// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace R2RDump { /// /// based on src/inc/readytorun.h READYTORUN_HEADER /// public class R2RHeader { [Flags] public enum ReadyToRunFlag { NONE = 0x00000000, READYTORUN_FLAG_PLATFORM_NEUTRAL_SOURCE = 0x00000001, READYTORUN_FLAG_SKIP_TYPE_VALIDATION = 0x00000002, READYTORUN_FLAG_PARTIAL = 0x00000004, } /// /// The expected signature of a ReadyToRun header /// public const uint READYTORUN_SIGNATURE = 0x00525452; // 'RTR' /// /// RVA to the begining of the ReadyToRun header /// public int RelativeVirtualAddress { get; set; } /// /// Size of the ReadyToRun header /// public int Size { get; set; } /// /// Signature of the header in string and hex formats /// public string SignatureString { get; set; } public uint Signature { get; set; } /// /// The ReadyToRun version /// public ushort MajorVersion { get; set; } public ushort MinorVersion { get; set; } /// /// Flags in the header /// eg. PLATFORM_NEUTRAL_SOURCE, SKIP_TYPE_VALIDATION /// public uint Flags { get; set; } /// /// The ReadyToRun section RVAs and sizes /// public IDictionary Sections { get; } public R2RHeader() { } /// /// Initializes the fields of the R2RHeader /// /// PE image /// Relative virtual address of the ReadyToRun header /// Index in the image byte array to the start of the ReadyToRun header /// The signature must be 0x00525452 public R2RHeader(byte[] image, int rva, int curOffset) { RelativeVirtualAddress = rva; int startOffset = curOffset; byte[] signature = new byte[sizeof(uint) - 1]; // -1 removes the null character at the end of the cstring Array.Copy(image, curOffset, signature, 0, sizeof(uint) - 1); SignatureString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(signature); Signature = NativeReader.ReadUInt32(image, ref curOffset); if (Signature != READYTORUN_SIGNATURE) { throw new System.BadImageFormatException("Incorrect R2R header signature: " + SignatureString); } MajorVersion = NativeReader.ReadUInt16(image, ref curOffset); MinorVersion = NativeReader.ReadUInt16(image, ref curOffset); Flags = NativeReader.ReadUInt32(image, ref curOffset); int nSections = NativeReader.ReadInt32(image, ref curOffset); Sections = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < nSections; i++) { int type = NativeReader.ReadInt32(image, ref curOffset); var sectionType = (R2RSection.SectionType)type; if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(R2RSection.SectionType), type)) { R2RDump.WriteWarning("Invalid ReadyToRun section type"); } Sections[sectionType] = new R2RSection(sectionType, NativeReader.ReadInt32(image, ref curOffset), NativeReader.ReadInt32(image, ref curOffset)); } Size = curOffset - startOffset; } public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"Signature: 0x{Signature:X8} ({SignatureString})"); sb.AppendLine($"RelativeVirtualAddress: 0x{RelativeVirtualAddress:X8}"); if (Signature == READYTORUN_SIGNATURE) { sb.AppendLine($"Size: {Size} bytes"); sb.AppendLine($"MajorVersion: 0x{MajorVersion:X4}"); sb.AppendLine($"MinorVersion: 0x{MinorVersion:X4}"); sb.AppendLine($"Flags: 0x{Flags:X8}"); foreach (ReadyToRunFlag flag in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ReadyToRunFlag))) { if ((Flags & (uint)flag) != 0) { sb.AppendLine($" - {Enum.GetName(typeof(ReadyToRunFlag), flag)}"); } } } return sb.ToString(); } } }