// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*============================================================ ** ** Source: test.c ** ** Purpose: Test for MessageBoxW() function ** ** **=========================================================*/ #define UNICODE #include int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Declare Variables to use with convert()*/ WCHAR * PalTitle = NULL; WCHAR * OkTesting = NULL; WCHAR * AbortTesting = NULL; WCHAR * YesTesting = NULL; /* * Initialize the PAL and return FAILURE if this fails */ if(0 != (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv))) { return FAIL; } PalTitle = convert("Pal Testing"); OkTesting = convert("Click OK Please!"); /* Handle, text, title, style */ if(MessageBox(NULL, OkTesting, PalTitle, MB_OK) != IDOK) { free(OkTesting); free(PalTitle); Fail("ERROR: The MB_OK style should return IDOK."); } free(OkTesting); AbortTesting = convert("Click Abort Please!"); if(MessageBox(NULL, AbortTesting, PalTitle, MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE) != IDABORT) { free(AbortTesting); free(PalTitle); Fail("ERROR: The MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE style should " "return IDABORT."); } free(AbortTesting); YesTesting = convert("Click No Please!"); if(MessageBox(NULL, YesTesting, PalTitle, MB_YESNO) != IDNO) { free(PalTitle); free(YesTesting); Fail("ERROR: The MB_YESNO style should return IDNO."); } free(YesTesting); free(PalTitle); PAL_Terminate(); return PASS; }