// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "stdafx.h" #include "sigparser.h" #include "sigbuilder.h" #include "inc/adapter.h" //#CLRRuntimeHostInternal_GetImageVersionString // External implementation of call to code:ICLRRuntimeHostInternal::GetImageVersionString. // Implemented in clr.dll and mscordbi.dll. HRESULT CLRRuntimeHostInternal_GetImageVersionString( __out_ecount(*pcchBuffer) LPWSTR wszBuffer, DWORD * pcchBuffer); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The name prefixes used by WinMD to hide/unhide WinRT and CLR versions of RuntimeClasses. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const char s_szWinRTPrefix[] = ""; //static const size_t s_ncWinRTPrefix = sizeof(s_szWinRTPrefix) - 1; static const char s_szCLRPrefix[] = ""; static const size_t s_ncCLRPrefix = sizeof(s_szCLRPrefix) - 1; // the public key token of the ecma key used by some framework assemblies (mscorlib, system, etc). // note that some framework assemblies use a different key: b03f5f7f11d50a3a static const BYTE s_pbFrameworkPublicKeyToken[] = {0xB7,0x7A,0x5C,0x56,0x19,0x34,0xE0,0x89}; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns: // S_OK: if WinMD adapter should be used. // S_FALSE: if not //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CheckIfWinMDAdapterNeeded(IMDCommon *pRawMDCommon) { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(pRawMDCommon != NULL); LPCSTR szMetadataVersionString = NULL; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef _DEBUG //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // set COMPLUS_INTERNAL_MD_WinMD_AssertOnIllegalUsage=1 // // to turn the WinMD adapter off universally. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_MD_WinMD_Disable)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto ErrExit; } #endif //_DEBUG #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the real check: activate WinMD based on metadata version string. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const LPCSTR g_szWindowsRuntimeVersion = "WindowsRuntime "; IfFailGo(pRawMDCommon->GetVersionString(&szMetadataVersionString)); if (0 == strncmp(szMetadataVersionString, g_szWindowsRuntimeVersion, strlen(g_szWindowsRuntimeVersion))) { hr = S_OK; goto ErrExit; } else { hr = S_FALSE; goto ErrExit; } ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Factory for WinMDAdapters. Caller must use "delete" to destroy adapter when done. // /*static*/ HRESULT WinMDAdapter::Create(IMDCommon *pRawMDCommon, /*[out]*/ WinMDAdapter **ppAdapter) { HRESULT hr; LPWSTR wszCorVersion = NULL; WinMDAdapter* pNewAdapter = NULL; ULONG numAssemblyRefs = 0; const char *szClrPortion = NULL; *ppAdapter = NULL; pNewAdapter = new (nothrow) WinMDAdapter(pRawMDCommon); if (!pNewAdapter) { IfFailGo(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Create a stored string to hold our phantom metadata version string. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LPCSTR szVersion; IfFailGo(pRawMDCommon->GetVersionString(&szVersion)); szClrPortion = strchr(szVersion, ';'); if (szClrPortion) { pNewAdapter->m_scenario = kWinMDExp; szClrPortion++; // skip the "CLR" prefix if present if ((szClrPortion[0] == 'c' || szClrPortion[0] == 'C') && (szClrPortion[1] == 'l' || szClrPortion[1] == 'L') && (szClrPortion[2] == 'r' || szClrPortion[2] == 'R')) { szClrPortion += 3; } while (szClrPortion[0] == ' ') { szClrPortion++; } size_t ncClrPortion = strlen(szClrPortion); pNewAdapter->m_pRedirectedVersionString = new (nothrow) char[ncClrPortion + 1]; IfNullGo(pNewAdapter->m_pRedirectedVersionString); memcpy(pNewAdapter->m_pRedirectedVersionString, szClrPortion, ncClrPortion + 1); } else { pNewAdapter->m_scenario = kWinMDNormal; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE WCHAR wszCorVersion[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchWszCorVersion = _countof(wszCorVersion); IfFailGo(CLRRuntimeHostInternal_GetImageVersionString (wszCorVersion, &cchWszCorVersion)); MAKE_UTF8PTR_FROMWIDE_NOTHROW(szCorVersion, wszCorVersion); IfNullGo(szCorVersion); size_t nch = strlen(szCorVersion) + 1; pNewAdapter->m_pRedirectedVersionString = new (nothrow) char[nch]; IfNullGo(pNewAdapter->m_pRedirectedVersionString); memcpy(pNewAdapter->m_pRedirectedVersionString, szCorVersion, nch); #else pNewAdapter->m_pRedirectedVersionString = new (nothrow) char[1]; pNewAdapter->m_pRedirectedVersionString[0] = 0; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Find an assemblyRef to mscorlib (required to exist in .winmd files precisely to make the adapter's job easier. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ numAssemblyRefs = pNewAdapter->m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetRowCount(mdtAssemblyRef); pNewAdapter->m_assemblyRefMscorlib = 0; pNewAdapter->m_fReferencesMscorlibV4 = FALSE; for (ULONG rid = 1; rid <= numAssemblyRefs; rid++) { mdAssemblyRef mdar = mdtAssemblyRef|rid; LPCSTR arefName; USHORT usMajorVersion; IfFailGo(pNewAdapter->m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetAssemblyRefProps(mdar, &usMajorVersion, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &arefName, NULL, NULL, NULL)); // We check for legacy Core library name since Windows.winmd references mscorlib and not System.Private.CoreLib if (0 == strcmp(arefName, LegacyCoreLibName_A)) { pNewAdapter->m_assemblyRefMscorlib = mdar; if (usMajorVersion == 4) { // Older WinMDExp used to incorrectly generate an assemblyRef to mscorlib. // We use this flag to implement back-compat quirks. pNewAdapter->m_fReferencesMscorlibV4 = TRUE; } break; } } if (pNewAdapter->m_assemblyRefMscorlib == 0) { // .winmd files are required to have an assemblyRef to mscorlib. IfFailGo(COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // All initialization tasks done. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *ppAdapter = pNewAdapter; hr = S_OK; ErrExit: delete wszCorVersion; if (FAILED(hr)) delete pNewAdapter; return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WinMDAdapter::WinMDAdapter(IMDCommon *pRawMDCommon) : m_typeRefTreatmentMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtTypeRef), kTrNotYetInitialized) , m_typeDefTreatmentMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtTypeDef), kTdNotYetInitialized) , m_methodDefTreatmentMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtMethodDef), kMdNotYetInitialized) , m_redirectedCABlobsMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtCustomAttribute), NULL) , m_redirectedMethodDefSigMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtMethodDef), NULL) , m_redirectedFieldDefSigMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtFieldDef), NULL) , m_redirectedMemberRefSigMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtMemberRef), NULL) , m_redirectedPropertySigMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtProperty), NULL) , m_redirectedTypeSpecSigMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtTypeSpec), NULL) , m_redirectedMethodSpecSigMemoTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtMethodSpec), NULL) , m_mangledTypeNameTable(pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtTypeDef), NULL) , m_extraAssemblyRefCount(-1) { m_rawAssemblyRefCount = pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO()->CommonGetRowCount(mdtAssemblyRef); m_pRedirectedVersionString = NULL; m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO = pRawMDCommon->GetMetaModelCommonRO(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WinMDAdapter::~WinMDAdapter() { delete m_pRedirectedVersionString; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Hides projected jupiter struct helper class & interfaces struct HiddenWinRTTypeInfo { LPCSTR szWinRTNamespace; LPCSTR szWinRTName; }; #define DEFINE_PROJECTED_JUPITER_STRUCT(szWinRTNamespace, szWinRTName, szClrNamespace, szClrName, nClrAssemblyIndex, nContractAssemblyIndex, WinRTRedirectedTypeIndex, ClrRedirectedTypeIndex, fieldSizes) \ { \ szWinRTNamespace, \ szWinRTName "Helper" \ }, #define DEFINE_HIDDEN_WINRT_TYPE(szWinRTNamespace, szWinRTName) \ { \ szWinRTNamespace, \ szWinRTName \ }, #define DEFINE_PROJECTED_TYPE(szWinRTNS, szWinRTName, szClrNS, szClrName, nClrAsmIdx, nContractAsmIdx, nWinRTIndex, nClrIndex, nWinMDTypeKind) static const HiddenWinRTTypeInfo g_rgHiddenWinRTTypes[] = { #include "WinRTProjectedTypes.h" }; #undef DEFINE_PROJECTED_JUPITER_STRUCT #undef DEFINE_HIDDEN_WINRT_TYPE #undef DEFINE_PROJECTED_TYPE // Whether the WinRT type should be hidden from managed code // Example: helper class for projected jupiter structs // (helper class interfaces are already private by default) BOOL WinMDAdapter::IsHiddenWinRTType(LPCSTR szWinRTNamespace, LPCSTR szWinRTName) { _ASSERTE(szWinRTNamespace && szWinRTName); for (UINT i = 0; i < _countof(g_rgHiddenWinRTTypes); i++) { if (0 == strcmp(szWinRTNamespace, g_rgHiddenWinRTTypes[i].szWinRTNamespace)) { if (0 == strcmp(szWinRTName, g_rgHiddenWinRTTypes[i].szWinRTName)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct RedirectedTypeInfo { LPCSTR szWinRTNamespace; LPCSTR szWinRTName; LPCSTR szWinRTFullName; LPCWSTR wszWinRTFullName; LPCSTR szClrNamespace; LPCSTR szClrName; LPCSTR szClrFullName; LPCWSTR wszClrFullName; const WinMDAdapter::FrameworkAssemblyIndex nClrAssemblyIndex; const WinMDAdapter::ContractAssemblyIndex nContractAssemblyIndex; const WinMDAdapter::WinMDTypeKind nTypeKind; #ifdef _DEBUG // Indexes for verification of constants RedirectedTypeIndex_* const UINT dbg_nIndex1; const UINT dbg_nIndex2; #endif }; #define DEFINE_PROJECTED_TYPE(szWinRTNS, szWinRTName, szClrNS, szClrName, nClrAsmIdx, nContractAsmIdx, nWinRTIndex, nClrIndex, nWinMDTypeKind) \ { \ szWinRTNS, \ szWinRTName, \ szWinRTNS "." szWinRTName, \ L##szWinRTNS W(".") L##szWinRTName, \ szClrNS, \ szClrName, \ szClrNS "." szClrName, \ L##szClrNS W(".") L##szClrName, \ WinMDAdapter::FrameworkAssembly_ ## nClrAsmIdx, \ WinMDAdapter::ContractAssembly_ ## nContractAsmIdx, \ WinMDAdapter::WinMDTypeKind_ ## nWinMDTypeKind \ COMMA_INDEBUG(WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_ ## nWinRTIndex) \ COMMA_INDEBUG(WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_ ## nClrIndex) \ }, static const RedirectedTypeInfo g_rgRedirectedTypes[WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Count] = { #include "WinRTProjectedTypes.h" }; #undef SCAT #undef DEFINE_PROJECTED_TYPE //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*static*/ BOOL WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromWinRTToClr(LPCSTR *pszNamespace, LPCSTR *pszName) { return ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromWinRTToClr(pszNamespace, pszName, NULL); } // Maps well-known WinRT typenames to CLR typename. If the incoming name is not a well-known WinRT typename, // this function leaves *pszNamespace and *pszName alone and returns FALSE. Otherwise, it overwrites // them with pointers to const strings, returns the index into the rewrite table in *pIndex and returns TRUE. // // (Note: munged names from WinMDExp are not "well-known" names. Since the idea of munging them is to hide them, // this function will not transform such names. Not to mention, it would be hard to return such strings // in a function that no error return mechanism.) // /*static*/ BOOL WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromWinRTToClr(LPCSTR *pszNamespace, LPCSTR *pszName, UINT *pIndex) { _ASSERTE(pszNamespace && pszName); for (UINT i = 0; i < RedirectedTypeIndex_Count; i++) { _ASSERTE(g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].dbg_nIndex1 == i); _ASSERTE(g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].dbg_nIndex2 == i); if (0 == strcmp(*pszNamespace, g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szWinRTNamespace)) { if (0 == strcmp(*pszName, g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szWinRTName)) { *pszNamespace = g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szClrNamespace; *pszName = g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szClrName; if (pIndex) *pIndex = i; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /*static*/ BOOL WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownFullTypeNameFromWinRTToClr(LPCWSTR *pwszFullName, RedirectedTypeIndex *pIndex) { _ASSERTE(pwszFullName); for (UINT i = 0; i < RedirectedTypeIndex_Count; i++) { _ASSERTE(g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].dbg_nIndex1 == i); _ASSERTE(g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].dbg_nIndex2 == i); if (0 == wcscmp(*pwszFullName, g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].wszWinRTFullName)) { *pwszFullName = g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].wszClrFullName; if (pIndex) *pIndex = static_cast(i); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Maps well-known CLR typenames to WinRT typename. If the incoming name is not a well-known CLR typename, // this function leaves *pszNamespace and *pszName alone and returns FALSE. Otherwise, it overwrites // them with pointers to const strings and returns TRUE. // // (Note: munged names from WinMDExp are not "well-known" names. Since the idea of munging them is to hide them, // this function will not transform such names. Not to mention, it would be hard to return such strings // in a function that no error return mechanism.) // /*static*/ BOOL WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromClrToWinRT(LPCSTR *pszFullName) { _ASSERTE(pszFullName); for (UINT i = 0; i < RedirectedTypeIndex_Count; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szClrFullName, *pszFullName)) { *pszFullName = g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szWinRTFullName; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /*static*/ BOOL WinMDAdapter::ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromClrToWinRT(LPCSTR *pszNamespace, LPCSTR *pszName) { _ASSERTE(pszNamespace); _ASSERTE(pszName); for (UINT i = 0; i < RedirectedTypeIndex_Count; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szClrNamespace, *pszNamespace) && 0 == strcmp(g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szClrName, *pszName)) { *pszNamespace = g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szWinRTNamespace; *pszName = g_rgRedirectedTypes[i].szWinRTName; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns names of redirected type 'index'. // //static void WinMDAdapter::GetRedirectedTypeInfo( RedirectedTypeIndex index, LPCSTR * pszClrNamespace, LPCSTR * pszClrName, LPCSTR * pszFullWinRTName, FrameworkAssemblyIndex * pFrameworkAssemblyIdx, ContractAssemblyIndex * pContractAssemblyIdx, WinMDTypeKind * pWinMDTypeKind) { _ASSERTE(index < RedirectedTypeIndex_Count); if (pszClrName != nullptr) { *pszClrName = g_rgRedirectedTypes[index].szClrName; } if (pszClrNamespace != nullptr) { *pszClrNamespace = g_rgRedirectedTypes[index].szClrNamespace; } if (pszFullWinRTName != nullptr) { *pszFullWinRTName = g_rgRedirectedTypes[index].szWinRTFullName; } if (pFrameworkAssemblyIdx != nullptr) { *pFrameworkAssemblyIdx = g_rgRedirectedTypes[index].nClrAssemblyIndex; } if (pContractAssemblyIdx != nullptr) { *pContractAssemblyIdx = g_rgRedirectedTypes[index].nContractAssemblyIndex; } if (pWinMDTypeKind != nullptr) { *pWinMDTypeKind = g_rgRedirectedTypes[index].nTypeKind; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns WinRT name of redirected type 'index'. // //static LPCWSTR WinMDAdapter::GetRedirectedTypeFullWinRTName( RedirectedTypeIndex index) { _ASSERTE(index < RedirectedTypeIndex_Count); return g_rgRedirectedTypes[index].wszWinRTFullName; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns CLR name of redirected type 'index'. // //static LPCSTR WinMDAdapter::GetRedirectedTypeFullCLRName( RedirectedTypeIndex index) { _ASSERTE(index < RedirectedTypeIndex_Count); return g_rgRedirectedTypes[index].szClrFullName; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Get TypeRefTreatment value for a TypeRef // HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetTypeDefTreatment( mdTypeDef tkTypeDef, ULONG * pTypeDefTreatment) { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(pTypeDefTreatment != NULL); _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkTypeDef) == mdtTypeDef); ULONG typeDefIndex = RidFromToken(tkTypeDef) - 1; ULONG treatment; IfFailGo(m_typeDefTreatmentMemoTable.GetEntry(typeDefIndex, &treatment)); if (hr == S_FALSE) { LPCSTR szNamespace; LPCSTR szName; ULONG dwFlags; mdToken extends; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetTypeDefProps(tkTypeDef, &szNamespace, &szName, &dwFlags, &extends, NULL)); treatment = kTdOther; ULONG baseTypeRefTreatment = kTrNotYetInitialized; // We only want to treat this type special if it has metadata that was encoded as WinRT metadata if (IsTdWindowsRuntime(dwFlags)) { // We need to know whether the typeDef is an Enum/Struct/Delegate/Attribute if (TypeFromToken(extends) == mdtTypeRef) { IfFailGo(GetTypeRefTreatment(extends, &baseTypeRefTreatment)); } // Force tdWindowsRuntime flag on (@todo: WinMDExp already does this on its own - if AppModel could do so, we could get rid of this code) if (m_scenario == kWinMDNormal) { BOOL isAttribute = FALSE; if (TypeFromToken(extends) == mdtTypeRef) { ULONG treatment; IfFailGo(GetTypeRefTreatment(extends, &treatment)); if (treatment == kTrSystemAttribute) { isAttribute = TRUE; } } if (!isAttribute) { treatment = kTdNormalNonAttribute; } else { treatment = kTdNormalAttribute; } } // Windows.Foundation.WinMD: Hide any type defs that define well-known types that we'd redirect to mscorlib equivalents. LPCSTR szTempNamespace = szNamespace; LPCSTR szTempName = szName; if ((treatment != kTdOther) && ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromWinRTToClr(&szTempNamespace, &szTempName)) { if (treatment == kTdNormalNonAttribute) treatment = kTdRedirectedToCLRType; else treatment = kTdRedirectedToCLRAttribute; } else { // WinMDExp emits two versions of RuntimeClasses and Enums: // // public class Foo {} // the WinRT reference class // internal class Foo {} // the implementation class that we want WinRT consumers to ignore // // The adapter's job is to undo WinMDExp's transformations. I.e. turn the above into: // // internal class Foo {} // the WinRT reference class that we want CLR consumers to ignore // public class Foo {} // the implementation class // // We only add the prefix here since the WinRT view is the only view that is marked tdWindowsRuntime // De-mangling the CLR name is done below. if (m_scenario == kWinMDExp && !IsTdNested(dwFlags) && IsTdPublic(dwFlags) && !IsTdInterface(dwFlags)) { switch (baseTypeRefTreatment) { case kTrSystemDelegate: case kTrSystemAttribute: case kTrSystemValueType: { // Delegates, Attributes, and Structs have only one version break; } case kTrSystemEnum: { if (m_fReferencesMscorlibV4 && !IsTdSpecialName(dwFlags)) { // This is a back-compat quirk. Enums exported with an older WinMDExp have only one version // not marked with tdSpecialName. These enums should *not* be mangled and flipped to private. break; } // fall-thru } default: { // Prepend "" and flip the visibility to private treatment = kTdPrefixWinRTName; } } } } // Scan through Custom Attributes on type, looking for interesting bits. We only need to do this for RuntimeClasses. (The if check below is conservative.) if (!IsTdInterface(dwFlags) && ((treatment == kTdPrefixWinRTName) || (treatment == kTdNormalNonAttribute))) { HRESULT hrCA; hrCA = m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeByNameEx(tkTypeDef, "Windows.UI.Xaml.TreatAsAbstractComposableClassAttribute", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (hrCA == S_OK) { treatment |= kTdMarkAbstractFlag; } } if ((treatment == kTdNormalNonAttribute || treatment == kTdNormalAttribute) && // native WinMD, not redirected IsHiddenWinRTType(szTempNamespace, szTempName) // hidden type ) { // Hide those WinRT types. Examples of those WinRT types that we need to hide are Jupiter struct helpers treatment |= kTdMarkInternalFlag; } } else if (m_scenario == kWinMDExp && !IsTdNested(dwFlags)) { // implementation classes are not marked tdWindowsRuntime, but still need to be modified // by the adapter. See if we have one of those here. LPCSTR szUnmangledName; IfFailGo(CheckIfClrImplementationType(szName, dwFlags, &szUnmangledName)); if (hr == S_OK) { treatment = kTdUnmangleWinRTName; } } if (baseTypeRefTreatment == kTrSystemEnum) { // The typeDef is an Enum. We need to store the treatment. treatment |= kTdEnum; } IfFailGo(m_typeDefTreatmentMemoTable.InitEntry(typeDefIndex, &treatment)); } _ASSERTE(treatment != kTdNotYetInitialized); *pTypeDefTreatment = treatment; hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } // WinMDAdapter::GetTypeDefTreatment //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns renamed typedefs HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetTypeDefProps(mdTypeDef tkTypeDef, // [IN] given typedef LPCUTF8 *pszNamespace, // [OUT] return typedef namespace LPCUTF8 *pszName, // [OUT] return typedef name DWORD *pdwFlags, // [OUT] return typedef flags mdToken *ptkExtends // [OUT] Put base class TypeDef/TypeRef here. ) { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkTypeDef) == mdtTypeDef); LPCSTR szNamespace; LPCSTR szName; ULONG dwFlags; mdToken extends; ULONG treatment; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetTypeDefProps(tkTypeDef, &szNamespace, &szName, &dwFlags, &extends, NULL)); IfFailGo(GetTypeDefTreatment(tkTypeDef, &treatment)); switch (treatment & kTdTreatmentMask) { case kTdOther: break; case kTdNormalNonAttribute: // Force tdWindowsRuntime flag on (@todo: WinMDExp already does this on its own - if AppModel could do so, we could get rid of this code) dwFlags |= tdWindowsRuntime | tdImport; break; case kTdNormalAttribute: // Attribute types don't really exist, so we don't want to allow derivation from them either dwFlags |= tdWindowsRuntime | tdSealed; break; case kTdUnmangleWinRTName: szName = szName + s_ncCLRPrefix; dwFlags |= tdPublic; dwFlags &= ~tdSpecialName; break; case kTdPrefixWinRTName: { // Prepend "" and flip the visibility to private LPCSTR szPrefixedName; ULONG index = RidFromToken(tkTypeDef) - 1; IfFailGo(m_mangledTypeNameTable.GetEntry(index, &szPrefixedName)); if (hr == S_FALSE) { IfFailGo(CreatePrefixedName(s_szWinRTPrefix, szName, &szPrefixedName)); IfFailGo(m_mangledTypeNameTable.InitEntry(index, &szPrefixedName)); } szName = szPrefixedName; dwFlags &= ~tdPublic; dwFlags |= tdImport; break; } case kTdRedirectedToCLRType: dwFlags &= ~tdPublic; dwFlags |= tdImport; break; case kTdRedirectedToCLRAttribute: dwFlags &= ~tdPublic; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } if ((treatment & kTdMarkAbstractFlag) == kTdMarkAbstractFlag) { dwFlags |= tdAbstract; } if ((treatment & kTdMarkInternalFlag) == kTdMarkInternalFlag) { dwFlags &= ~tdPublic; } if (pszNamespace) *pszNamespace = szNamespace; if (pszName) *pszName = szName; if (pdwFlags) *pdwFlags = dwFlags; if (ptkExtends) *ptkExtends = extends; hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Find TypeDef by name HRESULT WinMDAdapter::FindTypeDef( LPCSTR szTypeDefNamespace, // [IN] Namespace for the TypeDef. LPCSTR szTypeDefName, // [IN] Name of the TypeDef. mdToken tkEnclosingClass, // [IN] TypeDef/TypeRef of enclosing class. mdTypeDef * ptkTypeDef // [OUT] return typedef ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; _ASSERTE((szTypeDefName != NULL) && (ptkTypeDef != NULL)); _ASSERTE((TypeFromToken(tkEnclosingClass) == mdtTypeRef) || (TypeFromToken(tkEnclosingClass) == mdtTypeDef) || IsNilToken(tkEnclosingClass)); // initialize the output parameter *ptkTypeDef = mdTypeDefNil; // Treat no namespace as empty string. if (szTypeDefNamespace == NULL) szTypeDefNamespace = ""; // Do a linear search ULONG cTypeDefRecs = m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetRowCount(mdtTypeDef); // Get TypeDef of the tkEnclosingClass passed in if (TypeFromToken(tkEnclosingClass) == mdtTypeRef) { LPCUTF8 szNamespace; LPCUTF8 szName; mdToken tkResolutionScope; IfFailRet(this->GetTypeRefProps(tkEnclosingClass, &szNamespace, &szName, &tkResolutionScope)); // Update tkEnclosingClass to TypeDef IfFailRet(this->FindTypeDef( szNamespace, szName, (TypeFromToken(tkResolutionScope) == mdtTypeRef) ? tkResolutionScope : mdTokenNil, &tkEnclosingClass)); _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkEnclosingClass) == mdtTypeDef); } // Search for the TypeDef for (ULONG i = 1; i <= cTypeDefRecs; i++) { LPCUTF8 szNamespace; LPCUTF8 szName; ULONG dwFlags; mdTypeDef tkTypeDefCandidate = TokenFromRid(i, mdtTypeDef); IfFailRet(this->GetTypeDefProps(tkTypeDefCandidate, &szNamespace, &szName, &dwFlags, NULL)); if (!IsTdNested(dwFlags) && !IsNilToken(tkEnclosingClass)) { // If the class is not Nested and EnclosingClass passed in is not nil continue; } else if (IsTdNested(dwFlags) && IsNilToken(tkEnclosingClass)) { // If the class is nested and EnclosingClass passed is nil continue; } else if (!IsNilToken(tkEnclosingClass)) { _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkEnclosingClass) == mdtTypeDef); mdTypeDef enclosingTypeDef; IfFailRet(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetEnclosingClassOfTypeDef(tkTypeDefCandidate, &enclosingTypeDef)); if (enclosingTypeDef != tkEnclosingClass) { // Type was not nested by tkEnclosingClass continue; } } if (strcmp(szTypeDefName, szName) == 0) { if (strcmp(szTypeDefNamespace, szNamespace) == 0) { *ptkTypeDef = TokenFromRid(i, mdtTypeDef); return S_OK; } } } // Cannot find the TypeDef by name return CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Modifies TypeRef names and resolution scope. // HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetTypeRefProps( mdTypeRef tkTypeRef, LPCSTR * pszNamespace, LPCSTR * pszName, mdToken * ptkResolutionScope) { HRESULT hr; ULONG treatment; ULONG treatmentClass; IfFailGo(GetTypeRefTreatment(tkTypeRef, &treatment)); _ASSERTE(treatment != kTrNotYetInitialized); treatmentClass = treatment & kTrClassMask; if (treatmentClass == kTrClassWellKnownRedirected) { ULONG nRewritePairIndex = treatment & ~kTrClassMask; if (pszNamespace != NULL) *pszNamespace = g_rgRedirectedTypes[nRewritePairIndex].szClrNamespace; if (pszName != NULL) *pszName = g_rgRedirectedTypes[nRewritePairIndex].szClrName; if (ptkResolutionScope != NULL) { ContractAssemblyIndex assemblyIndex = g_rgRedirectedTypes[nRewritePairIndex].nContractAssemblyIndex; _ASSERTE(assemblyIndex < ContractAssembly_Count); *ptkResolutionScope = mdtAssemblyRef | (m_rawAssemblyRefCount + assemblyIndex + 1); } } else { _ASSERTE(treatmentClass == kTrClassMisc); switch (treatment) { case kTrNoRewriteNeeded: case kTrSystemValueType: case kTrSystemEnum: IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetTypeRefProps(tkTypeRef, pszNamespace, pszName, ptkResolutionScope)); break; case kTrSystemDelegate: if (pszNamespace != NULL) *pszNamespace = "System"; if (pszName != NULL) *pszName = "MulticastDelegate"; if (ptkResolutionScope) *ptkResolutionScope = mdtAssemblyRef | (m_rawAssemblyRefCount + ContractAssembly_SystemRuntime + 1); break; case kTrSystemAttribute: if (pszNamespace != NULL) *pszNamespace = "System"; if (pszName != NULL) *pszName = "Attribute"; if (ptkResolutionScope != NULL) *ptkResolutionScope = mdtAssemblyRef | (m_rawAssemblyRefCount + ContractAssembly_SystemRuntime + 1); break; default: _ASSERTE(!"Unknown treatment value."); break; } } hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } // WinMDAdapter::GetTypeRefProps //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Get TypeRefTreatment value for a TypeRef // HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetTypeRefTreatment( mdTypeRef tkTypeRef, ULONG * pTypeRefTreatment) { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(pTypeRefTreatment != NULL); _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkTypeRef) == mdtTypeRef); ULONG typeRefIndex = RidFromToken(tkTypeRef) - 1; ULONG treatment; IfFailGo(m_typeRefTreatmentMemoTable.GetEntry(typeRefIndex, &treatment)); if (hr == S_FALSE) { LPCSTR szFromNamespace; LPCSTR szFromName; mdToken tkResolutionScope; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetTypeRefProps(tkTypeRef, &szFromNamespace, &szFromName, &tkResolutionScope)); treatment = kTrNoRewriteNeeded; UINT redirIndex; if (ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromWinRTToClr(&szFromNamespace, &szFromName, &redirIndex)) { treatment = kTrClassWellKnownRedirected | redirIndex; } else { if (0 == strcmp(szFromNamespace, "System")) { if (0 == strcmp(szFromName, "MulticastDelegate")) { treatment = kTrSystemDelegate; } else if (0 == strcmp(szFromName, "Attribute")) { treatment = kTrSystemAttribute; } else if (0 == strcmp(szFromName, "Enum")) { treatment = kTrSystemEnum; } else if (0 == strcmp(szFromName, "ValueType")) { treatment = kTrSystemValueType; } } } // Note that we intentionally do not mangle names of TypeRef's pointing to mangled TypeDef's // in the same module. This allows WinMDExp to generate "conditional TypeRef's", i.e. references // to the WinMD view or CLR view, depending on whether the adapter is on. IfFailGo(m_typeRefTreatmentMemoTable.InitEntry(typeRefIndex, &treatment)); } _ASSERTE(treatment != kTrNotYetInitialized); *pTypeRefTreatment = treatment; hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } // WinMDAdapter::GetTypeRefTreatment //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Get TypeRef's index in array code:g_rgRedirectedTypes. // Returns S_OK if TypeRef is redirected and fills its index (*pIndex). // Returns S_FALSE if type is not well known redirected type (*pIndex is not initialized). // HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetTypeRefRedirectedInfo( mdTypeRef tkTypeRef, RedirectedTypeIndex * pIndex) { _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkTypeRef) == mdtTypeRef); _ASSERTE(pIndex != NULL); HRESULT hr; ULONG treatment; ULONG treatmentClass; IfFailGo(GetTypeRefTreatment(tkTypeRef, &treatment)); treatmentClass = treatment & kTrClassMask; if (treatmentClass == kTrClassWellKnownRedirected) { *pIndex = (RedirectedTypeIndex)(treatment & ~kTrClassMask); _ASSERTE(*pIndex < RedirectedTypeIndex_Count); hr = S_OK; } else { // Do not initialize *pIndex hr = S_FALSE; } ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Finds a typeref by its (transformed) name // HRESULT WinMDAdapter::FindTypeRef( // S_OK or error. LPCSTR szNamespace, // [IN] Namespace for the TypeRef. LPCSTR szName, // [IN] Name of the TypeRef. mdToken tkResolutionScope, // [IN] Resolution Scope fo the TypeRef. mdTypeRef *ptk) // [OUT] TypeRef token returned. { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(szName); // Crash on NULL pszName (just like the real metadata importer) _ASSERTE(ptk); // Crash on NULL ptk (just like the real metadata importer) // initialize the output parameter *ptk = mdTypeRefNil; // Treat no namespace as empty string. if (!szNamespace) szNamespace = ""; ULONG cTypeRefRecs = m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetRowCount(mdtTypeRef); for (ULONG i = 1; i <= cTypeRefRecs; i++) { LPCUTF8 szNamespaceTmp; LPCUTF8 szNameTmp; mdToken tkRes; mdTypeRef tr = TokenFromRid(i, mdtTypeRef); IfFailGo(GetTypeRefProps(tr, &szNamespaceTmp, &szNameTmp, &tkRes)); if (IsNilToken(tkRes)) { if (!IsNilToken(tkResolutionScope)) continue; } else if (tkRes != tkResolutionScope) continue; if (strcmp(szNamespace, szNamespaceTmp)) continue; if (!strcmp(szNameTmp, szName)) { *ptk = tr; hr = S_OK; goto ErrExit; } } // cannot find the typedef hr = CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ModifyExportedTypeName( mdExportedType tkExportedType, // [IN] exportedType token LPCSTR *pszNamespace, // [IN,OUT,OPTIONAL] namespace to modify LPCSTR *pszName // [IN,OUT,OPTIONAL] name to modify ) { _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkExportedType) == mdtExportedType); if (m_scenario == kWinMDExp) { if (pszName && 0 == strncmp(*pszName, s_szCLRPrefix, s_ncCLRPrefix)) { (*pszName) += s_ncCLRPrefix; } } return S_OK; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // We must optionally add an assembly ref for System.Numerics.Vectors.dll since this assembly is not available // on downlevel platforms. // // This function assumes that System.Numerics.Vectors.dll is the last assembly that // we add so if we find a reference then we return ContractAssembly_Count otherwise we return // ContractAssembly_Count - 1. int WinMDAdapter::GetExtraAssemblyRefCount() { HRESULT hr; if (m_extraAssemblyRefCount == -1) { mdAssemblyRef tkSystemNumericsVectors = TokenFromRid(m_rawAssemblyRefCount + ContractAssembly_SystemNumericsVectors + 1, mdtAssemblyRef); ULONG cTypeRefRecs = m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetRowCount(mdtTypeRef); BOOL systemNumericsVectorsTypeFound = FALSE; for (ULONG i = 1; i <= cTypeRefRecs; i++) { mdToken tkResolutionScope; mdTypeRef tkTypeRef = TokenFromRid(i, mdtTypeRef); // Get the resolution scope(AssemblyRef) token for the type. GetTypeRefProps does the type redirection. IfFailGo(GetTypeRefProps(tkTypeRef, nullptr, nullptr, &tkResolutionScope)); if (tkResolutionScope == tkSystemNumericsVectors) { systemNumericsVectorsTypeFound = TRUE; break; } } if (systemNumericsVectorsTypeFound) { m_extraAssemblyRefCount = ContractAssembly_Count; } else { m_extraAssemblyRefCount = ContractAssembly_Count - 1; } } ErrExit: if (m_extraAssemblyRefCount == -1) { // Setting m_extraAssemblyRefCount to ContractAssembly_Count so that this function returns a stable value and // that if there is a System.Numerics type ref that it does not have a dangling assembly ref m_extraAssemblyRefCount = ContractAssembly_Count; } return m_extraAssemblyRefCount; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*static*/ void WinMDAdapter::GetExtraAssemblyRefProps(FrameworkAssemblyIndex index, LPCSTR* ppName, AssemblyMetaDataInternal* pContext, PCBYTE * ppPublicKeytoken, DWORD* pTokenLength, DWORD* pdwFlags) { _ASSERTE(index >= 0 && index < FrameworkAssembly_Count); _ASSERTE(index != FrameworkAssembly_Mscorlib); if (ppName) { *ppName = GetExtraAssemblyRefNameFromIndex((FrameworkAssemblyIndex)index); } if (pContext) { ::memset(pContext, 0, sizeof(AssemblyMetaDataInternal)); pContext->usMajorVersion = VER_ASSEMBLYMAJORVERSION; pContext->usMinorVersion = VER_ASSEMBLYMINORVERSION; pContext->usBuildNumber = VER_ASSEMBLYBUILD; pContext->usRevisionNumber = VER_ASSEMBLYBUILD_QFE; pContext->szLocale = ""; } if (ppPublicKeytoken) { if (index == FrameworkAssembly_Mscorlib) { *ppPublicKeytoken = g_rbTheSilverlightPlatformKeyToken; *pTokenLength = sizeof(g_rbTheSilverlightPlatformKeyToken); } else { if (index == FrameworkAssembly_SystemNumericsVectors || index == FrameworkAssembly_SystemRuntime || index == FrameworkAssembly_SystemObjectModel) { *ppPublicKeytoken = s_pbContractPublicKeyToken; *pTokenLength = sizeof(s_pbContractPublicKeyToken); } else { *ppPublicKeytoken = s_pbFrameworkPublicKeyToken; *pTokenLength = sizeof(s_pbFrameworkPublicKeyToken); } } } if (pdwFlags) { // ppPublicKeytoken contains the public key token, not the whole key. *pdwFlags = 0; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WinMDAdapter::FindExportedType( LPCUTF8 szNamespace, // [IN] expected namespace LPCUTF8 szName, // [IN] expected name mdToken tkEnclosingType, // [IN] expected tkEnclosingType mdExportedType *ptkExportedType // [OUT] ExportedType token returned. ) { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(szName && ptkExportedType); // Set NULL namespace to empty string. if (!szNamespace) szNamespace = ""; // Set output to Nil. *ptkExportedType = mdTokenNil; ULONG ulCount = m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetRowCount(mdtExportedType); while (ulCount) { mdExportedType tkCandidateExportedType = TokenFromRid(ulCount--, mdtExportedType); LPCSTR szCandidateNamespace; LPCSTR szCandidateName; mdToken tkCandidateImpl; IfFailRet(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetExportedTypeProps(tkCandidateExportedType, &szCandidateNamespace, &szCandidateName, &tkCandidateImpl)); IfFailRet(this->ModifyExportedTypeName(tkCandidateExportedType, &szCandidateNamespace, &szCandidateName)); // Handle the case of nested vs. non-nested classes. if (TypeFromToken(tkCandidateImpl) == mdtExportedType && !IsNilToken(tkCandidateImpl)) { // Current ExportedType being looked at is a nested type, so // comparing the implementation token. if (tkCandidateImpl != tkEnclosingType) continue; } else if (TypeFromToken(tkEnclosingType) == mdtExportedType && !IsNilToken(tkEnclosingType)) { // ExportedType passed in is nested but the current ExportedType is not. continue; } if (0 != strcmp(szName, szCandidateName)) continue; if (0 != strcmp(szNamespace, szCandidateNamespace)) continue; *ptkExportedType = tkCandidateExportedType; return S_OK; } return CLDB_E_RECORD_NOTFOUND; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Modifies methodDef flags and RVA HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ModifyMethodProps(mdMethodDef tkMethodDef, /*[in, out]*/ DWORD *pdwAttr, /* [in,out] */ DWORD *pdwImplFlags, /* [in,out] */ ULONG *pulRVA, /* [in, out] */ LPCSTR *pszName) { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkMethodDef) == mdtMethodDef); ULONG mdTreatment; DWORD dwAttr; DWORD dwImplFlags; ULONG ulRVA; IfFailGo(GetMethodDefTreatment(tkMethodDef, &mdTreatment)); dwAttr = pdwAttr ? *pdwAttr: 0; dwImplFlags = pdwImplFlags ? *pdwImplFlags : 0; ulRVA = pulRVA ? *pulRVA : 0; switch (mdTreatment & kMdTreatmentMask) { case kMdInterface: // Method is declared on an interface dwImplFlags |= miRuntime|miInternalCall; break; case kMdDelegate: // Method is declared on a delegate dwAttr &= ~mdMemberAccessMask; dwAttr |= mdPublic; ulRVA = 0; dwImplFlags |= miRuntime; break; case kMdAttribute: // Method is declared on an attribute ulRVA = 0; dwImplFlags |= miRuntime|miInternalCall; break; case kMdImplementation: // CLR implementation class. Needs no adjustment. break; case kMdHiddenImpl: dwAttr &= ~mdMemberAccessMask; dwAttr |= mdPrivate; // fall-through case kMdOther: // All other cases ulRVA = 0; dwImplFlags |= miRuntime|miInternalCall; if (mdTreatment & kMdMarkAbstractFlag) { dwAttr |= mdAbstract; } if (mdTreatment & kMdMarkPublicFlag) { dwAttr &= ~mdMemberAccessMask; dwAttr |= mdPublic; } break; case kMdRenameToDisposeMethod: ulRVA = 0; dwImplFlags |= miRuntime|miInternalCall; if(pszName) { *pszName = "Dispose"; } break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } dwAttr |= mdHideBySig; if (pdwAttr) (*pdwAttr) = dwAttr; if (pdwImplFlags) (*pdwImplFlags) = dwImplFlags; if (pulRVA) *pulRVA = ulRVA; hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ModifyFieldProps (mdToken tkField, mdToken tkParent, LPCSTR szFieldName, DWORD *pdwFlags) { _ASSERTE(szFieldName != NULL); HRESULT hr; if (pdwFlags && IsFdPrivate(*pdwFlags) && (0 == strcmp(szFieldName, "value__"))) { ULONG treatment; BOOL isEnum = FALSE; if(TypeFromToken(tkParent) == mdtTypeDef) { IfFailGo(GetTypeDefTreatment(tkParent, &treatment)); if ((treatment & kTdEnum) == kTdEnum) { isEnum = TRUE; } } if (isEnum) { // We have found the value__ field of the enum. // We need to change its flags from private to public *pdwFlags = (*pdwFlags & ~fdPrivate) | fdPublic; } } hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ModifyFieldDefProps (mdFieldDef tkFielddDef, DWORD *pdwFlags) { HRESULT hr; if (pdwFlags) { mdTypeDef tkParent; LPCSTR szName; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetFieldDefProps(tkFielddDef, &tkParent, &szName, pdwFlags)); IfFailGo(ModifyFieldProps(tkFielddDef, tkParent, szName, pdwFlags)); } hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ModifyMemberProps(mdToken tkMember, /*[in, out]*/ DWORD *pdwAttr, /* [in,out] */ DWORD *pdwImplFlags, /* [in,out] */ ULONG *pulRVA, LPCSTR *pszNewName) { HRESULT hr; switch(TypeFromToken(tkMember)) { case mdtMethodDef: IfFailGo(ModifyMethodProps(tkMember, pdwAttr, pdwImplFlags, pulRVA, pszNewName)); break; case mdtMemberRef: { // // We need to rename the MemberRef for IClosable.Close as well // so that the MethodImpl for Dispose method can correctly be shown as IDisposable.Dispose // instead of IDisposable.Close // UINT nIndex = WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Invalid; if (pszNewName && CheckIfMethodImplImplementsARedirectedInterface(tkMember, &nIndex) == S_OK && nIndex == WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Windows_Foundation_IClosable) { *pszNewName = "Dispose"; } } break; case mdtFieldDef: IfFailGo(ModifyFieldDefProps(tkMember, pdwAttr)); break; } hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get MethodTreatment value for a methodDef HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetMethodDefTreatment(mdMethodDef tkMethodDef, ULONG *ppMethodDefTreatment) { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkMethodDef) == mdtMethodDef); ULONG index = RidFromToken(tkMethodDef) - 1; // Thread-safety: No lock is needed to update this table as we're monotonically advancing a kMdNotYetInitialized to // some other fixed byte. The work to decide this value is idempotent and side-effect free so // there's no harm if two threads do it concurrently. ULONG mdTreatment; IfFailGo(m_methodDefTreatmentMemoTable.GetEntry(index, &mdTreatment)); if (hr == S_FALSE) { mdTypeDef declaringTypeDef; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->FindParentOfMethodHelper(tkMethodDef, &declaringTypeDef)); ULONG firstMethodRid; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetTypeDefProps(declaringTypeDef, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &firstMethodRid)); IfFailGo(ComputeMethodDefTreatment(tkMethodDef, declaringTypeDef, &mdTreatment)); _ASSERTE(mdTreatment != kMdNotYetInitialized); IfFailGo(m_methodDefTreatmentMemoTable.InitEntry(index, &mdTreatment)); // Since the mdTreatment is only a function of the declaring type in most cases, cache it for all the declared method since // we took the time to look up the declaring type. Do enough validity checks to avoid corrupting the heap // or table but otherwise, swallow validity errors as this is just an optimization. // Methods on RuntimeClasses need to get treatment data per method. if (((mdTreatment & kMdTreatmentMask) != kMdOther) && ((mdTreatment & kMdTreatmentMask) != kMdHiddenImpl) && ((mdTreatment & kMdTreatmentMask) != kMdRenameToDisposeMethod)) { const ULONG methodDefCount = m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetRowCount(mdtMethodDef); const ULONG startIndex = RidFromToken(firstMethodRid) - 1; if (startIndex < methodDefCount) { const ULONG typeDefCount = m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetRowCount(mdtTypeDef); if (RidFromToken(declaringTypeDef) < typeDefCount) { ULONG stopMethodRid; if (S_OK == m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetTypeDefProps(declaringTypeDef + 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &stopMethodRid)) { ULONG stopIndex = RidFromToken(stopMethodRid) - 1; if (startIndex < methodDefCount && stopIndex <= methodDefCount) { ULONG walkIndex = startIndex; while (walkIndex < stopIndex) { IfFailGo(m_methodDefTreatmentMemoTable.InitEntry(walkIndex++, &mdTreatment)); } } } } else { // This was final typeDef - blast the mdTreatment into the rest of the table. for (ULONG i = startIndex; i < methodDefCount; i++) { IfFailGo(m_methodDefTreatmentMemoTable.InitEntry(i, &mdTreatment)); } } } } } *ppMethodDefTreatment = mdTreatment; hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Compute MethodTreatment value for a methodDef (unlike GetMethodDefTreatment, this // does not cache.) // HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ComputeMethodDefTreatment(mdMethodDef tkMethodDef, mdTypeDef tkDeclaringTypeDef, ULONG *ppMethodDefTreatment) { HRESULT hr; BYTE mdTreatment = kMdImplementation; LPCSTR szDeclaringTypeName; DWORD parentTdAttr; mdToken extends; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetTypeDefProps(tkDeclaringTypeDef, NULL, &szDeclaringTypeName, &parentTdAttr, &extends, NULL)); // We only want to treat this method special if it has metadata exposed to WinRT if (IsTdWindowsRuntime(parentTdAttr)) { LPCSTR szUnmangledName; IfFailGo(CheckIfClrImplementationType(szDeclaringTypeName, parentTdAttr, &szUnmangledName)); if (hr == S_OK) { mdTreatment = kMdImplementation; } else if (IsTdNested(parentTdAttr)) { // nested types are implementation mdTreatment = kMdImplementation; } else if (parentTdAttr & tdInterface) { // Method is declared on an interface. mdTreatment = kMdInterface; } else if (m_scenario == kWinMDExp && (parentTdAttr & tdPublic) == 0) { // internal classes generated by WinMDExp are implementation mdTreatment = kMdImplementation; } else { mdTreatment = kMdOther; if (TypeFromToken(extends) == mdtTypeRef) { ULONG trTreatment; IfFailGo(GetTypeRefTreatment(extends, &trTreatment)); if (trTreatment == kTrSystemDelegate) { // Method is declared on a delegate mdTreatment = kMdDelegate; } else if (trTreatment == kTrSystemAttribute) { // Method is declared on a attribute mdTreatment = kMdAttribute; } } } } if (mdTreatment == kMdOther) { // we want to hide the method if it implements only redirected interfaces // Also we want to check if the methodImpl is IClosable.Close then we will change the name. bool fSeenRedirectedInterfaces = false; bool fSeenNonRedirectedInterfaces = false; bool isIClosableCloseMethod = false; mdToken tkMethodImplFirst; ULONG count; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetMethodImpls(tkDeclaringTypeDef, &tkMethodImplFirst, &count)); for (ULONG i = 0; i < count; i++) { mdToken tkMethodImpl = tkMethodImplFirst + i; mdToken tkBody, tkDecl; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetMethodImplProps(tkMethodImpl, &tkBody, &tkDecl)); if (tkBody == tkMethodDef) { // See if this MethodImpl implements a redirected interface UINT nIndex; IfFailGo(CheckIfMethodImplImplementsARedirectedInterface(tkDecl, &nIndex)); if (hr == S_FALSE) { // Now we know this implements a non-redirected interface // But we need to keep looking, just in case we got a MethodImpl that implements // the IClosable.Close method and needs to be renamed fSeenNonRedirectedInterfaces = true; } else if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { fSeenRedirectedInterfaces = true; if (nIndex == WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Windows_Foundation_IClosable) { // This method implements IClosable.Close // Let's rename it to Dispose later // Once we know this implements IClosable.Close, we are done looking as we know // we won't hide it isIClosableCloseMethod = true; break; } } } } if (isIClosableCloseMethod) { // Rename IClosable.Close to Dispose mdTreatment = kMdRenameToDisposeMethod; } else if (fSeenRedirectedInterfaces && !fSeenNonRedirectedInterfaces) { // Only hide if all the interfaces implemented are redirected mdTreatment = kMdHiddenImpl; } } // If treatment is other, then this is a non-managed WinRT runtime class definition. Find out about various bits that we apply via attrubtes and name parsing. if (mdTreatment == kMdOther) { // Scan through Custom Attributes on type, looking for interesting bits. HRESULT hrCA; hrCA = m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeByNameEx(tkMethodDef, "Windows.UI.Xaml.TreatAsPublicMethodAttribute", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (hrCA == S_OK) { mdTreatment |= kMdMarkPublicFlag; } hrCA = m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeByNameEx(tkMethodDef, "Windows.UI.Xaml.TreatAsAbstractMethodAttribute", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (hrCA == S_OK) { mdTreatment |= kMdMarkAbstractFlag; } LPCSTR szName; DWORD dwFlags; IfFailRet(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetMethodDefProps(tkMethodDef, &szName, &dwFlags, NULL, NULL)); } *ppMethodDefTreatment = mdTreatment; hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Finds a CA by its (transformed) name // HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetCustomAttributeByName( // S_OK or error. mdToken tkObj, // [IN] Object with Custom Attribute. LPCUTF8 szName, // [IN] Name of desired Custom Attribute. mdCustomAttribute *ptkCA, // [OUT] Put custom attribute token here const void **ppData, // [OUT] Put pointer to data here. ULONG *pcbData) // [OUT] Put size of data here. { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(szName); if (ConvertWellKnownTypeNameFromClrToWinRT(&szName)) { mdCustomAttribute tkCA; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeByNameEx(tkObj, szName, &tkCA, NULL, NULL)); if (hr == S_FALSE) goto ErrExit; if (ptkCA) *ptkCA = tkCA; IfFailGo(GetCustomAttributeBlob(tkCA, ppData, pcbData)); } else { IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeByNameEx(tkObj, szName, ptkCA, ppData, pcbData)); } ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Modify CA blobs // HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetCustomAttributeBlob( mdCustomAttribute tkCA, const void **ppData, // [OUT] Put pointer to data here. ULONG *pcbData) // [OUT] Put size of data here. { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkCA) == mdtCustomAttribute); ULONG index = RidFromToken(tkCA) - 1; // If someone already queried this CA, use the previous result. CABlob * pCABlob; IfFailGo(m_redirectedCABlobsMemoTable.GetEntry(index, &pCABlob)); if (hr == S_FALSE) { // No, we're the first. Initialize the entry (keeping in mind we may be racing with other threads.) pCABlob = CABlob::NOREDIRECT; mdToken tkOwner; mdToken tkCtor; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeProps(tkCA, &tkOwner, &tkCtor, NULL, NULL)); if (TypeFromToken(tkOwner) == mdtTypeDef) // AttributeUsageAttribute only goes on a typeDef, so if the owner isn't a typeDef, no point in going further. { if (TypeFromToken(tkCtor) == mdtMemberRef) // REX has promised to use a memberRef (not Def) here. { mdToken tkCtorType; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetMemberRefProps(tkCtor, &tkCtorType)); if (TypeFromToken(tkCtorType) == mdtTypeRef) // REX has promised to use a typeRef (not a Def, or heavens forbid, a Spec) here { RedirectedTypeIndex redirectedTypeIndex; IfFailGo(GetTypeRefRedirectedInfo(tkCtorType, &redirectedTypeIndex)); _ASSERTE((hr == S_OK) || (hr == S_FALSE)); if ((hr == S_OK) && (redirectedTypeIndex == RedirectedTypeIndex_Windows_Foundation_Metadata_AttributeUsageAttribute)) { // We found a Windows.Foundation.Metadata.AttributeUsageAttribute. The TypeRef redirection already makes this // look like a System.AttributeUsageAttribute. Must munge the blob so that it matches the CLR expections. BOOL allowMultiple; DWORD clrTargetValue; IfFailGo(TranslateWinMDAttributeUsageAttribute(tkOwner, &clrTargetValue, &allowMultiple)); if (hr == S_OK) { CABlob *pNewCABlob = NULL; IfFailGo(CreateClrAttributeUsageAttributeCABlob(clrTargetValue, allowMultiple, &pNewCABlob)); pCABlob = pNewCABlob; } } } } } IfFailGo(m_redirectedCABlobsMemoTable.InitEntry(index, &pCABlob)); } _ASSERTE(pCABlob != NULL); const void *pData; ULONG cbData; if (pCABlob == CABlob::NOREDIRECT) { // The normal case: don't rewrite the blob. IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeProps(tkCA, NULL, NULL, &pData, &cbData)); } else { // The special cases: Blob was rewritten, return the rewritten blob. pData = pCABlob->data; cbData = pCABlob->cbBlob; } if (ppData) *ppData = pData; if (pcbData) *pcbData = cbData; hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Note: This method will look in a cache for the reinterpreted signature, but does not add any values to // the cache or do any work on failure. If we can't find it then it returns S_FALSE. HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetCachedSigForToken( mdToken token, // [IN] given token MemoTable &memoTable, // [IN] the MemoTable to use ULONG *pcbSigBlob, // [OUT] count of bytes in the signature blob PCCOR_SIGNATURE *ppSig, // [OUT] new signature BOOL *pfPassThrough // [OUT] did the cache say we don't need to reinterpret this sig? ) { _ASSERTE(pfPassThrough != NULL); HRESULT hr; ULONG index = RidFromToken(token) - 1; // If someone already queried this method signature, use the previous result. SigData *pSigData = NULL; IfFailGo(memoTable.GetEntry(index, &pSigData)); if (hr == S_FALSE) { *pfPassThrough = FALSE; return S_FALSE; } _ASSERTE(pSigData != NULL); if (pSigData == SigData::NOREDIRECT) { // The normal case: don't rewrite the signature. *pfPassThrough = TRUE; return S_FALSE; } else { *pfPassThrough = FALSE; // The signature was rewritten, return the rewritten sig. if (ppSig) *ppSig = (PCCOR_SIGNATURE) pSigData->data; if (pcbSigBlob) *pcbSigBlob = pSigData->cbSig; } hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // static HRESULT WinMDAdapter::InsertCachedSigForToken( mdToken token, // [IN] given token MemoTable &memoTable, // [IN] the MemoTable to use SigData **ppSigData // [IN, OUT] new signature or SigData::NOREDIRECT if the signature didn't need to be reparsed, ) // will be updated with another (but identical) SigData* if this thread lost the race { _ASSERTE(ppSigData != NULL && *ppSigData != NULL); HRESULT hr; ULONG index = RidFromToken(token) - 1; IfFailGo(memoTable.InitEntry(index, ppSigData)); hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static HRESULT FinalizeSignatureRewrite( SigBuilder & newSig, BOOL fChangedSig, WinMDAdapter::SigData **ppSigData DEBUG_ARG(ULONG cbOrigSigBlob) ) { // Make sure we didn't lose anything, since we wrote out the full signature. ULONG cbNewSigLen; BYTE * pNewSigBytes = (BYTE *) newSig.GetSignature(&cbNewSigLen); _ASSERTE(cbNewSigLen == cbOrigSigBlob); // Didn't lose any data nor add anything // Set the output SigData appropriately. if (fChangedSig) { *ppSigData = WinMDAdapter::SigData::Create(cbNewSigLen, pNewSigBytes); if (*ppSigData == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { *ppSigData = WinMDAdapter::SigData::NOREDIRECT; } return S_OK; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Translate method signatures containing classes that we're projecting as value types, and vice versa. // Example: ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS [IReference] to ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE [Nullable] // Example: ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE [Windows.Foundation.HResult] to ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS [Exception] HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretMethodSignature( ULONG cbOrigSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes in the original signature blob PCCOR_SIGNATURE pOrigSig, // [IN] original signature SigData **ppSigData // [OUT] new signature or SigData::NOREDIRECT ) { _ASSERTE(pOrigSig != NULL); _ASSERTE(ppSigData != NULL); HRESULT hr; // @REVISIT_TODO: Need to allocate memory here. We cannot take a lock though (such as any lock needed by 'new'), or we can get // into deadlocks from profilers that need to inspect metadata to walk the stack. Needs some help from some loader/ngen experts. BOOL fChangedSig = FALSE; // The following implements MethodDef signature parsing, per ECMA CLI spec, section 23.2.1. SigParser sigParser(pOrigSig, cbOrigSigBlob); SigBuilder newSig(cbOrigSigBlob); // We will not change the signature size, just modify it a bit (E_T_CLASS <-> E_T_VALUETYPE) // Read calling convention info - Note: Calling convention is always one byte ULONG callingConvention; IfFailGo(sigParser.GetCallingConvInfo(&callingConvention)); _ASSERTE((callingConvention & 0xff) == callingConvention); newSig.AppendByte((BYTE)callingConvention); // If it is generic, read the generic parameter count if ((callingConvention & CORINFO_CALLCONV_GENERIC) != 0) { ULONG genericArgsCount; IfFailGo(sigParser.GetData(&genericArgsCount)); newSig.AppendData(genericArgsCount); } // Read number of locals / method parameters ULONG cParameters; IfFailGo(sigParser.GetData(&cParameters)); newSig.AppendData(cParameters); if (callingConvention != CORINFO_CALLCONV_LOCAL_SIG) { // Read return type IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(&sigParser, &newSig, &fChangedSig)); } // Visit each local / parameter for (ULONG i = 0; i < cParameters; i++) { IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(&sigParser, &newSig, &fChangedSig)); } IfFailGo(FinalizeSignatureRewrite(newSig, fChangedSig, ppSigData DEBUG_ARG(cbOrigSigBlob))); return S_OK; ErrExit: Debug_ReportError("Couldn't parse a signature in WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretMethodSignature!"); return hr; } // WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretMethodSignature //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Translate FieldDef signatures containing classes that we're projecting as value types, and vice versa. // Example: ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE [Windows.Foundation.HResult] to ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS [Exception] HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretFieldSignature( ULONG cbOrigSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes in the original signature blob PCCOR_SIGNATURE pOrigSig, // [IN] original signature SigData **ppSigData // [OUT] new signature or SigData::NOREDIRECT ) { _ASSERTE(pOrigSig != NULL); _ASSERTE(ppSigData != NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fChangedSig = FALSE; // The following implements FieldDef signature parsing, per ECMA CLI spec, section 23.2.4. // Format is FIELD [custom modifiers]* Type SigParser sigParser(pOrigSig, cbOrigSigBlob); SigBuilder newSig(cbOrigSigBlob); // We will not change the signature size, just modify it a bit (E_T_CLASS <-> E_T_VALUETYPE) // Read calling convention info - this should be IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD. ULONG callingConvention; IfFailGo(sigParser.GetCallingConvInfo(&callingConvention)); _ASSERTE((callingConvention & 0xff) == callingConvention); _ASSERTE(callingConvention == IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_FIELD); newSig.AppendByte((BYTE)callingConvention); // Rewrite field type IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(&sigParser, &newSig, &fChangedSig)); IfFailGo(FinalizeSignatureRewrite(newSig, fChangedSig, ppSigData DEBUG_ARG(cbOrigSigBlob))); return S_OK; ErrExit: Debug_ReportError("Couldn't parse a signature in WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretFieldSignature!"); return hr; } // WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretFieldSignature //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Translate TypeSpec signatures containing classes that we're projecting as value types, and vice versa. HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretTypeSpecSignature( ULONG cbOrigSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes in the original signature blob PCCOR_SIGNATURE pOrigSig, // [IN] original signature SigData **ppSigData // [OUT] new signature or SigData::NOREDIRECT ) { _ASSERTE(pOrigSig != NULL); _ASSERTE(ppSigData != NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fChangedSig = FALSE; // The following implements TypeSpec signature parsing, per ECMA CLI spec, section 23.2.14. // Format is [custom modifiers]* Type SigParser sigParser(pOrigSig, cbOrigSigBlob); SigBuilder newSig(cbOrigSigBlob); // We will not change the signature size, just modify it a bit (E_T_CLASS <-> E_T_VALUETYPE) // Rewrite the type IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(&sigParser, &newSig, &fChangedSig)); IfFailGo(FinalizeSignatureRewrite(newSig, fChangedSig, ppSigData DEBUG_ARG(cbOrigSigBlob))); return S_OK; ErrExit: Debug_ReportError("Couldn't parse a signature in WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretTypeSpecSignature!"); return hr; } // WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretTypeSpecSignature //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Translate MethodSpec signatures containing classes that we're projecting as value types, and vice versa. HRESULT WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretMethodSpecSignature( ULONG cbOrigSigBlob, // [IN] count of bytes in the original signature blob PCCOR_SIGNATURE pOrigSig, // [IN] original signature SigData **ppSigData // [OUT] new signature or SigData::NOREDIRECT ) { _ASSERTE(pOrigSig != NULL); _ASSERTE(ppSigData != NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fChangedSig = FALSE; // The following implements MethodSpec signature parsing, per ECMA CLI spec, section 23.2.15. // Format is GENERICINST GenArgCount Type+ SigParser sigParser(pOrigSig, cbOrigSigBlob); SigBuilder newSig(cbOrigSigBlob); // We will not change the signature size, just modify it a bit (E_T_CLASS <-> E_T_VALUETYPE) // Read calling convention info - this should be IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_GENERICINST. ULONG callingConvention; IfFailGo(sigParser.GetCallingConvInfo(&callingConvention)); _ASSERTE((callingConvention & 0xff) == callingConvention); _ASSERTE(callingConvention == IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_GENERICINST); newSig.AppendByte((BYTE)callingConvention); // Read number of generic arguments ULONG cArguments; IfFailGo(sigParser.GetData(&cArguments)); newSig.AppendData(cArguments); // Rewrite each argument for (ULONG i = 0; i < cArguments; i++) { IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(&sigParser, &newSig, &fChangedSig)); } IfFailGo(FinalizeSignatureRewrite(newSig, fChangedSig, ppSigData DEBUG_ARG(cbOrigSigBlob))); return S_OK; ErrExit: Debug_ReportError("Couldn't parse a signature in WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretMethodSpecSignature!"); return hr; } // WinMDAdapter::ReinterpretMethodSpecSignature //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // We expose some WinRT types to managed as CLR types, while changing reference type <-> value type: // E_T_CLASS Windows.Foundation.IReference ---> E_T_VALUETYPE System.Nullable // E_T_CLASS Windows.Foundation.Collections.IKeyValuePair ---> E_T_VALUETYPE System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair // E_T_VALUETYPE Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.TypeName ---> E_T_CLASS System.Type // E_T_VALUETYPE Windows.Foundation.HResult ---> E_T_CLASS System.Exception HRESULT WinMDAdapter::RewriteTypeInSignature( SigParser * pSigParser, SigBuilder * pSigBuilder, BOOL * pfChangedSig) { HRESULT hr; BYTE elementType; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetByte(&elementType)); switch (elementType) { // Simple types with no additional data in the signature case ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID: case ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case ELEMENT_TYPE_CHAR: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I1: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U1: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I2: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U2: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I8: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U8: case ELEMENT_TYPE_R4: case ELEMENT_TYPE_R8: case ELEMENT_TYPE_STRING: case ELEMENT_TYPE_I: case ELEMENT_TYPE_U: case ELEMENT_TYPE_OBJECT: case ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF: // TYPEDREF (it takes no args) a typed reference to some other type { pSigBuilder->AppendByte(elementType); break; } // Read a token case ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS: { mdToken token; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetToken(&token)); if (TypeFromToken(token) == mdtTypeRef) { RedirectedTypeIndex nRedirectedTypeIndex; IfFailGo(this->GetTypeRefRedirectedInfo(token, &nRedirectedTypeIndex)); _ASSERTE((hr == S_OK) || (hr == S_FALSE)); if (hr == S_OK) { // TypeRef is well known redirectetd type (with index in array code:g_rgRedirectedTypes) if (nRedirectedTypeIndex == RedirectedTypeIndex_Windows_Foundation_IReference || nRedirectedTypeIndex == RedirectedTypeIndex_Windows_Foundation_Collections_IKeyValuePair) { // The TypeRef name was changed to System.Nullable or System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair`2 (value type, not class) elementType = ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE; *pfChangedSig = TRUE; } } // We do not want to return S_FALSE hr = S_OK; } pSigBuilder->AppendByte(elementType); pSigBuilder->AppendToken(token); break; } case ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE: { mdToken token; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetToken(&token)); if (TypeFromToken(token) == mdtTypeRef) { RedirectedTypeIndex nRedirectedTypeIndex; IfFailGo(this->GetTypeRefRedirectedInfo(token, &nRedirectedTypeIndex)); _ASSERTE((hr == S_OK) || (hr == S_FALSE)); if (hr == S_OK) { // TypeRef is well known redirectetd type (with index in array code:g_rgRedirectedTypes) if (nRedirectedTypeIndex == RedirectedTypeIndex_Windows_UI_Xaml_Interop_TypeName || nRedirectedTypeIndex == RedirectedTypeIndex_Windows_Foundation_HResult) { // TypeIdentifier and HResult are all value types in winmd and are mapped to reference // types in CLR: Type, and Exception. elementType = ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS; *pfChangedSig = TRUE; } } // We do not want to return S_FALSE hr = S_OK; } pSigBuilder->AppendByte(elementType); pSigBuilder->AppendToken(token); break; } // Read a type case ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY: // SZARRAY case ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR: // PTR case ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF: // BYREF case ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL: // sentinel for VARARGS ("..." in the parameter list), it behaves as prefix to next arg { pSigBuilder->AppendByte(elementType); IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(pSigParser, pSigBuilder, pfChangedSig)); break; } // Read a token then a type. That type could be another custom modifier. case ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_REQD: // required C modifier : E_T_CMOD_REQD [followed by a type, or another custom modifier] case ELEMENT_TYPE_CMOD_OPT: // optional C modifier : E_T_CMOD_OPT { pSigBuilder->AppendByte(elementType); mdToken token; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetToken(&token)); pSigBuilder->AppendToken(token); // Process next type or custom modifier IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(pSigParser, pSigBuilder, pfChangedSig)); break; } // Read a number case ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR: // a class type variable VAR case ELEMENT_TYPE_MVAR: // a method type variable MVAR { pSigBuilder->AppendByte(elementType); ULONG number; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetData(&number)); pSigBuilder->AppendData(number); break; } case ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY: // MDARRAY ... ... { pSigBuilder->AppendByte(elementType); // Read array type IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(pSigParser, pSigBuilder, pfChangedSig)); // Read rank ULONG rank; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetData(&rank)); pSigBuilder->AppendData(rank); // If rank is 0, then there's nothing else in the array signature if (rank != 0) { // Read number of dimension sizes ULONG cDimensionSizes; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetData(&cDimensionSizes)); pSigBuilder->AppendData(cDimensionSizes); // Read all dimension sizes for (ULONG i = 0; i < cDimensionSizes; i++) { ULONG dimensionSize; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetData(&dimensionSize)); pSigBuilder->AppendData(dimensionSize); } // Read number of lower bounds ULONG cLowerBounds; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetData(&cLowerBounds)); pSigBuilder->AppendData(cLowerBounds); // Read all lower bounds for (ULONG i = 0; i < cLowerBounds; i++) { ULONG lowerBound; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetData(&lowerBound)); pSigBuilder->AppendData(lowerBound); } } break; } case ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST: // GENERICINST ... { pSigBuilder->AppendByte(elementType); // Read the generic type IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(pSigParser, pSigBuilder, pfChangedSig)); // Read arg count ULONG cGenericTypeArguments; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetData(&cGenericTypeArguments)); pSigBuilder->AppendData(cGenericTypeArguments); // Read each type argument for (ULONG i = 0; i < cGenericTypeArguments; i++) { IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(pSigParser, pSigBuilder, pfChangedSig)); } break; } case ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR: // FNPTR /* // FNPTR is not supported in C#/VB, thefore this is not a main scenario. // This implementation was late during .NET 4.5, but may be useful in future releases when we decide to support more languages for managed WinMD implementation. { pSigBuilder->AppendByte(elementType); // Read calling convention DWORD callingConvention; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetData(&callingConvention)); pSigBuilder->AppendData(callingConvention); // Read arg count ULONG cArgs; IfFailGo(pSigParser->GetData(&cArgs)); pSigBuilder->AppendData(cArgs); // Read return argument IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(pSigParser, pSigBuilder, pfChangedSig)); // Read each argument for (ULONG i = 0; i < cArgs; i++) { IfFailGo(RewriteTypeInSignature(pSigParser, pSigBuilder, pfChangedSig)); } break; } */ Debug_ReportError("ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR signature parsing in WinMD Adapter is NYI."); IfFailGo(E_FAIL); case ELEMENT_TYPE_END: case ELEMENT_TYPE_INTERNAL: // INTERNAL (Only in ngen images, but not reachable from MetaData - no sig rewriting) case ELEMENT_TYPE_PINNED: // PINNED , used only in LocalSig (no sig rewriting) Debug_ReportError("Unexpected CorElementType in a signature. Sig parsing failing."); IfFailGo(E_FAIL); default: Debug_ReportError("Unknown CorElementType."); IfFailGo(E_FAIL); } _ASSERTE(hr == S_OK); return hr; ErrExit: Debug_ReportError("Sig parsing failed."); return hr; } // WinMDAdapter::RewriteTypeInSignature //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Windows.Foundation.Metadata.AttributeTarget and System.AttributeTarget enum // define different bits for everything (@todo: Be nice to change that before we ship.) // Do the conversion here. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static DWORD ConvertToClrAttributeTarget(DWORD winRTTarget) { struct AttributeTargetsPair { DWORD WinRTValue; DWORD ClrValue; }; static const AttributeTargetsPair s_attributeTargetPairs[] = { #define DEFINE_PROJECTED_TYPE(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) #define DEFINE_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTETARGETS_VALUE(winrt, clr) { winrt, clr }, #include "WinRTProjectedTypes.h" #undef DEFINE_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTETARGETS_VALUES #undef DEFINE_PROJECTED_TYPE }; if (winRTTarget == 0xffffffff /* Windows.Foundation.Metadata.AttributeTargets.All */) return 0x00007fff; /* System.AttributeTargets.All */ DWORD clrTarget = 0; for (UINT i = 0; i < sizeof(s_attributeTargetPairs)/sizeof(*s_attributeTargetPairs); i++) { if (winRTTarget & s_attributeTargetPairs[i].WinRTValue) { clrTarget |= s_attributeTargetPairs[i].ClrValue; } } return clrTarget; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Search a typeDef for WF.AttributeUsageAttribute and WF.AllowMultipleAttribute, and compute // // *pClrTargetValue - the equivalent System.AttributeTargets enum value // *pAllowMultiple - where multiple instances of the CA are allowed. // // Returns: // S_OK: a WF.AttributeUsageAttribute CA exists (this is the one that we will rewrite) // S_FALSE: no WF.AttributeUsageAttribute CA exists // HRESULT WinMDAdapter::TranslateWinMDAttributeUsageAttribute(mdTypeDef tkTypeDefOfCA, /*[out]*/ DWORD *pClrTargetValue, /*[out]*/ BOOL *pAllowMultiple) { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkTypeDefOfCA) == mdtTypeDef); _ASSERTE(pClrTargetValue != NULL); _ASSERTE(pAllowMultiple != NULL); const BYTE *pbWFUsageBlob; ULONG cbWFUsageBlob; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeByName(tkTypeDefOfCA, "Windows.Foundation.Metadata.AttributeUsageAttribute", (const void **)&pbWFUsageBlob, &cbWFUsageBlob)); if (hr == S_FALSE) goto ErrExit; // Expected blob format: // 01 00 - Fixed prolog for CA's // xx xx xx xx - The Windows.Foundation.Metadata.AttributeTarget value // 00 00 - Indicates 0 name/value pairs following. if (cbWFUsageBlob != 2 + sizeof(DWORD) + 2) { IfFailGo(COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT); } { DWORD wfTargetValue = *(DWORD*)(pbWFUsageBlob + 2); *pClrTargetValue = ConvertToClrAttributeTarget(wfTargetValue); } // add AttributeTargets.Method, AttributeTargets.Constructor , AttributeTargets.Property, and AttributeTargets.Event if this is the VersionAttribute LPCSTR szNamespace; LPCSTR szName; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetTypeDefProps(tkTypeDefOfCA, &szNamespace, &szName, NULL, NULL, NULL)); if ((strcmp(szName, "VersionAttribute") == 0 || strcmp(szName, "DeprecatedAttribute") == 0) && strcmp(szNamespace, "Windows.Foundation.Metadata") == 0) { *pClrTargetValue |= 0x2E0; } const BYTE *pbWFAllowMultipleBlob; ULONG cbWFAllowMultipleBlob; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeByName(tkTypeDefOfCA, "Windows.Foundation.Metadata.AllowMultipleAttribute", (const void **)&pbWFAllowMultipleBlob, &cbWFAllowMultipleBlob)); *pAllowMultiple = (hr == S_OK); hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /*static*/ HRESULT WinMDAdapter::CreateClrAttributeUsageAttributeCABlob(DWORD clrTargetValue, BOOL allowMultiple, CABlob **ppCABlob) { // Emit the blob format corresponding to: // [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.xx, AllowMultiple=yy)] // // 01 00 - Fixed prolog for CA's // xx xx xx xx - The System.AttributeTarget value // 01 00 - Indicates 1 name/value pair following. // 54 - SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY // 02 - ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN // 0d - strlen("AllowMultiple") - 1 // 41 6c ... 65 - "A" "l" "l" "o" "w" "M" "u" "l" "t" "i" "p" "l" "e" // yy - The boolean selection for "AllowMultiple" BYTE blob[] = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x54, 0x02, 0x0D, 0x41, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x77, 0x4D, 0x75, 0x6C, 0x74, 0x69, 0x70, 0x6C, 0x65, 0x00 }; blob[sizeof(blob) - 1] = allowMultiple ? 1 : 0; *((DWORD*)(blob+2)) = clrTargetValue; CABlob *pCABlob; IfNullRet(pCABlob = CABlob::Create(blob, sizeof(blob))); *ppCABlob = pCABlob; return S_OK; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Gets Guid from Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Guid HRESULT WinMDAdapter::GetItemGuid(mdToken tkObj, CLSID *pGuid) { HRESULT hr; _ASSERTE(pGuid); *pGuid = GUID_NULL; const BYTE *pBlob; ULONG cbBlob; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetCustomAttributeByName(tkObj, "Windows.Foundation.Metadata.GuidAttribute", (const void**)&pBlob, &cbBlob)); if (hr == S_OK) { if (cbBlob == 2 + sizeof(GUID) + 2) { memcpy(pGuid, pBlob + 2, sizeof(GUID)); hr = S_OK; goto ErrExit; } } hr = S_FALSE; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets filtered methodImpl list and adds it to an existing DynamicArray enum. // // This is used to hide implementations of methods on redirected interfaces after // we've replaced them with their CLR counterparts in the interface implementation list. // // Each filtered methodImpl adds two elements to the enum: the body and decl values // in that order. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WinMDAdapter::AddMethodImplsToEnum(mdTypeDef tkTypeDef, HENUMInternal *henum) { _ASSERTE(henum != NULL); _ASSERTE(henum->m_EnumType == MDDynamicArrayEnum); _ASSERTE(TypeFromToken(tkTypeDef) == mdtTypeDef); HRESULT hr; mdToken tkMethodImplFirst; ULONG count; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetMethodImpls(tkTypeDef, &tkMethodImplFirst, &count)); for (ULONG i = 0; i < count; i++) { mdToken tkMethodImpl = tkMethodImplFirst + i; mdToken tkBody, tkDecl; IfFailGo(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetMethodImplProps(tkMethodImpl, &tkBody, &tkDecl)); UINT nIndex; IfFailGo(CheckIfMethodImplImplementsARedirectedInterface(tkDecl, &nIndex)); if (hr == S_FALSE || (SUCCEEDED(hr) && nIndex == WinMDAdapter::RedirectedTypeIndex_Windows_Foundation_IClosable)) { // Keep MethodImpl for IClosable methods and non-redirected interfaces IfFailGo(HENUMInternal::AddElementToEnum(henum, tkBody)); IfFailGo(HENUMInternal::AddElementToEnum(henum, tkDecl)); } } hr = S_OK; ErrExit: return hr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // S_OK if this is a CLR implementation type that was mangled and hidden by WinMDExp // // Logically, this function takes a mdTypeDef, but since the caller has already extracted the // row data for other purposes, we'll take the row data. HRESULT WinMDAdapter::CheckIfClrImplementationType(LPCSTR szName, DWORD dwAttr, LPCSTR *pszUnmangledName) { if (m_scenario != kWinMDExp) return S_FALSE; // Input file not produced by WinMDExp if (IsTdNested(dwAttr)) return S_FALSE; // Type is nested in another type if ((dwAttr & (tdPublic|tdSpecialName)) != tdSpecialName) return S_FALSE; // Type public or not SpecialName if (0 != strncmp(szName, s_szCLRPrefix, s_ncCLRPrefix)) return S_FALSE; // Name does not begin with "" // Ran out of reasons. *pszUnmangledName = szName + s_ncCLRPrefix; return S_OK; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns: S_OK if tkDecl of a methodImpl is a reference to a method on a redirected interface. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WinMDAdapter::CheckIfMethodImplImplementsARedirectedInterface(mdToken tkDecl, UINT *pIndex) { HRESULT hr; if (TypeFromToken(tkDecl) != mdtMemberRef) return S_FALSE; // REX will always use memberRef and typeRefs to refer to redirected interfaces, even if in same module. mdToken tkParent; IfFailRet(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetMemberRefProps(tkDecl, &tkParent)); mdTypeRef tkTypeRef; if (TypeFromToken(tkParent) == mdtTypeRef) { tkTypeRef = tkParent; } else if (TypeFromToken(tkParent) == mdtTypeSpec) { PCCOR_SIGNATURE pvSig; ULONG cbSig; IfFailRet(m_pRawMetaModelCommonRO->CommonGetTypeSpecProps(tkParent, &pvSig, &cbSig)); static const BYTE expectedSigStart[] = {ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST, ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS}; if (cbSig < sizeof(expectedSigStart) + 1) return S_FALSE; if (0 != memcmp(pvSig, expectedSigStart, sizeof(expectedSigStart))) return S_FALSE; const BYTE *pCodedToken = pvSig + sizeof(expectedSigStart); if (cbSig < sizeof(expectedSigStart) + CorSigUncompressedDataSize(pCodedToken)) return S_FALSE; mdToken genericType = CorSigUncompressToken(/*modifies*/pCodedToken); if (TypeFromToken(genericType) != mdtTypeRef) return S_FALSE; tkTypeRef = genericType; } else { return S_FALSE; } ULONG treatment; IfFailRet(GetTypeRefTreatment(tkTypeRef, &treatment)); if ((treatment & kTrClassMask) != kTrClassWellKnownRedirected) return S_FALSE; if (pIndex) *pIndex = (treatment & ~kTrClassMask); return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*static*/ HRESULT WinMDAdapter::CreatePrefixedName(LPCSTR szPrefix, LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR *ppOut) { // This can cause allocations (thus entering the host) during a profiler stackwalk. // But we're ok since we're not supporting SQL/F1 profiling with WinMDs. FUTURE: // Would be nice to eliminate allocations on stack walks regardless. PERMANENT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(HostViolation, ReasonUnsupportedForSQLF1Profiling); size_t ncPrefix = strlen(szPrefix); size_t ncName = strlen(szName); if (ncPrefix + ncName < ncPrefix || ncPrefix + ncName + 1 < ncPrefix + ncName) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; LPSTR szResult = new (nothrow) char[ncPrefix + ncName + 1]; IfNullRet(szResult); memcpy(szResult, szPrefix, ncPrefix); memcpy(szResult + ncPrefix, szName, ncName); szResult[ncPrefix + ncName] = '\0'; *ppOut = szResult; return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sentinel value in m_redirectedCABlobsMemoTable table. Means "do no blob rewriting. Return the one from the underlying importer." /*static*/ WinMDAdapter::CABlob * const WinMDAdapter::CABlob::NOREDIRECT = ((WinMDAdapter::CABlob *)(0x1)); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*static*/ WinMDAdapter::CABlob* WinMDAdapter::CABlob::Create(const BYTE *pBlob, ULONG cbBlob) { // This can cause allocations (thus entering the host) during a profiler stackwalk. // But we're ok since we're not supporting SQL/F1 profiling with WinMDs. FUTURE: // Would be nice to eliminate allocations on stack walks regardless. PERMANENT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(HostViolation, ReasonUnsupportedForSQLF1Profiling); size_t cbAlloc = sizeof(CABlob) + cbBlob; // This overestimates the needed size a bit - no biggie if (cbAlloc < sizeof(CABlob)) return NULL; CABlob *pNewCABlob = (CABlob*)(new (nothrow) BYTE[cbAlloc]); if (!pNewCABlob) return NULL; pNewCABlob->cbBlob = cbBlob; memcpy(pNewCABlob->data, pBlob, cbBlob); return pNewCABlob; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*static*/ void WinMDAdapter::CABlob::Destroy(WinMDAdapter::CABlob *pCABlob) { if (pCABlob != CABlob::NOREDIRECT) delete [] (BYTE*)pCABlob; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sentinel value in m_redirectedMethodSigMemoTable or m_redirectedFieldMemoTable. // Means "do no signature rewriting. Return the one from the underlying importer." /*static*/ WinMDAdapter::SigData * const WinMDAdapter::SigData::NOREDIRECT = ((WinMDAdapter::SigData *)(0x1)); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*static*/ WinMDAdapter::SigData* WinMDAdapter::SigData::Create(ULONG cbSig, PCCOR_SIGNATURE pSig) { // This can cause allocations (thus entering the host) during a profiler stackwalk. // But we're ok since we're not supporting SQL/F1 profiling with WinMDs. FUTURE: // Would be nice to eliminate allocations on stack walks regardless. PERMANENT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(HostViolation, ReasonUnsupportedForSQLF1Profiling); _ASSERTE(pSig != NULL); size_t cbAlloc = sizeof(SigData) + cbSig; // This overestimates the needed size a bit - no biggie if (cbAlloc < sizeof(SigData)) return NULL; SigData *pNewSigData = (SigData*)(new (nothrow) BYTE[cbAlloc]); if (!pNewSigData) return NULL; pNewSigData->cbSig = cbSig; memcpy(pNewSigData->data, pSig, cbSig); return pNewSigData; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*static*/ void WinMDAdapter::SigData::Destroy(WinMDAdapter::SigData *pSigData) { if (pSigData != SigData::NOREDIRECT) delete [] (BYTE*)pSigData; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // S_OK if pUnknown is really a WinMD wrapper. This is just a polite way of asking "is it bad to // to static cast pUnknown to RegMeta/MDInternalRO." //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CheckIfImportingWinMD(IUnknown *pUnknown) { IUnknown *pIgnore = NULL; HRESULT hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IWinMDImport, (void**)&pIgnore); if (hr == S_OK) { pIgnore->Release(); } if (hr == E_NOINTERFACE) { hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // E_NOTIMPL if pUnknown is really a WinMD wrapper. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT VerifyNotWinMDHelper(IUnknown *pUnknown #ifdef _DEBUG ,LPCSTR assertMsg ,LPCSTR file ,int line #endif //_DEBUG ) { HRESULT hr = CheckIfImportingWinMD(pUnknown); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (hr == S_FALSE) { return S_OK; } #ifdef _DEBUG #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_MD_WinMD_AssertOnIllegalUsage)) { DbgAssertDialog(file, line, assertMsg); } #endif #endif return E_NOTIMPL; }