, buflen, &written, NULL); if (LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_FLUSH_FILE) { FlushFileBuffers( LogFileHandle ); } } if (LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOGGING) { WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), pBuffer, buflen, &written, 0); //@TODO ...Unnecessary to flush console? if (LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_FLUSH_FILE) FlushFileBuffers( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) ); } if (LogFlags & LOG_ENABLE_DEBUGGER_LOGGING) { OutputDebugStringA(pBuffer); } LeaveLogLock(); } VOID LogSpew(DWORD facility, DWORD level, const char *fmt, ... ) { STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; ENTER_SO_NOT_MAINLINE_CODE; #ifdef SELF_NO_HOST if (TRUE) #else //!SELF_NO_HOST if (CanThisThreadCallIntoHost()) #endif //!SELF_NO_HOST { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); LogSpewValist (facility, level, fmt, args); va_end(args); } else { // Cannot acquire the required lock, as this would call back // into the host. Eat the log message. } LEAVE_SO_NOT_MAINLINE_CODE; } VOID LogSpew2(DWORD facility2, DWORD level, const char *fmt, ... ) { STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; ENTER_SO_NOT_MAINLINE_CODE; #ifdef SELF_NO_HOST if (TRUE) #else //!SELF_NO_HOST if (CanThisThreadCallIntoHost()) #endif //!SELF_NO_HOST { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); LogSpew2Valist(facility2, level, fmt, args); va_end(args); } else { // Cannot acquire the required lock, as this would call back // into the host. Eat the log message. } LEAVE_SO_NOT_MAINLINE_CODE; } VOID LogSpewAlways (const char *fmt, ... ) { STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; ENTER_SO_NOT_MAINLINE_CODE; #ifdef SELF_NO_HOST if (TRUE) #else //!SELF_NO_HOST if (CanThisThreadCallIntoHost()) #endif //!SELF_NO_HOST { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); LogSpewValist (LF_ALWAYS, LL_ALWAYS, fmt, args); va_end(args); } else { // Cannot acquire the required lock, as this would call back // into the host. Eat the log message. } LEAVE_SO_NOT_MAINLINE_CODE; } #endif // LOGGING