// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace System.Security { internal sealed class SafeBSTRHandle : SafeBuffer { internal SafeBSTRHandle() : base(true) { } internal static SafeBSTRHandle Allocate(uint lenInChars) { ulong lenInBytes = (ulong)lenInChars * sizeof(char); SafeBSTRHandle bstr = Interop.OleAut32.SysAllocStringLen(IntPtr.Zero, lenInChars); if (bstr.IsInvalid) // SysAllocStringLen returns a NULL ptr when there's insufficient memory { throw new OutOfMemoryException(); } bstr.Initialize(lenInBytes); return bstr; } override protected bool ReleaseHandle() { Interop.NtDll.ZeroMemory(handle, (UIntPtr)(Interop.OleAut32.SysStringLen(handle) * sizeof(char))); Interop.OleAut32.SysFreeString(handle); return true; } internal unsafe void ClearBuffer() { byte* bufferPtr = null; try { AcquirePointer(ref bufferPtr); Interop.NtDll.ZeroMemory((IntPtr)bufferPtr, (UIntPtr)(Interop.OleAut32.SysStringLen((IntPtr)bufferPtr) * sizeof(char))); } finally { if (bufferPtr != null) { ReleasePointer(); } } } internal unsafe uint Length => Interop.OleAut32.SysStringLen(this); internal unsafe static void Copy(SafeBSTRHandle source, SafeBSTRHandle target, uint bytesToCopy) { if (bytesToCopy == 0) { return; } byte* sourcePtr = null, targetPtr = null; try { source.AcquirePointer(ref sourcePtr); target.AcquirePointer(ref targetPtr); Debug.Assert(source.ByteLength >= bytesToCopy, "Source buffer is too small."); Buffer.MemoryCopy(sourcePtr, targetPtr, target.ByteLength, bytesToCopy); } finally { if (targetPtr != null) { target.ReleasePointer(); } if (sourcePtr != null) { source.ReleasePointer(); } } } } }