// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*===================================================================== ** ** Source: test4.c ** ** Purpose: Tests the PAL implementation of the GetFullPathNameA API. ** GetFullPathA will be passed a directory that begins with '..'. ** Example: ..\test_directory\testing.tmp. ** To add to this test, we will also call SetCurrentDirectory to ** ensure this is handled properly. ** The test will create a file with in the parent directory ** to verify that the returned directory is valid. ** ** Depends: SetCurrentDirectory, ** CreateDirectory, ** strcat, ** memset, ** CreateFile, ** CloseHandle, ** strcmp, ** DeleteFileA, ** RemoveDirectory. ** ** **===================================================================*/ #include #ifdef WIN32 const char* szSeperator = "\\"; #else const char* szSeperator = "//"; #endif const char* szDotDot = ".."; const char* szFileName = "testing.tmp"; int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { DWORD dwRc = 0; char szReturnedPath[_MAX_DIR+1]; char szFullFileName[_MAX_DIR+1]; char szDirectory[256]; char* szCreatedDir = {"test_directory"}; WCHAR *szCreatedDirW; LPSTR pPathPtr; HANDLE hFile = NULL; BOOL bRetVal = FAIL; /* Initialize the PAL. */ if (0 != PAL_Initialize(argc,argv)) { return (FAIL); } /* Initialize the buffer. */ memset(szDirectory, '\0', 256); /* Create the path to the next level of directory to create. */ strcat( szDirectory, szDotDot ); /* .. */ strcat( szDirectory, szSeperator ); /* ../ */ strcat( szDirectory, szCreatedDir ); /* ../test_directory */ /* Create a test directory. */ if ( !CreateDirectoryA( szDirectory, NULL ) ) { Fail("ERROR:%u: Unable to create directories \"%s\".\n", GetLastError(), szDirectory); } /* Initialize the receiving char buffers. */ memset(szReturnedPath, 0, _MAX_DIR+1); memset(szFullFileName, 0, _MAX_DIR+1); /* Create Full filename to pass, will include '..\' * in the middle of the path. */ strcat( szFullFileName, szDotDot ); /* .. */ strcat( szFullFileName, szSeperator ); /* ../ */ strcat( szFullFileName, szCreatedDir ); /* ../test_directory */ strcat( szFullFileName, szSeperator ); /* ../test_directory/ */ strcat( szFullFileName, szFileName ); /* ../test_directory/testing.tmp */ /* Get the full path to the filename. */ dwRc = GetFullPathNameA(szFullFileName, _MAX_DIR, szReturnedPath, &pPathPtr); if (dwRc == 0) { Trace("ERROR :%ld: GetFullPathName failed to " "retrieve the path of \"%s\".\n", GetLastError(), szFileName); bRetVal = FAIL; goto cleanUpOne; } /* The returned value should be the parent directory with the * file name appended. */ hFile = CreateFileA(szReturnedPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Trace("ERROR :%ld: CreateFileA failed to create \"%s\".\n", GetLastError(), szReturnedPath); bRetVal = FAIL; goto cleanUpOne; } /* Close the handle to the created file. */ if (CloseHandle(hFile) != TRUE) { Trace("ERROR :%ld: CloseHandle failed close hFile=0x%lx.\n", GetLastError()); bRetVal = FAIL; goto cleanUpTwo; } /* Verify that the file was created, attempt to create * the file again. */ hFile = CreateFileA(szReturnedPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if ((hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { Trace("ERROR :%ld: CreateFileA succeeded to create file " "\"%s\", that already existed.\n", GetLastError(), szFullFileName); bRetVal = FAIL; goto cleanUpTwo; } /* Verify that the returned filename is the same as the supplied. */ if (strcmp(pPathPtr, szFileName) != 0) { Trace("ERROR : Returned filename \"%s\" is not equal to " "supplied filename \"%s\".\n", pPathPtr, szFileName); bRetVal = FAIL; goto cleanUpTwo; } /* Successful test. */ bRetVal = PASS; cleanUpTwo: /* Delete the create file. */ if (DeleteFileA(szReturnedPath) != TRUE) { Fail("ERROR :%ld: DeleteFileA failed to delete \"%s\".\n", GetLastError(), szFileName); } cleanUpOne: /* Remove the empty directory. */ szCreatedDirW = convert((LPSTR)szDirectory); if (!RemoveDirectoryW(szCreatedDirW)) { free (szCreatedDirW); Fail("ERROR:%u: Unable to remove directory \"%s\".\n", GetLastError(), szCreatedDir); } free (szCreatedDirW); /* Terminate the PAL.*/ PAL_Terminate(); return bRetVal; }