# PrepTests.sh # Initializes our test running environment by setting environment variables appropriately. Already set variables # are not overwritten. This is intended for use on unix. # # Created 10/28/2014 - mmitche ExecPrepTestsCore() { unset -f ExecPrepTestsCore echo echo Preparing this window to run tests echo Setting up Exernal Environment Variables echo _TGTCPU - Target CPU echo BVT_ROOT - Root of tests to run echo CORE_RUN - Test host echo CORE_ROOT - Root of CLR drop. echo # Set $_TGTCPU based on the processor arch. In bash on an x64 linux machine, that will show up as x86_x64. # If so, then set to AMD64. Otherwise I386. if ! test $_TGTCPU then export _TGTCPU=`arch` if test $_TGTCPU = "x86_x64" then export _TGTCPU="AMD64" else export _TGTCPU="i386" fi fi # Set $BVT_ROOT based on current directory if ! test $BVT_ROOT then export BVT_ROOT=$PWD fi # Set $CORE_RUN based on current directory if ! test $CORE_RUN then if test -e $BVT_ROOT/Hosting/CoreClr/Activation/Host/TestHost.exe then export CORE_RUN=$BVT_ROOT/Hosting/CoreClr/Activation/Host/TestHost.exe else echo !!!ERROR: $BVT_ROOT/Hosting/CoreClr/Activation/Host/TestHost.exe does not exist. CORE_RUN not set. return 1 fi fi # Set $CORE_ROOT base to $PWD unless otherwise set. if ! test "$CORE_ROOT" then echo Warning. CORE_ROOT is not set at the moment. Setting it to $PWD export CORE_ROOT=$PWD fi # Report the current state of the environment echo _TGCPU is set to: $_TGTCPU echo BVT_ROOT is set to: $BVT_ROOT echo CORE_ROOT is set to: $CORE_ROOT echo CORE_RUN is set to $CORE_RUN echo return 0 } # This is explicitly so that we can RETURN and not exit this script. ExecPrepTestsCore $*