// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef __PAL_PRIVATE_H__ #define __PAL_PRIVATE_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif PALIMPORT int PALAPI MessageBoxA( IN LPVOID hWnd, // NOTE: diff from winuser.h IN LPCSTR lpText, IN LPCSTR lpCaption, IN UINT uType); PALIMPORT HANDLE PALAPI CreateFileA( IN LPCSTR lpFileName, IN DWORD dwDesiredAccess, IN DWORD dwShareMode, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, IN DWORD dwCreationDisposition, IN DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, IN HANDLE hTemplateFile); PALIMPORT DWORD PALAPI SearchPathA( IN LPCSTR lpPath, IN LPCSTR lpFileName, IN LPCSTR lpExtension, IN DWORD nBufferLength, OUT LPSTR lpBuffer, OUT LPSTR *lpFilePart ); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI CopyFileA( IN LPCSTR lpExistingFileName, IN LPCSTR lpNewFileName, IN BOOL bFailIfExists); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI DeleteFileA( IN LPCSTR lpFileName); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI MoveFileExA( IN LPCSTR lpExistingFileName, IN LPCSTR lpNewFileName, IN DWORD dwFlags); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI CreateDirectoryA( IN LPCSTR lpPathName, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes); PALIMPORT HANDLE PALAPI FindFirstFileA( IN LPCSTR lpFileName, OUT LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFindFileData); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI FindNextFileA( IN HANDLE hFindFile, OUT LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFindFileData); PALIMPORT DWORD PALAPI GetFileAttributesA( IN LPCSTR lpFileName); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI SetFileAttributesA( IN LPCSTR lpFileName, IN DWORD dwFileAttributes); PALIMPORT DWORD PALAPI GetFullPathNameA( IN LPCSTR lpFileName, IN DWORD nBufferLength, OUT LPSTR lpBuffer, OUT LPSTR *lpFilePart); PALIMPORT UINT PALAPI GetTempFileNameA( IN LPCSTR lpPathName, IN LPCSTR lpPrefixString, IN UINT uUnique, OUT LPSTR lpTempFileName); PALIMPORT DWORD PALAPI GetTempPathA( IN DWORD nBufferLength, OUT LPSTR lpBuffer); PALIMPORT DWORD PALAPI GetCurrentDirectoryA( IN DWORD nBufferLength, OUT LPSTR lpBuffer); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI SetCurrentDirectoryA( IN LPCSTR lpPathName); PALIMPORT HANDLE PALAPI CreateSemaphoreA( IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSemaphoreAttributes, IN LONG lInitialCount, IN LONG lMaximumCount, IN LPCSTR lpName); PALIMPORT HANDLE PALAPI CreateSemaphoreExA( IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSemaphoreAttributes, IN LONG lInitialCount, IN LONG lMaximumCount, IN LPCSTR lpName, IN /*_Reserved_*/ DWORD dwFlags, IN DWORD dwDesiredAccess); PALIMPORT HANDLE PALAPI CreateEventA( IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, IN BOOL bManualReset, IN BOOL bInitialState, IN LPCSTR lpName); PALIMPORT HANDLE PALAPI CreateMutexA( IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, IN BOOL bInitialOwner, IN LPCSTR lpName); PALIMPORT HANDLE PALAPI OpenMutexA( IN DWORD dwDesiredAccess, IN BOOL bInheritHandle, IN LPCSTR lpName); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI CreateProcessA( IN LPCSTR lpApplicationName, IN LPSTR lpCommandLine, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, IN BOOL bInheritHandles, IN DWORD dwCreationFlags, IN LPVOID lpEnvironment, IN LPCSTR lpCurrentDirectory, IN LPSTARTUPINFOA lpStartupInfo, OUT LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation); PALIMPORT HANDLE PALAPI CreateFileMappingA( IN HANDLE hFile, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpFileMappingAttributes, IN DWORD flProtect, IN DWORD dwMaximumSizeHigh, IN DWORD dwMaximumSizeLow, IN LPCSTR lpName); PALIMPORT HANDLE PALAPI OpenFileMappingA( IN DWORD dwDesiredAccess, IN BOOL bInheritHandle, IN LPCSTR lpName); PALIMPORT HMODULE PALAPI LoadLibraryA( IN LPCSTR lpLibFileName); PALIMPORT HMODULE PALAPI LoadLibraryExA( IN LPCSTR lpLibFileName, IN /*Reserved*/ HANDLE hFile, IN DWORD dwFlags); PALIMPORT DWORD PALAPI GetModuleFileNameA( IN HMODULE hModule, OUT LPSTR lpFileName, IN DWORD nSize); PALIMPORT LPSTR PALAPI GetEnvironmentStringsA( VOID); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI SetEnvironmentVariableA( IN LPCSTR lpName, IN LPCSTR lpValue); PALIMPORT DWORD PALAPI GetEnvironmentVariableA( IN LPCSTR lpName, OUT LPSTR lpBuffer, IN DWORD nSize); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI FreeEnvironmentStringsA( IN LPSTR); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI RemoveDirectoryA( IN LPCSTR lpPathName); PALIMPORT BOOL PALAPI PAL_GetPALDirectoryA( OUT LPSTR lpDirectoryName, IN UINT* cchDirectoryName); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif// __PAL_PRIVATE_H__