// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.Runtime.Serialization; namespace System.Globalization { // // Flags used to indicate different styles of month names. // This is an internal flag used by internalGetMonthName(). // Use flag here in case that we need to provide a combination of these styles // (such as month name of a leap year in genitive form. Not likely for now, // but would like to keep the option open). // [Flags] internal enum MonthNameStyles { Regular = 0x00000000, Genitive = 0x00000001, LeapYear = 0x00000002, } // // Flags used to indicate special rule used in parsing/formatting // for a specific DateTimeFormatInfo instance. // This is an internal flag. // // This flag is different from MonthNameStyles because this flag // can be expanded to accomodate parsing behaviors like CJK month names // or alternative month names, etc. [Flags] internal enum DateTimeFormatFlags { None = 0x00000000, UseGenitiveMonth = 0x00000001, UseLeapYearMonth = 0x00000002, UseSpacesInMonthNames = 0x00000004, // Has spaces or non-breaking space in the month names. UseHebrewRule = 0x00000008, // Format/Parse using the Hebrew calendar rule. UseSpacesInDayNames = 0x00000010, // Has spaces or non-breaking space in the day names. UseDigitPrefixInTokens = 0x00000020, // Has token starting with numbers. NotInitialized = -1, } [Serializable] public sealed class DateTimeFormatInfo : IFormatProvider, ICloneable { // cache for the invariant culture. // invariantInfo is constant irrespective of your current culture. private static volatile DateTimeFormatInfo s_invariantInfo; // an index which points to a record in Culture Data Table. [NonSerialized] private CultureData _cultureData; // The culture name used to create this DTFI. [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] private String _name = null; // The language name of the culture used to create this DTFI. [NonSerialized] private String _langName = null; // CompareInfo usually used by the parser. [NonSerialized] private CompareInfo _compareInfo = null; // Culture matches current DTFI. mainly used for string comparisons during parsing. [NonSerialized] private CultureInfo _cultureInfo = null; // // Caches for various properties. // private String amDesignator = null; private String pmDesignator = null; private String dateSeparator = null; // derived from short date (whidbey expects, arrowhead doesn't) private String generalShortTimePattern = null; // short date + short time (whidbey expects, arrowhead doesn't) private String generalLongTimePattern = null; // short date + long time (whidbey expects, arrowhead doesn't) private String timeSeparator = null; // derived from long time (whidbey expects, arrowhead doesn't) private String monthDayPattern = null; // added in .NET Framework Release {2.0SP1/3.0SP1/3.5RTM} private String dateTimeOffsetPattern = null; // // The following are constant values. // private const String rfc1123Pattern = "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'"; // The sortable pattern is based on ISO 8601. private const String sortableDateTimePattern = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss"; private const String universalSortableDateTimePattern = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'"; // // The following are affected by calendar settings. // private Calendar calendar = null; private int firstDayOfWeek = -1; private int calendarWeekRule = -1; private String fullDateTimePattern = null; // long date + long time (whidbey expects, arrowhead doesn't) private String[] abbreviatedDayNames = null; private String[] m_superShortDayNames = null; private String[] dayNames = null; private String[] abbreviatedMonthNames = null; private String[] monthNames = null; // Cache the genitive month names that we retrieve from the data table. private String[] genitiveMonthNames = null; // Cache the abbreviated genitive month names that we retrieve from the data table. private String[] m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames = null; // Cache the month names of a leap year that we retrieve from the data table. private String[] leapYearMonthNames = null; // For our "patterns" arrays we have 2 variables, a string and a string[] // // The string[] contains the list of patterns, EXCEPT the default may not be included. // The string contains the default pattern. // When we initially construct our string[], we set the string to string[0] // The "default" Date/time patterns private String longDatePattern = null; private String shortDatePattern = null; private String yearMonthPattern = null; private String longTimePattern = null; private String shortTimePattern = null; [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 3)] private String[] allYearMonthPatterns = null; private String[] allShortDatePatterns = null; private String[] allLongDatePatterns = null; private String[] allShortTimePatterns = null; private String[] allLongTimePatterns = null; // Cache the era names for this DateTimeFormatInfo instance. private String[] m_eraNames = null; private String[] m_abbrevEraNames = null; private String[] m_abbrevEnglishEraNames = null; private CalendarId[] optionalCalendars = null; private const int DEFAULT_ALL_DATETIMES_SIZE = 132; // CultureInfo updates this internal bool _isReadOnly = false; // This flag gives hints about if formatting/parsing should perform special code path for things like // genitive form or leap year month names. private DateTimeFormatFlags formatFlags = DateTimeFormatFlags.NotInitialized; private String CultureName { get { if (_name == null) { _name = _cultureData.CultureName; } return (_name); } } private CultureInfo Culture { get { if (_cultureInfo == null) { _cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(this.CultureName); } return _cultureInfo; } } // TODO: This ignores other cultures that might want to do something similar private String LanguageName { get { if (_langName == null) { _langName = _cultureData.SISO639LANGNAME; } return (_langName); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create an array of string which contains the abbreviated day names. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private String[] internalGetAbbreviatedDayOfWeekNames() { if (this.abbreviatedDayNames == null) { // Get the abbreviated day names for our current calendar this.abbreviatedDayNames = _cultureData.AbbreviatedDayNames(Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.abbreviatedDayNames.Length == 7, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.GetAbbreviatedDayOfWeekNames] Expected 7 day names in a week"); } return (this.abbreviatedDayNames); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Action: Returns the string array of the one-letter day of week names. // Returns: // an array of one-letter day of week names // Arguments: // None // Exceptions: // None // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private String[] internalGetSuperShortDayNames() { if (this.m_superShortDayNames == null) { // Get the super short day names for our current calendar this.m_superShortDayNames = _cultureData.SuperShortDayNames(Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.m_superShortDayNames.Length == 7, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.internalGetSuperShortDayNames] Expected 7 day names in a week"); } return (this.m_superShortDayNames); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create an array of string which contains the day names. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private String[] internalGetDayOfWeekNames() { if (this.dayNames == null) { // Get the day names for our current calendar this.dayNames = _cultureData.DayNames(Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.dayNames.Length == 7, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.GetDayOfWeekNames] Expected 7 day names in a week"); } return (this.dayNames); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create an array of string which contains the abbreviated month names. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private String[] internalGetAbbreviatedMonthNames() { if (this.abbreviatedMonthNames == null) { // Get the month names for our current calendar this.abbreviatedMonthNames = _cultureData.AbbreviatedMonthNames(Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.abbreviatedMonthNames.Length == 12 || this.abbreviatedMonthNames.Length == 13, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.GetAbbreviatedMonthNames] Expected 12 or 13 month names in a year"); } return (this.abbreviatedMonthNames); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create an array of string which contains the month names. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private String[] internalGetMonthNames() { if (this.monthNames == null) { // Get the month names for our current calendar this.monthNames = _cultureData.MonthNames(Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.monthNames.Length == 12 || this.monthNames.Length == 13, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.GetMonthNames] Expected 12 or 13 month names in a year"); } return (this.monthNames); } // // Invariant DateTimeFormatInfo doesn't have user-overriden values // Default calendar is gregorian public DateTimeFormatInfo() : this(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.m_cultureData, GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance()) { } internal DateTimeFormatInfo(CultureData cultureData, Calendar cal) { Debug.Assert(cultureData != null); Debug.Assert(cal != null); // Remember our culture _cultureData = cultureData; this.Calendar = cal; } private void InitializeOverridableProperties(CultureData cultureData, CalendarId calendarId) { Debug.Assert(cultureData != null); Debug.Assert(calendarId != CalendarId.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.Populate] Expected initalized calendarId"); if (this.firstDayOfWeek == -1) { this.firstDayOfWeek = cultureData.IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK; } if (this.calendarWeekRule == -1) { this.calendarWeekRule = cultureData.IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR; } if (this.amDesignator == null) { this.amDesignator = cultureData.SAM1159; } if (this.pmDesignator == null) { this.pmDesignator = cultureData.SPM2359; } if (this.timeSeparator == null) { this.timeSeparator = cultureData.TimeSeparator; } if (this.dateSeparator == null) { this.dateSeparator = cultureData.DateSeparator(calendarId); } this.allLongTimePatterns = _cultureData.LongTimes; Debug.Assert(this.allLongTimePatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.Populate] Expected some long time patterns"); this.allShortTimePatterns = _cultureData.ShortTimes; Debug.Assert(this.allShortTimePatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.Populate] Expected some short time patterns"); this.allLongDatePatterns = cultureData.LongDates(calendarId); Debug.Assert(this.allLongDatePatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.Populate] Expected some long date patterns"); this.allShortDatePatterns = cultureData.ShortDates(calendarId); Debug.Assert(this.allShortDatePatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.Populate] Expected some short date patterns"); this.allYearMonthPatterns = cultureData.YearMonths(calendarId); Debug.Assert(this.allYearMonthPatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.Populate] Expected some year month patterns"); } [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 1)] private bool _useUserOverride; // This was synthesized by Whidbey so we knew what words might appear in the middle of a date string // Now we always synthesize so its not helpful internal String[] m_dateWords = null; [OnSerializing] private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext ctx) { _name = this.CultureName; // make sure the _name is initialized. _useUserOverride = _cultureData.UseUserOverride; // Important to initialize these fields otherwise we may run into exception when deserializing on Whidbey // because Whidbey try to initialize some of these fields using calendar data which could be null values // and then we get exceptions. So we call the accessors to force the caches to get loaded. Object o; o = this.LongTimePattern; o = this.LongDatePattern; o = this.ShortTimePattern; o = this.ShortDatePattern; o = this.YearMonthPattern; o = this.AllLongTimePatterns; o = this.AllLongDatePatterns; o = this.AllShortTimePatterns; o = this.AllShortDatePatterns; o = this.AllYearMonthPatterns; } [OnDeserialized] private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext ctx) { if (_name != null) { _cultureData = CultureData.GetCultureData(_name, _useUserOverride); if (_cultureData == null) { throw new CultureNotFoundException("_name", _name, SR.Argument_CultureNotSupported); } } if (calendar == null) { calendar = (Calendar)GregorianCalendar.GetDefaultInstance().Clone(); calendar.SetReadOnlyState(_isReadOnly); } InitializeOverridableProperties(_cultureData, calendar.ID); // // turn off read only state till we finish initializing all fields and then store read only state after we are done. // bool isReadOnly = _isReadOnly; _isReadOnly = false; // If we deserialized defaults ala Whidbey, make sure they're still defaults // Whidbey's arrays could get a bit mixed up. if (longDatePattern != null) this.LongDatePattern = longDatePattern; if (shortDatePattern != null) this.ShortDatePattern = shortDatePattern; if (yearMonthPattern != null) this.YearMonthPattern = yearMonthPattern; if (longTimePattern != null) this.LongTimePattern = longTimePattern; if (shortTimePattern != null) this.ShortTimePattern = shortTimePattern; _isReadOnly = isReadOnly; } // Returns a default DateTimeFormatInfo that will be universally // supported and constant irrespective of the current culture. // Used by FromString methods. // public static DateTimeFormatInfo InvariantInfo { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); if (s_invariantInfo == null) { DateTimeFormatInfo info = new DateTimeFormatInfo(); info.Calendar.SetReadOnlyState(true); info._isReadOnly = true; s_invariantInfo = info; } return (s_invariantInfo); } } // Returns the current culture's DateTimeFormatInfo. Used by Parse methods. // public static DateTimeFormatInfo CurrentInfo { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; if (!culture.m_isInherited) { DateTimeFormatInfo info = culture.dateTimeInfo; if (info != null) { return info; } } return (DateTimeFormatInfo)culture.GetFormat(typeof(DateTimeFormatInfo)); } } public static DateTimeFormatInfo GetInstance(IFormatProvider provider) { // Fast case for a regular CultureInfo DateTimeFormatInfo info; CultureInfo cultureProvider = provider as CultureInfo; if (cultureProvider != null && !cultureProvider.m_isInherited) { return cultureProvider.DateTimeFormat; } // Fast case for a DTFI; info = provider as DateTimeFormatInfo; if (info != null) { return info; } // Wasn't cultureInfo or DTFI, do it the slower way if (provider != null) { info = provider.GetFormat(typeof(DateTimeFormatInfo)) as DateTimeFormatInfo; if (info != null) { return info; } } // Couldn't get anything, just use currentInfo as fallback return CurrentInfo; } public Object GetFormat(Type formatType) { return (formatType == typeof(DateTimeFormatInfo) ? this : null); } public Object Clone() { DateTimeFormatInfo n = (DateTimeFormatInfo)MemberwiseClone(); // We can use the data member calendar in the setter, instead of the property Calendar, // since the cloned copy should have the same state as the original copy. n.calendar = (Calendar)this.Calendar.Clone(); n._isReadOnly = false; return n; } public String AMDesignator { // auto-generated get { if (this.amDesignator == null) { this.amDesignator = _cultureData.SAM1159; } Debug.Assert(this.amDesignator != null, "DateTimeFormatInfo.AMDesignator, amDesignator != null"); return (this.amDesignator); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); ClearTokenHashTable(); amDesignator = value; } } public Calendar Calendar { get { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); Debug.Assert(this.calendar != null, "DateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar: calendar != null"); return (this.calendar); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_Obj); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); if (value == calendar) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.OptionalCalendars.Length; i++) { if (this.OptionalCalendars[i] == value.ID) { // We can use this one, so do so. // Clean related properties if we already had a calendar set if (calendar != null) { // clean related properties which are affected by the calendar setting, // so that they will be refreshed when they are accessed next time. // // These properites are in the order as appearing in calendar.xml. m_eraNames = null; m_abbrevEraNames = null; m_abbrevEnglishEraNames = null; monthDayPattern = null; dayNames = null; abbreviatedDayNames = null; m_superShortDayNames = null; monthNames = null; abbreviatedMonthNames = null; genitiveMonthNames = null; m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames = null; leapYearMonthNames = null; formatFlags = DateTimeFormatFlags.NotInitialized; allShortDatePatterns = null; allLongDatePatterns = null; allYearMonthPatterns = null; dateTimeOffsetPattern = null; // The defaults need reset as well: longDatePattern = null; shortDatePattern = null; yearMonthPattern = null; // These properies are not in the OS data, but they are dependent on the values like shortDatePattern. fullDateTimePattern = null; // Long date + long time generalShortTimePattern = null; // short date + short time generalLongTimePattern = null; // short date + long time // Derived item that changes dateSeparator = null; // We don't need to do these because they are not changed by changing calendar // amDesignator // pmDesignator // timeSeparator // longTimePattern // firstDayOfWeek // calendarWeekRule // remember to reload tokens ClearTokenHashTable(); } // Remember the new calendar calendar = value; InitializeOverridableProperties(_cultureData, calendar.ID); // We succeeded, return return; } } // The assigned calendar is not a valid calendar for this culture, throw throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), SR.Argument_InvalidCalendar); } } private CalendarId[] OptionalCalendars { get { if (this.optionalCalendars == null) { this.optionalCalendars = _cultureData.CalendarIds; } return (this.optionalCalendars); } } /*=================================GetEra========================== **Action: Get the era value by parsing the name of the era. **Returns: The era value for the specified era name. ** -1 if the name of the era is not valid or not supported. **Arguments: eraName the name of the era. **Exceptions: None. ============================================================================*/ public int GetEra(String eraName) { if (eraName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(eraName), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // The Era Name and Abbreviated Era Name // for Taiwan Calendar on non-Taiwan SKU returns empty string (which // would be matched below) but we don't want the empty string to give // us an Era number // confer 85900 DTFI.GetEra("") should fail on all cultures if (eraName.Length == 0) { return (-1); } // The following is based on the assumption that the era value is starting from 1, and has a // serial values. // If that ever changes, the code has to be changed. // The calls to String.Compare should use the current culture for the string comparisons, but the // invariant culture when comparing against the english names. for (int i = 0; i < EraNames.Length; i++) { // Compare the era name in a case-insensitive way for the appropriate culture. if (m_eraNames[i].Length > 0) { if (this.Culture.CompareInfo.Compare(eraName, m_eraNames[i], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0) { return (i + 1); } } } for (int i = 0; i < AbbreviatedEraNames.Length; i++) { // Compare the abbreviated era name in a case-insensitive way for the appropriate culture. if (this.Culture.CompareInfo.Compare(eraName, m_abbrevEraNames[i], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0) { return (i + 1); } } for (int i = 0; i < AbbreviatedEnglishEraNames.Length; i++) { // this comparison should use the InvariantCulture. The English name could have linguistically // interesting characters. if (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.Compare(eraName, m_abbrevEnglishEraNames[i], CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0) { return (i + 1); } } return (-1); } internal String[] EraNames { get { if (this.m_eraNames == null) { this.m_eraNames = _cultureData.EraNames(Calendar.ID); ; } return (this.m_eraNames); } } /*=================================GetEraName========================== **Action: Get the name of the era for the specified era value. **Returns: The name of the specified era. **Arguments: ** era the era value. **Exceptions: ** ArguementException if the era valie is invalid. ============================================================================*/ // Era names are 1 indexed public String GetEraName(int era) { if (era == Calendar.CurrentEra) { era = Calendar.CurrentEraValue; } // The following is based on the assumption that the era value is starting from 1, and has a // serial values. // If that ever changes, the code has to be changed. if ((--era) < EraNames.Length && (era >= 0)) { return (m_eraNames[era]); } throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(era), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEraValue); } internal String[] AbbreviatedEraNames { get { if (this.m_abbrevEraNames == null) { this.m_abbrevEraNames = _cultureData.AbbrevEraNames(Calendar.ID); } return (this.m_abbrevEraNames); } } // Era names are 1 indexed public String GetAbbreviatedEraName(int era) { if (AbbreviatedEraNames.Length == 0) { // If abbreviation era name is not used in this culture, // return the full era name. return (GetEraName(era)); } if (era == Calendar.CurrentEra) { era = Calendar.CurrentEraValue; } if ((--era) < m_abbrevEraNames.Length && (era >= 0)) { return (m_abbrevEraNames[era]); } throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(era), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_InvalidEraValue); } internal String[] AbbreviatedEnglishEraNames { get { if (this.m_abbrevEnglishEraNames == null) { Debug.Assert(Calendar.ID > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.AbbreviatedEnglishEraNames] Expected Calendar.ID > 0"); this.m_abbrevEnglishEraNames = _cultureData.AbbreviatedEnglishEraNames(Calendar.ID); } return (this.m_abbrevEnglishEraNames); } } // Note that cultureData derives this from the short date format (unless someone's set this previously) // Note that this property is quite undesirable. public string DateSeparator { get { if (dateSeparator == null) { dateSeparator = _cultureData.DateSeparator(Calendar.ID); } Debug.Assert(this.dateSeparator != null, "DateTimeFormatInfo.DateSeparator, dateSeparator != null"); return dateSeparator; } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); ClearTokenHashTable(); dateSeparator = value; } } public DayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek { get { if (this.firstDayOfWeek == -1) { this.firstDayOfWeek = _cultureData.IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK; } Debug.Assert(this.firstDayOfWeek != -1, "DateTimeFormatInfo.FirstDayOfWeek, firstDayOfWeek != -1"); return ((DayOfWeek)this.firstDayOfWeek); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value >= DayOfWeek.Sunday && value <= DayOfWeek.Saturday) { firstDayOfWeek = (int)value; } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(value), SR.Format(SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Range, DayOfWeek.Sunday, DayOfWeek.Saturday)); } } } public CalendarWeekRule CalendarWeekRule { get { if (this.calendarWeekRule == -1) { this.calendarWeekRule = _cultureData.IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR; } Debug.Assert(this.calendarWeekRule != -1, "DateTimeFormatInfo.CalendarWeekRule, calendarWeekRule != -1"); return ((CalendarWeekRule)this.calendarWeekRule); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value >= CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay && value <= CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek) { calendarWeekRule = (int)value; } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(value), SR.Format(SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Range, CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek)); } } } public String FullDateTimePattern { get { if (fullDateTimePattern == null) { fullDateTimePattern = LongDatePattern + " " + LongTimePattern; } return (fullDateTimePattern); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); fullDateTimePattern = value; } } // For our "patterns" arrays we have 2 variables, a string and a string[] // // The string[] contains the list of patterns, EXCEPT the default may not be included. // The string contains the default pattern. // When we initially construct our string[], we set the string to string[0] public String LongDatePattern { get { // Initialize our long date pattern from the 1st array value if not set if (this.longDatePattern == null) { // Initialize our data this.longDatePattern = this.UnclonedLongDatePatterns[0]; } return this.longDatePattern; } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // Remember the new string this.longDatePattern = value; // Clear the token hash table ClearTokenHashTable(); // Clean up cached values that will be affected by this property. this.fullDateTimePattern = null; } } // For our "patterns" arrays we have 2 variables, a string and a string[] // // The string[] contains the list of patterns, EXCEPT the default may not be included. // The string contains the default pattern. // When we initially construct our string[], we set the string to string[0] public String LongTimePattern { get { // Initialize our long time pattern from the 1st array value if not set if (this.longTimePattern == null) { // Initialize our data this.longTimePattern = this.UnclonedLongTimePatterns[0]; } return this.longTimePattern; } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // Remember the new string this.longTimePattern = value; // Clear the token hash table ClearTokenHashTable(); // Clean up cached values that will be affected by this property. this.fullDateTimePattern = null; // Full date = long date + long Time this.generalLongTimePattern = null; // General long date = short date + long Time this.dateTimeOffsetPattern = null; } } // Note: just to be confusing there's only 1 month day pattern, not a whole list public String MonthDayPattern { get { if (this.monthDayPattern == null) { Debug.Assert(Calendar.ID > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthDayPattern] Expected calID > 0"); this.monthDayPattern = _cultureData.MonthDay(Calendar.ID); } Debug.Assert(this.monthDayPattern != null, "DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthDayPattern, monthDayPattern != null"); return (this.monthDayPattern); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); this.monthDayPattern = value; } } public String PMDesignator { // auto-generated get { if (this.pmDesignator == null) { this.pmDesignator = _cultureData.SPM2359; } Debug.Assert(this.pmDesignator != null, "DateTimeFormatInfo.PMDesignator, pmDesignator != null"); return (this.pmDesignator); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); ClearTokenHashTable(); pmDesignator = value; } } public String RFC1123Pattern { get { return (rfc1123Pattern); } } // For our "patterns" arrays we have 2 variables, a string and a string[] // // The string[] contains the list of patterns, EXCEPT the default may not be included. // The string contains the default pattern. // When we initially construct our string[], we set the string to string[0] public String ShortDatePattern { get { // Initialize our short date pattern from the 1st array value if not set if (this.shortDatePattern == null) { // Initialize our data this.shortDatePattern = this.UnclonedShortDatePatterns[0]; } return this.shortDatePattern; } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); Contract.EndContractBlock(); // Remember the new string this.shortDatePattern = value; // Clear the token hash table, note that even short dates could require this ClearTokenHashTable(); // Clean up cached values that will be affected by this property. generalLongTimePattern = null; // General long time = short date + long time generalShortTimePattern = null; // General short time = short date + short Time dateTimeOffsetPattern = null; } } // For our "patterns" arrays we have 2 variables, a string and a string[] // // The string[] contains the list of patterns, EXCEPT the default may not be included. // The string contains the default pattern. // When we initially construct our string[], we set the string to string[0] public String ShortTimePattern { get { // Initialize our short time pattern from the 1st array value if not set if (this.shortTimePattern == null) { // Initialize our data this.shortTimePattern = this.UnclonedShortTimePatterns[0]; } return this.shortTimePattern; } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // Remember the new string this.shortTimePattern = value; // Clear the token hash table, note that even short times could require this ClearTokenHashTable(); // Clean up cached values that will be affected by this property. generalShortTimePattern = null; // General short date = short date + short time. } } public String SortableDateTimePattern { get { return (sortableDateTimePattern); } } /*=================================GeneralShortTimePattern===================== **Property: Return the pattern for 'g' general format: shortDate + short time **Note: This is used by DateTimeFormat.cs to get the pattern for 'g' ** We put this internal property here so that we can avoid doing the ** concatation every time somebody asks for the general format. ==============================================================================*/ internal String GeneralShortTimePattern { get { if (generalShortTimePattern == null) { generalShortTimePattern = ShortDatePattern + " " + ShortTimePattern; } return (generalShortTimePattern); } } /*=================================GeneralLongTimePattern===================== **Property: Return the pattern for 'g' general format: shortDate + Long time **Note: This is used by DateTimeFormat.cs to get the pattern for 'g' ** We put this internal property here so that we can avoid doing the ** concatation every time somebody asks for the general format. ==============================================================================*/ internal String GeneralLongTimePattern { get { if (generalLongTimePattern == null) { generalLongTimePattern = ShortDatePattern + " " + LongTimePattern; } return (generalLongTimePattern); } } /*=================================DateTimeOffsetPattern========================== **Property: Return the default pattern DateTimeOffset : shortDate + long time + time zone offset **Note: This is used by DateTimeFormat.cs to get the pattern for short Date + long time + time zone offset ** We put this internal property here so that we can avoid doing the ** concatation every time somebody uses this form ==============================================================================*/ /*=================================DateTimeOffsetPattern========================== **Property: Return the default pattern DateTimeOffset : shortDate + long time + time zone offset **Note: This is used by DateTimeFormat.cs to get the pattern for short Date + long time + time zone offset ** We put this internal property here so that we can avoid doing the ** concatation every time somebody uses this form ==============================================================================*/ internal String DateTimeOffsetPattern { get { if (dateTimeOffsetPattern == null) { string dateTimePattern = ShortDatePattern + " " + LongTimePattern; /* LongTimePattern might contain a "z" as part of the format string in which case we don't want to append a time zone offset */ bool foundZ = false; bool inQuote = false; char quote = '\''; for (int i = 0; !foundZ && i < LongTimePattern.Length; i++) { switch (LongTimePattern[i]) { case 'z': /* if we aren't in a quote, we've found a z */ foundZ = !inQuote; /* we'll fall out of the loop now because the test includes !foundZ */ break; case '\'': case '\"': if (inQuote && (quote == LongTimePattern[i])) { /* we were in a quote and found a matching exit quote, so we are outside a quote now */ inQuote = false; } else if (!inQuote) { quote = LongTimePattern[i]; inQuote = true; } else { /* we were in a quote and saw the other type of quote character, so we are still in a quote */ } break; case '%': case '\\': i++; /* skip next character that is escaped by this backslash */ break; default: break; } } if (!foundZ) { dateTimePattern = dateTimePattern + " zzz"; } dateTimeOffsetPattern = dateTimePattern; } return (dateTimeOffsetPattern); } } // Note that cultureData derives this from the long time format (unless someone's set this previously) // Note that this property is quite undesirable. public string TimeSeparator { get { if (timeSeparator == null) { timeSeparator = _cultureData.TimeSeparator; } Debug.Assert(this.timeSeparator != null, "DateTimeFormatInfo.TimeSeparator, timeSeparator != null"); return (timeSeparator); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); ClearTokenHashTable(); timeSeparator = value; } } public String UniversalSortableDateTimePattern { get { return (universalSortableDateTimePattern); } } // For our "patterns" arrays we have 2 variables, a string and a string[] // // The string[] contains the list of patterns, EXCEPT the default may not be included. // The string contains the default pattern. // When we initially construct our string[], we set the string to string[0] public String YearMonthPattern { get { // Initialize our year/month pattern from the 1st array value if not set if (this.yearMonthPattern == null) { // Initialize our data this.yearMonthPattern = this.UnclonedYearMonthPatterns[0]; } return this.yearMonthPattern; } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_String); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // Remember the new string this.yearMonthPattern = value; // Clear the token hash table, note that even short times could require this ClearTokenHashTable(); } } // // Check if a string array contains a null value, and throw ArgumentNullException with parameter name "value" // private static void CheckNullValue(String[] values, int length) { Debug.Assert(values != null, "value != null"); Debug.Assert(values.Length >= length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (values[i] == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value", SR.ArgumentNull_ArrayValue); } } } public String[] AbbreviatedDayNames { get { return ((String[])internalGetAbbreviatedDayOfWeekNames().Clone()); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_Array); } if (value.Length != 7) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidArrayLength, 7), nameof(value)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); CheckNullValue(value, value.Length); ClearTokenHashTable(); abbreviatedDayNames = value; } } // Returns the string array of the one-letter day of week names. public String[] ShortestDayNames { get { return ((String[])internalGetSuperShortDayNames().Clone()); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_Array); } if (value.Length != 7) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidArrayLength, 7), nameof(value)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); CheckNullValue(value, value.Length); this.m_superShortDayNames = value; } } public String[] DayNames { get { return ((String[])internalGetDayOfWeekNames().Clone()); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_Array); } if (value.Length != 7) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidArrayLength, 7), nameof(value)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); CheckNullValue(value, value.Length); ClearTokenHashTable(); dayNames = value; } } public String[] AbbreviatedMonthNames { get { return ((String[])internalGetAbbreviatedMonthNames().Clone()); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_Array); } if (value.Length != 13) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidArrayLength, 13), nameof(value)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); CheckNullValue(value, value.Length - 1); ClearTokenHashTable(); abbreviatedMonthNames = value; } } public String[] MonthNames { get { return ((String[])internalGetMonthNames().Clone()); } set { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), SR.ArgumentNull_Array); } if (value.Length != 13) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_InvalidArrayLength, 13), nameof(value)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); CheckNullValue(value, value.Length - 1); monthNames = value; ClearTokenHashTable(); } } // Whitespaces that we allow in the month names. // U+00a0 is non-breaking space. private static readonly char[] s_monthSpaces = { ' ', '\u00a0' }; internal bool HasSpacesInMonthNames { get { return (FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseSpacesInMonthNames) != 0; } } internal bool HasSpacesInDayNames { get { return (FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseSpacesInDayNames) != 0; } } // // internalGetMonthName // // Actions: Return the month name using the specified MonthNameStyles in either abbreviated form // or full form. // Arguments: // month // style To indicate a form like regular/genitive/month name in a leap year. // abbreviated When true, return abbreviated form. Otherwise, return a full form. // Exceptions: // ArgumentOutOfRangeException When month name is invalid. // internal String internalGetMonthName(int month, MonthNameStyles style, bool abbreviated) { // // Right now, style is mutual exclusive, but I make the style to be flag so that // maybe we can combine flag if there is such a need. // String[] monthNamesArray = null; switch (style) { case MonthNameStyles.Genitive: monthNamesArray = internalGetGenitiveMonthNames(abbreviated); break; case MonthNameStyles.LeapYear: monthNamesArray = internalGetLeapYearMonthNames(/*abbreviated*/); break; default: monthNamesArray = (abbreviated ? internalGetAbbreviatedMonthNames() : internalGetMonthNames()); break; } // The month range is from 1 ~ this.m_monthNames.Length // (actually is 13 right now for all cases) if ((month < 1) || (month > monthNamesArray.Length)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(month), SR.Format(SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Range, 1, monthNamesArray.Length)); } return (monthNamesArray[month - 1]); } // // internalGetGenitiveMonthNames // // Action: Retrieve the array which contains the month names in genitive form. // If this culture does not use the gentive form, the normal month name is returned. // Arguments: // abbreviated When true, return abbreviated form. Otherwise, return a full form. // private String[] internalGetGenitiveMonthNames(bool abbreviated) { if (abbreviated) { if (this.m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames == null) { this.m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames = _cultureData.AbbreviatedGenitiveMonthNames(this.Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames.Length == 13, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.GetGenitiveMonthNames] Expected 13 abbreviated genitive month names in a year"); } return (this.m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames); } if (this.genitiveMonthNames == null) { this.genitiveMonthNames = _cultureData.GenitiveMonthNames(this.Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.genitiveMonthNames.Length == 13, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.GetGenitiveMonthNames] Expected 13 genitive month names in a year"); } return (this.genitiveMonthNames); } // // internalGetLeapYearMonthNames // // Actions: Retrieve the month names used in a leap year. // If this culture does not have different month names in a leap year, the normal month name is returned. // Agruments: None. (can use abbreviated later if needed) // internal String[] internalGetLeapYearMonthNames(/*bool abbreviated*/) { if (this.leapYearMonthNames == null) { Debug.Assert(Calendar.ID > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.internalGetLeapYearMonthNames] Expected Calendar.ID > 0"); this.leapYearMonthNames = _cultureData.LeapYearMonthNames(Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.leapYearMonthNames.Length == 13, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.internalGetLeapYearMonthNames] Expepcted 13 leap year month names"); } return (leapYearMonthNames); } public String GetAbbreviatedDayName(DayOfWeek dayofweek) { if ((int)dayofweek < 0 || (int)dayofweek > 6) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(dayofweek), SR.Format(SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Range, DayOfWeek.Sunday, DayOfWeek.Saturday)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // // Don't call the public property AbbreviatedDayNames here since a clone is needed in that // property, so it will be slower. Instead, use GetAbbreviatedDayOfWeekNames() directly. // return (internalGetAbbreviatedDayOfWeekNames()[(int)dayofweek]); } // Returns the super short day of week names for the specified day of week. public string GetShortestDayName(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) { if ((int)dayOfWeek < 0 || (int)dayOfWeek > 6) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(dayOfWeek), SR.Format(SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Range, DayOfWeek.Sunday, DayOfWeek.Saturday)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // // Don't call the public property SuperShortDayNames here since a clone is needed in that // property, so it will be slower. Instead, use internalGetSuperShortDayNames() directly. // return (internalGetSuperShortDayNames()[(int)dayOfWeek]); } // Get all possible combination of inputs private static String[] GetCombinedPatterns(String[] patterns1, String[] patterns2, String connectString) { Debug.Assert(patterns1 != null); Debug.Assert(patterns2 != null); // Get array size String[] result = new String[patterns1.Length * patterns2.Length]; // Counter of actual results int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < patterns1.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < patterns2.Length; j++) { // Can't combine if null or empty result[k++] = patterns1[i] + connectString + patterns2[j]; } } // Return the combinations return (result); } public string[] GetAllDateTimePatterns() { List results = new List(DEFAULT_ALL_DATETIMES_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < DateTimeFormat.allStandardFormats.Length; i++) { String[] strings = GetAllDateTimePatterns(DateTimeFormat.allStandardFormats[i]); for (int j = 0; j < strings.Length; j++) { results.Add(strings[j]); } } return results.ToArray(); } public string[] GetAllDateTimePatterns(char format) { Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result() != null); String[] result = null; switch (format) { case 'd': result = this.AllShortDatePatterns; break; case 'D': result = this.AllLongDatePatterns; break; case 'f': result = GetCombinedPatterns(AllLongDatePatterns, AllShortTimePatterns, " "); break; case 'F': case 'U': result = GetCombinedPatterns(AllLongDatePatterns, AllLongTimePatterns, " "); break; case 'g': result = GetCombinedPatterns(AllShortDatePatterns, AllShortTimePatterns, " "); break; case 'G': result = GetCombinedPatterns(AllShortDatePatterns, AllLongTimePatterns, " "); break; case 'm': case 'M': result = new String[] { MonthDayPattern }; break; case 'o': case 'O': result = new String[] { RoundtripFormat }; break; case 'r': case 'R': result = new String[] { rfc1123Pattern }; break; case 's': result = new String[] { sortableDateTimePattern }; break; case 't': result = this.AllShortTimePatterns; break; case 'T': result = this.AllLongTimePatterns; break; case 'u': result = new String[] { UniversalSortableDateTimePattern }; break; case 'y': case 'Y': result = this.AllYearMonthPatterns; break; default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format_BadFormatSpecifier, nameof(format)); } return (result); } public String GetDayName(DayOfWeek dayofweek) { if ((int)dayofweek < 0 || (int)dayofweek > 6) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(dayofweek), SR.Format(SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Range, DayOfWeek.Sunday, DayOfWeek.Saturday)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // Use the internal one so that we don't clone the array unnecessarily return (internalGetDayOfWeekNames()[(int)dayofweek]); } public String GetAbbreviatedMonthName(int month) { if (month < 1 || month > 13) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(month), SR.Format(SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Range, 1, 13)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // Use the internal one so we don't clone the array unnecessarily return (internalGetAbbreviatedMonthNames()[month - 1]); } public String GetMonthName(int month) { if (month < 1 || month > 13) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( nameof(month), SR.Format(SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Range, 1, 13)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); // Use the internal one so we don't clone the array unnecessarily return (internalGetMonthNames()[month - 1]); } // For our "patterns" arrays we have 2 variables, a string and a string[] // // The string[] contains the list of patterns, EXCEPT the default may not be included. // The string contains the default pattern. // When we initially construct our string[], we set the string to string[0] // // The resulting [] can get returned to the calling app, so clone it. private static string[] GetMergedPatterns(string[] patterns, string defaultPattern) { Debug.Assert(patterns != null && patterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.GetMergedPatterns]Expected array of at least one pattern"); Debug.Assert(defaultPattern != null, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.GetMergedPatterns]Expected non null default string"); // If the default happens to be the first in the list just return (a cloned) copy if (defaultPattern == patterns[0]) { return (string[])patterns.Clone(); } // We either need a bigger list, or the pattern from the list. int i; for (i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++) { // Stop if we found it if (defaultPattern == patterns[i]) break; } // Either way we're going to need a new array string[] newPatterns; // Did we find it if (i < patterns.Length) { // Found it, output will be same size newPatterns = (string[])patterns.Clone(); // Have to move [0] item to [i] so we can re-write default at [0] // (remember defaultPattern == [i] so this is OK) newPatterns[i] = newPatterns[0]; } else { // Not found, make room for it newPatterns = new String[patterns.Length + 1]; // Copy existing array Array.Copy(patterns, 0, newPatterns, 1, patterns.Length); } // Remember the default newPatterns[0] = defaultPattern; // Return the reconstructed list return newPatterns; } // Needed by DateTimeFormatInfo and DateTimeFormat internal const String RoundtripFormat = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.fffffffK"; internal const String RoundtripDateTimeUnfixed = "yyyy'-'MM'-'ddTHH':'mm':'ss zzz"; // Default string isn't necessarily in our string array, so get the // merged patterns of both private String[] AllYearMonthPatterns { get { return GetMergedPatterns(this.UnclonedYearMonthPatterns, this.YearMonthPattern); } } private String[] AllShortDatePatterns { get { return GetMergedPatterns(this.UnclonedShortDatePatterns, this.ShortDatePattern); } } private String[] AllShortTimePatterns { get { return GetMergedPatterns(this.UnclonedShortTimePatterns, this.ShortTimePattern); } } private String[] AllLongDatePatterns { get { return GetMergedPatterns(this.UnclonedLongDatePatterns, this.LongDatePattern); } } private String[] AllLongTimePatterns { get { return GetMergedPatterns(this.UnclonedLongTimePatterns, this.LongTimePattern); } } // NOTE: Clone this string array if you want to return it to user. Otherwise, you are returning a writable cache copy. // This won't include default, call AllYearMonthPatterns private String[] UnclonedYearMonthPatterns { get { if (this.allYearMonthPatterns == null) { Debug.Assert(Calendar.ID > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.UnclonedYearMonthPatterns] Expected Calendar.ID > 0"); this.allYearMonthPatterns = _cultureData.YearMonths(this.Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.allYearMonthPatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.UnclonedYearMonthPatterns] Expected some year month patterns"); } return this.allYearMonthPatterns; } } // NOTE: Clone this string array if you want to return it to user. Otherwise, you are returning a writable cache copy. // This won't include default, call AllShortDatePatterns private String[] UnclonedShortDatePatterns { get { if (allShortDatePatterns == null) { Debug.Assert(Calendar.ID > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.UnclonedShortDatePatterns] Expected Calendar.ID > 0"); this.allShortDatePatterns = _cultureData.ShortDates(this.Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.allShortDatePatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.UnclonedShortDatePatterns] Expected some short date patterns"); } return this.allShortDatePatterns; } } // NOTE: Clone this string array if you want to return it to user. Otherwise, you are returning a writable cache copy. // This won't include default, call AllLongDatePatterns private String[] UnclonedLongDatePatterns { get { if (allLongDatePatterns == null) { Debug.Assert(Calendar.ID > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.UnclonedLongDatePatterns] Expected Calendar.ID > 0"); this.allLongDatePatterns = _cultureData.LongDates(this.Calendar.ID); Debug.Assert(this.allLongDatePatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.UnclonedLongDatePatterns] Expected some long date patterns"); } return this.allLongDatePatterns; } } // NOTE: Clone this string array if you want to return it to user. Otherwise, you are returning a writable cache copy. // This won't include default, call AllShortTimePatterns private String[] UnclonedShortTimePatterns { get { if (this.allShortTimePatterns == null) { this.allShortTimePatterns = _cultureData.ShortTimes; Debug.Assert(this.allShortTimePatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.UnclonedShortTimePatterns] Expected some short time patterns"); } return this.allShortTimePatterns; } } // NOTE: Clone this string array if you want to return it to user. Otherwise, you are returning a writable cache copy. // This won't include default, call AllLongTimePatterns private String[] UnclonedLongTimePatterns { get { if (this.allLongTimePatterns == null) { this.allLongTimePatterns = _cultureData.LongTimes; Debug.Assert(this.allLongTimePatterns.Length > 0, "[DateTimeFormatInfo.UnclonedLongTimePatterns] Expected some long time patterns"); } return this.allLongTimePatterns; } } public static DateTimeFormatInfo ReadOnly(DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi) { if (dtfi == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dtfi), SR.ArgumentNull_Obj); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); if (dtfi.IsReadOnly) { return (dtfi); } DateTimeFormatInfo newInfo = (DateTimeFormatInfo)(dtfi.MemberwiseClone()); // We can use the data member calendar in the setter, instead of the property Calendar, // since the cloned copy should have the same state as the original copy. newInfo.calendar = Calendar.ReadOnly(dtfi.Calendar); newInfo._isReadOnly = true; return (newInfo); } public bool IsReadOnly { get { return (_isReadOnly); } } // Return the native name for the calendar in DTFI.Calendar. The native name is referred to // the culture used to create the DTFI. E.g. in the following example, the native language is Japanese. // DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi = new CultureInfo("ja-JP", false).DateTimeFormat.Calendar = new JapaneseCalendar(); // String nativeName = dtfi.NativeCalendarName; // Get the Japanese name for the Japanese calendar. // DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi = new CultureInfo("ja-JP", false).DateTimeFormat.Calendar = new GregorianCalendar(GregorianCalendarTypes.Localized); // String nativeName = dtfi.NativeCalendarName; // Get the Japanese name for the Gregorian calendar. public string NativeCalendarName { get { return _cultureData.CalendarName(Calendar.ID); } } // // Used by custom cultures and others to set the list of available formats. Note that none of them are // explicitly used unless someone calls GetAllDateTimePatterns and subsequently uses one of the items // from the list. // // Most of the format characters that can be used in GetAllDateTimePatterns are // not really needed since they are one of the following: // // r/R/s/u locale-independent constants -- cannot be changed! // m/M/y/Y fields with a single string in them -- that can be set through props directly // f/F/g/G/U derived fields based on combinations of various of the below formats // // NOTE: No special validation is done here beyond what is done when the actual respective fields // are used (what would be the point of disallowing here what we allow in the appropriate property?) // // WARNING: If more validation is ever done in one place, it should be done in the other. // public void SetAllDateTimePatterns(String[] patterns, char format) { if (IsReadOnly) throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ReadOnly); if (patterns == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(patterns), SR.ArgumentNull_Array); } if (patterns.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_ArrayZeroError, nameof(patterns)); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); for (int i=0; i Calendar.GetYear(Calendar.MaxSupportedDateTime)) { return false; } // To handle leap months, the set of month names in the symbol table does not always correspond to the numbers. // For non-leap years, month 7 (Adar Bet) is not present, so we need to make using this month invalid and // shuffle the other months down. if (parsedMonthName) { if (!Calendar.IsLeapYear(year)) { if (month >= 8) { month--; } else if (month == 7) { return false; } } } } return true; } // // DateTimeFormatInfo tokenizer. This is used by DateTime.Parse() to break input string into tokens. // private TokenHashValue[] _dtfiTokenHash; private const int TOKEN_HASH_SIZE = 199; private const int SECOND_PRIME = 197; private const String dateSeparatorOrTimeZoneOffset = "-"; private const String invariantDateSeparator = "/"; private const String invariantTimeSeparator = ":"; // // Common Ignorable Symbols // internal const String IgnorablePeriod = "."; internal const String IgnorableComma = ","; // // Year/Month/Day suffixes // internal const String CJKYearSuff = "\u5e74"; internal const String CJKMonthSuff = "\u6708"; internal const String CJKDaySuff = "\u65e5"; internal const String KoreanYearSuff = "\ub144"; internal const String KoreanMonthSuff = "\uc6d4"; internal const String KoreanDaySuff = "\uc77c"; internal const String KoreanHourSuff = "\uc2dc"; internal const String KoreanMinuteSuff = "\ubd84"; internal const String KoreanSecondSuff = "\ucd08"; internal const String CJKHourSuff = "\u6642"; internal const String ChineseHourSuff = "\u65f6"; internal const String CJKMinuteSuff = "\u5206"; internal const String CJKSecondSuff = "\u79d2"; internal const String LocalTimeMark = "T"; internal const String GMTName = "GMT"; internal const String ZuluName = "Z"; internal const String KoreanLangName = "ko"; internal const String JapaneseLangName = "ja"; internal const String EnglishLangName = "en"; private static volatile DateTimeFormatInfo s_jajpDTFI; private static volatile DateTimeFormatInfo s_zhtwDTFI; // // Create a Japanese DTFI which uses JapaneseCalendar. This is used to parse // date string with Japanese era name correctly even when the supplied DTFI // does not use Japanese calendar. // The created instance is stored in global s_jajpDTFI. // internal static DateTimeFormatInfo GetJapaneseCalendarDTFI() { DateTimeFormatInfo temp = s_jajpDTFI; if (temp == null) { temp = new CultureInfo("ja-JP", false).DateTimeFormat; temp.Calendar = JapaneseCalendar.GetDefaultInstance(); s_jajpDTFI = temp; } return (temp); } // Create a Taiwan DTFI which uses TaiwanCalendar. This is used to parse // date string with era name correctly even when the supplied DTFI // does not use Taiwan calendar. // The created instance is stored in global s_zhtwDTFI. internal static DateTimeFormatInfo GetTaiwanCalendarDTFI() { DateTimeFormatInfo temp = s_zhtwDTFI; if (temp == null) { temp = new CultureInfo("zh-TW", false).DateTimeFormat; temp.Calendar = TaiwanCalendar.GetDefaultInstance(); s_zhtwDTFI = temp; } return (temp); } // DTFI properties should call this when the setter are called. private void ClearTokenHashTable() { _dtfiTokenHash = null; formatFlags = DateTimeFormatFlags.NotInitialized; } internal TokenHashValue[] CreateTokenHashTable() { TokenHashValue[] temp = _dtfiTokenHash; if (temp == null) { temp = new TokenHashValue[TOKEN_HASH_SIZE]; bool koreanLanguage = LanguageName.Equals(KoreanLangName); string sep = this.TimeSeparator.Trim(); if (IgnorableComma != sep) InsertHash(temp, IgnorableComma, TokenType.IgnorableSymbol, 0); if (IgnorablePeriod != sep) InsertHash(temp, IgnorablePeriod, TokenType.IgnorableSymbol, 0); if (KoreanHourSuff != sep && CJKHourSuff != sep && ChineseHourSuff != sep) { // // On the Macintosh, the default TimeSeparator is identical to the KoreanHourSuff, CJKHourSuff, or ChineseHourSuff for some cultures like // ja-JP and ko-KR. In these cases having the same symbol inserted into the hash table with multiple TokenTypes causes undesirable // DateTime.Parse behavior. For instance, the DateTimeFormatInfo.Tokenize() method might return SEP_DateOrOffset for KoreanHourSuff // instead of SEP_HourSuff. // InsertHash(temp, this.TimeSeparator, TokenType.SEP_Time, 0); } InsertHash(temp, this.AMDesignator, TokenType.SEP_Am | TokenType.Am, 0); InsertHash(temp, this.PMDesignator, TokenType.SEP_Pm | TokenType.Pm, 1); // TODO: This ignores similar custom cultures if (LanguageName.Equals("sq")) { // Albanian allows time formats like "12:00.PD" InsertHash(temp, IgnorablePeriod + this.AMDesignator, TokenType.SEP_Am | TokenType.Am, 0); InsertHash(temp, IgnorablePeriod + this.PMDesignator, TokenType.SEP_Pm | TokenType.Pm, 1); } // CJK suffix InsertHash(temp, CJKYearSuff, TokenType.SEP_YearSuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, KoreanYearSuff, TokenType.SEP_YearSuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, CJKMonthSuff, TokenType.SEP_MonthSuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, KoreanMonthSuff, TokenType.SEP_MonthSuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, CJKDaySuff, TokenType.SEP_DaySuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, KoreanDaySuff, TokenType.SEP_DaySuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, CJKHourSuff, TokenType.SEP_HourSuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, ChineseHourSuff, TokenType.SEP_HourSuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, CJKMinuteSuff, TokenType.SEP_MinuteSuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, CJKSecondSuff, TokenType.SEP_SecondSuff, 0); // TODO: This ignores other custom cultures that might want to do something similar if (koreanLanguage) { // Korean suffix InsertHash(temp, KoreanHourSuff, TokenType.SEP_HourSuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, KoreanMinuteSuff, TokenType.SEP_MinuteSuff, 0); InsertHash(temp, KoreanSecondSuff, TokenType.SEP_SecondSuff, 0); } if (LanguageName.Equals("ky")) { // For some cultures, the date separator works more like a comma, being allowed before or after any date part InsertHash(temp, dateSeparatorOrTimeZoneOffset, TokenType.IgnorableSymbol, 0); } else { InsertHash(temp, dateSeparatorOrTimeZoneOffset, TokenType.SEP_DateOrOffset, 0); } String[] dateWords = null; DateTimeFormatInfoScanner scanner = null; // We need to rescan the date words since we're always synthetic scanner = new DateTimeFormatInfoScanner(); m_dateWords = dateWords = scanner.GetDateWordsOfDTFI(this); // Ensure the formatflags is initialized. DateTimeFormatFlags flag = FormatFlags; // For some cultures, the date separator works more like a comma, being allowed before or after any date part. // In these cultures, we do not use normal date separator since we disallow date separator after a date terminal state. // This is determined in DateTimeFormatInfoScanner. Use this flag to determine if we should treat date separator as ignorable symbol. bool useDateSepAsIgnorableSymbol = false; String monthPostfix = null; if (dateWords != null) { // There are DateWords. It could be a real date word (such as "de"), or a monthPostfix. // The monthPostfix starts with '\xfffe' (MonthPostfixChar), followed by the real monthPostfix. for (int i = 0; i < dateWords.Length; i++) { switch (dateWords[i][0]) { // This is a month postfix case DateTimeFormatInfoScanner.MonthPostfixChar: // Get the real month postfix. monthPostfix = dateWords[i].Substring(1); // Add the month name + postfix into the token. AddMonthNames(temp, monthPostfix); break; case DateTimeFormatInfoScanner.IgnorableSymbolChar: String symbol = dateWords[i].Substring(1); InsertHash(temp, symbol, TokenType.IgnorableSymbol, 0); if (this.DateSeparator.Trim(null).Equals(symbol)) { // The date separator is the same as the ignorable symbol. useDateSepAsIgnorableSymbol = true; } break; default: InsertHash(temp, dateWords[i], TokenType.DateWordToken, 0); // TODO: This ignores similar custom cultures if (LanguageName.Equals("eu")) { // Basque has date words with leading dots InsertHash(temp, IgnorablePeriod + dateWords[i], TokenType.DateWordToken, 0); } break; } } } if (!useDateSepAsIgnorableSymbol) { // Use the normal date separator. InsertHash(temp, this.DateSeparator, TokenType.SEP_Date, 0); } // Add the regular month names. AddMonthNames(temp, null); // Add the abbreviated month names. for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++) { InsertHash(temp, GetAbbreviatedMonthName(i), TokenType.MonthToken, i); } if ((FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseGenitiveMonth) != 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++) { String str; str = internalGetMonthName(i, MonthNameStyles.Genitive, false); InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.MonthToken, i); } } if ((FormatFlags & DateTimeFormatFlags.UseLeapYearMonth) != 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++) { String str; str = internalGetMonthName(i, MonthNameStyles.LeapYear, false); InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.MonthToken, i); } } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { //String str = GetDayOfWeekNames()[i]; // We have to call public methods here to work with inherited DTFI. String str = GetDayName((DayOfWeek)i); InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.DayOfWeekToken, i); str = GetAbbreviatedDayName((DayOfWeek)i); InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.DayOfWeekToken, i); } int[] eras = calendar.Eras; for (int i = 1; i <= eras.Length; i++) { InsertHash(temp, GetEraName(i), TokenType.EraToken, i); InsertHash(temp, GetAbbreviatedEraName(i), TokenType.EraToken, i); } // TODO: This ignores other cultures that might want to do something similar if (LanguageName.Equals(JapaneseLangName)) { // Japanese allows day of week forms like: "(Tue)" for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { String specialDayOfWeek = "(" + GetAbbreviatedDayName((DayOfWeek)i) + ")"; InsertHash(temp, specialDayOfWeek, TokenType.DayOfWeekToken, i); } if (this.Calendar.GetType() != typeof(JapaneseCalendar)) { // Special case for Japanese. If this is a Japanese DTFI, and the calendar is not Japanese calendar, // we will check Japanese Era name as well when the calendar is Gregorian. DateTimeFormatInfo jaDtfi = GetJapaneseCalendarDTFI(); for (int i = 1; i <= jaDtfi.Calendar.Eras.Length; i++) { InsertHash(temp, jaDtfi.GetEraName(i), TokenType.JapaneseEraToken, i); InsertHash(temp, jaDtfi.GetAbbreviatedEraName(i), TokenType.JapaneseEraToken, i); // m_abbrevEnglishEraNames[0] contains the name for era 1, so the token value is i+1. InsertHash(temp, jaDtfi.AbbreviatedEnglishEraNames[i - 1], TokenType.JapaneseEraToken, i); } } } // TODO: This prohibits similar custom cultures, but we hard coded the name else if (CultureName.Equals("zh-TW")) { DateTimeFormatInfo twDtfi = GetTaiwanCalendarDTFI(); for (int i = 1; i <= twDtfi.Calendar.Eras.Length; i++) { if (twDtfi.GetEraName(i).Length > 0) { InsertHash(temp, twDtfi.GetEraName(i), TokenType.TEraToken, i); } } } InsertHash(temp, InvariantInfo.AMDesignator, TokenType.SEP_Am | TokenType.Am, 0); InsertHash(temp, InvariantInfo.PMDesignator, TokenType.SEP_Pm | TokenType.Pm, 1); // Add invariant month names and day names. for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { String str; // We have to call public methods here to work with inherited DTFI. // Insert the month name first, so that they are at the front of abbrevaited // month names. str = InvariantInfo.GetMonthName(i); InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.MonthToken, i); str = InvariantInfo.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(i); InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.MonthToken, i); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { // We have to call public methods here to work with inherited DTFI. String str = InvariantInfo.GetDayName((DayOfWeek)i); InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.DayOfWeekToken, i); str = InvariantInfo.GetAbbreviatedDayName((DayOfWeek)i); InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.DayOfWeekToken, i); } for (int i = 0; i < AbbreviatedEnglishEraNames.Length; i++) { // m_abbrevEnglishEraNames[0] contains the name for era 1, so the token value is i+1. InsertHash(temp, AbbreviatedEnglishEraNames[i], TokenType.EraToken, i + 1); } InsertHash(temp, LocalTimeMark, TokenType.SEP_LocalTimeMark, 0); InsertHash(temp, GMTName, TokenType.TimeZoneToken, 0); InsertHash(temp, ZuluName, TokenType.TimeZoneToken, 0); InsertHash(temp, invariantDateSeparator, TokenType.SEP_Date, 0); InsertHash(temp, invariantTimeSeparator, TokenType.SEP_Time, 0); _dtfiTokenHash = temp; } return (temp); } private void AddMonthNames(TokenHashValue[] temp, String monthPostfix) { for (int i = 1; i <= 13; i++) { String str; //str = internalGetMonthName(i, MonthNameStyles.Regular, false); // We have to call public methods here to work with inherited DTFI. // Insert the month name first, so that they are at the front of abbrevaited // month names. str = GetMonthName(i); if (str.Length > 0) { if (monthPostfix != null) { // Insert the month name with the postfix first, so it can be matched first. InsertHash(temp, str + monthPostfix, TokenType.MonthToken, i); } else { InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.MonthToken, i); } } str = GetAbbreviatedMonthName(i); InsertHash(temp, str, TokenType.MonthToken, i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Actions: // Try to parse the current word to see if it is a Hebrew number. // Tokens will be updated accordingly. // This is called by the Lexer of DateTime.Parse(). // // Unlike most of the functions in this class, the return value indicates // whether or not it started to parse. The badFormat parameter indicates // if parsing began, but the format was bad. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static bool TryParseHebrewNumber( #if INSIDE_CLR ref __DTString str, #else ref FormatProvider.__DTString str, #endif out Boolean badFormat, out int number) { number = -1; badFormat = false; int i = str.Index; if (!HebrewNumber.IsDigit(str.Value[i])) { // If the current character is not a Hebrew digit, just return false. // There is no chance that we can parse a valid Hebrew number from here. return (false); } // The current character is a Hebrew digit. Try to parse this word as a Hebrew number. HebrewNumberParsingContext context = new HebrewNumberParsingContext(0); HebrewNumberParsingState state; do { state = HebrewNumber.ParseByChar(str.Value[i++], ref context); switch (state) { case HebrewNumberParsingState.InvalidHebrewNumber: // Not a valid Hebrew number. case HebrewNumberParsingState.NotHebrewDigit: // The current character is not a Hebrew digit character. // Break out so that we don't continue to try parse this as a Hebrew number. return (false); } } while (i < str.Value.Length && (state != HebrewNumberParsingState.FoundEndOfHebrewNumber)); // When we are here, we are either at the end of the string, or we find a valid Hebrew number. Debug.Assert(state == HebrewNumberParsingState.ContinueParsing || state == HebrewNumberParsingState.FoundEndOfHebrewNumber, "Invalid returned state from HebrewNumber.ParseByChar()"); if (state != HebrewNumberParsingState.FoundEndOfHebrewNumber) { // We reach end of the string but we can't find a terminal state in parsing Hebrew number. return (false); } // We have found a valid Hebrew number. Update the index. str.Advance(i - str.Index); // Get the final Hebrew number value from the HebrewNumberParsingContext. number = context.result; return (true); } private static bool IsHebrewChar(char ch) { return (ch >= '\x0590' && ch <= '\x05ff'); } internal bool Tokenize(TokenType TokenMask, out TokenType tokenType, out int tokenValue, #if INSIDE_CLR ref __DTString str) #else ref FormatProvider.__DTString str) #endif { tokenType = TokenType.UnknownToken; tokenValue = 0; TokenHashValue value; Debug.Assert(str.Index < str.Value.Length, "DateTimeFormatInfo.Tokenize(): start < value.Length"); char ch = str.m_current; bool isLetter = Char.IsLetter(ch); if (isLetter) { ch = this.Culture.TextInfo.ToLower(ch); if (IsHebrewChar(ch) && TokenMask == TokenType.RegularTokenMask) { bool badFormat; if (TryParseHebrewNumber(ref str, out badFormat, out tokenValue)) { if (badFormat) { tokenType = TokenType.UnknownToken; return (false); } // This is a Hebrew number. // Do nothing here. TryParseHebrewNumber() will update token accordingly. tokenType = TokenType.HebrewNumber; return (true); } } } int hashcode = ch % TOKEN_HASH_SIZE; int hashProbe = 1 + ch % SECOND_PRIME; int remaining = str.len - str.Index; int i = 0; TokenHashValue[] hashTable = _dtfiTokenHash; if (hashTable == null) { hashTable = CreateTokenHashTable(); } do { value = hashTable[hashcode]; if (value == null) { // Not found. break; } // Check this value has the right category (regular token or separator token) that we are looking for. if (((int)value.tokenType & (int)TokenMask) > 0 && value.tokenString.Length <= remaining) { bool compareStrings = true; if (isLetter) { // If this token starts with a letter, make sure that we won't allow partial match. So you can't tokenize "MarchWed" separately. // Also an optimization to avoid string comparison int nextCharIndex = str.Index + value.tokenString.Length; if (nextCharIndex > str.len) { compareStrings = false; } else if (nextCharIndex < str.len) { // Check word boundary. The next character should NOT be a letter. char nextCh = str.Value[nextCharIndex]; compareStrings = !(Char.IsLetter(nextCh)); } } if (compareStrings && CompareStringIgnoreCaseOptimized(str.Value, str.Index, value.tokenString.Length, value.tokenString, 0, value.tokenString.Length)) { tokenType = value.tokenType & TokenMask; tokenValue = value.tokenValue; str.Advance(value.tokenString.Length); return (true); } else if ((value.tokenType == TokenType.MonthToken && HasSpacesInMonthNames) || (value.tokenType == TokenType.DayOfWeekToken && HasSpacesInDayNames)) { // For month or day token, we will match the names which have spaces. int matchStrLen = 0; if (str.MatchSpecifiedWords(value.tokenString, true, ref matchStrLen)) { tokenType = value.tokenType & TokenMask; tokenValue = value.tokenValue; str.Advance(matchStrLen); return (true); } } } i++; hashcode += hashProbe; if (hashcode >= TOKEN_HASH_SIZE) hashcode -= TOKEN_HASH_SIZE; } while (i < TOKEN_HASH_SIZE); return (false); } private void InsertAtCurrentHashNode(TokenHashValue[] hashTable, String str, char ch, TokenType tokenType, int tokenValue, int pos, int hashcode, int hashProbe) { // Remember the current slot. TokenHashValue previousNode = hashTable[hashcode]; //// Console.WriteLine(" Insert Key: {0} in {1}", str, slotToInsert); // Insert the new node into the current slot. hashTable[hashcode] = new TokenHashValue(str, tokenType, tokenValue); ; while (++pos < TOKEN_HASH_SIZE) { hashcode += hashProbe; if (hashcode >= TOKEN_HASH_SIZE) hashcode -= TOKEN_HASH_SIZE; // Remember this slot TokenHashValue temp = hashTable[hashcode]; if (temp != null && this.Culture.TextInfo.ToLower(temp.tokenString[0]) != ch) { continue; } // Put the previous slot into this slot. hashTable[hashcode] = previousNode; //// Console.WriteLine(" Move {0} to slot {1}", previousNode.tokenString, hashcode); if (temp == null) { // Done return; } previousNode = temp; }; Debug.Assert(false, "The hashtable is full. This should not happen."); } private void InsertHash(TokenHashValue[] hashTable, String str, TokenType tokenType, int tokenValue) { // The month of the 13th month is allowed to be null, so make sure that we ignore null value here. if (str == null || str.Length == 0) { return; } TokenHashValue value; int i = 0; // If there is whitespace characters in the beginning and end of the string, trim them since whitespaces are skipped by // DateTime.Parse(). if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(str[0]) || Char.IsWhiteSpace(str[str.Length - 1])) { str = str.Trim(null); // Trim white space characters. // Could have space for separators if (str.Length == 0) return; } char ch = this.Culture.TextInfo.ToLower(str[0]); int hashcode = ch % TOKEN_HASH_SIZE; int hashProbe = 1 + ch % SECOND_PRIME; do { value = hashTable[hashcode]; if (value == null) { //// Console.WriteLine(" Put Key: {0} in {1}", str, hashcode); hashTable[hashcode] = new TokenHashValue(str, tokenType, tokenValue); return; } else { // Collision happens. Find another slot. if (str.Length >= value.tokenString.Length) { // If there are two tokens with the same prefix, we have to make sure that the longer token should be at the front of // the shorter ones. if (this.CompareStringIgnoreCaseOptimized(str, 0, value.tokenString.Length, value.tokenString, 0, value.tokenString.Length)) { if (str.Length > value.tokenString.Length) { // The str to be inserted has the same prefix as the current token, and str is longer. // Insert str into this node, and shift every node behind it. InsertAtCurrentHashNode(hashTable, str, ch, tokenType, tokenValue, i, hashcode, hashProbe); return; } else { // Same token. If they have different types (regular token vs separator token). Add them. // If we have the same regular token or separator token in the hash already, do NOT update the hash. // Therefore, the order of inserting token is significant here regarding what tokenType will be kept in the hash. // // Check the current value of RegularToken (stored in the lower 8-bit of tokenType) , and insert the tokenType into the hash ONLY when we don't have a RegularToken yet. // Also check the current value of SeparatorToken (stored in the upper 8-bit of token), and insert the tokenType into the hash ONLY when we don't have the SeparatorToken yet. // int nTokenType = (int)tokenType; int nCurrentTokenTypeInHash = (int)value.tokenType; // // The folowing is the fix for the issue of throwing FormatException when "mar" is passed in string of the short date format dd/MMM/yyyy for es-MX // if (((nCurrentTokenTypeInHash & (int)TokenType.RegularTokenMask) == 0) && ((nTokenType & (int)TokenType.RegularTokenMask) != 0) || ((nCurrentTokenTypeInHash & (int)TokenType.SeparatorTokenMask) == 0) && ((nTokenType & (int)TokenType.SeparatorTokenMask) != 0)) { value.tokenType |= tokenType; if (tokenValue != 0) { value.tokenValue = tokenValue; } } // The token to be inserted is already in the table. Skip it. return; } } } } //// Console.WriteLine(" COLLISION. Old Key: {0}, New Key: {1}", hashTable[hashcode].tokenString, str); i++; hashcode += hashProbe; if (hashcode >= TOKEN_HASH_SIZE) hashcode -= TOKEN_HASH_SIZE; } while (i < TOKEN_HASH_SIZE); Debug.Assert(false, "The hashtable is full. This should not happen."); } private bool CompareStringIgnoreCaseOptimized(string string1, int offset1, int length1, string string2, int offset2, int length2) { // Optimize for one character cases which are common due to date and time separators (/ and :) if (length1 == 1 && length2 == 1 && string1[offset1] == string2[offset2]) { return true; } return (this.Culture.CompareInfo.Compare(string1, offset1, length1, string2, offset2, length2, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0); } // class DateTimeFormatInfo internal class TokenHashValue { internal String tokenString; internal TokenType tokenType; internal int tokenValue; internal TokenHashValue(String tokenString, TokenType tokenType, int tokenValue) { this.tokenString = tokenString; this.tokenType = tokenType; this.tokenValue = tokenValue; } } } #if !INSIDE_CLR // // The type of token that will be returned by DateTimeFormatInfo.Tokenize(). // internal enum TokenType { // The valid token should start from 1. // Regular tokens. The range is from 0x00 ~ 0xff. NumberToken = 1, // The number. E.g. "12" YearNumberToken = 2, // The number which is considered as year number, which has 3 or more digits. E.g. "2003" Am = 3, // AM timemark. E.g. "AM" Pm = 4, // PM timemark. E.g. "PM" MonthToken = 5, // A word (or words) that represents a month name. E.g. "March" EndOfString = 6, // End of string DayOfWeekToken = 7, // A word (or words) that represents a day of week name. E.g. "Monday" or "Mon" TimeZoneToken = 8, // A word that represents a timezone name. E.g. "GMT" EraToken = 9, // A word that represents a era name. E.g. "A.D." DateWordToken = 10, // A word that can appear in a DateTime string, but serves no parsing semantics. E.g. "de" in Spanish culture. UnknownToken = 11, // An unknown word, which signals an error in parsing. HebrewNumber = 12, // A number that is composed of Hebrew text. Hebrew calendar uses Hebrew digits for year values, month values, and day values. JapaneseEraToken = 13, // Era name for JapaneseCalendar TEraToken = 14, // Era name for TaiwanCalendar IgnorableSymbol = 15, // A separator like "," that is equivalent to whitespace // Separator tokens. SEP_Unk = 0x100, // Unknown separator. SEP_End = 0x200, // The end of the parsing string. SEP_Space = 0x300, // Whitespace (including comma). SEP_Am = 0x400, // AM timemark. E.g. "AM" SEP_Pm = 0x500, // PM timemark. E.g. "PM" SEP_Date = 0x600, // date separator. E.g. "/" SEP_Time = 0x700, // time separator. E.g. ":" SEP_YearSuff = 0x800, // Chinese/Japanese/Korean year suffix. SEP_MonthSuff = 0x900, // Chinese/Japanese/Korean month suffix. SEP_DaySuff = 0xa00, // Chinese/Japanese/Korean day suffix. SEP_HourSuff = 0xb00, // Chinese/Japanese/Korean hour suffix. SEP_MinuteSuff = 0xc00, // Chinese/Japanese/Korean minute suffix. SEP_SecondSuff = 0xd00, // Chinese/Japanese/Korean second suffix. SEP_LocalTimeMark = 0xe00, // 'T', used in ISO 8601 format. SEP_DateOrOffset = 0xf00, // '-' which could be a date separator or start of a time zone offset RegularTokenMask = 0x00ff, SeparatorTokenMask = 0xff00, } #endif }