// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "jitpch.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifdef LEGACY_BACKEND // This file is NOT used for the RyuJIT backend that uses the linear scan register allocator. #ifdef _TARGET_AMD64_ #error AMD64 must be !LEGACY_BACKEND #endif #include "compiler.h" #include "emit.h" #include "codegen.h" // Instruction list // N=normal, R=reverse, P=pop #if FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87 const static instruction FPmathNN[] = {INS_fadd, INS_fsub, INS_fmul, INS_fdiv}; const static instruction FPmathNP[] = {INS_faddp, INS_fsubp, INS_fmulp, INS_fdivp}; const static instruction FPmathRN[] = {INS_fadd, INS_fsubr, INS_fmul, INS_fdivr}; const static instruction FPmathRP[] = {INS_faddp, INS_fsubrp, INS_fmulp, INS_fdivrp}; FlatFPStateX87* CodeGenInterface::FlatFPAllocFPState(FlatFPStateX87* pInitFrom) { FlatFPStateX87* pNewState; pNewState = new (compiler, CMK_FlatFPStateX87) FlatFPStateX87; pNewState->Init(pInitFrom); return pNewState; } bool CodeGen::FlatFPSameRegisters(FlatFPStateX87* pState, regMaskTP mask) { int i; for (i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (pState->Mapped(i)) { regMaskTP regmask = genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i); if ((mask & regmask) == 0) { return false; } mask &= ~regmask; } } return mask ? false : true; } bool FlatFPStateX87::Mapped(unsigned uEntry) { return m_uVirtualMap[uEntry] != (unsigned)FP_VRNOTMAPPED; } void FlatFPStateX87::Unmap(unsigned uEntry) { assert(Mapped(uEntry)); m_uVirtualMap[uEntry] = (unsigned)FP_VRNOTMAPPED; } bool FlatFPStateX87::AreEqual(FlatFPStateX87* pA, FlatFPStateX87* pB) { unsigned i; assert(pA->IsConsistent()); assert(pB->IsConsistent()); if (pA->m_uStackSize != pB->m_uStackSize) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < pA->m_uStackSize; i++) { if (pA->m_uStack[i] != pB->m_uStack[i]) { return false; } } return true; } #ifdef DEBUG bool FlatFPStateX87::IsValidEntry(unsigned uEntry) { return (Mapped(uEntry) && (m_uVirtualMap[uEntry] >= 0 && m_uVirtualMap[uEntry] < m_uStackSize)) || !Mapped(uEntry); } bool FlatFPStateX87::IsConsistent() { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS; i++) { if (!IsValidEntry(i)) { if (m_bIgnoreConsistencyChecks) { return true; } else { assert(!"Virtual register is marked as mapped but out of the stack range"); return false; } } } for (i = 0; i < m_uStackSize; i++) { if (m_uVirtualMap[m_uStack[i]] != i) { if (m_bIgnoreConsistencyChecks) { return true; } else { assert(!"Register File and stack layout don't match!"); return false; } } } return true; } void FlatFPStateX87::Dump() { unsigned i; assert(IsConsistent()); if (m_uStackSize > 0) { printf("Virtual stack state: "); for (i = 0; i < m_uStackSize; i++) { printf("ST(%i): FPV%i | ", StackToST(i), m_uStack[i]); } printf("\n"); } } void FlatFPStateX87::UpdateMappingFromStack() { memset(m_uVirtualMap, -1, sizeof(m_uVirtualMap)); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < m_uStackSize; i++) { m_uVirtualMap[m_uStack[i]] = i; } } #endif unsigned FlatFPStateX87::StackToST(unsigned uEntry) { assert(IsValidEntry(uEntry)); return m_uStackSize - 1 - uEntry; } unsigned FlatFPStateX87::VirtualToST(unsigned uEntry) { assert(Mapped(uEntry)); return StackToST(m_uVirtualMap[uEntry]); } unsigned FlatFPStateX87::STToVirtual(unsigned uST) { assert(uST < m_uStackSize); return m_uStack[m_uStackSize - 1 - uST]; } void FlatFPStateX87::Init(FlatFPStateX87* pFrom) { if (pFrom) { memcpy(this, pFrom, sizeof(*this)); } else { memset(m_uVirtualMap, -1, sizeof(m_uVirtualMap)); #ifdef DEBUG memset(m_uStack, -1, sizeof(m_uStack)); #endif m_uStackSize = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG m_bIgnoreConsistencyChecks = false; #endif } void FlatFPStateX87::Associate(unsigned uEntry, unsigned uStack) { assert(uStack < m_uStackSize); m_uStack[uStack] = uEntry; m_uVirtualMap[uEntry] = uStack; } unsigned FlatFPStateX87::TopIndex() { return m_uStackSize - 1; } unsigned FlatFPStateX87::TopVirtual() { assert(m_uStackSize > 0); return m_uStack[m_uStackSize - 1]; } void FlatFPStateX87::Rename(unsigned uVirtualTo, unsigned uVirtualFrom) { assert(!Mapped(uVirtualTo)); unsigned uSlot = m_uVirtualMap[uVirtualFrom]; Unmap(uVirtualFrom); Associate(uVirtualTo, uSlot); } void FlatFPStateX87::Push(unsigned uEntry) { assert(m_uStackSize <= FP_PHYSICREGISTERS); assert(!Mapped(uEntry)); m_uStackSize++; Associate(uEntry, TopIndex()); assert(IsConsistent()); } unsigned FlatFPStateX87::Pop() { assert(m_uStackSize != 0); unsigned uVirtual = m_uStack[--m_uStackSize]; #ifdef DEBUG m_uStack[m_uStackSize] = (unsigned)-1; #endif Unmap(uVirtual); return uVirtual; } bool FlatFPStateX87::IsEmpty() { return m_uStackSize == 0; } void CodeGen::genCodeForTransitionStackFP(FlatFPStateX87* pSrc, FlatFPStateX87* pDst) { FlatFPStateX87 fpState; FlatFPStateX87* pTmp; int i; // Make a temp copy memcpy(&fpState, pSrc, sizeof(FlatFPStateX87)); pTmp = &fpState; // Make sure everything seems consistent. assert(pSrc->m_uStackSize >= pDst->m_uStackSize); #ifdef DEBUG for (i = 0; i < FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS; i++) { if (!pTmp->Mapped(i) && pDst->Mapped(i)) { assert(!"Dst stack state can't have a virtual register live if Src target has it dead"); } } #endif // First we need to get rid of the stuff that's dead in pDst for (i = 0; i < FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS; i++) { if (pTmp->Mapped(i) && !pDst->Mapped(i)) { // We have to get rid of this one JITDUMP("Removing virtual register V%i from stack\n", i); // Don't need this virtual register any more FlatFPX87_Unload(pTmp, i); } } assert(pTmp->m_uStackSize == pDst->m_uStackSize); // Extract cycles int iProcessed = 0; // We start with the top of the stack so that we can // easily recognize the cycle that contains it for (i = pTmp->m_uStackSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Have we processed this stack element yet? if (((1 << i) & iProcessed) == 0) { // Extract cycle int iCycle[FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS]; int iCycleLength = 0; int iCurrent = i; int iTOS = pTmp->m_uStackSize - 1; do { // Mark current stack element as processed iProcessed |= (1 << iCurrent); // Update cycle iCycle[iCycleLength++] = iCurrent; // Next element in cycle iCurrent = pDst->m_uVirtualMap[pTmp->m_uStack[iCurrent]]; } while ((iProcessed & (1 << iCurrent)) == 0); #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("Cycle: ("); for (int l = 0; l < iCycleLength; l++) { printf("%i", pTmp->StackToST(iCycle[l])); if (l + 1 < iCycleLength) printf(", "); } printf(")\n"); } #endif // Extract cycle if (iCycleLength == 1) { // Stack element in the same place. Nothing to do } else { if (iCycle[0] == iTOS) { // Cycle includes stack element 0 int j; for (j = 1; j < iCycleLength; j++) { FlatFPX87_SwapStack(pTmp, iCycle[j], iTOS); } } else { // Cycle doesn't include stack element 0 int j; for (j = 0; j < iCycleLength; j++) { FlatFPX87_SwapStack(pTmp, iCycle[j], iTOS); } FlatFPX87_SwapStack(pTmp, iCycle[0], iTOS); } } } } assert(FlatFPStateX87::AreEqual(pTmp, pDst)); } void CodeGen::genCodeForTransitionFromMask(FlatFPStateX87* pSrc, regMaskTP mask, bool bEmitCode) { unsigned i; for (i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (pSrc->Mapped(i)) { if ((mask & genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i)) == 0) { FlatFPX87_Unload(pSrc, i, bEmitCode); } } else { assert((mask & genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i)) == 0 && "A register marked as incoming live in the target block isnt live in the current block"); } } } void CodeGen::genCodeForPrologStackFP() { assert(compiler->compGeneratingProlog); assert(compiler->fgFirstBB); FlatFPStateX87* pState = compiler->fgFirstBB->bbFPStateX87; if (pState && pState->m_uStackSize) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(liveEnregIn, VarSetOps::Intersection(compiler, compiler->fgFirstBB->bbLiveIn, compiler->optAllFPregVars)); unsigned i; #ifdef DEBUG unsigned uLoads = 0; #endif assert(pState->m_uStackSize <= FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS); for (i = 0; i < pState->m_uStackSize; i++) { // Get the virtual register that matches unsigned iVirtual = pState->STToVirtual(pState->m_uStackSize - i - 1); unsigned varNum; LclVarDsc* varDsc; for (varNum = 0, varDsc = compiler->lvaTable; varNum < compiler->lvaCount; varNum++, varDsc++) { if (varDsc->IsFloatRegType() && varDsc->lvRegister && varDsc->lvRegNum == iVirtual) { unsigned varIndex = varDsc->lvVarIndex; // Is this variable live on entry? if (VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, liveEnregIn, varIndex)) { if (varDsc->lvIsParam) { getEmitter()->emitIns_S(INS_fld, EmitSize(varDsc->TypeGet()), varNum, 0); } else { // unitialized regvar getEmitter()->emitIns(INS_fldz); } #ifdef DEBUG uLoads++; #endif break; } } } assert(varNum != compiler->lvaCount); // We have to find the matching var!!!! } assert(uLoads == VarSetOps::Count(compiler, liveEnregIn)); } } void CodeGen::genCodeForEndBlockTransitionStackFP(BasicBlock* block) { switch (block->bbJumpKind) { case BBJ_EHFINALLYRET: case BBJ_EHFILTERRET: case BBJ_EHCATCHRET: // Nothing to do assert(compCurFPState.m_uStackSize == 0); break; case BBJ_THROW: break; case BBJ_RETURN: // Nothing to do assert((varTypeIsFloating(compiler->info.compRetType) && compCurFPState.m_uStackSize == 1) || compCurFPState.m_uStackSize == 0); break; case BBJ_COND: case BBJ_NONE: genCodeForBBTransitionStackFP(block->bbNext); break; case BBJ_ALWAYS: genCodeForBBTransitionStackFP(block->bbJumpDest); break; case BBJ_LEAVE: assert(!"BBJ_LEAVE blocks shouldn't get here"); break; case BBJ_CALLFINALLY: assert(compCurFPState.IsEmpty() && "we don't enregister variables live on entry to finallys"); genCodeForBBTransitionStackFP(block->bbJumpDest); break; case BBJ_SWITCH: // Nothing to do here break; default: noway_assert(!"Unexpected bbJumpKind"); break; } } regMaskTP CodeGen::genRegMaskFromLivenessStackFP(VARSET_VALARG_TP varset) { unsigned varNum; LclVarDsc* varDsc; regMaskTP result = 0; for (varNum = 0, varDsc = compiler->lvaTable; varNum < compiler->lvaCount; varNum++, varDsc++) { if (varDsc->IsFloatRegType() && varDsc->lvRegister) { unsigned varIndex = varDsc->lvVarIndex; /* Is this variable live on entry? */ if (VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, varset, varIndex)) { // We should only call this function doing a transition // To a block which hasn't state yet. All incoming live enregistered variables // should have been already initialized. assert(varDsc->lvRegNum != REG_FPNONE); result |= genRegMaskFloat(varDsc->lvRegNum); } } } return result; } void CodeGen::genCodeForBBTransitionStackFP(BasicBlock* pDst) { assert(compCurFPState.IsConsistent()); if (pDst->bbFPStateX87) { // Target block has an associated state. generate transition genCodeForTransitionStackFP(&compCurFPState, pDst->bbFPStateX87); } else { // Target block hasn't got an associated state. As it can only possibly // have a subset of the current state, we'll take advantage of this and // generate the optimal transition // Copy current state pDst->bbFPStateX87 = FlatFPAllocFPState(&compCurFPState); regMaskTP liveRegIn = genRegMaskFromLivenessStackFP(VarSetOps::Intersection(compiler, pDst->bbLiveIn, compiler->optAllFPregVars)); // Match to live vars genCodeForTransitionFromMask(pDst->bbFPStateX87, liveRegIn); } } void CodeGen::SpillTempsStackFP(regMaskTP canSpillMask) { unsigned i; regMaskTP spillMask = 0; regNumber reg; // First pass we determine which registers we spill for (i = 0; i < compCurFPState.m_uStackSize; i++) { reg = (regNumber)compCurFPState.m_uStack[i]; regMaskTP regMask = genRegMaskFloat(reg); if ((regMask & canSpillMask) && (regMask & regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat) == 0) { spillMask |= regMask; } } // Second pass we do the actual spills for (i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if ((genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i) & spillMask)) { JITDUMP("spilling temp in register %s\n", regVarNameStackFP((regNumber)i)); SpillFloat((regNumber)i, true); } } } // Spills all the fp stack. We need this to spill // across calls void CodeGen::SpillForCallStackFP() { unsigned i; unsigned uSize = compCurFPState.m_uStackSize; for (i = 0; i < uSize; i++) { SpillFloat((regNumber)compCurFPState.m_uStack[compCurFPState.TopIndex()], true); } } void CodeGenInterface::SpillFloat(regNumber reg, bool bIsCall) { #ifdef DEBUG regMaskTP mask = genRegMaskFloat(reg); // We can allow spilling regvars, but we don't need it at the moment, and we're // missing code in setupopforflatfp, so assert. assert(bIsCall || (mask & (regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat | regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat)) == 0); #endif JITDUMP("SpillFloat spilling register %s\n", regVarNameStackFP(reg)); // We take the virtual register to the top of the stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, reg); // Allocate spill structure RegSet::SpillDsc* spill = RegSet::SpillDsc::alloc(compiler, ®Set, TYP_FLOAT); // Fill out spill structure var_types type; if (regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[reg]) { JITDUMP("will spill tree [%08p]\n", dspPtr(regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[reg])); // register used for temp stack spill->spillTree = regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[reg]; spill->bEnregisteredVariable = false; regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[reg]->gtFlags |= GTF_SPILLED; type = genActualType(regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[reg]->TypeGet()); // Clear used flag regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[reg], false); } else { JITDUMP("will spill varDsc [%08p]\n", dspPtr(regSet.genRegVarsFloat[reg])); // enregistered variable spill->spillVarDsc = regSet.genRegVarsFloat[reg]; assert(spill->spillVarDsc); spill->bEnregisteredVariable = true; // Mark as spilled spill->spillVarDsc->lvSpilled = true; type = genActualType(regSet.genRegVarsFloat[reg]->TypeGet()); // Clear register flag SetRegVarFloat(reg, type, 0); } // Add to spill list spill->spillNext = regSet.rsSpillFloat; regSet.rsSpillFloat = spill; // Obtain space TempDsc* temp = spill->spillTemp = compiler->tmpGetTemp(type); emitAttr size = EmitSize(type); getEmitter()->emitIns_S(INS_fstp, size, temp->tdTempNum(), 0); compCurFPState.Pop(); } void CodeGen::UnspillFloatMachineDep(RegSet::SpillDsc* spillDsc, bool useSameReg) { NYI(!"Need not be implemented for x86."); } void CodeGen::UnspillFloatMachineDep(RegSet::SpillDsc* spillDsc) { // Do actual unspill if (spillDsc->bEnregisteredVariable) { assert(spillDsc->spillVarDsc->lvSpilled); // Do the logic as it was a regvar birth genRegVarBirthStackFP(spillDsc->spillVarDsc); // Mark as not spilled any more spillDsc->spillVarDsc->lvSpilled = false; // Update stack layout. compCurFPState.Push(spillDsc->spillVarDsc->lvRegNum); } else { assert(spillDsc->spillTree->gtFlags & GTF_SPILLED); spillDsc->spillTree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_SPILLED; regNumber reg = regSet.PickRegFloat(); genMarkTreeInReg(spillDsc->spillTree, reg); regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(spillDsc->spillTree, true); compCurFPState.Push(reg); } // load from spilled spot emitAttr size = EmitSize(spillDsc->spillTemp->tdTempType()); getEmitter()->emitIns_S(INS_fld, size, spillDsc->spillTemp->tdTempNum(), 0); } // unspills any reg var that we have in the spill list. We need this // because we can't have any spilled vars across basic blocks void CodeGen::UnspillRegVarsStackFp() { RegSet::SpillDsc* cur; RegSet::SpillDsc* next; for (cur = regSet.rsSpillFloat; cur; cur = next) { next = cur->spillNext; if (cur->bEnregisteredVariable) { UnspillFloat(cur); } } } #ifdef DEBUG const char* regNamesFP[] = { #define REGDEF(name, rnum, mask, sname) sname, #include "registerfp.h" }; // static const char* CodeGenInterface::regVarNameStackFP(regNumber reg) { return regNamesFP[reg]; } bool CodeGen::ConsistentAfterStatementStackFP() { if (!compCurFPState.IsConsistent()) { return false; } if (regSet.rsMaskUsedFloat != 0) { assert(!"FP register marked as used after statement"); return false; } if (regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat != 0) { assert(!"FP register marked as locked after statement"); return false; } if (genCountBits(regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat) > compCurFPState.m_uStackSize) { assert(!"number of FP regvars in regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat doesnt match current FP state"); return false; } return true; } #endif int CodeGen::genNumberTemps() { return compCurFPState.m_uStackSize - genCountBits(regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat); } void CodeGen::genDiscardStackFP(GenTreePtr tree) { assert(tree->InReg()); assert(varTypeIsFloating(tree)); FlatFPX87_Unload(&compCurFPState, tree->gtRegNum, true); } void CodeGen::genRegRenameWithMasks(regNumber dstReg, regNumber srcReg) { regMaskTP dstregmask = genRegMaskFloat(dstReg); regMaskTP srcregmask = genRegMaskFloat(srcReg); // rename use register compCurFPState.Rename(dstReg, srcReg); regSet.rsMaskUsedFloat &= ~srcregmask; regSet.rsMaskUsedFloat |= dstregmask; if (srcregmask & regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat) { assert((dstregmask & regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat) == 0); // We will set the new one as locked regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat &= ~srcregmask; regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat |= dstregmask; } // Updated used tree assert(!regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[dstReg]); regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[dstReg] = regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[srcReg]; regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[dstReg]->gtRegNum = dstReg; regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[srcReg] = NULL; } void CodeGen::genRegVarBirthStackFP(LclVarDsc* varDsc) { // Mark the virtual register we're assigning to this local; regNumber reg = varDsc->lvRegNum; #ifdef DEBUG regMaskTP regmask = genRegMaskFloat(reg); #endif assert(varDsc->lvTracked && varDsc->lvRegister && reg != REG_FPNONE); if (regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[reg]) { // Register was marked as used... will have to rename it so we can put the // regvar where it belongs. JITDUMP("Renaming used register %s\n", regVarNameStackFP(reg)); regNumber newreg; newreg = regSet.PickRegFloat(); #ifdef DEBUG regMaskTP newregmask = genRegMaskFloat(newreg); #endif // Update used mask assert((regSet.rsMaskUsedFloat & regmask) && (regSet.rsMaskUsedFloat & newregmask) == 0); genRegRenameWithMasks(newreg, reg); } // Mark the reg as holding a regvar varDsc->lvSpilled = false; SetRegVarFloat(reg, varDsc->TypeGet(), varDsc); } void CodeGen::genRegVarBirthStackFP(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("variable V%i is going live in ", tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG // Update register in local var LclVarDsc* varDsc = compiler->lvaTable + tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum; genRegVarBirthStackFP(varDsc); assert(tree->gtRegNum == tree->gtRegVar.gtRegNum && tree->gtRegNum == varDsc->lvRegNum); } void CodeGen::genRegVarDeathStackFP(LclVarDsc* varDsc) { regNumber reg = varDsc->lvRegNum; assert(varDsc->lvTracked && varDsc->lvRegister && reg != REG_FPNONE); SetRegVarFloat(reg, varDsc->TypeGet(), 0); } void CodeGen::genRegVarDeathStackFP(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("register %s is going dead in ", regVarNameStackFP(tree->gtRegVar.gtRegNum)); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG LclVarDsc* varDsc = compiler->lvaTable + tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum; genRegVarDeathStackFP(varDsc); } void CodeGen::genLoadStackFP(GenTreePtr tree, regNumber reg) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genLoadStackFP"); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf(" %s\n", regVarNameStackFP(reg)); } #endif // DEBUG if (tree->IsRegVar()) { // if it has been spilled, unspill it.% LclVarDsc* varDsc = &compiler->lvaTable[tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum]; if (varDsc->lvSpilled) { UnspillFloat(varDsc); } // if it's dying, just rename the register, else load it normally if (tree->IsRegVarDeath()) { genRegVarDeathStackFP(tree); compCurFPState.Rename(reg, tree->gtRegVar.gtRegNum); } else { assert(tree->gtRegNum == tree->gtRegVar.gtRegNum); inst_FN(INS_fld, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(tree->gtRegVar.gtRegNum)); FlatFPX87_PushVirtual(&compCurFPState, reg); } } else { FlatFPX87_PushVirtual(&compCurFPState, reg); inst_FS_TT(INS_fld, tree); } } void CodeGen::genMovStackFP(GenTreePtr dst, regNumber dstreg, GenTreePtr src, regNumber srcreg) { if (dstreg == REG_FPNONE && !dst->IsRegVar()) { regNumber reg; // reg to mem path if (srcreg == REG_FPNONE) { assert(src->IsRegVar()); reg = src->gtRegNum; } else { reg = srcreg; } // Mov src to top of the stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, reg); if (srcreg != REG_FPNONE || (src->IsRegVar() && src->IsRegVarDeath())) { // Emit instruction inst_FS_TT(INS_fstp, dst); // Update stack compCurFPState.Pop(); } else { inst_FS_TT(INS_fst, dst); } } else { if (dstreg == REG_FPNONE) { assert(dst->IsRegVar()); dstreg = dst->gtRegNum; } if (srcreg == REG_FPNONE && !src->IsRegVar()) { // mem to reg assert(dst->IsRegVar() && dst->IsRegVarBirth()); FlatFPX87_PushVirtual(&compCurFPState, dstreg); FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, dstreg); if (src->gtOper == GT_CNS_DBL) { genConstantLoadStackFP(src); } else { inst_FS_TT(INS_fld, src); } } else { // disposable reg to reg, use renaming assert(dst->IsRegVar() && dst->IsRegVarBirth()); assert(src->IsRegVar() || (src->InReg())); assert(src->gtRegNum != REG_FPNONE); if ((src->InReg()) || (src->IsRegVar() && src->IsRegVarDeath())) { // src is disposable and dst is a regvar, so we'll rename src to dst // SetupOp should have masked out the regvar assert(!src->IsRegVar() || !src->IsRegVarDeath() || !(genRegMaskFloat(src->gtRegVar.gtRegNum) & regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat)); // get slot that holds the value unsigned uStack = compCurFPState.m_uVirtualMap[src->gtRegNum]; // unlink the slot that holds the value compCurFPState.Unmap(src->gtRegNum); regNumber tgtreg = dst->gtRegVar.gtRegNum; compCurFPState.IgnoreConsistencyChecks(true); if (regSet.genUsedRegsFloat[tgtreg]) { // tgtreg is used, we move it to src reg. We do this here as src reg won't be // marked as used, if tgtreg is used it srcreg will be a candidate for moving // which is something we don't want, so we do the renaming here. genRegRenameWithMasks(src->gtRegNum, tgtreg); } compCurFPState.IgnoreConsistencyChecks(false); // Birth of FP var genRegVarBirthStackFP(dst); // Associate target reg with source physical register compCurFPState.Associate(tgtreg, uStack); } else { if (src->IsRegVar()) { // regvar that isnt dying to regvar assert(!src->IsRegVarDeath()); // Birth of FP var genRegVarBirthStackFP(dst); // Load register inst_FN(INS_fld, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(src->gtRegVar.gtRegNum)); // update our logic stack FlatFPX87_PushVirtual(&compCurFPState, dst->gtRegVar.gtRegNum); } else { // memory to regvar // Birth of FP var genRegVarBirthStackFP(dst); // load into stack inst_FS_TT(INS_fld, src); // update our logic stack FlatFPX87_PushVirtual(&compCurFPState, dst->gtRegVar.gtRegNum); } } } } } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(GenTreePtr tree, regNumber reg) { return genCodeForTree_DONE(tree, reg); } // Does the setup of the FP stack on entry to block void CodeGen::genSetupStateStackFP(BasicBlock* block) { bool bGenerate = !block->bbFPStateX87; if (bGenerate) { // Allocate FP state block->bbFPStateX87 = FlatFPAllocFPState(); block->bbFPStateX87->Init(); } // Update liveset and lock enregistered live vars on entry VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(liveSet, VarSetOps::Intersection(compiler, block->bbLiveIn, compiler->optAllFPregVars)); if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(compiler, liveSet)) { unsigned varNum; LclVarDsc* varDsc; for (varNum = 0, varDsc = compiler->lvaTable; varNum < compiler->lvaCount; varNum++, varDsc++) { if (varDsc->IsFloatRegType() && varDsc->lvRegister) { unsigned varIndex = varDsc->lvVarIndex; // Is this variable live on entry? if (VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, liveSet, varIndex)) { JITDUMP("genSetupStateStackFP(): enregistered variable V%i is live on entry to block\n", varNum); assert(varDsc->lvTracked); assert(varDsc->lvRegNum != REG_FPNONE); genRegVarBirthStackFP(varDsc); if (bGenerate) { // If we're generating layout, update it. block->bbFPStateX87->Push(varDsc->lvRegNum); } } } } } compCurFPState.Init(block->bbFPStateX87); assert(block->bbFPStateX87->IsConsistent()); } regMaskTP CodeGen::genPushArgumentStackFP(GenTreePtr args) { regMaskTP addrReg = 0; unsigned opsz = genTypeSize(genActualType(args->TypeGet())); switch (args->gtOper) { GenTreePtr temp; GenTreePtr fval; size_t flopsz; case GT_CNS_DBL: { float f = 0.0; int* addr = NULL; if (args->TypeGet() == TYP_FLOAT) { f = (float)args->gtDblCon.gtDconVal; // *(long*) (&f) used instead of *addr because of of strict // pointer aliasing optimization. According to the ISO C/C++ // standard, an optimizer can assume two pointers of // non-compatible types do not point to the same memory. inst_IV(INS_push, *((int*)(&f))); genSinglePush(); addrReg = 0; } else { addr = (int*)&args->gtDblCon.gtDconVal; // store forwarding fix for pentium 4 and Centrino // (even for down level CPUs as we don't care about their perf any more) fval = genMakeConst(&args->gtDblCon.gtDconVal, args->gtType, args, true); inst_FS_TT(INS_fld, fval); flopsz = (size_t)8; inst_RV_IV(INS_sub, REG_ESP, flopsz, EA_PTRSIZE); getEmitter()->emitIns_AR_R(INS_fstp, EA_ATTR(flopsz), REG_NA, REG_ESP, 0); genSinglePush(); genSinglePush(); addrReg = 0; } break; } case GT_CAST: { // Is the value a cast from double ? if ((args->gtOper == GT_CAST) && (args->CastFromType() == TYP_DOUBLE)) { /* Load the value onto the FP stack */ genCodeForTreeFlt(args->gtCast.CastOp(), false); /* Go push the value as a float/double */ args = args->gtCast.CastOp(); addrReg = 0; goto PUSH_FLT; } // Fall through to default case.... } default: { temp = genMakeAddrOrFPstk(args, &addrReg, false); if (temp) { unsigned offs; // We have the address of the float operand, push its bytes offs = opsz; assert(offs % sizeof(int) == 0); if (offs == 4) { assert(args->gtType == temp->gtType); do { offs -= sizeof(int); inst_TT(INS_push, temp, offs); genSinglePush(); } while (offs); } else { // store forwarding fix for pentium 4 and Centrino inst_FS_TT(INS_fld, temp); flopsz = (size_t)offs; inst_RV_IV(INS_sub, REG_ESP, (size_t)flopsz, EA_PTRSIZE); getEmitter()->emitIns_AR_R(INS_fstp, EA_ATTR(flopsz), REG_NA, REG_ESP, 0); genSinglePush(); genSinglePush(); } } else { // The argument is on the FP stack -- pop it into [ESP-4/8] PUSH_FLT: inst_RV_IV(INS_sub, REG_ESP, opsz, EA_PTRSIZE); genSinglePush(); if (opsz == 2 * sizeof(unsigned)) genSinglePush(); // Take reg to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, args->gtRegNum); // Pop it off to stack compCurFPState.Pop(); getEmitter()->emitIns_AR_R(INS_fstp, EA_ATTR(opsz), REG_NA, REG_ESP, 0); } gcInfo.gcMarkRegSetNpt(addrReg); break; } } return addrReg; } void CodeGen::genRoundFpExpressionStackFP(GenTreePtr op, var_types type) { // Do nothing with memory resident opcodes - these are the right precision // (even if genMakeAddrOrFPstk loads them to the FP stack) if (type == TYP_UNDEF) type = op->TypeGet(); switch (op->gtOper) { case GT_LCL_VAR: case GT_LCL_FLD: case GT_CLS_VAR: case GT_CNS_DBL: case GT_IND: case GT_LEA: if (type == op->TypeGet()) return; default: break; } assert(op->gtRegNum != REG_FPNONE); // Take register to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, op->gtRegNum); // Allocate a temp for the expression TempDsc* temp = compiler->tmpGetTemp(type); // Store the FP value into the temp inst_FS_ST(INS_fstp, EmitSize(type), temp, 0); // Load the value back onto the FP stack inst_FS_ST(INS_fld, EmitSize(type), temp, 0); // We no longer need the temp compiler->tmpRlsTemp(temp); } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeStackFP_Const(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genCodeForTreeStackFP_Const() "); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG if (tree->OperGet() != GT_CNS_DBL) { compiler->gtDispTree(tree); assert(!"bogus float const"); } #endif // Pick register regNumber reg = regSet.PickRegFloat(); // Load constant genConstantLoadStackFP(tree); // Push register to virtual stack FlatFPX87_PushVirtual(&compCurFPState, reg); // Update tree genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, reg); } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeStackFP_Leaf(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genCodeForTreeStackFP_Leaf() "); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG switch (tree->OperGet()) { case GT_LCL_VAR: case GT_LCL_FLD: { assert(!compiler->lvaTable[tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum].lvRegister); // Pick register regNumber reg = regSet.PickRegFloat(); // Load it genLoadStackFP(tree, reg); genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, reg); break; } case GT_REG_VAR: { regNumber reg = regSet.PickRegFloat(); genLoadStackFP(tree, reg); genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, reg); break; } case GT_CLS_VAR: { // Pick register regNumber reg = regSet.PickRegFloat(); // Load it genLoadStackFP(tree, reg); genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, reg); break; } default: #ifdef DEBUG compiler->gtDispTree(tree); #endif assert(!"unexpected leaf"); } genUpdateLife(tree); } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeStackFP_Asg(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genCodeForTreeStackFP_Asg() "); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG emitAttr size; unsigned offs; GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; GenTreePtr op2 = tree->gtGetOp2IfPresent(); assert(tree->OperGet() == GT_ASG); if (!op1->IsRegVar() && (op2->gtOper == GT_CAST) && (op1->gtType == op2->gtType) && varTypeIsFloating(op2->gtCast.CastOp())) { /* We can discard the cast */ op2 = op2->gtCast.CastOp(); } size = EmitSize(op1); offs = 0; // If lhs is a comma expression, evaluate the non-last parts, make op1 be the remainder. // (But can't do this if the assignment is reversed...) if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) == 0) { op1 = genCodeForCommaTree(op1); } GenTreePtr op1NonCom = op1->gtEffectiveVal(); if (op1NonCom->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR) { #ifdef DEBUG LclVarDsc* varDsc = &compiler->lvaTable[op1NonCom->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum]; // No dead stores assert(!varDsc->lvTracked || compiler->opts.MinOpts() || !(op1NonCom->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEATH)); #endif /* For non-debuggable code, every definition of a lcl-var has * to be checked to see if we need to open a new scope for it. */ if (compiler->opts.compScopeInfo && !compiler->opts.compDbgCode && (compiler->info.compVarScopesCount > 0)) { siCheckVarScope(op1NonCom->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum, op1NonCom->gtLclVar.gtLclILoffs); } } assert(op2); switch (op2->gtOper) { case GT_CNS_DBL: assert(compCurFPState.m_uStackSize <= FP_PHYSICREGISTERS); regMaskTP addrRegInt; addrRegInt = 0; regMaskTP addrRegFlt; addrRegFlt = 0; // op2 is already "evaluated," so doesn't matter if they're reversed or not... op1 = genCodeForCommaTree(op1); op1 = genMakeAddressableStackFP(op1, &addrRegInt, &addrRegFlt); // We want to 'cast' the constant to the op1'a type double constantValue; constantValue = op2->gtDblCon.gtDconVal; if (op1->gtType == TYP_FLOAT) { float temp = forceCastToFloat(constantValue); constantValue = (double)temp; } GenTreePtr constantTree; constantTree = compiler->gtNewDconNode(constantValue); if (genConstantLoadStackFP(constantTree, true)) { if (op1->IsRegVar()) { // regvar birth genRegVarBirthStackFP(op1); // Update compCurFPState.Push(op1->gtRegNum); } else { // store in target inst_FS_TT(INS_fstp, op1); } } else { // Standard constant if (op1->IsRegVar()) { // Load constant to fp stack. GenTreePtr cnsaddr; // Create slot for constant if (op1->gtType == TYP_FLOAT || StackFPIsSameAsFloat(op2->gtDblCon.gtDconVal)) { // We're going to use that double as a float, so recompute addr float f = forceCastToFloat(op2->gtDblCon.gtDconVal); cnsaddr = genMakeConst(&f, TYP_FLOAT, tree, true); } else { cnsaddr = genMakeConst(&op2->gtDblCon.gtDconVal, TYP_DOUBLE, tree, true); } // Load into stack inst_FS_TT(INS_fld, cnsaddr); // regvar birth genRegVarBirthStackFP(op1); // Update compCurFPState.Push(op1->gtRegNum); } else { if (size == 4) { float f = forceCastToFloat(op2->gtDblCon.gtDconVal); int* addr = (int*)&f; do { inst_TT_IV(INS_mov, op1, *addr++, offs); offs += sizeof(int); } while (offs < size); } else { // store forwarding fix for pentium 4 and centrino and also // fld for doubles that can be represented as floats, saving // 4 bytes of load GenTreePtr cnsaddr; // Create slot for constant if (op1->gtType == TYP_FLOAT || StackFPIsSameAsFloat(op2->gtDblCon.gtDconVal)) { // We're going to use that double as a float, so recompute addr float f = forceCastToFloat(op2->gtDblCon.gtDconVal); cnsaddr = genMakeConst(&f, TYP_FLOAT, tree, true); } else { assert(tree->gtType == TYP_DOUBLE); cnsaddr = genMakeConst(&op2->gtDblCon.gtDconVal, TYP_DOUBLE, tree, true); } inst_FS_TT(INS_fld, cnsaddr); inst_FS_TT(INS_fstp, op1); } } } genDoneAddressableStackFP(op1, addrRegInt, addrRegFlt, RegSet::KEEP_REG); genUpdateLife(op1); return; default: break; } // Not one of the easy optimizations. Proceed normally if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) { /* Evaluate the RHS onto the FP stack. We don't need to round it as we will be doing a spill for the assignment anyway (unless op1 is a GT_REG_VAR). */ genSetupForOpStackFP(op1, op2, true, true, false, true); // Do the move genMovStackFP(op1, REG_FPNONE, op2, (op2->InReg()) ? op2->gtRegNum : REG_FPNONE); } else { // Have to evaluate left side before // This should never happen assert(!op1->IsRegVar()); genSetupForOpStackFP(op1, op2, false, true, false, true); // Do the actual move genMovStackFP(op1, REG_FPNONE, op2, (op2->InReg()) ? op2->gtRegNum : REG_FPNONE); } } void CodeGen::genSetupForOpStackFP( GenTreePtr& op1, GenTreePtr& op2, bool bReverse, bool bMakeOp1Addressable, bool bOp1ReadOnly, bool bOp2ReadOnly) { if (bMakeOp1Addressable) { if (bReverse) { genSetupForOpStackFP(op2, op1, false, false, bOp2ReadOnly, bOp1ReadOnly); } else { regMaskTP addrRegInt = 0; regMaskTP addrRegFlt = 0; op1 = genCodeForCommaTree(op1); // Evaluate RHS on FP stack if (bOp2ReadOnly && op2->IsRegVar() && !op2->IsRegVarDeath()) { // read only and not dying, so just make addressable op1 = genMakeAddressableStackFP(op1, &addrRegInt, &addrRegFlt); genKeepAddressableStackFP(op1, &addrRegInt, &addrRegFlt); genUpdateLife(op2); } else { // Make target addressable op1 = genMakeAddressableStackFP(op1, &addrRegInt, &addrRegFlt); op2 = genCodeForCommaTree(op2); genCodeForTreeFloat(op2); regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(op2, true); regSet.SetLockedRegFloat(op2, true); // Make sure target is still adressable genKeepAddressableStackFP(op1, &addrRegInt, &addrRegFlt); regSet.SetLockedRegFloat(op2, false); regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(op2, false); } /* Free up anything that was tied up by the target address */ genDoneAddressableStackFP(op1, addrRegInt, addrRegFlt, RegSet::KEEP_REG); } } else { assert(!bReverse || !"Can't do this. if op2 is a reg var and dies in op1, we have a serious problem. For the " "moment, handle this in the caller"); regMaskTP addrRegInt = 0; regMaskTP addrRegFlt = 0; op1 = genCodeForCommaTree(op1); if (bOp1ReadOnly && op1->IsRegVar() && !op1->IsRegVarDeath() && !genRegVarDiesInSubTree(op2, op1->gtRegVar.gtRegNum)) // regvar can't die in op2 either { // First update liveness for op1, since we're "evaluating" it here genUpdateLife(op1); op2 = genCodeForCommaTree(op2); // read only and not dying, we dont have to do anything. op2 = genMakeAddressableStackFP(op2, &addrRegInt, &addrRegFlt); genKeepAddressableStackFP(op2, &addrRegInt, &addrRegFlt); } else { genCodeForTreeFloat(op1); regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(op1, true); op2 = genCodeForCommaTree(op2); op2 = genMakeAddressableStackFP(op2, &addrRegInt, &addrRegFlt); // Restore op1 if necessary if (op1->gtFlags & GTF_SPILLED) { UnspillFloat(op1); } // Lock op1 regSet.SetLockedRegFloat(op1, true); genKeepAddressableStackFP(op2, &addrRegInt, &addrRegFlt); // unlock op1 regSet.SetLockedRegFloat(op1, false); // mark as free regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(op1, false); } genDoneAddressableStackFP(op2, addrRegInt, addrRegFlt, RegSet::KEEP_REG); } } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeStackFP_Arithm(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genCodeForTreeStackFP_Arithm() "); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG assert(tree->OperGet() == GT_ADD || tree->OperGet() == GT_SUB || tree->OperGet() == GT_MUL || tree->OperGet() == GT_DIV); // We handle the reverse here instead of leaving setupop to do it. As for this case // // + with reverse // op1 regvar // // and in regvar dies in op1, we would need a load of regvar, instead of a noop. So we handle this // here and tell genArithmStackFP to do the reverse operation bool bReverse; GenTreePtr op1, op2; if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) { bReverse = true; op1 = tree->gtGetOp2IfPresent(); op2 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; } else { bReverse = false; op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; op2 = tree->gtGetOp2IfPresent(); } regNumber result; // Fast paths genTreeOps oper = tree->OperGet(); if (op1->IsRegVar() && op2->IsRegVar() && !op1->IsRegVarDeath() && op2->IsRegVarDeath()) { // In this fastpath, we will save a load by doing the operation directly on the op2 // register, as it's dying. // Mark op2 as dead genRegVarDeathStackFP(op2); // Do operation result = genArithmStackFP(oper, op2, op2->gtRegVar.gtRegNum, op1, REG_FPNONE, !bReverse); genUpdateLife(op1); genUpdateLife(op2); } else if (!op1->IsRegVar() && // We don't do this for regvars, as we'll need a scratch reg ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_SIDE_EFFECT) == 0) && // No side effects GenTree::Compare(op1, op2)) // op1 and op2 are the same { // op1 is same thing as op2. Ideal for CSEs that werent optimized // due to their low cost. // First we need to update lifetimes from op1 VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(compiler, compiler->compCurLife, genUpdateLiveSetForward(op1)); compiler->compCurLifeTree = op1; genCodeForTreeFloat(op2); result = genArithmStackFP(oper, op2, op2->gtRegNum, op2, op2->gtRegNum, bReverse); } else { genSetupForOpStackFP(op1, op2, false, false, false, true); result = genArithmStackFP(oper, op1, (op1->InReg()) ? op1->gtRegNum : REG_FPNONE, op2, (op2->InReg()) ? op2->gtRegNum : REG_FPNONE, bReverse); } genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, result); } regNumber CodeGen::genArithmStackFP( genTreeOps oper, GenTreePtr dst, regNumber dstreg, GenTreePtr src, regNumber srcreg, bool bReverse) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genArithmStackFP() dst: "); Compiler::printTreeID(dst); printf(" src: "); Compiler::printTreeID(src); printf(" dstreg: %s srcreg: %s\n", dstreg == REG_FPNONE ? "NONE" : regVarNameStackFP(dstreg), srcreg == REG_FPNONE ? "NONE" : regVarNameStackFP(srcreg)); } #endif // DEBUG // Select instruction depending on oper and bReverseOp instruction ins_NN; instruction ins_RN; instruction ins_RP; instruction ins_NP; switch (oper) { default: assert(!"Unexpected oper"); case GT_ADD: case GT_SUB: case GT_MUL: case GT_DIV: /* Make sure the instruction tables look correctly ordered */ assert(FPmathNN[GT_ADD - GT_ADD] == INS_fadd); assert(FPmathNN[GT_SUB - GT_ADD] == INS_fsub); assert(FPmathNN[GT_MUL - GT_ADD] == INS_fmul); assert(FPmathNN[GT_DIV - GT_ADD] == INS_fdiv); assert(FPmathNP[GT_ADD - GT_ADD] == INS_faddp); assert(FPmathNP[GT_SUB - GT_ADD] == INS_fsubp); assert(FPmathNP[GT_MUL - GT_ADD] == INS_fmulp); assert(FPmathNP[GT_DIV - GT_ADD] == INS_fdivp); assert(FPmathRN[GT_ADD - GT_ADD] == INS_fadd); assert(FPmathRN[GT_SUB - GT_ADD] == INS_fsubr); assert(FPmathRN[GT_MUL - GT_ADD] == INS_fmul); assert(FPmathRN[GT_DIV - GT_ADD] == INS_fdivr); assert(FPmathRP[GT_ADD - GT_ADD] == INS_faddp); assert(FPmathRP[GT_SUB - GT_ADD] == INS_fsubrp); assert(FPmathRP[GT_MUL - GT_ADD] == INS_fmulp); assert(FPmathRP[GT_DIV - GT_ADD] == INS_fdivrp); if (bReverse) { ins_NN = FPmathRN[oper - GT_ADD]; ins_NP = FPmathRP[oper - GT_ADD]; ins_RN = FPmathNN[oper - GT_ADD]; ins_RP = FPmathNP[oper - GT_ADD]; } else { ins_NN = FPmathNN[oper - GT_ADD]; ins_NP = FPmathNP[oper - GT_ADD]; ins_RN = FPmathRN[oper - GT_ADD]; ins_RP = FPmathRP[oper - GT_ADD]; } } regNumber result = REG_FPNONE; if (dstreg != REG_FPNONE) { if (srcreg == REG_FPNONE) { if (src->IsRegVar()) { if (src->IsRegVarDeath()) { if (compCurFPState.TopVirtual() == (unsigned)dst->gtRegNum) { // Do operation and store in srcreg inst_FS(ins_RP, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(src->gtRegNum)); // kill current dst and rename src as dst. FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, dstreg); compCurFPState.Rename(dstreg, src->gtRegNum); } else { // Take src to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, src->gtRegNum); // do reverse and pop operation inst_FS(ins_NP, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(dstreg)); // Kill the register FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, src->gtRegNum); } assert(!src->IsRegVar() || !src->IsRegVarDeath() || !(genRegMaskFloat(src->gtRegVar.gtRegNum) & regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat)); } else { if (compCurFPState.TopVirtual() == (unsigned)src->gtRegNum) { inst_FS(ins_RN, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(dst->gtRegNum)); } else { FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, dst->gtRegNum); inst_FN(ins_NN, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(src->gtRegNum)); } } } else { // do operation with memory and store in dest FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, dst->gtRegNum); inst_FS_TT(ins_NN, src); } } else { if (dstreg == srcreg) { FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, dstreg); inst_FN(ins_NN, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(dstreg)); } else { if (compCurFPState.TopVirtual() == (unsigned)dst->gtRegNum) { // Do operation and store in srcreg inst_FS(ins_RP, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(srcreg)); // kill current dst and rename src as dst. FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, dstreg); compCurFPState.Rename(dstreg, srcreg); } else { FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, srcreg); // do reverse and pop operation inst_FS(ins_NP, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(dstreg)); // Kill the register FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, srcreg); } } } result = dstreg; } else { assert(!"if we get here it means we didnt load op1 into a temp. Investigate why"); } assert(result != REG_FPNONE); return result; } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeStackFP_AsgArithm(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genCodeForTreeStackFP_AsgArithm() "); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG assert(tree->OperGet() == GT_ASG_ADD || tree->OperGet() == GT_ASG_SUB || tree->OperGet() == GT_ASG_MUL || tree->OperGet() == GT_ASG_DIV); GenTreePtr op1, op2; op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; op2 = tree->gtGetOp2IfPresent(); genSetupForOpStackFP(op1, op2, (tree->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) ? true : false, true, false, true); regNumber result = genAsgArithmStackFP(tree->OperGet(), op1, (op1->InReg()) ? op1->gtRegNum : REG_FPNONE, op2, (op2->InReg()) ? op2->gtRegNum : REG_FPNONE); genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, result); } regNumber CodeGen::genAsgArithmStackFP( genTreeOps oper, GenTreePtr dst, regNumber dstreg, GenTreePtr src, regNumber srcreg) { regNumber result = REG_FPNONE; #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genAsgArithmStackFP() dst: "); Compiler::printTreeID(dst); printf(" src: "); Compiler::printTreeID(src); printf(" dstreg: %s srcreg: %s\n", dstreg == REG_FPNONE ? "NONE" : regVarNameStackFP(dstreg), srcreg == REG_FPNONE ? "NONE" : regVarNameStackFP(srcreg)); } #endif // DEBUG instruction ins_NN; instruction ins_RN; instruction ins_RP; instruction ins_NP; switch (oper) { default: assert(!"Unexpected oper"); break; case GT_ASG_ADD: case GT_ASG_SUB: case GT_ASG_MUL: case GT_ASG_DIV: assert(FPmathRN[GT_ASG_ADD - GT_ASG_ADD] == INS_fadd); assert(FPmathRN[GT_ASG_SUB - GT_ASG_ADD] == INS_fsubr); assert(FPmathRN[GT_ASG_MUL - GT_ASG_ADD] == INS_fmul); assert(FPmathRN[GT_ASG_DIV - GT_ASG_ADD] == INS_fdivr); assert(FPmathRP[GT_ASG_ADD - GT_ASG_ADD] == INS_faddp); assert(FPmathRP[GT_ASG_SUB - GT_ASG_ADD] == INS_fsubrp); assert(FPmathRP[GT_ASG_MUL - GT_ASG_ADD] == INS_fmulp); assert(FPmathRP[GT_ASG_DIV - GT_ASG_ADD] == INS_fdivrp); ins_NN = FPmathNN[oper - GT_ASG_ADD]; ins_NP = FPmathNP[oper - GT_ASG_ADD]; ins_RN = FPmathRN[oper - GT_ASG_ADD]; ins_RP = FPmathRP[oper - GT_ASG_ADD]; if (dstreg != REG_FPNONE) { assert(!"dst should be a regvar or memory"); } else { if (dst->IsRegVar()) { if (src->IsRegVar()) { if (src->IsRegVarDeath()) { // Take src to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, src->gtRegNum); // Do op inst_FS(ins_NP, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(dst->gtRegNum)); // Kill the register FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, src->gtRegNum); // SetupOp should mark the regvar as dead assert((genRegMaskFloat(src->gtRegVar.gtRegNum) & regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat) == 0); } else { assert(src->gtRegNum == src->gtRegVar.gtRegNum && "We shoudnt be loading regvar src on the stack as src is readonly"); // Take src to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, src->gtRegNum); // Do op inst_FS(ins_RN, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(dst->gtRegNum)); } } else { if (srcreg == REG_FPNONE) { // take enregistered variable to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, dst->gtRegNum); // Do operation with mem inst_FS_TT(ins_NN, src); } else { // take enregistered variable to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, src->gtRegNum); // do op inst_FS(ins_NP, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(dst->gtRegNum)); // Kill the register FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, src->gtRegNum); } } } else { // To memory if ((src->IsRegVar()) && !src->IsRegVarDeath()) { // We set src as read only, but as dst is in memory, we will need // an extra physical register (which we should have, as we have a // spare one for transitions). // // There used to be an assertion: assert(src->gtRegNum == src->gtRegVar.gtRegNum, ...) // here, but there's actually no reason to assume that. AFAICT, for FP vars under stack FP, // src->gtRegVar.gtRegNum is the allocated stack pseudo-register, but src->gtRegNum is the // FP stack position into which that is loaded to represent a particular use of the variable. inst_FN(INS_fld, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(src->gtRegNum)); // Do operation with mem inst_FS_TT(ins_RN, dst); // store back inst_FS_TT(INS_fstp, dst); } else { // put src in top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, srcreg); // Do operation with mem inst_FS_TT(ins_RN, dst); // store back inst_FS_TT(INS_fstp, dst); // SetupOp should have marked the regvar as dead in tat case assert(!src->IsRegVar() || !src->IsRegVarDeath() || (genRegMaskFloat(src->gtRegVar.gtRegNum) & regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat) == 0); FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, srcreg); } } } } return result; } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeStackFP_SmpOp(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genCodeForTreeStackFP_SmpOp() "); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG assert(tree->OperKind() & GTK_SMPOP); switch (tree->OperGet()) { // Assignment case GT_ASG: { genCodeForTreeStackFP_Asg(tree); break; } // Arithmetic binops case GT_ADD: case GT_SUB: case GT_MUL: case GT_DIV: { genCodeForTreeStackFP_Arithm(tree); break; } // Asg-Arithmetic ops case GT_ASG_ADD: case GT_ASG_SUB: case GT_ASG_MUL: case GT_ASG_DIV: { genCodeForTreeStackFP_AsgArithm(tree); break; } case GT_IND: case GT_LEA: { regMaskTP addrReg; // Make sure the address value is 'addressable' */ addrReg = genMakeAddressable(tree, 0, RegSet::FREE_REG); // Load the value onto the FP stack regNumber reg = regSet.PickRegFloat(); genLoadStackFP(tree, reg); genDoneAddressable(tree, addrReg, RegSet::FREE_REG); genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, reg); break; } case GT_RETURN: { GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; assert(op1); // Compute the result onto the FP stack if (op1->gtType == TYP_FLOAT) { #if ROUND_FLOAT bool roundOp1 = false; switch (getRoundFloatLevel()) { case ROUND_NEVER: /* No rounding at all */ break; case ROUND_CMP_CONST: break; case ROUND_CMP: /* Round all comparands and return values*/ roundOp1 = true; break; case ROUND_ALWAYS: /* Round everything */ roundOp1 = true; break; default: assert(!"Unsupported Round Level"); break; } #endif genCodeForTreeFlt(op1); } else { assert(op1->gtType == TYP_DOUBLE); genCodeForTreeFloat(op1); #if ROUND_FLOAT if ((op1->gtOper == GT_CAST) && (op1->CastFromType() == TYP_LONG)) genRoundFpExpressionStackFP(op1); #endif } // kill enregistered variables compCurFPState.Pop(); assert(compCurFPState.m_uStackSize == 0); break; } case GT_COMMA: { GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; GenTreePtr op2 = tree->gtGetOp2IfPresent(); if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) { genCodeForTreeFloat(op2); regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(op2, true); genEvalSideEffects(op1); if (op2->gtFlags & GTF_SPILLED) { UnspillFloat(op2); } regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(op2, false); } else { genEvalSideEffects(op1); genCodeForTreeFloat(op2); } genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, op2->gtRegNum); break; } case GT_CAST: { genCodeForTreeStackFP_Cast(tree); break; } case GT_NEG: { GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; // get the tree into a register genCodeForTreeFloat(op1); // Take reg to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, op1->gtRegNum); // change the sign instGen(INS_fchs); // mark register that holds tree genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, op1->gtRegNum); return; } case GT_INTRINSIC: { assert(Compiler::IsMathIntrinsic(tree)); GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; // get tree into a register genCodeForTreeFloat(op1); // Take reg to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, op1->gtRegNum); static const instruction mathIns[] = { INS_fsin, INS_fcos, INS_fsqrt, INS_fabs, INS_frndint, }; assert(mathIns[CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Sin] == INS_fsin); assert(mathIns[CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Cos] == INS_fcos); assert(mathIns[CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Sqrt] == INS_fsqrt); assert(mathIns[CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Abs] == INS_fabs); assert(mathIns[CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Round] == INS_frndint); assert((unsigned)(tree->gtIntrinsic.gtIntrinsicId) < sizeof(mathIns) / sizeof(mathIns[0])); instGen(mathIns[tree->gtIntrinsic.gtIntrinsicId]); // mark register that holds tree genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, op1->gtRegNum); return; } case GT_CKFINITE: { TempDsc* temp; int offs; GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; // Offset of the DWord containing the exponent offs = (op1->gtType == TYP_FLOAT) ? 0 : sizeof(int); // get tree into a register genCodeForTreeFloat(op1); // Take reg to top of stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, op1->gtRegNum); temp = compiler->tmpGetTemp(op1->TypeGet()); emitAttr size = EmitSize(op1); // Store the value from the FP stack into the temp getEmitter()->emitIns_S(INS_fst, size, temp->tdTempNum(), 0); regNumber reg = regSet.rsPickReg(); // Load the DWord containing the exponent into a general reg. inst_RV_ST(INS_mov, reg, temp, offs, op1->TypeGet(), EA_4BYTE); compiler->tmpRlsTemp(temp); // 'reg' now contains the DWord containing the exponent regTracker.rsTrackRegTrash(reg); // Mask of exponent with all 1's - appropriate for given type int expMask; expMask = (op1->gtType == TYP_FLOAT) ? 0x7F800000 // TYP_FLOAT : 0x7FF00000; // TYP_DOUBLE // Check if the exponent is all 1's inst_RV_IV(INS_and, reg, expMask, EA_4BYTE); inst_RV_IV(INS_cmp, reg, expMask, EA_4BYTE); // If exponent was all 1's, we need to throw ArithExcep genJumpToThrowHlpBlk(EJ_je, SCK_ARITH_EXCPN); genUpdateLife(tree); genCodeForTreeStackFP_DONE(tree, op1->gtRegNum); break; } default: NYI("opertype"); } } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeStackFP_Cast(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genCodeForTreeStackFP_Cast() "); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG #if ROUND_FLOAT bool roundResult = true; #endif regMaskTP addrReg; TempDsc* temp; emitAttr size; GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; // If op1 is a comma expression, evaluate the non-last parts, make op1 be the rest. op1 = genCodeForCommaTree(op1); switch (op1->gtType) { case TYP_BOOL: case TYP_BYTE: case TYP_UBYTE: case TYP_CHAR: case TYP_SHORT: { // Operand too small for 'fild', load it into a register genCodeForTree(op1, 0); #if ROUND_FLOAT // no need to round, can't overflow float or dbl roundResult = false; #endif // fall through } case TYP_INT: case TYP_BYREF: case TYP_LONG: { // Can't 'fild' a constant, it has to be loaded from memory switch (op1->gtOper) { case GT_CNS_INT: op1 = genMakeConst(&op1->gtIntCon.gtIconVal, TYP_INT, tree, false); break; case GT_CNS_LNG: // Our encoder requires fild on m64int to be 64-bit aligned. op1 = genMakeConst(&op1->gtLngCon.gtLconVal, TYP_LONG, tree, true); break; default: break; } addrReg = genMakeAddressable(op1, 0, RegSet::FREE_REG); // Grab register for the cast regNumber reg = regSet.PickRegFloat(); genMarkTreeInReg(tree, reg); compCurFPState.Push(reg); // Is the value now sitting in a register? if (op1->InReg()) { // We'll have to store the value into the stack */ size = EA_ATTR(roundUp(genTypeSize(op1->gtType))); temp = compiler->tmpGetTemp(op1->TypeGet()); // Move the value into the temp if (op1->gtType == TYP_LONG) { regPairNo regPair = op1->gtRegPair; // This code is pretty ugly, but straightforward if (genRegPairLo(regPair) == REG_STK) { regNumber rg1 = genRegPairHi(regPair); assert(rg1 != REG_STK); /* Move enregistered half to temp */ inst_ST_RV(INS_mov, temp, 4, rg1, TYP_LONG); /* Move lower half to temp via "high register" */ inst_RV_TT(INS_mov, rg1, op1, 0); inst_ST_RV(INS_mov, temp, 0, rg1, TYP_LONG); /* Reload transfer register */ inst_RV_ST(INS_mov, rg1, temp, 4, TYP_LONG); } else if (genRegPairHi(regPair) == REG_STK) { regNumber rg1 = genRegPairLo(regPair); assert(rg1 != REG_STK); /* Move enregistered half to temp */ inst_ST_RV(INS_mov, temp, 0, rg1, TYP_LONG); /* Move high half to temp via "low register" */ inst_RV_TT(INS_mov, rg1, op1, 4); inst_ST_RV(INS_mov, temp, 4, rg1, TYP_LONG); /* Reload transfer register */ inst_RV_ST(INS_mov, rg1, temp, 0, TYP_LONG); } else { /* Move the value into the temp */ inst_ST_RV(INS_mov, temp, 0, genRegPairLo(regPair), TYP_LONG); inst_ST_RV(INS_mov, temp, 4, genRegPairHi(regPair), TYP_LONG); } genDoneAddressable(op1, addrReg, RegSet::FREE_REG); /* Load the long from the temp */ inst_FS_ST(INS_fildl, size, temp, 0); } else { /* Move the value into the temp */ inst_ST_RV(INS_mov, temp, 0, op1->gtRegNum, TYP_INT); genDoneAddressable(op1, addrReg, RegSet::FREE_REG); /* Load the integer from the temp */ inst_FS_ST(INS_fild, size, temp, 0); } // We no longer need the temp compiler->tmpRlsTemp(temp); } else { // Load the value from its address if (op1->gtType == TYP_LONG) inst_TT(INS_fildl, op1); else inst_TT(INS_fild, op1); genDoneAddressable(op1, addrReg, RegSet::FREE_REG); } #if ROUND_FLOAT /* integer to fp conversions can overflow. roundResult * is cleared above in cases where it can't */ if (roundResult && ((tree->gtType == TYP_FLOAT) || ((tree->gtType == TYP_DOUBLE) && (op1->gtType == TYP_LONG)))) genRoundFpExpression(tree); #endif break; } case TYP_FLOAT: { // This is a cast from float to double. // Note that conv.r(r4/r8) and conv.r8(r4/r9) are indistinguishable // as we will generate GT_CAST-TYP_DOUBLE for both. This would // cause us to truncate precision in either case. However, // conv.r was needless in the first place, and should have // been removed */ genCodeForTreeFloat(op1); // Trucate its precision if (op1->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR || op1->gtOper == GT_LCL_FLD || op1->gtOper == GT_CLS_VAR || op1->gtOper == GT_IND || op1->gtOper == GT_LEA) { // We take advantage here of the fact that we know that our // codegen will have just loaded this from memory, and that // therefore, no cast is really needed. // Ideally we wouldn't do this optimization here, but in // morphing, however, we need to do this after regalloc, as // this optimization doesnt apply if what we're loading is a // regvar } else { genRoundFpExpressionStackFP(op1, tree->TypeGet()); } // Assign reg to tree genMarkTreeInReg(tree, op1->gtRegNum); break; } case TYP_DOUBLE: { // This is a cast from double to float or double // Load the value, store as destType, load back genCodeForTreeFlt(op1); if ((op1->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR || op1->gtOper == GT_LCL_FLD || op1->gtOper == GT_CLS_VAR || op1->gtOper == GT_IND || op1->gtOper == GT_LEA) && tree->TypeGet() == TYP_DOUBLE) { // We take advantage here of the fact that we know that our // codegen will have just loaded this from memory, and that // therefore, no cast is really needed. // Ideally we wouldn't do this optimization here, but in // morphing. However, we need to do this after regalloc, as // this optimization doesnt apply if what we're loading is a // regvar } else { genRoundFpExpressionStackFP(op1, tree->TypeGet()); } // Assign reg to tree genMarkTreeInReg(tree, op1->gtRegNum); break; } default: { assert(!"unsupported cast"); break; } } } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeStackFP_Special(GenTreePtr tree) { #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("genCodeForTreeStackFP_Special() "); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG switch (tree->OperGet()) { case GT_CALL: { genCodeForCall(tree->AsCall(), true); break; } default: NYI("genCodeForTreeStackFP_Special"); break; } } void CodeGen::genCodeForTreeFloat(GenTreePtr tree, RegSet::RegisterPreference* pref) { // TestTransitions(); genTreeOps oper; unsigned kind; assert(tree); assert(tree->gtOper != GT_STMT); assert(varTypeIsFloating(tree)); // What kind of node do we have? oper = tree->OperGet(); kind = tree->OperKind(); if (kind & GTK_CONST) { genCodeForTreeStackFP_Const(tree); } else if (kind & GTK_LEAF) { genCodeForTreeStackFP_Leaf(tree); } else if (kind & GTK_SMPOP) { genCodeForTreeStackFP_SmpOp(tree); } else { genCodeForTreeStackFP_Special(tree); } #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { JitDumpFPState(); } assert(compCurFPState.IsConsistent()); #endif } bool CodeGen::genCompInsStackFP(GenTreePtr tos, GenTreePtr other) { // assume gensetupop done bool bUseFcomip = genUse_fcomip(); bool bReverse = false; // Take op1 to top of the stack FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(&compCurFPState, tos->gtRegNum); // We pop top of stack if it's not a live regvar bool bPopTos = !(tos->IsRegVar() && !tos->IsRegVarDeath()) || (tos->InReg()); bool bPopOther = !(other->IsRegVar() && !other->IsRegVarDeath()) || (other->InReg()); assert(tos->IsRegVar() || (tos->InReg())); if (!(other->IsRegVar() || (other->InReg()))) { // op2 in memory assert(bPopOther); if (bUseFcomip) { // We should have space for a load assert(compCurFPState.m_uStackSize < FP_PHYSICREGISTERS); // load from mem, now the comparison will be the other way around inst_FS_TT(INS_fld, other); inst_FN(INS_fcomip, 1); // pop if we've been asked to do so if (bPopTos) { inst_FS(INS_fstp, 0); FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, tos->gtRegNum); } bReverse = true; } else { // compare directly with memory if (bPopTos) { inst_FS_TT(INS_fcomp, other); FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, tos->gtRegNum); } else { inst_FS_TT(INS_fcom, other); } } } else { if (bUseFcomip) { if (bPopTos) { inst_FN(INS_fcomip, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(other->gtRegNum)); FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, tos->gtRegNum); } else { inst_FN(INS_fcomi, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(other->gtRegNum)); } if (bPopOther) { FlatFPX87_Unload(&compCurFPState, other->gtRegNum); } } else { if (bPopTos) { inst_FN(INS_fcomp, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(other->gtRegNum)); FlatFPX87_Kill(&compCurFPState, tos->gtRegNum); } else { inst_FN(INS_fcom, compCurFPState.VirtualToST(other->gtRegNum)); } if (bPopOther) { FlatFPX87_Unload(&compCurFPState, other->gtRegNum); } } } if (!bUseFcomip) { // oops, we have to put result of compare in eflags // Grab EAX for the result of the fnstsw regSet.rsGrabReg(RBM_EAX); // Generate the 'fnstsw' and test its result inst_RV(INS_fnstsw, REG_EAX, TYP_INT); regTracker.rsTrackRegTrash(REG_EAX); instGen(INS_sahf); } return bReverse; } void CodeGen::genCondJumpFltStackFP(GenTreePtr cond, BasicBlock* jumpTrue, BasicBlock* jumpFalse, bool bDoTransition) { assert(jumpTrue && jumpFalse); assert(!(cond->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS)); // Done in genCondJump() assert(varTypeIsFloating(cond->gtOp.gtOp1)); GenTreePtr op1 = cond->gtOp.gtOp1; GenTreePtr op2 = cond->gtOp.gtOp2; genTreeOps cmp = cond->OperGet(); // Prepare operands. genSetupForOpStackFP(op1, op2, false, false, true, false); GenTreePtr tos; GenTreePtr other; bool bReverseCmp = false; if ((op2->IsRegVar() || (op2->InReg())) && // op2 is in a reg (compCurFPState.TopVirtual() == (unsigned)op2->gtRegNum && // Is it already at the top of the stack? (!op2->IsRegVar() || op2->IsRegVarDeath()))) // are we going to pop it off? { tos = op2; other = op1; bReverseCmp = true; } else { tos = op1; other = op2; bReverseCmp = false; } if (genCompInsStackFP(tos, other)) { bReverseCmp = !bReverseCmp; } // do .un comparison if (cond->gtFlags & GTF_RELOP_NAN_UN) { // Generate the first jump (NaN check) genCondJmpInsStackFP(EJ_jpe, jumpTrue, NULL, bDoTransition); } else { jumpFalse->bbFlags |= BBF_JMP_TARGET | BBF_HAS_LABEL; // Generate the first jump (NaN check) genCondJmpInsStackFP(EJ_jpe, jumpFalse, NULL, bDoTransition); } /* Generate the second jump (comparison) */ const static BYTE dblCmpTstJmp2[] = { EJ_je, // GT_EQ EJ_jne, // GT_NE EJ_jb, // GT_LT EJ_jbe, // GT_LE EJ_jae, // GT_GE EJ_ja, // GT_GT }; // Swap comp order if necessary if (bReverseCmp) { cmp = GenTree::SwapRelop(cmp); } genCondJmpInsStackFP((emitJumpKind)dblCmpTstJmp2[cmp - GT_EQ], jumpTrue, jumpFalse, bDoTransition); } BasicBlock* CodeGen::genTransitionBlockStackFP(FlatFPStateX87* pState, BasicBlock* pFrom, BasicBlock* pTarget) { // Fast paths where a transition block is not necessary if ((pTarget->bbFPStateX87 && FlatFPStateX87::AreEqual(pState, pTarget->bbFPStateX87)) || pState->IsEmpty()) { return pTarget; } // We shouldn't have any handlers if we're generating transition blocks, as we don't know // how to recover them assert(compiler->compMayHaveTransitionBlocks); assert(compiler->compHndBBtabCount == 0); #ifdef DEBUG compiler->fgSafeBasicBlockCreation = true; #endif // Create a temp block BasicBlock* pBlock = compiler->bbNewBasicBlock(BBJ_ALWAYS); #ifdef DEBUG compiler->fgSafeBasicBlockCreation = false; #endif VarSetOps::Assign(compiler, pBlock->bbLiveIn, pFrom->bbLiveOut); VarSetOps::Assign(compiler, pBlock->bbLiveOut, pFrom->bbLiveOut); pBlock->bbJumpDest = pTarget; pBlock->bbFlags |= BBF_JMP_TARGET; // // If either pFrom or pTarget are cold blocks then // the transition block also must be cold // pBlock->bbFlags |= (pFrom->bbFlags & BBF_COLD); pBlock->bbFlags |= (pTarget->bbFlags & BBF_COLD); // The FP state for the block is the same as the current one pBlock->bbFPStateX87 = FlatFPAllocFPState(pState); if ((pBlock->bbFlags & BBF_COLD) || (compiler->fgFirstColdBlock == NULL)) { // // If this block is cold or if all blocks are hot // then we just insert it at the end of the method. // compiler->fgMoveBlocksAfter(pBlock, pBlock, compiler->fgLastBBInMainFunction()); } else { // // This block is hot so we need to insert it in the hot region // of the method. // BasicBlock* lastHotBlock = compiler->fgFirstColdBlock->bbPrev; noway_assert(lastHotBlock != nullptr); if (lastHotBlock->bbFallsThrough()) NO_WAY("Bad fgFirstColdBlock in genTransitionBlockStackFP()"); // // Insert pBlock between lastHotBlock and fgFirstColdBlock // compiler->fgInsertBBafter(lastHotBlock, pBlock); } return pBlock; } void CodeGen::genCondJumpLngStackFP(GenTreePtr cond, BasicBlock* jumpTrue, BasicBlock* jumpFalse) { // For the moment, and so we don't have to deal with the amount of special cases // we have, will insert a dummy block for jumpTrue (if necessary) that will do the // transition for us. For the jumpFalse case, we play a trick. For the false case , // a Long conditional has a fallthrough (least significant DWORD check is false) and // also has a jump to the fallthrough (bbNext) if the most significant DWORD check // fails. However, we do want to make an FP transition if we're in the later case, // So what we do is create a label and make jumpFalse go there. This label is defined // before doing the FP transition logic at the end of the block, so now both exit paths // for false condition will go through the transition and then fall through to bbnext. assert(jumpFalse == compiler->compCurBB->bbNext); BasicBlock* pTransition = genCreateTempLabel(); genCondJumpLng(cond, jumpTrue, pTransition, true); genDefineTempLabel(pTransition); } void CodeGen::genQMarkRegVarTransition(GenTreePtr nextNode, VARSET_VALARG_TP liveset) { // Kill any vars that may die in the transition VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(newLiveSet, VarSetOps::Intersection(compiler, liveset, compiler->optAllFPregVars)); regMaskTP liveRegIn = genRegMaskFromLivenessStackFP(newLiveSet); genCodeForTransitionFromMask(&compCurFPState, liveRegIn); unsigned i; // Kill all regvars for (i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if ((genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i) & regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat)) { genRegVarDeathStackFP(regSet.genRegVarsFloat[i]); } } // Born necessary regvars for (i = 0; i < compiler->lvaTrackedCount; i++) { unsigned lclVar = compiler->lvaTrackedToVarNum[i]; LclVarDsc* varDsc = compiler->lvaTable + lclVar; assert(varDsc->lvTracked); if (varDsc->lvRegister && VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, newLiveSet, i)) { genRegVarBirthStackFP(varDsc); } } } void CodeGen::genQMarkBeforeElseStackFP(QmarkStateStackFP* pState, VARSET_VALARG_TP varsetCond, GenTreePtr nextNode) { assert(regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat == 0); // Save current state at colon pState->stackState.Init(&compCurFPState); // Kill any vars that may die in the transition to then genQMarkRegVarTransition(nextNode, varsetCond); } void CodeGen::genQMarkAfterElseBlockStackFP(QmarkStateStackFP* pState, VARSET_VALARG_TP varsetCond, GenTreePtr nextNode) { assert(regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat == 0); FlatFPStateX87 tempSwap; // Save current state. Now tempFPState will store the target state for the else block tempSwap.Init(&compCurFPState); compCurFPState.Init(&pState->stackState); pState->stackState.Init(&tempSwap); // Did any regvars die in the then block that are live on entry to the else block? unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < compiler->lvaTrackedCount; i++) { if (VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, varsetCond, i) && VarSetOps::IsMember(compiler, compiler->optAllFPregVars, i)) { // This variable should be live unsigned lclnum = compiler->lvaTrackedToVarNum[i]; LclVarDsc* varDsc = compiler->lvaTable + lclnum; if (regSet.genRegVarsFloat[varDsc->lvRegNum] != varDsc) { JITDUMP("genQMarkAfterThenBlockStackFP(): Fixing up regvar that was modified in then\n"); if (regSet.genRegVarsFloat[varDsc->lvRegNum]) { genRegVarDeathStackFP(regSet.genRegVarsFloat[varDsc->lvRegNum]); } genRegVarBirthStackFP(varDsc); } } } // Kill any vars that may die in the transition genQMarkRegVarTransition(nextNode, varsetCond); } void CodeGen::genQMarkAfterThenBlockStackFP(QmarkStateStackFP* pState) { JITDUMP("genQMarkAfterThenBlockStackFP()\n"); assert(regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat == 0); // Generate transition to the previous one set by the then block genCodeForTransitionStackFP(&compCurFPState, &pState->stackState); // Update state compCurFPState.Init(&pState->stackState); } void CodeGenInterface::SetRegVarFloat(regNumber reg, var_types type, LclVarDsc* varDsc) { regMaskTP mask = genRegMaskFloat(reg, type); if (varDsc) { JITDUMP("marking register %s as a regvar\n", getRegNameFloat(reg, type)); assert(mask && ((regSet.rsMaskLockedFloat | regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat | regSet.rsMaskUsedFloat) & mask) == 0); regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat |= mask; } else { JITDUMP("unmarking register %s as a regvar\n", getRegNameFloat(reg, type)); assert(mask && (regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat & mask)); regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat &= ~mask; } // Update lookup table regSet.genRegVarsFloat[reg] = varDsc; } // Generates a conditional jump. It will do the appropiate stack matching for the jmpTrue. // We don't use jumpFalse anywhere and the integer codebase assumes that it will be bbnext, and that is // taken care of at the end of the bb code generation. void CodeGen::genCondJmpInsStackFP(emitJumpKind jumpKind, BasicBlock* jumpTrue, BasicBlock* jumpFalse, bool bDoTransition) { // Assert the condition above. assert(!jumpFalse || jumpFalse == compiler->compCurBB->bbNext || !bDoTransition); // Do the fp stack matching. if (bDoTransition && !jumpTrue->bbFPStateX87 && FlatFPSameRegisters(&compCurFPState, genRegMaskFromLivenessStackFP(jumpTrue->bbLiveIn))) { // Target block doesn't have state yet, but has the same registers, so // we allocate the block and generate the normal jump genCodeForBBTransitionStackFP(jumpTrue); inst_JMP(jumpKind, jumpTrue); } else if (!bDoTransition || compCurFPState.IsEmpty() || // If it's empty, target has to be empty too. (jumpTrue->bbFPStateX87 && FlatFPStateX87::AreEqual(&compCurFPState, jumpTrue->bbFPStateX87))) { // Nothing to do here. Proceed normally and generate the jump inst_JMP(jumpKind, jumpTrue); if (jumpFalse && jumpFalse != compiler->compCurBB->bbNext) { inst_JMP(EJ_jmp, jumpFalse); } } else { // temporal workaround for stack matching // do a forward conditional jump, generate the transition and jump to the target // The payload is an aditional jump instruction, but both jumps will be correctly // predicted by the processor in the loop case. BasicBlock* endLabel = NULL; endLabel = genCreateTempLabel(); inst_JMP(emitter::emitReverseJumpKind(jumpKind), endLabel); genCodeForBBTransitionStackFP(jumpTrue); inst_JMP(EJ_jmp, jumpTrue); genDefineTempLabel(endLabel); } } void CodeGen::genTableSwitchStackFP(regNumber reg, unsigned jumpCnt, BasicBlock** jumpTab) { // Only come here when we have to do something special for the FPU stack! // assert(!compCurFPState.IsEmpty()); VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(liveInFP, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(compiler)); VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(liveOutFP, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(compiler)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < jumpCnt; i++) { VarSetOps::Assign(compiler, liveInFP, jumpTab[i]->bbLiveIn); VarSetOps::IntersectionD(compiler, liveInFP, compiler->optAllFPregVars); VarSetOps::Assign(compiler, liveOutFP, compiler->compCurBB->bbLiveOut); VarSetOps::IntersectionD(compiler, liveOutFP, compiler->optAllFPregVars); if (!jumpTab[i]->bbFPStateX87 && VarSetOps::Equal(compiler, liveInFP, liveOutFP)) { // Hasn't state yet and regvar set is the same, so just copy state and don't change the jump jumpTab[i]->bbFPStateX87 = FlatFPAllocFPState(&compCurFPState); } else if (jumpTab[i]->bbFPStateX87 && FlatFPStateX87::AreEqual(&compCurFPState, jumpTab[i]->bbFPStateX87)) { // Same state, don't change the jump } else { // We have to do a transition. First check if we can reuse another one unsigned j; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { // Has to be already forwarded. If not it can't be targetting the same block if (jumpTab[j]->bbFlags & BBF_FORWARD_SWITCH) { if (jumpTab[i] == jumpTab[j]->bbJumpDest) { // yipee, we can reuse this transition block jumpTab[i] = jumpTab[j]; break; } } } if (j == i) { // We will have to create a new transition block jumpTab[i] = genTransitionBlockStackFP(&compCurFPState, compiler->compCurBB, jumpTab[i]); jumpTab[i]->bbFlags |= BBF_FORWARD_SWITCH; } } } // Clear flag for (unsigned i = 0; i < jumpCnt; i++) { jumpTab[i]->bbFlags &= ~BBF_FORWARD_SWITCH; } // everything's fixed now, so go down the normal path return genTableSwitch(reg, jumpCnt, jumpTab); } bool CodeGen::genConstantLoadStackFP(GenTreePtr tree, bool bOnlyNoMemAccess) { assert(tree->gtOper == GT_CNS_DBL); bool bFastConstant = false; instruction ins_ConstantNN = INS_fldz; // keep compiler happy // Both positive 0 and 1 are represnetable in float and double, beware if we add other constants switch (*((__int64*)&(tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal))) { case 0: // CAREFUL here!, -0 is different than +0, a -0 shouldn't issue a fldz. ins_ConstantNN = INS_fldz; bFastConstant = true; break; case I64(0x3ff0000000000000): ins_ConstantNN = INS_fld1; bFastConstant = true; } if (bFastConstant == false && bOnlyNoMemAccess) { // Caller asked only to generate instructions if it didn't involve memory accesses return false; } if (bFastConstant) { assert(compCurFPState.m_uStackSize <= FP_PHYSICREGISTERS); instGen(ins_ConstantNN); } else { GenTreePtr addr; if (tree->gtType == TYP_FLOAT || StackFPIsSameAsFloat(tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal)) { float f = forceCastToFloat(tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal); addr = genMakeConst(&f, TYP_FLOAT, tree, false); } else { addr = genMakeConst(&tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal, tree->gtType, tree, true); } inst_FS_TT(INS_fld, addr); } return true; } // Function called at the end of every statement. For stack based x87 its mission is to // remove any remaining temps on the stack. void CodeGen::genEndOfStatement() { unsigned i; #ifdef DEBUG // Sanity check unsigned uTemps = 0; for (i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (compCurFPState.Mapped(i) && // register is mapped (genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i) & regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat) == 0) // but not enregistered { uTemps++; } } assert(uTemps <= 1); #endif for (i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (compCurFPState.Mapped(i) && // register is mapped (genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i) & regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat) == 0) // but not enregistered { // remove register from stacks FlatFPX87_Unload(&compCurFPState, i); } } assert(ConsistentAfterStatementStackFP()); } bool CodeGen::StackFPIsSameAsFloat(double d) { if (forceCastToFloat(d) == d) { JITDUMP("StackFPIsSameAsFloat is true for value %lf\n", d); return true; } else { JITDUMP("StackFPIsSameAsFloat is false for value %lf\n", d); } return false; } GenTreePtr CodeGen::genMakeAddressableStackFP(GenTreePtr tree, regMaskTP* regMaskIntPtr, regMaskTP* regMaskFltPtr, bool bCollapseConstantDoubles) { *regMaskIntPtr = *regMaskFltPtr = 0; switch (tree->OperGet()) { case GT_CNS_DBL: if (tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal == 0.0 || tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal == 1.0) { // For constants like 0 or 1 don't waste memory genCodeForTree(tree, 0); regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(tree, true); *regMaskFltPtr = genRegMaskFloat(tree->gtRegNum); return tree; } else { GenTreePtr addr; if (tree->gtType == TYP_FLOAT || (bCollapseConstantDoubles && StackFPIsSameAsFloat(tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal))) { float f = forceCastToFloat(tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal); addr = genMakeConst(&f, TYP_FLOAT, tree, true); } else { addr = genMakeConst(&tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal, tree->gtType, tree, true); } #ifdef DEBUG if (compiler->verbose) { printf("Generated new constant in tree "); Compiler::printTreeID(addr); printf(" with value %lf\n", tree->gtDblCon.gtDconVal); } #endif // DEBUG tree->CopyFrom(addr, compiler); return tree; } break; case GT_REG_VAR: // We take care about this in genKeepAddressableStackFP return tree; case GT_LCL_VAR: case GT_LCL_FLD: case GT_CLS_VAR: return tree; case GT_LEA: if (!genMakeIndAddrMode(tree, tree, false, 0, RegSet::KEEP_REG, regMaskIntPtr, false)) { assert(false); } genUpdateLife(tree); return tree; case GT_IND: // Try to make the address directly addressable if (genMakeIndAddrMode(tree->gtOp.gtOp1, tree, false, 0, RegSet::KEEP_REG, regMaskIntPtr, false)) { genUpdateLife(tree); return tree; } else { GenTreePtr addr = tree; tree = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; genCodeForTree(tree, 0); regSet.rsMarkRegUsed(tree, addr); *regMaskIntPtr = genRegMask(tree->gtRegNum); return addr; } // fall through default: genCodeForTreeFloat(tree); regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(tree, true); // update mask *regMaskFltPtr = genRegMaskFloat(tree->gtRegNum); return tree; break; } } void CodeGen::genKeepAddressableStackFP(GenTreePtr tree, regMaskTP* regMaskIntPtr, regMaskTP* regMaskFltPtr) { regMaskTP regMaskInt, regMaskFlt; regMaskInt = *regMaskIntPtr; regMaskFlt = *regMaskFltPtr; *regMaskIntPtr = *regMaskFltPtr = 0; switch (tree->OperGet()) { case GT_REG_VAR: // If register has been spilled, unspill it if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_SPILLED) { UnspillFloat(&compiler->lvaTable[tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum]); } // If regvar is dying, take it out of the regvar mask if (tree->IsRegVarDeath()) { genRegVarDeathStackFP(tree); } genUpdateLife(tree); return; case GT_CNS_DBL: { if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_SPILLED) { UnspillFloat(tree); } *regMaskFltPtr = genRegMaskFloat(tree->gtRegNum); return; } case GT_LCL_FLD: case GT_LCL_VAR: case GT_CLS_VAR: genUpdateLife(tree); return; case GT_IND: case GT_LEA: if (regMaskFlt) { // fall through } else { *regMaskIntPtr = genKeepAddressable(tree, regMaskInt, 0); *regMaskFltPtr = 0; return; } default: *regMaskIntPtr = 0; if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_SPILLED) { UnspillFloat(tree); } *regMaskFltPtr = genRegMaskFloat(tree->gtRegNum); return; } } void CodeGen::genDoneAddressableStackFP(GenTreePtr tree, regMaskTP addrRegInt, regMaskTP addrRegFlt, RegSet::KeepReg keptReg) { assert(!(addrRegInt && addrRegFlt)); if (addrRegInt) { return genDoneAddressable(tree, addrRegInt, keptReg); } else if (addrRegFlt) { if (keptReg == RegSet::KEEP_REG) { for (unsigned i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i) & addrRegFlt) { regSet.SetUsedRegFloat(tree, false); } } } } } void CodeGen::FlatFPX87_Kill(FlatFPStateX87* pState, unsigned uVirtual) { JITDUMP("Killing %s\n", regVarNameStackFP((regNumber)uVirtual)); assert(pState->TopVirtual() == uVirtual); pState->Pop(); } void CodeGen::FlatFPX87_PushVirtual(FlatFPStateX87* pState, unsigned uRegister, bool bEmitCode) { JITDUMP("Pushing %s to stack\n", regVarNameStackFP((regNumber)uRegister)); pState->Push(uRegister); } unsigned CodeGen::FlatFPX87_Pop(FlatFPStateX87* pState, bool bEmitCode) { assert(pState->m_uStackSize > 0); // Update state unsigned uVirtual = pState->Pop(); // Emit instruction if (bEmitCode) { inst_FS(INS_fstp, 0); } return (uVirtual); } unsigned CodeGen::FlatFPX87_Top(FlatFPStateX87* pState, bool bEmitCode) { return pState->TopVirtual(); } void CodeGen::FlatFPX87_Unload(FlatFPStateX87* pState, unsigned uVirtual, bool bEmitCode) { if (uVirtual != pState->TopVirtual()) { // We will do an fstp to the right place // Update state unsigned uStack = pState->m_uVirtualMap[uVirtual]; unsigned uPhysic = pState->StackToST(uStack); pState->Unmap(uVirtual); pState->Associate(pState->TopVirtual(), uStack); pState->m_uStackSize--; #ifdef DEBUG pState->m_uStack[pState->m_uStackSize] = (unsigned)-1; #endif // Emit instruction if (bEmitCode) { inst_FS(INS_fstp, uPhysic); } } else { // Emit fstp FlatFPX87_Pop(pState, bEmitCode); } assert(pState->IsConsistent()); } void CodeGenInterface::FlatFPX87_MoveToTOS(FlatFPStateX87* pState, unsigned uVirtual, bool bEmitCode) { assert(!IsUninitialized(uVirtual)); JITDUMP("Moving %s to top of stack\n", regVarNameStackFP((regNumber)uVirtual)); if (uVirtual != pState->TopVirtual()) { FlatFPX87_SwapStack(pState, pState->m_uVirtualMap[uVirtual], pState->TopIndex(), bEmitCode); } else { JITDUMP("%s already on the top of stack\n", regVarNameStackFP((regNumber)uVirtual)); } assert(pState->IsConsistent()); } void CodeGenInterface::FlatFPX87_SwapStack(FlatFPStateX87* pState, unsigned i, unsigned j, bool bEmitCode) { assert(i != j); assert(i < pState->m_uStackSize); assert(j < pState->m_uStackSize); JITDUMP("Exchanging ST(%i) and ST(%i)\n", pState->StackToST(i), pState->StackToST(j)); // issue actual swaps int iPhysic = pState->StackToST(i); int jPhysic = pState->StackToST(j); if (bEmitCode) { if (iPhysic == 0 || jPhysic == 0) { inst_FN(INS_fxch, iPhysic ? iPhysic : jPhysic); } else { inst_FN(INS_fxch, iPhysic); inst_FN(INS_fxch, jPhysic); inst_FN(INS_fxch, iPhysic); } } // Update State // Swap Register file pState->m_uVirtualMap[pState->m_uStack[i]] = j; pState->m_uVirtualMap[pState->m_uStack[j]] = i; // Swap stack int temp; temp = pState->m_uStack[i]; pState->m_uStack[i] = pState->m_uStack[j]; pState->m_uStack[j] = temp; assert(pState->IsConsistent()); } #ifdef DEBUG void CodeGen::JitDumpFPState() { int i; if ((regSet.rsMaskUsedFloat != 0) || (regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat != 0)) { printf("FPSTATE\n"); printf("Used virtual registers: "); for (i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i) & regSet.rsMaskUsedFloat) { printf("FPV%i ", i); } } printf("\n"); printf("virtual registers holding reg vars: "); for (i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i) & regSet.rsMaskRegVarFloat) { printf("FPV%i ", i); } } printf("\n"); } compCurFPState.Dump(); } #endif // // // Register allocation // struct ChangeToRegVarCallback { unsigned lclnum; regNumber reg; }; void Compiler::raInitStackFP() { // Reset local/reg interference for (int i = 0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[i], VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); } VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, optAllFPregVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, optAllNonFPvars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, optAllFloatVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); raCntStkStackFP = 0; raCntWtdStkDblStackFP = 0; raCntStkParamDblStackFP = 0; VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, raMaskDontEnregFloat, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); // Calculate the set of all tracked FP/non-FP variables // into compiler->optAllFloatVars and compiler->optAllNonFPvars unsigned lclNum; LclVarDsc* varDsc; for (lclNum = 0, varDsc = lvaTable; lclNum < lvaCount; lclNum++, varDsc++) { /* Ignore the variable if it's not tracked */ if (!varDsc->lvTracked) continue; /* Get hold of the index and the interference mask for the variable */ unsigned varNum = varDsc->lvVarIndex; /* add to the set of all tracked FP/non-FP variables */ if (varDsc->IsFloatRegType()) VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, optAllFloatVars, varNum); else VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, optAllNonFPvars, varNum); } } #ifdef DEBUG void Compiler::raDumpVariableRegIntfFloat() { unsigned i; unsigned j; for (i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[i])) { JITDUMP("FPV%u interferes with ", i); for (j = 0; j < lvaTrackedCount; j++) { assert(VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, VarSetOps::Diff(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[i], optAllFloatVars))); if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[i], j)) { JITDUMP("T%02u/V%02u, ", j, lvaTrackedToVarNum[j]); } } JITDUMP("\n"); } } } #endif // Returns the regnum for the variable passed as param takin in account // the fpvar to register interference mask. If we can't find anything, we // will return REG_FPNONE regNumber Compiler::raRegForVarStackFP(unsigned varTrackedIndex) { for (unsigned i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[i], varTrackedIndex)) { return (regNumber)i; } } return REG_FPNONE; } void Compiler::raAddPayloadStackFP(VARSET_VALARG_TP maskArg, unsigned weight) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(mask, VarSetOps::Intersection(this, maskArg, optAllFloatVars)); if (VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, mask)) { return; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < lvaTrackedCount; i++) { if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, mask, i)) { raPayloadStackFP[i] += weight; } } } bool Compiler::raVarIsGreaterValueStackFP(LclVarDsc* lv1, LclVarDsc* lv2) { assert(lv1->lvTracked); assert(lv2->lvTracked); bool bSmall = (compCodeOpt() == SMALL_CODE); double weight1 = double(bSmall ? lv1->lvRefCnt : lv1->lvRefCntWtd) - double(raPayloadStackFP[lv1->lvVarIndex]) - double(raHeightsStackFP[lv1->lvVarIndex][FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS]); double weight2 = double(bSmall ? lv2->lvRefCnt : lv2->lvRefCntWtd) - double(raPayloadStackFP[lv2->lvVarIndex]) - double(raHeightsStackFP[lv2->lvVarIndex][FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS]); double diff = weight1 - weight2; if (diff) { return diff > 0 ? true : false; } else { return int(lv1->lvRefCnt - lv2->lvRefCnt) ? true : false; } } #ifdef DEBUG // Dumps only interesting vars (the ones that are not enregistered yet void Compiler::raDumpHeightsStackFP() { unsigned i; unsigned j; JITDUMP("raDumpHeightsStackFP():\n"); JITDUMP("--------------------------------------------------------\n"); JITDUMP("Weighted Height Table Dump\n "); for (i = 0; i < FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS; i++) { JITDUMP(" %i ", i + 1); } JITDUMP("OVF\n"); for (i = 0; i < lvaTrackedCount; i++) { if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, optAllFloatVars, i) && !VarSetOps::IsMember(this, optAllFPregVars, i)) { JITDUMP("V%02u/T%02u: ", lvaTrackedToVarNum[i], i); for (j = 0; j <= FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS; j++) { JITDUMP("%5u ", raHeightsStackFP[i][j]); } JITDUMP("\n"); } } JITDUMP("\nNonweighted Height Table Dump\n "); for (i = 0; i < FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS; i++) { JITDUMP(" %i ", i + 1); } JITDUMP("OVF\n"); for (i = 0; i < lvaTrackedCount; i++) { if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, optAllFloatVars, i) && !VarSetOps::IsMember(this, optAllFPregVars, i)) { JITDUMP("V%02u/T%02u: ", lvaTrackedToVarNum[i], i); for (j = 0; j <= FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS; j++) { JITDUMP("%5u ", raHeightsNonWeightedStackFP[i][j]); } JITDUMP("\n"); } } JITDUMP("--------------------------------------------------------\n"); } #endif // Increases heights for tracked variables given in mask. We call this // function when we enregister a variable and will cause the heights to // shift one place to the right. void Compiler::raUpdateHeightsForVarsStackFP(VARSET_VALARG_TP mask) { assert(VarSetOps::IsSubset(this, mask, optAllFloatVars)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < lvaTrackedCount; i++) { if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, mask, i)) { for (unsigned j = FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS; j > 0; j--) { raHeightsStackFP[i][j] = raHeightsStackFP[i][j - 1]; #ifdef DEBUG raHeightsNonWeightedStackFP[i][j] = raHeightsNonWeightedStackFP[i][j - 1]; #endif } raHeightsStackFP[i][0] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG raHeightsNonWeightedStackFP[i][0] = 0; #endif } } #ifdef DEBUG raDumpHeightsStackFP(); #endif } // This is the prepass we do to adjust refcounts across calls and // create the height structure. void Compiler::raEnregisterVarsPrePassStackFP() { BasicBlock* block; assert(!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, optAllFloatVars)); // Initialization of the height table memset(raHeightsStackFP, 0, sizeof(raHeightsStackFP)); // Initialization of the payload table memset(raPayloadStackFP, 0, sizeof(raPayloadStackFP)); #ifdef DEBUG memset(raHeightsNonWeightedStackFP, 0, sizeof(raHeightsStackFP)); #endif // We will have a quick table with the pointers to the interesting varDscs // so that we don't have to scan for them for each tree. unsigned FPVars[lclMAX_TRACKED]; unsigned numFPVars = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < lvaTrackedCount; i++) { if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, optAllFloatVars, i)) { FPVars[numFPVars++] = i; } } assert(numFPVars == VarSetOps::Count(this, optAllFloatVars)); // Things we check here: // // We substract 2 for each FP variable that's live across a call, as we will // have 2 memory accesses to spill and unpsill around it. // // // VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(blockLiveOutFloats, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); for (block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { compCurBB = block; /* This opt fails in the case of a variable that has it's entire lifetime contained in the 'then' of a qmark. The use mask for the whole qmark won't contain that variable as it variable's value comes from a def in the else, and the def can't be set for the qmark if the else side of the qmark doesn't do a def. See VSW# 354454 for more info. Leaving the comment and code here just in case we try to be 'smart' again in the future if (((block->bbVarUse | block->bbVarDef | block->bbLiveIn ) & optAllFloatVars) == 0) { // Fast way out continue; } */ VarSetOps::Assign(this, blockLiveOutFloats, block->bbLiveOut); VarSetOps::IntersectionD(this, blockLiveOutFloats, optAllFloatVars); if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, blockLiveOutFloats)) { // See comment in compiler.h above declaration of compMayHaveTransitionBlocks // to understand the reason for this limitation of FP optimizer. switch (block->bbJumpKind) { case BBJ_COND: { GenTreePtr stmt; stmt = block->bbTreeList->gtPrev; assert(stmt->gtNext == NULL && stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr->gtOper == GT_JTRUE); assert(stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr->gtOp.gtOp1); GenTreePtr cond = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr->gtOp.gtOp1; assert(cond->OperIsCompare()); if (cond->gtOp.gtOp1->TypeGet() == TYP_LONG) { if (compHndBBtabCount > 0) { // If we have any handlers we won't enregister whatever is live out of this block JITDUMP("PERF Warning: Taking out FP candidates due to transition blocks + exception " "handlers.\n"); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, raMaskDontEnregFloat, VarSetOps::Intersection(this, block->bbLiveOut, optAllFloatVars)); } else { // long conditional jumps can generate transition bloks compMayHaveTransitionBlocks = true; } } break; } case BBJ_SWITCH: { if (compHndBBtabCount > 0) { // If we have any handlers we won't enregister whatever is live out of this block JITDUMP( "PERF Warning: Taking out FP candidates due to transition blocks + exception handlers.\n"); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, raMaskDontEnregFloat, VarSetOps::Intersection(this, block->bbLiveOut, optAllFloatVars)); } else { // fp vars are live out of the switch, so we may have transition blocks compMayHaveTransitionBlocks = true; } break; default: break; } } } VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT(this, liveSet, block->bbLiveIn); for (GenTreePtr stmt = block->FirstNonPhiDef(); stmt; stmt = stmt->gtNext) { assert(stmt->gtOper == GT_STMT); unsigned prevHeight = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtList->gtFPlvl; for (GenTreePtr tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtList; tree; tree = tree->gtNext) { VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, liveSet, fgUpdateLiveSet(liveSet, tree)); switch (tree->gtOper) { case GT_CALL: raAddPayloadStackFP(liveSet, block->getBBWeight(this) * 2); break; case GT_CAST: // For cast from long local var to double, decrement the ref count of the long // to avoid store forwarding stall if (tree->gtType == TYP_DOUBLE) { GenTreePtr op1 = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; if (op1->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR && op1->gtType == TYP_LONG) { unsigned int lclNum = op1->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum; assert(lclNum < lvaCount); LclVarDsc* varDsc = lvaTable + lclNum; unsigned int weightedRefCnt = varDsc->lvRefCntWtd; unsigned int refCntDecrement = 2 * block->getBBWeight(this); if (refCntDecrement > weightedRefCnt) { varDsc->lvRefCntWtd = 0; } else { varDsc->lvRefCntWtd = weightedRefCnt - refCntDecrement; } } } break; default: break; } // Update heights unsigned height = tree->gtFPlvl; if (height != prevHeight) { if (height > prevHeight && height < FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < numFPVars; i++) { if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, liveSet, FPVars[i])) { // The -1 are because we don't care about stack height 0 // and we will use offset FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS to know what's // the count when we overflow. we multiply by 2, because that // is the number of memory accesses we will do for each spill // (even if we op directly with the spill) if (compCodeOpt() == SMALL_CODE) { raHeightsStackFP[FPVars[i]][height - 1] += 2; } else { raHeightsStackFP[FPVars[i]][height - 1] += 2 * block->getBBWeight(this); } #ifdef DEBUG raHeightsNonWeightedStackFP[FPVars[i]][height - 1]++; #endif } } } prevHeight = height; } } } } compCurBB = NULL; if (compJmpOpUsed) { // Disable enregistering of FP vars for methods with jmp op. We have really no // coverage here. // The problem with FP enreg vars is that the returning block is marked with having // all variables live on exit. This works for integer vars, but for FP vars we must // do the work to unload them. This is fairly straightforward to do, but I'm worried // by the coverage, so I'll take the conservative aproach of disabling FP enregistering // and we will fix it if there is demand JITDUMP("PERF Warning: Disabling FP enregistering due to JMP op!!!!!!!.\n"); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, raMaskDontEnregFloat, optAllFloatVars); } #ifdef DEBUG raDumpHeightsStackFP(); #endif } void Compiler::raSetRegLclBirthDeath(GenTreePtr tree, VARSET_VALARG_TP lastlife, bool fromLDOBJ) { assert(tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR); unsigned lclnum = tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum; assert(lclnum < lvaCount); LclVarDsc* varDsc = lvaTable + lclnum; if (!varDsc->lvTracked) { // Not tracked, can't be one of the enreg fp vars return; } unsigned varIndex = varDsc->lvVarIndex; if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, optAllFPregVars, varIndex)) { // Not one of the enreg fp vars return; } assert(varDsc->lvRegNum != REG_FPNONE); assert(!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, raMaskDontEnregFloat, varIndex)); unsigned livenessFlags = (tree->gtFlags & GTF_LIVENESS_MASK); tree->ChangeOper(GT_REG_VAR); tree->gtFlags |= livenessFlags; tree->gtRegNum = varDsc->lvRegNum; tree->gtRegVar.gtRegNum = varDsc->lvRegNum; tree->gtRegVar.SetLclNum(lclnum); // A liveset can change in a lclvar even if the lclvar itself is not // changing its life. This can happen for lclvars inside qmarks, // where lclvars die across the colon edge. // SO, either // it is marked GTF_VAR_DEATH (already set by fgComputeLife) // OR it is already live // OR it is becoming live // if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEATH) == 0) { if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF) != 0) { tree->gtFlags |= GTF_REG_BIRTH; } } #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) gtDispTree(tree); #endif } // In this pass we set the regvars and set the birth and death flags. we do it // for all enregistered variables at once. void Compiler::raEnregisterVarsPostPassStackFP() { if (VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, optAllFPregVars)) { // Nothing to fix up. } BasicBlock* block; JITDUMP("raEnregisterVarsPostPassStackFP:\n"); for (block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { compCurBB = block; /* This opt fails in the case of a variable that has it's entire lifetime contained in the 'then' of a qmark. The use mask for the whole qmark won't contain that variable as it variable's value comes from a def in the else, and the def can't be set for the qmark if the else side of the qmark doesn't do a def. See VSW# 354454 for more info. Leaving the comment and code here just in case we try to be 'smart' again in the future if (((block->bbVarUse | block->bbVarDef | block->bbLiveIn ) & optAllFPregVars) == 0) { // Fast way out continue; } */ VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT(this, lastlife, block->bbLiveIn); for (GenTreePtr stmt = block->FirstNonPhiDef(); stmt; stmt = stmt->gtNext) { assert(stmt->gtOper == GT_STMT); for (GenTreePtr tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtList; tree; VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, lastlife, fgUpdateLiveSet(lastlife, tree)), tree = tree->gtNext) { if (tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR) { raSetRegLclBirthDeath(tree, lastlife, false); } // Model implicit use (& hence last use) of frame list root at pinvokes. if (tree->gtOper == GT_CALL) { GenTreeCall* call = tree->AsCall(); if (call->IsUnmanaged() && !opts.ShouldUsePInvokeHelpers()) { LclVarDsc* frameVarDsc = &lvaTable[info.compLvFrameListRoot]; if (frameVarDsc->lvTracked && ((call->gtCallMoreFlags & GTF_CALL_M_FRAME_VAR_DEATH) != 0)) { // Frame var dies here unsigned varIndex = frameVarDsc->lvVarIndex; VarSetOps::RemoveElemD(this, lastlife, varIndex); } } } } } assert(VarSetOps::Equal(this, lastlife, block->bbLiveOut)); } compCurBB = NULL; } void Compiler::raGenerateFPRefCounts() { // Update ref counts to stack assert(raCntWtdStkDblStackFP == 0); assert(raCntStkParamDblStackFP == 0); assert(raCntStkStackFP == 0); LclVarDsc* varDsc; unsigned lclNum; for (lclNum = 0, varDsc = lvaTable; lclNum < lvaCount; lclNum++, varDsc++) { if (varDsc->lvType == TYP_DOUBLE || varDsc->lvStructDoubleAlign) // Account for structs (A bit over aggressive here, we should // account for field accesses, but should be a reasonable // heuristic). { if (varDsc->lvRegister) { assert(varDsc->lvTracked); } else { // Increment tmp access raCntStkStackFP += varDsc->lvRefCnt; if (varDsc->lvIsParam) { // Why is this not weighted? raCntStkParamDblStackFP += varDsc->lvRefCnt; } else { raCntWtdStkDblStackFP += varDsc->lvRefCntWtd; } } } } #ifdef DEBUG if ((raCntWtdStkDblStackFP > 0) || (raCntStkParamDblStackFP > 0)) { JITDUMP("StackFP double stack weighted ref count: %u ; param ref count: %u\n", raCntWtdStkDblStackFP, raCntStkParamDblStackFP); } #endif } void Compiler::raEnregisterVarsStackFP() { const int FPENREGTHRESHOLD = 1; const unsigned int FPENREGTHRESHOLD_WEIGHTED = FPENREGTHRESHOLD; // Do init raInitStackFP(); if (opts.compDbgCode || opts.MinOpts()) { // no enregistering for these options. return; } if (VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, optAllFloatVars)) { // No floating point vars. bail out return; } // Do additional pass updating weights and generating height table raEnregisterVarsPrePassStackFP(); // Vars are ordered by weight LclVarDsc* varDsc; // Set an interference with V0 and V1, which we reserve as a temp registers. // We need only one temp. but we will take the easy way, as by using // two, we will need to teach codegen how to operate with spilled variables VarSetOps::Assign(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[REG_FPV0], optAllFloatVars); VarSetOps::Assign(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[REG_FPV1], optAllFloatVars); #ifdef DEBUG if (codeGen->genStressFloat()) { // Lock out registers for stress. regMaskTP locked = codeGen->genStressLockedMaskFloat(); for (unsigned i = REG_FPV0; i < REG_FPCOUNT; i++) { if (locked & genRegMaskFloat((regNumber)i)) { VarSetOps::Assign(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[i], optAllFloatVars); } } } #endif // Build the interesting FP var table LclVarDsc* fpLclFPVars[lclMAX_TRACKED]; unsigned numFPVars = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < lvaTrackedCount; i++) { if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, raMaskDontEnregFloat, i)) { JITDUMP("Won't enregister V%02i (T%02i) because it's marked as dont enregister\n", lvaTrackedToVarNum[i], i); continue; } if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, optAllFloatVars, i)) { varDsc = lvaTable + lvaTrackedToVarNum[i]; assert(varDsc->lvTracked); if (varDsc->lvDoNotEnregister) { JITDUMP("Won't enregister V%02i (T%02i) because it's marked as DoNotEnregister\n", lvaTrackedToVarNum[i], i); continue; } #if !FEATURE_X87_DOUBLES if (varDsc->TypeGet() == TYP_FLOAT) { JITDUMP("Won't enregister V%02i (T%02i) because it's a TYP_FLOAT and we have disabled " "FEATURE_X87_DOUBLES\n", lvaTrackedToVarNum[i], i); continue; } #endif fpLclFPVars[numFPVars++] = lvaTable + lvaTrackedToVarNum[i]; } } unsigned maxRegVars = 0; // Max num of regvars at one time for (unsigned sortNum = 0; sortNum < numFPVars; sortNum++) { #ifdef DEBUG { JITDUMP("\n"); JITDUMP("FP regvar candidates:\n"); for (unsigned i = sortNum; i < numFPVars; i++) { varDsc = fpLclFPVars[i]; unsigned lclNum = varDsc - lvaTable; unsigned varIndex; varIndex = varDsc->lvVarIndex; JITDUMP("V%02u/T%02u RefCount: %u Weight: %u ; Payload: %u ; Overflow: %u\n", lclNum, varIndex, varDsc->lvRefCnt, varDsc->lvRefCntWtd, raPayloadStackFP[varIndex], raHeightsStackFP[varIndex][FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS]); } JITDUMP("\n"); } #endif unsigned min = sortNum; // Find the one that will save us most for (unsigned i = sortNum + 1; i < numFPVars; i++) { if (raVarIsGreaterValueStackFP(fpLclFPVars[i], fpLclFPVars[sortNum])) { min = i; } } // Put it at the top of the array LclVarDsc* temp; temp = fpLclFPVars[min]; fpLclFPVars[min] = fpLclFPVars[sortNum]; fpLclFPVars[sortNum] = temp; varDsc = fpLclFPVars[sortNum]; #ifdef DEBUG unsigned lclNum = varDsc - lvaTable; #endif unsigned varIndex = varDsc->lvVarIndex; assert(VarSetOps::IsMember(this, optAllFloatVars, varIndex)); JITDUMP("Candidate for enregistering: V%02u/T%02u RefCount: %u Weight: %u ; Payload: %u ; Overflow: %u\n", lclNum, varIndex, varDsc->lvRefCnt, varDsc->lvRefCntWtd, raPayloadStackFP[varIndex], raHeightsStackFP[varIndex][FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS]); bool bMeetsThreshold = true; if (varDsc->lvRefCnt < FPENREGTHRESHOLD || varDsc->lvRefCntWtd < FPENREGTHRESHOLD_WEIGHTED) { bMeetsThreshold = false; } // We don't want to enregister arguments with only one use, as they will be // loaded in the prolog. Just don't enregister them and load them lazily( if (varDsc->lvIsParam && (varDsc->lvRefCnt <= FPENREGTHRESHOLD || varDsc->lvRefCntWtd <= FPENREGTHRESHOLD_WEIGHTED)) { bMeetsThreshold = false; } if (!bMeetsThreshold #ifdef DEBUG && codeGen->genStressFloat() != 1 #endif ) { // Doesn't meet bar, do next JITDUMP("V%02u/T%02u doesnt meet threshold. Won't enregister\n", lclNum, varIndex); continue; } // We don't want to have problems with overflow (we now have 2 unsigned counters // that can possibly go to their limits), so we just promote to double here. // diff double balance = double(varDsc->lvRefCntWtd) - double(raPayloadStackFP[varIndex]) - // Additional costs of enregistering variable double(raHeightsStackFP[varIndex][FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS]) - // Spilling costs of enregistering variable double(FPENREGTHRESHOLD_WEIGHTED); JITDUMP("balance = %d - %d - %d - %d\n", varDsc->lvRefCntWtd, raPayloadStackFP[varIndex], raHeightsStackFP[varIndex][FP_VIRTUALREGISTERS], FPENREGTHRESHOLD_WEIGHTED); if (balance < 0.0 #ifdef DEBUG && codeGen->genStressFloat() != 1 #endif ) { // Doesn't meet bar, do next JITDUMP("V%02u/T%02u doesnt meet threshold. Won't enregister\n", lclNum, varIndex); continue; } regNumber reg = raRegForVarStackFP(varDsc->lvVarIndex); if (reg == REG_FPNONE) { // Didn't make if (interferes with other regvars), do next JITDUMP("V%02u/T%02u interferes with other enreg vars. Won't enregister\n", lclNum, varIndex); continue; } if (lvaIsFieldOfDependentlyPromotedStruct(varDsc)) { // Do not enregister if this is a floating field in a struct local of // promotion type PROMOTION_TYPE_DEPENDENT. continue; } // Yipee, we will enregister var. varDsc->lvRegister = true; varDsc->lvRegNum = reg; VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, optAllFPregVars, varIndex); #ifdef DEBUG raDumpVariableRegIntfFloat(); if (verbose) { printf("; "); gtDispLclVar(lclNum); printf("V%02u/T%02u (refcnt=%2u,refwtd=%4u%s) enregistered in %s\n", varIndex, varDsc->lvVarIndex, varDsc->lvRefCnt, varDsc->lvRefCntWtd / 2, (varDsc->lvRefCntWtd & 1) ? ".5" : "", CodeGen::regVarNameStackFP(varDsc->lvRegNum)); } JITDUMP("\n"); #endif // Create interferences with other variables. assert(VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, VarSetOps::Diff(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[(int)reg], optAllFloatVars))); VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(intfFloats, VarSetOps::Intersection(this, lvaVarIntf[varIndex], optAllFloatVars)); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, raLclRegIntfFloat[reg], intfFloats); // Update height tables for variables that interfere with this one. raUpdateHeightsForVarsStackFP(intfFloats); // Update max number of reg vars at once. maxRegVars = min(REG_FPCOUNT, max(maxRegVars, VarSetOps::Count(this, intfFloats))); } assert(VarSetOps::IsSubset(this, optAllFPregVars, optAllFloatVars)); assert(VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, VarSetOps::Intersection(this, optAllFPregVars, raMaskDontEnregFloat))); // This is a bit conservative, as they may not all go through a call. // If we have to, we can fix this. tmpDoubleSpillMax += maxRegVars; // Do pass marking trees as egvars raEnregisterVarsPostPassStackFP(); #ifdef DEBUG { JITDUMP("FP enregistration summary\n"); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < numFPVars; i++) { varDsc = fpLclFPVars[i]; if (varDsc->lvRegister) { unsigned lclNum = varDsc - lvaTable; unsigned varIndex; varIndex = varDsc->lvVarIndex; JITDUMP("Enregistered V%02u/T%02u in FPV%i RefCount: %u Weight: %u \n", lclNum, varIndex, varDsc->lvRegNum, varDsc->lvRefCnt, varDsc->lvRefCntWtd); } } JITDUMP("End of FP enregistration summary\n\n"); } #endif } #ifdef DEBUG regMaskTP CodeGenInterface::genStressLockedMaskFloat() { assert(genStressFloat()); // Don't use REG_FPV0 or REG_FPV1, they're reserved if (genStressFloat() == 1) { return genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV4) | genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV5) | genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV6) | genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV7); } else { return genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV2) | genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV3) | genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV4) | genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV5) | genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV6) | genRegMaskFloat(REG_FPV7); } } #endif #endif // FEATURE_STACK_FP_X87 #endif // LEGACY_BACKEND