// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // ================================================================================= // Code that works with liveness and related concepts (interference, debug scope) // ================================================================================= #include "jitpch.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma hdrstop #endif /***************************************************************************** * * Helper for Compiler::fgPerBlockLocalVarLiveness(). * The goal is to compute the USE and DEF sets for a basic block. * However with the new improvement to the data flow analysis (DFA), * we do not mark x as used in x = f(x) when there are no side effects in f(x). * 'asgdLclVar' is set when 'tree' is part of an expression with no side-effects * which is assigned to asgdLclVar, ie. asgdLclVar = (... tree ...) */ inline void Compiler::fgMarkUseDef(GenTreeLclVarCommon *tree, GenTree *asgdLclVar) { bool rhsUSEDEF = false; unsigned lclNum; unsigned lhsLclNum; LclVarDsc* varDsc; noway_assert(tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR || tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR || tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_FLD || tree->gtOper == GT_STORE_LCL_VAR || tree->gtOper == GT_STORE_LCL_FLD); if (tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR || tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR || tree->gtOper == GT_STORE_LCL_VAR) { lclNum = tree->gtLclNum; } else { noway_assert(tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_FLD || tree->gtOper == GT_STORE_LCL_FLD); lclNum = tree->gtLclFld.gtLclNum; } noway_assert(lclNum < lvaCount); varDsc = lvaTable + lclNum; // We should never encounter a reference to a lclVar that has a zero refCnt. if(varDsc->lvRefCnt == 0 && (!varTypeIsPromotable(varDsc) || !varDsc->lvPromoted)) { JITDUMP("Found reference to V%02u with zero refCnt.\n", lclNum); assert(!"We should never encounter a reference to a lclVar that has a zero refCnt."); varDsc->lvRefCnt = 1; } if (asgdLclVar) { /* we have an assignment to a local var : asgdLclVar = ... tree ... * check for x = f(x) case */ noway_assert(asgdLclVar->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR || asgdLclVar->gtOper == GT_STORE_LCL_VAR); noway_assert(asgdLclVar->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF); lhsLclNum = asgdLclVar->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum; if ((lhsLclNum == lclNum) && ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF) == 0) && (tree != asgdLclVar) ) { /* bingo - we have an x = f(x) case */ noway_assert(lvaTable[lhsLclNum].lvType != TYP_STRUCT || lvaTable[lhsLclNum].lvIsSIMDType()); asgdLclVar->gtFlags |= GTF_VAR_USEDEF; rhsUSEDEF = true; } } /* Is this a tracked variable? */ if (varDsc->lvTracked) { noway_assert(varDsc->lvVarIndex < lvaTrackedCount); if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF) != 0 && (tree->gtFlags & (GTF_VAR_USEASG | GTF_VAR_USEDEF)) == 0) { // if (!(fgCurUseSet & bitMask)) printf("V%02u,T%02u def at %08p\n", lclNum, varDsc->lvVarIndex, tree); VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, fgCurDefSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex); } else { // if (!(fgCurDefSet & bitMask)) // { // printf("V%02u,T%02u use at ", lclNum, varDsc->lvVarIndex); // printTreeID(tree); // printf("\n"); // } /* We have the following scenarios: * 1. "x += something" - in this case x is flagged GTF_VAR_USEASG * 2. "x = ... x ..." - the LHS x is flagged GTF_VAR_USEDEF, * the RHS x is has rhsUSEDEF = true * (both set by the code above) * * We should not mark an USE of x in the above cases provided the value "x" is not used * further up in the tree. For example "while (i++)" is required to mark i as used. */ /* make sure we don't include USEDEF variables in the USE set * The first test is for LSH, the second (!rhsUSEDEF) is for any var in the RHS */ if ((tree->gtFlags & (GTF_VAR_USEASG | GTF_VAR_USEDEF)) == 0) { /* Not a special flag - check to see if used to assign to itself */ if (rhsUSEDEF) { /* assign to itself - do not include it in the USE set */ if (!opts.MinOpts() && !opts.compDbgCode) return; } } /* Fall through for the "good" cases above - add the variable to the USE set */ if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, fgCurDefSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex)) { VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, fgCurUseSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex); } // For defs, also add to the (all) def set. if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF) != 0) { VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, fgCurDefSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex); } } } else if (varDsc->lvType == TYP_STRUCT) { noway_assert(!varDsc->lvTracked); lvaPromotionType promotionType = lvaGetPromotionType(varDsc); if (promotionType != PROMOTION_TYPE_NONE) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(bitMask, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); for (unsigned i = varDsc->lvFieldLclStart; i < varDsc->lvFieldLclStart + varDsc->lvFieldCnt; ++i) { noway_assert(lvaTable[i].lvIsStructField); if (lvaTable[i].lvTracked) { noway_assert(lvaTable[i].lvVarIndex < lvaTrackedCount); VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, bitMask, lvaTable[i].lvVarIndex); } } // Mark as used any struct fields that are not yet defined. if (!VarSetOps::IsSubset(this, bitMask, fgCurDefSet)) { VarSetOps::UnionD(this, fgCurUseSet, bitMask); } } } } /*****************************************************************************/ void Compiler::fgLocalVarLiveness() { #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("*************** In fgLocalVarLiveness()\n"); #ifndef LEGACY_BACKEND if (compRationalIRForm) { lvaTableDump(); } #endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND } #endif // DEBUG // Init liveness data structures. fgLocalVarLivenessInit(); assert(lvaSortAgain == false); // Set to false by lvaSortOnly() EndPhase(PHASE_LCLVARLIVENESS_INIT); // Make sure we haven't noted any partial last uses of promoted structs. GetPromotedStructDeathVars()->RemoveAll(); // Initialize the per-block var sets. fgInitBlockVarSets(); fgLocalVarLivenessChanged = false; do { /* Figure out use/def info for all basic blocks */ fgPerBlockLocalVarLiveness(); EndPhase(PHASE_LCLVARLIVENESS_PERBLOCK); /* Live variable analysis. */ fgStmtRemoved = false; fgInterBlockLocalVarLiveness(); } while (fgStmtRemoved && fgLocalVarLivenessChanged); // If we removed any dead code we will have set 'lvaSortAgain' via decRefCnts if (lvaSortAgain) { JITDUMP("In fgLocalVarLiveness, setting lvaSortAgain back to false (set during dead-code removal)\n"); lvaSortAgain = false; // We don't re-Sort because we just performed LclVar liveness. } EndPhase(PHASE_LCLVARLIVENESS_INTERBLOCK); } /*****************************************************************************/ void Compiler::fgLocalVarLivenessInit() { // If necessary, re-sort the variable table by ref-count...before creating any varsets using this sorting. if (lvaSortAgain) { JITDUMP("In fgLocalVarLivenessInit, sorting locals\n"); lvaSortByRefCount(); assert(lvaSortAgain == false); // Set to false by lvaSortOnly() } #ifdef LEGACY_BACKEND // RyuJIT backend does not use interference info for (unsigned i = 0; i < lclMAX_TRACKED; i++) { VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, lvaVarIntf[i], VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); } /* If we're not optimizing at all, things are simple */ if (opts.MinOpts()) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(allOnes, VarSetOps::MakeFull(this)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < lvaTrackedCount; i++) { VarSetOps::Assign(this, lvaVarIntf[i], allOnes); } return; } #endif // LEGACY_BACKEND // We mark a lcl as must-init in a first pass of local variable // liveness (Liveness1), then assertion prop eliminates the // uninit-use of a variable Vk, asserting it will be init'ed to // null. Then, in a second local-var liveness (Liveness2), the // variable Vk is no longer live on entry to the method, since its // uses have been replaced via constant propagation. // // This leads to a bug: since Vk is no longer live on entry, the // register allocator sees Vk and an argument Vj as having // disjoint lifetimes, and allocates them to the same register. // But Vk is still marked "must-init", and this initialization (of // the register) trashes the value in Vj. // // Therefore, initialize must-init to false for all variables in // each liveness phase. for (unsigned lclNum = 0; lclNum < lvaCount; ++lclNum) { lvaTable[lclNum].lvMustInit = false; } } /*****************************************************************************/ // VSW 322033 // // This method calculates the USE and DEF values for a statement. // It also calls fgSetRngChkTarget for the statement. // // We refactor out this code from fgPerBlockLocalVarLiveness // and add QMARK logics to it. // // NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE // // The usage of this method is very limited. // We should only call it for the first node in the statement or // for the node after the GTF_RELOP_QMARK node. // // NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE /* Since a GT_QMARK tree can take two paths (i.e. the thenTree Path or the elseTree path), when we calculate its fgCurDefSet and fgCurUseSet, we need to combine the results from both trees. Note that the GT_QMARK trees are threaded as shown below with nodes 1 to 11 linked by gtNext. The algorithm we use is: (1) We walk these nodes according the the evaluation order (i.e. from node 1 to node 11). (2) When we see the GTF_RELOP_QMARK node, we know we are about to split the path. We cache copies of current fgCurDefSet and fgCurUseSet. (The fact that it is recursively calling itself is for nested QMARK case, where we need to remember multiple copies of fgCurDefSet and fgCurUseSet.) (3) We walk the thenTree. (4) When we see GT_COLON node, we know that we just finished the thenTree. We then make a copy of the current fgCurDefSet and fgCurUseSet, restore them to the ones before the thenTree, and then continue walking the elseTree. (5) When we see the GT_QMARK node, we know we just finished the elseTree. So we combine the results from the thenTree and elseTree and then return. +--------------------+ | GT_QMARK 11| +----------+---------+ | * / \ / \ / \ +---------------------+ +--------------------+ | GT_ 3 | | GT_COLON 7 | | w/ GTF_RELOP_QMARK | | w/ GTF_COLON_COND | +----------+----------+ +---------+----------+ | | * * / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 2 1 thenTree 6 elseTree 10 x | | / * * +----------------+ / / \ / \ |prevExpr->gtNext+------/ / \ / \ +----------------+ / \ / \ 5 4 9 8 */ GenTreePtr Compiler::fgPerStatementLocalVarLiveness(GenTreePtr startNode, // The node to start walking with. GenTreePtr relopNode, // The node before the startNode. // (It should either be NULL or // a GTF_RELOP_QMARK node.) GenTreePtr lhsNode ) { GenTreePtr tree; VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT(this, defSet_BeforeSplit, fgCurDefSet); // Store the current fgCurDefSet and fgCurUseSet so VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT(this, useSet_BeforeSplit, fgCurUseSet); // we can restore then before entering the elseTree. bool heapUse_BeforeSplit = fgCurHeapUse; bool heapDef_BeforeSplit = fgCurHeapDef; bool heapHavoc_BeforeSplit = fgCurHeapHavoc; VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(defSet_AfterThenTree, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); // These two variables will store the USE and DEF sets after VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(useSet_AfterThenTree, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); // evaluating the thenTree. bool heapUse_AfterThenTree = fgCurHeapUse; bool heapDef_AfterThenTree = fgCurHeapDef; bool heapHavoc_AfterThenTree = fgCurHeapHavoc; // relopNode is either NULL or a GTF_RELOP_QMARK node. assert(!relopNode || (relopNode->OperKind() & GTK_RELOP) && (relopNode->gtFlags & GTF_RELOP_QMARK) ); // If relopNode is NULL, then the startNode must be the 1st node of the statement. // If relopNode is non-NULL, then the startNode must be the node right after the GTF_RELOP_QMARK node. assert( (!relopNode && startNode == compCurStmt->gtStmt.gtStmtList) || (relopNode && startNode == relopNode->gtNext) ); for (tree = startNode; tree; tree = tree->gtNext) { switch (tree->gtOper) { case GT_QMARK: // This must be a GT_QMARK node whose GTF_RELOP_QMARK node is recursively calling us. noway_assert(relopNode && tree->gtOp.gtOp1 == relopNode); // By the time we see a GT_QMARK, we must have finished processing the elseTree. // So it's the time to combine the results // from the the thenTree and the elseTree, and then return. VarSetOps::IntersectionD(this, fgCurDefSet, defSet_AfterThenTree); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, fgCurUseSet, useSet_AfterThenTree); fgCurHeapDef = fgCurHeapDef && heapDef_AfterThenTree; fgCurHeapHavoc = fgCurHeapHavoc && heapHavoc_AfterThenTree; fgCurHeapUse = fgCurHeapUse || heapUse_AfterThenTree; // Return the GT_QMARK node itself so the caller can continue from there. // NOTE: the caller will get to the next node by doing the "tree = tree->gtNext" // in the "for" statement. goto _return; case GT_COLON: // By the time we see GT_COLON, we must have just walked the thenTree. // So we need to do two things here. // (1) Save the current fgCurDefSet and fgCurUseSet so that later we can combine them // with the result from the elseTree. // (2) Restore fgCurDefSet and fgCurUseSet to the points before the thenTree is walked. // and then continue walking the elseTree. VarSetOps::Assign(this, defSet_AfterThenTree, fgCurDefSet); VarSetOps::Assign(this, useSet_AfterThenTree, fgCurUseSet); heapDef_AfterThenTree = fgCurHeapDef; heapHavoc_AfterThenTree = fgCurHeapHavoc; heapUse_AfterThenTree = fgCurHeapUse; VarSetOps::Assign(this, fgCurDefSet, defSet_BeforeSplit); VarSetOps::Assign(this, fgCurUseSet, useSet_BeforeSplit); fgCurHeapDef = heapDef_BeforeSplit; fgCurHeapHavoc = heapHavoc_BeforeSplit; fgCurHeapUse = heapUse_BeforeSplit; break; case GT_LCL_VAR: case GT_LCL_FLD: case GT_STORE_LCL_VAR: case GT_STORE_LCL_FLD: fgMarkUseDef(tree->AsLclVarCommon(), lhsNode); break; case GT_CLS_VAR: // If the GT_CLS_VAR is the lhs of an assignment, we'll handle it as a heap def, when we get to assignment. // Otherwise, we treat it as a use here. if (!fgCurHeapDef && (tree->gtFlags & GTF_CLS_VAR_ASG_LHS) == 0) { fgCurHeapUse = true; } break; case GT_IND: // If the GT_IND is the lhs of an assignment, we'll handle it as a heap def, when we get to assignment. // Otherwise, we treat it as a use here. if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_IND_ASG_LHS) == 0) { GenTreeLclVarCommon* dummyLclVarTree = NULL; bool dummyIsEntire = false; GenTreePtr addrArg = tree->gtOp.gtOp1->gtEffectiveVal(/*commaOnly*/true); if (!addrArg->DefinesLocalAddr(this, /*width doesn't matter*/0, &dummyLclVarTree, &dummyIsEntire)) { if (!fgCurHeapDef) { fgCurHeapUse = true; } } else { // Defines a local addr assert(dummyLclVarTree != nullptr); fgMarkUseDef(dummyLclVarTree->AsLclVarCommon(), lhsNode); } } break; // These should have been morphed away to become GT_INDs: case GT_FIELD: case GT_INDEX: unreached(); break; // We'll assume these are use-then-defs of the heap. case GT_LOCKADD: case GT_XADD: case GT_XCHG: case GT_CMPXCHG: if (!fgCurHeapDef) { fgCurHeapUse = true; } fgCurHeapDef = true; fgCurHeapHavoc = true; break; // For now, all calls read/write the heap, the latter in its entirety. Might tighten this case later. case GT_CALL: { GenTreeCall* call = tree->AsCall(); bool modHeap = true; if (call->gtCallType == CT_HELPER) { CorInfoHelpFunc helpFunc = eeGetHelperNum(call->gtCallMethHnd); if ( !s_helperCallProperties.MutatesHeap(helpFunc) && !s_helperCallProperties.MayRunCctor(helpFunc)) { modHeap = false; } } if (modHeap) { if (!fgCurHeapDef) { fgCurHeapUse = true; } fgCurHeapDef = true; fgCurHeapHavoc = true; } } #if INLINE_NDIRECT // If this is a p/invoke unmanaged call or if this is a tail-call // and we have an unmanaged p/invoke call in the method, // then we're going to run the p/invoke epilog. // So we mark the FrameRoot as used by this instruction. // This ensures that the block->bbVarUse will contain // the FrameRoot local var if is it a tracked variable. if (tree->gtCall.IsUnmanaged() || (tree->gtCall.IsTailCall() && info.compCallUnmanaged)) { /* Get the TCB local and mark it as used */ noway_assert(info.compLvFrameListRoot < lvaCount); LclVarDsc* varDsc = &lvaTable[info.compLvFrameListRoot]; if (varDsc->lvTracked) { if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, fgCurDefSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex)) { VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, fgCurUseSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex); } } } #endif // INLINE_NDIRECT break; default: // Determine whether it defines a heap location. if (tree->OperIsAssignment() || tree->OperIsBlkOp()) { GenTreeLclVarCommon* dummyLclVarTree = NULL; if (!tree->DefinesLocal(this, &dummyLclVarTree)) { // If it doesn't define a local, then it might update the heap. fgCurHeapDef = true; } } // Are we seeing a GT_ for a GT_QMARK node? if ( (tree->OperKind() & GTK_RELOP) && (tree->gtFlags & GTF_RELOP_QMARK) ) { // We are about to enter the parallel paths (i.e. the thenTree and the elseTree). // Recursively call fgPerStatementLocalVarLiveness. // At the very beginning of fgPerStatementLocalVarLiveness, we will cache the values of the current // fgCurDefSet and fgCurUseSet into local variables defSet_BeforeSplit and useSet_BeforeSplit. // The cached values will be used to restore fgCurDefSet and fgCurUseSet once we see the GT_COLON node. tree = fgPerStatementLocalVarLiveness(tree->gtNext, tree, lhsNode); // We must have been returned here after seeing a GT_QMARK node. noway_assert(tree->gtOper == GT_QMARK); } break; } } _return: return tree; } /*****************************************************************************/ void Compiler::fgPerBlockLocalVarLiveness() { #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("*************** In fgPerBlockLocalVarLiveness()\n"); } #endif // DEBUG BasicBlock* block; #if CAN_DISABLE_DFA /* If we're not optimizing at all, things are simple */ if (opts.MinOpts()) { unsigned lclNum; LclVarDsc* varDsc; VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(liveAll, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); /* We simply make everything live everywhere */ for (lclNum = 0, varDsc = lvaTable; lclNum < lvaCount; lclNum++ , varDsc++) { if (varDsc->lvTracked) { VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, liveAll, varDsc->lvVarIndex); } } for (block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { // Strictly speaking, the assignments for the "Def" cases aren't necessary here. // The empty set would do as well. Use means "use-before-def", so as long as that's // "all", this has the right effect. VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbVarUse, liveAll); VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbVarDef, liveAll); VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbLiveIn, liveAll); VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbLiveOut, liveAll); block->bbHeapUse = true; block->bbHeapDef = true; block->bbHeapLiveIn = true; block->bbHeapLiveOut = true; switch (block->bbJumpKind) { case BBJ_EHFINALLYRET: case BBJ_THROW: case BBJ_RETURN: VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, block->bbLiveOut, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); break; default: break; } } return; } #endif // CAN_DISABLE_DFA // Avoid allocations in the long case. VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, fgCurUseSet, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, fgCurDefSet, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); for (block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { GenTreePtr stmt; GenTreePtr tree; GenTreePtr lhsNode; VarSetOps::ClearD(this, fgCurUseSet); VarSetOps::ClearD(this, fgCurDefSet); fgCurHeapUse = false; fgCurHeapDef = false; fgCurHeapHavoc = false; compCurBB = block; #if JIT_FEATURE_SSA_SKIP_DEFS for (stmt = block->FirstNonPhiDef(); stmt; stmt = stmt->gtNext) #else for (stmt = block->bbTreeList; stmt; stmt = stmt->gtNext) #endif { noway_assert(stmt->gtOper == GT_STMT); if (!stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtIsTopLevel()) continue; compCurStmt = stmt; lhsNode = nullptr; tree = stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr; noway_assert(tree); // The following code checks if we have an assignment expression // which may become a GTF_VAR_USEDEF - x=f(x). // consider if LHS is local var - ignore if RHS contains SIDE_EFFECTS if ((tree->gtOper == GT_ASG && tree->gtOp.gtOp1->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR) || tree->gtOper == GT_STORE_LCL_VAR) { noway_assert(tree->gtOp.gtOp1); GenTreePtr rhsNode; if (tree->gtOper == GT_ASG) { noway_assert(tree->gtOp.gtOp2); lhsNode = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; rhsNode = tree->gtOp.gtOp2; } else { lhsNode = tree; rhsNode = tree->gtOp.gtOp1; } if ((rhsNode->gtFlags & GTF_SIDE_EFFECT) == 0) { // Assignment to local var with no SIDE EFFECTS. // Set lhsNode so that genMarkUseDef will flag potential // x=f(x) expressions as GTF_VAR_USEDEF. // Reset the flag before recomputing it - it may have been set before, // but subsequent optimizations could have removed the rhs reference. lhsNode->gtFlags &= ~GTF_VAR_USEDEF; noway_assert(lhsNode->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF); } else { lhsNode = nullptr; } } tree = fgPerStatementLocalVarLiveness(stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtList, NULL, lhsNode); // We must have walked to the end of this statement. noway_assert(!tree); } #if INLINE_NDIRECT /* Get the TCB local and mark it as used */ if (block->bbJumpKind == BBJ_RETURN && info.compCallUnmanaged) { noway_assert(info.compLvFrameListRoot < lvaCount); LclVarDsc * varDsc = &lvaTable[info.compLvFrameListRoot]; if (varDsc->lvTracked) { if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, fgCurDefSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex)) { VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, fgCurUseSet, varDsc->lvVarIndex); } } } #endif // INLINE_NDIRECT #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(allVars, VarSetOps::Union(this, fgCurUseSet, fgCurDefSet)); printf("BB%02u", block->bbNum); printf( " USE(%d)=", VarSetOps::Count(this, fgCurUseSet)); lvaDispVarSet(fgCurUseSet, allVars); if (fgCurHeapUse) printf( " + HEAP"); printf("\n DEF(%d)=", VarSetOps::Count(this, fgCurDefSet)); lvaDispVarSet(fgCurDefSet, allVars); if (fgCurHeapDef) printf( " + HEAP"); if (fgCurHeapHavoc) printf("*"); printf("\n\n"); } #endif // DEBUG VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbVarUse, fgCurUseSet); VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbVarDef, fgCurDefSet); block->bbHeapUse = fgCurHeapUse; block->bbHeapDef = fgCurHeapDef; block->bbHeapHavoc = fgCurHeapHavoc; /* also initialize the IN set, just in case we will do multiple DFAs */ VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, block->bbLiveIn, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); block->bbHeapLiveIn = false; } } /*****************************************************************************/ #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORT /*****************************************************************************/ // Helper functions to mark variables live over their entire scope void Compiler::fgBeginScopeLife(VARSET_TP* inScope, VarScopeDsc* var) { assert(var); LclVarDsc * lclVarDsc1 = &lvaTable[var->vsdVarNum]; if (lclVarDsc1->lvTracked) { VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, *inScope, lclVarDsc1->lvVarIndex); } } void Compiler::fgEndScopeLife(VARSET_TP* inScope, VarScopeDsc* var) { assert(var); LclVarDsc * lclVarDsc1 = &lvaTable[var->vsdVarNum]; if (lclVarDsc1->lvTracked) { VarSetOps::RemoveElemD(this, *inScope, lclVarDsc1->lvVarIndex); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void Compiler::fgMarkInScope(BasicBlock * block, VARSET_VALARG_TP inScope) { #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("Scope info: block BB%02u marking in scope: ", block->bbNum); dumpConvertedVarSet(this, inScope); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG /* Record which vars are artifically kept alive for debugging */ VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbScope, inScope); /* Being in scope implies a use of the variable. Add the var to bbVarUse so that redoing fgLiveVarAnalysis() will work correctly */ VarSetOps::UnionD(this, block->bbVarUse, inScope); /* Artifically mark all vars in scope as alive */ VarSetOps::UnionD(this, block->bbLiveIn, inScope); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, block->bbLiveOut, inScope); } void Compiler::fgUnmarkInScope(BasicBlock * block, VARSET_VALARG_TP unmarkScope) { #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("Scope info: block BB%02u UNmarking in scope: ", block->bbNum); dumpConvertedVarSet(this, unmarkScope); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG assert(VarSetOps::IsSubset(this, unmarkScope, block->bbScope)); VarSetOps::DiffD(this, block->bbScope, unmarkScope); VarSetOps::DiffD(this, block->bbVarUse, unmarkScope); VarSetOps::DiffD(this, block->bbLiveIn, unmarkScope); VarSetOps::DiffD(this, block->bbLiveOut, unmarkScope); } #ifdef DEBUG void Compiler::fgDispDebugScopes() { printf("\nDebug scopes:\n"); BasicBlock* block; for (block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { printf("BB%02u: ", block->bbNum); dumpConvertedVarSet(this, block->bbScope); printf("\n"); } } #endif // DEBUG /***************************************************************************** * * Mark variables live across their entire scope. */ #if FEATURE_EH_FUNCLETS void Compiler::fgExtendDbgScopes() { compResetScopeLists(); #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) printf("\nMarking vars alive over their entire scope :\n\n"); if (verbose) compDispScopeLists(); #endif // DEBUG VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(inScope, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); // Mark all tracked LocalVars live over their scope - walk the blocks // keeping track of the current life, and assign it to the blocks. for (BasicBlock* block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { // If we get to a funclet, reset the scope lists and start again, since the block // offsets will be out of order compared to the previous block. if (block->bbFlags & BBF_FUNCLET_BEG) { compResetScopeLists(); VarSetOps::ClearD(this, inScope); } // Process all scopes up to the current offset if (block->bbCodeOffs != BAD_IL_OFFSET) { compProcessScopesUntil(block->bbCodeOffs, &inScope, &Compiler::fgBeginScopeLife, &Compiler::fgEndScopeLife); } // Assign the current set of variables that are in scope to the block variables tracking this. fgMarkInScope(block, inScope); } #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { fgDispDebugScopes(); } #endif // DEBUG } #else // !FEATURE_EH_FUNCLETS void Compiler::fgExtendDbgScopes() { compResetScopeLists(); #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("\nMarking vars alive over their entire scope :\n\n"); compDispScopeLists(); } #endif // DEBUG VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(inScope, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); compProcessScopesUntil(0, &inScope, &Compiler::fgBeginScopeLife, &Compiler::fgEndScopeLife); IL_OFFSET lastEndOffs = 0; // Mark all tracked LocalVars live over their scope - walk the blocks // keeping track of the current life, and assign it to the blocks. BasicBlock* block; for (block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { // Find scopes becoming alive. If there is a gap in the instr // sequence, we need to process any scopes on those missing offsets. if (block->bbCodeOffs != BAD_IL_OFFSET) { if (lastEndOffs != block->bbCodeOffs) { noway_assert(lastEndOffs < block->bbCodeOffs); compProcessScopesUntil(block->bbCodeOffs, &inScope, &Compiler::fgBeginScopeLife, &Compiler::fgEndScopeLife); } else { while (VarScopeDsc* varScope = compGetNextEnterScope(block->bbCodeOffs)) { fgBeginScopeLife(&inScope, varScope); } } } // Assign the current set of variables that are in scope to the block variables tracking this. fgMarkInScope(block, inScope); // Find scopes going dead. if (block->bbCodeOffsEnd != BAD_IL_OFFSET) { VarScopeDsc* varScope; while ((varScope = compGetNextExitScope(block->bbCodeOffsEnd)) != nullptr) { fgEndScopeLife(&inScope, varScope); } lastEndOffs = block->bbCodeOffsEnd; } } /* Everything should be out of scope by the end of the method. But if the last BB got removed, then inScope may not be empty. */ noway_assert(VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, inScope) || lastEndOffs < info.compILCodeSize); } #endif // !FEATURE_EH_FUNCLETS /***************************************************************************** * * For debuggable code, we allow redundant assignments to vars * by marking them live over their entire scope. */ void Compiler::fgExtendDbgLifetimes() { #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) printf("*************** In fgExtendDbgLifetimes()\n"); #endif // DEBUG noway_assert(opts.compDbgCode && (info.compVarScopesCount > 0)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Extend the lifetimes over the entire reported scope of the variable. */ fgExtendDbgScopes(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Partly update liveness info so that we handle any funky BBF_INTERNAL * blocks inserted out of sequence. */ #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose && 0) { fgDispBBLiveness(); } #endif fgLiveVarAnalysis(true); /* For compDbgCode, we prepend an empty BB which will hold the initializations of variables which are in scope at IL offset 0 (but not initialized by the IL code). Since they will currently be marked as live on entry to fgFirstBB, unmark the liveness so that the following code will know to add the initializations. */ assert(fgFirstBBisScratch()); VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(trackedArgs, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); for (unsigned argNum = 0; argNum < info.compArgsCount; argNum++) { LclVarDsc* argDsc = lvaTable + argNum; if (argDsc->lvPromoted) { lvaPromotionType promotionType = lvaGetPromotionType(argDsc); if (promotionType == PROMOTION_TYPE_INDEPENDENT) { noway_assert(argDsc->lvFieldCnt == 1); // We only handle one field here unsigned fieldVarNum = argDsc->lvFieldLclStart; argDsc = lvaTable + fieldVarNum; } } noway_assert(argDsc->lvIsParam); if (argDsc->lvTracked) { noway_assert(!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, trackedArgs, argDsc->lvVarIndex)); // Each arg should define a different bit. VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, trackedArgs, argDsc->lvVarIndex); } } // Don't unmark struct locals, either. VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(noUnmarkVars, trackedArgs); for (unsigned i = 0; i < lvaCount; i++) { LclVarDsc* varDsc = &lvaTable[i]; if (varDsc->lvType == TYP_STRUCT && varDsc->lvTracked) { VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, noUnmarkVars, varDsc->lvVarIndex); } } fgUnmarkInScope(fgFirstBB, VarSetOps::Diff(this, fgFirstBB->bbScope, noUnmarkVars)); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * As we keep variables artifically alive over their entire scope, * we need to also artificially initialize them if the scope does * not exactly match the real lifetimes, or they will contain * garbage until they are initialized by the IL code. */ VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(initVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); // Vars which are artificially made alive for (BasicBlock* block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { VarSetOps::ClearD(this, initVars); switch (block->bbJumpKind) { case BBJ_NONE: PREFIX_ASSUME(block->bbNext != NULL); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, initVars, block->bbNext->bbScope); break; case BBJ_ALWAYS: case BBJ_EHCATCHRET: case BBJ_EHFILTERRET: VarSetOps::UnionD(this, initVars, block->bbJumpDest->bbScope); break; case BBJ_CALLFINALLY: if (!(block->bbFlags & BBF_RETLESS_CALL)) { assert(block->isBBCallAlwaysPair()); PREFIX_ASSUME(block->bbNext != NULL); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, initVars, block->bbNext->bbScope); } VarSetOps::UnionD(this, initVars, block->bbJumpDest->bbScope); break; case BBJ_COND: PREFIX_ASSUME(block->bbNext != NULL); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, initVars, block->bbNext->bbScope); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, initVars, block->bbJumpDest->bbScope); break; case BBJ_SWITCH: { BasicBlock** jmpTab; unsigned jmpCnt; jmpCnt = block->bbJumpSwt->bbsCount; jmpTab = block->bbJumpSwt->bbsDstTab; do { VarSetOps::UnionD(this, initVars, (*jmpTab)->bbScope); } while (++jmpTab, --jmpCnt); } break; case BBJ_EHFINALLYRET: case BBJ_RETURN: break; case BBJ_THROW: /* We don't have to do anything as we mark * all vars live on entry to a catch handler as * volatile anyway */ break; default: noway_assert(!"Unexpected bbJumpKind"); break; } /* If the var is already live on entry to the current BB, we would have already initialized it. So ignore bbLiveIn */ VarSetOps::DiffD(this, initVars, block->bbLiveIn); /* Add statements initializing the vars, if there are any to initialize */ VARSET_ITER_INIT(this, iter, initVars, varIndex); while (iter.NextElem(this, &varIndex)) { /* Create initialization tree */ unsigned varNum = lvaTrackedToVarNum[varIndex]; LclVarDsc * varDsc = &lvaTable[varNum]; var_types type = varDsc->TypeGet(); // Don't extend struct lifetimes -- they aren't enregistered, anyway. if (type == TYP_STRUCT) continue; // If we haven't already done this ... if (!fgLocalVarLivenessDone) { // Create a "zero" node GenTreePtr zero = gtNewZeroConNode(genActualType(type)); // Create initialization node GenTreePtr varNode = gtNewLclvNode(varNum, type); GenTreePtr initNode = gtNewAssignNode(varNode, zero); GenTreePtr initStmt = gtNewStmt(initNode); gtSetStmtInfo (initStmt); /* Assign numbers and next/prev links for this tree */ fgSetStmtSeq(initStmt); /* Finally append the statement to the current BB */ fgInsertStmtNearEnd(block, initStmt); #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("Created zero-init of V%02u in BB%02u\n", varNum, block->bbNum); } #endif // DEBUG varDsc->incRefCnts(block->getBBWeight(this), this); } /* Update liveness information so that redoing fgLiveVarAnalysis() will work correctly if needed */ VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, block->bbVarDef, varIndex); VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, block->bbLiveOut, varIndex); block->bbFlags |= BBF_CHANGED; // indicates that the liveness info has changed } } /* raMarkStkVars() reserves stack space for unused variables (which needs to be initialized). However, arguments don't need to be initialized. So just ensure that they don't have a 0 ref cnt */ unsigned lclNum = 0; for (LclVarDsc* varDsc = lvaTable; lclNum < lvaCount; lclNum++, varDsc++) { if (varDsc->lvRefCnt == 0 && varDsc->lvArgReg) { varDsc->lvRefCnt = 1; } } #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("\nBB liveness after fgExtendDbgLifetimes():\n\n"); fgDispBBLiveness(); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG } /*****************************************************************************/ #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORT /*****************************************************************************/ VARSET_VALRET_TP Compiler::fgGetHandlerLiveVars(BasicBlock *block) { noway_assert(block); noway_assert(block->hasTryIndex()); VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(liveVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); unsigned XTnum = block->getTryIndex(); do { noway_assert(XTnum < compHndBBtabCount); EHblkDsc* HBtab = ehGetDsc(XTnum); /* Either we enter the filter first or the catch/finally */ if (HBtab->HasFilter()) { VarSetOps::UnionD(this, liveVars, HBtab->ebdFilter->bbLiveIn); #if FEATURE_EH_FUNCLETS // The EH subsystem can trigger a stack walk after the filter // has returned, but before invoking the handler, and the only // IP address reported from this method will be the original // faulting instruction, thus everything in the try body // must report as live any variables live-out of the filter // (which is the same as those live-in to the handler) VarSetOps::UnionD(this, liveVars, HBtab->ebdHndBeg->bbLiveIn); #endif // FEATURE_EH_FUNCLETS } else { VarSetOps::UnionD(this, liveVars, HBtab->ebdHndBeg->bbLiveIn); } /* If we have nested try's edbEnclosing will provide them */ noway_assert((HBtab->ebdEnclosingTryIndex == EHblkDsc::NO_ENCLOSING_INDEX) || (HBtab->ebdEnclosingTryIndex > XTnum)); XTnum = HBtab->ebdEnclosingTryIndex; } while (XTnum != EHblkDsc::NO_ENCLOSING_INDEX); return liveVars; } /***************************************************************************** * * This is the classic algorithm for Live Variable Analysis. * If updateInternalOnly==true, only update BBF_INTERNAL blocks. */ void Compiler::fgLiveVarAnalysis(bool updateInternalOnly) { BasicBlock* block; bool change; #ifdef DEBUG VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(extraLiveOutFromFinally, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); #endif // DEBUG bool keepAliveThis = lvaKeepAliveAndReportThis() && lvaTable[info.compThisArg].lvTracked; /* Live Variable Analysis - Backward dataflow */ bool hasPossibleBackEdge = false; do { change = false; /* Visit all blocks and compute new data flow values */ VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(liveIn, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(liveOut, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); bool heapLiveIn = false; bool heapLiveOut = false; for (block = fgLastBB; block; block = block->bbPrev) { // sometimes block numbers are not monotonically increasing which // would cause us not to identify backedges if (block->bbNext && block->bbNext->bbNum <= block->bbNum) hasPossibleBackEdge = true; if (updateInternalOnly) { /* Only update BBF_INTERNAL blocks as they may be syntactically out of sequence. */ noway_assert(opts.compDbgCode && (info.compVarScopesCount > 0)); if (!(block->bbFlags & BBF_INTERNAL)) continue; } /* Compute the 'liveOut' set */ VarSetOps::ClearD(this, liveOut); heapLiveOut = false; if (block->endsWithJmpMethod(this)) { // A JMP uses all the arguments, so mark them all // as live at the JMP instruction // const LclVarDsc* varDscEndParams = lvaTable + info.compArgsCount; for (LclVarDsc* varDsc = lvaTable; varDsc < varDscEndParams; varDsc++) { noway_assert(!varDsc->lvPromoted); if (varDsc->lvTracked) { VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, liveOut, varDsc->lvVarIndex); } } } // Additionally, union in all the live-in tracked vars of successors. AllSuccessorIter succsEnd = block->GetAllSuccs(this).end(); for (AllSuccessorIter succs = block->GetAllSuccs(this).begin(); succs != succsEnd; ++succs) { BasicBlock* succ = (*succs); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, liveOut, succ->bbLiveIn); heapLiveOut = heapLiveOut || (*succs)->bbHeapLiveIn; if (succ->bbNum <= block->bbNum) hasPossibleBackEdge = true; } /* For lvaKeepAliveAndReportThis methods, "this" has to be kept alive everywhere Note that a function may end in a throw on an infinite loop (as opposed to a return). "this" has to be alive everywhere even in such methods. */ if (keepAliveThis) { VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, liveOut, lvaTable[info.compThisArg].lvVarIndex); } /* Compute the 'liveIn' set */ VarSetOps::Assign(this, liveIn, liveOut); VarSetOps::DiffD(this, liveIn, block->bbVarDef); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, liveIn, block->bbVarUse); heapLiveIn = (heapLiveOut && !block->bbHeapDef) || block->bbHeapUse; /* Is this block part of a 'try' statement? */ if (block->hasTryIndex()) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(liveVars, fgGetHandlerLiveVars(block)); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, liveIn, liveVars); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, liveOut, liveVars); } /* Has there been any change in either live set? */ if (!VarSetOps::Equal(this, block->bbLiveIn, liveIn) || !VarSetOps::Equal(this, block->bbLiveOut, liveOut)) { if (updateInternalOnly) { // Only "extend" liveness over BBF_INTERNAL blocks noway_assert(block->bbFlags & BBF_INTERNAL); if (!VarSetOps::Equal(this, VarSetOps::Intersection(this, block->bbLiveIn, liveIn), liveIn) || !VarSetOps::Equal(this, VarSetOps::Intersection(this, block->bbLiveOut, liveOut), liveOut)) { #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("Scope info: block BB%02u LiveIn+ ", block->bbNum); dumpConvertedVarSet(this, VarSetOps::Diff(this, liveIn, block->bbLiveIn)); printf(", LiveOut+ "); dumpConvertedVarSet(this, VarSetOps::Diff(this, liveOut, block->bbLiveOut)); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG VarSetOps::UnionD(this, block->bbLiveIn, liveIn); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, block->bbLiveOut, liveOut); change = true; } } else { VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbLiveIn, liveIn); VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbLiveOut, liveOut); change = true; } } if ((block->bbHeapLiveIn == 1) != heapLiveIn || (block->bbHeapLiveOut == 1) != heapLiveOut) { block->bbHeapLiveIn = heapLiveIn; block->bbHeapLiveOut = heapLiveOut; change = true; } } // if there is no way we could have processed a block without seeing all of its predecessors // then there is no need to iterate if (!hasPossibleBackEdge) break; } while (change); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose && !updateInternalOnly) { printf("\nBB liveness after fgLiveVarAnalysis():\n\n"); fgDispBBLiveness(); } #endif // DEBUG } /***************************************************************************** * * Mark any variables in varSet1 as interfering with any variables * specified in varSet2. * We ensure that the interference graph is reflective: * (if T11 interferes with T16, then T16 interferes with T11) * returns true if an interference was added * This function returns true if any new interferences were added * and returns false if no new interference were added */ bool Compiler::fgMarkIntf(VARSET_VALARG_TP varSet1, VARSET_VALARG_TP varSet2) { #ifdef LEGACY_BACKEND /* If either set has no bits set (or we are not optimizing), take an early out */ if (VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, varSet2) || VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, varSet1) || opts.MinOpts()) { return false; } bool addedIntf = false; // This is set to true if we add any new interferences VarSetOps::Assign(this, fgMarkIntfUnionVS, varSet1); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, fgMarkIntfUnionVS, varSet2); VARSET_ITER_INIT(this, iter, fgMarkIntfUnionVS, refIndex); while (iter.NextElem(this, &refIndex)) { // if varSet1 has this bit set then it interferes with varSet2 if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, varSet1, refIndex)) { // Calculate the set of new interference to add VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(newIntf, VarSetOps::Diff(this, varSet2, lvaVarIntf[refIndex])); if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, newIntf)) { addedIntf = true; VarSetOps::UnionD(this, lvaVarIntf[refIndex], newIntf); } } // if varSet2 has this bit set then it interferes with varSet1 if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, varSet2, refIndex)) { // Calculate the set of new interference to add VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(newIntf, VarSetOps::Diff(this, varSet1, lvaVarIntf[refIndex])); if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, newIntf)) { addedIntf = true; VarSetOps::UnionD(this, lvaVarIntf[refIndex], newIntf); } } } return addedIntf; #else return false; #endif } /***************************************************************************** * * Mark any variables in varSet as interfering with each other, * This is a specialized version of the above, when both args are the same * We ensure that the interference graph is reflective: * (if T11 interferes with T16, then T16 interferes with T11) * This function returns true if any new interferences were added * and returns false if no new interference were added */ bool Compiler::fgMarkIntf(VARSET_VALARG_TP varSet) { #ifdef LEGACY_BACKEND /* No bits set or we are not optimizing, take an early out */ if (VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, varSet) || opts.MinOpts()) return false; bool addedIntf = false; // This is set to true if we add any new interferences VARSET_ITER_INIT(this, iter, varSet, refIndex); while (iter.NextElem(this, &refIndex)) { // Calculate the set of new interference to add VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(newIntf, VarSetOps::Diff(this, varSet, lvaVarIntf[refIndex])); if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, newIntf)) { addedIntf = true; VarSetOps::UnionD(this, lvaVarIntf[refIndex], newIntf); } } return addedIntf; #else // !LEGACY_BACKEND return false; #endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND } /***************************************************************************** * For updating liveset during traversal AFTER fgComputeLife has completed */ VARSET_VALRET_TP Compiler::fgUpdateLiveSet(VARSET_VALARG_TP liveSet, GenTreePtr tree) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT(this, newLiveSet, liveSet); assert(fgLocalVarLivenessDone == true); GenTreePtr lclVarTree = tree; // After the tests below, "lclVarTree" will be the local variable. if (tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_VAR || tree->gtOper == GT_LCL_FLD || tree->gtOper == GT_REG_VAR || (lclVarTree = fgIsIndirOfAddrOfLocal(tree)) != NULL) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(varBits, fgGetVarBits(lclVarTree)); if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, varBits)) { if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEATH) { // We'd like to be able to assert the following, however if we are walking // through a qmark/colon tree, we may encounter multiple last-use nodes. // assert (VarSetOps::IsSubset(this, varBits, newLiveSet)); // We maintain the invariant that if the lclVarTree is a promoted struct, but the // the lookup fails, then all the field vars (i.e., "varBits") are dying. VARSET_TP* deadVarBits = NULL; if (lclVarTree->TypeGet() == TYP_STRUCT && GetPromotedStructDeathVars()->Lookup(lclVarTree, &deadVarBits)) { VarSetOps::DiffD(this, newLiveSet, *deadVarBits); } else { VarSetOps::DiffD(this, newLiveSet, varBits); } } else if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF) != 0 && (tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_USEASG) == 0) { assert(tree == lclVarTree); // LDOBJ case should only be a use. // This shouldn't be in newLiveSet, unless this is debug code, in which // case we keep vars live everywhere, OR it is address-exposed, OR this block // is part of a try block, in which case it may be live at the handler // Could add a check that, if it's in the newLiveSet, that it's also in // fgGetHandlerLiveVars(compCurBB), but seems excessive // assert(VarSetOps::IsEmptyIntersection(this, newLiveSet, varBits) || opts.compDbgCode || lvaTable[tree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum].lvAddrExposed || (compCurBB != NULL && compCurBB->hasTryIndex())); VarSetOps::UnionD(this, newLiveSet, varBits); } } } return newLiveSet; } /***************************************************************************** * * Compute the set of live variables at each node in a given statement * or subtree of a statement moving backward from startNode to endNode */ #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:21000) // Suppress PREFast warning about overly large function #endif VARSET_VALRET_TP Compiler::fgComputeLife(VARSET_VALARG_TP lifeArg, GenTreePtr startNode, GenTreePtr endNode, VARSET_VALARG_TP volatileVars DEBUGARG(bool* treeModf)) { GenTreePtr tree; unsigned lclNum; GenTreePtr gtQMark = NULL; // current GT_QMARK node (walking the trees backwards) GenTreePtr nextColonExit = 0; // gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp2 while walking the 'else' branch. // gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp1 while walking the 'then' branch VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT(this, life, lifeArg); // lifeArg is const ref; copy to allow modification. // TBD: This used to be an initialization to VARSET_NOT_ACCEPTABLE. Try to figure out what's going on here. VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(entryLiveSet, VarSetOps::MakeFull(this)); // liveness when we see gtQMark VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(gtColonLiveSet, VarSetOps::MakeFull(this)); // liveness when we see gtColon GenTreePtr gtColon = NULL; VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT(this, keepAliveVars, volatileVars); #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORT VarSetOps::UnionD(this, keepAliveVars, compCurBB->bbScope); /* Dont kill vars in scope */ #endif noway_assert(VarSetOps::Equal(this, VarSetOps::Intersection(this, keepAliveVars, life), keepAliveVars)); noway_assert(compCurStmt->gtOper == GT_STMT); noway_assert(endNode || (startNode == compCurStmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr)); /* NOTE: Live variable analysis will not work if you try * to use the result of an assignment node directly */ for (tree = startNode; tree != endNode; tree = tree->gtPrev) { AGAIN: /* For ?: nodes if we're done with the then branch, remember * the liveness */ if (gtQMark && (tree == gtColon)) { VarSetOps::Assign(this, gtColonLiveSet, life); VarSetOps::Assign(this, gtQMark->gtQmark.gtThenLiveSet, gtColonLiveSet); } /* For ?: nodes if we're done with the else branch * then set the correct life as the union of the two branches */ if (gtQMark && (tree == gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp1)) { noway_assert(tree->gtFlags & GTF_RELOP_QMARK); noway_assert(gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp2->gtOper == GT_COLON); GenTreePtr thenNode = gtColon->AsColon()->ThenNode(); GenTreePtr elseNode = gtColon->AsColon()->ElseNode(); noway_assert(thenNode && elseNode); VarSetOps::Assign(this, gtQMark->gtQmark.gtElseLiveSet, life); /* Check if we optimized away the ?: */ if (elseNode->IsNothingNode()) { if (thenNode->IsNothingNode()) { /* This can only happen for VOID ?: */ noway_assert(gtColon->gtType == TYP_VOID); #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("BB%02u - Removing dead QMark - Colon ...\n", compCurBB->bbNum); gtDispTree(gtQMark); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG /* Remove the '?:' - keep the side effects in the condition */ noway_assert(tree->OperKind() & GTK_RELOP); /* Change the node to a NOP */ gtQMark->gtBashToNOP(); #ifdef DEBUG *treeModf = true; #endif // DEBUG /* Extract and keep the side effects */ if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_SIDE_EFFECT) { GenTreePtr sideEffList = NULL; gtExtractSideEffList(tree, &sideEffList); if (sideEffList) { noway_assert(sideEffList->gtFlags & GTF_SIDE_EFFECT); #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("Extracted side effects list from condition...\n"); gtDispTree(sideEffList); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG fgUpdateRefCntForExtract(tree, sideEffList); /* The NOP node becomes a GT_COMMA holding the side effect list */ gtQMark->ChangeOper(GT_COMMA); gtQMark->gtFlags |= sideEffList->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT; if (sideEffList->gtOper == GT_COMMA) { gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp1 = sideEffList->gtOp.gtOp1; gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp2 = sideEffList->gtOp.gtOp2; } else { gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp1 = sideEffList; gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp2 = gtNewNothingNode(); } } else { #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("\nRemoving tree "); printTreeID(tree); printf(" in BB%02u as useless\n", compCurBB->bbNum); gtDispTree(tree); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG fgUpdateRefCntForExtract(tree, NULL); } } /* If top node without side effects remove it */ if ((gtQMark == compCurStmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr) && gtQMark->IsNothingNode()) { fgRemoveStmt(compCurBB, compCurStmt); break; } /* Re-link the nodes for this statement */ fgSetStmtSeq(compCurStmt); /* Continue analysis from this node */ tree = gtQMark; /* As the 'then' and 'else' branches are emtpy, liveness should not have changed */ noway_assert(VarSetOps::Equal(this, life, entryLiveSet)); goto SKIP_QMARK; } else { // The 'else' branch is empty and the 'then' branch is non-empty // so swap the two branches and reverse the condition. If one is // non-empty, we want it to be the 'else' GenTreePtr tmp = thenNode; gtColon->AsColon()->ThenNode() = thenNode = elseNode; gtColon->AsColon()->ElseNode() = elseNode = tmp; noway_assert(tree == gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp1); gtReverseCond(tree); // Remember to also swap the live sets of the two branches. VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(tmpVS, gtQMark->gtQmark.gtElseLiveSet); VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, gtQMark->gtQmark.gtElseLiveSet, gtQMark->gtQmark.gtThenLiveSet); VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, gtQMark->gtQmark.gtThenLiveSet, tmpVS); /* Re-link the nodes for this statement */ fgSetStmtSeq(compCurStmt); } } /* Variables in the two branches that are live at the split * must interfere with each other */ fgMarkIntf(life, gtColonLiveSet); /* The live set at the split is the union of the two branches */ VarSetOps::UnionD(this, life, gtColonLiveSet); SKIP_QMARK: /* We are out of the parallel branches, the rest is sequential */ gtQMark = NULL; } if (tree->gtOper == GT_CALL) { #if INLINE_NDIRECT // if this is a tail-call and we have any unmanaged p/invoke calls in // the method then we're going to run the p/invoke epilog // So we mark the FrameRoot as used by this instruction. // This ensure that this variable is kept alive at the tail-call if (tree->gtCall.IsTailCall() && info.compCallUnmanaged) { /* Get the TCB local and make it live */ noway_assert(info.compLvFrameListRoot < lvaCount); LclVarDsc* frameVarDsc = &lvaTable[info.compLvFrameListRoot]; if (frameVarDsc->lvTracked) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(varBit, VarSetOps::MakeSingleton(this, frameVarDsc->lvVarIndex)); VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, life, frameVarDsc->lvVarIndex); /* Record interference with other live variables */ fgMarkIntf(life, varBit); } } /* GC refs cannot be enregistered accross an unmanaged call */ // TODO: we should generate the code for saving to/restoring // from the inlined N/Direct frame instead. /* Is this call to unmanaged code? */ if (tree->gtCall.IsUnmanaged()) { /* Get the TCB local and make it live */ noway_assert(info.compLvFrameListRoot < lvaCount); LclVarDsc* frameVarDsc = &lvaTable[info.compLvFrameListRoot]; if (frameVarDsc->lvTracked) { unsigned varIndex = frameVarDsc->lvVarIndex; noway_assert(varIndex < lvaTrackedCount); // Is the variable already known to be alive? // if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, life, varIndex)) { // Since we may call this multiple times, clear the GTF_CALL_M_FRAME_VAR_DEATH if set. // tree->gtCall.gtCallMoreFlags &= ~GTF_CALL_M_FRAME_VAR_DEATH; } else { // The variable is just coming to life // Since this is a backwards walk of the trees // that makes this change in liveness a 'last-use' // VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, life, varIndex); tree->gtCall.gtCallMoreFlags |= GTF_CALL_M_FRAME_VAR_DEATH; } // Record an interference with the other live variables // VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(varBit, VarSetOps::MakeSingleton(this, varIndex)); fgMarkIntf(life, varBit); } /* Do we have any live variables? */ if (!VarSetOps::IsEmpty(this, life)) { // For each live variable if it is a GC-ref type, we // mark it volatile to prevent if from being enregistered // across the unmanaged call. LclVarDsc* varDsc; for (lclNum = 0, varDsc = lvaTable; lclNum < lvaCount; lclNum++ , varDsc++) { /* Ignore the variable if it's not tracked */ if (!varDsc->lvTracked) continue; unsigned varNum = varDsc->lvVarIndex; /* Ignore the variable if it's not live here */ if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, life, varDsc->lvVarIndex)) continue; // If it is a GC-ref type then mark it DoNotEnregister. if (varTypeIsGC(varDsc->TypeGet())) { lvaSetVarDoNotEnregister(lclNum DEBUG_ARG(DNER_LiveAcrossUnmanagedCall)); } } } } #endif // INLINE_NDIRECT } /* Is this a use/def of a local variable? */ /* We will consider LDOBJ(ADDR(LCL[x])) to be the same as the use of x (and any constituent field locals if x is a promoted struct local) -- since the LDOBJ may be require an implementation that might itself allocate registers, the variable(s) should stay live until the end of the LDOBJ. (These tests probably don't need to be ARM-specific, FWIW.) */ GenTreePtr lclVarTree = fgIsIndirOfAddrOfLocal(tree); // The method above returns nullptr if the tree is // not an indir(addr(local)) so we assign it back to the // original tree. if (lclVarTree == nullptr) { lclVarTree = tree; } // If lclVarTree is different than tree means we found an indir(addr(lclVar)) case. if (tree->OperIsNonPhiLocal() || lclVarTree != tree) { lclNum = lclVarTree->gtLclVarCommon.gtLclNum; noway_assert(lclNum < lvaCount); LclVarDsc * varDsc = lvaTable + lclNum; unsigned varIndex; VARSET_TP varBit; // Is this a tracked variable? if (varDsc->lvTracked) { varIndex = varDsc->lvVarIndex; noway_assert(varIndex < lvaTrackedCount); /* Is this a definition or use? */ if (tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF) { /* The variable is being defined here. The variable should be marked dead from here until its closest previous use. IMPORTANT OBSERVATION: For GTF_VAR_USEASG (i.e. x = a) we cannot consider it a "pure" definition because it would kill x (which would be wrong because x is "used" in such a construct) -> see below the case when x is live */ if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, life, varIndex)) { /* The variable is live */ if ((tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_USEASG) == 0) { /* Mark variable as dead from here to its closest use */ if (!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, keepAliveVars, varIndex)) { VarSetOps::RemoveElemD(this, life, varIndex); } #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose&&0) { printf("Def V%02u,T%02u at ", lclNum, varIndex); printTreeID(lclVarTree); printf(" life %s -> %s\n", VarSetOps::ToString(this, VarSetOps::Union(this, life, VarSetOps::MakeSingleton(this, varIndex))), VarSetOps::ToString(this, life)); } #endif // DEBUG } } else { /* Dead assignment to the variable */ tree->gtFlags |= GTF_VAR_DEATH; if (opts.MinOpts()) continue; // keepAliveVars always stay alive noway_assert(!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, keepAliveVars, varIndex)); /* This is a dead store unless the variable is marked GTF_VAR_USEASG and we are in an interior statement that will be used (e.g. while (i++) or a GT_COMMA) */ bool doAgain = false; if (fgRemoveDeadStore(&tree, varDsc, life, &doAgain DEBUGARG(treeModf))) break; if (doAgain) goto AGAIN; } continue; } else // it is a use { // For uses, we only process the lv directly (once), not an IND(ADDR(local)). // This situation is true if the lclVarTree is different from the tree. // TODO-Cleanup: Understand why we have to skip these uses, and describe it here. if (lclVarTree != tree) continue; // Is the variable already known to be alive? if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, life, varIndex)) { lclVarTree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_VAR_DEATH; // Since we may call this multiple times, clear the GTF_VAR_DEATH if set. continue; } #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose && 0) { printf("Ref V%02u,T%02u] at ", lclNum, varIndex); printTreeID(tree); printf(" life %s -> %s\n", VarSetOps::ToString(this, life), VarSetOps::ToString(this, VarSetOps::Union(this, life, varBit))); } #endif // DEBUG // The variable is being used, and it is not currently live. // So the variable is just coming to life lclVarTree->gtFlags |= GTF_VAR_DEATH; VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, life, varIndex); // Record interference with other live variables fgMarkIntf(life, VarSetOps::MakeSingleton(this, varIndex)); } } // Note that promoted implies not tracked (i.e. only the fields are tracked). else if (varDsc->lvType == TYP_STRUCT) { noway_assert(!varDsc->lvTracked); lvaPromotionType promotionType = lvaGetPromotionType(varDsc); if (promotionType != PROMOTION_TYPE_NONE) { VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, varBit, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); for (unsigned i = varDsc->lvFieldLclStart; i < varDsc->lvFieldLclStart + varDsc->lvFieldCnt; ++i) { #if !defined(_TARGET_64BIT_) && !defined(LEGACY_BACKEND) if (!varTypeIsLong(lvaTable[i].lvType) || !lvaTable[i].lvPromoted) #endif // !defined(_TARGET_64BIT_) && !defined(LEGACY_BACKEND) { noway_assert(lvaTable[i].lvIsStructField); } if (lvaTable[i].lvTracked) { varIndex = lvaTable[i].lvVarIndex; noway_assert(varIndex < lvaTrackedCount); VarSetOps::AddElemD(this, varBit, varIndex); } } // Are the variables already known to be alive? if (VarSetOps::IsSubset(this, varBit, life)) { tree->gtFlags &= ~GTF_VAR_DEATH; // Since we may now call this multiple times, reset if live. continue; } // Some variables are being used, and they are not currently live. // So they are just coming to life, in the backwards traversal; in a forwards // traversal, one or more are dying. Mark this. tree->gtFlags |= GTF_VAR_DEATH; // Are all the variables becoming alive (in the backwards traversal), or just a subset? if (!VarSetOps::IsEmptyIntersection(this, varBit, life)) { // Only a subset of the variables are become live; we must record that subset. // (Lack of an entry for "lclVarTree" will be considered to imply all become dead in the // forward traversal.) VARSET_TP* deadVarSet = new (this, CMK_bitset) VARSET_TP; VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, *deadVarSet, VarSetOps::Diff(this, varBit, life)); GetPromotedStructDeathVars()->Set(lclVarTree, deadVarSet); } // In any case, all the field vars are now live (in the backwards traversal). VarSetOps::UnionD(this, life, varBit); // Record interference with other live variables fgMarkIntf(life, varBit); } } } else { if (tree->gtOper == GT_QMARK && tree->gtOp.gtOp1) { /* Special cases - "? :" operators. The trees are threaded as shown below with nodes 1 to 11 linked by gtNext. Both GT_->gtLiveSet and GT_COLON->gtLiveSet are the union of the liveness on entry to thenTree and elseTree. +--------------------+ | GT_QMARK 11| +----------+---------+ | * / \ / \ / \ +---------------------+ +--------------------+ | GT_ 3 | | GT_COLON 7 | | w/ GTF_RELOP_QMARK | | w/ GTF_COLON_COND | +----------+----------+ +---------+----------+ | | * * / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 2 1 thenTree 6 elseTree 10 x | | / * * +----------------+ / / \ / \ |prevExpr->gtNext+------/ / \ / \ +----------------+ / \ / \ 5 4 9 8 */ noway_assert(tree->gtOp.gtOp1->OperKind() & GTK_RELOP); noway_assert(tree->gtOp.gtOp1->gtFlags & GTF_RELOP_QMARK); noway_assert(tree->gtOp.gtOp2->gtOper == GT_COLON); if (gtQMark) { /* This is a nested QMARK sequence - we need to use recursion. * Compute the liveness for each node of the COLON branches * The new computation starts from the GT_QMARK node and ends * when the COLON branch of the enclosing QMARK ends */ noway_assert(nextColonExit && (nextColonExit == gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp1 || nextColonExit == gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp2)); VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, life, fgComputeLife(life, tree, nextColonExit, volatileVars DEBUGARG(treeModf))); /* Continue with exit node (the last node in the enclosing colon branch) */ tree = nextColonExit; goto AGAIN; } else { gtQMark = tree; VarSetOps::Assign(this, entryLiveSet, life); gtColon = gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp2; nextColonExit = gtColon; } } /* If found the GT_COLON, start the new branch with the original life */ if (gtQMark && tree == gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp2) { /* The node better be a COLON. */ noway_assert(tree->gtOper == GT_COLON); VarSetOps::Assign(this, life, entryLiveSet); nextColonExit = gtQMark->gtOp.gtOp1; } } } /* Return the set of live variables out of this statement */ return life; } #ifdef _PREFAST_ #pragma warning(pop) #endif // fgRemoveDeadStore - remove a store to a local which has no exposed uses. // // pTree - GenTree** to an assign node (pre-rationalize) or store-form local (post-rationalize) // varDsc - var that is being stored to // life - current live tracked vars (maintained as we walk backwards) // doAgain - out parameter, true if we should restart the statement // // Returns: true if we should skip the rest of the statement, false if we should continue bool Compiler::fgRemoveDeadStore(GenTree** pTree, LclVarDsc* varDsc, VARSET_TP life, bool *doAgain DEBUGARG(bool* treeModf)) { GenTree* asgNode; GenTree* rhsNode; GenTree* const tree = *pTree; if (tree->OperIsStore()) { asgNode = tree; if (tree->gtOper == GT_STOREIND) { rhsNode = asgNode->gtOp.gtOp2; } else { rhsNode = asgNode->gtOp.gtOp1; } #ifndef LEGACY_BACKEND // TODO-CQ: correct liveness for structs that are not address-exposed. // currently initblk and cpblk are not handled if (tree->gtOper == GT_STORE_LCL_FLD) { return false; } #endif // !LEGACY_BACKEND } else if (tree->TypeGet() == TYP_STRUCT) { // This lclVar is a dead struct def. We expect it to be defined as part of a GT_COPYBLK // tree with the following structure: // // /--rhsNode This is the rhs of the struct (BEFORE 'tree', so we won't traverse this). // | /--tree This is lclVar node we're looking at. // +--addrNode This is the GT_ADDR of 'tree'. // /--listNode // +--sizeNode // asgNode The GT_COPYBLK which IS the assignment. // // TODO-CQ: consider adding the post-rationalizer case where addrNode and tree subtree can be a GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR. // // If it has this structure, then we can consider it just like a regular assignment, and can // eliminate it if rhsNode is side-effect free. assert((tree->gtNext->gtFlags & GTF_ASG) == 0); GenTree* addrNode = tree->gtNext; if (addrNode == nullptr || addrNode->OperGet() != GT_ADDR) { return false; } GenTree* listNode = addrNode->gtNext; if (listNode == nullptr || listNode->OperGet() != GT_LIST || listNode->gtGetOp1() != addrNode) { return false; } GenTree* sizeNode = listNode->gtNext; if (sizeNode == nullptr || sizeNode->OperGet() != GT_CNS_INT) { return false; } asgNode = sizeNode->gtNext; if (!asgNode->OperIsBlkOp()) { return false; } rhsNode = listNode->gtGetOp2(); } else { asgNode = tree->gtNext; rhsNode = asgNode->gtOp.gtOp2; } if (asgNode && (asgNode->gtFlags & GTF_ASG)) { noway_assert(rhsNode); noway_assert(tree->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEF); if (asgNode->gtOper != GT_ASG && asgNode->gtOverflowEx()) { // asgNode may be = (with GTF_OVERFLOW). In that case, we need to keep the // Dead = assignment. We change it to the right operation (taking out the assignment), // update the flags, update order of statement, as we have changed the order of the operation // and we start computing life again from the op_ovf node (we go backwards). Note that we // don't need to update ref counts because we don't change them, we're only changing the // operation. #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("\nChanging dead ovf to ovf...\n"); } #endif // DEBUG switch (asgNode->gtOper) { case GT_ASG_ADD: asgNode->gtOper = GT_ADD; break; case GT_ASG_SUB: asgNode->gtOper = GT_SUB; break; default: // Only add and sub allowed, we don't have ASG_MUL and ASG_DIV for ints, and // floats don't allow OVF forms. noway_assert(!"Unexpected ASG_OP"); } asgNode->gtFlags &= ~GTF_REVERSE_OPS; if (!((asgNode->gtOp.gtOp1->gtFlags | rhsNode->gtFlags) & GTF_ASG)) { asgNode->gtFlags &= ~GTF_ASG; } asgNode->gtOp.gtOp1->gtFlags &= ~(GTF_VAR_DEF | GTF_VAR_USEASG); #ifdef DEBUG *treeModf = true; #endif // DEBUG /* Update ordering, costs, FP levels, etc. */ gtSetStmtInfo(compCurStmt); /* Re-link the nodes for this statement */ fgSetStmtSeq(compCurStmt); // Start from the old assign node, as we have changed the order of its operands. // No need to update liveness, as nothing has changed (the target of the asgNode // either goes dead here, in which case the whole expression is now dead, or it // was already live). // TODO-Throughput: Redo this so that the graph is modified BEFORE traversing it! // We can determine this case when we first see the asgNode *pTree = asgNode; *doAgain = true; return false; } // Do not remove if this local variable represents // a promoted struct field of an address exposed local. if (varDsc->lvIsStructField && lvaTable[varDsc->lvParentLcl].lvAddrExposed) { return false; } // Do not remove if the address of the variable has been exposed. if (varDsc->lvAddrExposed) { return false; } /* Test for interior statement */ if (asgNode->gtNext == 0) { /* This is a "NORMAL" statement with the * assignment node hanging from the GT_STMT node */ noway_assert(compCurStmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr == asgNode); JITDUMP("top level assign\n"); /* Check for side effects */ if (rhsNode->gtFlags & GTF_SIDE_EFFECT) { if (compRationalIRForm) return false; EXTRACT_SIDE_EFFECTS: /* Extract the side effects */ GenTreePtr sideEffList = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("BB%02u - Dead assignment has side effects...\n", compCurBB->bbNum); gtDispTree(asgNode); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG gtExtractSideEffList(rhsNode, &sideEffList); if (sideEffList) { noway_assert(sideEffList->gtFlags & GTF_SIDE_EFFECT); #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("Extracted side effects list...\n"); gtDispTree(sideEffList); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG fgUpdateRefCntForExtract(asgNode, sideEffList); /* Replace the assignment statement with the list of side effects */ noway_assert(sideEffList->gtOper != GT_STMT); *pTree = compCurStmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr = sideEffList; #ifdef DEBUG *treeModf = true; #endif // DEBUG /* Update ordering, costs, FP levels, etc. */ gtSetStmtInfo(compCurStmt); /* Re-link the nodes for this statement */ fgSetStmtSeq(compCurStmt); /* Compute the live set for the new statement */ *doAgain = true; return false; } else { /* No side effects, most likely we forgot to reset some flags */ fgRemoveStmt(compCurBB, compCurStmt); return true; } } else { /* If this is GT_CATCH_ARG saved to a local var don't bother */ JITDUMP("removing stmt with no side effects\n"); if (asgNode->gtFlags & GTF_ORDER_SIDEEFF) { if (rhsNode->gtOper == GT_CATCH_ARG) goto EXTRACT_SIDE_EFFECTS; } /* No side effects - remove the whole statement from the block->bbTreeList */ fgRemoveStmt(compCurBB, compCurStmt); /* Since we removed it do not process the rest (i.e. RHS) of the statement * variables in the RHS will not be marked as live, so we get the benefit of * propagating dead variables up the chain */ return true; } } else { /* This is an INTERIOR STATEMENT with a dead assignment - remove it */ // don't want to deal with this if (compRationalIRForm) return false; noway_assert(!VarSetOps::IsMember(this, life, varDsc->lvVarIndex)); JITDUMP("interior assign\n"); DISPTREE(asgNode); JITDUMP("\n"); if (rhsNode->gtFlags & GTF_SIDE_EFFECT) { /* :-( we have side effects */ GenTreePtr sideEffList = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("BB%02u - INTERIOR dead assignment has side effects...\n", compCurBB->bbNum); gtDispTree(asgNode); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG gtExtractSideEffList(rhsNode, &sideEffList); if (!sideEffList) goto NO_SIDE_EFFECTS; noway_assert(sideEffList->gtFlags & GTF_SIDE_EFFECT); #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("Extracted side effects list from condition...\n"); gtDispTree(sideEffList); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG if (sideEffList->gtOper == asgNode->gtOper) { fgUpdateRefCntForExtract(asgNode, sideEffList); #ifdef DEBUG *treeModf = true; #endif // DEBUG asgNode->gtOp.gtOp1 = sideEffList->gtOp.gtOp1; asgNode->gtOp.gtOp2 = sideEffList->gtOp.gtOp2; asgNode->gtType = sideEffList->gtType; } else { fgUpdateRefCntForExtract(asgNode, sideEffList); #ifdef DEBUG *treeModf = true; #endif // DEBUG /* Change the node to a GT_COMMA holding the side effect list */ asgNode->gtBashToNOP(); asgNode->ChangeOper(GT_COMMA); asgNode->gtFlags |= sideEffList->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT; if (sideEffList->gtOper == GT_COMMA) { asgNode->gtOp.gtOp1 = sideEffList->gtOp.gtOp1; asgNode->gtOp.gtOp2 = sideEffList->gtOp.gtOp2; } else { asgNode->gtOp.gtOp1 = sideEffList; asgNode->gtOp.gtOp2 = gtNewNothingNode(); } } } else { NO_SIDE_EFFECTS: /* No side effects - Remove the interior statement */ #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) { printf("\nRemoving tree "); printTreeID(asgNode); printf(" in BB%02u as useless\n", compCurBB->bbNum); gtDispTree(asgNode); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG fgUpdateRefCntForExtract(asgNode, NULL); /* Change the assignment to a GT_NOP node */ if (compRationalIRForm) { JITDUMP("deleting tree:\n"); DISPTREE(rhsNode); fgDeleteTreeFromList(compCurStmt->AsStmt(), rhsNode); if (tree->gtOper == GT_STOREIND) fgDeleteTreeFromList(compCurStmt->AsStmt(), asgNode->gtOp.gtOp1); } asgNode->gtBashToNOP(); #ifdef DEBUG *treeModf = true; #endif // DEBUG } /* Re-link the nodes for this statement - Do not update ordering! */ if (!compRationalIRForm) { gtSetStmtInfo(compCurStmt); fgSetStmtSeq(compCurStmt); } /* Continue analysis from this node */ *pTree = asgNode; return false; } } return false; } /***************************************************************************** * * Iterative data flow for live variable info and availability of range * check index expressions. */ void Compiler::fgInterBlockLocalVarLiveness() { #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose) printf("*************** In fgInterBlockLocalVarLiveness()\n"); #endif /* This global flag is set whenever we remove a statement */ fgStmtRemoved = false; // keep track if a bbLiveIn changed due to dead store removal fgLocalVarLivenessChanged = false; /* Compute the IN and OUT sets for tracked variables */ fgLiveVarAnalysis(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORT /* For debuggable code, we mark vars as live over their entire * reported scope, so that it will be visible over the entire scope */ if (opts.compDbgCode && (info.compVarScopesCount > 0)) { fgExtendDbgLifetimes(); } #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORT /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Variables involved in exception-handlers and finally blocks need * to be specially marked */ BasicBlock* block; VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(exceptVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); // vars live on entry to a handler VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(finallyVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); // vars live on exit of a 'finally' block VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(filterVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); // vars live on exit from a 'filter' for (block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { if (block->bbCatchTyp != BBCT_NONE) { /* Note the set of variables live on entry to exception handler */ VarSetOps::UnionD(this, exceptVars, block->bbLiveIn); } if (block->bbJumpKind == BBJ_EHFILTERRET) { /* Get the set of live variables on exit from a 'filter' */ VarSetOps::UnionD(this, filterVars, block->bbLiveOut); } else if (block->bbJumpKind == BBJ_EHFINALLYRET) { /* Get the set of live variables on exit from a 'finally' block */ VarSetOps::UnionD(this, finallyVars, block->bbLiveOut); } #if FEATURE_EH_FUNCLETS // Funclets are called and returned from, as such we can only count on the frame // pointer being restored, and thus everything live in or live out must be on the // stack if (block->bbFlags & BBF_FUNCLET_BEG) { VarSetOps::UnionD(this, exceptVars, block->bbLiveIn); } if ((block->bbJumpKind == BBJ_EHFINALLYRET) || (block->bbJumpKind == BBJ_EHFILTERRET) || (block->bbJumpKind == BBJ_EHCATCHRET) ) { VarSetOps::UnionD(this, exceptVars, block->bbLiveOut); } #endif // FEATURE_EH_FUNCLETS } LclVarDsc* varDsc; unsigned varNum; for (varNum = 0, varDsc = lvaTable; varNum < lvaCount; varNum++ , varDsc++) { /* Ignore the variable if it's not tracked */ if (!varDsc->lvTracked) continue; if (lvaIsFieldOfDependentlyPromotedStruct(varDsc)) continue; /* Un-init locals may need auto-initialization. Note that the liveness of such locals will bubble to the top (fgFirstBB) in fgInterBlockLocalVarLiveness() */ if (!varDsc->lvIsParam && VarSetOps::IsMember(this, fgFirstBB->bbLiveIn, varDsc->lvVarIndex) && (info.compInitMem || varTypeIsGC(varDsc->TypeGet()))) { varDsc->lvMustInit = true; } // Mark all variables that are live on entry to an exception handler // or on exit from a filter handler or finally as DoNotEnregister */ if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, exceptVars, varDsc->lvVarIndex) || VarSetOps::IsMember(this, filterVars, varDsc->lvVarIndex)) { /* Mark the variable appropriately */ lvaSetVarDoNotEnregister(varNum DEBUG_ARG(DNER_LiveInOutOfHandler)); } /* Mark all pointer variables live on exit from a 'finally' block as either volatile for non-GC ref types or as 'explicitly initialized' (volatile and must-init) for GC-ref types */ if (VarSetOps::IsMember(this, finallyVars, varDsc->lvVarIndex)) { lvaSetVarDoNotEnregister(varNum DEBUG_ARG(DNER_LiveInOutOfHandler)); /* Don't set lvMustInit unless we have a non-arg, GC pointer */ if (varDsc->lvIsParam) continue; if (!varTypeIsGC(varDsc->TypeGet())) continue; /* Mark it */ varDsc->lvMustInit = true; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Now fill in liveness info within each basic block - Backward DataFlow */ // This is used in the liveness computation, as a temporary. VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, fgMarkIntfUnionVS, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); for (block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { /* Tell everyone what block we're working on */ compCurBB = block; /* Remember those vars live on entry to exception handlers */ /* if we are part of a try block */ VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(volatileVars, VarSetOps::MakeEmpty(this)); if (block->hasTryIndex()) { VarSetOps::Assign(this, volatileVars, fgGetHandlerLiveVars(block)); // volatileVars is a subset of exceptVars noway_assert(VarSetOps::IsSubset(this, volatileVars, exceptVars)); } /* Start with the variables live on exit from the block */ VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT(this, life, block->bbLiveOut); /* Mark any interference we might have at the end of the block */ fgMarkIntf(life); /* Get the first statement in the block */ #if JIT_FEATURE_SSA_SKIP_DEFS GenTreePtr firstStmt = block->FirstNonPhiDef(); if (!firstStmt) continue; /* Walk all the statements of the block backwards - Get the LAST stmt */ GenTreePtr nextStmt = block->bbTreeList->gtPrev; #else // !JIT_FEATURE_SSA_SKIP_DEFS GenTreePtr firstStmt = block->bbTreeList; if (!firstStmt) continue; /* Walk all the statements of the block backwards - Get the LAST stmt */ GenTreePtr nextStmt = firstStmt->gtPrev; #endif // !JIT_FEATURE_SSA_SKIP_DEFS do { #ifdef DEBUG bool treeModf = false; #endif // DEBUG noway_assert(nextStmt); noway_assert(nextStmt->gtOper == GT_STMT); compCurStmt = nextStmt; nextStmt = nextStmt->gtPrev; if (!compCurStmt->gtStmt.gtStmtIsTopLevel()) continue; /* Compute the liveness for each tree node in the statement */ VarSetOps::AssignNoCopy(this, life, fgComputeLife(life, compCurStmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr, NULL, volatileVars DEBUGARG(&treeModf))); #ifdef DEBUG if (verbose && treeModf) { printf("\nfgComputeLife modified tree:\n"); gtDispTree(compCurStmt->gtStmt.gtStmtExpr); printf("\n"); } #endif // DEBUG } while (compCurStmt != firstStmt); /* Done with the current block - if we removed any statements, some * variables may have become dead at the beginning of the block * -> have to update bbLiveIn */ if (!VarSetOps::Equal(this, life, block->bbLiveIn)) { /* some variables have become dead all across the block So life should be a subset of block->bbLiveIn */ // We changed the liveIn of the block, which may affect liveOut of others, // which may expose more dead stores. fgLocalVarLivenessChanged = true; noway_assert(VarSetOps::Equal(this, VarSetOps::Intersection(this, life, block->bbLiveIn), life)); /* set the new bbLiveIn */ VarSetOps::Assign(this, block->bbLiveIn, life); /* compute the new bbLiveOut for all the predecessors of this block */ } noway_assert(compCurBB == block); #ifdef DEBUG compCurBB = 0; #endif } fgLocalVarLivenessDone = true; } #ifdef DEBUG /*****************************************************************************/ void Compiler::fgDispBBLiveness(BasicBlock* block) { VARSET_TP VARSET_INIT_NOCOPY(allVars, VarSetOps::Union(this, block->bbLiveIn, block->bbLiveOut)); printf("BB%02u", block->bbNum); printf( " IN (%d)=", VarSetOps::Count(this, block->bbLiveIn)); lvaDispVarSet(block->bbLiveIn, allVars); if (block->bbHeapLiveIn) { printf( " + HEAP"); } printf("\n OUT(%d)=", VarSetOps::Count(this, block->bbLiveOut)); lvaDispVarSet(block->bbLiveOut, allVars); if (block->bbHeapLiveOut) { printf( " + HEAP"); } printf("\n\n"); } void Compiler::fgDispBBLiveness() { for (BasicBlock* block = fgFirstBB; block; block = block->bbNext) { fgDispBBLiveness(block); } } #endif // DEBUG