## ## Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ## The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ## See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ## ## This script generates the interface to ETW using MC.exe import os from os import path import shutil import re import sys import argparse import subprocess import xml.dom.minidom as DOM from genEventing import parseTemplateNodes from utilities import open_for_update, update_directory, parseExclusionList macroheader_filename = "etwmacros.h" mcheader_filename = "ClrEtwAll.h" clrxplat_filename = "clrxplatevents.h" etw_dirname = "etw" replacements = [ (r"EventEnabled", "EventXplatEnabled"), (r"\bPVOID\b", "void*"), ] counted_replacements = [ # There is a bug in the MC code generator that miscomputes the size of ETW events # which have variable size arrays of variable size arrays. This occurred in our GCBulkType # event. This workaround replaces the bad size computation with the correct one. See # https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/pull/25454 for more information" (r"_Arg0 \* _Arg2_Len_", "_Arg2_Len_", 1) ] stdprolog_cpp=""" // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /****************************************************************** DO NOT MODIFY. AUTOGENERATED FILE. This file is generated using the logic from /src/scripts/genEtwProvider.py ******************************************************************/ """ def genProviderInterface(manifest, intermediate): provider_dirname = os.path.join(intermediate, etw_dirname + "_temp") if not os.path.exists(provider_dirname): os.makedirs(provider_dirname) cmd = ['mc.exe', '-h', provider_dirname, '-r', provider_dirname, '-b', '-co', '-um', '-p', 'FireEtXplat', manifest] subprocess.check_call(cmd) header_text = None with open(path.join(provider_dirname, mcheader_filename), 'r') as mcheader_file: header_text = mcheader_file.read() for pattern, replacement in replacements: header_text = re.sub(pattern, replacement, header_text) for pattern, replacement, expected_count in counted_replacements: (header_text, actual_count) = re.subn(pattern, replacement, header_text) if actual_count != expected_count: raise Exception("The workaround for https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/pull/25454 in src/scripts/genEtwProvider.py could not be applied. Has the generated code changed or perhaps the underlying issue has been fixed? ") with open(path.join(provider_dirname, mcheader_filename), 'w') as mcheader_file: mcheader_file.write(header_text) def genXplatHeader(intermediate): with open_for_update(path.join(intermediate, clrxplat_filename)) as header_file: header_file.write(""" #ifndef _CLR_XPLAT_EVENTS_H_ #define _CLR_XPLAT_EVENTS_H_ #include "{0}/{1}" #include "{0}/{2}" #endif //_CLR_XPLAT_EVENTS_H_ """.format(etw_dirname, macroheader_filename, mcheader_filename)) def getStackWalkBit(eventProvider, taskName, eventSymbol, stackSet): for entry in stackSet: tokens = entry.split(':') if len(tokens) != 3: raise Exception("Error, possible error in the script which introduced the entry "+ entry) eventCond = tokens[0] == eventProvider or tokens[0] == "*" taskCond = tokens[1] == taskName or tokens[1] == "*" symbolCond = tokens[2] == eventSymbol or tokens[2] == "*" if eventCond and taskCond and symbolCond: return False return True #Add the miscellaneous checks here def checkConsistency(manifest, exclusion_filename): tree = DOM.parse(manifest) exclusionInfo = parseExclusionList(exclusion_filename) for providerNode in tree.getElementsByTagName('provider'): stackSupportSpecified = {} eventNodes = providerNode.getElementsByTagName('event') templateNodes = providerNode.getElementsByTagName('template') eventProvider = providerNode.getAttribute('name') allTemplates = parseTemplateNodes(templateNodes) for eventNode in eventNodes: taskName = eventNode.getAttribute('task') eventSymbol = eventNode.getAttribute('symbol') eventTemplate = eventNode.getAttribute('template') eventValue = int(eventNode.getAttribute('value')) clrInstanceBit = getStackWalkBit(eventProvider, taskName, eventSymbol, exclusionInfo.noclrinstance) sLookupFieldName = "ClrInstanceID" sLookupFieldType = "win:UInt16" if clrInstanceBit and allTemplates.get(eventTemplate): # check for the event template and look for a field named ClrInstanceId of type win:UInt16 fnParam = allTemplates[eventTemplate].getFnParam(sLookupFieldName) if not(fnParam and fnParam.winType == sLookupFieldType): raise Exception(exclusion_filename + ":No " + sLookupFieldName + " field of type " + sLookupFieldType + " for event symbol " + eventSymbol) # If some versions of an event are on the nostack/stack lists, # and some versions are not on either the nostack or stack list, # then developer likely forgot to specify one of the versions eventStackBitFromNoStackList = getStackWalkBit(eventProvider, taskName, eventSymbol, exclusionInfo.nostack) eventStackBitFromExplicitStackList = getStackWalkBit(eventProvider, taskName, eventSymbol, exclusionInfo.explicitstack) sStackSpecificityError = exclusion_filename + ": Error processing event :" + eventSymbol + "(ID" + str(eventValue) + "): This file must contain either ALL versions of this event or NO versions of this event. Currently some, but not all, versions of this event are present\n" if not stackSupportSpecified.get(eventValue): # Haven't checked this event before. Remember whether a preference is stated if ( not eventStackBitFromNoStackList) or ( not eventStackBitFromExplicitStackList): stackSupportSpecified[eventValue] = True else: stackSupportSpecified[eventValue] = False else: # We've checked this event before. if stackSupportSpecified[eventValue]: # When we last checked, a preference was previously specified, so it better be specified here if eventStackBitFromNoStackList and eventStackBitFromExplicitStackList: raise Exception(sStackSpecificityError) else: # When we last checked, a preference was not previously specified, so it better not be specified here if ( not eventStackBitFromNoStackList) or ( not eventStackBitFromExplicitStackList): raise Exception(sStackSpecificityError) def genEtwMacroHeader(manifest, exclusion_filename, intermediate): provider_dirname = os.path.join(intermediate, etw_dirname + "_temp") if not os.path.exists(provider_dirname): os.makedirs(provider_dirname) tree = DOM.parse(manifest) numOfProviders = len(tree.getElementsByTagName('provider')) nMaxEventBytesPerProvider = 64 exclusionInfo = parseExclusionList(exclusion_filename) with open_for_update(os.path.join(provider_dirname, macroheader_filename)) as header_file: header_file.write(stdprolog_cpp + "\n") header_file.write("#define NO_OF_ETW_PROVIDERS " + str(numOfProviders) + "\n") header_file.write("#define MAX_BYTES_PER_ETW_PROVIDER " + str(nMaxEventBytesPerProvider) + "\n") header_file.write("EXTERN_C SELECTANY const BYTE etwStackSupportedEvents[NO_OF_ETW_PROVIDERS][MAX_BYTES_PER_ETW_PROVIDER] = \n{\n") for providerNode in tree.getElementsByTagName('provider'): stackSupportedEvents = [0]*nMaxEventBytesPerProvider eventNodes = providerNode.getElementsByTagName('event') eventProvider = providerNode.getAttribute('name') for eventNode in eventNodes: taskName = eventNode.getAttribute('task') eventSymbol = eventNode.getAttribute('symbol') eventTemplate = eventNode.getAttribute('template') eventTemplate = eventNode.getAttribute('template') eventValue = int(eventNode.getAttribute('value')) eventIndex = eventValue // 8 eventBitPositionInIndex = eventValue % 8 eventStackBitFromNoStackList = int(getStackWalkBit(eventProvider, taskName, eventSymbol, exclusionInfo.nostack)) eventStackBitFromExplicitStackList = int(getStackWalkBit(eventProvider, taskName, eventSymbol, exclusionInfo.explicitstack)) # Shift those bits into position. For the explicit stack list, swap 0 and 1, so the eventValue* variables # have 1 in the position iff we should issue a stack for the event. eventValueUsingNoStackListByPosition = (eventStackBitFromNoStackList << eventBitPositionInIndex) eventValueUsingExplicitStackListByPosition = ((1 - eventStackBitFromExplicitStackList) << eventBitPositionInIndex) # Commit the values to the in-memory array that we'll dump into the header file stackSupportedEvents[eventIndex] = stackSupportedEvents[eventIndex] | eventValueUsingNoStackListByPosition; if eventStackBitFromExplicitStackList == 0: stackSupportedEvents[eventIndex] = stackSupportedEvents[eventIndex] | eventValueUsingExplicitStackListByPosition # print the bit array line = [] line.append("\t{") for elem in stackSupportedEvents: line.append(str(elem)) line.append(", ") del line[-1] line.append("},") header_file.write(''.join(line) + "\n") header_file.write("};\n") def genFiles(manifest, intermediate, exclusion_filename): if not os.path.exists(intermediate): os.makedirs(intermediate) genProviderInterface(manifest, intermediate) genEtwMacroHeader(manifest, exclusion_filename, intermediate) genXplatHeader(intermediate) def main(argv): #parse the command line parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generates the Code required to instrument ETW logging mechanism") required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') required.add_argument('--man', type=str, required=True, help='full path to manifest containig the description of events') required.add_argument('--exc', type=str, required=True, help='full path to exclusion list') required.add_argument('--intermediate', type=str, required=True, help='full path to eventprovider intermediate directory') args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(argv) if unknown: print('Unknown argument(s): ', ', '.join(unknown)) return 1 manifest = args.man exclusion_filename = args.exc intermediate = args.intermediate checkConsistency(manifest, exclusion_filename) genFiles(manifest, intermediate, exclusion_filename) # Update the final directory from temp provider_temp_dirname = os.path.join(intermediate, etw_dirname + "_temp") provider_dirname = os.path.join(intermediate, etw_dirname) if not os.path.exists(provider_dirname): os.makedirs(provider_dirname) update_directory(provider_temp_dirname, provider_dirname) shutil.rmtree(provider_temp_dirname) if __name__ == '__main__': return_code = main(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(return_code)