// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*++ Module Name: process.cpp Abstract: Implementation of process object and functions related to processes. --*/ #include "pal/dbgmsg.h" SET_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(PROCESS); // some headers have code with asserts, so do this first #include "pal/procobj.hpp" #include "pal/thread.hpp" #include "pal/file.hpp" #include "pal/handlemgr.hpp" #include "pal/module.h" #include "procprivate.hpp" #include "pal/palinternal.h" #include "pal/process.h" #include "pal/init.h" #include "pal/critsect.h" #include "pal/debug.h" #include "pal/utils.h" #include "pal/environ.h" #include "pal/virtual.h" #include "pal/stackstring.hpp" #include #if HAVE_POLL #include #else #include "pal/fakepoll.h" #endif // HAVE_POLL #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_PRCTL_H #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include // __NR_membarrier // Ensure __NR_membarrier is defined for portable builds. # if !defined(__NR_membarrier) # if defined(__amd64__) # define __NR_membarrier 324 # elif defined(__i386__) # define __NR_membarrier 375 # elif defined(__arm__) # define __NR_membarrier 389 # elif defined(__aarch64__) # define __NR_membarrier 283 # elif # error Unknown architecture # endif # endif #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #include #endif #ifdef __NetBSD__ #include #include #include #include #endif extern char *g_szCoreCLRPath; using namespace CorUnix; CObjectType CorUnix::otProcess( otiProcess, NULL, // No cleanup routine NULL, // No initialization routine 0, // No immutable data NULL, // No immutable data copy routine NULL, // No immutable data cleanup routine sizeof(CProcProcessLocalData), NULL, // No process local data cleanup routine 0, // No shared data PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, CObjectType::SecuritySupported, CObjectType::SecurityInfoNotPersisted, CObjectType::UnnamedObject, CObjectType::CrossProcessDuplicationAllowed, CObjectType::WaitableObject, CObjectType::SingleTransitionObject, CObjectType::ThreadReleaseHasNoSideEffects, CObjectType::NoOwner ); // // Helper membarrier function // #ifdef __NR_membarrier # define membarrier(...) syscall(__NR_membarrier, __VA_ARGS__) #else # define membarrier(...) -ENOSYS #endif enum membarrier_cmd { MEMBARRIER_CMD_QUERY = 0, MEMBARRIER_CMD_GLOBAL = (1 << 0), MEMBARRIER_CMD_GLOBAL_EXPEDITED = (1 << 1), MEMBARRIER_CMD_REGISTER_GLOBAL_EXPEDITED = (1 << 2), MEMBARRIER_CMD_PRIVATE_EXPEDITED = (1 << 3), MEMBARRIER_CMD_REGISTER_PRIVATE_EXPEDITED = (1 << 4), MEMBARRIER_CMD_PRIVATE_EXPEDITED_SYNC_CORE = (1 << 5), MEMBARRIER_CMD_REGISTER_PRIVATE_EXPEDITED_SYNC_CORE = (1 << 6) }; // // Tracks if the OS supports FlushProcessWriteBuffers using membarrier // static int s_flushUsingMemBarrier = 0; // // Helper memory page used by the FlushProcessWriteBuffers // static int* s_helperPage = 0; // // Mutex to make the FlushProcessWriteBuffersMutex thread safe // pthread_mutex_t flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex; CAllowedObjectTypes aotProcess(otiProcess); // // The representative IPalObject for this process // IPalObject* CorUnix::g_pobjProcess; // // Critical section that protects process data (e.g., the // list of active threads)/ // CRITICAL_SECTION g_csProcess; // // List and count of active threads // CPalThread* CorUnix::pGThreadList; DWORD g_dwThreadCount; // // The command line and app name for the process // LPWSTR g_lpwstrCmdLine = NULL; LPWSTR g_lpwstrAppDir = NULL; // Thread ID of thread that has started the ExitProcess process Volatile terminator = 0; // Process and session ID of this process. DWORD gPID = (DWORD) -1; DWORD gSID = (DWORD) -1; // Application group ID for this process #ifdef __APPLE__ LPCSTR gApplicationGroupId = nullptr; int gApplicationGroupIdLength = 0; #endif // __APPLE__ PathCharString* gSharedFilesPath = nullptr; // The lowest common supported semaphore length, including null character // NetBSD-7.99.25: 15 characters // MacOSX 10.11: 31 -- Core 1.0 RC2 compatibility #if defined(__NetBSD__) #define CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN 15 #elif defined(__APPLE__) #define CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN PSEMNAMLEN #else #define CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN (NAME_MAX - 4) #endif static_assert_no_msg(CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN <= MAX_PATH); // Function to call during PAL/process shutdown/abort Volatile g_shutdownCallback = nullptr; // Crash dump generating program arguments. Initialized in PROCAbortInitialize(). char* g_argvCreateDump[8] = { nullptr }; // // Key used for associating CPalThread's with the underlying pthread // (through pthread_setspecific) // pthread_key_t CorUnix::thObjKey; static WCHAR W16_WHITESPACE[]= {0x0020, 0x0009, 0x000D, 0}; static WCHAR W16_WHITESPACE_DQUOTE[]= {0x0020, 0x0009, 0x000D, '"', 0}; enum FILETYPE { FILE_ERROR,/*ERROR*/ FILE_UNIX, /*Unix Executable*/ FILE_DIR /*Directory*/ }; #pragma pack(push,1) // When creating the semaphore name on Mac running in a sandbox, We reference this structure as a byte array // in order to encode its data into a string. Its important to make sure there is no padding between the fields // and also at the end of the buffer. Hence, this structure is defined inside a pack(1) struct UnambiguousProcessDescriptor { UnambiguousProcessDescriptor() { } UnambiguousProcessDescriptor(DWORD processId, UINT64 disambiguationKey) { Init(processId, disambiguationKey); } void Init(DWORD processId, UINT64 disambiguationKey) { m_processId = processId; m_disambiguationKey = disambiguationKey; } UINT64 m_disambiguationKey; DWORD m_processId; }; #pragma pack(pop) static DWORD StartupHelperThread( LPVOID p); static BOOL GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey( IN DWORD processId, OUT UINT64 *disambiguationKey); PAL_ERROR PROCGetProcessStatus( CPalThread *pThread, HANDLE hProcess, PROCESS_STATE *pps, DWORD *pdwExitCode); static void CreateSemaphoreName( char semName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN], LPCSTR semaphoreName, const UnambiguousProcessDescriptor& unambiguousProcessDescriptor, LPCSTR applicationGroupId); static BOOL getFileName(LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, LPWSTR lpCommandLine, PathCharString& lpFileName); static char ** buildArgv(LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, PathCharString& lpAppPath, UINT *pnArg); static BOOL getPath(PathCharString& lpFileName, PathCharString& lpPathFileName); static int checkFileType(LPCSTR lpFileName); static BOOL PROCEndProcess(HANDLE hProcess, UINT uExitCode, BOOL bTerminateUnconditionally); ProcessModules *GetProcessModulesFromHandle(IN HANDLE hProcess, OUT LPDWORD lpCount); ProcessModules *CreateProcessModules(IN DWORD dwProcessId, OUT LPDWORD lpCount); void DestroyProcessModules(IN ProcessModules *listHead); /*++ Function: GetCurrentProcessId See MSDN doc. --*/ DWORD PALAPI GetCurrentProcessId( VOID) { PERF_ENTRY(GetCurrentProcessId); ENTRY("GetCurrentProcessId()\n" ); LOGEXIT("GetCurrentProcessId returns DWORD %#x\n", gPID); PERF_EXIT(GetCurrentProcessId); return gPID; } /*++ Function: GetCurrentSessionId See MSDN doc. --*/ DWORD PALAPI GetCurrentSessionId( VOID) { PERF_ENTRY(GetCurrentSessionId); ENTRY("GetCurrentSessionId()\n" ); LOGEXIT("GetCurrentSessionId returns DWORD %#x\n", gSID); PERF_EXIT(GetCurrentSessionId); return gSID; } /*++ Function: GetCurrentProcess See MSDN doc. --*/ HANDLE PALAPI GetCurrentProcess( VOID) { PERF_ENTRY(GetCurrentProcess); ENTRY("GetCurrentProcess()\n" ); LOGEXIT("GetCurrentProcess returns HANDLE %p\n", hPseudoCurrentProcess); PERF_EXIT(GetCurrentProcess); /* return a pseudo handle */ return hPseudoCurrentProcess; } /*++ Function: CreateProcessA Note: Only Standard handles need to be inherited. Security attributes parameters are not used. See MSDN doc. --*/ BOOL PALAPI CreateProcessA( IN LPCSTR lpApplicationName, IN LPSTR lpCommandLine, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, IN BOOL bInheritHandles, IN DWORD dwCreationFlags, IN LPVOID lpEnvironment, IN LPCSTR lpCurrentDirectory, IN LPSTARTUPINFOA lpStartupInfo, OUT LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation) { PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; CPalThread *pThread; STARTUPINFOW StartupInfoW; LPWSTR CommandLineW = NULL; LPWSTR ApplicationNameW = NULL; LPWSTR CurrentDirectoryW = NULL; int n; PERF_ENTRY(CreateProcessA); ENTRY("CreateProcessA(lpAppName=%p (%s), lpCmdLine=%p (%s), lpProcessAttr=%p, " "lpThreadAttr=%p, bInherit=%d, dwFlags=%#x, lpEnv=%p, " "lpCurrentDir=%p (%s), lpStartupInfo=%p, lpProcessInfo=%p)\n", lpApplicationName?lpApplicationName:"NULL", lpApplicationName?lpApplicationName:"NULL", lpCommandLine?lpCommandLine:"NULL", lpCommandLine?lpCommandLine:"NULL", lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory?lpCurrentDirectory:"NULL", lpCurrentDirectory?lpCurrentDirectory:"NULL", lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation); pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); if(lpStartupInfo == NULL) { ASSERT("lpStartupInfo is NULL!\n"); palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; } /* convert parameters to Unicode */ if(lpApplicationName) { n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpApplicationName, -1, NULL, 0); if(0 == n) { ASSERT("MultiByteToWideChar failed!\n"); palError = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } ApplicationNameW = (LPWSTR)InternalMalloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*n); if(!ApplicationNameW) { ERROR("malloc() failed!\n"); palError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpApplicationName, -1, ApplicationNameW, n); } if(lpCommandLine) { n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpCommandLine, -1, NULL, 0); if(0 == n) { ASSERT("MultiByteToWideChar failed!\n"); palError = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } CommandLineW = (LPWSTR)InternalMalloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*n); if(!CommandLineW) { ERROR("malloc() failed!\n"); palError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpCommandLine, -1, CommandLineW, n); } if(lpCurrentDirectory) { n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpCurrentDirectory, -1, NULL, 0); if(0 == n) { ASSERT("MultiByteToWideChar failed!\n"); palError = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } CurrentDirectoryW = (LPWSTR)InternalMalloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*n); if(!CurrentDirectoryW) { ERROR("malloc() failed!\n"); palError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto done; } MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpCurrentDirectory, -1, CurrentDirectoryW, n); } // lpEnvironment should remain ansi on the call to CreateProcessW StartupInfoW.cb = sizeof StartupInfoW; StartupInfoW.dwFlags = lpStartupInfo->dwFlags; StartupInfoW.hStdError = lpStartupInfo->hStdError; StartupInfoW.hStdInput = lpStartupInfo->hStdInput; StartupInfoW.hStdOutput = lpStartupInfo->hStdOutput; /* all other members are PAL_Undefined, we can ignore them */ palError = InternalCreateProcess( pThread, ApplicationNameW, CommandLineW, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, CurrentDirectoryW, &StartupInfoW, lpProcessInformation ); done: free(ApplicationNameW); free(CommandLineW); free(CurrentDirectoryW); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { pThread->SetLastError(palError); } LOGEXIT("CreateProcessA returns BOOL %d\n", NO_ERROR == palError); PERF_EXIT(CreateProcessA); return NO_ERROR == palError; } /*++ Function: CreateProcessW Note: Only Standard handles need to be inherited. Security attributes parameters are not used. See MSDN doc. --*/ BOOL PALAPI CreateProcessW( IN LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, IN LPWSTR lpCommandLine, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, IN BOOL bInheritHandles, IN DWORD dwCreationFlags, IN LPVOID lpEnvironment, IN LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory, IN LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo, OUT LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation) { PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; CPalThread *pThread; PERF_ENTRY(CreateProcessW); ENTRY("CreateProcessW(lpAppName=%p (%S), lpCmdLine=%p (%S), lpProcessAttr=%p," "lpThreadAttr=%p, bInherit=%d, dwFlags=%#x, lpEnv=%p," "lpCurrentDir=%p (%S), lpStartupInfo=%p, lpProcessInfo=%p)\n", lpApplicationName?lpApplicationName:W16_NULLSTRING, lpApplicationName?lpApplicationName:W16_NULLSTRING, lpCommandLine?lpCommandLine:W16_NULLSTRING, lpCommandLine?lpCommandLine:W16_NULLSTRING,lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags,lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory?lpCurrentDirectory:W16_NULLSTRING, lpCurrentDirectory?lpCurrentDirectory:W16_NULLSTRING, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation); pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); palError = InternalCreateProcess( pThread, lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { pThread->SetLastError(palError); } LOGEXIT("CreateProcessW returns BOOL %d\n", NO_ERROR == palError); PERF_EXIT(CreateProcessW); return NO_ERROR == palError; } PAL_ERROR PrepareStandardHandle( CPalThread *pThread, HANDLE hFile, IPalObject **ppobjFile, int *piFd ) { PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; IPalObject *pobjFile = NULL; IDataLock *pDataLock = NULL; CFileProcessLocalData *pLocalData = NULL; int iError = 0; palError = g_pObjectManager->ReferenceObjectByHandle( pThread, hFile, &aotFile, 0, &pobjFile ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { ERROR("Bad handle passed through CreateProcess\n"); goto PrepareStandardHandleExit; } palError = pobjFile->GetProcessLocalData( pThread, ReadLock, &pDataLock, reinterpret_cast(&pLocalData) ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { ASSERT("Unable to access file data\n"); goto PrepareStandardHandleExit; } // // The passed in file needs to be inheritable // if (!pLocalData->inheritable) { ERROR("Non-inheritable handle passed through CreateProcess\n"); palError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto PrepareStandardHandleExit; } iError = fcntl(pLocalData->unix_fd, F_SETFD, 0); if (-1 == iError) { ERROR("Unable to remove close-on-exec for file (errno %i)\n", errno); palError = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; goto PrepareStandardHandleExit; } *piFd = pLocalData->unix_fd; pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE); pDataLock = NULL; // // Transfer pobjFile reference to out parameter // *ppobjFile = pobjFile; pobjFile = NULL; PrepareStandardHandleExit: if (NULL != pDataLock) { pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE); } if (NULL != pobjFile) { pobjFile->ReleaseReference(pThread); } return palError; } PAL_ERROR CorUnix::InternalCreateProcess( CPalThread *pThread, LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, LPWSTR lpCommandLine, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, BOOL bInheritHandles, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPVOID lpEnvironment, LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory, LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo, LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation ) { PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL; IPalObject *pobjProcessRegistered = NULL; IDataLock *pLocalDataLock = NULL; CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData; IDataLock *pSharedDataLock = NULL; CPalThread *pDummyThread = NULL; HANDLE hDummyThread = NULL; HANDLE hProcess = NULL; CObjectAttributes oa(NULL, lpProcessAttributes); IPalObject *pobjFileIn = NULL; int iFdIn = -1; IPalObject *pobjFileOut = NULL; int iFdOut = -1; IPalObject *pobjFileErr = NULL; int iFdErr = -1; pid_t processId; PathCharString lpFileNamePS; char **lppArgv = NULL; UINT nArg; int iRet; char **EnvironmentArray=NULL; int child_blocking_pipe = -1; int parent_blocking_pipe = -1; /* Validate parameters */ /* note : specs indicate lpApplicationName should always be NULL; however support for it is already implemented. Leaving the code in, specs can change; but rejecting non-NULL for now to conform to the spec. */ if( NULL != lpApplicationName ) { ASSERT("lpApplicationName should be NULL, but is %S instead\n", lpApplicationName); palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } if (0 != (dwCreationFlags & ~(CREATE_SUSPENDED|CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE))) { ASSERT("Unexpected creation flags (%#x)\n", dwCreationFlags); palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* Security attributes parameters are ignored */ if (lpProcessAttributes != NULL && (lpProcessAttributes->lpSecurityDescriptor != NULL || lpProcessAttributes->bInheritHandle != TRUE)) { ASSERT("lpProcessAttributes is invalid, parameter ignored (%p)\n", lpProcessAttributes); palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } if (lpThreadAttributes != NULL) { ASSERT("lpThreadAttributes parameter must be NULL (%p)\n", lpThreadAttributes); palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* note : Win32 crashes in this case */ if(NULL == lpStartupInfo) { ERROR("lpStartupInfo is NULL\n"); palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* Validate lpStartupInfo.cb field */ if (lpStartupInfo->cb < sizeof(STARTUPINFOW)) { ASSERT("lpStartupInfo parameter structure size is invalid (%u)\n", lpStartupInfo->cb); palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* lpStartupInfo should be either zero or STARTF_USESTDHANDLES */ if (lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & ~STARTF_USESTDHANDLES) { ASSERT("lpStartupInfo parameter invalid flags (%#x)\n", lpStartupInfo->dwFlags); palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* validate given standard handles if we have any */ if (lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES) { palError = PrepareStandardHandle( pThread, lpStartupInfo->hStdInput, &pobjFileIn, &iFdIn ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } palError = PrepareStandardHandle( pThread, lpStartupInfo->hStdOutput, &pobjFileOut, &iFdOut ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } palError = PrepareStandardHandle( pThread, lpStartupInfo->hStdError, &pobjFileErr, &iFdErr ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } } if (!getFileName(lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpFileNamePS)) { ERROR("Can't find executable!\n"); palError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* check type of file */ iRet = checkFileType(lpFileNamePS); switch (iRet) { case FILE_ERROR: /* file not found, or not an executable */ WARN ("File is not valid (%s)", lpFileNamePS.GetString()); palError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; case FILE_UNIX: /* Unix binary file */ break; /* nothing to do */ case FILE_DIR:/*Directory*/ WARN ("File is a Directory (%s)", lpFileNamePS.GetString()); palError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; break; default: /* not supposed to get here */ ASSERT ("Invalid return type from checkFileType"); palError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* build Argument list, lppArgv is allocated in buildArgv function and requires to be freed */ lppArgv = buildArgv(lpCommandLine, lpFileNamePS, &nArg); /* set the Environment variable */ if (lpEnvironment != NULL) { unsigned i; // Since CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT isn't supported we know the string is ansi unsigned EnvironmentEntries = 0; // Convert the environment block to array of strings // Count the number of entries // Is it a string that contains null terminated string, the end is delimited // by two null in a row. for (i = 0; ((char *)lpEnvironment)[i]!='\0'; i++) { EnvironmentEntries ++; for (;((char *)lpEnvironment)[i]!='\0'; i++) { } } EnvironmentEntries++; EnvironmentArray = (char **)InternalMalloc(EnvironmentEntries * sizeof(char *)); EnvironmentEntries = 0; // Convert the environment block to array of strings // Count the number of entries // Is it a string that contains null terminated string, the end is delimited // by two null in a row. for (i = 0; ((char *)lpEnvironment)[i]!='\0'; i++) { EnvironmentArray[EnvironmentEntries] = &((char *)lpEnvironment)[i]; EnvironmentEntries ++; for (;((char *)lpEnvironment)[i]!='\0'; i++) { } } EnvironmentArray[EnvironmentEntries] = NULL; } // // Allocate and register the process object for the new process // palError = g_pObjectManager->AllocateObject( pThread, &otProcess, &oa, &pobjProcess ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { ERROR("Unable to allocate object for new proccess\n"); goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } palError = g_pObjectManager->RegisterObject( pThread, pobjProcess, &aotProcess, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, &hProcess, &pobjProcessRegistered ); // // pobjProcess is invalidated by the above call, so // NULL it out here // pobjProcess = NULL; if (NO_ERROR != palError) { ERROR("Unable to register new process object\n"); goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } // // Create a new "dummy" thread object // palError = InternalCreateDummyThread( pThread, lpThreadAttributes, &pDummyThread, &hDummyThread ); if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SUSPENDED) { int pipe_descs[2]; if (-1 == pipe(pipe_descs)) { ERROR("pipe() failed! error is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); palError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* [0] is read end, [1] is write end */ pDummyThread->suspensionInfo.SetBlockingPipe(pipe_descs[1]); parent_blocking_pipe = pipe_descs[1]; child_blocking_pipe = pipe_descs[0]; } palError = pobjProcessRegistered->GetProcessLocalData( pThread, WriteLock, &pLocalDataLock, reinterpret_cast(&pLocalData) ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { ASSERT("Unable to obtain local data for new process object\n"); goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* fork the new process */ processId = fork(); if (processId == -1) { ASSERT("Unable to create a new process with fork()\n"); if (-1 != child_blocking_pipe) { close(child_blocking_pipe); close(parent_blocking_pipe); } palError = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto InternalCreateProcessExit; } /* From the time the child process begins running, to when it reaches execve, the child process is not a real PAL process and does not own any PAL resources, although it has access to the PAL resources of its parent process. Thus, while the child process is in this window, it is dangerous for it to affect its parent's PAL resources. As a consequence, no PAL code should be used in this window; all code should make unix calls. Note the use of _exit instead of exit to avoid calling PAL_Terminate and the lack of TRACE's and ASSERT's. */ if (processId == 0) /* child process */ { // At this point, the PAL should be considered uninitialized for this child process. // Don't want to enter the init_critsec here since we're trying to avoid // calling PAL functions. Furthermore, nothing should be changing // the init_count in the child process at this point since this is the only // thread executing. init_count = 0; sigset_t sm; // // Clear out the signal mask for the new process. // sigemptyset(&sm); iRet = sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sm, NULL); if (iRet != 0) { _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (dwCreationFlags & CREATE_SUSPENDED) { BYTE resume_code = 0; ssize_t read_ret; /* close the write end of the pipe, the child doesn't need it */ close(parent_blocking_pipe); read_again: /* block until ResumeThread writes something to the pipe */ read_ret = read(child_blocking_pipe, &resume_code, sizeof(resume_code)); if (sizeof(resume_code) != read_ret) { if (read_ret == -1 && EINTR == errno) { goto read_again; } else { /* note : read might return 0 (and return EAGAIN) if the other end of the pipe gets closed - for example because the parent process dies (very) abruptly */ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (WAKEUPCODE != resume_code) { // resume_code should always equal WAKEUPCODE. _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } close(child_blocking_pipe); } /* Set the current directory */ if (lpCurrentDirectory) { SetCurrentDirectoryW(lpCurrentDirectory); } /* Set the standard handles to the incoming values */ if (lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES) { /* For each handle, we need to duplicate the incoming unix fd to the corresponding standard one. The API that I use, dup2, will copy the source to the destination, automatically closing the existing destination, in an atomic way */ if (dup2(iFdIn, STDIN_FILENO) == -1) { // Didn't duplicate standard in. _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (dup2(iFdOut, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) { // Didn't duplicate standard out. _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (dup2(iFdErr, STDERR_FILENO) == -1) { // Didn't duplicate standard error. _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* now close the original FDs, we don't need them anymore */ close(iFdIn); close(iFdOut); close(iFdErr); } /* execute the new process */ if (EnvironmentArray) { execve(lpFileNamePS, lppArgv, EnvironmentArray); } else { execve(lpFileNamePS, lppArgv, palEnvironment); } /* if we get here, it means the execve function call failed so just exit */ _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* parent process */ /* close the read end of the pipe, the parent doesn't need it */ close(child_blocking_pipe); /* Set the process ID */ pLocalData->dwProcessId = processId; pLocalDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE); pLocalDataLock = NULL; // // Release file handle info; we don't need them anymore. Note that // this must happen after we've released the data locks, as // otherwise a deadlock could result. // if (lpStartupInfo->dwFlags & STARTF_USESTDHANDLES) { pobjFileIn->ReleaseReference(pThread); pobjFileIn = NULL; pobjFileOut->ReleaseReference(pThread); pobjFileOut = NULL; pobjFileErr->ReleaseReference(pThread); pobjFileErr = NULL; } /* fill PROCESS_INFORMATION strucutre */ lpProcessInformation->hProcess = hProcess; lpProcessInformation->hThread = hDummyThread; lpProcessInformation->dwProcessId = processId; lpProcessInformation->dwThreadId_PAL_Undefined = 0; TRACE("New process created: id=%#x\n", processId); InternalCreateProcessExit: if (NULL != pLocalDataLock) { pLocalDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE); } if (NULL != pSharedDataLock) { pSharedDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE); } if (NULL != pobjProcess) { pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread); } if (NULL != pobjProcessRegistered) { pobjProcessRegistered->ReleaseReference(pThread); } if (NO_ERROR != palError) { if (NULL != hProcess) { g_pObjectManager->RevokeHandle(pThread, hProcess); } if (NULL != hDummyThread) { g_pObjectManager->RevokeHandle(pThread, hDummyThread); } } if (EnvironmentArray) { free(EnvironmentArray); } /* if we still have the file structures at this point, it means we encountered an error sometime between when we acquired them and when we fork()ed. We not only have to release them, we have to give them back their close-on-exec flag */ if (NULL != pobjFileIn) { if(-1 == fcntl(iFdIn, F_SETFD, 1)) { WARN("couldn't restore close-on-exec flag to stdin descriptor! " "errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } pobjFileIn->ReleaseReference(pThread); } if (NULL != pobjFileOut) { if(-1 == fcntl(iFdOut, F_SETFD, 1)) { WARN("couldn't restore close-on-exec flag to stdout descriptor! " "errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } pobjFileOut->ReleaseReference(pThread); } if (NULL != pobjFileErr) { if(-1 == fcntl(iFdErr, F_SETFD, 1)) { WARN("couldn't restore close-on-exec flag to stderr descriptor! " "errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } pobjFileErr->ReleaseReference(pThread); } /* free allocated memory */ if (lppArgv) { free(*lppArgv); free(lppArgv); } return palError; } /*++ Function: GetExitCodeProcess See MSDN doc. --*/ BOOL PALAPI GetExitCodeProcess( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN LPDWORD lpExitCode) { CPalThread *pThread; PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwExitCode; PROCESS_STATE ps; PERF_ENTRY(GetExitCodeProcess); ENTRY("GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess = %p, lpExitCode = %p)\n", hProcess, lpExitCode); pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); if(NULL == lpExitCode) { WARN("Got NULL lpExitCode\n"); palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto done; } palError = PROCGetProcessStatus( pThread, hProcess, &ps, &dwExitCode ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { ASSERT("Couldn't get process status information!\n"); goto done; } if( PS_DONE == ps ) { *lpExitCode = dwExitCode; } else { *lpExitCode = STILL_ACTIVE; } done: if (NO_ERROR != palError) { pThread->SetLastError(palError); } LOGEXIT("GetExitCodeProcess returns BOOL %d\n", NO_ERROR == palError); PERF_EXIT(GetExitCodeProcess); return NO_ERROR == palError; } /*++ Function: ExitProcess See MSDN doc. --*/ PAL_NORETURN VOID PALAPI ExitProcess( IN UINT uExitCode) { DWORD old_terminator; PERF_ENTRY_ONLY(ExitProcess); ENTRY("ExitProcess(uExitCode=0x%x)\n", uExitCode ); old_terminator = InterlockedCompareExchange(&terminator, GetCurrentThreadId(), 0); if (GetCurrentThreadId() == old_terminator) { // This thread has already initiated termination. This can happen // in two ways: // 1) DllMain(DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) triggers a call to ExitProcess. // 2) PAL_exit() is called after the last PALTerminate(). // If the PAL is still initialized, we go straight through to // PROCEndProcess. If it isn't, we simply exit. if (!PALIsInitialized()) { exit(uExitCode); ASSERT("exit has returned\n"); } else { WARN("thread re-called ExitProcess\n"); PROCEndProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), uExitCode, FALSE); } } else if (0 != old_terminator) { /* another thread has already initiated the termination process. we could just block on the PALInitLock critical section, but then PROCSuspendOtherThreads would hang... so sleep forever here, we're terminating anyway Update: [TODO] PROCSuspendOtherThreads has been removed. Can this code be changed? */ WARN("termination already started from another thread; blocking.\n"); poll(NULL, 0, INFTIM); } /* ExitProcess may be called even if PAL is not initialized. Verify if process structure exist */ if (PALInitLock() && PALIsInitialized()) { PROCEndProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), uExitCode, FALSE); /* Should not get here, because we terminate the current process */ ASSERT("PROCEndProcess has returned\n"); } else { exit(uExitCode); /* Should not get here, because we terminate the current process */ ASSERT("exit has returned\n"); } /* this should never get executed */ ASSERT("ExitProcess should not return!\n"); for (;;); } /*++ Function: TerminateProcess Note: hProcess is a handle on the current process. See MSDN doc. --*/ BOOL PALAPI TerminateProcess( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN UINT uExitCode) { BOOL ret; PERF_ENTRY(TerminateProcess); ENTRY("TerminateProcess(hProcess=%p, uExitCode=%u)\n",hProcess, uExitCode ); ret = PROCEndProcess(hProcess, uExitCode, TRUE); LOGEXIT("TerminateProcess returns BOOL %d\n", ret); PERF_EXIT(TerminateProcess); return ret; } /*++ Function: RaiseFailFastException See MSDN doc. --*/ VOID PALAPI RaiseFailFastException( IN PEXCEPTION_RECORD pExceptionRecord, IN PCONTEXT pContextRecord, IN DWORD dwFlags) { PERF_ENTRY(RaiseFailFastException); ENTRY("RaiseFailFastException"); TerminateCurrentProcessNoExit(TRUE); PROCAbort(); LOGEXIT("RaiseFailFastException"); PERF_EXIT(RaiseFailFastException); } /*++ Function: PROCEndProcess Called from TerminateProcess and ExitProcess. This does the work of TerminateProcess, but also takes a flag that determines whether we shut down unconditionally. If the flag is set, the PAL will do very little extra work before exiting. Most importantly, it won't shut down any DLLs that are loaded. --*/ static BOOL PROCEndProcess(HANDLE hProcess, UINT uExitCode, BOOL bTerminateUnconditionally) { DWORD dwProcessId; BOOL ret = FALSE; dwProcessId = PROCGetProcessIDFromHandle(hProcess); if (dwProcessId == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); } else if(dwProcessId != GetCurrentProcessId()) { if (uExitCode != 0) WARN("exit code 0x%x ignored for external process.\n", uExitCode); if (kill(dwProcessId, SIGKILL) == 0) { ret = TRUE; } else { switch (errno) { case ESRCH: SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); break; case EPERM: SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); break; default: // Unexpected failure. ASSERT(FALSE); SetLastError(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); break; } } } else { // WARN/ERROR before starting the termination process and/or leaving the PAL. if (bTerminateUnconditionally) { WARN("exit code 0x%x ignored for terminate.\n", uExitCode); } else if ((uExitCode & 0xff) != uExitCode) { // TODO: Convert uExitCodes into sysexits(3)? ERROR("exit() only supports the lower 8-bits of an exit code. " "status will only see error 0x%x instead of 0x%x.\n", uExitCode & 0xff, uExitCode); } TerminateCurrentProcessNoExit(bTerminateUnconditionally); LOGEXIT("PROCEndProcess will not return\n"); // exit() runs atexit handlers possibly registered by foreign code. // The right thing to do here is to leave the PAL. If our client // registered our own PAL_Terminate with atexit(), the latter will // explicitly re-enter us. PAL_Leave(PAL_BoundaryBottom); if (bTerminateUnconditionally) { // abort() has the semantics that // (1) it doesn't run atexit handlers // (2) can invoke CrashReporter or produce a coredump, // which is appropriate for TerminateProcess calls PROCAbort(); } else { exit(uExitCode); } ASSERT(FALSE); // we shouldn't get here } return ret; } /*++ Function: PAL_SetShutdownCallback Abstract: Sets a callback that is executed when the PAL is shut down because of ExitProcess, TerminateProcess or PAL_Shutdown but not PAL_Terminate/Ex. NOTE: Currently only one callback can be set at a time. --*/ PALIMPORT VOID PALAPI PAL_SetShutdownCallback( IN PSHUTDOWN_CALLBACK callback) { _ASSERTE(g_shutdownCallback == nullptr); g_shutdownCallback = callback; } static bool IsCoreClrModule(const char* pModulePath) { // Strip off everything up to and including the last slash in the path to get name const char* pModuleName = pModulePath; while (strchr(pModuleName, '/') != NULL) { pModuleName = strchr(pModuleName, '/'); pModuleName++; // pass the slash } return _stricmp(pModuleName, MAKEDLLNAME_A("coreclr")) == 0; } // Build the semaphore names using the PID and a value that can be used for distinguishing // between processes with the same PID (which ran at different times). This is to avoid // cases where a prior process with the same PID exited abnormally without having a chance // to clean up its semaphore. // Note to anyone modifying these names in the future: Semaphore names on OS X are limited // to SEM_NAME_LEN characters, including null. SEM_NAME_LEN is 31 (at least on OS X 10.11). // NetBSD limits semaphore names to 15 characters, including null (at least up to 7.99.25). // Keep 31 length for Core 1.0 RC2 compatibility #if defined(__NetBSD__) static const char* RuntimeSemaphoreNameFormat = "/clr%s%08llx"; #else static const char* RuntimeSemaphoreNameFormat = "/clr%s%08x%016llx"; #endif static const char* RuntimeStartupSemaphoreName = "st"; static const char* RuntimeContinueSemaphoreName = "co"; #if defined(__NetBSD__) static uint64_t HashSemaphoreName(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return (a ^ b) & 0xffffffff; } #else #define HashSemaphoreName(a,b) a,b #endif static const char* PipeNameFormat = "clr-debug-pipe-%d-%llu-%s"; class PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper { LONG m_ref; bool m_canceled; PPAL_STARTUP_CALLBACK m_callback; PVOID m_parameter; DWORD m_threadId; HANDLE m_threadHandle; DWORD m_processId; #ifdef __APPLE__ char m_applicationGroupId[MAX_APPLICATION_GROUP_ID_LENGTH+1]; #endif // __APPLE__ char m_startupSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN]; char m_continueSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN]; // A value that, used in conjunction with the process ID, uniquely identifies a process. // See the format we use for debugger semaphore names for why this is necessary. UINT64 m_processIdDisambiguationKey; // Debugger waits on this semaphore and the runtime signals it on startup. sem_t *m_startupSem; // Debuggee waits on this semaphore and the debugger signals it after the startup callback // registered (m_callback) returns. sem_t *m_continueSem; LPCSTR GetApplicationGroupId() const { #ifdef __APPLE__ return m_applicationGroupId[0] == '\0' ? nullptr : m_applicationGroupId; #else // __APPLE__ return nullptr; #endif // __APPLE__ } public: PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper(DWORD dwProcessId, PPAL_STARTUP_CALLBACK pfnCallback, PVOID parameter) : m_ref(1), m_canceled(false), m_callback(pfnCallback), m_parameter(parameter), m_threadId(0), m_threadHandle(NULL), m_processId(dwProcessId), m_startupSem(SEM_FAILED), m_continueSem(SEM_FAILED) { } ~PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper() { if (m_startupSem != SEM_FAILED) { sem_close(m_startupSem); sem_unlink(m_startupSemName); } if (m_continueSem != SEM_FAILED) { sem_close(m_continueSem); sem_unlink(m_continueSemName); } if (m_threadHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_threadHandle); } } LONG AddRef() { LONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&m_ref); return ref; } LONG Release() { LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&m_ref); if (ref == 0) { InternalDelete(this); } return ref; } PAL_ERROR GetSemError() { PAL_ERROR pe; switch (errno) { case ENOENT: pe = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; break; case EACCES: pe = ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS; break; case EINVAL: case ENAMETOOLONG: pe = ERROR_INVALID_NAME; break; case ENOMEM: pe = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; case EEXIST: pe = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; break; case ENOSPC: pe = ERROR_TOO_MANY_SEMAPHORES; break; default: pe = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } return pe; } PAL_ERROR Register(LPCWSTR lpApplicationGroupId) { CPalThread *pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); PAL_ERROR pe = NO_ERROR; BOOL ret; UnambiguousProcessDescriptor unambiguousProcessDescriptor; #ifdef __APPLE__ if (lpApplicationGroupId != NULL) { /* Convert to ASCII */ int applicationGroupIdLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpApplicationGroupId, -1, m_applicationGroupId, sizeof(m_applicationGroupId), NULL, NULL); if (applicationGroupIdLength == 0) { pe = GetLastError(); TRACE("applicationGroupId: Failed to convert to multibyte string (%u)\n", pe); if (pe == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { pe = ERROR_BAD_LENGTH; } goto exit; } } else { // Indicate that group ID is not being used m_applicationGroupId[0] = '\0'; } #endif // __APPLE__ // See semaphore name format for details about this value. We store it so that // it can be used by the cleanup code that removes the semaphore with sem_unlink. ret = GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey(m_processId, &m_processIdDisambiguationKey); // If GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey failed for some reason, it should set the value // to 0. We expect that anyone else opening the semaphore name will also fail and thus // will also try to use 0 as the value. _ASSERTE(ret == TRUE || m_processIdDisambiguationKey == 0); unambiguousProcessDescriptor.Init(m_processId, m_processIdDisambiguationKey); CreateSemaphoreName(m_startupSemName, RuntimeStartupSemaphoreName, unambiguousProcessDescriptor, GetApplicationGroupId()); CreateSemaphoreName(m_continueSemName, RuntimeContinueSemaphoreName, unambiguousProcessDescriptor, GetApplicationGroupId()); TRACE("PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper.Register creating startup '%s' continue '%s'\n", m_startupSemName, m_continueSemName); // Create the continue semaphore first so we don't race with PAL_NotifyRuntimeStarted. This open will fail if another // debugger is trying to attach to this process because the name will already exist. m_continueSem = sem_open(m_continueSemName, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRWXU, 0); if (m_continueSem == SEM_FAILED) { TRACE("sem_open(continue) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); pe = GetSemError(); goto exit; } // Create the debuggee startup semaphore so the runtime (debuggee) knows to wait for a debugger connection. m_startupSem = sem_open(m_startupSemName, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRWXU, 0); if (m_startupSem == SEM_FAILED) { TRACE("sem_open(startup) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); pe = GetSemError(); goto exit; } // Add a reference for the thread handler AddRef(); pe = InternalCreateThread( pThread, NULL, 0, ::StartupHelperThread, this, 0, UserCreatedThread, &m_threadId, &m_threadHandle); if (NO_ERROR != pe) { TRACE("InternalCreateThread failed %d\n", pe); Release(); goto exit; } exit: return pe; } void Unregister() { m_canceled = true; // Tell the runtime to continue if (sem_post(m_continueSem) != 0) { ASSERT("sem_post(continueSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } // Tell the worker thread to continue if (sem_post(m_startupSem) != 0) { ASSERT("sem_post(startupSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } // Don't need to wait for the worker thread if unregister called on it if (m_threadId != (DWORD)THREADSilentGetCurrentThreadId()) { // Wait for work thread to exit if (WaitForSingleObject(m_threadHandle, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { ASSERT("WaitForSingleObject\n"); } } } // // There are a couple race conditions that need to be considered here: // // * On launch, between the fork and execv in the PAL's CreateProcess where the target process // may contain a coreclr module image if the debugger process is running managed code. This // makes just checking if the coreclr module exists not enough. // // * On launch (after the execv) or attach when the coreclr is loaded but before the DAC globals // table is initialized where it is too soon to use/initialize the DAC on the debugger side. // // They are both fixed by check if the one of transport pipe files has been created. // bool IsCoreClrProcessReady() { char pipeName[MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH]; PAL_GetTransportPipeName(pipeName, m_processId, GetApplicationGroupId(), "in"); struct stat buf; if (stat(pipeName, &buf) == 0) { TRACE("IsCoreClrProcessReady: stat(%s) SUCCEEDED\n", pipeName); return true; } TRACE("IsCoreClrProcessReady: stat(%s) FAILED: errno is %d (%s)\n", pipeName, errno, strerror(errno)); return false; } PAL_ERROR InvokeStartupCallback() { ProcessModules *listHead = NULL; PAL_ERROR pe = NO_ERROR; DWORD count; if (m_canceled) { goto exit; } // Enumerate all the modules in the process and invoke the callback // for the coreclr module if found. listHead = CreateProcessModules(m_processId, &count); if (listHead == NULL) { TRACE("CreateProcessModules failed for pid %d\n", m_processId); pe = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; } for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next) { if (IsCoreClrModule(entry->Name)) { PAL_CPP_TRY { TRACE("InvokeStartupCallback executing callback %p %s\n", entry->BaseAddress, entry->Name); m_callback(entry->Name, entry->BaseAddress, m_parameter); } PAL_CPP_CATCH_ALL { } PAL_CPP_ENDTRY // Currently only the first coreclr module in a process is supported break; } } exit: // Wake up the runtime if (sem_post(m_continueSem) != 0) { ASSERT("sem_post(continueSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } if (listHead != NULL) { DestroyProcessModules(listHead); } return pe; } void StartupHelperThread() { PAL_ERROR pe = NO_ERROR; if (IsCoreClrProcessReady()) { pe = InvokeStartupCallback(); } else { TRACE("sem_wait(startup)\n"); // Wait until the coreclr runtime (debuggee) starts up if (sem_wait(m_startupSem) == 0) { pe = InvokeStartupCallback(); } else { TRACE("sem_wait(startup) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); pe = GetSemError(); } } // Invoke the callback on errors if (pe != NO_ERROR && !m_canceled) { SetLastError(pe); m_callback(NULL, NULL, m_parameter); } } }; static DWORD StartupHelperThread(LPVOID p) { TRACE("PAL's StartupHelperThread starting\n"); PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *)p; helper->StartupHelperThread(); helper->Release(); return 0; } /*++ PAL_RegisterForRuntimeStartup Parameters: dwProcessId - process id of runtime process lpApplicationGroupId - A string representing the application group ID of a sandboxed process running in Mac. Pass NULL if the process is not running in a sandbox and other platforms. pfnCallback - function to callback for coreclr module found parameter - data to pass to callback ppUnregisterToken - pointer to put PAL_UnregisterForRuntimeStartup token. Return value: PAL_ERROR Note: If the modulePath or hModule is NULL when the callback is invoked, an error occured and GetLastError() will return the Win32 error code. The callback is always invoked on a separate thread and this API returns immediately. Only the first coreclr module is currently supported. --*/ DWORD PALAPI PAL_RegisterForRuntimeStartup( IN DWORD dwProcessId, IN LPCWSTR lpApplicationGroupId, IN PPAL_STARTUP_CALLBACK pfnCallback, IN PVOID parameter, OUT PVOID *ppUnregisterToken) { _ASSERTE(pfnCallback != NULL); _ASSERTE(ppUnregisterToken != NULL); PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = InternalNew(dwProcessId, pfnCallback, parameter); // Create the debuggee startup semaphore so the runtime (debuggee) knows to wait for // a debugger connection. PAL_ERROR pe = helper->Register(lpApplicationGroupId); if (NO_ERROR != pe) { helper->Release(); helper = NULL; } *ppUnregisterToken = helper; return pe; } /*++ PAL_UnregisterForRuntimeStartup Stops/cancels startup notification. This API can be called in the startup callback. Otherwise, it will block until the callback thread finishes and no more callbacks will be initiated after this API returns. Parameters: dwUnregisterToken - token from PAL_RegisterForRuntimeStartup or NULL. Return value: PAL_ERROR --*/ DWORD PALAPI PAL_UnregisterForRuntimeStartup( IN PVOID pUnregisterToken) { if (pUnregisterToken != NULL) { PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *helper = (PAL_RuntimeStartupHelper *)pUnregisterToken; helper->Unregister(); helper->Release(); } return NO_ERROR; } /*++ PAL_NotifyRuntimeStarted Signals the debugger waiting for runtime startup notification to continue and waits until the debugger signals us to continue. Parameters: None Return value: TRUE - successfully launched by debugger, FALSE - not launched or some failure in the handshake --*/ BOOL PALAPI PAL_NotifyRuntimeStarted() { char startupSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN]; char continueSemName[CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN]; sem_t *startupSem = SEM_FAILED; sem_t *continueSem = SEM_FAILED; BOOL launched = FALSE; UINT64 processIdDisambiguationKey = 0; BOOL ret = GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey(gPID, &processIdDisambiguationKey); // If GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey failed for some reason, it should set the value // to 0. We expect that anyone else making the semaphore name will also fail and thus // will also try to use 0 as the value. _ASSERTE(ret == TRUE || processIdDisambiguationKey == 0); UnambiguousProcessDescriptor unambiguousProcessDescriptor(gPID, processIdDisambiguationKey); LPCSTR applicationGroupId = #ifdef __APPLE__ PAL_GetApplicationGroupId(); #else nullptr; #endif CreateSemaphoreName(startupSemName, RuntimeStartupSemaphoreName, unambiguousProcessDescriptor, applicationGroupId); CreateSemaphoreName(continueSemName, RuntimeContinueSemaphoreName, unambiguousProcessDescriptor, applicationGroupId); TRACE("PAL_NotifyRuntimeStarted opening continue '%s' startup '%s'\n", continueSemName, startupSemName); // Open the debugger startup semaphore. If it doesn't exists, then we do nothing and return startupSem = sem_open(startupSemName, 0); if (startupSem == SEM_FAILED) { TRACE("sem_open(%s) failed: %d (%s)\n", startupSemName, errno, strerror(errno)); goto exit; } continueSem = sem_open(continueSemName, 0); if (continueSem == SEM_FAILED) { ASSERT("sem_open(%s) failed: %d (%s)\n", continueSemName, errno, strerror(errno)); goto exit; } // Wake up the debugger waiting for startup if (sem_post(startupSem) != 0) { ASSERT("sem_post(startupSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); goto exit; } // Now wait until the debugger's runtime startup notification is finished if (sem_wait(continueSem) != 0) { ASSERT("sem_wait(continueSem) failed: errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); goto exit; } // Returns that the runtime was successfully launched for debugging launched = TRUE; exit: if (startupSem != SEM_FAILED) { sem_close(startupSem); } if (continueSem != SEM_FAILED) { sem_close(continueSem); } return launched; } #ifdef __APPLE__ LPCSTR PALAPI PAL_GetApplicationGroupId() { return gApplicationGroupId; } // We use 7bits from each byte, so this computes the extra size we need to encode a given byte count constexpr int GetExtraEncodedAreaSize(UINT rawByteCount) { return (rawByteCount+6)/7; } const int SEMAPHORE_ENCODED_NAME_EXTRA_LENGTH = GetExtraEncodedAreaSize(sizeof(UnambiguousProcessDescriptor)); const int SEMAPHORE_ENCODED_NAME_LENGTH = sizeof(UnambiguousProcessDescriptor) + /* For process ID + disambiguationKey */ SEMAPHORE_ENCODED_NAME_EXTRA_LENGTH; /* For base 255 extra encoding space */ static_assert_no_msg(MAX_APPLICATION_GROUP_ID_LENGTH + 1 /* For / */ + 2 /* For ST/CO name prefix */ + SEMAPHORE_ENCODED_NAME_LENGTH /* For encoded name string */ + 1 /* For null terminator */ <= CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN); // In Apple we are limited by the length of the semaphore name. However, the characters which can be used in the // name can be anything between 1 and 255 (since 0 will terminate the string). Thus, we encode each byte b in // unambiguousProcessDescriptor as b ? b : 1, and mark an additional bit indicating if b is 0 or not. We use 7 bits // out of each extra byte so 1 bit will always be '1'. This will ensure that our extra bytes are never 0 which are // invalid characters. Thus we need an extra byte for each 7 input bytes. Hence, only extra 2 bytes for the name string. void EncodeSemaphoreName(char *encodedSemName, const UnambiguousProcessDescriptor& unambiguousProcessDescriptor) { const unsigned char *buffer = (const unsigned char *)&unambiguousProcessDescriptor; char *extraEncodingBits = encodedSemName + sizeof(UnambiguousProcessDescriptor); // Reset the extra encoding bit area for (int i=0; i 0 && length < CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN); EncodeSemaphoreName(semName+length, unambiguousProcessDescriptor); length += SEMAPHORE_ENCODED_NAME_LENGTH; semName[length] = 0; } else #endif // __APPLE__ { length = sprintf_s( semName, CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN, RuntimeSemaphoreNameFormat, semaphoreName, HashSemaphoreName(unambiguousProcessDescriptor.m_processId, unambiguousProcessDescriptor.m_disambiguationKey)); } _ASSERTE(length > 0 && length < CLR_SEM_MAX_NAMELEN ); } /*++ Function: GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey Get a numeric value that can be used to disambiguate between processes with the same PID, provided that one of them is still running. The numeric value can mean different things on different platforms, so it should not be used for any other purpose. Under the hood, it is implemented based on the creation time of the process. --*/ BOOL GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey(DWORD processId, UINT64 *disambiguationKey) { if (disambiguationKey == nullptr) { _ASSERTE(!"disambiguationKey argument cannot be null!"); return FALSE; } *disambiguationKey = 0; #if defined(__APPLE__) // On OS X, we return the process start time expressed in Unix time (the number of seconds // since the start of the Unix epoch). struct kinfo_proc info = {}; size_t size = sizeof(info); int mib[4] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, processId }; int ret = ::sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib)/sizeof(*mib), &info, &size, nullptr, 0); if (ret == 0) { timeval procStartTime = info.kp_proc.p_starttime; long secondsSinceEpoch = procStartTime.tv_sec; *disambiguationKey = secondsSinceEpoch; return TRUE; } else { _ASSERTE(!"Failed to get start time of a process."); return FALSE; } #elif defined(__NetBSD__) // On NetBSD, we return the process start time expressed in Unix time (the number of seconds // since the start of the Unix epoch). kvm_t *kd; int cnt; struct kinfo_proc2 *info; kd = kvm_open(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, KVM_NO_FILES, "kvm_open"); if (kd == nullptr) { _ASSERTE(!"Failed to get start time of a process."); return FALSE; } info = kvm_getproc2(kd, KERN_PROC_PID, processId, sizeof(struct kinfo_proc2), &cnt); if (info == nullptr || cnt < 1) { kvm_close(kd); _ASSERTE(!"Failed to get start time of a process."); return FALSE; } kvm_close(kd); long secondsSinceEpoch = info->p_ustart_sec; *disambiguationKey = secondsSinceEpoch; return TRUE; #elif HAVE_PROCFS_STAT // Here we read /proc//stat file to get the start time for the process. // We return this value (which is expressed in jiffies since boot time). // Making something like: /proc/123/stat char statFileName[64]; INDEBUG(int chars = ) snprintf(statFileName, sizeof(statFileName), "/proc/%d/stat", processId); _ASSERTE(chars > 0 && chars <= (int)sizeof(statFileName)); FILE *statFile = fopen(statFileName, "r"); if (statFile == nullptr) { TRACE("GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey: fopen() FAILED"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } char *line = nullptr; size_t lineLen = 0; if (getline(&line, &lineLen, statFile) == -1) { TRACE("GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey: getline() FAILED"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } unsigned long long starttime; // According to `man proc`, the second field in the stat file is the filename of the executable, // in parentheses. Tokenizing the stat file using spaces as separators breaks when that name // has spaces in it, so we start using sscanf_s after skipping everything up to and including the // last closing paren and the space after it. char *scanStartPosition = strrchr(line, ')') + 2; // All the format specifiers for the fields in the stat file are provided by 'man proc'. int sscanfRet = sscanf_s(scanStartPosition, "%*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*lu %*lu %*lu %*lu %*lu %*lu %*ld %*ld %*ld %*ld %*ld %*ld %llu \n", &starttime); if (sscanfRet != 1) { _ASSERTE(!"Failed to parse stat file contents with sscanf_s."); return FALSE; } free(line); fclose(statFile); *disambiguationKey = starttime; return TRUE; #else // If this is not OS X and we don't have /proc, we just return FALSE. WARN("GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey was called but is not implemented on this platform!"); return FALSE; #endif } /*++ Function: PAL_GetTransportPipeName Builds the transport pipe names from the process id. --*/ VOID PALAPI PAL_GetTransportPipeName( OUT char *name, IN DWORD id, IN const char *applicationGroupId, IN const char *suffix) { *name = '\0'; DWORD dwRetVal = 0; UINT64 disambiguationKey = 0; PathCharString formatBufferString; BOOL ret = GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey(id, &disambiguationKey); char *formatBuffer = formatBufferString.OpenStringBuffer(MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH-1); if (formatBuffer == nullptr) { ERROR("Out Of Memory"); return; } // If GetProcessIdDisambiguationKey failed for some reason, it should set the value // to 0. We expect that anyone else making the pipe name will also fail and thus will // also try to use 0 as the value. _ASSERTE(ret == TRUE || disambiguationKey == 0); #ifdef __APPLE__ if (nullptr != applicationGroupId) { // Verify the length of the application group ID int applicationGroupIdLength = strlen(applicationGroupId); if (applicationGroupIdLength > MAX_APPLICATION_GROUP_ID_LENGTH) { ERROR("The length of applicationGroupId is larger than MAX_APPLICATION_GROUP_ID_LENGTH"); return; } // In sandbox, all IPC files (locks, pipes) should be written to the application group // container. The path returned by GetTempPathA will be unique for each process and cannot // be used for IPC between two different processes if (!GetApplicationContainerFolder(formatBufferString, applicationGroupId, applicationGroupIdLength)) { ERROR("Out Of Memory"); return; } // Verify the size of the path won't exceed maximum allowed size if (formatBufferString.GetCount() >= MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH) { ERROR("GetApplicationContainerFolder returned a path that was larger than MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH"); return; } } else #endif // __APPLE__ { // Get a temp file location dwRetVal = ::GetTempPathA(MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH, formatBuffer); if (dwRetVal == 0) { ERROR("GetTempPath failed (0x%08x)", ::GetLastError()); return; } if (dwRetVal > MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH) { ERROR("GetTempPath returned a path that was larger than MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH"); return; } } if (strncat_s(formatBuffer, MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH, PipeNameFormat, strlen(PipeNameFormat)) == STRUNCATE) { ERROR("TransportPipeName was larger than MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH"); return; } int chars = snprintf(name, MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH, formatBuffer, id, disambiguationKey, suffix); _ASSERTE(chars > 0 && chars < MAX_DEBUGGER_TRANSPORT_PIPE_NAME_LENGTH); } /*++ Function: GetProcessTimes See MSDN doc. --*/ BOOL PALAPI GetProcessTimes( IN HANDLE hProcess, OUT LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, OUT LPFILETIME lpExitTime, OUT LPFILETIME lpKernelTime, OUT LPFILETIME lpUserTime) { BOOL retval = FALSE; struct rusage resUsage; __int64 calcTime; const __int64 SECS_TO_NS = 1000000000; /* 10^9 */ const __int64 USECS_TO_NS = 1000; /* 10^3 */ PERF_ENTRY(GetProcessTimes); ENTRY("GetProcessTimes(hProcess=%p, lpExitTime=%p, lpKernelTime=%p," "lpUserTime=%p)\n", hProcess, lpCreationTime, lpExitTime, lpKernelTime, lpUserTime ); /* Make sure hProcess is the current process, this is the only supported case */ if(PROCGetProcessIDFromHandle(hProcess)!=GetCurrentProcessId()) { ASSERT("GetProcessTimes() does not work on a process other than the " "current process.\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); goto GetProcessTimesExit; } /* First, we need to actually retrieve the relevant statistics from the OS */ if (getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &resUsage) == -1) { ASSERT("Unable to get resource usage information for the current " "process\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); goto GetProcessTimesExit; } TRACE ("getrusage User: %ld sec,%ld microsec. Kernel: %ld sec,%ld" " microsec\n", resUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec, resUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec, resUsage.ru_stime.tv_sec, resUsage.ru_stime.tv_usec); if (lpUserTime) { /* Get the time of user mode execution, in 100s of nanoseconds */ calcTime = (__int64)resUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec * SECS_TO_NS; calcTime += (__int64)resUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec * USECS_TO_NS; calcTime /= 100; /* Produce the time in 100s of ns */ /* Assign the time into lpUserTime */ lpUserTime->dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)calcTime; lpUserTime->dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(calcTime >> 32); } if (lpKernelTime) { /* Get the time of kernel mode execution, in 100s of nanoseconds */ calcTime = (__int64)resUsage.ru_stime.tv_sec * SECS_TO_NS; calcTime += (__int64)resUsage.ru_stime.tv_usec * USECS_TO_NS; calcTime /= 100; /* Produce the time in 100s of ns */ /* Assign the time into lpUserTime */ lpKernelTime->dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)calcTime; lpKernelTime->dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(calcTime >> 32); } retval = TRUE; GetProcessTimesExit: LOGEXIT("GetProcessTimes returns BOOL %d\n", retval); PERF_EXIT(GetProcessTimes); return (retval); } #define FILETIME_TO_ULONGLONG(f) \ (((ULONGLONG)(f).dwHighDateTime << 32) | ((ULONGLONG)(f).dwLowDateTime)) /*++ Function: PAL_GetCPUBusyTime The main purpose of this function is to compute the overall CPU utilization for the CLR thread pool to regulate the number of I/O completion port worker threads. Since there is no consistent API on Unix to get the CPU utilization from a user process, getrusage and gettimeofday are used to compute the current process's CPU utilization instead. This function emulates the ThreadpoolMgr::GetCPUBusyTime_NT function in win32threadpool.cpp of the CLR. See MSDN doc for GetSystemTimes. --*/ INT PALAPI PAL_GetCPUBusyTime( IN OUT PAL_IOCP_CPU_INFORMATION *lpPrevCPUInfo) { ULONGLONG nLastRecordedCurrentTime = 0; ULONGLONG nLastRecordedUserTime = 0; ULONGLONG nLastRecordedKernelTime = 0; ULONGLONG nKernelTime = 0; ULONGLONG nUserTime = 0; ULONGLONG nCurrentTime = 0; ULONGLONG nCpuBusyTime = 0; ULONGLONG nCpuTotalTime = 0; DWORD nReading = 0; struct rusage resUsage; struct timeval tv; static DWORD dwNumberOfProcessors = 0; if (dwNumberOfProcessors <= 0) { SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; GetSystemInfo(&SystemInfo); dwNumberOfProcessors = SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; if (dwNumberOfProcessors <= 0) { return 0; } } if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &resUsage) == -1) { ASSERT("getrusage() failed; errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return 0; } else { nKernelTime = (ULONGLONG)resUsage.ru_stime.tv_sec*tccSecondsTo100NanoSeconds + resUsage.ru_stime.tv_usec*tccMicroSecondsTo100NanoSeconds; nUserTime = (ULONGLONG)resUsage.ru_utime.tv_sec*tccSecondsTo100NanoSeconds + resUsage.ru_utime.tv_usec*tccMicroSecondsTo100NanoSeconds; } if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1) { ASSERT("gettimeofday() failed; errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return 0; } else { nCurrentTime = (ULONGLONG)tv.tv_sec*tccSecondsTo100NanoSeconds + tv.tv_usec*tccMicroSecondsTo100NanoSeconds; } nLastRecordedCurrentTime = FILETIME_TO_ULONGLONG(lpPrevCPUInfo->LastRecordedTime.ftLastRecordedCurrentTime); nLastRecordedUserTime = FILETIME_TO_ULONGLONG(lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedUserTime); nLastRecordedKernelTime = FILETIME_TO_ULONGLONG(lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedKernelTime); if (nCurrentTime > nLastRecordedCurrentTime) { nCpuTotalTime = (nCurrentTime - nLastRecordedCurrentTime); #if HAVE_THREAD_SELF || HAVE__LWP_SELF || HAVE_VM_READ // For systems that run multiple threads of a process on multiple processors, // the accumulated userTime and kernelTime of this process may exceed // the elapsed time. In this case, the cpuTotalTime needs to be adjusted // according to number of processors so that the cpu utilization // will not be greater than 100. nCpuTotalTime *= dwNumberOfProcessors; #endif // HAVE_THREAD_SELF || HAVE__LWP_SELF || HAVE_VM_READ } if (nUserTime >= nLastRecordedUserTime && nKernelTime >= nLastRecordedKernelTime) { nCpuBusyTime = (nUserTime - nLastRecordedUserTime)+ (nKernelTime - nLastRecordedKernelTime); } if (nCpuTotalTime > 0 && nCpuBusyTime > 0) { nReading = (DWORD)((nCpuBusyTime*100)/nCpuTotalTime); TRACE("PAL_GetCPUBusyTime: nCurrentTime=%lld, nKernelTime=%lld, nUserTime=%lld, nReading=%d\n", nCurrentTime, nKernelTime, nUserTime, nReading); } if (nReading > 100) { ERROR("cpu utilization(%d) > 100\n", nReading); } lpPrevCPUInfo->LastRecordedTime.ftLastRecordedCurrentTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)nCurrentTime; lpPrevCPUInfo->LastRecordedTime.ftLastRecordedCurrentTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(nCurrentTime >> 32); lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedUserTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)nUserTime; lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedUserTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(nUserTime >> 32); lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedKernelTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)nKernelTime; lpPrevCPUInfo->ftLastRecordedKernelTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(nKernelTime >> 32); return (DWORD)nReading; } /*++ Function: GetCommandLineW See MSDN doc. --*/ LPWSTR PALAPI GetCommandLineW( VOID) { PERF_ENTRY(GetCommandLineW); ENTRY("GetCommandLineW()\n"); LPWSTR lpwstr = g_lpwstrCmdLine ? g_lpwstrCmdLine : (LPWSTR)W(""); LOGEXIT("GetCommandLineW returns LPWSTR %p (%S)\n", g_lpwstrCmdLine, lpwstr); PERF_EXIT(GetCommandLineW); return lpwstr; } /*++ Function: OpenProcess See MSDN doc. Notes : dwDesiredAccess is ignored (all supported operations will be allowed) bInheritHandle is ignored (no inheritance) --*/ HANDLE PALAPI OpenProcess( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, BOOL bInheritHandle, DWORD dwProcessId) { PAL_ERROR palError; CPalThread *pThread; IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL; IPalObject *pobjProcessRegistered = NULL; IDataLock *pDataLock; CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData; CObjectAttributes oa; HANDLE hProcess = NULL; PERF_ENTRY(OpenProcess); ENTRY("OpenProcess(dwDesiredAccess=0x%08x, bInheritHandle=%d, " "dwProcessId = 0x%08x)\n", dwDesiredAccess, bInheritHandle, dwProcessId ); pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); if (0 == dwProcessId) { palError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto OpenProcessExit; } palError = g_pObjectManager->AllocateObject( pThread, &otProcess, &oa, &pobjProcess ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { goto OpenProcessExit; } palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData( pThread, WriteLock, &pDataLock, reinterpret_cast(&pLocalData) ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { goto OpenProcessExit; } pLocalData->dwProcessId = dwProcessId; pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE); palError = g_pObjectManager->RegisterObject( pThread, pobjProcess, &aotProcess, dwDesiredAccess, &hProcess, &pobjProcessRegistered ); // // pobjProcess was invalidated by the above call, so NULL // it out here // pobjProcess = NULL; // // TODO: check to see if the process actually exists? // OpenProcessExit: if (NULL != pobjProcess) { pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread); } if (NULL != pobjProcessRegistered) { pobjProcessRegistered->ReleaseReference(pThread); } if (NO_ERROR != palError) { pThread->SetLastError(palError); } LOGEXIT("OpenProcess returns HANDLE %p\n", hProcess); PERF_EXIT(OpenProcess); return hProcess; } /*++ Function: EnumProcessModules Abstract Returns a process's module list Return TRUE if it succeeded, FALSE otherwise Notes This API is tricky because the module handles are never closed/freed so there can't be any allocations for the module handle or name strings, etc. The "handles" are actually the base addresses of the modules. The module handles should only be used by GetModuleFileNameExW below. --*/ BOOL PALAPI EnumProcessModules( IN HANDLE hProcess, OUT HMODULE *lphModule, IN DWORD cb, OUT LPDWORD lpcbNeeded) { PERF_ENTRY(EnumProcessModules); ENTRY("EnumProcessModules(hProcess=0x%08x, cb=%d)\n", hProcess, cb); BOOL result = TRUE; DWORD count = 0; ProcessModules *listHead = GetProcessModulesFromHandle(hProcess, &count); if (listHead != NULL) { for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next) { if (cb <= 0) { break; } cb -= sizeof(HMODULE); *lphModule = (HMODULE)entry->BaseAddress; lphModule++; } } else { result = FALSE; } if (lpcbNeeded) { // This return value isn't exactly up to spec because it should return the actual // number of modules in the process even if "cb" isn't big enough but for our use // it works just fine. (*lpcbNeeded) = count * sizeof(HMODULE); } LOGEXIT("EnumProcessModules returns %d\n", result); PERF_EXIT(EnumProcessModules); return result; } /*++ Function: GetModuleFileNameExW Used only with module handles returned from EnumProcessModule (for dbgshim). --*/ DWORD PALAPI GetModuleFileNameExW( IN HANDLE hProcess, IN HMODULE hModule, OUT LPWSTR lpFilename, IN DWORD nSize ) { DWORD result = 0; DWORD count = 0; ProcessModules *listHead = GetProcessModulesFromHandle(hProcess, &count); if (listHead != NULL) { for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next) { if ((HMODULE)entry->BaseAddress == hModule) { // Convert CHAR string into WCHAR string result = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, entry->Name, -1, lpFilename, nSize); break; } } } return result; } /*++ Function: GetProcessModulesFromHandle Abstract Returns a process's module list Return ProcessModules * list --*/ ProcessModules * GetProcessModulesFromHandle( IN HANDLE hProcess, OUT LPDWORD lpCount) { CPalThread* pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData = NULL; ProcessModules *listHead = NULL; IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL; IDataLock *pDataLock = NULL; PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwProcessId = 0; DWORD count = 0; _ASSERTE(lpCount != NULL); if (hPseudoCurrentProcess == hProcess) { pobjProcess = g_pobjProcess; pobjProcess->AddReference(); } else { CAllowedObjectTypes aotProcess(otiProcess); palError = g_pObjectManager->ReferenceObjectByHandle( pThread, hProcess, &aotProcess, 0, &pobjProcess); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { pThread->SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); goto exit; } } palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData( pThread, WriteLock, &pDataLock, reinterpret_cast(&pLocalData)); _ASSERTE(NO_ERROR == palError); dwProcessId = pLocalData->dwProcessId; listHead = pLocalData->pProcessModules; count = pLocalData->cProcessModules; // If the module list hasn't been created yet, create it now if (listHead == NULL) { listHead = CreateProcessModules(dwProcessId, &count); if (listHead == NULL) { pThread->SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto exit; } if (pLocalData != NULL) { pLocalData->pProcessModules = listHead; pLocalData->cProcessModules = count; } } exit: if (NULL != pDataLock) { pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE); } if (NULL != pobjProcess) { pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread); } *lpCount = count; return listHead; } /*++ Function: CreateProcessModules Abstract Returns a process's module list Return ProcessModules * list --*/ ProcessModules * CreateProcessModules( IN DWORD dwProcessId, OUT LPDWORD lpCount) { ProcessModules *listHead = NULL; _ASSERTE(lpCount != NULL); #if defined(__APPLE__) // For OS X, the "vmmap" command outputs something similar to the /proc/*/maps file so popen the // command and read the relevant lines: // // ... // ==== regions for process 347 (non-writable and writable regions are interleaved) // REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL // __TEXT 000000010446d000-0000000104475000 [ 32K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/corerun // __DATA 0000000104475000-0000000104476000 [ 4K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/corerun // __LINKEDIT 0000000104476000-000000010447a000 [ 16K] r--/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/corerun // Kernel Alloc Once 000000010447a000-000000010447b000 [ 4K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV // MALLOC (admin) 000000010447b000-000000010447c000 [ 4K] r--/rwx SM=ZER // ... // MALLOC (admin) 00000001044ab000-00000001044ac000 [ 4K] r--/rwx SM=PRV // __TEXT 00000001044ac000-0000000104c84000 [ 8032K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib // __TEXT 0000000104c84000-0000000104c85000 [ 4K] rwx/rwx SM=PRV /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib // __TEXT 0000000104c85000-000000010513b000 [ 4824K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib // __TEXT 000000010513b000-000000010513c000 [ 4K] rwx/rwx SM=PRV /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib // __TEXT 000000010513c000-000000010516f000 [ 204K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib // __DATA 000000010516f000-00000001051ce000 [ 380K] rw-/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib // __DATA 00000001051ce000-00000001051fa000 [ 176K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib // __LINKEDIT 00000001051fa000-0000000105bac000 [ 9928K] r--/rwx SM=COW /Users/mikem/coreclr/bin/Product/OSx.x64.Debug/libcoreclr.dylib // VM_ALLOCATE 0000000105bac000-0000000105bad000 [ 4K] r--/rw- SM=SHM // MALLOC (admin) 0000000105bad000-0000000105bae000 [ 4K] r--/rwx SM=ZER // MALLOC 0000000105bae000-0000000105baf000 [ 4K] rw-/rwx SM=ZER // OS X Sierra (10.12.4 Beta) // REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE RSDNT DIRTY SWAP] PRT/MAX SHRMOD PURGE REGION DETAIL // Stack 00007fff5a930000-00007fff5b130000 [ 8192K 32K 32K 0K] rw-/rwx SM=PRV thread 0 // __TEXT 00007fffa4a0b000-00007fffa4a0d000 [ 8K 8K 0K 0K] r-x/r-x SM=COW /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib // __TEXT 00007fffa4bbe000-00007fffa4c15000 [ 348K 348K 0K 0K] r-x/r-x SM=COW /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib // NOTE: the module path can have spaces in the name // __TEXT 0000000196220000-00000001965b4000 [ 3664K 2340K 0K 0K] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Volumes/Builds/builds/devmain/rawproduct/debug/build/out/Applications/Microsoft Excel.app/Contents/SharedSupport/PowerQuery/libcoreclr.dylib char *line = NULL; size_t lineLen = 0; int count = 0; ssize_t read; char vmmapCommand[100]; int chars = snprintf(vmmapCommand, sizeof(vmmapCommand), "/usr/bin/vmmap -interleaved %d -wide", dwProcessId); _ASSERTE(chars > 0 && chars <= sizeof(vmmapCommand)); FILE *vmmapFile = popen(vmmapCommand, "r"); if (vmmapFile == NULL) { goto exit; } // Reading maps file line by line while ((read = getline(&line, &lineLen, vmmapFile)) != -1) { void *startAddress, *endAddress; char moduleName[PATH_MAX]; if (sscanf_s(line, "__TEXT %p-%p [ %*[0-9K ]] %*[-/rwxsp] SM=%*[A-Z] %[^\n]", &startAddress, &endAddress, moduleName, _countof(moduleName)) == 3) { bool dup = false; for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next) { if (strcmp(moduleName, entry->Name) == 0) { dup = true; break; } } if (!dup) { int cbModuleName = strlen(moduleName) + 1; ProcessModules *entry = (ProcessModules *)InternalMalloc(sizeof(ProcessModules) + cbModuleName); if (entry == NULL) { DestroyProcessModules(listHead); listHead = NULL; count = 0; break; } strcpy_s(entry->Name, cbModuleName, moduleName); entry->BaseAddress = startAddress; entry->Next = listHead; listHead = entry; count++; } } } *lpCount = count; free(line); // We didn't allocate line, but as per contract of getline we should free it pclose(vmmapFile); exit: #elif HAVE_PROCFS_MAPS // Here we read /proc//maps file in order to parse it and figure out what it says // about a library we are looking for. This file looks something like this: // // [address] [perms] [offset] [dev] [inode] [pathname] - HEADER is not preset in an actual file // // 35b1800000-35b1820000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 135522 /usr/lib64/ld-2.15.so // 35b1a1f000-35b1a20000 r--p 0001f000 08:02 135522 /usr/lib64/ld-2.15.so // 35b1a20000-35b1a21000 rw-p 00020000 08:02 135522 /usr/lib64/ld-2.15.so // 35b1a21000-35b1a22000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] // 35b1c00000-35b1dac000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 135870 /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so // 35b1dac000-35b1fac000 ---p 001ac000 08:02 135870 /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so // 35b1fac000-35b1fb0000 r--p 001ac000 08:02 135870 /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so // 35b1fb0000-35b1fb2000 rw-p 001b0000 08:02 135870 /usr/lib64/libc-2.15.so // Making something like: /proc/123/maps char mapFileName[100]; char *line = NULL; size_t lineLen = 0; int count = 0; ssize_t read; INDEBUG(int chars = ) snprintf(mapFileName, sizeof(mapFileName), "/proc/%d/maps", dwProcessId); _ASSERTE(chars > 0 && chars <= (int)sizeof(mapFileName)); FILE *mapsFile = fopen(mapFileName, "r"); if (mapsFile == NULL) { goto exit; } // Reading maps file line by line while ((read = getline(&line, &lineLen, mapsFile)) != -1) { void *startAddress, *endAddress, *offset; int devHi, devLo, inode; char moduleName[PATH_MAX]; if (sscanf_s(line, "%p-%p %*[-rwxsp] %p %x:%x %d %s\n", &startAddress, &endAddress, &offset, &devHi, &devLo, &inode, moduleName, _countof(moduleName)) == 7) { if (inode != 0) { bool dup = false; for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; entry = entry->Next) { if (strcmp(moduleName, entry->Name) == 0) { dup = true; break; } } if (!dup) { int cbModuleName = strlen(moduleName) + 1; ProcessModules *entry = (ProcessModules *)InternalMalloc(sizeof(ProcessModules) + cbModuleName); if (entry == NULL) { DestroyProcessModules(listHead); listHead = NULL; count = 0; break; } strcpy_s(entry->Name, cbModuleName, moduleName); entry->BaseAddress = startAddress; entry->Next = listHead; listHead = entry; count++; } } } } *lpCount = count; free(line); // We didn't allocate line, but as per contract of getline we should free it fclose(mapsFile); exit: #else _ASSERTE(!"Not implemented on this platform"); #endif return listHead; } /*++ Function: DestroyProcessModules Abstract Cleans up the process module table. Return None --*/ VOID DestroyProcessModules(IN ProcessModules *listHead) { for (ProcessModules *entry = listHead; entry != NULL; ) { ProcessModules *next = entry->Next; free(entry); entry = next; } } /*++ Function PROCNotifyProcessShutdown Calls the abort handler to do any shutdown cleanup. Call be called from the unhandled native exception handler. (no return value) --*/ __attribute__((destructor)) VOID PROCNotifyProcessShutdown() { // Call back into the coreclr to clean up the debugger transport pipes PSHUTDOWN_CALLBACK callback = InterlockedExchangePointer(&g_shutdownCallback, NULL); if (callback != NULL) { callback(); } } /*++ Function PROCAbortInitialize() Abstract Initialize the process abort crash dump program file path and name. Doing all of this ahead of time so nothing is allocated or copied in PROCAbort/signal handler. Return TRUE - succeeds, FALSE - fails --*/ BOOL PROCAbortInitialize() { char* enabled = getenv("COMPlus_DbgEnableMiniDump"); if (enabled != nullptr && _stricmp(enabled, "1") == 0) { if (g_szCoreCLRPath == nullptr) { return FALSE; } const char* DumpGeneratorName = "createdump"; int programLen = strlen(g_szCoreCLRPath) + strlen(DumpGeneratorName) + 1; char* program = (char*)InternalMalloc(programLen); if (program == nullptr) { return FALSE; } if (strcpy_s(program, programLen, g_szCoreCLRPath) != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } char *last = strrchr(program, '/'); if (last != nullptr) { *(last + 1) = '\0'; } else { program[0] = '\0'; } if (strcat_s(program, programLen, DumpGeneratorName) != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; } char* pidarg = (char*)InternalMalloc(128); if (pidarg == nullptr) { return FALSE; } if (sprintf_s(pidarg, 128, "%d", gPID) == -1) { return FALSE; } const char** argv = (const char**)g_argvCreateDump; *argv++ = program; char* envvar = getenv("COMPlus_DbgMiniDumpName"); if (envvar != nullptr) { *argv++ = "--name"; *argv++ = envvar; } envvar = getenv("COMPlus_DbgMiniDumpType"); if (envvar != nullptr) { if (strcmp(envvar, "1") == 0) { *argv++ = "--normal"; } else if (strcmp(envvar, "2") == 0) { *argv++ = "--withheap"; } else if (strcmp(envvar, "3") == 0) { *argv++ = "--triage"; } else if (strcmp(envvar, "4") == 0) { *argv++ = "--full"; } } envvar = getenv("COMPlus_CreateDumpDiagnostics"); if (envvar != nullptr && strcmp(envvar, "1") == 0) { *argv++ = "--diag"; } *argv++ = pidarg; *argv = nullptr; } return TRUE; } /*++ Function: PROCCreateCrashDumpIfEnabled Creates crash dump of the process (if enabled). Can be called from the unhandled native exception handler. (no return value) --*/ VOID PROCCreateCrashDumpIfEnabled() { #if HAVE_PRCTL_H && HAVE_PR_SET_PTRACER // If enabled, launch the create minidump utility and wait until it completes if (g_argvCreateDump[0] == nullptr) return; // Fork the core dump child process. pid_t childpid = fork(); // If error, write an error to trace log and abort if (childpid == -1) { ERROR("PROCAbort: fork() FAILED %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } else if (childpid == 0) { // Child process if (execve(g_argvCreateDump[0], g_argvCreateDump, palEnvironment) == -1) { ERROR("PROCAbort: execve FAILED %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } } else { // Gives the child process permission to use /proc//mem and ptrace if (prctl(PR_SET_PTRACER, childpid, 0, 0, 0) == -1) { ERROR("PROCAbort: prctl() FAILED %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } // Parent waits until the child process is done int wstatus; int result = waitpid(childpid, &wstatus, 0); if (result != childpid) { ERROR("PROCAbort: waitpid FAILED result %d wstatus %d errno %d (%s)\n", result, wstatus, errno, strerror(errno)); } } #endif // HAVE_PRCTL_H && HAVE_PR_SET_PTRACER } /*++ Function: PROCAbort() Aborts the process after calling the shutdown cleanup handler. This function should be called instead of calling abort() directly. Does not return --*/ PAL_NORETURN VOID PROCAbort() { // Do any shutdown cleanup before aborting or creating a core dump PROCNotifyProcessShutdown(); PROCCreateCrashDumpIfEnabled(); // Abort the process after waiting for the core dump to complete abort(); } /*++ Function: InitializeFlushProcessWriteBuffers Abstract This function initializes data structures needed for the FlushProcessWriteBuffers Return TRUE if it succeeded, FALSE otherwise --*/ BOOL InitializeFlushProcessWriteBuffers() { _ASSERTE(s_helperPage == 0); _ASSERTE(s_flushUsingMemBarrier == 0); // Starting with Linux kernel 4.14, process memory barriers can be generated // using MEMBARRIER_CMD_PRIVATE_EXPEDITED. int mask = membarrier(MEMBARRIER_CMD_QUERY, 0); if (mask >= 0 && mask & MEMBARRIER_CMD_PRIVATE_EXPEDITED) { // Register intent to use the private expedited command. if (membarrier(MEMBARRIER_CMD_REGISTER_PRIVATE_EXPEDITED, 0) == 0) { s_flushUsingMemBarrier = TRUE; return TRUE; } } s_helperPage = static_cast(mmap(0, GetVirtualPageSize(), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0)); if(s_helperPage == MAP_FAILED) { return FALSE; } // Verify that the s_helperPage is really aligned to the GetVirtualPageSize() _ASSERTE((((SIZE_T)s_helperPage) & (GetVirtualPageSize() - 1)) == 0); // Locking the page ensures that it stays in memory during the two mprotect // calls in the FlushProcessWriteBuffers below. If the page was unmapped between // those calls, they would not have the expected effect of generating IPI. int status = mlock(s_helperPage, GetVirtualPageSize()); if (status != 0) { return FALSE; } status = pthread_mutex_init(&flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex, NULL); if (status != 0) { munlock(s_helperPage, GetVirtualPageSize()); } return status == 0; } #define FATAL_ASSERT(e, msg) \ do \ { \ if (!(e)) \ { \ fprintf(stderr, "FATAL ERROR: " msg); \ PROCAbort(); \ } \ } \ while(0) /*++ Function: FlushProcessWriteBuffers See MSDN doc. --*/ VOID PALAPI FlushProcessWriteBuffers() { if (s_flushUsingMemBarrier) { int status = membarrier(MEMBARRIER_CMD_PRIVATE_EXPEDITED, 0); FATAL_ASSERT(status == 0, "Failed to flush using membarrier"); } else { int status = pthread_mutex_lock(&flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex); FATAL_ASSERT(status == 0, "Failed to lock the flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex lock"); // Changing a helper memory page protection from read / write to no access // causes the OS to issue IPI to flush TLBs on all processors. This also // results in flushing the processor buffers. status = mprotect(s_helperPage, GetVirtualPageSize(), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); FATAL_ASSERT(status == 0, "Failed to change helper page protection to read / write"); // Ensure that the page is dirty before we change the protection so that // we prevent the OS from skipping the global TLB flush. InterlockedIncrement(s_helperPage); status = mprotect(s_helperPage, GetVirtualPageSize(), PROT_NONE); FATAL_ASSERT(status == 0, "Failed to change helper page protection to no access"); status = pthread_mutex_unlock(&flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex); FATAL_ASSERT(status == 0, "Failed to unlock the flushProcessWriteBuffersMutex lock"); } } /*++ Function: PROCGetProcessIDFromHandle Abstract Return the process ID from a process handle Parameter hProcess: process handle Return Return the process ID, or 0 if it's not a valid handle --*/ DWORD PROCGetProcessIDFromHandle( HANDLE hProcess) { PAL_ERROR palError; IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL; CPalThread *pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); DWORD dwProcessId = 0; if (hPseudoCurrentProcess == hProcess) { dwProcessId = gPID; goto PROCGetProcessIDFromHandleExit; } palError = g_pObjectManager->ReferenceObjectByHandle( pThread, hProcess, &aotProcess, 0, &pobjProcess ); if (NO_ERROR == palError) { IDataLock *pDataLock; CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData; palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData( pThread, ReadLock, &pDataLock, reinterpret_cast(&pLocalData) ); if (NO_ERROR == palError) { dwProcessId = pLocalData->dwProcessId; pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE); } pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread); } PROCGetProcessIDFromHandleExit: return dwProcessId; } PAL_ERROR CorUnix::InitializeProcessData( void ) { PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; bool fLockInitialized = FALSE; pGThreadList = NULL; g_dwThreadCount = 0; InternalInitializeCriticalSection(&g_csProcess); fLockInitialized = TRUE; if (NO_ERROR != palError) { if (fLockInitialized) { InternalDeleteCriticalSection(&g_csProcess); } } return palError; } /*++ Function InitializeProcessCommandLine Abstract Initializes (or re-initializes) the saved command line and exe path. Parameter lpwstrCmdLine lpwstrFullPath Return PAL_ERROR Notes This function takes ownership of lpwstrCmdLine, but not of lpwstrFullPath --*/ PAL_ERROR CorUnix::InitializeProcessCommandLine( LPWSTR lpwstrCmdLine, LPWSTR lpwstrFullPath ) { PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; LPWSTR initial_dir = NULL; // // Save the command line and initial directory // if (lpwstrFullPath) { LPWSTR lpwstr = PAL_wcsrchr(lpwstrFullPath, '/'); lpwstr[0] = '\0'; size_t n = PAL_wcslen(lpwstrFullPath) + 1; size_t iLen = n; initial_dir = reinterpret_cast(InternalMalloc(iLen*sizeof(WCHAR))); if (NULL == initial_dir) { ERROR("malloc() failed! (initial_dir) \n"); palError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; } if (wcscpy_s(initial_dir, iLen, lpwstrFullPath) != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) { ERROR("wcscpy_s failed!\n"); free(initial_dir); palError = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto exit; } lpwstr[0] = '/'; free(g_lpwstrAppDir); g_lpwstrAppDir = initial_dir; } free(g_lpwstrCmdLine); g_lpwstrCmdLine = lpwstrCmdLine; exit: return palError; } /*++ Function: CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjects Abstract Creates the IPalObjects that represent the current process and the initial thread Parameter pThread - the initial thread Return PAL_ERROR --*/ PAL_ERROR CorUnix::CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjects( CPalThread *pThread ) { PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; HANDLE hThread; IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL; IDataLock *pDataLock; CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData; CObjectAttributes oa; HANDLE hProcess; // // Create initial thread object // palError = CreateThreadObject(pThread, pThread, &hThread); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { goto CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjectsExit; } // // This handle isn't needed // (void) g_pObjectManager->RevokeHandle(pThread, hThread); // // Create and initialize process object // palError = g_pObjectManager->AllocateObject( pThread, &otProcess, &oa, &pobjProcess ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { ERROR("Unable to allocate process object"); goto CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjectsExit; } palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData( pThread, WriteLock, &pDataLock, reinterpret_cast(&pLocalData) ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { ASSERT("Unable to access local data"); goto CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjectsExit; } pLocalData->dwProcessId = gPID; pLocalData->ps = PS_RUNNING; pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE); palError = g_pObjectManager->RegisterObject( pThread, pobjProcess, &aotProcess, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, &hProcess, &g_pobjProcess ); // // pobjProcess is invalidated by the call to RegisterObject, so // NULL it out here to prevent it from being released later // pobjProcess = NULL; if (NO_ERROR != palError) { ASSERT("Failure registering process object"); goto CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjectsExit; } // // There's no need to keep this handle around, so revoke // it now // g_pObjectManager->RevokeHandle(pThread, hProcess); CreateInitialProcessAndThreadObjectsExit: if (NULL != pobjProcess) { pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread); } return palError; } /*++ Function: PROCCleanupInitialProcess Abstract Cleanup all the structures for the initial process. Parameter VOID Return VOID --*/ VOID PROCCleanupInitialProcess(VOID) { CPalThread *pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); InternalEnterCriticalSection(pThread, &g_csProcess); /* Free the application directory */ free(g_lpwstrAppDir); /* Free the stored command line */ free(g_lpwstrCmdLine); InternalLeaveCriticalSection(pThread, &g_csProcess); // // Object manager shutdown will handle freeing the underlying // thread and process data // } /*++ Function: PROCAddThread Abstract Add a thread to the thread list of the current process Parameter pThread: Thread object --*/ VOID CorUnix::PROCAddThread( CPalThread *pCurrentThread, CPalThread *pTargetThread ) { /* protect the access of the thread list with critical section for mutithreading access */ InternalEnterCriticalSection(pCurrentThread, &g_csProcess); pTargetThread->SetNext(pGThreadList); pGThreadList = pTargetThread; g_dwThreadCount += 1; TRACE("Thread 0x%p (id %#x) added to the process thread list\n", pTargetThread, pTargetThread->GetThreadId()); InternalLeaveCriticalSection(pCurrentThread, &g_csProcess); } /*++ Function: PROCRemoveThread Abstract Remove a thread form the thread list of the current process Parameter CPalThread *pThread : thread object to remove (no return value) --*/ VOID CorUnix::PROCRemoveThread( CPalThread *pCurrentThread, CPalThread *pTargetThread ) { CPalThread *curThread, *prevThread; /* protect the access of the thread list with critical section for mutithreading access */ InternalEnterCriticalSection(pCurrentThread, &g_csProcess); curThread = pGThreadList; /* if thread list is empty */ if (curThread == NULL) { ASSERT("Thread list is empty.\n"); goto EXIT; } /* do we remove the first thread? */ if (curThread == pTargetThread) { pGThreadList = curThread->GetNext(); TRACE("Thread 0x%p (id %#x) removed from the process thread list\n", pTargetThread, pTargetThread->GetThreadId()); goto EXIT; } prevThread = curThread; curThread = curThread->GetNext(); /* find the thread to remove */ while (curThread != NULL) { if (curThread == pTargetThread) { /* found, fix the chain list */ prevThread->SetNext(curThread->GetNext()); g_dwThreadCount -= 1; TRACE("Thread %p removed from the process thread list\n", pTargetThread); goto EXIT; } prevThread = curThread; curThread = curThread->GetNext(); } WARN("Thread %p not removed (it wasn't found in the list)\n", pTargetThread); EXIT: InternalLeaveCriticalSection(pCurrentThread, &g_csProcess); } /*++ Function: PROCGetNumberOfThreads Abstract Return the number of threads in the thread list. Parameter void Return the number of threads. --*/ INT CorUnix::PROCGetNumberOfThreads( VOID) { return g_dwThreadCount; } /*++ Function: PROCProcessLock Abstract Enter the critical section associated to the current process Parameter void Return void --*/ VOID PROCProcessLock( VOID) { CPalThread * pThread = (PALIsThreadDataInitialized() ? InternalGetCurrentThread() : NULL); InternalEnterCriticalSection(pThread, &g_csProcess); } /*++ Function: PROCProcessUnlock Abstract Leave the critical section associated to the current process Parameter void Return void --*/ VOID PROCProcessUnlock( VOID) { CPalThread * pThread = (PALIsThreadDataInitialized() ? InternalGetCurrentThread() : NULL); InternalLeaveCriticalSection(pThread, &g_csProcess); } #if USE_SYSV_SEMAPHORES /*++ Function: PROCCleanupThreadSemIds Abstract Cleanup SysV semaphore ids for all threads (no parameters, no return value) --*/ VOID PROCCleanupThreadSemIds(void) { // // When using SysV semaphores, the semaphore ids used by PAL threads must be removed // so they can be used again. // PROCProcessLock(); CPalThread *pTargetThread = pGThreadList; while (NULL != pTargetThread) { pTargetThread->suspensionInfo.DestroySemaphoreIds(); pTargetThread = pTargetThread->GetNext(); } PROCProcessUnlock(); } #endif // USE_SYSV_SEMAPHORES /*++ Function: TerminateCurrentProcessNoExit Abstract: Terminate current Process, but leave the caller alive Parameters: BOOL bTerminateUnconditionally - If this is set, the PAL will exit as quickly as possible. In particular, it will not unload DLLs. Return value : No return Note: This function is used in ExitThread and TerminateProcess --*/ VOID CorUnix::TerminateCurrentProcessNoExit(BOOL bTerminateUnconditionally) { BOOL locked; DWORD old_terminator; old_terminator = InterlockedCompareExchange(&terminator, GetCurrentThreadId(), 0); if (0 != old_terminator && GetCurrentThreadId() != old_terminator) { /* another thread has already initiated the termination process. we could just block on the PALInitLock critical section, but then PROCSuspendOtherThreads would hang... so sleep forever here, we're terminating anyway Update: [TODO] PROCSuspendOtherThreads has been removed. Can this code be changed? */ /* note that if *this* thread has already started the termination process, we want to proceed. the only way this can happen is if a call to DllMain (from ExitProcess) brought us here (because DllMain called ExitProcess, or TerminateProcess, or ExitThread); TerminateProcess won't call DllMain, so there's no danger to get caught in an infinite loop */ WARN("termination already started from another thread; blocking.\n"); poll(NULL, 0, INFTIM); } /* Try to lock the initialization count to prevent multiple threads from terminating/initializing the PAL simultaneously */ /* note : it's also important to take this lock before the process lock, because Init/Shutdown take the init lock, and the functions they call may take the process lock. We must do it in the same order to avoid deadlocks */ locked = PALInitLock(); if(locked && PALIsInitialized()) { PROCNotifyProcessShutdown(); PALCommonCleanup(); } } /*++ Function: PROCGetProcessStatus Abstract: Retrieve process state information (state & exit code). Parameters: DWORD process_id : PID of process to retrieve state for PROCESS_STATE *state : state of process (starting, running, done) DWORD *exit_code : exit code of process (from ExitProcess, etc.) Return value : TRUE on success --*/ PAL_ERROR PROCGetProcessStatus( CPalThread *pThread, HANDLE hProcess, PROCESS_STATE *pps, DWORD *pdwExitCode ) { PAL_ERROR palError = NO_ERROR; IPalObject *pobjProcess = NULL; IDataLock *pDataLock; CProcProcessLocalData *pLocalData; pid_t wait_retval; int status; // // First, check if we already know the status of this process. This will be // the case if this function has already been called for the same process. // palError = g_pObjectManager->ReferenceObjectByHandle( pThread, hProcess, &aotProcess, 0, &pobjProcess ); if (NO_ERROR != palError) { goto PROCGetProcessStatusExit; } palError = pobjProcess->GetProcessLocalData( pThread, WriteLock, &pDataLock, reinterpret_cast(&pLocalData) ); if (PS_DONE == pLocalData->ps) { TRACE("We already called waitpid() on process ID %#x; process has " "terminated, exit code is %d\n", pLocalData->dwProcessId, pLocalData->dwExitCode); *pps = pLocalData->ps; *pdwExitCode = pLocalData->dwExitCode; pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, FALSE); goto PROCGetProcessStatusExit; } /* By using waitpid(), we can even retrieve the exit code of a non-PAL process. However, note that waitpid() can only provide the low 8 bits of the exit code. This is all that is required for the PAL spec. */ TRACE("Looking for status of process; trying wait()"); while(1) { /* try to get state of process, using non-blocking call */ wait_retval = waitpid(pLocalData->dwProcessId, &status, WNOHANG); if ( wait_retval == (pid_t) pLocalData->dwProcessId ) { /* success; get the exit code */ if ( WIFEXITED( status ) ) { *pdwExitCode = WEXITSTATUS(status); TRACE("Exit code was %d\n", *pdwExitCode); } else { WARN("process terminated without exiting; can't get exit " "code. faking it.\n"); *pdwExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; } *pps = PS_DONE; } else if (0 == wait_retval) { // The process is still running. TRACE("Process %#x is still active.\n", pLocalData->dwProcessId); *pps = PS_RUNNING; *pdwExitCode = 0; } else if (-1 == wait_retval) { // This might happen if waitpid() had already been called, but // this shouldn't happen - we call waitpid once, store the // result, and use that afterwards. // One legitimate cause of failure is EINTR; if this happens we // have to try again. A second legitimate cause is ECHILD, which // happens if we're trying to retrieve the status of a currently- // running process that isn't a child of this process. if(EINTR == errno) { TRACE("waitpid() failed with EINTR; re-waiting"); continue; } else if (ECHILD == errno) { TRACE("waitpid() failed with ECHILD; calling kill instead"); if (kill(pLocalData->dwProcessId, 0) != 0) { if(ESRCH == errno) { WARN("kill() failed with ESRCH, i.e. target " "process exited and it wasn't a child, " "so can't get the exit code, assuming " "it was 0.\n"); *pdwExitCode = 0; } else { ERROR("kill(pid, 0) failed; errno is %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); *pdwExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; } *pps = PS_DONE; } else { *pps = PS_RUNNING; *pdwExitCode = 0; } } else { // Ignoring unexpected waitpid errno and assuming that // the process is still running ERROR("waitpid(pid=%u) failed with unexpected errno=%d (%s)\n", pLocalData->dwProcessId, errno, strerror(errno)); *pps = PS_RUNNING; *pdwExitCode = 0; } } else { ASSERT("waitpid returned unexpected value %d\n",wait_retval); *pdwExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; *pps = PS_DONE; } // Break out of the loop in all cases except EINTR. break; } // Save the exit code for future reference (waitpid will only work once). if(PS_DONE == *pps) { pLocalData->ps = PS_DONE; pLocalData->dwExitCode = *pdwExitCode; } TRACE( "State of process 0x%08x : %d (exit code %d)\n", pLocalData->dwProcessId, *pps, *pdwExitCode ); pDataLock->ReleaseLock(pThread, TRUE); PROCGetProcessStatusExit: if (NULL != pobjProcess) { pobjProcess->ReleaseReference(pThread); } return palError; } #ifdef __APPLE__ bool GetApplicationContainerFolder(PathCharString& buffer, const char *applicationGroupId, int applicationGroupIdLength) { const char *homeDir = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir; int homeDirLength = strlen(homeDir); // The application group container folder is defined as: // /user/{loginname}/Library/Group Containers/{AppGroupId}/ return buffer.Set(homeDir, homeDirLength) && buffer.Append(APPLICATION_CONTAINER_BASE_PATH_SUFFIX) && buffer.Append(applicationGroupId, applicationGroupIdLength) && buffer.Append('/'); } #endif // __APPLE__ #ifdef _DEBUG void PROCDumpThreadList() { CPalThread *pThread; PROCProcessLock(); TRACE ("Threads:{\n"); pThread = pGThreadList; while (NULL != pThread) { TRACE (" {pThr=0x%p tid=%#x lwpid=%#x state=%d finsusp=%d}\n", pThread, (int)pThread->GetThreadId(), (int)pThread->GetLwpId(), (int)pThread->synchronizationInfo.GetThreadState(), (int)pThread->suspensionInfo.GetSuspendedForShutdown()); pThread = pThread->GetNext(); } TRACE ("Threads:}\n"); PROCProcessUnlock(); } #endif /* Internal function definitions **********************************************/ /*++ Function: getFileName Abstract: Helper function for CreateProcessW, it retrieves the executable filename from the application name, and the command line. Parameters: IN lpApplicationName: first parameter from CreateProcessW (an unicode string) IN lpCommandLine: second parameter from CreateProcessW (an unicode string) OUT lpFileName: file to be executed (the new process) Return: TRUE: if the file name is retrieved FALSE: otherwise --*/ static BOOL getFileName( LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, LPWSTR lpCommandLine, PathCharString& lpPathFileName) { LPWSTR lpEnd; WCHAR wcEnd; char * lpFileName; PathCharString lpFileNamePS; char *lpTemp; if (lpApplicationName) { int length = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpApplicationName, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); /* if only a file name is specified, prefix it with "./" */ if ((*lpApplicationName != '.') && (*lpApplicationName != '/') && (*lpApplicationName != '\\')) { length += 2; lpTemp = lpPathFileName.OpenStringBuffer(length); if (strcpy_s(lpTemp, length, "./") != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) { ERROR("strcpy_s failed!\n"); return FALSE; } lpTemp+=2; } else { lpTemp = lpPathFileName.OpenStringBuffer(length); } /* Convert to ASCII */ length = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpApplicationName, -1, lpTemp, length, NULL, NULL); if (length == 0) { lpPathFileName.CloseBuffer(0); ASSERT("WideCharToMultiByte failure\n"); return FALSE; } lpPathFileName.CloseBuffer(length -1); /* Replace '\' by '/' */ FILEDosToUnixPathA(lpTemp); return TRUE; } else { /* use the Command line */ /* filename should be the first token of the command line */ /* first skip all leading whitespace */ lpCommandLine = UTIL_inverse_wcspbrk(lpCommandLine,W16_WHITESPACE); if(NULL == lpCommandLine) { ERROR("CommandLine contains only whitespace!\n"); return FALSE; } /* check if it is starting with a quote (") character */ if (*lpCommandLine == 0x0022) { lpCommandLine++; /* skip the quote */ /* file name ends with another quote */ lpEnd = PAL_wcschr(lpCommandLine+1, 0x0022); /* if no quotes found, set lpEnd to the end of the Command line */ if (lpEnd == NULL) lpEnd = lpCommandLine + PAL_wcslen(lpCommandLine); } else { /* filename is end out by a whitespace */ lpEnd = PAL_wcspbrk(lpCommandLine, W16_WHITESPACE); /* if no whitespace found, set lpEnd to end of the Command line */ if (lpEnd == NULL) { lpEnd = lpCommandLine + PAL_wcslen(lpCommandLine); } } if (lpEnd == lpCommandLine) { ERROR("application name and command line are both empty!\n"); return FALSE; } /* replace the last character by a null */ wcEnd = *lpEnd; *lpEnd = 0x0000; /* Convert to ASCII */ int size = 0; int length = (PAL_wcslen(lpCommandLine)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR); lpFileName = lpFileNamePS.OpenStringBuffer(length); if (NULL == lpFileName) { ERROR("Not Enough Memory!\n"); return FALSE; } if (!(size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpCommandLine, -1, lpFileName, length, NULL, NULL))) { ASSERT("WideCharToMultiByte failure\n"); return FALSE; } lpFileNamePS.CloseBuffer(size - 1); /* restore last character */ *lpEnd = wcEnd; /* Replace '\' by '/' */ FILEDosToUnixPathA(lpFileName); if (!getPath(lpFileNamePS, lpPathFileName)) { /* file is not in the path */ return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*++ Function: checkFileType Abstract: Return the type of the file. Parameters: IN lpFileName: file name Return: FILE_DIR: Directory FILE_UNIX: Unix executable file FILE_ERROR: Error --*/ static int checkFileType( LPCSTR lpFileName) { struct stat stat_data; /* check if the file exist */ if ( access(lpFileName, F_OK) != 0 ) { return FILE_ERROR; } /* if it's not a PE/COFF file, check if it is executable */ if ( -1 != stat( lpFileName, &stat_data ) ) { if((stat_data.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR ) { /*The given file is a directory*/ return FILE_DIR; } if ( UTIL_IsExecuteBitsSet( &stat_data ) ) { return FILE_UNIX; } else { return FILE_ERROR; } } return FILE_ERROR; } /*++ Function: buildArgv Abstract: Helper function for CreateProcessW, it builds the array of argument in a format than can be passed to execve function.lppArgv is allocated in this function and must be freed by the caller. Parameters: IN lpCommandLine: second parameter from CreateProcessW (an unicode string) IN lpAppPath: cannonical name of the application to launched OUT lppArgv: array of arguments to be passed to the new process Return: the number of arguments note: this doesn't yet match precisely the behavior of Windows, but should be sufficient. what's here: 1) stripping nonquoted whitespace 2) handling of quoted parameters and quoted "parts" of parameters, removal of doublequotes ( becomes ) 3) \" as an escaped doublequote, both within doublequoted sequences and out what's known missing : 1) \\ as an escaped backslash, but only if the string of '\' is followed by a " (escaped or not) 2) "alternate" escape sequence : double-doublequote within a double-quoted argument (<"aaa a""aa aaa">) expands to a single-doublequote() note that there may be other special cases --*/ static char ** buildArgv( LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, PathCharString& lpAppPath, UINT *pnArg) { CPalThread *pThread = NULL; UINT iWlen; char *lpAsciiCmdLine; char *pChar; char **lppArgv; char **lppTemp; UINT i,j; *pnArg = 0; iWlen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,lpCommandLine,-1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL); if(0 == iWlen) { ASSERT("Can't determine length of command line\n"); return NULL; } pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); /* make sure to allocate enough space, up for the worst case scenario */ int iLength = (iWlen + lpAppPath.GetCount() + 2); lpAsciiCmdLine = (char *) InternalMalloc(iLength); if (lpAsciiCmdLine == NULL) { ERROR("Unable to allocate memory\n"); return NULL; } pChar = lpAsciiCmdLine; /* put the cannonical name of the application as the first parameter */ if ((strcpy_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, "\"") != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) || (strcat_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, lpAppPath) != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) || (strcat_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, "\"") != SAFECRT_SUCCESS) || (strcat_s(lpAsciiCmdLine, iLength, " ") != SAFECRT_SUCCESS)) { ERROR("strcpy_s/strcat_s failed!\n"); return NULL; } pChar = lpAsciiCmdLine + strlen (lpAsciiCmdLine); /* let's skip the first argument in the command line */ /* strip leading whitespace; function returns NULL if there's only whitespace, so the if statement below will work correctly */ lpCommandLine = UTIL_inverse_wcspbrk((LPWSTR)lpCommandLine, W16_WHITESPACE); if (lpCommandLine) { LPCWSTR stringstart = lpCommandLine; do { /* find first whitespace or dquote character */ lpCommandLine = PAL_wcspbrk(lpCommandLine,W16_WHITESPACE_DQUOTE); if(NULL == lpCommandLine) { /* no whitespace or dquote found : first arg is only arg */ break; } else if('"' == *lpCommandLine) { /* got a dquote; skip over it if it's escaped; make sure we don't try to look before the first character in the string */ if(lpCommandLine > stringstart && '\\' == lpCommandLine[-1]) { lpCommandLine++; continue; } /* found beginning of dquoted sequence, run to the end */ /* don't stop if we hit an escaped dquote */ lpCommandLine++; while( *lpCommandLine ) { lpCommandLine = PAL_wcschr(lpCommandLine, '"'); if(NULL == lpCommandLine) { /* no ending dquote, arg runs to end of string */ break; } if('\\' != lpCommandLine[-1]) { /* dquote is not escaped, dquoted sequence is over*/ break; } lpCommandLine++; } if(NULL == lpCommandLine || '\0' == *lpCommandLine) { /* no terminating dquote */ break; } /* step over dquote, keep looking for end of arg */ lpCommandLine++; } else { /* found whitespace : end of arg. */ lpCommandLine++; break; } }while(lpCommandLine); } /* Convert to ASCII */ if (lpCommandLine) { if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpCommandLine, -1, pChar, iWlen+1, NULL, NULL)) { ASSERT("Unable to convert to a multibyte string\n"); free(lpAsciiCmdLine); return NULL; } } pChar = lpAsciiCmdLine; /* loops through all the arguments, to find out how many arguments there are; while looping replace whitespace by \0 */ /* skip leading whitespace (and replace by '\0') */ /* note : there shouldn't be any, command starts either with PE loader name or computed application path, but this won't hurt */ while (*pChar) { if (!isspace((unsigned char) *pChar)) { break; } WARN("unexpected whitespace in command line!\n"); *pChar++ = '\0'; } while (*pChar) { (*pnArg)++; /* find end of current arg */ while(*pChar && !isspace((unsigned char) *pChar)) { if('"' == *pChar) { /* skip over dquote if it's escaped; make sure we don't try to look before the start of the string for the \ */ if(pChar > lpAsciiCmdLine && '\\' == pChar[-1]) { pChar++; continue; } /* found leading dquote : look for ending dquote */ pChar++; while (*pChar) { pChar = strchr(pChar,'"'); if(NULL == pChar) { /* no ending dquote found : argument extends to the end of the string*/ break; } if('\\' != pChar[-1]) { /* found a dquote, and it's not escaped : quoted sequence is over*/ break; } /* found a dquote, but it was escaped : skip over it, keep looking */ pChar++; } if(NULL == pChar || '\0' == *pChar) { /* reached the end of the string : we're done */ break; } } pChar++; } if(NULL == pChar) { /* reached the end of the string : we're done */ break; } /* reached end of arg; replace trailing whitespace by '\0', to split arguments into separate strings */ while (isspace((unsigned char) *pChar)) { *pChar++ = '\0'; } } /* allocate lppargv according to the number of arguments in the command line */ lppArgv = (char **) InternalMalloc((((*pnArg)+1) * sizeof(char *))); if (lppArgv == NULL) { free(lpAsciiCmdLine); return NULL; } lppTemp = lppArgv; /* at this point all parameters are separated by NULL we need to fill the array of arguments; we must also remove all dquotes from arguments (new process shouldn't see them) */ for (i = *pnArg, pChar = lpAsciiCmdLine; i; i--) { /* skip NULLs */ while (!*pChar) { pChar++; } *lppTemp = pChar; /* go to the next parameter, removing dquotes as we go along */ j = 0; while (*pChar) { /* copy character if it's not a dquote */ if('"' != *pChar) { /* if it's the \ of an escaped dquote, skip over it, we'll copy the " instead */ if( '\\' == pChar[0] && '"' == pChar[1] ) { pChar++; } (*lppTemp)[j++] = *pChar; } pChar++; } /* re-NULL terminate the argument */ (*lppTemp)[j] = '\0'; lppTemp++; } *lppTemp = NULL; return lppArgv; } /*++ Function: getPath Abstract: Helper function for CreateProcessW, it looks in the path environment variable to find where the process to executed is. Parameters: IN lpFileName: file name to search in the path OUT lpPathFileName: returned string containing the path and the filename Return: TRUE if found FALSE otherwise --*/ static BOOL getPath( PathCharString& lpFileNameString, PathCharString& lpPathFileName) { LPSTR lpPath; LPSTR lpNext; LPSTR lpCurrent; LPWSTR lpwstr; INT n; INT nextLen; INT slashLen; CPalThread *pThread = NULL; LPCSTR lpFileName = lpFileNameString.GetString(); /* if a path is specified, only look there */ if(strchr(lpFileName, '/')) { if (access (lpFileName, F_OK) == 0) { if (!lpPathFileName.Set(lpFileNameString)) { TRACE("Set of StackString failed!\n"); return FALSE; } TRACE("file %s exists\n", lpFileName); return TRUE; } else { TRACE("file %s doesn't exist.\n", lpFileName); return FALSE; } } /* first look in directory from which the application loaded */ lpwstr = g_lpwstrAppDir; if (lpwstr) { /* convert path to multibyte, check buffer size */ n = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpwstr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (!lpPathFileName.Reserve(n + lpFileNameString.GetCount() + 1 )) { ERROR("StackString Reserve failed!\n"); return FALSE; } lpPath = lpPathFileName.OpenStringBuffer(n); n = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpwstr, -1, lpPath, n, NULL, NULL); if (n == 0) { lpPathFileName.CloseBuffer(0); ASSERT("WideCharToMultiByte failure!\n"); return FALSE; } lpPathFileName.CloseBuffer(n - 1); lpPathFileName.Append("/", 1); lpPathFileName.Append(lpFileNameString); if (access(lpPathFileName, F_OK) == 0) { TRACE("found %s in application directory (%s)\n", lpFileName, lpPathFileName.GetString()); return TRUE; } } /* then try the current directory */ if (!lpPathFileName.Reserve(lpFileNameString.GetCount() + 2)) { ERROR("StackString Reserve failed!\n"); return FALSE; } lpPathFileName.Set("./", 2); lpPathFileName.Append(lpFileNameString); if (access (lpPathFileName, R_OK) == 0) { TRACE("found %s in current directory.\n", lpFileName); return TRUE; } pThread = InternalGetCurrentThread(); /* Then try to look in the path */ lpPath = EnvironGetenv("PATH"); if (!lpPath) { ERROR("EnvironGetenv returned NULL for $PATH\n"); return FALSE; } lpNext = lpPath; /* search in every path directory */ TRACE("looking for file %s in $PATH (%s)\n", lpFileName, lpPath); while (lpNext) { /* skip all leading ':' */ while(*lpNext==':') { lpNext++; } /* search for ':' */ lpCurrent = strchr(lpNext, ':'); if (lpCurrent) { *lpCurrent++ = '\0'; } nextLen = strlen(lpNext); slashLen = (lpNext[nextLen-1] == '/') ? 0:1; if (!lpPathFileName.Reserve(nextLen + lpFileNameString.GetCount() + 1)) { free(lpPath); ERROR("StackString ran out of memory for full path\n"); return FALSE; } lpPathFileName.Set(lpNext, nextLen); if( slashLen == 1) { /* append a '/' if there's no '/' at the end of the path */ lpPathFileName.Append("/", 1); } lpPathFileName.Append(lpFileNameString); if ( access (lpPathFileName, F_OK) == 0) { TRACE("Found %s in $PATH element %s\n", lpFileName, lpNext); free(lpPath); return TRUE; } lpNext = lpCurrent; /* search in the next directory */ } free(lpPath); TRACE("File %s not found in $PATH\n", lpFileName); return FALSE; } /*++ Function: ~CProcProcessLocalData Process data destructor --*/ CorUnix::CProcProcessLocalData::~CProcProcessLocalData() { if (pProcessModules != NULL) { DestroyProcessModules(pProcessModules); } }