// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. /*****************************************************************************/ // clrjit // // This class abstracts the telemetry information collected for the JIT. // // Goals: // 1. Telemetry information should be a NO-op when JIT level telemetry is disabled. // 2. Data collection should be actionable. // 3. Data collection should comply to privacy rules. // 4. Data collection cannot impact JIT/OS performance. // 5. Data collection volume should be manageable by our remote services. // // DESIGN CONCERNS: // // > To collect data, we use the TraceLogging API provided by Windows. // // The brief workflow suggested is: // #include // TRACELOGGING_DEFINE_PROVIDER( // defines g_hProvider // g_hProvider, // Name of the provider variable // "MyProvider", // Human-readable name of the provider // (0xb3864c38, 0x4273, 0x58c5, 0x54, 0x5b, 0x8b, 0x36, 0x08, 0x34, 0x34, 0x71)); // Provider GUID // int main(int argc, char* argv[]) // or DriverEntry for kernel-mode. // { // TraceLoggingRegister(g_hProvider, NULL, NULL, NULL); // NULLs only needed for C. Please do not include the // // NULLs in C++ code. // TraceLoggingWrite(g_hProvider, // "MyEvent1", // TraceLoggingString(argv[0], "arg0"), // TraceLoggingInt32(argc)); // TraceLoggingUnregister(g_hProvider); // return 0; // } // // In summary, this involves: // 1. Creating a binary/DLL local provider using: // TRACELOGGING_DEFINE_PROVIDER(g_hProvider, "ProviderName", providerId, [option]) // 2. Registering the provider instance // TraceLoggingRegister(g_hProvider) // 3. Perform TraceLoggingWrite operations to write out data. // 4. Unregister the provider instance. // TraceLoggingUnregister(g_hProvider) // // A. Determining where to create the provider instance? // 1) We use the same provider name/GUID as the CLR and the CLR creates its own DLL local provider handle. // For CLRJIT.dll, the question is, can the same provider name/GUIDs be shared across binaries? // // Answer: // "For TraceLogging providers, it is okay to use the same provider GUID / name // in different binaries. Do not share the same provider handle across DLLs. // As long as you do not pass an hProvider from one DLL to another, TraceLogging // will properly keep track of the events." // // 2) CoreCLR is linked into the CLR. CLR already creates an instance, so where do we create the JIT's instance? // Answer: // "Ideally you would have one provider per DLL, but if you're folding distinct sets // of functionality into one DLL (like shell32.dll or similar sort of catch-all things) // you can have perhaps a few more providers per binary." // // B. Determining where to register and unregister the provider instance? // 1) For CLRJIT.dll we can register the provider instance during jitDllOnProcessAttach. // Since one of our goals is to turn telemetry off, we need to be careful about // referencing environment variables during the DLL load and unload path. // Referencing environment variables through ConfigDWORD uses UtilCode. // This roughly translates to InitUtilcode() being called before jitDllOnProcessAttach. // // For CLRJIT.dll, compStartup is called on jitOnDllProcessAttach(). // This can be called twice through sxsJitStartup -- so prevent double initialization. // UtilCode is init-ed by this time. The same is true for CoreCLR. // // 2) For CLRJIT.dll and CoreCLR, compShutdown will be called during jitOnDllProcessDetach(). // // C. Determining the data to collect: // // IMPORTANT: Since telemetry data can be collected at any time after DLL load, // make sure you initialize the compiler state variables you access in telemetry // data collection. For example, if you are transmitting method names, then // make sure info.compMethodHnd is initialized at that point. // // 1) Tracking noway assert count: // After a noway assert is hit, in both min-opts and non-min-opts, we collect // info such as the JIT version, method hash being compiled, filename and // line number etc. // // 2) Tracking baseline for the noway asserts: // During DLL unload, we report the number of methods that were compiled by // the JIT per process both under normal mode and during min-opts. NOTE that // this is ON for all processes. // // 3) For the future, be aware of privacy, performance and actionability of the data. // #include "jitpch.h" #include "compiler.h" #ifdef FEATURE_TRACELOGGING #include "TraceLoggingProvider.h" #include "MicrosoftTelemetry.h" #include "clrtraceloggingcommon.h" #include "fxver.h" // Since telemetry code could be called under a noway_assert, make sure, // we don't call noway_assert again. #undef noway_assert #define BUILD_STR1(x) #x #define BUILD_STR2(x) BUILD_STR1(x) #define BUILD_MACHINE BUILD_STR2(__BUILDMACHINE__) // A DLL local instance of the DotNet provider TRACELOGGING_DEFINE_PROVIDER(g_hClrJitProvider, CLRJIT_PROVIDER_NAME, CLRJIT_PROVIDER_ID, TraceLoggingOptionMicrosoftTelemetry()); // Threshold to detect if we are hitting too many bad (noway) methods // over good methods per process to prevent logging too much data. static const double NOWAY_NOISE_RATIO = 0.6; // Threshold of (bad / total) beyond which we'd stop // logging. We'd restart if the pass rate improves. static const unsigned NOWAY_SUFFICIENCY_THRESHOLD = 25; // Count of methods beyond which we'd apply percent // threshold // Initialize Telemetry State volatile bool JitTelemetry::s_fProviderRegistered = false; volatile UINT32 JitTelemetry::s_uMethodsCompiled = 0; volatile UINT32 JitTelemetry::s_uMethodsHitNowayAssert = 0; // Constructor for telemetry state per compiler instance JitTelemetry::JitTelemetry() { Initialize(nullptr); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize: Initialize the object with the compiler instance // // Description: // Compiler instance may not be fully initialized. If you are // tracking object data for telemetry, make sure they are initialized // in the compiler is ready. // void JitTelemetry::Initialize(Compiler* c) { comp = c; m_pszAssemblyName = ""; m_pszScopeName = ""; m_pszMethodName = ""; m_uMethodHash = 0; m_fMethodInfoCached = false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // IsTelemetryEnabled: Can we perform JIT telemetry // // Return Value: // Returns "true" if COMPlus_JitTelemetry environment flag is // non-zero. Else returns "false". // // /* static */ bool JitTelemetry::IsTelemetryEnabled() { return JitConfig.JitTelemetry() != 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // NotifyDllProcessAttach: Notification for DLL load and static initializations // // Description: // Register telemetry provider with the OS. // // Note: // This method can be called twice in NGEN scenario. // void JitTelemetry::NotifyDllProcessAttach() { if (!IsTelemetryEnabled()) { return; } if (!s_fProviderRegistered) { // Register the provider. TraceLoggingRegister(g_hClrJitProvider); s_fProviderRegistered = true; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // NotifyDllProcessDetach: Notification for DLL unload and teardown // // Description: // Log the methods compiled data if telemetry is enabled and // Unregister telemetry provider with the OS. // void JitTelemetry::NotifyDllProcessDetach() { if (!IsTelemetryEnabled()) { return; } assert(s_fProviderRegistered); // volatile read // Unregister the provider. TraceLoggingUnregister(g_hClrJitProvider); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // NotifyEndOfCompilation: Notification for end of current method // compilation. // // Description: // Increment static volatile counters for the current compiled method. // This is slightly inaccurate due to lack of synchronization around // the counters. Inaccuracy is the tradeoff for JITting cost. // // Note: // 1. Must be called post fully successful compilation of the method. // 2. This serves as an effective baseline as how many methods compiled // successfully. void JitTelemetry::NotifyEndOfCompilation() { if (!IsTelemetryEnabled()) { return; } s_uMethodsCompiled++; // volatile increment } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // NotifyNowayAssert: Notification that a noway handling is under-way. // // Arguments: // filename - The JIT source file name's absolute path at the time of // building the JIT. // line - The line number where the noway assert was hit. // // Description: // If telemetry is enabled, then obtain data to collect from the // compiler or the VM and use the tracelogging APIs to write out. // void JitTelemetry::NotifyNowayAssert(const char* filename, unsigned line) { if (!IsTelemetryEnabled()) { return; } s_uMethodsHitNowayAssert++; // Check if our assumption that noways are rare is invalid for this // process. If so, return early than logging too much data. unsigned noways = s_uMethodsHitNowayAssert; unsigned attempts = max(1, s_uMethodsCompiled + noways); double ratio = (noways / ((double)attempts)); if (noways > NOWAY_SUFFICIENCY_THRESHOLD && ratio > NOWAY_NOISE_RATIO) { return; } assert(comp); UINT32 nowayIndex = s_uMethodsHitNowayAssert; UINT32 codeSize = 0; INT32 minOpts = -1; const char* lastPhase = ""; if (comp != nullptr) { codeSize = comp->info.compILCodeSize; minOpts = comp->opts.IsMinOptsSet() ? comp->opts.MinOpts() : -1; lastPhase = PhaseNames[comp->previousCompletedPhase]; } CacheCurrentMethodInfo(); TraceLoggingWrite(g_hClrJitProvider, "CLRJIT.NowayAssert", TraceLoggingUInt32(codeSize, "IL_CODE_SIZE"), TraceLoggingInt32(minOpts, "MINOPTS_MODE"), TraceLoggingString(lastPhase, "PREVIOUS_COMPLETED_PHASE"), TraceLoggingString(m_pszAssemblyName, "ASSEMBLY_NAME"), TraceLoggingString(m_pszMethodName, "METHOD_NAME"), TraceLoggingString(m_pszScopeName, "METHOD_SCOPE"), TraceLoggingUInt32(m_uMethodHash, "METHOD_HASH"), TraceLoggingString(filename, "FILENAME"), TraceLoggingUInt32(line, "LINE"), TraceLoggingUInt32(nowayIndex, "NOWAY_INDEX"), TraceLoggingString(TARGET_READABLE_NAME, "ARCH"), TraceLoggingString(VER_FILEVERSION_STR, "VERSION"), TraceLoggingString(BUILD_MACHINE, "BUILD"), TraceLoggingString(VER_COMMENTS_STR, "FLAVOR"), TraceLoggingKeyword(MICROSOFT_KEYWORD_TELEMETRY)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CacheCurrentMethodInfo: Cache the method/assembly/scope name info. // // Description: // Obtain the method information if not already cached, for the // method under compilation from the compiler. This includes: // // Method name, assembly name, scope name, method hash. // void JitTelemetry::CacheCurrentMethodInfo() { if (m_fMethodInfoCached) { return; } assert(comp); if (comp != nullptr) { comp->compGetTelemetryDefaults(&m_pszAssemblyName, &m_pszScopeName, &m_pszMethodName, &m_uMethodHash); assert(m_pszAssemblyName); assert(m_pszScopeName); assert(m_pszMethodName); } // Set cached to prevent getting this twice. m_fMethodInfoCached = true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // compGetTelemetryDefaults: Obtain information specific to telemetry // from the JIT-interface. // // Arguments: // assemblyName - Pointer to hold assembly name upon return // scopeName - Pointer to hold scope name upon return // methodName - Pointer to hold method name upon return // methodHash - Pointer to hold method hash upon return // // Description: // Obtains from the JIT EE interface the information for the // current method under compilation. // // Warning: // The eeGetMethodName call could be expensive for generic // methods, so call this method only when there is less impact // to throughput. // void Compiler::compGetTelemetryDefaults(const char** assemblyName, const char** scopeName, const char** methodName, unsigned* methodHash) { if (info.compMethodHnd != nullptr) { __try { // Expensive calls, call infrequently or in exceptional scenarios. *methodHash = info.compCompHnd->getMethodHash(info.compMethodHnd); *methodName = eeGetMethodName(info.compMethodHnd, scopeName); // SuperPMI needs to implement record/replay of these method calls. *assemblyName = info.compCompHnd->getAssemblyName( info.compCompHnd->getModuleAssembly(info.compCompHnd->getClassModule(info.compClassHnd))); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } } // If the JIT interface methods init-ed these values to nullptr, // make sure they are set to empty string. if (*methodName == nullptr) { *methodName = ""; } if (*scopeName == nullptr) { *scopeName = ""; } if (*assemblyName == nullptr) { *assemblyName = ""; } } #endif // FEATURE_TRACELOGGING