#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This file invokes cmake and generates the build system for Clang. # if [ $# -lt 4 -o $# -gt 8 ] then echo "Usage..." echo "gen-buildsys-clang.sh [build flavor] [coverage] [ninja] [cmakeargs]" echo "Specify the path to the top level CMake file - /src/NDP" echo "Specify the clang version to use, split into major and minor version" echo "Specify the target architecture." echo "Optionally specify the build configuration (flavor.) Defaults to DEBUG." echo "Optionally specify 'coverage' to enable code coverage build." echo "Target ninja instead of make. ninja must be on the PATH." echo "Pass additional arguments to CMake call." exit 1 fi # Set up the environment to be used for building with clang. if which "clang-$2.$3" > /dev/null 2>&1 then export CC="$(which clang-$2.$3)" export CXX="$(which clang++-$2.$3)" elif which "clang$2$3" > /dev/null 2>&1 then export CC="$(which clang$2$3)" export CXX="$(which clang++$2$3)" elif which clang > /dev/null 2>&1 then export CC="$(which clang)" export CXX="$(which clang++)" else echo "Unable to find Clang Compiler" exit 1 fi build_arch="$4" buildtype=DEBUG code_coverage=OFF build_tests=OFF generator="Unix Makefiles" __UnprocessedCMakeArgs="" for i in "${@:5}"; do upperI="$(echo $i | awk '{print toupper($0)}')" case $upperI in # Possible build types are DEBUG, CHECKED, RELEASE, RELWITHDEBINFO, MINSIZEREL. DEBUG | CHECKED | RELEASE | RELWITHDEBINFO | MINSIZEREL) buildtype=$upperI ;; COVERAGE) echo "Code coverage is turned on for this build." code_coverage=ON ;; INCLUDE_TESTS) echo "Including tests directory in build." build_tests=ON ;; NINJA) generator=Ninja ;; *) __UnprocessedCMakeArgs="${__UnprocessedCMakeArgs}${__UnprocessedCMakeArgs:+ }$i" esac done OS=`uname` # Locate llvm # This can be a little complicated, because the common use-case of Ubuntu with # llvm-3.5 installed uses a rather unusual llvm installation with the version # number postfixed (i.e. llvm-ar-3.5), so we check for that first. # On FreeBSD the version number is appended without point and dash (i.e. # llvm-ar35). # Additionally, OSX doesn't use the llvm- prefix. if [ $OS = "Linux" -o $OS = "FreeBSD" -o $OS = "OpenBSD" -o $OS = "NetBSD" -o $OS = "SunOS" ]; then llvm_prefix="llvm-" elif [ $OS = "Darwin" ]; then llvm_prefix="" else echo "Unable to determine build platform" exit 1 fi desired_llvm_major_version=$2 desired_llvm_minor_version=$3 if [ $OS = "FreeBSD" ]; then desired_llvm_version="$desired_llvm_major_version$desired_llvm_minor_version" elif [ $OS = "OpenBSD" ]; then desired_llvm_version="" elif [ $OS = "NetBSD" ]; then desired_llvm_version="" elif [ $OS = "SunOS" ]; then desired_llvm_version="" else desired_llvm_version="-$desired_llvm_major_version.$desired_llvm_minor_version" fi locate_llvm_exec() { if which "$llvm_prefix$1$desired_llvm_version" > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "$(which $llvm_prefix$1$desired_llvm_version)" elif which "$llvm_prefix$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "$(which $llvm_prefix$1)" else exit 1 fi } llvm_ar="$(locate_llvm_exec ar)" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || { echo "Unable to locate llvm-ar"; exit 1; } llvm_link="$(locate_llvm_exec link)" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || { echo "Unable to locate llvm-link"; exit 1; } llvm_nm="$(locate_llvm_exec nm)" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || { echo "Unable to locate llvm-nm"; exit 1; } if [ $OS = "Linux" -o $OS = "FreeBSD" -o $OS = "OpenBSD" -o $OS = "NetBSD" -o $OS = "SunOS" ]; then llvm_objdump="$(locate_llvm_exec objdump)" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || { echo "Unable to locate llvm-objdump"; exit 1; } fi cmake_extra_defines= if [[ -n "$LLDB_LIB_DIR" ]]; then cmake_extra_defines="$cmake_extra_defines -DWITH_LLDB_LIBS=$LLDB_LIB_DIR" fi if [[ -n "$LLDB_INCLUDE_DIR" ]]; then cmake_extra_defines="$cmake_extra_defines -DWITH_LLDB_INCLUDES=$LLDB_INCLUDE_DIR" fi if [[ -n "$CROSSCOMPONENT" ]]; then cmake_extra_defines="$cmake_extra_defines -DCLR_CROSS_COMPONENTS_BUILD=1" fi if [[ -n "$CROSSCOMPILE" ]]; then if ! [[ -n "$ROOTFS_DIR" ]]; then echo "ROOTFS_DIR not set for crosscompile" exit 1 fi if [[ -z $CONFIG_DIR ]]; then CONFIG_DIR="$1/cross/$build_arch" fi cmake_extra_defines="$cmake_extra_defines -C $CONFIG_DIR/tryrun.cmake" cmake_extra_defines="$cmake_extra_defines -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$CONFIG_DIR/toolchain.cmake" fi if [ "$build_arch" == "armel" ]; then cmake_extra_defines="$cmake_extra_defines -DARM_SOFTFP=1" fi cmake \ -G "$generator" \ "-DCMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE=$1/src/pal/tools/clang-compiler-override.txt" \ "-DCMAKE_AR=$llvm_ar" \ "-DCMAKE_LINKER=$llvm_link" \ "-DCMAKE_NM=$llvm_nm" \ "-DCMAKE_OBJDUMP=$llvm_objdump" \ "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$buildtype" \ "-DCMAKE_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=$code_coverage" \ "-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 " \ "-DCLR_CMAKE_BUILD_TESTS=$build_tests" \ $cmake_extra_defines \ $__UnprocessedCMakeArgs \ "$1"