// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. namespace System { //Only contains static methods. Does not require serialization using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.Security; using System.Runtime; #if BIT64 using nuint = System.UInt64; #else // BIT64 using nuint = System.UInt32; #endif // BIT64 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public static class Buffer { // Copies from one primitive array to another primitive array without // respecting types. This calls memmove internally. The count and // offset parameters here are in bytes. If you want to use traditional // array element indices and counts, use Array.Copy. [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] public static extern void BlockCopy(Array src, int srcOffset, Array dst, int dstOffset, int count); // A very simple and efficient memmove that assumes all of the // parameter validation has already been done. The count and offset // parameters here are in bytes. If you want to use traditional // array element indices and counts, use Array.Copy. [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal static extern void InternalBlockCopy(Array src, int srcOffsetBytes, Array dst, int dstOffsetBytes, int byteCount); // This is ported from the optimized CRT assembly in memchr.asm. The JIT generates // pretty good code here and this ends up being within a couple % of the CRT asm. // It is however cross platform as the CRT hasn't ported their fast version to 64-bit // platforms. // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal unsafe static int IndexOfByte(byte* src, byte value, int index, int count) { Contract.Assert(src != null, "src should not be null"); byte* pByte = src + index; // Align up the pointer to sizeof(int). while (((int)pByte & 3) != 0) { if (count == 0) return -1; else if (*pByte == value) return (int) (pByte - src); count--; pByte++; } // Fill comparer with value byte for comparisons // // comparer = 0/0/value/value uint comparer = (((uint)value << 8) + (uint)value); // comparer = value/value/value/value comparer = (comparer << 16) + comparer; // Run through buffer until we hit a 4-byte section which contains // the byte we're looking for or until we exhaust the buffer. while (count > 3) { // Test the buffer for presence of value. comparer contains the byte // replicated 4 times. uint t1 = *(uint*)pByte; t1 = t1 ^ comparer; uint t2 = 0x7efefeff + t1; t1 = t1 ^ 0xffffffff; t1 = t1 ^ t2; t1 = t1 & 0x81010100; // if t1 is zero then these 4-bytes don't contain a match if (t1 != 0) { // We've found a match for value, figure out which position it's in. int foundIndex = (int) (pByte - src); if (pByte[0] == value) return foundIndex; else if (pByte[1] == value) return foundIndex + 1; else if (pByte[2] == value) return foundIndex + 2; else if (pByte[3] == value) return foundIndex + 3; } count -= 4; pByte += 4; } // Catch any bytes that might be left at the tail of the buffer while (count > 0) { if (*pByte == value) return (int) (pByte - src); count--; pByte++; } // If we don't have a match return -1; return -1; } // Returns a bool to indicate if the array is of primitive data types // or not. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private static extern bool IsPrimitiveTypeArray(Array array); // Gets a particular byte out of the array. The array must be an // array of primitives. // // This essentially does the following: // return ((byte*)array) + index. // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private static extern byte _GetByte(Array array, int index); [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated public static byte GetByte(Array array, int index) { // Is the array present? if (array == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("array"); // Is it of primitive types? if (!IsPrimitiveTypeArray(array)) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBePrimArray"), "array"); // Is the index in valid range of the array? if (index < 0 || index >= _ByteLength(array)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); return _GetByte(array, index); } // Sets a particular byte in an the array. The array must be an // array of primitives. // // This essentially does the following: // *(((byte*)array) + index) = value. // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private static extern void _SetByte(Array array, int index, byte value); [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated public static void SetByte(Array array, int index, byte value) { // Is the array present? if (array == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("array"); // Is it of primitive types? if (!IsPrimitiveTypeArray(array)) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBePrimArray"), "array"); // Is the index in valid range of the array? if (index < 0 || index >= _ByteLength(array)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); // Make the FCall to do the work _SetByte(array, index, value); } // Gets a particular byte out of the array. The array must be an // array of primitives. // // This essentially does the following: // return array.length * sizeof(array.UnderlyingElementType). // [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private static extern int _ByteLength(Array array); [System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated public static int ByteLength(Array array) { // Is the array present? if (array == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("array"); // Is it of primitive types? if (!IsPrimitiveTypeArray(array)) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_MustBePrimArray"), "array"); return _ByteLength(array); } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated internal unsafe static void ZeroMemory(byte* src, long len) { while(len-- > 0) *(src + len) = 0; } [System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] internal unsafe static void Memcpy(byte[] dest, int destIndex, byte* src, int srcIndex, int len) { Contract.Assert( (srcIndex >= 0) && (destIndex >= 0) && (len >= 0), "Index and length must be non-negative!"); Contract.Assert(dest.Length - destIndex >= len, "not enough bytes in dest"); // If dest has 0 elements, the fixed statement will throw an // IndexOutOfRangeException. Special-case 0-byte copies. if (len==0) return; fixed(byte* pDest = dest) { Memcpy(pDest + destIndex, src + srcIndex, len); } } [SecurityCritical] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] internal unsafe static void Memcpy(byte* pDest, int destIndex, byte[] src, int srcIndex, int len) { Contract.Assert( (srcIndex >= 0) && (destIndex >= 0) && (len >= 0), "Index and length must be non-negative!"); Contract.Assert(src.Length - srcIndex >= len, "not enough bytes in src"); // If dest has 0 elements, the fixed statement will throw an // IndexOutOfRangeException. Special-case 0-byte copies. if (len==0) return; fixed(byte* pSrc = src) { Memcpy(pDest + destIndex, pSrc + srcIndex, len); } } // This is tricky to get right AND fast, so lets make it useful for the whole Fx. // E.g. System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime!WindowsRuntimeBufferExtensions.MemCopy uses it. // This method has a slightly different behavior on arm and other platforms. // On arm this method behaves like memcpy and does not handle overlapping buffers. // While on other platforms it behaves like memmove and handles overlapping buffers. // This behavioral difference is unfortunate but intentional because // 1. This method is given access to other internal dlls and this close to release we do not want to change it. // 2. It is difficult to get this right for arm and again due to release dates we would like to visit it later. [FriendAccessAllowed] [System.Security.SecurityCritical] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] #if ARM [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal unsafe static extern void Memcpy(byte* dest, byte* src, int len); #else // ARM [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] internal unsafe static void Memcpy(byte* dest, byte* src, int len) { Contract.Assert(len >= 0, "Negative length in memcopy!"); Memmove(dest, src, (uint)len); } #endif // ARM // This method has different signature for x64 and other platforms and is done for performance reasons. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] internal unsafe static void Memmove(byte* dest, byte* src, nuint len) { // P/Invoke into the native version when the buffers are overlapping and the copy needs to be performed backwards // This check can produce false positives for lengths greater than Int32.MaxInt. It is fine because we want to use PInvoke path for the large lengths anyway. if ((nuint)dest - (nuint)src < len) goto PInvoke; // This is portable version of memcpy. It mirrors what the hand optimized assembly versions of memcpy typically do. // // Ideally, we would just use the cpblk IL instruction here. Unfortunately, cpblk IL instruction is not as efficient as // possible yet and so we have this implementation here for now. // Note: It's important that this switch handles lengths at least up to 22. // See notes below near the main loop for why. // The switch will be very fast since it can be implemented using a jump // table in assembly. See http://stackoverflow.com/a/449297/4077294 for more info. switch (len) { case 0: return; case 1: *dest = *src; return; case 2: *(short*)dest = *(short*)src; return; case 3: *(short*)dest = *(short*)src; *(dest + 2) = *(src + 2); return; case 4: *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; return; case 5: *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(dest + 4) = *(src + 4); return; case 6: *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(short*)(dest + 4) = *(short*)(src + 4); return; case 7: *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(short*)(dest + 4) = *(short*)(src + 4); *(dest + 6) = *(src + 6); return; case 8: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); #endif return; case 9: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); #endif *(dest + 8) = *(src + 8); return; case 10: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); #endif *(short*)(dest + 8) = *(short*)(src + 8); return; case 11: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); #endif *(short*)(dest + 8) = *(short*)(src + 8); *(dest + 10) = *(src + 10); return; case 12: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); #endif *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); return; case 13: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); #endif *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(dest + 12) = *(src + 12); return; case 14: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); #endif *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(short*)(dest + 12) = *(short*)(src + 12); return; case 15: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); #endif *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(short*)(dest + 12) = *(short*)(src + 12); *(dest + 14) = *(src + 14); return; case 16: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; *(long*)(dest + 8) = *(long*)(src + 8); #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(int*)(dest + 12) = *(int*)(src + 12); #endif return; case 17: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; *(long*)(dest + 8) = *(long*)(src + 8); #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(int*)(dest + 12) = *(int*)(src + 12); #endif *(dest + 16) = *(src + 16); return; case 18: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; *(long*)(dest + 8) = *(long*)(src + 8); #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(int*)(dest + 12) = *(int*)(src + 12); #endif *(short*)(dest + 16) = *(short*)(src + 16); return; case 19: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; *(long*)(dest + 8) = *(long*)(src + 8); #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(int*)(dest + 12) = *(int*)(src + 12); #endif *(short*)(dest + 16) = *(short*)(src + 16); *(dest + 18) = *(src + 18); return; case 20: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; *(long*)(dest + 8) = *(long*)(src + 8); #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(int*)(dest + 12) = *(int*)(src + 12); #endif *(int*)(dest + 16) = *(int*)(src + 16); return; case 21: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; *(long*)(dest + 8) = *(long*)(src + 8); #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(int*)(dest + 12) = *(int*)(src + 12); #endif *(int*)(dest + 16) = *(int*)(src + 16); *(dest + 20) = *(src + 20); return; case 22: #if BIT64 *(long*)dest = *(long*)src; *(long*)(dest + 8) = *(long*)(src + 8); #else *(int*)dest = *(int*)src; *(int*)(dest + 4) = *(int*)(src + 4); *(int*)(dest + 8) = *(int*)(src + 8); *(int*)(dest + 12) = *(int*)(src + 12); #endif *(int*)(dest + 16) = *(int*)(src + 16); *(short*)(dest + 20) = *(short*)(src + 20); return; } // P/Invoke into the native version for large lengths if (len >= 512) goto PInvoke; nuint i = 0; // byte offset at which we're copying if (((int)dest & 3) != 0) { if (((int)dest & 1) != 0) { *(dest + i) = *(src + i); i += 1; if (((int)dest & 2) != 0) goto IntAligned; } *(short*)(dest + i) = *(short*)(src + i); i += 2; } IntAligned: #if BIT64 // On 64-bit IntPtr.Size == 8, so we want to advance to the next 8-aligned address. If // (int)dest % 8 is 0, 5, 6, or 7, we will already have advanced by 0, 3, 2, or 1 // bytes to the next aligned address (respectively), so do nothing. On the other hand, // if it is 1, 2, 3, or 4 we will want to copy-and-advance another 4 bytes until // we're aligned. // The thing 1, 2, 3, and 4 have in common that the others don't is that if you // subtract one from them, their 3rd lsb will not be set. Hence, the below check. if ((((int)dest - 1) & 4) == 0) { *(int*)(dest + i) = *(int*)(src + i); i += 4; } #endif // BIT64 nuint end = len - 16; len -= i; // lower 4 bits of len represent how many bytes are left *after* the unrolled loop // We know due to the above switch-case that this loop will always run 1 iteration; max // bytes we copy before checking is 23 (7 to align the pointers, 16 for 1 iteration) so // the switch handles lengths 0-22. Contract.Assert(end >= 7 && i <= end); // This is separated out into a different variable, so the i + 16 addition can be // performed at the start of the pipeline and the loop condition does not have // a dependency on the writes. nuint counter; do { counter = i + 16; // This loop looks very costly since there appear to be a bunch of temporary values // being created with the adds, but the jit (for x86 anyways) will convert each of // these to use memory addressing operands. // So the only cost is a bit of code size, which is made up for by the fact that // we save on writes to dest/src. #if BIT64 *(long*)(dest + i) = *(long*)(src + i); *(long*)(dest + i + 8) = *(long*)(src + i + 8); #else *(int*)(dest + i) = *(int*)(src + i); *(int*)(dest + i + 4) = *(int*)(src + i + 4); *(int*)(dest + i + 8) = *(int*)(src + i + 8); *(int*)(dest + i + 12) = *(int*)(src + i + 12); #endif i = counter; // See notes above for why this wasn't used instead // i += 16; } while (counter <= end); if ((len & 8) != 0) { #if BIT64 *(long*)(dest + i) = *(long*)(src + i); #else *(int*)(dest + i) = *(int*)(src + i); *(int*)(dest + i + 4) = *(int*)(src + i + 4); #endif i += 8; } if ((len & 4) != 0) { *(int*)(dest + i) = *(int*)(src + i); i += 4; } if ((len & 2) != 0) { *(short*)(dest + i) = *(short*)(src + i); i += 2; } if ((len & 1) != 0) { *(dest + i) = *(src + i); // We're not using i after this, so not needed // i += 1; } return; PInvoke: _Memmove(dest, src, len); } // Non-inlinable wrapper around the QCall that avoids poluting the fast path // with P/Invoke prolog/epilog. [SecurityCritical] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] private unsafe static void _Memmove(byte* dest, byte* src, nuint len) { __Memmove(dest, src, len); } [DllImport(JitHelpers.QCall, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] [SecurityCritical] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] extern private unsafe static void __Memmove(byte* dest, byte* src, nuint len); // The attributes on this method are chosen for best JIT performance. // Please do not edit unless intentional. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] [CLSCompliant(false)] public static unsafe void MemoryCopy(void* source, void* destination, long destinationSizeInBytes, long sourceBytesToCopy) { if (sourceBytesToCopy > destinationSizeInBytes) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument.sourceBytesToCopy); } Memmove((byte*)destination, (byte*)source, checked((nuint)sourceBytesToCopy)); } // The attributes on this method are chosen for best JIT performance. // Please do not edit unless intentional. [System.Security.SecurityCritical] [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] [CLSCompliant(false)] public static unsafe void MemoryCopy(void* source, void* destination, ulong destinationSizeInBytes, ulong sourceBytesToCopy) { if (sourceBytesToCopy > destinationSizeInBytes) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument.sourceBytesToCopy); } #if BIT64 Memmove((byte*)destination, (byte*)source, sourceBytesToCopy); #else // BIT64 Memmove((byte*)destination, (byte*)source, checked((uint)sourceBytesToCopy)); #endif // BIT64 } } }