// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX XX State machine used in the JIT XX XX XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX */ #include "jitpch.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma hdrstop #endif #include "smcommon.cpp" // // The array to map from EE opcodes (i.e. CEE_ ) to state machine opcodes (i.e. SM_ ) // const SM_OPCODE smOpcodeMap[] = { #define OPCODEMAP(eename,eestring,smname) smname, #include "smopcodemap.def" #undef OPCODEMAP }; // ????????? How to make this method inlinable, since it refers to smOpcodeMap???? /* static */ SM_OPCODE CodeSeqSM::MapToSMOpcode(OPCODE opcode) { assert(opcode < CEE_COUNT); SM_OPCODE smOpcode = smOpcodeMap[opcode]; assert(smOpcode < SM_COUNT); return smOpcode; } void CodeSeqSM::Start(Compiler * comp) { pComp = comp; States = gp_SMStates; JumpTableCells = gp_SMJumpTableCells; StateWeights = gp_StateWeights; NativeSize = 0; Reset(); } void CodeSeqSM::Reset() { curState = SM_STATE_ID_START; #ifdef DEBUG // Reset the state occurence counts memset(StateMatchedCounts, 0, sizeof(StateMatchedCounts)); #endif } void CodeSeqSM::End() { if (States[curState].term) { TermStateMatch(curState DEBUGARG(pComp->verbose)); } } void CodeSeqSM::Run(SM_OPCODE opcode DEBUGARG(int level)) { SM_STATE_ID nextState; SM_STATE_ID rollbackState; SM_OPCODE opcodesToRevisit[MAX_CODE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH]; assert(level<=MAX_CODE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH); _Next: nextState = GetDestState(curState, opcode); if (nextState != 0) { // This is easy, Just go to the next state. curState = nextState; return; } assert(curState != SM_STATE_ID_START); if (States[curState].term) { TermStateMatch(curState DEBUGARG(pComp->verbose)); curState = SM_STATE_ID_START; goto _Next; } // This is hard. We need to rollback to the longest matched term state and restart from there. rollbackState = States[curState].longestTermState; TermStateMatch(rollbackState DEBUGARG(pComp->verbose)); assert(States[curState].length > States[rollbackState].length); unsigned numOfOpcodesToRevisit = States[curState].length - States[rollbackState].length + 1; assert(numOfOpcodesToRevisit > 1 && numOfOpcodesToRevisit <= MAX_CODE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH); // So it can fit in the local array opcodesToRevisit[] SM_OPCODE * p = opcodesToRevisit + (numOfOpcodesToRevisit - 1); *p = opcode; // Fill in the local array: for (unsigned i = 0; isrcState != srcState) { assert(cell->srcState == 0 || cell->srcState != srcState); // Either way means there is not outgoing edge from srcState. return 0; } else { return cell->destState; } } #ifdef DEBUG const char * CodeSeqSM::StateDesc(SM_STATE_ID stateID) { static char s_StateDesc[500]; static SM_OPCODE s_StateDescOpcodes[MAX_CODE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH]; if (stateID == 0) return "invalid"; if (stateID == SM_STATE_ID_START) return "start"; unsigned i = 0; SM_STATE_ID b = stateID; while (States[b].prevState != 0) { s_StateDescOpcodes[i] = States[b].opc; b = States[b].prevState; ++i; } assert(i == States[stateID].length && i>0); * s_StateDesc = 0; while (--i>0) { strcat(s_StateDesc, smOpcodeNames[s_StateDescOpcodes[i]]); strcat(s_StateDesc, " -> "); } strcat(s_StateDesc, smOpcodeNames[s_StateDescOpcodes[0]]); return s_StateDesc; } #endif // DEBUG