// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "stdafx.h" // Precompiled header key. #include "loaderheap.h" #include "ex.h" #include "pedecoder.h" #define DONOT_DEFINE_ETW_CALLBACK #include "eventtracebase.h" #define LHF_EXECUTABLE 0x1 #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE INDEBUG(DWORD UnlockedLoaderHeap::s_dwNumInstancesOfLoaderHeaps = 0;) #ifdef RANDOMIZE_ALLOC #include static class Random { public: Random() { seed = (unsigned int)time(NULL); } unsigned int Next() { return ((seed = seed * 214013L + 2531011L) >> 16) & 0x7fff; } private: unsigned int seed; } s_random; #endif namespace { #if !defined(SELF_NO_HOST) // ETW available only in the runtime inline void EtwAllocRequest(UnlockedLoaderHeap * const pHeap, void* ptr, size_t dwSize) { FireEtwAllocRequest(pHeap, ptr, static_cast(dwSize), 0, 0, GetClrInstanceId()); } #else #define EtwAllocRequest(pHeap, ptr, dwSize) ((void)0) #endif // SELF_NO_HOST } // // RangeLists are constructed so they can be searched from multiple // threads without locking. They do require locking in order to // be safely modified, though. // RangeList::RangeList() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; InitBlock(&m_starterBlock); m_firstEmptyBlock = &m_starterBlock; m_firstEmptyRange = 0; } RangeList::~RangeList() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; RangeListBlock *b = m_starterBlock.next; while (b != NULL) { RangeListBlock *bNext = b->next; delete b; b = bNext; } } void RangeList::InitBlock(RangeListBlock *b) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; Range *r = b->ranges; Range *rEnd = r + RANGE_COUNT; while (r < rEnd) r++->id = NULL; b->next = NULL; } BOOL RangeList::AddRangeWorker(const BYTE *start, const BYTE *end, void *id) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(return FALSE;); } CONTRACTL_END _ASSERTE(id != NULL); RangeListBlock *b = m_firstEmptyBlock; Range *r = b->ranges + m_firstEmptyRange; Range *rEnd = b->ranges + RANGE_COUNT; while (TRUE) { while (r < rEnd) { if (r->id == NULL) { r->start = (TADDR)start; r->end = (TADDR)end; r->id = (TADDR)id; r++; m_firstEmptyBlock = b; m_firstEmptyRange = r - b->ranges; return TRUE; } r++; } // // If there are no more blocks, allocate a // new one. // if (b->next == NULL) { RangeListBlock *newBlock = new (nothrow) RangeListBlock; if (newBlock == NULL) { m_firstEmptyBlock = b; m_firstEmptyRange = r - b->ranges; return FALSE; } InitBlock(newBlock); newBlock->next = NULL; b->next = newBlock; } // // Next block // b = b->next; r = b->ranges; rEnd = r + RANGE_COUNT; } } void RangeList::RemoveRangesWorker(void *id, const BYTE* start, const BYTE* end) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END RangeListBlock *b = &m_starterBlock; Range *r = b->ranges; Range *rEnd = r + RANGE_COUNT; // // Find the first free element, & mark it. // while (TRUE) { // // Clear entries in this block. // while (r < rEnd) { if (r->id != NULL) { if (start != NULL) { _ASSERTE(end != NULL); if (r->start >= (TADDR)start && r->start < (TADDR)end) { CONSISTENCY_CHECK_MSGF(r->end >= (TADDR)start && r->end <= (TADDR)end, ("r: %p start: %p end: %p", r, start, end)); r->id = NULL; } } else if (r->id == (TADDR)id) { r->id = NULL; } } r++; } // // If there are no more blocks, we're done. // if (b->next == NULL) { m_firstEmptyRange = 0; m_firstEmptyBlock = &m_starterBlock; return; } // // Next block. // b = b->next; r = b->ranges; rEnd = r + RANGE_COUNT; } } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL RangeList::IsInRangeWorker(TADDR address, TADDR *pID /* = NULL */) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; FORBID_FAULT; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END SUPPORTS_DAC; RangeListBlock* b = &m_starterBlock; Range* r = b->ranges; Range* rEnd = r + RANGE_COUNT; // // Look for a matching element // while (TRUE) { while (r < rEnd) { if (r->id != NULL && address >= r->start && address < r->end) { if (pID != NULL) { *pID = r->id; } return TRUE; } r++; } // // If there are no more blocks, we're done. // if (b->next == NULL) return FALSE; // // Next block. // b = b->next; r = b->ranges; rEnd = r + RANGE_COUNT; } } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void RangeList::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; // This class is almost always contained in something // else so there's no enumeration of 'this'. RangeListBlock* block = &m_starterBlock; block->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); while (block->next.IsValid()) { block->next.EnumMem(); block = block->next; block->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } } void RangeList::RangeListBlock::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; Range* range; TADDR BADFOOD; TSIZE_T size; int i; // The code below iterates each range stored in the RangeListBlock and // dumps the memory region represented by each range. // It is too much memory for a mini-dump, so we just bail out for mini-dumps. if (flags == CLRDATA_ENUM_MEM_MINI || flags == CLRDATA_ENUM_MEM_TRIAGE) { return; } WIN64_ONLY( BADFOOD = 0xbaadf00dbaadf00d; ); NOT_WIN64( BADFOOD = 0xbaadf00d; ); for (i=0; iranges[i]); if (range->id == NULL || range->start == NULL || range->end == NULL || // just looking at the lower 4bytes is good enough on WIN64 range->start == BADFOOD || range->end == BADFOOD) { break; } size = range->end - range->start; _ASSERTE( size < ULONG_MAX ); // ranges should be less than 4gig! // We can't be sure this entire range is mapped. For example, the code:StubLinkStubManager // keeps track of all ranges in the code:BaseDomain::m_pStubHeap LoaderHeap, and // code:LoaderHeap::UnlockedReservePages adds a range for the entire reserved region, instead // of updating the RangeList when pages are committed. But in that case, the committed region of // memory will be enumerated by the LoaderHeap anyway, so it's OK if this fails DacEnumMemoryRegion(range->start, size, false); } } #endif // #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE //===================================================================================== // In DEBUG builds only, we tag live blocks with the requested size and the type of // allocation (AllocMem, AllocAlignedMem, AllocateOntoReservedMem). This is strictly // to validate that those who call Backout* are passing in the right values. // // For simplicity, we'll use one LoaderHeapValidationTag structure for all types even // though not all fields are applicable to all types. //===================================================================================== #ifdef _DEBUG enum AllocationType { kAllocMem = 1, kFreedMem = 4, }; struct LoaderHeapValidationTag { size_t m_dwRequestedSize; // What the caller requested (not what was actually allocated) AllocationType m_allocationType; // Which api allocated this block. const char * m_szFile; // Who allocated me int m_lineNum; // Who allocated me }; #endif //_DEBUG //===================================================================================== // These classes do detailed loaderheap sniffing to help in debugging heap crashes //===================================================================================== #ifdef _DEBUG // This structure logs the results of an Alloc or Free call. They are stored in reverse time order // with UnlockedLoaderHeap::m_pEventList pointing to the most recent event. struct LoaderHeapEvent { LoaderHeapEvent *m_pNext; AllocationType m_allocationType; //Which api was called const char *m_szFile; //Caller Id int m_lineNum; //Caller Id const char *m_szAllocFile; //(BackoutEvents): Who allocated the block? int m_allocLineNum; //(BackoutEvents): Who allocated the block? void *m_pMem; //Starting address of block size_t m_dwRequestedSize; //Requested size of block size_t m_dwSize; //Actual size of block (including validation tags, padding, everything) void Describe(SString *pSString) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; DISABLED(NOTHROW); GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END pSString->AppendASCII("\n"); { StackSString buf; if (m_allocationType == kFreedMem) { buf.Printf(" Freed at: %s (line %d)\n", m_szFile, m_lineNum); buf.Printf(" (block originally allocated at %s (line %d)\n", m_szAllocFile, m_allocLineNum); } else { buf.Printf(" Allocated at: %s (line %d)\n", m_szFile, m_lineNum); } pSString->Append(buf); } if (!QuietValidate()) { pSString->AppendASCII(" *** THIS BLOCK HAS BEEN CORRUPTED ***\n"); } { StackSString buf; buf.Printf(" Type: "); switch (m_allocationType) { case kAllocMem: buf.AppendASCII("AllocMem()\n"); break; case kFreedMem: buf.AppendASCII("Free\n"); break; default: break; } pSString->Append(buf); } { StackSString buf; buf.Printf(" Start of block: 0x%p\n", m_pMem); pSString->Append(buf); } { StackSString buf; buf.Printf(" End of block: 0x%p\n", ((BYTE*)m_pMem) + m_dwSize - 1); pSString->Append(buf); } { StackSString buf; buf.Printf(" Requested size: %lu (0x%lx)\n", (ULONG)m_dwRequestedSize, (ULONG)m_dwRequestedSize); pSString->Append(buf); } { StackSString buf; buf.Printf(" Actual size: %lu (0x%lx)\n", (ULONG)m_dwSize, (ULONG)m_dwSize); pSString->Append(buf); } pSString->AppendASCII("\n"); } BOOL QuietValidate(); }; class LoaderHeapSniffer { public: static DWORD InitDebugFlags() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DWORD dwDebugFlags = 0; if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_LoaderHeapCallTracing)) { dwDebugFlags |= UnlockedLoaderHeap::kCallTracing; } return dwDebugFlags; } static VOID RecordEvent(UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap, AllocationType allocationType, __in const char *szFile, int lineNum, __in const char *szAllocFile, int allocLineNum, void *pMem, size_t dwRequestedSize, size_t dwSize ); static VOID ClearEvents(UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; LoaderHeapEvent *pEvent = pHeap->m_pEventList; while (pEvent) { LoaderHeapEvent *pNext = pEvent->m_pNext; delete pEvent; pEvent = pNext; } pHeap->m_pEventList = NULL; } static VOID CompactEvents(UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; LoaderHeapEvent **ppEvent = &(pHeap->m_pEventList); while (*ppEvent) { LoaderHeapEvent *pEvent = *ppEvent; if (pEvent->m_allocationType != kFreedMem) { ppEvent = &(pEvent->m_pNext); } else { LoaderHeapEvent **ppWalk = &(pEvent->m_pNext); BOOL fMatchFound = FALSE; while (*ppWalk && !fMatchFound) { LoaderHeapEvent *pWalk = *ppWalk; if (pWalk->m_allocationType != kFreedMem && pWalk->m_pMem == pEvent->m_pMem && pWalk->m_dwRequestedSize == pEvent->m_dwRequestedSize) { // Delete matched pairs // Order is important here - updating *ppWalk may change pEvent->m_pNext, and we want // to get the updated value when we unlink pEvent. *ppWalk = pWalk->m_pNext; *ppEvent = pEvent->m_pNext; delete pEvent; delete pWalk; fMatchFound = TRUE; } else { ppWalk = &(pWalk->m_pNext); } } if (!fMatchFound) { ppEvent = &(pEvent->m_pNext); } } } } static VOID PrintEvents(UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; printf("\n------------- LoaderHeapEvents (in reverse time order!) --------------------"); LoaderHeapEvent *pEvent = pHeap->m_pEventList; while (pEvent) { printf("\n"); switch (pEvent->m_allocationType) { case kAllocMem: printf("AllocMem "); break; case kFreedMem: printf("BackoutMem "); break; } printf(" ptr = 0x%-8p", pEvent->m_pMem); printf(" rqsize = 0x%-8x", pEvent->m_dwRequestedSize); printf(" actsize = 0x%-8x", pEvent->m_dwSize); printf(" (at %s@%d)", pEvent->m_szFile, pEvent->m_lineNum); if (pEvent->m_allocationType == kFreedMem) { printf(" (original allocation at %s@%d)", pEvent->m_szAllocFile, pEvent->m_allocLineNum); } pEvent = pEvent->m_pNext; } printf("\n------------- End of LoaderHeapEvents --------------------------------------"); printf("\n"); } static VOID PitchSniffer(SString *pSString) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; pSString->AppendASCII("\n" "\nBecause call-tracing wasn't turned on, we couldn't provide details about who last owned the affected memory block. To get more precise diagnostics," "\nset the following registry DWORD value:" "\n" "\n HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\LoaderHeapCallTracing = 1" "\n" "\nand rerun the scenario that crashed." "\n" "\n"); } static LoaderHeapEvent *FindEvent(UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap, void *pAddr) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; LoaderHeapEvent *pEvent = pHeap->m_pEventList; while (pEvent) { if (pAddr >= pEvent->m_pMem && pAddr <= ( ((BYTE*)pEvent->m_pMem) + pEvent->m_dwSize - 1)) { return pEvent; } pEvent = pEvent->m_pNext; } return NULL; } static void ValidateFreeList(UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap); static void WeGotAFaultNowWhat(UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; ValidateFreeList(pHeap); //If none of the above popped up an assert, pop up a generic one. _ASSERTE(!("Unexpected AV inside LoaderHeap. The usual reason is that someone overwrote the end of a block or wrote into a freed block.\n")); } }; #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #define LOADER_HEAP_BEGIN_TRAP_FAULT BOOL __faulted = FALSE; EX_TRY { #define LOADER_HEAP_END_TRAP_FAULT } EX_CATCH {__faulted = TRUE; } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions) if (__faulted) LoaderHeapSniffer::WeGotAFaultNowWhat(pHeap); #else #define LOADER_HEAP_BEGIN_TRAP_FAULT #define LOADER_HEAP_END_TRAP_FAULT #endif size_t AllocMem_TotalSize(size_t dwRequestedSize, UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap); //===================================================================================== // This freelist implementation is a first cut and probably needs to be tuned. // It should be tuned with the following assumptions: // // - Freeing LoaderHeap memory is done primarily for OOM backout. LoaderHeaps // weren't designed to be general purpose heaps and shouldn't be used that way. // // - And hence, when memory is freed, expect it to be freed in large clumps and in a // LIFO order. Since the LoaderHeap normally hands out memory with sequentially // increasing addresses, blocks will typically be freed with sequentially decreasing // addresses. // // The first cut of the freelist is a single-linked list of free blocks using first-fit. // Assuming the above alloc-free pattern holds, the list will end up mostly sorted // in increasing address order. When a block is freed, we'll attempt to coalesce it // with the first block in the list. We could also choose to be more aggressive about // sorting and coalescing but this should probably catch most cases in practice. //===================================================================================== // When a block is freed, we place this structure on the first bytes of the freed block (Allocations // are bumped in size if necessary to make sure there's room.) struct LoaderHeapFreeBlock { public: LoaderHeapFreeBlock *m_pNext; // Pointer to next block on free list size_t m_dwSize; // Total size of this block (including this header) //! Try not to grow the size of this structure. It places a minimum size on LoaderHeap allocations. static void InsertFreeBlock(LoaderHeapFreeBlock **ppHead, void *pMem, size_t dwTotalSize, UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; LOADER_HEAP_BEGIN_TRAP_FAULT // It's illegal to insert a free block that's smaller than the minimum sized allocation - // it may stay stranded on the freelist forever. #ifdef _DEBUG if (!(dwTotalSize >= AllocMem_TotalSize(1, pHeap))) { LoaderHeapSniffer::ValidateFreeList(pHeap); _ASSERTE(dwTotalSize >= AllocMem_TotalSize(1, pHeap)); } if (!(0 == (dwTotalSize & ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT))) { LoaderHeapSniffer::ValidateFreeList(pHeap); _ASSERTE(0 == (dwTotalSize & ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT)); } #endif INDEBUG(memset(pMem, 0xcc, dwTotalSize);) LoaderHeapFreeBlock *pNewBlock = (LoaderHeapFreeBlock*)pMem; pNewBlock->m_pNext = *ppHead; pNewBlock->m_dwSize = dwTotalSize; *ppHead = pNewBlock; MergeBlock(pNewBlock, pHeap); LOADER_HEAP_END_TRAP_FAULT } static void *AllocFromFreeList(LoaderHeapFreeBlock **ppHead, size_t dwSize, BOOL fRemoveFromFreeList, UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; INCONTRACT(_ASSERTE_IMPL(!ARE_FAULTS_FORBIDDEN())); void *pResult = NULL; LOADER_HEAP_BEGIN_TRAP_FAULT LoaderHeapFreeBlock **ppWalk = ppHead; while (*ppWalk) { LoaderHeapFreeBlock *pCur = *ppWalk; size_t dwCurSize = pCur->m_dwSize; if (dwCurSize == dwSize) { pResult = pCur; // Exact match. Hooray! if (fRemoveFromFreeList) { *ppWalk = pCur->m_pNext; } break; } else if (dwCurSize > dwSize && (dwCurSize - dwSize) >= AllocMem_TotalSize(1, pHeap)) { // Partial match. Ok... pResult = pCur; if (fRemoveFromFreeList) { *ppWalk = pCur->m_pNext; InsertFreeBlock(ppWalk, ((BYTE*)pCur) + dwSize, dwCurSize - dwSize, pHeap ); } break; } // Either block is too small or splitting the block would leave a remainder that's smaller than // the minimum block size. Onto next one. ppWalk = &( pCur->m_pNext ); } if (pResult && fRemoveFromFreeList) { // Callers of loaderheap assume allocated memory is zero-inited so we must preserve this invariant! memset(pResult, 0, dwSize); } LOADER_HEAP_END_TRAP_FAULT return pResult; } private: // Try to merge pFreeBlock with its immediate successor. Return TRUE if a merge happened. FALSE if no merge happened. static BOOL MergeBlock(LoaderHeapFreeBlock *pFreeBlock, UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; BOOL result = FALSE; LOADER_HEAP_BEGIN_TRAP_FAULT LoaderHeapFreeBlock *pNextBlock = pFreeBlock->m_pNext; size_t dwSize = pFreeBlock->m_dwSize; if (pNextBlock == NULL || ((BYTE*)pNextBlock) != (((BYTE*)pFreeBlock) + dwSize)) { result = FALSE; } else { size_t dwCombinedSize = dwSize + pNextBlock->m_dwSize; LoaderHeapFreeBlock *pNextNextBlock = pNextBlock->m_pNext; INDEBUG(memset(pFreeBlock, 0xcc, dwCombinedSize);) pFreeBlock->m_pNext = pNextNextBlock; pFreeBlock->m_dwSize = dwCombinedSize; result = TRUE; } LOADER_HEAP_END_TRAP_FAULT return result; } }; //===================================================================================== // These helpers encapsulate the actual layout of a block allocated by AllocMem // and UnlockedAllocMem(): // // ==> Starting address is always pointer-aligned. // // - x bytes of user bytes (where "x" is the actual dwSize passed into AllocMem) // // - y bytes of "EE" (DEBUG-ONLY) (where "y" == LOADER_HEAP_DEBUG_BOUNDARY (normally 0)) // - z bytes of pad (DEBUG-ONLY) (where "z" is just enough to pointer-align the following byte) // - a bytes of tag (DEBUG-ONLY) (where "a" is sizeof(LoaderHeapValidationTag) // // - b bytes of pad (if total size after all this < sizeof(LoaderHeapFreeBlock), pad enough to make it the size of LoaderHeapFreeBlock) // - c bytes of pad (where "c" is just enough to pointer-align the following byte) // // ==> Following address is always pointer-aligned //===================================================================================== // Convert the requested size into the total # of bytes we'll actually allocate (including padding) inline size_t AllocMem_TotalSize(size_t dwRequestedSize, UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; size_t dwSize = dwRequestedSize; #ifdef _DEBUG dwSize += LOADER_HEAP_DEBUG_BOUNDARY; dwSize = ((dwSize + ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT) & (~ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT)); if (!pHeap->m_fExplicitControl) { dwSize += sizeof(LoaderHeapValidationTag); } #endif if (!pHeap->m_fExplicitControl) { if (dwSize < sizeof(LoaderHeapFreeBlock)) { dwSize = sizeof(LoaderHeapFreeBlock); } } dwSize = ((dwSize + ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT) & (~ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT)); return dwSize; } #ifdef _DEBUG LoaderHeapValidationTag *AllocMem_GetTag(LPVOID pBlock, size_t dwRequestedSize) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; size_t dwSize = dwRequestedSize; dwSize += LOADER_HEAP_DEBUG_BOUNDARY; dwSize = ((dwSize + ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT) & (~ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT)); return (LoaderHeapValidationTag *)( ((BYTE*)pBlock) + dwSize ); } #endif //===================================================================================== // UnlockedLoaderHeap methods //===================================================================================== #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedLoaderHeap(DWORD dwReserveBlockSize, DWORD dwCommitBlockSize, const BYTE* dwReservedRegionAddress, SIZE_T dwReservedRegionSize, size_t *pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes, RangeList *pRangeList, BOOL fMakeExecutable) { CONTRACTL { CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK; NOTHROW; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END; m_pCurBlock = NULL; m_pFirstBlock = NULL; m_dwReserveBlockSize = dwReserveBlockSize; m_dwCommitBlockSize = dwCommitBlockSize; m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion = NULL; m_pEndReservedRegion = NULL; m_pAllocPtr = NULL; m_pRangeList = pRangeList; // Round to VIRTUAL_ALLOC_RESERVE_GRANULARITY m_dwTotalAlloc = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG m_dwDebugWastedBytes = 0; s_dwNumInstancesOfLoaderHeaps++; m_pEventList = NULL; m_dwDebugFlags = LoaderHeapSniffer::InitDebugFlags(); m_fPermitStubsWithUnwindInfo = FALSE; m_fStubUnwindInfoUnregistered= FALSE; #endif m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes = pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes; m_Options = 0; #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE if (fMakeExecutable) m_Options |= LHF_EXECUTABLE; #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE m_pFirstFreeBlock = NULL; if (dwReservedRegionAddress != NULL && dwReservedRegionSize > 0) { m_reservedBlock.Init((void *)dwReservedRegionAddress, dwReservedRegionSize, FALSE); } } // ~LoaderHeap is not synchronised (obviously) UnlockedLoaderHeap::~UnlockedLoaderHeap() { CONTRACTL { DESTRUCTOR_CHECK; NOTHROW; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END _ASSERTE(!m_fPermitStubsWithUnwindInfo || m_fStubUnwindInfoUnregistered); if (m_pRangeList != NULL) m_pRangeList->RemoveRanges((void *) this); LoaderHeapBlock *pSearch, *pNext; for (pSearch = m_pFirstBlock; pSearch; pSearch = pNext) { void * pVirtualAddress; BOOL fReleaseMemory; pVirtualAddress = pSearch->pVirtualAddress; fReleaseMemory = pSearch->m_fReleaseMemory; pNext = pSearch->pNext; if (fReleaseMemory) { BOOL fSuccess; fSuccess = ClrVirtualFree(pVirtualAddress, 0, MEM_RELEASE); _ASSERTE(fSuccess); } } if (m_reservedBlock.m_fReleaseMemory) { BOOL fSuccess; fSuccess = ClrVirtualFree(m_reservedBlock.pVirtualAddress, 0, MEM_RELEASE); _ASSERTE(fSuccess); } if (m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes) *m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes = *m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes - (DWORD) m_dwTotalAlloc; INDEBUG(s_dwNumInstancesOfLoaderHeaps --;) } void UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedSetReservedRegion(BYTE* dwReservedRegionAddress, SIZE_T dwReservedRegionSize, BOOL fReleaseMemory) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_reservedBlock.pVirtualAddress == NULL); m_reservedBlock.Init((void *)dwReservedRegionAddress, dwReservedRegionSize, fReleaseMemory); } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #if 0 // Disables access to all pages in the heap - useful when trying to determine if someone is // accessing something in the low frequency heap void UnlockedLoaderHeap::DebugGuardHeap() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; LoaderHeapBlock *pSearch, *pNext; for (pSearch = m_pFirstBlock; pSearch; pSearch = pNext) { void * pResult; void * pVirtualAddress; pVirtualAddress = pSearch->pVirtualAddress; pNext = pSearch->pNext; pResult = ClrVirtualAlloc(pVirtualAddress, pSearch->dwVirtualSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_NOACCESS); _ASSERTE(pResult != NULL); } } #endif size_t UnlockedLoaderHeap::GetBytesAvailCommittedRegion() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_pAllocPtr < m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion) return (size_t)(m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion - m_pAllocPtr); else return 0; } size_t UnlockedLoaderHeap::GetBytesAvailReservedRegion() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_pAllocPtr < m_pEndReservedRegion) return (size_t)(m_pEndReservedRegion- m_pAllocPtr); else return 0; } #define SETUP_NEW_BLOCK(pData, dwSizeToCommit, dwSizeToReserve) \ m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion = (BYTE *) (pData) + (dwSizeToCommit); \ m_pAllocPtr = (BYTE *) (pData) + sizeof(LoaderHeapBlock); \ m_pEndReservedRegion = (BYTE *) (pData) + (dwSizeToReserve); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedReservePages(size_t dwSizeToCommit) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; INJECT_FAULT(return FALSE;); } CONTRACTL_END; size_t dwSizeToReserve; // Add sizeof(LoaderHeapBlock) dwSizeToCommit += sizeof(LoaderHeapBlock); // Round to page size again dwSizeToCommit = ALIGN_UP(dwSizeToCommit, GetOsPageSize()); void *pData = NULL; BOOL fReleaseMemory = TRUE; // We were provided with a reserved memory block at instance creation time, so use it if it's big enough. if (m_reservedBlock.pVirtualAddress != NULL && m_reservedBlock.dwVirtualSize >= dwSizeToCommit) { // Get the info out of the block. pData = m_reservedBlock.pVirtualAddress; dwSizeToReserve = m_reservedBlock.dwVirtualSize; fReleaseMemory = m_reservedBlock.m_fReleaseMemory; // Zero the block so this memory doesn't get used again. m_reservedBlock.Init(NULL, 0, FALSE); } // The caller is asking us to allocate the memory else { if (m_fExplicitControl) { return FALSE; } // Figure out how much to reserve dwSizeToReserve = max(dwSizeToCommit, m_dwReserveBlockSize); // Round to VIRTUAL_ALLOC_RESERVE_GRANULARITY dwSizeToReserve = ALIGN_UP(dwSizeToReserve, VIRTUAL_ALLOC_RESERVE_GRANULARITY); _ASSERTE(dwSizeToCommit <= dwSizeToReserve); // // Reserve pages // pData = ClrVirtualAllocExecutable(dwSizeToReserve, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); if (pData == NULL) { return FALSE; } } // When the user passes in the reserved memory, the commit size is 0 and is adjusted to be the sizeof(LoaderHeap). // If for some reason this is not true then we just catch this via an assertion and the dev who changed code // would have to add logic here to handle the case when committed mem is more than the reserved mem. One option // could be to leak the users memory and reserve+commit a new block, Another option would be to fail the alloc mem // and notify the user to provide more reserved mem. _ASSERTE((dwSizeToCommit <= dwSizeToReserve) && "Loaderheap tried to commit more memory than reserved by user"); if (pData == NULL) { //_ASSERTE(!"Unable to ClrVirtualAlloc reserve in a loaderheap"); return FALSE; } // Commit first set of pages, since it will contain the LoaderHeapBlock void *pTemp = ClrVirtualAlloc(pData, dwSizeToCommit, MEM_COMMIT, (m_Options & LHF_EXECUTABLE) ? PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE : PAGE_READWRITE); if (pTemp == NULL) { //_ASSERTE(!"Unable to ClrVirtualAlloc commit in a loaderheap"); // Unable to commit - release pages if (fReleaseMemory) ClrVirtualFree(pData, 0, MEM_RELEASE); return FALSE; } if (m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes) *m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes = *m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes + (DWORD) dwSizeToCommit; // Record reserved range in range list, if one is specified // Do this AFTER the commit - otherwise we'll have bogus ranges included. if (m_pRangeList != NULL) { if (!m_pRangeList->AddRange((const BYTE *) pData, ((const BYTE *) pData) + dwSizeToReserve, (void *) this)) { if (fReleaseMemory) ClrVirtualFree(pData, 0, MEM_RELEASE); return FALSE; } } m_dwTotalAlloc += dwSizeToCommit; LoaderHeapBlock *pNewBlock; pNewBlock = (LoaderHeapBlock *) pData; pNewBlock->dwVirtualSize = dwSizeToReserve; pNewBlock->pVirtualAddress = pData; pNewBlock->pNext = NULL; pNewBlock->m_fReleaseMemory = fReleaseMemory; LoaderHeapBlock *pCurBlock = m_pCurBlock; // Add to linked list while (pCurBlock != NULL && pCurBlock->pNext != NULL) pCurBlock = pCurBlock->pNext; if (pCurBlock != NULL) m_pCurBlock->pNext = pNewBlock; else m_pFirstBlock = pNewBlock; // If we want to use the memory immediately... m_pCurBlock = pNewBlock; SETUP_NEW_BLOCK(pData, dwSizeToCommit, dwSizeToReserve); return TRUE; } // Get some more committed pages - either commit some more in the current reserved region, or, if it // has run out, reserve another set of pages. // Returns: FALSE if we can't get any more memory // TRUE: We can/did get some more memory - check to see if it's sufficient for // the caller's needs (see UnlockedAllocMem for example of use) BOOL UnlockedLoaderHeap::GetMoreCommittedPages(size_t dwMinSize) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; INJECT_FAULT(return FALSE;); } CONTRACTL_END; // If we have memory we can use, what are you doing here! _ASSERTE(dwMinSize > (SIZE_T)(m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion - m_pAllocPtr)); // Does this fit in the reserved region? if (dwMinSize <= (size_t)(m_pEndReservedRegion - m_pAllocPtr)) { SIZE_T dwSizeToCommit = (m_pAllocPtr + dwMinSize) - m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion; if (dwSizeToCommit < m_dwCommitBlockSize) dwSizeToCommit = min((SIZE_T)(m_pEndReservedRegion - m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion), (SIZE_T)m_dwCommitBlockSize); // Round to page size dwSizeToCommit = ALIGN_UP(dwSizeToCommit, GetOsPageSize()); // Yes, so commit the desired number of reserved pages void *pData = ClrVirtualAlloc(m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion, dwSizeToCommit, MEM_COMMIT, (m_Options & LHF_EXECUTABLE) ? PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE : PAGE_READWRITE); if (pData == NULL) return FALSE; if (m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes) *m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes = *m_pPrivatePerfCounter_LoaderBytes + (DWORD) dwSizeToCommit; m_dwTotalAlloc += dwSizeToCommit; m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion += dwSizeToCommit; return TRUE; } // Need to allocate a new set of reserved pages INDEBUG(m_dwDebugWastedBytes += (size_t)(m_pPtrToEndOfCommittedRegion - m_pAllocPtr);) // Note, there are unused reserved pages at end of current region -can't do much about that // Provide dwMinSize here since UnlockedReservePages will round up the commit size again // after adding in the size of the LoaderHeapBlock header. return UnlockedReservePages(dwMinSize); } void *UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedAllocMem(size_t dwSize COMMA_INDEBUG(__in const char *szFile) COMMA_INDEBUG(int lineNum)) { CONTRACT(void*) { INSTANCE_CHECK; THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(ThrowOutOfMemory();); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; void *pResult = UnlockedAllocMem_NoThrow( dwSize COMMA_INDEBUG(szFile) COMMA_INDEBUG(lineNum)); if (pResult == NULL) ThrowOutOfMemory(); RETURN pResult; } #ifdef _DEBUG static DWORD ShouldInjectFault() { static DWORD fInjectFault = 99; if (fInjectFault == 99) fInjectFault = (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_InjectFault) != 0); return fInjectFault; } #define SHOULD_INJECT_FAULT(return_statement) \ do { \ if (ShouldInjectFault() & 0x1) \ { \ char *a = new (nothrow) char; \ if (a == NULL) \ { \ return_statement; \ } \ delete a; \ } \ } while (FALSE) #else #define SHOULD_INJECT_FAULT(return_statement) do { (void)((void *)0); } while (FALSE) #endif void *UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedAllocMem_NoThrow(size_t dwSize COMMA_INDEBUG(__in const char *szFile) COMMA_INDEBUG(int lineNum)) { CONTRACT(void*) { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; INJECT_FAULT(CONTRACT_RETURN NULL;); PRECONDITION(dwSize != 0); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; SHOULD_INJECT_FAULT(RETURN NULL); INDEBUG(size_t dwRequestedSize = dwSize;) INCONTRACT(_ASSERTE(!ARE_FAULTS_FORBIDDEN())); #ifdef RANDOMIZE_ALLOC if (!m_fExplicitControl) dwSize += s_random.Next() % 256; #endif dwSize = AllocMem_TotalSize(dwSize, this); again: { // Any memory available on the free list? void *pData = LoaderHeapFreeBlock::AllocFromFreeList(&m_pFirstFreeBlock, dwSize, TRUE /*fRemoveFromFreeList*/, this); if (!pData) { // Enough bytes available in committed region? if (dwSize <= GetBytesAvailCommittedRegion()) { pData = m_pAllocPtr; m_pAllocPtr += dwSize; } } if (pData) { #ifdef _DEBUG BYTE *pAllocatedBytes = (BYTE *)pData; #if LOADER_HEAP_DEBUG_BOUNDARY > 0 // Don't fill the memory we allocated - it is assumed to be zeroed - fill the memory after it memset(pAllocatedBytes + dwRequestedSize, 0xEE, LOADER_HEAP_DEBUG_BOUNDARY); #endif if (dwRequestedSize > 0) { _ASSERTE_MSG(pAllocatedBytes[0] == 0 && memcmp(pAllocatedBytes, pAllocatedBytes + 1, dwRequestedSize - 1) == 0, "LoaderHeap must return zero-initialized memory"); } if (!m_fExplicitControl) { LoaderHeapValidationTag *pTag = AllocMem_GetTag(pData, dwRequestedSize); pTag->m_allocationType = kAllocMem; pTag->m_dwRequestedSize = dwRequestedSize; pTag->m_szFile = szFile; pTag->m_lineNum = lineNum; } if (m_dwDebugFlags & kCallTracing) { LoaderHeapSniffer::RecordEvent(this, kAllocMem, szFile, lineNum, szFile, lineNum, pData, dwRequestedSize, dwSize ); } #endif EtwAllocRequest(this, pData, dwSize); RETURN pData; } } // Need to commit some more pages in reserved region. // If we run out of pages in the reserved region, ClrVirtualAlloc some more pages if (GetMoreCommittedPages(dwSize)) goto again; // We could not satisfy this allocation request RETURN NULL; } void UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedBackoutMem(void *pMem, size_t dwRequestedSize COMMA_INDEBUG(__in const char *szFile) COMMA_INDEBUG(int lineNum) COMMA_INDEBUG(__in const char *szAllocFile) COMMA_INDEBUG(int allocLineNum)) { CONTRACTL { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END; // Because the primary use of this function is backout, we'll be nice and // define Backout(NULL) be a legal NOP. if (pMem == NULL) { return; } #ifdef _DEBUG { DEBUG_ONLY_REGION(); LoaderHeapValidationTag *pTag = AllocMem_GetTag(pMem, dwRequestedSize); if (pTag->m_dwRequestedSize != dwRequestedSize || pTag->m_allocationType != kAllocMem) { CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation|FaultViolation); // We're reporting a heap corruption - who cares about violations StackSString message; message.Printf("HEAP VIOLATION: Invalid BackoutMem() call made at:\n" "\n" " File: %s\n" " Line: %d\n" "\n" "Attempting to free block originally allocated at:\n" "\n" " File: %s\n" " Line: %d\n" "\n" "The arguments to BackoutMem() were:\n" "\n" " Pointer: 0x%p\n" " Size: %lu (0x%lx)\n" "\n" ,szFile ,lineNum ,szAllocFile ,allocLineNum ,pMem ,(ULONG)dwRequestedSize ,(ULONG)dwRequestedSize ); if (m_dwDebugFlags & kCallTracing) { message.AppendASCII("*** CALLTRACING ENABLED ***\n"); LoaderHeapEvent *pEvent = LoaderHeapSniffer::FindEvent(this, pMem); if (!pEvent) { message.AppendASCII("This pointer doesn't appear to have come from this LoaderHeap.\n"); } else { message.AppendASCII(pMem == pEvent->m_pMem ? "We have the following data about this pointer:" : "This pointer points to the middle of the following block:"); pEvent->Describe(&message); } } if (pTag->m_dwRequestedSize != dwRequestedSize) { StackSString buf; buf.Printf( "Possible causes:\n" "\n" " - This pointer wasn't allocated from this loaderheap.\n" " - This pointer was allocated by AllocAlignedMem and you didn't adjust for the \"extra.\"\n" " - This pointer has already been freed.\n" " - You passed in the wrong size. You must pass the exact same size you passed to AllocMem().\n" " - Someone wrote past the end of this block making it appear as if one of the above were true.\n" ); message.Append(buf); } else { message.AppendASCII("This memory block is completely unrecognizable.\n"); } if (!(m_dwDebugFlags & kCallTracing)) { LoaderHeapSniffer::PitchSniffer(&message); } StackScratchBuffer scratch; DbgAssertDialog(szFile, lineNum, (char*) message.GetANSI(scratch)); } } #endif size_t dwSize = AllocMem_TotalSize(dwRequestedSize, this); #ifdef _DEBUG if (m_dwDebugFlags & kCallTracing) { DEBUG_ONLY_REGION(); LoaderHeapValidationTag *pTag = m_fExplicitControl ? NULL : AllocMem_GetTag(pMem, dwRequestedSize); LoaderHeapSniffer::RecordEvent(this, kFreedMem, szFile, lineNum, (pTag && (allocLineNum < 0)) ? pTag->m_szFile : szAllocFile, (pTag && (allocLineNum < 0)) ? pTag->m_lineNum : allocLineNum, pMem, dwRequestedSize, dwSize ); } #endif if (m_pAllocPtr == ( ((BYTE*)pMem) + dwSize )) { // Cool. This was the last block allocated. We can just undo the allocation instead // of going to the freelist. memset(pMem, 0x00, dwSize); // Fill freed region with 0 m_pAllocPtr = (BYTE*)pMem; } else { LoaderHeapFreeBlock::InsertFreeBlock(&m_pFirstFreeBlock, pMem, dwSize, this); } } // Allocates memory aligned on power-of-2 boundary. // // The return value is a pointer that's guaranteed to be aligned. // // FREEING THIS BLOCK: Underneath, the actual block allocated may // be larger and start at an address prior to the one you got back. // It is this adjusted size and pointer that you pass to BackoutMem. // The required adjustment is passed back thru the pdwExtra pointer. // // Here is how to properly backout the memory: // // size_t dwExtra; // void *pMem = UnlockedAllocAlignedMem(dwRequestedSize, alignment, &dwExtra); // _ASSERTE( 0 == (pMem & (alignment - 1)) ); // UnlockedBackoutMem( ((BYTE*)pMem) - dExtra, dwRequestedSize + dwExtra ); // // If you use the AllocMemHolder or AllocMemTracker, all this is taken care of // behind the scenes. // // void *UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedAllocAlignedMem_NoThrow(size_t dwRequestedSize, size_t alignment, size_t *pdwExtra COMMA_INDEBUG(__in const char *szFile) COMMA_INDEBUG(int lineNum)) { CONTRACT(void*) { NOTHROW; // Macro syntax can't handle this INJECT_FAULT expression - we'll use a precondition instead //INJECT_FAULT( do{ if (*pdwExtra) {*pdwExtra = 0} RETURN NULL; } while(0) ); PRECONDITION( alignment != 0 ); PRECONDITION(0 == (alignment & (alignment - 1))); // require power of 2 POSTCONDITION( (RETVAL) ? (0 == ( ((UINT_PTR)(RETVAL)) & (alignment - 1))) : // If non-null, pointer must be aligned (pdwExtra == NULL || 0 == *pdwExtra) // or else *pdwExtra must be set to 0 ); } CONTRACT_END STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; // Set default value if (pdwExtra) { *pdwExtra = 0; } SHOULD_INJECT_FAULT(RETURN NULL); void *pResult; INCONTRACT(_ASSERTE(!ARE_FAULTS_FORBIDDEN())); // Check for overflow if we align the allocation if (dwRequestedSize + alignment < dwRequestedSize) { RETURN NULL; } // We don't know how much "extra" we need to satisfy the alignment until we know // which address will be handed out which in turn we don't know because we don't // know whether the allocation will fit within the current reserved range. // // Thus, we'll request as much heap growth as is needed for the worst case (extra == alignment) size_t dwRoomSize = AllocMem_TotalSize(dwRequestedSize + alignment, this); if (dwRoomSize > GetBytesAvailCommittedRegion()) { if (!GetMoreCommittedPages(dwRoomSize)) { RETURN NULL; } } pResult = m_pAllocPtr; size_t extra = alignment - ((size_t)pResult & ((size_t)alignment - 1)); // On DEBUG, we force a non-zero extra so people don't forget to adjust for it on backout #ifndef _DEBUG if (extra == alignment) { extra = 0; } #endif S_SIZE_T cbAllocSize = S_SIZE_T( dwRequestedSize ) + S_SIZE_T( extra ); if( cbAllocSize.IsOverflow() ) { RETURN NULL; } size_t dwSize = AllocMem_TotalSize( cbAllocSize.Value(), this); m_pAllocPtr += dwSize; ((BYTE*&)pResult) += extra; #ifdef _DEBUG BYTE *pAllocatedBytes = (BYTE *)pResult; #if LOADER_HEAP_DEBUG_BOUNDARY > 0 // Don't fill the entire memory - we assume it is all zeroed -just the memory after our alloc memset(pAllocatedBytes + dwRequestedSize, 0xee, LOADER_HEAP_DEBUG_BOUNDARY); #endif if (dwRequestedSize != 0) { _ASSERTE_MSG(pAllocatedBytes[0] == 0 && memcmp(pAllocatedBytes, pAllocatedBytes + 1, dwRequestedSize - 1) == 0, "LoaderHeap must return zero-initialized memory"); } if (m_dwDebugFlags & kCallTracing) { LoaderHeapSniffer::RecordEvent(this, kAllocMem, szFile, lineNum, szFile, lineNum, ((BYTE*)pResult) - extra, dwRequestedSize + extra, dwSize ); } EtwAllocRequest(this, pResult, dwSize); if (!m_fExplicitControl) { LoaderHeapValidationTag *pTag = AllocMem_GetTag(((BYTE*)pResult) - extra, dwRequestedSize + extra); pTag->m_allocationType = kAllocMem; pTag->m_dwRequestedSize = dwRequestedSize + extra; pTag->m_szFile = szFile; pTag->m_lineNum = lineNum; } #endif //_DEBUG if (pdwExtra) { *pdwExtra = extra; } RETURN pResult; } void *UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedAllocAlignedMem(size_t dwRequestedSize, size_t dwAlignment, size_t *pdwExtra COMMA_INDEBUG(__in const char *szFile) COMMA_INDEBUG(int lineNum)) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; INJECT_FAULT(ThrowOutOfMemory()); } CONTRACTL_END void *pResult = UnlockedAllocAlignedMem_NoThrow(dwRequestedSize, dwAlignment, pdwExtra COMMA_INDEBUG(szFile) COMMA_INDEBUG(lineNum)); if (!pResult) { ThrowOutOfMemory(); } return pResult; } void *UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedAllocMemForCode_NoThrow(size_t dwHeaderSize, size_t dwCodeSize, DWORD dwCodeAlignment, size_t dwReserveForJumpStubs) { CONTRACT(void*) { INSTANCE_CHECK; NOTHROW; INJECT_FAULT(CONTRACT_RETURN NULL;); PRECONDITION(0 == (dwCodeAlignment & (dwCodeAlignment - 1))); // require power of 2 POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; _ASSERTE(m_fExplicitControl); INCONTRACT(_ASSERTE(!ARE_FAULTS_FORBIDDEN())); // We don't know how much "extra" we need to satisfy the alignment until we know // which address will be handed out which in turn we don't know because we don't // know whether the allocation will fit within the current reserved range. // // Thus, we'll request as much heap growth as is needed for the worst case (we request an extra dwCodeAlignment - 1 bytes) S_SIZE_T cbAllocSize = S_SIZE_T(dwHeaderSize) + S_SIZE_T(dwCodeSize) + S_SIZE_T(dwCodeAlignment - 1) + S_SIZE_T(dwReserveForJumpStubs); if( cbAllocSize.IsOverflow() ) { RETURN NULL; } if (cbAllocSize.Value() > GetBytesAvailCommittedRegion()) { if (GetMoreCommittedPages(cbAllocSize.Value()) == FALSE) { RETURN NULL; } } BYTE *pResult = (BYTE *)ALIGN_UP(m_pAllocPtr + dwHeaderSize, dwCodeAlignment); EtwAllocRequest(this, pResult, (pResult + dwCodeSize) - m_pAllocPtr); m_pAllocPtr = pResult + dwCodeSize; RETURN pResult; } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL UnlockedLoaderHeap::IsExecutable() { return (m_Options & LHF_EXECUTABLE); } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void UnlockedLoaderHeap::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; DAC_ENUM_DTHIS(); PTR_LoaderHeapBlock block = m_pFirstBlock; while (block.IsValid()) { // All we know is the virtual size of this block. We don't have any way to tell how // much of this space was actually comitted, so don't expect that this will always // succeed. // @dbgtodo : Ideally we'd reduce the risk of corruption causing problems here. // We could extend LoaderHeapBlock to track a commit size, // but it seems wasteful (eg. makes each AppDomain objects 32 bytes larger on x64). TADDR addr = dac_cast(block->pVirtualAddress); TSIZE_T size = block->dwVirtualSize; DacEnumMemoryRegion(addr, size, false); block = block->pNext; } } #endif // #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void UnlockedLoaderHeap::EnumPageRegions (EnumPageRegionsCallback *pCallback, PTR_VOID pvArgs) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; PTR_LoaderHeapBlock block = m_pFirstBlock; while (block) { if ((*pCallback)(pvArgs, block->pVirtualAddress, block->dwVirtualSize)) { break; } block = block->pNext; } } #ifdef _DEBUG void UnlockedLoaderHeap::DumpFreeList() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_pFirstFreeBlock == NULL) { printf("FREEDUMP: FreeList is empty\n"); } else { LoaderHeapFreeBlock *pBlock = m_pFirstFreeBlock; while (pBlock != NULL) { size_t dwsize = pBlock->m_dwSize; BOOL ccbad = FALSE; BOOL sizeunaligned = FALSE; BOOL sizesmall = FALSE; if ( 0 != (dwsize & ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT) ) { sizeunaligned = TRUE; } if ( dwsize < sizeof(LoaderHeapBlock)) { sizesmall = TRUE; } for (size_t i = sizeof(LoaderHeapFreeBlock); i < dwsize; i++) { if ( ((BYTE*)pBlock)[i] != 0xcc ) { ccbad = TRUE; break; } } printf("Addr = %pxh, Size = %lxh", pBlock, ((ULONG)dwsize)); if (ccbad) printf(" *** ERROR: NOT CC'd ***"); if (sizeunaligned) printf(" *** ERROR: size not a multiple of ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT ***"); if (sizesmall) printf(" *** ERROR: size smaller than sizeof(LoaderHeapFreeBlock) ***"); printf("\n"); pBlock = pBlock->m_pNext; } } } void UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedClearEvents() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; LoaderHeapSniffer::ClearEvents(this); } void UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedCompactEvents() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; LoaderHeapSniffer::CompactEvents(this); } void UnlockedLoaderHeap::UnlockedPrintEvents() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; LoaderHeapSniffer::PrintEvents(this); } #endif //_DEBUG //************************************************************************************ // LOADERHEAP SNIFFER METHODS //************************************************************************************ #ifdef _DEBUG /*static*/ VOID LoaderHeapSniffer::RecordEvent(UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap, AllocationType allocationType, __in const char *szFile, int lineNum, __in const char *szAllocFile, int allocLineNum, void *pMem, size_t dwRequestedSize, size_t dwSize ) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; FORBID_FAULT; //If we OOM in here, we just throw the event away. } CONTRACTL_END LoaderHeapEvent *pNewEvent; { { FAULT_NOT_FATAL(); pNewEvent = new (nothrow) LoaderHeapEvent; } if (!pNewEvent) { if (!(pHeap->m_dwDebugFlags & pHeap->kEncounteredOOM)) { pHeap->m_dwDebugFlags |= pHeap->kEncounteredOOM; _ASSERTE(!"LOADERHEAPSNIFFER: Failed allocation of LoaderHeapEvent. Call tracing information will be incomplete."); } } else { pNewEvent->m_allocationType = allocationType; pNewEvent->m_szFile = szFile; pNewEvent->m_lineNum = lineNum; pNewEvent->m_szAllocFile = szAllocFile; pNewEvent->m_allocLineNum = allocLineNum; pNewEvent->m_pMem = pMem; pNewEvent->m_dwRequestedSize = dwRequestedSize; pNewEvent->m_dwSize = dwSize; pNewEvent->m_pNext = pHeap->m_pEventList; pHeap->m_pEventList = pNewEvent; } } } /*static*/ void LoaderHeapSniffer::ValidateFreeList(UnlockedLoaderHeap *pHeap) { CANNOT_HAVE_CONTRACT; // No contract. This routine is only called if we've AV'd inside the // loaderheap. The system is already toast. We're trying to be a hero // and produce the best diagnostic info we can. Last thing we need here // is a secondary assert inside the contract stuff. // // This contract violation is permanent. CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation|FaultViolation|GCViolation|ModeViolation); // This violation won't be removed LoaderHeapFreeBlock *pFree = pHeap->m_pFirstFreeBlock; LoaderHeapFreeBlock *pPrev = NULL; void *pBadAddr = NULL; LoaderHeapFreeBlock *pProbeThis = NULL; const char *pExpected = NULL; while (pFree != NULL) { if ( 0 != ( ((ULONG_PTR)pFree) & ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT )) { // Not aligned - can't be a valid freeblock. Most likely we followed a bad pointer from the previous block. pProbeThis = pPrev; pBadAddr = pPrev ? &(pPrev->m_pNext) : &(pHeap->m_pFirstFreeBlock); pExpected = "a pointer to a valid LoaderHeapFreeBlock"; break; } size_t dwSize = pFree->m_dwSize; if (dwSize < AllocMem_TotalSize(1, pHeap) || 0 != (dwSize & ALLOC_ALIGN_CONSTANT)) { // Size is not a valid value (out of range or unaligned.) pProbeThis = pFree; pBadAddr = &(pFree->m_dwSize); pExpected = "a valid block size (multiple of pointer size)"; break; } size_t i; for (i = sizeof(LoaderHeapFreeBlock); i < dwSize; i++) { if ( ((BYTE*)pFree)[i] != 0xcc ) { pProbeThis = pFree; pBadAddr = i + ((BYTE*)pFree); pExpected = "0xcc (our fill value for free blocks)"; break; } } if (i != dwSize) { break; } pPrev = pFree; pFree = pFree->m_pNext; } if (pFree == NULL) { return; // No problems found } { StackSString message; message.Printf("A loaderheap freelist has been corrupted. The bytes at or near address 0x%p appears to have been overwritten. We expected to see %s here.\n" "\n" " LoaderHeap: 0x%p\n" " Suspect address at: 0x%p\n" " Start of suspect freeblock: 0x%p\n" "\n" , pBadAddr , pExpected , pHeap , pBadAddr , pProbeThis ); if (!(pHeap->m_dwDebugFlags & pHeap->kCallTracing)) { message.AppendASCII("\nThe usual reason is that someone wrote past the end of a block or wrote into a block after freeing it." "\nOf course, the culprit is long gone so it's probably too late to debug this now. Try turning on call-tracing" "\nand reproing. We can attempt to find out who last owned the surrounding pieces of memory." "\n" "\nTo turn on call-tracing, set the following registry DWORD value:" "\n" "\n HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\LoaderHeapCallTracing = 1" "\n" ); } else { LoaderHeapEvent *pBadAddrEvent = FindEvent(pHeap, pBadAddr); message.AppendASCII("*** CALL TRACING ENABLED ***\n\n"); if (pBadAddrEvent) { message.AppendASCII("\nThe last known owner of the corrupted address was:\n"); pBadAddrEvent->Describe(&message); } else { message.AppendASCII("\nNo known owner of last corrupted address.\n"); } LoaderHeapEvent *pPrevEvent = FindEvent(pHeap, ((BYTE*)pProbeThis) - 1); int count = 3; while (count-- && pPrevEvent != NULL && ( ((UINT_PTR)pProbeThis) - ((UINT_PTR)(pPrevEvent->m_pMem)) + pPrevEvent->m_dwSize ) < 1024) { message.AppendASCII("\nThis block is located close to the corruption point. "); if (pPrevEvent->QuietValidate()) { message.AppendASCII("If it was overrun, it might have caused this."); } else { message.AppendASCII("*** CORRUPTION DETECTED IN THIS BLOCK ***"); } pPrevEvent->Describe(&message); pPrevEvent = FindEvent(pHeap, ((BYTE*)(pPrevEvent->m_pMem)) - 1); } } StackScratchBuffer scratch; DbgAssertDialog(__FILE__, __LINE__, (char*) message.GetANSI(scratch)); } } BOOL LoaderHeapEvent::QuietValidate() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (m_allocationType == kAllocMem) { LoaderHeapValidationTag *pTag = AllocMem_GetTag(m_pMem, m_dwRequestedSize); return (pTag->m_allocationType == m_allocationType && pTag->m_dwRequestedSize == m_dwRequestedSize); } else { // We can't easily validate freed blocks. return TRUE; } } #endif //_DEBUG #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE AllocMemTracker::AllocMemTracker() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; FORBID_FAULT; CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END m_FirstBlock.m_pNext = NULL; m_FirstBlock.m_nextFree = 0; m_pFirstBlock = &m_FirstBlock; m_fReleased = FALSE; } AllocMemTracker::~AllocMemTracker() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; FORBID_FAULT; } CONTRACTL_END if (!m_fReleased) { AllocMemTrackerBlock *pBlock = m_pFirstBlock; while (pBlock) { // Do the loop in reverse - loaderheaps work best if // we allocate and backout in LIFO order. for (int i = pBlock->m_nextFree - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AllocMemTrackerNode *pNode = &(pBlock->m_Node[i]); pNode->m_pHeap->RealBackoutMem(pNode->m_pMem ,pNode->m_dwRequestedSize #ifdef _DEBUG ,__FILE__ ,__LINE__ ,pNode->m_szAllocFile ,pNode->m_allocLineNum #endif ); } pBlock = pBlock->m_pNext; } } AllocMemTrackerBlock *pBlock = m_pFirstBlock; while (pBlock != &m_FirstBlock) { AllocMemTrackerBlock *pNext = pBlock->m_pNext; delete pBlock; pBlock = pNext; } INDEBUG(memset(this, 0xcc, sizeof(*this));) } void *AllocMemTracker::Track(TaggedMemAllocPtr tmap) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; INJECT_FAULT(ThrowOutOfMemory();); } CONTRACTL_END _ASSERTE(this); void *pv = Track_NoThrow(tmap); if (!pv) { ThrowOutOfMemory(); } return pv; } void *AllocMemTracker::Track_NoThrow(TaggedMemAllocPtr tmap) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; INJECT_FAULT(return NULL;); } CONTRACTL_END _ASSERTE(this); // Calling Track() after calling SuppressRelease() is almost certainly a bug. You're supposed to call SuppressRelease() only after you're // sure no subsequent failure will force you to backout the memory. _ASSERTE( (!m_fReleased) && "You've already called SuppressRelease on this AllocMemTracker which implies you've passed your point of no failure. Why are you still doing allocations?"); if (tmap.m_pMem != NULL) { AllocMemHolder holder(tmap); // If anything goes wrong in here, this holder will backout the allocation for the caller. if (m_fReleased) { holder.SuppressRelease(); } AllocMemTrackerBlock *pBlock = m_pFirstBlock; if (pBlock->m_nextFree == kAllocMemTrackerBlockSize) { AllocMemTrackerBlock *pNewBlock = new (nothrow) AllocMemTrackerBlock; if (!pNewBlock) { return NULL; } pNewBlock->m_pNext = m_pFirstBlock; pNewBlock->m_nextFree = 0; m_pFirstBlock = pNewBlock; pBlock = pNewBlock; } // From here on, we can't fail pBlock->m_Node[pBlock->m_nextFree].m_pHeap = tmap.m_pHeap; pBlock->m_Node[pBlock->m_nextFree].m_pMem = tmap.m_pMem; pBlock->m_Node[pBlock->m_nextFree].m_dwRequestedSize = tmap.m_dwRequestedSize; #ifdef _DEBUG pBlock->m_Node[pBlock->m_nextFree].m_szAllocFile = tmap.m_szFile; pBlock->m_Node[pBlock->m_nextFree].m_allocLineNum = tmap.m_lineNum; #endif pBlock->m_nextFree++; holder.SuppressRelease(); } return (void *)tmap; } void AllocMemTracker::SuppressRelease() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(this); m_fReleased = TRUE; } #endif //#ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE