# Convert string resources from Windows native resource file to a C++ # source file with an array of structs representing the resources. BEGIN { numEntries = 0; } # Takes a number and returns a string corresponding to its hex # representation. A string representation that has fewer than 8 # characters (not including the '0x' prefix) is padded with 0's # to make it 8 characters. # Example: an input of 49 yields "0x00000031". function numberToHexString(number) { quotient = number; hexString = ""; for (digitCount = 0; digitCount < 8; digitCount++) { remainder = quotient % 16; quotient = int(quotient / 16); hexString = sprintf("%x"hexString, remainder); } hexString = "0x" hexString; return hexString; } # Add each entry that is in our associative array of entries to the # C++ array we are building. The C++ array will be ordered by the # resourceId (lowest to highest) to facilitate quick lookups. function writesortedentries() { for (entry in resourceArray) { # Write the entries to the C++ array ordered by the ID. printf " {%s,%s},\n", entry, resourceArray[entry] | "sort"; } # Close the pipe to ensure that the data is written now. close("sort"); } # Write entry for a string resource # This is called for each entry. Because we want to write them in # sorted order once all the entries have come in, for now we just # store each entry in an associative array. function writestringentry(id, str) { numEntries++; # Use the string representation of the ID as the array index # because the precision of numeric indices can be lost during # the number -> string -> number conversions that would occur # if numeric indices are used. resourceArray[numberToHexString(id)] = str; } # Write file header and begin the array we will populate with the resources. function writeheader(arrayName, tableName) { print "// This code was generated by rctocpp.awk and is not meant to be modified manually." print "#include "; print ""; print "extern NativeStringResourceTable " tableName ";"; print "const NativeStringResource " arrayName "[] = {"; } # Write file footer # This function is called after all of the entries have been given to # writestringentry. Because we know there are no more entries, we can # now write all the entries we received so far when this is called. # After we have written all the entries, we close the array and add a # constant for the size of the array for convenience. function writefooter(arrayName, tableName) { writesortedentries(); print "};"; print ""; print "NativeStringResourceTable " tableName " __attribute__((visibility(\"default\"))) = {"; print numEntries ","; print arrayName "};"; }