// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #if !defined(CONFIG_INTEGER) || !defined(CONFIG_STRING) || !defined(CONFIG_METHODSET) #error CONFIG_INTEGER, CONFIG_STRING, and CONFIG_METHODSET must be defined before including this file. #endif // !defined(CONFIG_INTEGER) || !defined(CONFIG_STRING) || !defined(CONFIG_METHODSET) #if defined(DEBUG) CONFIG_INTEGER(AltJitLimit, W("AltJitLimit"), 0) // Max number of functions to use altjit for (decimal) CONFIG_INTEGER(AltJitSkipOnAssert, W("AltJitSkipOnAssert"), 0) // If AltJit hits an assert, fall back to the fallback // JIT. Useful in conjunction with // COMPlus_ContinueOnAssert=1 CONFIG_INTEGER(BreakOnDumpToken, W("BreakOnDumpToken"), 0xffffffff) // Breaks when using internal logging on a // particular token value. CONFIG_INTEGER(DebugBreakOnVerificationFailure, W("DebugBreakOnVerificationFailure"), 0) // Halts the jit on // verification failure CONFIG_INTEGER(DiffableDasm, W("JitDiffableDasm"), 0) // Make the disassembly diff-able CONFIG_INTEGER(DisplayLoopHoistStats, W("JitLoopHoistStats"), 0) // Display JIT loop hoisting statistics CONFIG_INTEGER(DisplayLsraStats, W("JitLsraStats"), 0) // Display JIT Linear Scan Register Allocator statistics CONFIG_INTEGER(DumpJittedMethods, W("DumpJittedMethods"), 0) // Prints all jitted methods to the console CONFIG_INTEGER(EnablePCRelAddr, W("JitEnablePCRelAddr"), 1) // Whether absolute addr be encoded as PC-rel offset by // RyuJIT where possible CONFIG_INTEGER(InterpreterFallback, W("InterpreterFallback"), 0) // Fallback to the interpreter when the JIT compiler // fails CONFIG_INTEGER(JitAssertOnMaxRAPasses, W("JitAssertOnMaxRAPasses"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitBreakEmitOutputInstr, W("JitBreakEmitOutputInstr"), -1) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitBreakMorphTree, W("JitBreakMorphTree"), 0xffffffff) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitBreakOnBadCode, W("JitBreakOnBadCode"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitBreakOnMinOpts, W("JITBreakOnMinOpts"), 0) // Halt if jit switches to MinOpts CONFIG_INTEGER(JitBreakOnUnsafeCode, W("JitBreakOnUnsafeCode"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitCanUseSSE2, W("JitCanUseSSE2"), -1) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitCloneLoops, W("JitCloneLoops"), 1) // If 0, don't clone. Otherwise clone loops for optimizations. CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDebugLogLoopCloning, W("JitDebugLogLoopCloning"), 0) // In debug builds log places where loop cloning // optimizations are performed on the fast path. CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDefaultFill, W("JitDefaultFill"), 0xff) // In debug builds, initialize the memory allocated by the nra // with this byte. CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDirectAlloc, W("JitDirectAlloc"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDoAssertionProp, W("JitDoAssertionProp"), 1) // Perform assertion propagation optimization CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDoCopyProp, W("JitDoCopyProp"), 1) // Perform copy propagation on variables that appear redundant CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDoEarlyProp, W("JitDoEarlyProp"), 1) // Perform Early Value Propagataion CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDoLoopHoisting, W("JitDoLoopHoisting"), 1) // Perform loop hoisting on loop invariant values CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDoRangeAnalysis, W("JitDoRangeAnalysis"), 1) // Perform range check analysis CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDoSsa, W("JitDoSsa"), 1) // Perform Static Single Assignment (SSA) numbering on the variables CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDoValueNumber, W("JitDoValueNumber"), 1) // Perform value numbering on method expressions CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDoubleAlign, W("JitDoubleAlign"), 1) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDumpASCII, W("JitDumpASCII"), 1) // Uses only ASCII characters in tree dumps CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDumpFgDot, W("JitDumpFgDot"), 0) // Set to non-zero to emit Dot instead of Xml Flowgraph dump CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDumpTerseLsra, W("JitDumpTerseLsra"), 1) // Produce terse dump output for LSRA CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDumpToDebugger, W("JitDumpToDebugger"), 0) // Output JitDump output to the debugger CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDumpVerboseSsa, W("JitDumpVerboseSsa"), 0) // Produce especially verbose dump output for SSA CONFIG_INTEGER(JitDumpVerboseTrees, W("JitDumpVerboseTrees"), 0) // Enable more verbose tree dumps CONFIG_INTEGER(JitEmitPrintRefRegs, W("JitEmitPrintRefRegs"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitExpensiveDebugCheckLevel, W("JitExpensiveDebugCheckLevel"), 0) // Level indicates how much checking // beyond the default to do in debug // builds (currently 1-2) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitForceFallback, W("JitForceFallback"), 0) // Set to non-zero to test NOWAY assert by forcing a retry CONFIG_INTEGER(JitForceVer, W("JitForceVer"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitFullyInt, W("JitFullyInt"), 0) // Forces Fully interruptable code CONFIG_INTEGER(JitFunctionTrace, W("JitFunctionTrace"), 0) // If non-zero, print JIT start/end logging CONFIG_INTEGER(JitGCChecks, W("JitGCChecks"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitGCInfoLogging, W("JitGCInfoLogging"), 0) // If true, prints GCInfo-related output to standard output. CONFIG_INTEGER(JitHashBreak, W("JitHashBreak"), -1) // Same as JitBreak, but for a method hash CONFIG_INTEGER(JitHashDump, W("JitHashDump"), -1) // Same as JitDump, but for a method hash CONFIG_INTEGER(JitHashDumpIR, W("JitHashDumpIR"), -1) // Same as JitDumpIR, but for a method hash CONFIG_INTEGER(JitHashHalt, W("JitHashHalt"), -1) // Same as JitHalt, but for a method hash CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlineAdditionalMultiplier, W("JitInlineAdditionalMultiplier"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlinePrintStats, W("JitInlinePrintStats"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlineSize, W("JITInlineSize"), DEFAULT_MAX_INLINE_SIZE) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlineDepth, W("JITInlineDepth"), DEFAULT_MAX_INLINE_DEPTH) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitLongAddress, W("JitLongAddress"), 0) // Force using the large pseudo instruction form for long address CONFIG_INTEGER(JitMaxTempAssert, W("JITMaxTempAssert"), 1) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitMaxUncheckedOffset, W("JitMaxUncheckedOffset"), 8) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitMinOpts, W("JITMinOpts"), 0) // Forces MinOpts CONFIG_INTEGER(JitMinOptsBbCount, W("JITMinOptsBbCount"), DEFAULT_MIN_OPTS_BB_COUNT) // Internal jit control of MinOpts CONFIG_INTEGER(JitMinOptsCodeSize, W("JITMinOptsCodeSize"), DEFAULT_MIN_OPTS_CODE_SIZE) // Internal jit control of // MinOpts CONFIG_INTEGER(JitMinOptsInstrCount, W("JITMinOptsInstrCount"), DEFAULT_MIN_OPTS_INSTR_COUNT) // Internal jit control of // MinOpts CONFIG_INTEGER(JitMinOptsLvNumCount, W("JITMinOptsLvNumcount"), DEFAULT_MIN_OPTS_LV_NUM_COUNT) // Internal jit control // of MinOpts CONFIG_INTEGER(JitMinOptsLvRefCount, W("JITMinOptsLvRefcount"), DEFAULT_MIN_OPTS_LV_REF_COUNT) // Internal jit control // of MinOpts CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoCMOV, W("JitNoCMOV"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoCSE, W("JitNoCSE"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoCSE2, W("JitNoCSE2"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoForceFallback, W("JitNoForceFallback"), 0) // Set to non-zero to prevent NOWAY assert testing. // Overrides COMPlus_JitForceFallback and JIT stress // flags. CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoHoist, W("JitNoHoist"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoInline, W("JitNoInline"), 0) // Disables inlining of all methods CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoMemoryBarriers, W("JitNoMemoryBarriers"), 0) // If 1, don't generate memory barriers CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoRegLoc, W("JitNoRegLoc"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoStructPromotion, W("JitNoStructPromotion"), 0) // Disables struct promotion in Jit32 CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoUnroll, W("JitNoUnroll"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitOrder, W("JitOrder"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitPInvokeCheckEnabled, W("JITPInvokeCheckEnabled"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitPInvokeEnabled, W("JITPInvokeEnabled"), 1) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitPrintInlinedMethods, W("JitPrintInlinedMethods"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitRequired, W("JITRequired"), -1) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitRoundFloat, W("JITRoundFloat"), DEFAULT_ROUND_LEVEL) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitSkipArrayBoundCheck, W("JitSkipArrayBoundCheck"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitSlowDebugChecksEnabled, W("JitSlowDebugChecksEnabled"), 1) // Turn on slow debug checks CONFIG_INTEGER(JitSplitFunctionSize, W("JitSplitFunctionSize"), 0) // On ARM, use this as the maximum function/funclet // size for creating function fragments (and creating // multiple RUNTIME_FUNCTION entries) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitSsaStress, W("JitSsaStress"), 0) // Perturb order of processing of blocks in SSA; 0 = no stress; 1 = // use method hash; * = supplied value as random hash CONFIG_INTEGER(JitStackChecks, W("JitStackChecks"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitStress, W("JitStress"), 0) // Internal Jit stress mode: 0 = no stress, 2 = all stress, other = vary // stress based on a hash of the method and this value CONFIG_INTEGER(JitStressBBProf, W("JitStressBBProf"), 0) // Internal Jit stress mode CONFIG_INTEGER(JitStressBiasedCSE, W("JitStressBiasedCSE"), 0x101) // Internal Jit stress mode: decimal bias value // between (0,100) to perform CSE on a candidate. // 100% = All CSEs. 0% = 0 CSE. (> 100) means no // stress. CONFIG_INTEGER(JitStressFP, W("JitStressFP"), 0) // Internal Jit stress mode CONFIG_INTEGER(JitStressModeNamesOnly, W("JitStressModeNamesOnly"), 0) // Internal Jit stress: if nonzero, only enable // stress modes listed in JitStressModeNames CONFIG_INTEGER(JitStressRegs, W("JitStressRegs"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitStrictCheckForNonVirtualCallToVirtualMethod, W("JitStrictCheckForNonVirtualCallToVirtualMethod"), 1) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitVNMapSelLimit, W("JitVNMapSelLimit"), 0) // If non-zero, assert if # of VNF_MapSelect applications // considered reaches this CONFIG_INTEGER(NgenHashDump, W("NgenHashDump"), -1) // same as JitHashDump, but for ngen CONFIG_INTEGER(NgenHashDumpIR, W("NgenHashDumpIR"), -1) // same as JitHashDumpIR, but for ngen CONFIG_INTEGER(NgenOrder, W("NgenOrder"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(RunAltJitCode, W("RunAltJitCode"), 1) // If non-zero, and the compilation succeeds for an AltJit, then // use the code. If zero, then we always throw away the generated // code and fall back to the default compiler. CONFIG_INTEGER(RunComponentUnitTests, W("JitComponentUnitTests"), 0) // Run JIT component unit tests CONFIG_INTEGER(ShouldInjectFault, W("InjectFault"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(StackProbesOverride, W("JitStackProbes"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(StressCOMCall, W("StressCOMCall"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(TailcallStress, W("TailcallStress"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(TreesBeforeAfterMorph, W("JitDumpBeforeAfterMorph"), 0) // If 1, display each tree before/after morphing CONFIG_METHODSET(JitBreak, W("JitBreak")) // Stops in the importer when compiling a specified method CONFIG_METHODSET(JitDebugBreak, W("JitDebugBreak")) CONFIG_METHODSET(JitDisasm, W("JitDisasm")) // Dumps disassembly for specified method CONFIG_METHODSET(JitDump, W("JitDump")) // Dumps trees for specified method CONFIG_METHODSET(JitDumpIR, W("JitDumpIR")) // Dumps trees (in linear IR form) for specified method CONFIG_METHODSET(JitEHDump, W("JitEHDump")) // Dump the EH table for the method, as reported to the VM CONFIG_METHODSET(JitExclude, W("JitExclude")) CONFIG_METHODSET(JitForceProcedureSplitting, W("JitForceProcedureSplitting")) CONFIG_METHODSET(JitGCDump, W("JitGCDump")) CONFIG_METHODSET(JitHalt, W("JitHalt")) // Emits break instruction into jitted code CONFIG_METHODSET(JitImportBreak, W("JitImportBreak")) CONFIG_METHODSET(JitInclude, W("JitInclude")) CONFIG_METHODSET(JitLateDisasm, W("JitLateDisasm")) CONFIG_METHODSET(JitMinOptsName, W("JITMinOptsName")) // Forces MinOpts for a named function CONFIG_METHODSET(JitNoProcedureSplitting, W("JitNoProcedureSplitting")) // Disallow procedure splitting for specified // methods CONFIG_METHODSET(JitNoProcedureSplittingEH, W("JitNoProcedureSplittingEH")) // Disallow procedure splitting for // specified methods if they contain // exception handling CONFIG_METHODSET(JitStressOnly, W("JitStressOnly")) // Internal Jit stress mode: stress only the specified method(s) CONFIG_METHODSET(JitUnwindDump, W("JitUnwindDump")) // Dump the unwind codes for the method CONFIG_METHODSET(JitOptRepeat, W("JitOptRepeat")) // Runs optimizer multiple times on the method CONFIG_INTEGER(JitOptRepeatCount, W("JitOptRepeatCount"), 2) // Number of times to repeat opts when repeating CONFIG_METHODSET(NgenDisasm, W("NgenDisasm")) // Same as JitDisasm, but for ngen CONFIG_METHODSET(NgenDump, W("NgenDump")) // Same as JitDump, but for ngen CONFIG_METHODSET(NgenDumpIR, W("NgenDumpIR")) // Same as JitDumpIR, but for ngen CONFIG_METHODSET(NgenEHDump, W("NgenEHDump")) // Dump the EH table for the method, as reported to the VM CONFIG_METHODSET(NgenGCDump, W("NgenGCDump")) CONFIG_METHODSET(NgenUnwindDump, W("NgenUnwindDump")) // Dump the unwind codes for the method CONFIG_STRING(JitDumpFg, W("JitDumpFg")) // Dumps Xml/Dot Flowgraph for specified method CONFIG_STRING(JitDumpFgDir, W("JitDumpFgDir")) // Directory for Xml/Dot flowgraph dump(s) CONFIG_STRING(JitDumpFgFile, W("JitDumpFgFile")) // Filename for Xml/Dot flowgraph dump(s) CONFIG_STRING(JitDumpFgPhase, W("JitDumpFgPhase")) // Phase-based Xml/Dot flowgraph support. Set to the short name of a // phase to see the flowgraph after that phase. Leave unset to dump // after COLD-BLK (determine first cold block) or set to * for all // phases CONFIG_STRING(JitDumpIRFormat, W("JitDumpIRFormat")) // Comma separated format control for JitDumpIR, values = {types | // locals | ssa | valnums | kinds | flags | nodes | nolists | // nostmts | noleafs | trees | dataflow} CONFIG_STRING(JitDumpIRPhase, W("JitDumpIRPhase")) // Phase control for JitDumpIR, values = {* | phasename} CONFIG_STRING(JitLateDisasmTo, W("JITLateDisasmTo")) CONFIG_STRING(JitRange, W("JitRange")) CONFIG_STRING(JitStressModeNames, W("JitStressModeNames")) // Internal Jit stress mode: stress using the given set of // stress mode names, e.g. STRESS_REGS, STRESS_TAILCALL CONFIG_STRING(JitStressModeNamesNot, W("JitStressModeNamesNot")) // Internal Jit stress mode: do NOT stress using the // given set of stress mode names, e.g. STRESS_REGS, // STRESS_TAILCALL CONFIG_STRING(JitStressRange, W("JitStressRange")) // Internal Jit stress mode CONFIG_STRING(NgenDumpFg, W("NgenDumpFg")) // Ngen Xml Flowgraph support CONFIG_STRING(NgenDumpFgDir, W("NgenDumpFgDir")) // Ngen Xml Flowgraph support CONFIG_STRING(NgenDumpFgFile, W("NgenDumpFgFile")) // Ngen Xml Flowgraph support CONFIG_STRING(NgenDumpIRFormat, W("NgenDumpIRFormat")) // Same as JitDumpIRFormat, but for ngen CONFIG_STRING(NgenDumpIRPhase, W("NgenDumpIRPhase")) // Same as JitDumpIRPhase, but for ngen #endif // defined(DEBUG) #ifdef FEATURE_ENABLE_NO_RANGE_CHECKS CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoRangeChks, W("JitNoRngChks"), 0) // If 1, don't generate range checks #endif // AltJitAssertOnNYI should be 0 on targets where JIT is under developement or bring up stage, so as to facilitate // fallback to main JIT on hitting a NYI. #if defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) || defined(_TARGET_X86_) CONFIG_INTEGER(AltJitAssertOnNYI, W("AltJitAssertOnNYI"), 0) // Controls the AltJit behavior of NYI stuff #else // !defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) && !defined(_TARGET_X86_) CONFIG_INTEGER(AltJitAssertOnNYI, W("AltJitAssertOnNYI"), 1) // Controls the AltJit behavior of NYI stuff #endif // defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) || defined(_TARGET_X86_) #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) || defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) CONFIG_INTEGER(EnableSSE3_4, W("EnableSSE3_4"), 1) // Enable SSE3, SSSE3, SSE 4.1 and 4.2 instruction set as default #endif #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) CONFIG_INTEGER(EnableAVX, W("EnableAVX"), 1) // Enable AVX instruction set for wide operations as default. // When both AVX and SSE3_4 are set, we will use the most capable instruction set available // which will prefer AVX over SSE3/4. #else // !defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) CONFIG_INTEGER(EnableAVX, W("EnableAVX"), 0) // Enable AVX instruction set for wide operations as default #endif // defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) #if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(_DEBUG) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitEnableNoWayAssert, W("JitEnableNoWayAssert"), 0) #else // defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitEnableNoWayAssert, W("JitEnableNoWayAssert"), 1) #endif // !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(_DEBUG) // The following should be wrapped inside "#if MEASURE_MEM_ALLOC / #endif", but // some files include this one without bringing in the definitions from "jit.h" // so we don't always know what the "true" value of that flag should be. For now // we take the easy way out and always include the flag, even in release builds // (normally MEASURE_MEM_ALLOC is off for release builds but if it's toggled on // for release in "jit.h" the flag would be missing for some includers). // TODO-Cleanup: need to make 'MEASURE_MEM_ALLOC' well-defined here at all times. CONFIG_INTEGER(DisplayMemStats, W("JitMemStats"), 0) // Display JIT memory usage statistics CONFIG_INTEGER(JitAggressiveInlining, W("JitAggressiveInlining"), 0) // Aggressive inlining of all methods CONFIG_INTEGER(JitELTHookEnabled, W("JitELTHookEnabled"), 0) // If 1, emit Enter/Leave/TailCall callbacks CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlineSIMDMultiplier, W("JitInlineSIMDMultiplier"), 3) #if defined(FEATURE_ENABLE_NO_RANGE_CHECKS) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitNoRngChks, W("JitNoRngChks"), 0) // If 1, don't generate range checks #endif // defined(FEATURE_ENABLE_NO_RANGE_CHECKS) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitRegisterFP, W("JitRegisterFP"), 3) // Control FP enregistration CONFIG_INTEGER(JitTelemetry, W("JitTelemetry"), 1) // If non-zero, gather JIT telemetry data CONFIG_INTEGER(JitVNMapSelBudget, W("JitVNMapSelBudget"), 100) // Max # of MapSelect's considered for a particular // top-level invocation. CONFIG_INTEGER(TailCallLoopOpt, W("TailCallLoopOpt"), 1) // Convert recursive tail calls to loops CONFIG_METHODSET(AltJit, W("AltJit")) // Enables AltJit and selectively limits it to the specified methods. CONFIG_METHODSET(AltJitNgen, W("AltJitNgen")) // Enables AltJit for NGEN and selectively limits it to the specified methods. #if defined(ALT_JIT) CONFIG_STRING(AltJitExcludeAssemblies, W("AltJitExcludeAssemblies")) // Do not use AltJit on this semicolon-delimited list of assemblies. #endif // defined(ALT_JIT) CONFIG_STRING(JitFuncInfoFile, W("JitFuncInfoLogFile")) // If set, gather JIT function info and write to this file. CONFIG_STRING(JitTimeLogCsv, W("JitTimeLogCsv")) // If set, gather JIT throughput data and write to a CSV file. This // mode must be used in internal retail builds. CONFIG_STRING(TailCallOpt, W("TailCallOpt")) #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(INLINE_DATA) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlineDumpData, W("JitInlineDumpData"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlineDumpXml, W("JitInlineDumpXml"), 0) // 1 = full xml (all methods), 2 = minimal xml (only method // with inlines) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlineLimit, W("JitInlineLimit"), -1) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlinePolicyDiscretionary, W("JitInlinePolicyDiscretionary"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlinePolicyFull, W("JitInlinePolicyFull"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlinePolicySize, W("JitInlinePolicySize"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlinePolicyRandom, W("JitInlinePolicyRandom"), 0) // nozero enables; value is the external random // seed CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlinePolicyReplay, W("JitInlinePolicyReplay"), 0) CONFIG_STRING(JitNoInlineRange, W("JitNoInlineRange")) CONFIG_STRING(JitInlineReplayFile, W("JitInlineReplayFile")) #endif // defined(DEBUG) || defined(INLINE_DATA) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlinePolicyLegacy, W("JitInlinePolicyLegacy"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitInlinePolicyModel, W("JitInlinePolicyModel"), 0) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitEECallTimingInfo, W("JitEECallTimingInfo"), 0) #if defined(DEBUG) #if defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) CONFIG_INTEGER(JitEnableFinallyCloning, W("JitEnableFinallyCloning"), 1) #else CONFIG_INTEGER(JitEnableFinallyCloning, W("JitEnableFinallyCloning"), 0) #endif // defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) #endif // DEBUG #undef CONFIG_INTEGER #undef CONFIG_STRING #undef CONFIG_METHODSET