// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "jitpch.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma hdrstop #endif // The IndirectCallTransformer transforms indirect calls that involve fat function // pointers or guarded devirtualization candidates. These transformations introduce // control flow and so can't easily be done in the importer. // // A fat function pointer is a pointer with the second least significant bit // (aka FAT_POINTER_MASK) set. If the bit is set, the pointer (after clearing the bit) // actually points to a tuple where // instantiationArgument is a hidden first argument required by method pointer. // // Fat pointers are used in CoreRT as a replacement for instantiating stubs, // because CoreRT can't generate stubs in runtime. // // The JIT is responsible for emitting code to check the bit at runtime, branching // to one of two call sites. // // When the bit is not set, the code should execute the original indirect call. // // When the bit is set, the code should mask off the bit, use the resulting pointer // to load the real target address and the extra argument, and then call indirect // via the target, passing the extra argument. // // before: // current block // { // previous statements // transforming statement // { // call with GTF_CALL_M_FAT_POINTER_CHECK flag set in function ptr // } // subsequent statements // } // // after: // current block // { // previous statements // } BBJ_NONE check block // check block // { // jump to else if function ptr has the FAT_POINTER_MASK bit set. // } BBJ_COND then block, else block // then block // { // original statement // } BBJ_ALWAYS remainder block // else block // { // clear FAT_POINTER_MASK bit // load actual function pointer // load instantiation argument // create newArgList = (instantiation argument, original argList) // call (actual function pointer, newArgList) // } BBJ_NONE remainder block // remainder block // { // subsequent statements // } // class IndirectCallTransformer { public: IndirectCallTransformer(Compiler* compiler) : compiler(compiler) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Run: run transformation for each block. // // Returns: // Count of calls transformed. int Run() { int count = 0; for (BasicBlock* block = compiler->fgFirstBB; block != nullptr; block = block->bbNext) { count += TransformBlock(block); } return count; } private: //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TransformBlock: look through statements and transform statements with // particular indirect calls // // Returns: // Count of calls transformed. // int TransformBlock(BasicBlock* block) { int count = 0; for (GenTreeStmt* stmt = block->firstStmt(); stmt != nullptr; stmt = stmt->gtNextStmt) { if (ContainsFatCalli(stmt)) { FatPointerCallTransformer transformer(compiler, block, stmt); transformer.Run(); count++; } if (ContainsGuardedDevirtualizationCandidate(stmt)) { GuardedDevirtualizationTransformer transformer(compiler, block, stmt); transformer.Run(); count++; } } return count; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ContainsFatCalli: check does this statement contain fat pointer call. // // Checks fatPointerCandidate in form of call() or lclVar = call(). // // Return Value: // true if contains, false otherwise. // bool ContainsFatCalli(GenTreeStmt* stmt) { GenTree* fatPointerCandidate = stmt->gtStmtExpr; if (fatPointerCandidate->OperIs(GT_ASG)) { fatPointerCandidate = fatPointerCandidate->gtGetOp2(); } return fatPointerCandidate->IsCall() && fatPointerCandidate->AsCall()->IsFatPointerCandidate(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ContainsGuardedDevirtualizationCandidate: check does this statement contain a virtual // call that we'd like to guardedly devirtualize? // // Return Value: // true if contains, false otherwise. // // Notes: // calls are hoisted to top level ... (we hope) bool ContainsGuardedDevirtualizationCandidate(GenTreeStmt* stmt) { GenTree* candidate = stmt->gtStmtExpr; return candidate->IsCall() && candidate->AsCall()->IsGuardedDevirtualizationCandidate(); } class Transformer { public: Transformer(Compiler* compiler, BasicBlock* block, GenTreeStmt* stmt) : compiler(compiler), currBlock(block), stmt(stmt) { remainderBlock = nullptr; checkBlock = nullptr; thenBlock = nullptr; elseBlock = nullptr; origCall = nullptr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Run: transform the statement as described above. // virtual void Run() { Transform(); } void Transform() { JITDUMP("*** %s: transforming [%06u]\n", Name(), compiler->dspTreeID(stmt)); FixupRetExpr(); ClearFlag(); CreateRemainder(); CreateCheck(); CreateThen(); CreateElse(); RemoveOldStatement(); SetWeights(); ChainFlow(); } protected: virtual const char* Name() = 0; virtual void ClearFlag() = 0; virtual GenTreeCall* GetCall(GenTreeStmt* callStmt) = 0; virtual void FixupRetExpr() = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CreateRemainder: split current block at the call stmt and // insert statements after the call into remainderBlock. // void CreateRemainder() { remainderBlock = compiler->fgSplitBlockAfterStatement(currBlock, stmt); unsigned propagateFlags = currBlock->bbFlags & BBF_GC_SAFE_POINT; remainderBlock->bbFlags |= BBF_JMP_TARGET | BBF_HAS_LABEL | propagateFlags; } virtual void CreateCheck() = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CreateAndInsertBasicBlock: ask compiler to create new basic block. // and insert in into the basic block list. // // Arguments: // jumpKind - jump kind for the new basic block // insertAfter - basic block, after which compiler has to insert the new one. // // Return Value: // new basic block. BasicBlock* CreateAndInsertBasicBlock(BBjumpKinds jumpKind, BasicBlock* insertAfter) { BasicBlock* block = compiler->fgNewBBafter(jumpKind, insertAfter, true); if ((insertAfter->bbFlags & BBF_INTERNAL) == 0) { block->bbFlags &= ~BBF_INTERNAL; block->bbFlags |= BBF_IMPORTED; } return block; } virtual void CreateThen() = 0; virtual void CreateElse() = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // RemoveOldStatement: remove original stmt from current block. // void RemoveOldStatement() { compiler->fgRemoveStmt(currBlock, stmt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SetWeights: set weights for new blocks. // void SetWeights() { remainderBlock->inheritWeight(currBlock); checkBlock->inheritWeight(currBlock); thenBlock->inheritWeightPercentage(currBlock, HIGH_PROBABILITY); elseBlock->inheritWeightPercentage(currBlock, 100 - HIGH_PROBABILITY); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ChainFlow: link new blocks into correct cfg. // void ChainFlow() { assert(!compiler->fgComputePredsDone); checkBlock->bbJumpDest = elseBlock; thenBlock->bbJumpDest = remainderBlock; } Compiler* compiler; BasicBlock* currBlock; BasicBlock* remainderBlock; BasicBlock* checkBlock; BasicBlock* thenBlock; BasicBlock* elseBlock; GenTreeStmt* stmt; GenTreeCall* origCall; const int HIGH_PROBABILITY = 80; }; class FatPointerCallTransformer final : public Transformer { public: FatPointerCallTransformer(Compiler* compiler, BasicBlock* block, GenTreeStmt* stmt) : Transformer(compiler, block, stmt) { doesReturnValue = stmt->gtStmtExpr->OperIs(GT_ASG); origCall = GetCall(stmt); fptrAddress = origCall->gtCallAddr; pointerType = fptrAddress->TypeGet(); } protected: virtual const char* Name() { return "FatPointerCall"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GetCall: find a call in a statement. // // Arguments: // callStmt - the statement with the call inside. // // Return Value: // call tree node pointer. virtual GenTreeCall* GetCall(GenTreeStmt* callStmt) { GenTree* tree = callStmt->gtStmtExpr; GenTreeCall* call = nullptr; if (doesReturnValue) { assert(tree->OperIs(GT_ASG)); call = tree->gtGetOp2()->AsCall(); } else { call = tree->AsCall(); // call with void return type. } return call; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ClearFlag: clear fat pointer candidate flag from the original call. // virtual void ClearFlag() { origCall->ClearFatPointerCandidate(); } // FixupRetExpr: no action needed as we handle this in the importer. virtual void FixupRetExpr() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CreateCheck: create check block, that checks fat pointer bit set. // virtual void CreateCheck() { checkBlock = CreateAndInsertBasicBlock(BBJ_COND, currBlock); GenTree* fatPointerMask = new (compiler, GT_CNS_INT) GenTreeIntCon(TYP_I_IMPL, FAT_POINTER_MASK); GenTree* fptrAddressCopy = compiler->gtCloneExpr(fptrAddress); GenTree* fatPointerAnd = compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_AND, TYP_I_IMPL, fptrAddressCopy, fatPointerMask); GenTree* zero = new (compiler, GT_CNS_INT) GenTreeIntCon(TYP_I_IMPL, 0); GenTree* fatPointerCmp = compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_NE, TYP_INT, fatPointerAnd, zero); GenTree* jmpTree = compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_JTRUE, TYP_VOID, fatPointerCmp); GenTree* jmpStmt = compiler->fgNewStmtFromTree(jmpTree, stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtILoffsx); compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(checkBlock, jmpStmt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CreateThen: create then block, that is executed if the check succeeds. // This simply executes the original call. // virtual void CreateThen() { thenBlock = CreateAndInsertBasicBlock(BBJ_ALWAYS, checkBlock); GenTree* copyOfOriginalStmt = compiler->gtCloneExpr(stmt)->AsStmt(); compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(thenBlock, copyOfOriginalStmt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CreateElse: create else block, that is executed if call address is fat pointer. // virtual void CreateElse() { elseBlock = CreateAndInsertBasicBlock(BBJ_NONE, thenBlock); GenTree* fixedFptrAddress = GetFixedFptrAddress(); GenTree* actualCallAddress = compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, pointerType, fixedFptrAddress); GenTree* hiddenArgument = GetHiddenArgument(fixedFptrAddress); GenTreeStmt* fatStmt = CreateFatCallStmt(actualCallAddress, hiddenArgument); compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(elseBlock, fatStmt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GetFixedFptrAddress: clear fat pointer bit from fat pointer address. // // Return Value: // address without fat pointer bit set. GenTree* GetFixedFptrAddress() { GenTree* fptrAddressCopy = compiler->gtCloneExpr(fptrAddress); GenTree* fatPointerMask = new (compiler, GT_CNS_INT) GenTreeIntCon(TYP_I_IMPL, FAT_POINTER_MASK); return compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_SUB, pointerType, fptrAddressCopy, fatPointerMask); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GetHiddenArgument: load hidden argument. // // Arguments: // fixedFptrAddress - pointer to the tuple // // Return Value: // generic context hidden argument. GenTree* GetHiddenArgument(GenTree* fixedFptrAddress) { GenTree* fixedFptrAddressCopy = compiler->gtCloneExpr(fixedFptrAddress); GenTree* wordSize = new (compiler, GT_CNS_INT) GenTreeIntCon(TYP_I_IMPL, genTypeSize(TYP_I_IMPL)); GenTree* hiddenArgumentPtrPtr = compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_ADD, pointerType, fixedFptrAddressCopy, wordSize); GenTree* hiddenArgumentPtr = compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, pointerType, hiddenArgumentPtrPtr); return compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, fixedFptrAddressCopy->TypeGet(), hiddenArgumentPtr); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CreateFatCallStmt: create call with fixed call address and hidden argument in the args list. // // Arguments: // actualCallAddress - fixed call address // hiddenArgument - generic context hidden argument // // Return Value: // created call node. GenTreeStmt* CreateFatCallStmt(GenTree* actualCallAddress, GenTree* hiddenArgument) { GenTreeStmt* fatStmt = compiler->gtCloneExpr(stmt)->AsStmt(); GenTree* fatTree = fatStmt->gtStmtExpr; GenTreeCall* fatCall = GetCall(fatStmt); fatCall->gtCallAddr = actualCallAddress; AddHiddenArgument(fatCall, hiddenArgument); return fatStmt; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // AddHiddenArgument: add hidden argument to the call argument list. // // Arguments: // fatCall - fat call node // hiddenArgument - generic context hidden argument // void AddHiddenArgument(GenTreeCall* fatCall, GenTree* hiddenArgument) { GenTreeArgList* oldArgs = fatCall->gtCallArgs; GenTreeArgList* newArgs; #if USER_ARGS_COME_LAST if (fatCall->HasRetBufArg()) { GenTree* retBuffer = oldArgs->Current(); GenTreeArgList* rest = oldArgs->Rest(); newArgs = compiler->gtNewListNode(hiddenArgument, rest); newArgs = compiler->gtNewListNode(retBuffer, newArgs); } else { newArgs = compiler->gtNewListNode(hiddenArgument, oldArgs); } #else newArgs = oldArgs; AddArgumentToTail(newArgs, hiddenArgument); #endif fatCall->gtCallArgs = newArgs; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // AddArgumentToTail: add hidden argument to the tail of the call argument list. // // Arguments: // argList - fat call node // hiddenArgument - generic context hidden argument // void AddArgumentToTail(GenTreeArgList* argList, GenTree* hiddenArgument) { GenTreeArgList* iterator = argList; while (iterator->Rest() != nullptr) { iterator = iterator->Rest(); } iterator->Rest() = compiler->gtNewArgList(hiddenArgument); } private: const int FAT_POINTER_MASK = 0x2; GenTree* fptrAddress; var_types pointerType; bool doesReturnValue; }; class GuardedDevirtualizationTransformer final : public Transformer { public: GuardedDevirtualizationTransformer(Compiler* compiler, BasicBlock* block, GenTreeStmt* stmt) : Transformer(compiler, block, stmt), returnTemp(BAD_VAR_NUM) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Run: transform the statement as described above. // virtual void Run() { origCall = GetCall(stmt); JITDUMP("*** %s contemplating [%06u]\n", Name(), compiler->dspTreeID(origCall)); // We currently need inline candidate info to guarded devirt. if (!origCall->IsInlineCandidate()) { JITDUMP("*** %s Bailing on [%06u] -- not an inline candidate\n", Name(), compiler->dspTreeID(origCall)); ClearFlag(); return; } // For now, bail on transforming calls that still appear // to return structs by value as there is deferred work // needed to fix up the return type. // // See for instance fgUpdateInlineReturnExpressionPlaceHolder. if (origCall->TypeGet() == TYP_STRUCT) { JITDUMP("*** %s Bailing on [%06u] -- can't handle by-value struct returns yet\n", Name(), compiler->dspTreeID(origCall)); ClearFlag(); // For stub calls restore the stub address if (origCall->IsVirtualStub()) { origCall->gtStubCallStubAddr = origCall->gtInlineCandidateInfo->stubAddr; } return; } Transform(); } protected: virtual const char* Name() { return "GuardedDevirtualization"; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GetCall: find a call in a statement. // // Arguments: // callStmt - the statement with the call inside. // // Return Value: // call tree node pointer. virtual GenTreeCall* GetCall(GenTreeStmt* callStmt) { GenTree* tree = callStmt->gtStmtExpr; assert(tree->IsCall()); GenTreeCall* call = tree->AsCall(); return call; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ClearFlag: clear guarded devirtualization candidate flag from the original call. // virtual void ClearFlag() { origCall->ClearGuardedDevirtualizationCandidate(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CreateCheck: create check block and check method table // virtual void CreateCheck() { checkBlock = CreateAndInsertBasicBlock(BBJ_COND, currBlock); // Fetch method table from object arg to call. GenTree* thisTree = compiler->gtCloneExpr(origCall->gtCallObjp); // Create temp for this if the tree is costly. if (!thisTree->IsLocal()) { const unsigned thisTempNum = compiler->lvaGrabTemp(true DEBUGARG("guarded devirt this temp")); // lvaSetClass(thisTempNum, ...); GenTree* asgTree = compiler->gtNewTempAssign(thisTempNum, thisTree); GenTree* asgStmt = compiler->fgNewStmtFromTree(asgTree, stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtILoffsx); compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(checkBlock, asgStmt); thisTree = compiler->gtNewLclvNode(thisTempNum, TYP_REF); // Propagate the new this to the call. Must be a new expr as the call // will live on in the else block and thisTree is used below. origCall->gtCallObjp = compiler->gtNewLclvNode(thisTempNum, TYP_REF); } GenTree* methodTable = compiler->gtNewIndir(TYP_I_IMPL, thisTree); methodTable->gtFlags |= GTF_IND_INVARIANT; // Find target method table GuardedDevirtualizationCandidateInfo* guardedInfo = origCall->gtGuardedDevirtualizationCandidateInfo; CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd = guardedInfo->guardedClassHandle; GenTree* targetMethodTable = compiler->gtNewIconEmbClsHndNode(clsHnd); // Compare and jump to else (which does the indirect call) if NOT equal GenTree* methodTableCompare = compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_NE, TYP_INT, targetMethodTable, methodTable); GenTree* jmpTree = compiler->gtNewOperNode(GT_JTRUE, TYP_VOID, methodTableCompare); GenTree* jmpStmt = compiler->fgNewStmtFromTree(jmpTree, stmt->gtStmt.gtStmtILoffsx); compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(checkBlock, jmpStmt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // FixupRetExpr: set up to repair return value placeholder from call // virtual void FixupRetExpr() { // If call returns a value, we need to copy it to a temp, and // update the associated GT_RET_EXPR to refer to the temp instead // of the call. // // Note implicit by-ref returns should have already been converted // so any struct copy we induce here should be cheap. // // Todo: make sure we understand how this interacts with return type // munging for small structs. InlineCandidateInfo* inlineInfo = origCall->gtInlineCandidateInfo; GenTree* retExpr = inlineInfo->retExpr; // Sanity check the ret expr if non-null: it should refer to the original call. if (retExpr != nullptr) { assert(retExpr->gtRetExpr.gtInlineCandidate == origCall); } if (origCall->TypeGet() != TYP_VOID) { returnTemp = compiler->lvaGrabTemp(false DEBUGARG("guarded devirt return temp")); JITDUMP("Reworking call(s) to return value via a new temp V%02u\n", returnTemp); if (varTypeIsStruct(origCall)) { compiler->lvaSetStruct(returnTemp, origCall->gtRetClsHnd, false); } GenTree* tempTree = compiler->gtNewLclvNode(returnTemp, origCall->TypeGet()); JITDUMP("Updating GT_RET_EXPR [%06u] to refer to temp V%02u\n", compiler->dspTreeID(retExpr), returnTemp); retExpr->gtRetExpr.gtInlineCandidate = tempTree; } else if (retExpr != nullptr) { // We still oddly produce GT_RET_EXPRs for some void // returning calls. Just patch the ret expr to a NOP. // // Todo: consider bagging creation of these RET_EXPRs. The only possible // benefit they provide is stitching back larger trees for failed inlines // of void-returning methods. But then the calls likely sit in commas and // the benefit of a larger tree is unclear. JITDUMP("Updating GT_RET_EXPR [%06u] for VOID return to refer to a NOP\n", compiler->dspTreeID(retExpr)); GenTree* nopTree = compiler->gtNewNothingNode(); retExpr->gtRetExpr.gtInlineCandidate = nopTree; } else { // We do not produce GT_RET_EXPRs for CTOR calls, so there is nothing to patch. } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CreateThen: create else block with direct call to method // virtual void CreateThen() { thenBlock = CreateAndInsertBasicBlock(BBJ_ALWAYS, checkBlock); InlineCandidateInfo* inlineInfo = origCall->gtInlineCandidateInfo; CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE clsHnd = inlineInfo->clsHandle; // copy 'this' to temp with exact type. const unsigned thisTemp = compiler->lvaGrabTemp(false DEBUGARG("guarded devirt this exact temp")); GenTree* clonedObj = compiler->gtCloneExpr(origCall->gtCallObjp); GenTree* assign = compiler->gtNewTempAssign(thisTemp, clonedObj); compiler->lvaSetClass(thisTemp, clsHnd, true); GenTreeStmt* assignStmt = compiler->gtNewStmt(assign); compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(thenBlock, assignStmt); // Clone call. Note we must use the special candidate helper. GenTreeCall* call = compiler->gtCloneCandidateCall(origCall); call->gtCallObjp = compiler->gtNewLclvNode(thisTemp, TYP_REF); call->SetIsGuarded(); JITDUMP("Direct call [%06u] in block BB%02u\n", compiler->dspTreeID(call), thenBlock->bbNum); // Then invoke impDevirtualizeCall to actually // transform the call for us. It should succeed.... as we have // now provided an exact typed this. CORINFO_METHOD_HANDLE methodHnd = inlineInfo->methInfo.ftn; unsigned methodFlags = inlineInfo->methAttr; CORINFO_CONTEXT_HANDLE context = inlineInfo->exactContextHnd; const bool isLateDevirtualization = true; bool explicitTailCall = (call->gtCall.gtCallMoreFlags & GTF_CALL_M_EXPLICIT_TAILCALL) != 0; compiler->impDevirtualizeCall(call, &methodHnd, &methodFlags, &context, nullptr, isLateDevirtualization, explicitTailCall); // Presumably devirt might fail? If so we should try and avoid // making this a guarded devirt candidate instead of ending // up here. assert(!call->IsVirtual()); // Re-establish this call as an inline candidate. GenTree* oldRetExpr = inlineInfo->retExpr; inlineInfo->clsHandle = clsHnd; inlineInfo->exactContextHnd = context; call->gtInlineCandidateInfo = inlineInfo; // Add the call GenTreeStmt* callStmt = compiler->gtNewStmt(call); compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(thenBlock, callStmt); // If there was a ret expr for this call, we need to create a new one // and append it just after the call. // // Note the original GT_RET_EXPR is sitting at the join point of the // guarded expansion and for non-void calls, and now refers to a temp local; // we set all this up in FixupRetExpr(). if (oldRetExpr != nullptr) { GenTree* retExpr = compiler->gtNewInlineCandidateReturnExpr(call, call->TypeGet()); inlineInfo->retExpr = retExpr; if (returnTemp != BAD_VAR_NUM) { retExpr = compiler->gtNewTempAssign(returnTemp, retExpr); } else { // We should always have a return temp if we return results by value assert(origCall->TypeGet() == TYP_VOID); } GenTreeStmt* resultStmt = compiler->gtNewStmt(retExpr); compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(thenBlock, resultStmt); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CreateElse: create else block. This executes the unaltered indirect call. // virtual void CreateElse() { elseBlock = CreateAndInsertBasicBlock(BBJ_NONE, thenBlock); GenTreeCall* call = origCall; GenTreeStmt* newStmt = compiler->gtNewStmt(call); call->gtFlags &= ~GTF_CALL_INLINE_CANDIDATE; call->SetIsGuarded(); JITDUMP("Residual call [%06u] moved to block BB%02u\n", compiler->dspTreeID(call), elseBlock->bbNum); if (returnTemp != BAD_VAR_NUM) { GenTree* assign = compiler->gtNewTempAssign(returnTemp, call); newStmt->gtStmtExpr = assign; } // For stub calls, restore the stub address. For everything else, // null out the candidate info field. if (call->IsVirtualStub()) { JITDUMP("Restoring stub addr %p from candidate info\n", call->gtInlineCandidateInfo->stubAddr); call->gtStubCallStubAddr = call->gtInlineCandidateInfo->stubAddr; } else { call->gtInlineCandidateInfo = nullptr; } compiler->fgInsertStmtAtEnd(elseBlock, newStmt); // Set the original statement to a nop. stmt->gtStmtExpr = compiler->gtNewNothingNode(); } private: unsigned returnTemp; }; Compiler* compiler; }; #ifdef DEBUG //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // fgDebugCheckForTransformableIndirectCalls: callback to make sure there // are no more GTF_CALL_M_FAT_POINTER_CHECK or GTF_CALL_M_GUARDED_DEVIRT // calls remaining // Compiler::fgWalkResult Compiler::fgDebugCheckForTransformableIndirectCalls(GenTree** pTree, fgWalkData* data) { GenTree* tree = *pTree; if (tree->IsCall()) { assert(!tree->AsCall()->IsFatPointerCandidate()); assert(!tree->AsCall()->IsGuardedDevirtualizationCandidate()); } return WALK_CONTINUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CheckNoTransformableIndirectCallsRemain: walk through blocks and check // that there are no indirect call candidates left to transform. // void Compiler::CheckNoTransformableIndirectCallsRemain() { assert(!doesMethodHaveFatPointer()); assert(!doesMethodHaveGuardedDevirtualization()); for (BasicBlock* block = fgFirstBB; block != nullptr; block = block->bbNext) { for (GenTreeStmt* stmt = fgFirstBB->firstStmt(); stmt != nullptr; stmt = stmt->gtNextStmt) { fgWalkTreePre(&stmt->gtStmtExpr, fgDebugCheckForTransformableIndirectCalls); } } } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // fgTransformIndirectCalls: find and transform various indirect calls // // These transformations happen post-import because they may introduce // control flow. // void Compiler::fgTransformIndirectCalls() { JITDUMP("\n*************** in fgTransformIndirectCalls(%s)\n", compIsForInlining() ? "inlinee" : "root"); if (doesMethodHaveFatPointer() || doesMethodHaveGuardedDevirtualization()) { IndirectCallTransformer indirectCallTransformer(this); int count = indirectCallTransformer.Run(); if (count > 0) { JITDUMP("\n*************** After fgTransformIndirectCalls() [%d calls transformed]\n", count); INDEBUG(if (verbose) { fgDispBasicBlocks(true); }); } else { JITDUMP(" -- no transforms done (?)\n"); } clearMethodHasFatPointer(); clearMethodHasGuardedDevirtualization(); } else { JITDUMP(" -- no candidates to transform\n"); } INDEBUG(CheckNoTransformableIndirectCallsRemain();); }