// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // This class represents the Ole Automation binder. // #define DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO namespace System { using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Reflection; using Microsoft.Win32; using CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo; // Made serializable in anticipation of this class eventually having state. internal class OleAutBinder : DefaultBinder { // ChangeType // This binder uses OLEAUT to change the type of the variant. public override Object ChangeType(Object value, Type type, CultureInfo cultureInfo) { Variant myValue = new Variant(value); if (cultureInfo == null) cultureInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; #if DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO Console.WriteLine("In OleAutBinder::ChangeType converting variant of type: {0} to type: {1}", myValue.VariantType, type.Name); #endif if (type.IsByRef) { #if DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO Console.WriteLine("Stripping byref from the type to convert to."); #endif type = type.GetElementType(); } // If we are trying to convert from an object to another type then we don't // need the OLEAUT change type, we can just use the normal COM+ mechanisms. if (!type.IsPrimitive && type.IsInstanceOfType(value)) { #if DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO Console.WriteLine("Source variant can be assigned to destination type"); #endif return value; } Type srcType = value.GetType(); // Handle converting primitives to enums. if (type.IsEnum && srcType.IsPrimitive) { #if DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO Console.WriteLine("Converting primitive to enum"); #endif return Enum.Parse(type, value.ToString()); } // Use the OA variant lib to convert primitive types. try { #if DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO Console.WriteLine("Using OAVariantLib.ChangeType() to do the conversion"); #endif // Specify the LocalBool flag to have BOOL values converted to local language rather // than 0 or -1. Object RetObj = OAVariantLib.ChangeType(myValue, type, OAVariantLib.LocalBool, cultureInfo).ToObject(); #if DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO Console.WriteLine("Object returned from ChangeType is of type: " + RetObj.GetType().Name); #endif return RetObj; } #if DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO catch(NotSupportedException e) #else catch (NotSupportedException) #endif { #if DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO Console.Write("Exception thrown: "); Console.WriteLine(e); #endif throw new COMException(SR.Interop_COM_TypeMismatch, unchecked((int)0x80020005)); } } } }