// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*** * mbusafecrt.h - public declarations for SafeCRT lib * * * Purpose: * This file contains the public declarations SafeCRT * functions ported to MacOS. These are the safe versions of * functions standard functions banned by SWI * ****/ /* shields! */ #ifndef MBUSAFECRT_H #define MBUSAFECRT_H //#include /* MacOS does not define a specifc type for errnos, but SafeCRT does */ typedef int errno_t; /* errno value that specific to SafeCRT */ #define STRUNCATE 80 // define the return value for success #define SAFECRT_SUCCESS 0 #ifndef THROW_DECL #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__llvm__) || !defined(__cplusplus) #define THROW_DECL #else #define THROW_DECL throw() #endif // !_MSC_VER #endif // !THROW_DECL #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef void ( *tSafeCRT_AssertFuncPtr )( const char* inExpression, const char* inComment, const char* inFile, const unsigned long inLineNum ); void MBUSafeCRTSetAssertFunc( tSafeCRT_AssertFuncPtr inAssertFuncPtr ); extern errno_t strcat_s( char* ioDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const char* inSrc ); extern errno_t wcscat_s( WCHAR* ioDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const WCHAR* inSrc ); extern errno_t strncat_s( char* ioDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const char* inSrc, size_t inCount ); extern errno_t wcsncat_s( WCHAR* ioDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const WCHAR* inSrc, size_t inCount ); extern errno_t strcpy_s( char* outDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const char* inSrc ); extern errno_t wcscpy_s( WCHAR* outDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const WCHAR* inSrc ); extern errno_t strncpy_s( char* outDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const char* inSrc, size_t inCount ); extern errno_t wcsncpy_s( WCHAR* outDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const WCHAR* inSrc, size_t inCount ); extern char* strtok_s( char* inString, const char* inControl, char** ioContext ); extern WCHAR* wcstok_s( WCHAR* inString, const WCHAR* inControl, WCHAR** ioContext ); // strnlen is not required unless the source string is completely untrusted (e.g. anonymous input on a website) #ifndef SUPPRESS_STRNLEN extern size_t PAL_strnlen( const char* inString, size_t inMaxSize ); extern size_t PAL_wcsnlen( const WCHAR* inString, size_t inMaxSize ); #endif extern errno_t _itoa_s( int inValue, char* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _itow_s( int inValue, WCHAR* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _ltoa_s( long inValue, char* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _ltow_s( long inValue, WCHAR* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _ultoa_s( unsigned long inValue, char* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _ultow_s( unsigned long inValue, WCHAR* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _i64toa_s( long long inValue, char* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _i64tow_s( long long inValue, WCHAR* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _ui64toa_s( unsigned long long inValue, char* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _ui64tow_s( unsigned long long inValue, WCHAR* outBuffer, size_t inDestBufferSize, int inRadix ); extern errno_t _makepath_s( char* outDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const char* inDrive, const char* inDirectory, const char* inFilename, const char* inExtension ); extern errno_t _wmakepath_s( WCHAR* outDest, size_t inDestBufferSize, const WCHAR* inDrive, const WCHAR* inDirectory, const WCHAR* inFilename, const WCHAR* inExtension ); extern errno_t _splitpath_s( const char* inPath, char* outDrive, size_t inDriveSize, char* outDirectory, size_t inDirectorySize, char* outFilename, size_t inFilenameSize, char* outExtension, size_t inExtensionSize ); extern errno_t _wsplitpath_s( const WCHAR* inPath, WCHAR* outDrive, size_t inDriveSize, WCHAR* outDirectory, size_t inDirectorySize, WCHAR* outFilename, size_t inFilenameSize, WCHAR* outExtension, size_t inExtensionSize ); extern int sprintf_s( char *string, size_t sizeInBytes, const char *format, ... ); extern int swprintf_s( WCHAR *string, size_t sizeInWords, const WCHAR *format, ... ); extern int _snprintf_s( char *string, size_t sizeInBytes, size_t count, const char *format, ... ); extern int _snwprintf_s( WCHAR *string, size_t sizeInWords, size_t count, const WCHAR *format, ... ); extern int vsprintf_s( char* string, size_t sizeInBytes, const char* format, va_list arglist ); extern int _vsnprintf_s( char* string, size_t sizeInBytes, size_t count, const char* format, va_list arglist ); extern int vswprintf_s( WCHAR* string, size_t sizeInWords, const WCHAR* format, va_list arglist ); extern int _vsnwprintf_s( WCHAR* string, size_t sizeInWords, size_t count, const WCHAR* format, va_list arglist ); extern int sscanf_s( const char *string, const char *format, ... ); extern int swscanf_s( const WCHAR *string, const WCHAR *format, ... ); extern int _snscanf_s( const char *string, size_t count, const char *format, ... ); extern int _snwscanf_s( const WCHAR *string, size_t count, const WCHAR *format, ... ); extern errno_t memcpy_s( void * dst, size_t sizeInBytes, const void * src, size_t count ) THROW_DECL; extern errno_t memmove_s( void * dst, size_t sizeInBytes, const void * src, size_t count ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* MBUSAFECRT_H */