// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // ==++== // // // // ==--== /*XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX SSA XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX */ #include "jitpch.h" #include "ssaconfig.h" #include "ssarenamestate.h" #include "ssabuilder.h" namespace { /** * Method that finds a common IDom parent, much like least common ancestor. * * @param finger1 A basic block that might share IDom ancestor with finger2. * @param finger2 A basic block that might share IDom ancestor with finger1. * * @see "A simple, fast dominance algorithm" by Keith D. Cooper, Timothy J. Harvey, Ken Kennedy. * * @return A basic block whose IDom is the dominator for finger1 and finger2, * or else NULL. This may be called while immediate dominators are being * computed, and if the input values are members of the same loop (each reachable from the other), * then one may not yet have its immediate dominator computed when we are attempting * to find the immediate dominator of the other. So a NULL return value means that the * the two inputs are in a cycle, not that they don't have a common dominator ancestor. */ static inline BasicBlock* IntersectDom(BasicBlock* finger1, BasicBlock* finger2) { while (finger1 != finger2) { if (finger1 == nullptr || finger2 == nullptr) { return nullptr; } while (finger1 != nullptr && finger1->bbPostOrderNum < finger2->bbPostOrderNum) { finger1 = finger1->bbIDom; } if (finger1 == nullptr) { return nullptr; } while (finger2 != nullptr && finger2->bbPostOrderNum < finger1->bbPostOrderNum) { finger2 = finger2->bbIDom; } } return finger1; } } // end of anonymous namespace. // ================================================================================= // SSA // ================================================================================= void Compiler::fgSsaBuild() { IAllocator* pIAllocator = new (this, CMK_SSA) CompAllocator(this, CMK_SSA); // If this is not the first invocation, reset data structures for SSA. if (fgSsaPassesCompleted > 0) { fgResetForSsa(); } SsaBuilder builder(this, pIAllocator); builder.Build(); fgSsaPassesCompleted++; #ifdef DEBUG JitTestCheckSSA(); #endif // DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { JITDUMP("\nAfter fgSsaBuild:\n"); fgDispBasicBlocks(/*dumpTrees*/ true); } #endif // DEBUG } void Compiler::fgResetForSsa() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < lvaCount; ++i) { lvaTable[i].lvPerSsaData.Reset(); } lvMemoryPerSsaData.Reset(); for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { m_memorySsaMap[memoryKind] = nullptr; } for (BasicBlock* blk = fgFirstBB; blk != nullptr; blk = blk->bbNext) { // Eliminate phis. for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { blk->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind] = nullptr; } if (blk->bbTreeList != nullptr) { GenTreePtr last = blk->bbTreeList->gtPrev; blk->bbTreeList = blk->FirstNonPhiDef(); if (blk->bbTreeList != nullptr) { blk->bbTreeList->gtPrev = last; } } // Clear post-order numbers and SSA numbers; SSA construction will overwrite these, // but only for reachable code, so clear them to avoid analysis getting confused // by stale annotations in unreachable code. blk->bbPostOrderNum = 0; for (GenTreeStmt* stmt = blk->firstStmt(); stmt != nullptr; stmt = stmt->getNextStmt()) { for (GenTreePtr tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtList; tree != nullptr; tree = tree->gtNext) { if (tree->IsLocal()) { tree->gtLclVarCommon.SetSsaNum(SsaConfig::RESERVED_SSA_NUM); continue; } Compiler::IndirectAssignmentAnnotation* pIndirAssign = nullptr; if ((tree->OperGet() != GT_ASG) || !GetIndirAssignMap()->Lookup(tree, &pIndirAssign) || (pIndirAssign == nullptr)) { continue; } pIndirAssign->m_defSsaNum = SsaConfig::RESERVED_SSA_NUM; pIndirAssign->m_useSsaNum = SsaConfig::RESERVED_SSA_NUM; } } } } /** * Constructor for the SSA builder. * * @param pCompiler Current compiler instance. * * @remarks Initializes the class and member pointers/objects that use constructors. */ SsaBuilder::SsaBuilder(Compiler* pCompiler, IAllocator* pIAllocator) : m_pCompiler(pCompiler) , m_allocator(pIAllocator) #ifdef SSA_FEATURE_DOMARR , m_pDomPreOrder(NULL) , m_pDomPostOrder(NULL) #endif #ifdef SSA_FEATURE_USEDEF , m_uses(jitstd::allocator(pIAllocator)) , m_defs(jitstd::allocator(pIAllocator)) #endif { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TopologicalSort: Topologically sort the graph and return the number of nodes visited. // // Arguments: // postOrder - The array in which the arranged basic blocks have to be returned. // count - The size of the postOrder array. // // Return Value: // The number of nodes visited while performing DFS on the graph. int SsaBuilder::TopologicalSort(BasicBlock** postOrder, int count) { Compiler* comp = m_pCompiler; BitVecTraits traits(comp->fgBBNumMax + 1, comp); BitVec BITVEC_INIT_NOCOPY(visited, BitVecOps::MakeEmpty(&traits)); // Display basic blocks. DBEXEC(VERBOSE, comp->fgDispBasicBlocks()); DBEXEC(VERBOSE, comp->fgDispHandlerTab()); // Compute order. int postIndex = 0; BasicBlock* block = comp->fgFirstBB; BitVecOps::AddElemD(&traits, visited, block->bbNum); ArrayStack blocks(comp); ArrayStack iterators(comp); ArrayStack ends(comp); // there are three stacks used here and all should be same height // the first is for blocks // the second is the iterator to keep track of what succ of the block we are looking at // and the third is the end marker iterator blocks.Push(block); iterators.Push(block->GetAllSuccs(comp).begin()); ends.Push(block->GetAllSuccs(comp).end()); while (blocks.Height() > 0) { block = blocks.Top(); #ifdef DEBUG if (comp->verboseSsa) { printf("[SsaBuilder::TopologicalSort] Visiting BB%02u: ", block->bbNum); printf("["); unsigned numSucc = block->NumSucc(comp); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSucc; ++i) { printf("BB%02u, ", block->GetSucc(i, comp)->bbNum); } EHSuccessorIter end = block->GetEHSuccs(comp).end(); for (EHSuccessorIter ehsi = block->GetEHSuccs(comp).begin(); ehsi != end; ++ehsi) { printf("[EH]BB%02u, ", (*ehsi)->bbNum); } printf("]\n"); } #endif if (iterators.TopRef() != ends.TopRef()) { // if the block on TOS still has unreached successors, visit them AllSuccessorIter& iter = iterators.TopRef(); BasicBlock* succ = *iter; ++iter; // push the children if (!BitVecOps::IsMember(&traits, visited, succ->bbNum)) { blocks.Push(succ); iterators.Push(succ->GetAllSuccs(comp).begin()); ends.Push(succ->GetAllSuccs(comp).end()); BitVecOps::AddElemD(&traits, visited, succ->bbNum); } } else { // all successors have been visited blocks.Pop(); iterators.Pop(); ends.Pop(); postOrder[postIndex] = block; block->bbPostOrderNum = postIndex; postIndex += 1; DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("postOrder[%d] = [%p] and BB%02u\n", postIndex, dspPtr(block), block->bbNum); } } // In the absence of EH (because catch/finally have no preds), this should be valid. // assert(postIndex == (count - 1)); return postIndex; } /** * Computes the immediate dominator IDom for each block iteratively. * * @param postOrder The array of basic blocks arranged in postOrder. * @param count The size of valid elements in the postOrder array. * * @see "A simple, fast dominance algorithm." paper. */ void SsaBuilder::ComputeImmediateDom(BasicBlock** postOrder, int count) { JITDUMP("[SsaBuilder::ComputeImmediateDom]\n"); // TODO-Cleanup: We currently have two dominance computations happening. We should unify them; for // now, at least forget the results of the first. for (BasicBlock* blk = m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB; blk != nullptr; blk = blk->bbNext) { blk->bbIDom = nullptr; } // Add entry point to processed as its IDom is NULL. BitVecTraits traits(m_pCompiler->fgBBNumMax + 1, m_pCompiler); BitVec BITVEC_INIT_NOCOPY(processed, BitVecOps::MakeEmpty(&traits)); BitVecOps::AddElemD(&traits, processed, m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB->bbNum); assert(postOrder[count - 1] == m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB); bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; // In reverse post order, except for the entry block (count - 1 is entry BB). for (int i = count - 2; i >= 0; --i) { BasicBlock* block = postOrder[i]; DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Visiting in reverse post order: BB%02u.\n", block->bbNum); // Find the first processed predecessor block. BasicBlock* predBlock = nullptr; for (flowList* pred = m_pCompiler->BlockPredsWithEH(block); pred; pred = pred->flNext) { if (BitVecOps::IsMember(&traits, processed, pred->flBlock->bbNum)) { predBlock = pred->flBlock; break; } } // There could just be a single basic block, so just check if there were any preds. if (predBlock != nullptr) { DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Pred block is BB%02u.\n", predBlock->bbNum); } // Intersect DOM, if computed, for all predecessors. BasicBlock* bbIDom = predBlock; for (flowList* pred = m_pCompiler->BlockPredsWithEH(block); pred; pred = pred->flNext) { if (predBlock != pred->flBlock) { BasicBlock* domAncestor = IntersectDom(pred->flBlock, bbIDom); // The result may be NULL if "block" and "pred->flBlock" are part of a // cycle -- neither is guaranteed ordered wrt the other in reverse postorder, // so we may be computing the IDom of "block" before the IDom of "pred->flBlock" has // been computed. But that's OK -- if they're in a cycle, they share the same immediate // dominator, so the contribution of "pred->flBlock" is not necessary to compute // the result. if (domAncestor != nullptr) { bbIDom = domAncestor; } } } // Did we change the bbIDom value? If so, we go around the outer loop again. if (block->bbIDom != bbIDom) { changed = true; // IDom has changed, update it. DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("bbIDom of BB%02u becomes BB%02u.\n", block->bbNum, bbIDom ? bbIDom->bbNum : 0); block->bbIDom = bbIDom; } // Mark the current block as processed. BitVecOps::AddElemD(&traits, processed, block->bbNum); DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Marking block BB%02u as processed.\n", block->bbNum); } } } #ifdef SSA_FEATURE_DOMARR /** * Walk the DOM tree and compute pre and post-order arrangement of the tree. * * @param curBlock The current block being operated on at some recursive level. * @param domTree The DOM tree as a map (block -> set of child blocks.) * @param preIndex The initial index given to the first block visited in pre order. * @param postIndex The initial index given to the first block visited in post order. * * @remarks This would help us answer queries such as "a dom b?" in constant time. * For example, if a dominated b, then Pre[a] < Pre[b] but Post[a] > Post[b] */ void SsaBuilder::DomTreeWalk(BasicBlock* curBlock, BlkToBlkSetMap* domTree, int* preIndex, int* postIndex) { JITDUMP("[SsaBuilder::DomTreeWalk] block [%p], BB%02u:\n", dspPtr(curBlock), curBlock->bbNum); // Store the order number at the block number in the pre order list. m_pDomPreOrder[curBlock->bbNum] = *preIndex; ++(*preIndex); BlkSet* pBlkSet; if (domTree->Lookup(curBlock, &pBlkSet)) { for (BlkSet::KeyIterator ki = pBlkSet->Begin(); !ki.Equal(pBlkSet->End()); ++ki) { if (curBlock != ki.Get()) { DomTreeWalk(ki.Get(), domTree, preIndex, postIndex); } } } // Store the order number at the block number in the post order list. m_pDomPostOrder[curBlock->bbNum] = *postIndex; ++(*postIndex); } #endif /** * Using IDom of each basic block, add a mapping from block->IDom -> block. * @param pCompiler Compiler instance * @param block The basic block that will become the child node of it's iDom. * @param domTree The output domTree which will hold the mapping "block->bbIDom" -> "block" * */ /* static */ void SsaBuilder::ConstructDomTreeForBlock(Compiler* pCompiler, BasicBlock* block, BlkToBlkSetMap* domTree) { BasicBlock* bbIDom = block->bbIDom; // bbIDom for (only) fgFirstBB will be NULL. if (bbIDom == nullptr) { return; } // If the bbIDom map key doesn't exist, create one. BlkSet* pBlkSet; if (!domTree->Lookup(bbIDom, &pBlkSet)) { pBlkSet = new (pCompiler->getAllocator()) BlkSet(pCompiler->getAllocator()); domTree->Set(bbIDom, pBlkSet); } DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Inserting BB%02u as dom child of BB%02u.\n", block->bbNum, bbIDom->bbNum); // Insert the block into the block's set. pBlkSet->Set(block, true); } /** * Using IDom of each basic block, compute the whole tree. If a block "b" has IDom "i", * then, block "b" is dominated by "i". The mapping then is i -> { ..., b, ... }, in * other words, "domTree" is a tree represented by nodes mapped to their children. * * @param pCompiler Compiler instance * @param domTree The output domTree which will hold the mapping "block->bbIDom" -> "block" * */ /* static */ void SsaBuilder::ComputeDominators(Compiler* pCompiler, BlkToBlkSetMap* domTree) { JITDUMP("*************** In SsaBuilder::ComputeDominators(Compiler*, ...)\n"); // Construct the DOM tree from bbIDom for (BasicBlock* block = pCompiler->fgFirstBB; block != nullptr; block = block->bbNext) { ConstructDomTreeForBlock(pCompiler, block, domTree); } DBEXEC(pCompiler->verboseSsa, DisplayDominators(domTree)); } /** * Compute the DOM tree into a map(block -> set of blocks) adjacency representation. * * Using IDom of each basic block, compute the whole tree. If a block "b" has IDom "i", * then, block "b" is dominated by "i". The mapping then is i -> { ..., b, ... } * * @param postOrder The array of basic blocks arranged in postOrder. * @param count The size of valid elements in the postOrder array. * @param domTree A map of (block -> set of blocks) tree representation that is empty. * */ void SsaBuilder::ComputeDominators(BasicBlock** postOrder, int count, BlkToBlkSetMap* domTree) { JITDUMP("*************** In SsaBuilder::ComputeDominators(BasicBlock** postOrder, int count, ...)\n"); // Construct the DOM tree from bbIDom for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ConstructDomTreeForBlock(m_pCompiler, postOrder[i], domTree); } DBEXEC(m_pCompiler->verboseSsa, DisplayDominators(domTree)); #ifdef SSA_FEATURE_DOMARR // Allocate space for constant time computation of (a DOM b?) query. unsigned bbArrSize = m_pCompiler->fgBBNumMax + 1; // We will use 1-based bbNums as indices into these arrays, so // add 1. m_pDomPreOrder = jitstd::utility::allocate(m_allocator, bbArrSize); m_pDomPostOrder = jitstd::utility::allocate(m_allocator, bbArrSize); // Initial counters. int preIndex = 0; int postIndex = 0; // Populate the pre and post order of the tree. DomTreeWalk(m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB, domTree, &preIndex, &postIndex); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG /** * Display the DOM tree. * * @param domTree A map of (block -> set of blocks) tree representation. */ /* static */ void SsaBuilder::DisplayDominators(BlkToBlkSetMap* domTree) { printf("After computing dominator tree: \n"); for (BlkToBlkSetMap::KeyIterator nodes = domTree->Begin(); !nodes.Equal(domTree->End()); ++nodes) { printf("BB%02u := {", nodes.Get()->bbNum); BlkSet* pBlkSet = nodes.GetValue(); for (BlkSet::KeyIterator ki = pBlkSet->Begin(); !ki.Equal(pBlkSet->End()); ++ki) { if (!ki.Equal(pBlkSet->Begin())) { printf(","); } printf("BB%02u", ki.Get()->bbNum); } printf("}\n"); } } #endif // DEBUG // (Spec comment at declaration.) // See "A simple, fast dominance algorithm", by Cooper, Harvey, and Kennedy. // First we compute the dominance frontier for each block, then we convert these to iterated // dominance frontiers by a closure operation. BlkToBlkSetMap* SsaBuilder::ComputeIteratedDominanceFrontier(BasicBlock** postOrder, int count) { BlkToBlkSetMap* frontier = new (m_pCompiler->getAllocator()) BlkToBlkSetMap(m_pCompiler->getAllocator()); DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Computing IDF: First computing DF.\n"); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { BasicBlock* block = postOrder[i]; DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Considering block BB%02u.\n", block->bbNum); // Recall that B3 is in the dom frontier of B1 if there exists a B2 // such that B1 dom B2, !(B1 dom B3), and B3 is an immediate successor // of B2. (Note that B1 might be the same block as B2.) // In that definition, we're considering "block" to be B3, and trying // to find B1's. To do so, first we consider the predecessors of "block", // searching for candidate B2's -- "block" is obviously an immediate successor // of its immediate predecessors. If there are zero or one preds, then there // is no pred, or else the single pred dominates "block", so no B2 exists. flowList* blockPreds = m_pCompiler->BlockPredsWithEH(block); // If block has more 0/1 predecessor, skip. if (blockPreds == nullptr || blockPreds->flNext == nullptr) { DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Has %d preds; skipping.\n", blockPreds == nullptr ? 0 : 1); continue; } // Otherwise, there are > 1 preds. Each is a candidate B2 in the definition -- // *unless* it dominates "block"/B3. for (flowList* pred = blockPreds; pred; pred = pred->flNext) { DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Considering predecessor BB%02u.\n", pred->flBlock->bbNum); // If we've found a B2, then consider the possible B1's. We start with // B2, since a block dominates itself, then traverse upwards in the dominator // tree, stopping when we reach the root, or the immediate dominator of "block"/B3. // (Note that we are guaranteed to encounter this immediate dominator of "block"/B3: // a predecessor must be dominated by B3's immediate dominator.) // Along this way, make "block"/B3 part of the dom frontier of the B1. // When we reach this immediate dominator, the definition no longer applies, since this // potential B1 *does* dominate "block"/B3, so we stop. for (BasicBlock* b1 = pred->flBlock; (b1 != nullptr) && (b1 != block->bbIDom); // !root && !loop b1 = b1->bbIDom) { DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Adding BB%02u to dom frontier of pred dom BB%02u.\n", block->bbNum, b1->bbNum); BlkSet* pBlkSet; if (!frontier->Lookup(b1, &pBlkSet)) { pBlkSet = new (m_pCompiler->getAllocator()) BlkSet(m_pCompiler->getAllocator()); frontier->Set(b1, pBlkSet); } pBlkSet->Set(block, true); } } } #ifdef DEBUG if (m_pCompiler->verboseSsa) { printf("\nComputed DF:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { BasicBlock* block = postOrder[i]; printf("Block BB%02u := {", block->bbNum); bool first = true; BlkSet* blkDf; if (frontier->Lookup(block, &blkDf)) { for (BlkSet::KeyIterator blkDfIter = blkDf->Begin(); !blkDfIter.Equal(blkDf->End()); blkDfIter++) { if (!first) { printf(","); } printf("BB%02u", blkDfIter.Get()->bbNum); first = false; } } printf("}\n"); } } #endif // Now do the closure operation to make the dominance frontier into an IDF. // There's probably a better way to do this... BlkToBlkSetMap* idf = new (m_pCompiler->getAllocator()) BlkToBlkSetMap(m_pCompiler->getAllocator()); for (BlkToBlkSetMap::KeyIterator kiFrontBlks = frontier->Begin(); !kiFrontBlks.Equal(frontier->End()); kiFrontBlks++) { // Create IDF(b) BlkSet* blkIdf = new (m_pCompiler->getAllocator()) BlkSet(m_pCompiler->getAllocator()); idf->Set(kiFrontBlks.Get(), blkIdf); // Keep track of what got newly added to the IDF, so we can go after their DFs. BlkSet* delta = new (m_pCompiler->getAllocator()) BlkSet(m_pCompiler->getAllocator()); delta->Set(kiFrontBlks.Get(), true); // Now transitively add DF+(delta) to IDF(b), each step gathering new "delta." while (delta->GetCount() > 0) { // Extract a block x to be worked on. BlkSet::KeyIterator ki = delta->Begin(); BasicBlock* curBlk = ki.Get(); // TODO-Cleanup: Remove(ki) doesn't work correctly in SimplerHash. delta->Remove(curBlk); // Get DF(x). BlkSet* blkDf; if (frontier->Lookup(curBlk, &blkDf)) { // Add DF(x) to IDF(b) and update "delta" i.e., new additions to IDF(b). for (BlkSet::KeyIterator ki = blkDf->Begin(); !ki.Equal(blkDf->End()); ki++) { if (!blkIdf->Lookup(ki.Get())) { delta->Set(ki.Get(), true); blkIdf->Set(ki.Get(), true); } } } } } #ifdef DEBUG if (m_pCompiler->verboseSsa) { printf("\nComputed IDF:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { BasicBlock* block = postOrder[i]; printf("Block BB%02u := {", block->bbNum); bool first = true; BlkSet* blkIdf; if (idf->Lookup(block, &blkIdf)) { for (BlkSet::KeyIterator ki = blkIdf->Begin(); !ki.Equal(blkIdf->End()); ki++) { if (!first) { printf(","); } printf("BB%02u", ki.Get()->bbNum); first = false; } } printf("}\n"); } } #endif return idf; } /** * Returns the phi GT_PHI node if the variable already has a phi node. * * @param block The block for which the existence of a phi node needs to be checked. * @param lclNum The lclNum for which the occurrence of a phi node needs to be checked. * * @return If there is a phi node for the lclNum, returns the GT_PHI tree, else NULL. */ static GenTree* GetPhiNode(BasicBlock* block, unsigned lclNum) { // Walk the statements for phi nodes. for (GenTreePtr stmt = block->bbTreeList; stmt; stmt = stmt->gtNext) { // A prefix of the statements of the block are phi definition nodes. If we complete processing // that prefix, exit. if (!stmt->IsPhiDefnStmt()) { break; } GenTreePtr tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr; GenTreePtr phiLhs = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; assert(phiLhs->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR); if (phiLhs->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum == lclNum) { return tree->gtOp.gtOp2; } } return nullptr; } /** * Inserts phi functions at DF(b) for variables v that are live after the phi * insertion point i.e., v in live-in(b). * * To do so, the function computes liveness, dominance frontier and inserts a phi node, * if we have var v in def(b) and live-in(l) and l is in DF(b). * * @param postOrder The array of basic blocks arranged in postOrder. * @param count The size of valid elements in the postOrder array. */ void SsaBuilder::InsertPhiFunctions(BasicBlock** postOrder, int count) { JITDUMP("*************** In SsaBuilder::InsertPhiFunctions()\n"); // Compute liveness on the graph. m_pCompiler->fgLocalVarLiveness(); EndPhase(PHASE_BUILD_SSA_LIVENESS); // Compute dominance frontier. BlkToBlkSetMap* frontier = ComputeIteratedDominanceFrontier(postOrder, count); EndPhase(PHASE_BUILD_SSA_IDF); JITDUMP("Inserting phi functions:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { BasicBlock* block = postOrder[i]; DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Considering dominance frontier of block BB%02u:\n", block->bbNum); // If the block's dominance frontier is empty, go on to the next block. BlkSet* blkIdf; if (!frontier->Lookup(block, &blkIdf)) { continue; } // For each local var number "lclNum" that "block" assigns to... VARSET_ITER_INIT(m_pCompiler, defVars, block->bbVarDef, varIndex); while (defVars.NextElem(&varIndex)) { unsigned lclNum = m_pCompiler->lvaTrackedToVarNum[varIndex]; DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Considering local var V%02u:\n", lclNum); if (m_pCompiler->fgExcludeFromSsa(lclNum)) { DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Skipping because it is excluded.\n"); continue; } // For each block "bbInDomFront" that is in the dominance frontier of "block"... for (BlkSet::KeyIterator iterBlk = blkIdf->Begin(); !iterBlk.Equal(blkIdf->End()); ++iterBlk) { BasicBlock* bbInDomFront = iterBlk.Get(); DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Considering BB%02u in dom frontier of BB%02u:\n", bbInDomFront->bbNum, block->bbNum); // Check if variable "lclNum" is live in block "*iterBlk". if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(m_pCompiler, bbInDomFront->bbLiveIn, varIndex)) { continue; } // Check if we've already inserted a phi node. if (GetPhiNode(bbInDomFront, lclNum) == nullptr) { // We have a variable i that is defined in block j and live at l, and l belongs to dom frontier of // j. So insert a phi node at l. JITDUMP("Inserting phi definition for V%02u at start of BB%02u.\n", lclNum, bbInDomFront->bbNum); GenTreePtr phiLhs = m_pCompiler->gtNewLclvNode(lclNum, m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum].TypeGet()); // Create 'phiRhs' as a GT_PHI node for 'lclNum', it will eventually hold a GT_LIST of GT_PHI_ARG // nodes. However we have to construct this list so for now the gtOp1 of 'phiRhs' is a nullptr. // It will get replaced with a GT_LIST of GT_PHI_ARG nodes in // SsaBuilder::AssignPhiNodeRhsVariables() and in SsaBuilder::AddDefToHandlerPhis() GenTreePtr phiRhs = m_pCompiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_PHI, m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum].TypeGet(), nullptr); GenTreePtr phiAsg = m_pCompiler->gtNewAssignNode(phiLhs, phiRhs); GenTreePtr stmt = m_pCompiler->fgInsertStmtAtBeg(bbInDomFront, phiAsg); m_pCompiler->gtSetStmtInfo(stmt); m_pCompiler->fgSetStmtSeq(stmt); } } } // Now make a similar phi definition if the block defines memory. if (block->bbMemoryDef != 0) { // For each block "bbInDomFront" that is in the dominance frontier of "block". for (BlkSet::KeyIterator iterBlk = blkIdf->Begin(); !iterBlk.Equal(blkIdf->End()); ++iterBlk) { BasicBlock* bbInDomFront = iterBlk.Get(); DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Considering BB%02u in dom frontier of BB%02u for Memory phis:\n", bbInDomFront->bbNum, block->bbNum); for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { if ((memoryKind == GcHeap) && m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // Share the PhiFunc with ByrefExposed. assert(memoryKind > ByrefExposed); bbInDomFront->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind] = bbInDomFront->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[ByrefExposed]; continue; } // Check if this memoryKind is defined in this block. if ((block->bbMemoryDef & memoryKindSet(memoryKind)) == 0) { continue; } // Check if memoryKind is live into block "*iterBlk". if ((bbInDomFront->bbMemoryLiveIn & memoryKindSet(memoryKind)) == 0) { continue; } // Check if we've already inserted a phi node. if (bbInDomFront->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind] == nullptr) { // We have a variable i that is defined in block j and live at l, and l belongs to dom frontier // of // j. So insert a phi node at l. JITDUMP("Inserting phi definition for %s at start of BB%02u.\n", memoryKindNames[memoryKind], bbInDomFront->bbNum); bbInDomFront->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind] = BasicBlock::EmptyMemoryPhiDef; } } } } } EndPhase(PHASE_BUILD_SSA_INSERT_PHIS); } #ifdef SSA_FEATURE_USEDEF /** * Record a use point of a variable. * * The use point is just the tree that is a local variable use. * * @param tree Tree node where an SSA variable is used. * * @remarks The result is in the m_uses map :: [lclNum, ssaNum] -> tree. */ void SsaBuilder::AddUsePoint(GenTree* tree) { assert(tree->IsLocal()); SsaVarName key(tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum, tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtSsaNum); VarToUses::iterator iter = m_uses.find(key); if (iter == m_uses.end()) { iter = m_uses.insert(key, VarToUses::mapped_type(m_uses.get_allocator())); } (*iter).second.push_back(tree); } #endif // !SSA_FEATURE_USEDEF /** * Record a def point of a variable. * * The def point is just the tree that is a local variable def. * * @param tree Tree node where an SSA variable is def'ed. * * @remarks The result is in the m_defs map :: [lclNum, ssaNum] -> tree. */ void SsaBuilder::AddDefPoint(GenTree* tree, BasicBlock* blk) { Compiler::IndirectAssignmentAnnotation* pIndirAnnot; // In the case of an "indirect assignment", where the LHS is IND of a byref to the local actually being assigned, // we make the ASG tree the def point. assert(tree->IsLocal() || IsIndirectAssign(tree, &pIndirAnnot)); unsigned lclNum; unsigned defSsaNum; if (tree->IsLocal()) { lclNum = tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum; defSsaNum = m_pCompiler->GetSsaNumForLocalVarDef(tree); } else { bool b = m_pCompiler->GetIndirAssignMap()->Lookup(tree, &pIndirAnnot); assert(b); lclNum = pIndirAnnot->m_lclNum; defSsaNum = pIndirAnnot->m_defSsaNum; } #ifdef DEBUG // Record that there's a new SSA def. m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum].lvNumSsaNames++; #endif // Record where the defn happens. LclSsaVarDsc* ssaDef = m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum].GetPerSsaData(defSsaNum); ssaDef->m_defLoc.m_blk = blk; ssaDef->m_defLoc.m_tree = tree; #ifdef SSA_FEATURE_USEDEF SsaVarName key(lclNum, defSsaNum); VarToDef::iterator iter = m_defs.find(key); if (iter == m_defs.end()) { iter = m_defs.insert(key, tree); return; } // There can only be a single definition for an SSA var. unreached(); #endif } bool SsaBuilder::IsIndirectAssign(GenTreePtr tree, Compiler::IndirectAssignmentAnnotation** ppIndirAssign) { return tree->OperGet() == GT_ASG && m_pCompiler->m_indirAssignMap != nullptr && m_pCompiler->GetIndirAssignMap()->Lookup(tree, ppIndirAssign); } /** * Rename the local variable tree node. * * If the given tree node is a local variable, then for a def give a new count, if use, * then give the count in the top of stack, i.e., current count (used for last def.) * * @param tree Tree node where an SSA variable is used or def'ed. * @param pRenameState The incremental rename information stored during renaming process. * * @remarks This method has to maintain parity with TreePopStacks corresponding to pushes * it makes for defs. */ void SsaBuilder::TreeRenameVariables(GenTree* tree, BasicBlock* block, SsaRenameState* pRenameState, bool isPhiDefn) { // This is perhaps temporary -- maybe should be done elsewhere. Label GT_INDs on LHS of assignments, so we // can skip these during (at least) value numbering. if (tree->OperIsAssignment()) { GenTreePtr lhs = tree->gtOp.gtOp1->gtEffectiveVal(/*commaOnly*/ true); GenTreePtr trueLhs = lhs->gtEffectiveVal(/*commaOnly*/ true); if (trueLhs->OperIsIndir()) { trueLhs->gtFlags |= GTF_IND_ASG_LHS; } else if (trueLhs->OperGet() == GT_CLS_VAR) { trueLhs->gtFlags |= GTF_CLS_VAR_ASG_LHS; } } // Figure out if "tree" may make a new GC heap state (if we care for this block). if ((block->bbMemoryHavoc & memoryKindSet(GcHeap)) == 0) { if (tree->OperIsAssignment() || tree->OperIsBlkOp()) { if (m_pCompiler->ehBlockHasExnFlowDsc(block)) { GenTreeLclVarCommon* lclVarNode; bool isLocal = tree->DefinesLocal(m_pCompiler, &lclVarNode); bool isAddrExposedLocal = isLocal && m_pCompiler->lvaVarAddrExposed(lclVarNode->gtLclNum); bool hasByrefHavoc = ((block->bbMemoryHavoc & memoryKindSet(ByrefExposed)) != 0); if (!isLocal || (isAddrExposedLocal && !hasByrefHavoc)) { // It *may* define byref memory in a non-havoc way. Make a new SSA # -- associate with this node. unsigned count = pRenameState->CountForMemoryDef(); if (!hasByrefHavoc) { pRenameState->PushMemory(ByrefExposed, block, count); m_pCompiler->GetMemorySsaMap(ByrefExposed)->Set(tree, count); #ifdef DEBUG if (JitTls::GetCompiler()->verboseSsa) { printf("Node "); Compiler::printTreeID(tree); printf(" (in try block) may define memory; ssa # = %d.\n", count); } #endif // DEBUG // Now add this SSA # to all phis of the reachable catch blocks. AddMemoryDefToHandlerPhis(ByrefExposed, block, count); } if (!isLocal) { // Add a new def for GcHeap as well if (m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // GcHeap and ByrefExposed share the same stacks, SsaMap, and phis assert(!hasByrefHavoc); assert(pRenameState->CountForMemoryUse(GcHeap) == count); assert(*m_pCompiler->GetMemorySsaMap(GcHeap)->LookupPointer(tree) == count); assert(block->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[GcHeap] == block->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[ByrefExposed]); } else { if (!hasByrefHavoc) { // Allocate a distinct defnum for the GC Heap count = pRenameState->CountForMemoryDef(); } pRenameState->PushMemory(GcHeap, block, count); m_pCompiler->GetMemorySsaMap(GcHeap)->Set(tree, count); AddMemoryDefToHandlerPhis(GcHeap, block, count); } } } } } } Compiler::IndirectAssignmentAnnotation* pIndirAssign = nullptr; if (!tree->IsLocal() && !IsIndirectAssign(tree, &pIndirAssign)) { return; } if (pIndirAssign != nullptr) { unsigned lclNum = pIndirAssign->m_lclNum; // Is this a variable we exclude from SSA? if (m_pCompiler->fgExcludeFromSsa(lclNum)) { pIndirAssign->m_defSsaNum = SsaConfig::RESERVED_SSA_NUM; return; } // Otherwise... if (!pIndirAssign->m_isEntire) { pIndirAssign->m_useSsaNum = pRenameState->CountForUse(lclNum); } unsigned count = pRenameState->CountForDef(lclNum); pIndirAssign->m_defSsaNum = count; pRenameState->Push(block, lclNum, count); AddDefPoint(tree, block); } else { unsigned lclNum = tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum; // Is this a variable we exclude from SSA? if (m_pCompiler->fgExcludeFromSsa(lclNum)) { tree->gtLclVarCommon.SetSsaNum(SsaConfig::RESERVED_SSA_NUM); return; } if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF) { if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_USEASG) { // This the "x" in something like "x op= y"; it is both a use (first), then a def. // The def will define a new SSA name, and record that in "x". If we need the SSA // name of the use, we record it in a map reserved for that purpose. unsigned count = pRenameState->CountForUse(lclNum); tree->gtLclVarCommon.SetSsaNum(count); #ifdef SSA_FEATURE_USEDEF AddUsePoint(tree); #endif } // Give a count and increment. unsigned count = pRenameState->CountForDef(lclNum); if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_USEASG) { m_pCompiler->GetOpAsgnVarDefSsaNums()->Set(tree, count); } else { tree->gtLclVarCommon.SetSsaNum(count); } pRenameState->Push(block, lclNum, count); AddDefPoint(tree, block); // If necessary, add "lclNum/count" to the arg list of a phi def in any // handlers for try blocks that "block" is within. (But only do this for "real" definitions, // not phi definitions.) if (!isPhiDefn) { AddDefToHandlerPhis(block, lclNum, count); } } else if (!isPhiDefn) // Phi args already have ssa numbers. { // This case is obviated by the short-term "early-out" above...but it's in the right direction. // Is it a promoted struct local? if (m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum].lvPromoted) { assert(tree->TypeGet() == TYP_STRUCT); LclVarDsc* varDsc = &m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum]; // If has only a single field var, treat this as a use of that field var. // Otherwise, we don't give SSA names to uses of promoted struct vars. if (varDsc->lvFieldCnt == 1) { lclNum = varDsc->lvFieldLclStart; } else { tree->gtLclVarCommon.SetSsaNum(SsaConfig::RESERVED_SSA_NUM); return; } } // Give the count as top of stack. unsigned count = pRenameState->CountForUse(lclNum); tree->gtLclVarCommon.SetSsaNum(count); #ifdef SSA_FEATURE_USEDEF AddUsePoint(tree); #endif } } } void SsaBuilder::AddDefToHandlerPhis(BasicBlock* block, unsigned lclNum, unsigned count) { assert(m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum].lvTracked); // Precondition. unsigned lclIndex = m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum].lvVarIndex; EHblkDsc* tryBlk = m_pCompiler->ehGetBlockExnFlowDsc(block); if (tryBlk != nullptr) { DBG_SSA_JITDUMP( "Definition of local V%02u/d:%d in block BB%02u has exn handler; adding as phi arg to handlers.\n", lclNum, count, block->bbNum); while (true) { BasicBlock* handler = tryBlk->ExFlowBlock(); // Is "lclNum" live on entry to the handler? if (VarSetOps::IsMember(m_pCompiler, handler->bbLiveIn, lclIndex)) { #ifdef DEBUG bool phiFound = false; #endif // A prefix of blocks statements will be SSA definitions. Search those for "lclNum". for (GenTreePtr stmt = handler->bbTreeList; stmt; stmt = stmt->gtNext) { // If the tree is not an SSA def, break out of the loop: we're done. if (!stmt->IsPhiDefnStmt()) { break; } GenTreePtr tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr; assert(tree->IsPhiDefn()); if (tree->gtOp.gtOp1->gtLclVar.gtLclNum == lclNum) { // It's the definition for the right local. Add "count" to the RHS. GenTreePtr phi = tree->gtOp.gtOp2; GenTreeArgList* args = nullptr; if (phi->gtOp.gtOp1 != nullptr) { args = phi->gtOp.gtOp1->AsArgList(); } #ifdef DEBUG // Make sure it isn't already present: we should only add each definition once. for (GenTreeArgList* curArgs = args; curArgs != nullptr; curArgs = curArgs->Rest()) { GenTreePhiArg* phiArg = curArgs->Current()->AsPhiArg(); assert(phiArg->gtSsaNum != count); } #endif var_types typ = m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum].TypeGet(); GenTreePhiArg* newPhiArg = new (m_pCompiler, GT_PHI_ARG) GenTreePhiArg(typ, lclNum, count, block); phi->gtOp.gtOp1 = new (m_pCompiler, GT_LIST) GenTreeArgList(newPhiArg, args); m_pCompiler->gtSetStmtInfo(stmt); m_pCompiler->fgSetStmtSeq(stmt); #ifdef DEBUG phiFound = true; #endif DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Added phi arg u:%d for V%02u to phi defn in handler block BB%02u.\n", count, lclNum, handler->bbNum); break; } } assert(phiFound); } unsigned nextTryIndex = tryBlk->ebdEnclosingTryIndex; if (nextTryIndex == EHblkDsc::NO_ENCLOSING_INDEX) { break; } tryBlk = m_pCompiler->ehGetDsc(nextTryIndex); } } } void SsaBuilder::AddMemoryDefToHandlerPhis(MemoryKind memoryKind, BasicBlock* block, unsigned count) { if (m_pCompiler->ehBlockHasExnFlowDsc(block)) { // Don't do anything for a compiler-inserted BBJ_ALWAYS that is a "leave helper". if (block->bbJumpKind == BBJ_ALWAYS && (block->bbFlags & BBF_INTERNAL) && (block->bbPrev->isBBCallAlwaysPair())) { return; } // Otherwise... DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Definition of %s/d:%d in block BB%02u has exn handler; adding as phi arg to handlers.\n", memoryKindNames[memoryKind], count, block->bbNum); EHblkDsc* tryBlk = m_pCompiler->ehGetBlockExnFlowDsc(block); while (true) { BasicBlock* handler = tryBlk->ExFlowBlock(); // Is memoryKind live on entry to the handler? if ((handler->bbMemoryLiveIn & memoryKindSet(memoryKind)) != 0) { assert(handler->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc != nullptr); // Add "count" to the phi args of memoryKind. BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg*& handlerMemoryPhi = handler->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind]; #if DEBUG if (m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // When sharing phis for GcHeap and ByrefExposed, callers should ask to add phis // for ByrefExposed only. assert(memoryKind != GcHeap); if (memoryKind == ByrefExposed) { // The GcHeap and ByrefExposed phi funcs should always be in sync. assert(handlerMemoryPhi == handler->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[GcHeap]); } } #endif if (handlerMemoryPhi == BasicBlock::EmptyMemoryPhiDef) { handlerMemoryPhi = new (m_pCompiler) BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg(count); } else { #ifdef DEBUG BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg* curArg = handler->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind]; while (curArg != nullptr) { assert(curArg->GetSsaNum() != count); curArg = curArg->m_nextArg; } #endif // DEBUG handlerMemoryPhi = new (m_pCompiler) BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg(count, handlerMemoryPhi); } DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Added phi arg u:%d for %s to phi defn in handler block BB%02u.\n", count, memoryKindNames[memoryKind], memoryKind, handler->bbNum); if ((memoryKind == ByrefExposed) && m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // Share the phi between GcHeap and ByrefExposed. handler->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[GcHeap] = handlerMemoryPhi; } } unsigned tryInd = tryBlk->ebdEnclosingTryIndex; if (tryInd == EHblkDsc::NO_ENCLOSING_INDEX) { break; } tryBlk = m_pCompiler->ehGetDsc(tryInd); } } } /** * Walk the block's tree in the evaluation order and give var definitions and uses their * SSA names. * * @param block Block for which SSA variables have to be renamed. * @param pRenameState The incremental rename information stored during renaming process. * */ void SsaBuilder::BlockRenameVariables(BasicBlock* block, SsaRenameState* pRenameState) { // Walk the statements of the block and rename the tree variables. // First handle the incoming memory states. for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { if ((memoryKind == GcHeap) && m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // ByrefExposed and GcHeap share any phi this block may have, assert(block->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind] == block->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[ByrefExposed]); // so we will have already allocated a defnum for it if needed. assert(memoryKind > ByrefExposed); assert(pRenameState->CountForMemoryUse(memoryKind) == pRenameState->CountForMemoryUse(ByrefExposed)); } else { // Is there an Phi definition for memoryKind at the start of this block? if (block->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind] != nullptr) { unsigned count = pRenameState->CountForMemoryDef(); pRenameState->PushMemory(memoryKind, block, count); DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Ssa # for %s phi on entry to BB%02u is %d.\n", memoryKindNames[memoryKind], block->bbNum, count); } } // Record the "in" Ssa # for memoryKind. block->bbMemorySsaNumIn[memoryKind] = pRenameState->CountForMemoryUse(memoryKind); } // We need to iterate over phi definitions, to give them SSA names, but we need // to know which are which, so we don't add phi definitions to handler phi arg lists. // Statements are phi defns until they aren't. bool isPhiDefn = true; GenTreePtr firstNonPhi = block->FirstNonPhiDef(); for (GenTreePtr stmt = block->bbTreeList; stmt; stmt = stmt->gtNext) { if (stmt == firstNonPhi) { isPhiDefn = false; } for (GenTreePtr tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtList; tree; tree = tree->gtNext) { TreeRenameVariables(tree, block, pRenameState, isPhiDefn); } } // Now handle the final memory states. for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { MemoryKindSet memorySet = memoryKindSet(memoryKind); // If the block defines memory, allocate an SSA variable for the final memory state in the block. // (This may be redundant with the last SSA var explicitly created, but there's no harm in that.) if ((memoryKind == GcHeap) && m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // We've already allocated the SSA num and propagated it to shared phis, if needed, // when processing ByrefExposed. assert(memoryKind > ByrefExposed); assert(((block->bbMemoryDef & memorySet) != 0) == ((block->bbMemoryDef & memoryKindSet(ByrefExposed)) != 0)); assert(pRenameState->CountForMemoryUse(memoryKind) == pRenameState->CountForMemoryUse(ByrefExposed)); } else { if ((block->bbMemoryDef & memorySet) != 0) { unsigned count = pRenameState->CountForMemoryDef(); pRenameState->PushMemory(memoryKind, block, count); AddMemoryDefToHandlerPhis(memoryKind, block, count); } } // Record the "out" Ssa" # for memoryKind. block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind] = pRenameState->CountForMemoryUse(memoryKind); DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("Ssa # for %s on entry to BB%02u is %d; on exit is %d.\n", memoryKindNames[memoryKind], block->bbNum, block->bbMemorySsaNumIn[memoryKind], block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind]); } } /** * Walk through the phi nodes of a given block and assign rhs variables to them. * * Also renumber the rhs variables from top of the stack. * * @param block Block for which phi nodes have to be assigned their rhs arguments. * @param pRenameState The incremental rename information stored during renaming process. * */ void SsaBuilder::AssignPhiNodeRhsVariables(BasicBlock* block, SsaRenameState* pRenameState) { for (BasicBlock* succ : block->GetAllSuccs(m_pCompiler)) { // Walk the statements for phi nodes. for (GenTreePtr stmt = succ->bbTreeList; stmt != nullptr && stmt->IsPhiDefnStmt(); stmt = stmt->gtNext) { GenTreePtr tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr; assert(tree->IsPhiDefn()); // Get the phi node from GT_ASG. GenTreePtr phiNode = tree->gtOp.gtOp2; assert(phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1 == nullptr || phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1->OperGet() == GT_LIST); unsigned lclNum = tree->gtOp.gtOp1->gtLclVar.gtLclNum; unsigned ssaNum = pRenameState->CountForUse(lclNum); // Search the arglist for an existing definition for ssaNum. // (Can we assert that its the head of the list? This should only happen when we add // during renaming for a definition that occurs within a try, and then that's the last // value of the var within that basic block.) GenTreeArgList* argList = (phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1 == nullptr ? nullptr : phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1->AsArgList()); bool found = false; while (argList != nullptr) { if (argList->Current()->AsLclVarCommon()->GetSsaNum() == ssaNum) { found = true; break; } argList = argList->Rest(); } if (!found) { GenTreePtr newPhiArg = new (m_pCompiler, GT_PHI_ARG) GenTreePhiArg(tree->gtOp.gtOp1->TypeGet(), lclNum, ssaNum, block); argList = (phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1 == nullptr ? nullptr : phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1->AsArgList()); phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1 = new (m_pCompiler, GT_LIST) GenTreeArgList(newPhiArg, argList); DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Added phi arg u:%d for V%02u from BB%02u in BB%02u.\n", ssaNum, lclNum, block->bbNum, succ->bbNum); } m_pCompiler->gtSetStmtInfo(stmt); m_pCompiler->fgSetStmtSeq(stmt); } // Now handle memory. for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg*& succMemoryPhi = succ->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind]; if (succMemoryPhi != nullptr) { if ((memoryKind == GcHeap) && m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // We've already propagated the "out" number to the phi shared with ByrefExposed, // but still need to update bbMemorySsaPhiFunc to be in sync between GcHeap and ByrefExposed. assert(memoryKind > ByrefExposed); assert(block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind] == block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[ByrefExposed]); assert((succ->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[ByrefExposed] == succMemoryPhi) || (succ->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[ByrefExposed]->m_nextArg == (succMemoryPhi == BasicBlock::EmptyMemoryPhiDef ? nullptr : succMemoryPhi))); succMemoryPhi = succ->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[ByrefExposed]; continue; } if (succMemoryPhi == BasicBlock::EmptyMemoryPhiDef) { succMemoryPhi = new (m_pCompiler) BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg(block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind]); } else { BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg* curArg = succMemoryPhi; unsigned ssaNum = block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind]; bool found = false; // This is a quadratic algorithm. We might need to consider some switch over to a hash table // representation for the arguments of a phi node, to make this linear. while (curArg != nullptr) { if (curArg->m_ssaNum == ssaNum) { found = true; break; } curArg = curArg->m_nextArg; } if (!found) { succMemoryPhi = new (m_pCompiler) BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg(ssaNum, succMemoryPhi); } } DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Added phi arg for %s u:%d from BB%02u in BB%02u.\n", memoryKindNames[memoryKind], block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind], block->bbNum, succ->bbNum); } } // If "succ" is the first block of a try block (and "block" is not also in that try block) // then we must look at the vars that have phi defs in the corresponding handler; // the current SSA name for such vars must be included as an argument to that phi. if (m_pCompiler->bbIsTryBeg(succ)) { assert(succ->hasTryIndex()); unsigned tryInd = succ->getTryIndex(); while (tryInd != EHblkDsc::NO_ENCLOSING_INDEX) { // Check if the predecessor "block" is within the same try block. if (block->hasTryIndex()) { for (unsigned blockTryInd = block->getTryIndex(); blockTryInd != EHblkDsc::NO_ENCLOSING_INDEX; blockTryInd = m_pCompiler->ehGetEnclosingTryIndex(blockTryInd)) { if (blockTryInd == tryInd) { // It is; don't execute the loop below. tryInd = EHblkDsc::NO_ENCLOSING_INDEX; break; } } // The loop just above found that the predecessor "block" is within the same // try block as "succ." So we don't need to process this try, or any // further outer try blocks here, since they would also contain both "succ" // and "block". if (tryInd == EHblkDsc::NO_ENCLOSING_INDEX) { break; } } EHblkDsc* succTry = m_pCompiler->ehGetDsc(tryInd); // This is necessarily true on the first iteration, but not // necessarily on the second and subsequent. if (succTry->ebdTryBeg != succ) { break; } // succ is the first block of this try. Look at phi defs in the handler. // For a filter, we consider the filter to be the "real" handler. BasicBlock* handlerStart = succTry->ExFlowBlock(); for (GenTreePtr stmt = handlerStart->bbTreeList; stmt; stmt = stmt->gtNext) { GenTreePtr tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr; // Check if the first n of the statements are phi nodes. If not, exit. if (tree->OperGet() != GT_ASG || tree->gtOp.gtOp2 == nullptr || tree->gtOp.gtOp2->OperGet() != GT_PHI) { break; } // Get the phi node from GT_ASG. GenTreePtr lclVar = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; unsigned lclNum = lclVar->gtLclVar.gtLclNum; // If the variable is live-out of "blk", and is therefore live on entry to the try-block-start // "succ", then we make sure the current SSA name for the // var is one of the args of the phi node. If not, go on. LclVarDsc* lclVarDsc = &m_pCompiler->lvaTable[lclNum]; if (!lclVarDsc->lvTracked || !VarSetOps::IsMember(m_pCompiler, block->bbLiveOut, lclVarDsc->lvVarIndex)) { continue; } GenTreePtr phiNode = tree->gtOp.gtOp2; assert(phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1 == nullptr || phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1->OperGet() == GT_LIST); GenTreeArgList* argList = reinterpret_cast(phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1); // What is the current SSAName from the predecessor for this local? unsigned ssaNum = pRenameState->CountForUse(lclNum); // See if this ssaNum is already an arg to the phi. bool alreadyArg = false; for (GenTreeArgList* curArgs = argList; curArgs != nullptr; curArgs = curArgs->Rest()) { if (curArgs->Current()->gtPhiArg.gtSsaNum == ssaNum) { alreadyArg = true; break; } } if (!alreadyArg) { // Add the new argument. GenTreePtr newPhiArg = new (m_pCompiler, GT_PHI_ARG) GenTreePhiArg(lclVar->TypeGet(), lclNum, ssaNum, block); phiNode->gtOp.gtOp1 = new (m_pCompiler, GT_LIST) GenTreeArgList(newPhiArg, argList); DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Added phi arg u:%d for V%02u from BB%02u in BB%02u.\n", ssaNum, lclNum, block->bbNum, handlerStart->bbNum); m_pCompiler->gtSetStmtInfo(stmt); m_pCompiler->fgSetStmtSeq(stmt); } } // Now handle memory. for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg*& handlerMemoryPhi = handlerStart->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[memoryKind]; if (handlerMemoryPhi != nullptr) { if ((memoryKind == GcHeap) && m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // We've already added the arg to the phi shared with ByrefExposed if needed, // but still need to update bbMemorySsaPhiFunc to stay in sync. assert(memoryKind > ByrefExposed); assert(block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind] == block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[ByrefExposed]); assert(handlerStart->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[ByrefExposed]->m_ssaNum == block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind]); handlerMemoryPhi = handlerStart->bbMemorySsaPhiFunc[ByrefExposed]; continue; } if (handlerMemoryPhi == BasicBlock::EmptyMemoryPhiDef) { handlerMemoryPhi = new (m_pCompiler) BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg(block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind]); } else { // This path has a potential to introduce redundant phi args, due to multiple // preds of the same try-begin block having the same live-out memory def, and/or // due to nested try-begins each having preds with the same live-out memory def. // Avoid doing quadratic processing on handler phis, and instead live with the // occasional redundancy. handlerMemoryPhi = new (m_pCompiler) BasicBlock::MemoryPhiArg(block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind], handlerMemoryPhi); } DBG_SSA_JITDUMP(" Added phi arg for %s u:%d from BB%02u in BB%02u.\n", memoryKindNames[memoryKind], block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind], block->bbNum, handlerStart->bbNum); } } tryInd = succTry->ebdEnclosingTryIndex; } } } } /** * Walk the block's tree in the evaluation order and reclaim rename stack for var definitions. * * @param block Block for which SSA variables have to be renamed. * @param pRenameState The incremental rename information stored during renaming process. * */ void SsaBuilder::BlockPopStacks(BasicBlock* block, SsaRenameState* pRenameState) { // Pop the names given to the non-phi nodes. pRenameState->PopBlockStacks(block); // And for memory. for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { if ((memoryKind == GcHeap) && m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // GcHeap and ByrefExposed share a rename stack, so don't try // to pop it a second time. continue; } pRenameState->PopBlockMemoryStack(memoryKind, block); } } /** * Perform variable renaming. * * Walks the blocks and renames all var defs with ssa numbers and all uses with the * current count that is in the top of the stack. Assigns phi node rhs variables * (i.e., the arguments to the phi.) Then, calls the function recursively on child * nodes in the DOM tree to continue the renaming process. * * @param block Block for which SSA variables have to be renamed. * @param pRenameState The incremental rename information stored during renaming process. * * @remarks At the end of the method, m_uses and m_defs should be populated linking the * uses and defs. * * @see Briggs, Cooper, Harvey and Simpson "Practical Improvements to the Construction * and Destruction of Static Single Assignment Form." */ void SsaBuilder::RenameVariables(BlkToBlkSetMap* domTree, SsaRenameState* pRenameState) { JITDUMP("*************** In SsaBuilder::RenameVariables()\n"); // The first thing we do is treat parameters and must-init variables as if they have a // virtual definition before entry -- they start out at SSA name 1. for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_pCompiler->lvaCount; i++) { LclVarDsc* varDsc = &m_pCompiler->lvaTable[i]; #ifdef DEBUG varDsc->lvNumSsaNames = SsaConfig::UNINIT_SSA_NUM; // Start off fresh... #endif if (varDsc->lvIsParam || m_pCompiler->info.compInitMem || varDsc->lvMustInit || (varDsc->lvTracked && VarSetOps::IsMember(m_pCompiler, m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB->bbLiveIn, varDsc->lvVarIndex))) { unsigned count = pRenameState->CountForDef(i); // In ValueNum we'd assume un-inited variables get FIRST_SSA_NUM. assert(count == SsaConfig::FIRST_SSA_NUM); #ifdef DEBUG varDsc->lvNumSsaNames++; #endif pRenameState->Push(nullptr, i, count); } } // In ValueNum we'd assume un-inited memory gets FIRST_SSA_NUM. // The memory is a parameter. Use FIRST_SSA_NUM as first SSA name. unsigned initMemoryCount = pRenameState->CountForMemoryDef(); assert(initMemoryCount == SsaConfig::FIRST_SSA_NUM); for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { if ((memoryKind == GcHeap) && m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates) { // GcHeap shares its stack with ByrefExposed; don't re-push. continue; } pRenameState->PushMemory(memoryKind, m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB, initMemoryCount); } // Initialize the memory ssa numbers for unreachable blocks. ValueNum expects // memory ssa numbers to have some intitial value. for (BasicBlock* block = m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { if (block->bbIDom == nullptr) { for (MemoryKind memoryKind : allMemoryKinds()) { block->bbMemorySsaNumIn[memoryKind] = initMemoryCount; block->bbMemorySsaNumOut[memoryKind] = initMemoryCount; } } } struct BlockWork { BasicBlock* m_blk; bool m_processed; // Whether the this block have already been processed: its var renamed, and children // processed. // If so, awaiting only BlockPopStacks. BlockWork(BasicBlock* blk, bool processed = false) : m_blk(blk), m_processed(processed) { } }; typedef jitstd::vector BlockWorkStack; BlockWorkStack* blocksToDo = new (jitstd::utility::allocate(m_allocator), jitstd::placement_t()) BlockWorkStack(m_allocator); blocksToDo->push_back(BlockWork(m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB)); // Probably have to include other roots of dom tree. while (blocksToDo->size() != 0) { BlockWork blockWrk = blocksToDo->back(); blocksToDo->pop_back(); BasicBlock* block = blockWrk.m_blk; DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("[SsaBuilder::RenameVariables](BB%02u, processed = %d)\n", block->bbNum, blockWrk.m_processed); if (!blockWrk.m_processed) { // Push the block back on the stack with "m_processed" true, to record the fact that when its children have // been (recursively) processed, we still need to call BlockPopStacks on it. blocksToDo->push_back(BlockWork(block, true)); // Walk the block give counts to DEFs and give top of stack count for USEs. BlockRenameVariables(block, pRenameState); // Assign arguments to the phi node of successors, corresponding to the block's index. AssignPhiNodeRhsVariables(block, pRenameState); // Recurse with the block's DOM children. BlkSet* pBlkSet; if (domTree->Lookup(block, &pBlkSet)) { for (BlkSet::KeyIterator child = pBlkSet->Begin(); !child.Equal(pBlkSet->End()); ++child) { DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("[SsaBuilder::RenameVariables](pushing dom child BB%02u)\n", child.Get()->bbNum); blocksToDo->push_back(BlockWork(child.Get())); } } } else { // Done, pop all the stack count, if there is one for this block. BlockPopStacks(block, pRenameState); DBG_SSA_JITDUMP("[SsaBuilder::RenameVariables] done with BB%02u\n", block->bbNum); } } // Remember the number of memory SSA names. m_pCompiler->lvMemoryNumSsaNames = pRenameState->MemoryCount(); } #ifdef DEBUG /** * Print the blocks, the phi nodes get printed as well. * @example: * After SSA BB02: * [0027CC0C] ----------- stmtExpr void (IL 0x019...0x01B) * N001 ( 1, 1) [0027CB70] ----------- const int 23 * N003 ( 3, 3) [0027CBD8] -A------R-- = int * N002 ( 1, 1) [0027CBA4] D------N--- lclVar int V01 arg1 d:5 * * After SSA BB04: * [0027D530] ----------- stmtExpr void (IL ???... ???) * N002 ( 0, 0) [0027D4C8] ----------- phi int * [0027D8CC] ----------- lclVar int V01 arg1 u:5 * [0027D844] ----------- lclVar int V01 arg1 u:4 * N004 ( 2, 2) [0027D4FC] -A------R-- = int * N003 ( 1, 1) [0027D460] D------N--- lclVar int V01 arg1 d:3 */ void SsaBuilder::Print(BasicBlock** postOrder, int count) { for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { printf("After SSA BB%02u:\n", postOrder[i]->bbNum); m_pCompiler->gtDispTreeList(postOrder[i]->bbTreeList); } } #endif // DEBUG /** * Build SSA form. * * Sorts the graph topologically. * - Collects them in postOrder array. * * Identifies each block's immediate dominator. * - Computes this in bbIDom of each BasicBlock. * * Computes DOM tree relation. * - Computes domTree as block -> set of blocks. * - Computes pre/post order traversal of the DOM tree. * * Inserts phi nodes. * - Computes dominance frontier as block -> set of blocks. * - Allocates block use/def/livein/liveout and computes it. * - Inserts phi nodes with only rhs at the beginning of the blocks. * * Renames variables. * - Walks blocks in evaluation order and gives uses and defs names. * - Gives empty phi nodes their rhs arguments as they become known while renaming. * * @return true if successful, for now, this must always be true. * * @see "A simple, fast dominance algorithm" by Keith D. Cooper, Timothy J. Harvey, Ken Kennedy. * @see Briggs, Cooper, Harvey and Simpson "Practical Improvements to the Construction * and Destruction of Static Single Assignment Form." */ void SsaBuilder::Build() { #ifdef DEBUG if (m_pCompiler->verbose) { printf("*************** In SsaBuilder::Build()\n"); } #endif // Ensure that there's a first block outside a try, so that the dominator tree has a unique root. SetupBBRoot(); // Just to keep block no. & index same add 1. int blockCount = m_pCompiler->fgBBNumMax + 1; JITDUMP("[SsaBuilder] Max block count is %d.\n", blockCount); // Allocate the postOrder array for the graph. BasicBlock** postOrder; if (blockCount > DEFAULT_MIN_OPTS_BB_COUNT) { postOrder = new (m_pCompiler->getAllocator()) BasicBlock*[blockCount]; } else { postOrder = (BasicBlock**)alloca(blockCount * sizeof(BasicBlock*)); } // Topologically sort the graph. int count = TopologicalSort(postOrder, blockCount); JITDUMP("[SsaBuilder] Topologically sorted the graph.\n"); EndPhase(PHASE_BUILD_SSA_TOPOSORT); // Compute IDom(b). ComputeImmediateDom(postOrder, count); // Compute the dominator tree. BlkToBlkSetMap* domTree = new (m_pCompiler->getAllocator()) BlkToBlkSetMap(m_pCompiler->getAllocator()); ComputeDominators(postOrder, count, domTree); EndPhase(PHASE_BUILD_SSA_DOMS); // Insert phi functions. InsertPhiFunctions(postOrder, count); // Rename local variables and collect UD information for each ssa var. SsaRenameState* pRenameState = new (jitstd::utility::allocate(m_allocator), jitstd::placement_t()) SsaRenameState(m_allocator, m_pCompiler->lvaCount, m_pCompiler->byrefStatesMatchGcHeapStates); RenameVariables(domTree, pRenameState); EndPhase(PHASE_BUILD_SSA_RENAME); #ifdef DEBUG // At this point we are in SSA form. Print the SSA form. if (m_pCompiler->verboseSsa) { Print(postOrder, count); } #endif } void SsaBuilder::SetupBBRoot() { // Allocate a bbroot, if necessary. // We need a unique block to be the root of the dominator tree. // This can be violated if the first block is in a try, or if it is the first block of // a loop (which would necessarily be an infinite loop) -- i.e., it has a predecessor. // If neither condition holds, no reason to make a new block. if (!m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB->hasTryIndex() && m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB->bbPreds == nullptr) { return; } BasicBlock* bbRoot = m_pCompiler->bbNewBasicBlock(BBJ_NONE); bbRoot->bbFlags |= BBF_INTERNAL; // May need to fix up preds list, so remember the old first block. BasicBlock* oldFirst = m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB; // Copy the liveness information from the first basic block. if (m_pCompiler->fgLocalVarLivenessDone) { VarSetOps::Assign(m_pCompiler, bbRoot->bbLiveIn, oldFirst->bbLiveIn); VarSetOps::Assign(m_pCompiler, bbRoot->bbLiveOut, oldFirst->bbLiveIn); } // Copy the bbWeight. (This is technically wrong, if the first block is a loop head, but // it shouldn't matter...) bbRoot->inheritWeight(oldFirst); // There's an artifical incoming reference count for the first BB. We're about to make it no longer // the first BB, so decrement that. assert(oldFirst->bbRefs > 0); oldFirst->bbRefs--; m_pCompiler->fgInsertBBbefore(m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB, bbRoot); assert(m_pCompiler->fgFirstBB == bbRoot); if (m_pCompiler->fgComputePredsDone) { m_pCompiler->fgAddRefPred(oldFirst, bbRoot); } } #ifdef DEBUG // This method asserts that SSA name constraints specified are satisfied. void Compiler::JitTestCheckSSA() { struct SSAName { unsigned m_lvNum; unsigned m_ssaNum; static unsigned GetHashCode(SSAName ssaNm) { return ssaNm.m_lvNum << 16 | ssaNm.m_ssaNum; } static bool Equals(SSAName ssaNm1, SSAName ssaNm2) { return ssaNm1.m_lvNum == ssaNm2.m_lvNum && ssaNm1.m_ssaNum == ssaNm2.m_ssaNum; } }; typedef SimplerHashTable, SSAName, JitSimplerHashBehavior> LabelToSSANameMap; typedef SimplerHashTable SSANameToLabelMap; // If we have no test data, early out. if (m_nodeTestData == nullptr) { return; } NodeToTestDataMap* testData = GetNodeTestData(); // First we have to know which nodes in the tree are reachable. NodeToIntMap* reachable = FindReachableNodesInNodeTestData(); LabelToSSANameMap* labelToSSA = new (getAllocatorDebugOnly()) LabelToSSANameMap(getAllocatorDebugOnly()); SSANameToLabelMap* ssaToLabel = new (getAllocatorDebugOnly()) SSANameToLabelMap(getAllocatorDebugOnly()); if (verbose) { printf("\nJit Testing: SSA names.\n"); } for (NodeToTestDataMap::KeyIterator ki = testData->Begin(); !ki.Equal(testData->End()); ++ki) { TestLabelAndNum tlAndN; GenTreePtr node = ki.Get(); bool b = testData->Lookup(node, &tlAndN); assert(b); if (tlAndN.m_tl == TL_SsaName) { if (node->OperGet() != GT_LCL_VAR) { printf("SSAName constraint put on non-lcl-var expression "); printTreeID(node); printf(" (of type %s).\n", varTypeName(node->TypeGet())); unreached(); } GenTreeLclVarCommon* lcl = node->AsLclVarCommon(); int dummy; if (!reachable->Lookup(lcl, &dummy)) { printf("Node "); printTreeID(lcl); printf(" had a test constraint declared, but has become unreachable at the time the constraint is " "tested.\n" "(This is probably as a result of some optimization -- \n" "you may need to modify the test case to defeat this opt.)\n"); unreached(); } if (verbose) { printf(" Node: "); printTreeID(lcl); printf(", SSA name = <%d, %d> -- SSA name class %d.\n", lcl->gtLclNum, lcl->gtSsaNum, tlAndN.m_num); } SSAName ssaNm; if (labelToSSA->Lookup(tlAndN.m_num, &ssaNm)) { if (verbose) { printf(" Already in hash tables.\n"); } // The mapping(s) must be one-to-one: if the label has a mapping, then the ssaNm must, as well. ssize_t num2; bool b = ssaToLabel->Lookup(ssaNm, &num2); // And the mappings must be the same. if (tlAndN.m_num != num2) { printf("Node: "); printTreeID(lcl); printf(", SSA name = <%d, %d> was declared in SSA name class %d,\n", lcl->gtLclNum, lcl->gtSsaNum, tlAndN.m_num); printf( "but this SSA name <%d,%d> has already been associated with a different SSA name class: %d.\n", ssaNm.m_lvNum, ssaNm.m_ssaNum, num2); unreached(); } // And the current node must be of the specified SSA family. if (!(lcl->gtLclNum == ssaNm.m_lvNum && lcl->gtSsaNum == ssaNm.m_ssaNum)) { printf("Node: "); printTreeID(lcl); printf(", SSA name = <%d, %d> was declared in SSA name class %d,\n", lcl->gtLclNum, lcl->gtSsaNum, tlAndN.m_num); printf("but that name class was previously bound to a different SSA name: <%d,%d>.\n", ssaNm.m_lvNum, ssaNm.m_ssaNum); unreached(); } } else { ssaNm.m_lvNum = lcl->gtLclNum; ssaNm.m_ssaNum = lcl->gtSsaNum; ssize_t num; // The mapping(s) must be one-to-one: if the label has no mapping, then the ssaNm may not, either. if (ssaToLabel->Lookup(ssaNm, &num)) { printf("Node: "); printTreeID(lcl); printf(", SSA name = <%d, %d> was declared in SSA name class %d,\n", lcl->gtLclNum, lcl->gtSsaNum, tlAndN.m_num); printf("but this SSA name has already been associated with a different name class: %d.\n", num); unreached(); } // Add to both mappings. labelToSSA->Set(tlAndN.m_num, ssaNm); ssaToLabel->Set(ssaNm, tlAndN.m_num); if (verbose) { printf(" added to hash tables.\n"); } } } } } #endif // DEBUG