// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Purpose: This class implements a set of methods for retrieving // character type information. Character type information is // independent of culture and region. // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Reflection; using System.Security; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; namespace System.Globalization { public static partial class CharUnicodeInfo { //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // Internal Information // //--------------------------------------------------------------------// // // Native methods to access the Unicode category data tables in charinfo.nlp. // internal const char HIGH_SURROGATE_START = '\ud800'; internal const char HIGH_SURROGATE_END = '\udbff'; internal const char LOW_SURROGATE_START = '\udc00'; internal const char LOW_SURROGATE_END = '\udfff'; internal const int UNICODE_CATEGORY_OFFSET = 0; internal const int BIDI_CATEGORY_OFFSET = 1; // The starting codepoint for Unicode plane 1. Plane 1 contains 0x010000 ~ 0x01ffff. internal const int UNICODE_PLANE01_START = 0x10000; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Actions: // Convert the BMP character or surrogate pointed by index to a UTF32 value. // This is similar to Char.ConvertToUTF32, but the difference is that // it does not throw exceptions when invalid surrogate characters are passed in. // // WARNING: since it doesn't throw an exception it CAN return a value // in the surrogate range D800-DFFF, which are not legal unicode values. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal static int InternalConvertToUtf32(String s, int index) { Contract.Assert(s != null, "s != null"); Contract.Assert(index >= 0 && index < s.Length, "index < s.Length"); if (index < s.Length - 1) { int temp1 = (int)s[index] - HIGH_SURROGATE_START; if (temp1 >= 0 && temp1 <= 0x3ff) { int temp2 = (int)s[index + 1] - LOW_SURROGATE_START; if (temp2 >= 0 && temp2 <= 0x3ff) { // Convert the surrogate to UTF32 and get the result. return ((temp1 * 0x400) + temp2 + UNICODE_PLANE01_START); } } } return ((int)s[index]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Convert a character or a surrogate pair starting at index of string s // to UTF32 value. // // Parameters: // s The string // index The starting index. It can point to a BMP character or // a surrogate pair. // len The length of the string. // charLength [out] If the index points to a BMP char, charLength // will be 1. If the index points to a surrogate pair, // charLength will be 2. // // WARNING: since it doesn't throw an exception it CAN return a value // in the surrogate range D800-DFFF, which are not legal unicode values. // // Returns: // The UTF32 value // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal static int InternalConvertToUtf32(String s, int index, out int charLength) { Contract.Assert(s != null, "s != null"); Contract.Assert(s.Length > 0, "s.Length > 0"); Contract.Assert(index >= 0 && index < s.Length, "index >= 0 && index < s.Length"); charLength = 1; if (index < s.Length - 1) { int temp1 = (int)s[index] - HIGH_SURROGATE_START; if (temp1 >= 0 && temp1 <= 0x3ff) { int temp2 = (int)s[index + 1] - LOW_SURROGATE_START; if (temp2 >= 0 && temp2 <= 0x3ff) { // Convert the surrogate to UTF32 and get the result. charLength++; return ((temp1 * 0x400) + temp2 + UNICODE_PLANE01_START); } } } return ((int)s[index]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // IsWhiteSpace // // Determines if the given character is a white space character. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal static bool IsWhiteSpace(String s, int index) { Contract.Assert(s != null, "s!=null"); Contract.Assert(index >= 0 && index < s.Length, "index >= 0 && index < s.Length"); UnicodeCategory uc = GetUnicodeCategory(s, index); // In Unicode 3.0, U+2028 is the only character which is under the category "LineSeparator". // And U+2029 is th eonly character which is under the category "ParagraphSeparator". switch (uc) { case (UnicodeCategory.SpaceSeparator): case (UnicodeCategory.LineSeparator): case (UnicodeCategory.ParagraphSeparator): return (true); } return (false); } internal static bool IsWhiteSpace(char c) { UnicodeCategory uc = GetUnicodeCategory(c); // In Unicode 3.0, U+2028 is the only character which is under the category "LineSeparator". // And U+2029 is th eonly character which is under the category "ParagraphSeparator". switch (uc) { case (UnicodeCategory.SpaceSeparator): case (UnicodeCategory.LineSeparator): case (UnicodeCategory.ParagraphSeparator): return (true); } return (false); } // // This is called by the public char and string, index versions // // Note that for ch in the range D800-DFFF we just treat it as any other non-numeric character // internal unsafe static double InternalGetNumericValue(int ch) { Contract.Assert(ch >= 0 && ch <= 0x10ffff, "ch is not in valid Unicode range."); // Get the level 2 item from the highest 12 bit (8 - 19) of ch. ushort index = s_pNumericLevel1Index[ch >> 8]; // Get the level 2 WORD offset from the 4 - 7 bit of ch. This provides the base offset of the level 3 table. // The offset is referred to an float item in m_pNumericFloatData. // Note that & has the lower precedence than addition, so don't forget the parathesis. index = s_pNumericLevel1Index[index + ((ch >> 4) & 0x000f)]; fixed (ushort* pUshortPtr = &(s_pNumericLevel1Index[index])) { byte* pBytePtr = (byte*)pUshortPtr; fixed (byte* pByteNum = s_pNumericValues) { double* pDouble = (double*)pByteNum; return pDouble[pBytePtr[(ch & 0x000f)]]; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //Returns the numeric value associated with the character c. If the character is a fraction, // the return value will not be an integer. If the character does not have a numeric value, the return value is -1. // //Returns: // the numeric value for the specified Unicode character. If the character does not have a numeric value, the return value is -1. //Arguments: // ch a Unicode character //Exceptions: // ArgumentNullException // ArgumentOutOfRangeException // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static double GetNumericValue(char ch) { return (InternalGetNumericValue(ch)); } public static double GetNumericValue(String s, int index) { if (s == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("s"); } if (index < 0 || index >= s.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Index); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); return (InternalGetNumericValue(InternalConvertToUtf32(s, index))); } public static UnicodeCategory GetUnicodeCategory(char ch) { return (InternalGetUnicodeCategory(ch)); } public static UnicodeCategory GetUnicodeCategory(String s, int index) { if (s == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("s"); if (((uint)index) >= ((uint)s.Length)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); } Contract.EndContractBlock(); return InternalGetUnicodeCategory(s, index); } internal unsafe static UnicodeCategory InternalGetUnicodeCategory(int ch) { return ((UnicodeCategory)InternalGetCategoryValue(ch, UNICODE_CATEGORY_OFFSET)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //Action: Returns the Unicode Category property for the character c. //Returns: // an value in UnicodeCategory enum //Arguments: // ch a Unicode character //Exceptions: // None // //Note that this API will return values for D800-DF00 surrogate halves. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal unsafe static byte InternalGetCategoryValue(int ch, int offset) { Contract.Assert(ch >= 0 && ch <= 0x10ffff, "ch is not in valid Unicode range."); // Get the level 2 item from the highest 12 bit (8 - 19) of ch. ushort index = s_pCategoryLevel1Index[ch >> 8]; // Get the level 2 WORD offset from the 4 - 7 bit of ch. This provides the base offset of the level 3 table. // Note that & has the lower precedence than addition, so don't forget the parathesis. index = s_pCategoryLevel1Index[index + ((ch >> 4) & 0x000f)]; fixed (ushort* pUshortPtr = &(s_pCategoryLevel1Index[index])) { byte* pBytePtr = (byte*)pUshortPtr; // Get the result from the 0 -3 bit of ch. byte valueIndex = pBytePtr[(ch & 0x000f)]; byte uc = s_pCategoriesValue[valueIndex * 2 + offset]; // // Make sure that OtherNotAssigned is the last category in UnicodeCategory. // If that changes, change the following assertion as well. // //Contract.Assert(uc >= 0 && uc <= UnicodeCategory.OtherNotAssigned, "Table returns incorrect Unicode category"); return (uc); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //Action: Returns the Unicode Category property for the character c. //Returns: // an value in UnicodeCategory enum //Arguments: // value a Unicode String // index Index for the specified string. //Exceptions: // None // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal static UnicodeCategory InternalGetUnicodeCategory(String value, int index) { Contract.Assert(value != null, "value can not be null"); Contract.Assert(index < value.Length, "index < value.Length"); return (InternalGetUnicodeCategory(InternalConvertToUtf32(value, index))); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Get the Unicode category of the character starting at index. If the character is in BMP, charLength will return 1. // If the character is a valid surrogate pair, charLength will return 2. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal static UnicodeCategory InternalGetUnicodeCategory(String str, int index, out int charLength) { Contract.Assert(str != null, "str can not be null"); Contract.Assert(str.Length > 0, "str.Length > 0"); ; Contract.Assert(index >= 0 && index < str.Length, "index >= 0 && index < str.Length"); return (InternalGetUnicodeCategory(InternalConvertToUtf32(str, index, out charLength))); } internal static bool IsCombiningCategory(UnicodeCategory uc) { Contract.Assert(uc >= 0, "uc >= 0"); return ( uc == UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark || uc == UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark || uc == UnicodeCategory.EnclosingMark ); } } }