// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This file was previously known as emitfmts.h // // clang-format off #if !defined(_TARGET_XARCH_) #error Unexpected target type #endif #ifdef DEFINE_ID_OPS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef DEFINE_ID_OPS enum ID_OPS { ID_OP_NONE, // no additional arguments ID_OP_SCNS, // small const operand (21-bits or less, no reloc) ID_OP_CNS, // constant operand ID_OP_DSP, // displacement operand ID_OP_DSP_CNS, // displacement + constant ID_OP_AMD, // addrmode with dsp ID_OP_AMD_CNS, // addrmode with dsp + constant ID_OP_JMP, // local jump ID_OP_LBL, // label operand ID_OP_CALL, // direct method call ID_OP_SPEC, // special handling required }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #else // !DEFINE_ID_OPS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef DEFINE_IS_OPS #undef DEFINE_IS_OPS #else // DEFINE_IS_OPS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef IF_DEF #error Must define IF_DEF macro before including this file #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // A note on the naming convention for instruction forms (IF_xxxxx). // For 3-character code XYY, generally we have: // X = // R - register // M - memory // S - stack // A - address mode // YY = // RD - read // WR - write // RW - read / write // // The following sequences don't follow this pattern: // XYY = // CNS - constant // SHF - shift-constant // // For IF_XXX_YYY, the first operand is XXX, the second operand is YYY. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // enum insFormat instruction enum ID_OPS // scheduling // (unused) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IF_DEF(NONE, IS_NONE, NONE) // no operands IF_DEF(LABEL, IS_NONE, JMP ) // label IF_DEF(RWR_LABEL, IS_R1_WR, JMP ) // write label to register IF_DEF(SWR_LABEL, IS_SF_WR, LBL ) // write label to stack IF_DEF(METHOD, IS_NONE, CALL) // method IF_DEF(METHPTR, IS_NONE, CALL) // method ptr (glbl) IF_DEF(CNS, IS_NONE, SCNS) // const //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: The order of the "RD/WR/RW" varieties must match that of // the "insUpdateModes" enum in "instr.h". //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF_DEF(RRD, IS_R1_RD, NONE) // read reg IF_DEF(RWR, IS_R1_WR, NONE) // write reg IF_DEF(RRW, IS_R1_RW, NONE) // r/w reg IF_DEF(RRD_CNS, IS_R1_RD, SCNS) // read reg , const IF_DEF(RWR_CNS, IS_R1_WR, SCNS) // write reg , const IF_DEF(RRW_CNS, IS_R1_RW, SCNS) // r/w reg , const IF_DEF(RRW_SHF, IS_R1_RW, SCNS) // r/w reg , shift-const IF_DEF(RRD_RRD, IS_R1_RD|IS_R2_RD, NONE) // read reg , read reg2 IF_DEF(RWR_RRD, IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD, NONE) // write reg , read reg2 IF_DEF(RRW_RRD, IS_R1_RW|IS_R2_RD, NONE) // r/w reg , read reg2 IF_DEF(RRW_RRW, IS_R1_RW|IS_R2_RW, NONE) // r/w reg , r/w reg2 - for XCHG reg, reg2 IF_DEF(RRW_RRW_CNS, IS_R1_RW|IS_R2_RW, SCNS) // r/w reg , r/w reg2 , const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_RRD, IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD|IS_R3_RD, NONE) // write reg , read reg2 , read reg3 IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_RRD_CNS, IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD|IS_R3_RD, SCNS) // write reg , read reg2 , read reg3, const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_RRD_RRD, IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD|IS_R3_RD|IS_R4_RD, CNS) // write reg , read reg2 , read reg3 , read reg4 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following formats are used for direct addresses (e.g. static data members) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF_DEF(MRD, IS_GM_RD, SPEC) // read [mem] (indirect call req. SPEC) IF_DEF(MWR, IS_GM_WR, DSP) // write [mem] IF_DEF(MRW, IS_GM_RW, DSP) // r/w [mem] IF_DEF(MRD_OFF, IS_GM_RD, DSP) // offset mem IF_DEF(RRD_MRD, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_RD, DSP) // read reg , read [mem] IF_DEF(RWR_MRD, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_WR, DSP) // write reg , read [mem] IF_DEF(RRW_MRD, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_RW, DSP) // r/w reg , read [mem] IF_DEF(RRW_MRD_CNS, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_RW, DSP_CNS) // r/w reg , read [mem], const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_MRD, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD, DSP) // write reg , read reg2 , read [mem] IF_DEF(RWR_MRD_CNS, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_WR, DSP_CNS) // write reg , read [mem], const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_MRD_CNS, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD, DSP_CNS) // write reg , read reg2 , read [mem], const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_MRD_RRD, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD|IS_R3_RD, DSP_CNS) // write reg , read reg2 , read [mem], read reg3 IF_DEF(RWR_MRD_OFF, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_WR, DSP) // write reg , offset mem IF_DEF(MRD_RRD, IS_GM_RD|IS_R1_RD, DSP) // read [mem], read reg IF_DEF(MWR_RRD, IS_GM_WR|IS_R1_RD, DSP) // write [mem], read reg IF_DEF(MRW_RRD, IS_GM_RW|IS_R1_RD, DSP) // r/w [mem], read reg IF_DEF(MRD_CNS, IS_GM_RD, DSP_CNS) // read [mem], const IF_DEF(MWR_CNS, IS_GM_WR, DSP_CNS) // write [mem], const IF_DEF(MRW_CNS, IS_GM_RW, DSP_CNS) // r/w [mem], const IF_DEF(MWR_RRD_CNS, IS_GM_WR|IS_R1_RD, DSP_CNS) // write [mem], read reg, const IF_DEF(MRW_SHF, IS_GM_RW, DSP_CNS) // shift [mem], const //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following formats are used for stack frame refs //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF_DEF(SRD, IS_SF_RD, SPEC) // read [stk] (indirect call req. SPEC) IF_DEF(SWR, IS_SF_WR, NONE) // write [stk] IF_DEF(SRW, IS_SF_RW, NONE) // r/w [stk] IF_DEF(RRD_SRD, IS_SF_RD|IS_R1_RD, NONE) // read reg , read [stk] IF_DEF(RWR_SRD, IS_SF_RD|IS_R1_WR, NONE) // write reg , read [stk] IF_DEF(RRW_SRD, IS_SF_RD|IS_R1_RW, NONE) // r/w reg , read [stk] IF_DEF(RRW_SRD_CNS, IS_SF_RD|IS_R1_RW, CNS ) // r/w reg , read [stk], const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_SRD, IS_SF_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD, NONE) // write reg , read reg2, read [stk] IF_DEF(RWR_SRD_CNS, IS_SF_RD|IS_R1_WR, CNS ) // write reg , read [stk], const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_SRD_CNS, IS_SF_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD, CNS ) // write reg , read reg2, read [stk], const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_SRD_RRD, IS_SF_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD|IS_R3_RD, CNS ) // write reg , read reg2, read [stk], read reg3 IF_DEF(SRD_RRD, IS_SF_RD|IS_R1_RD, NONE) // read [stk], read reg IF_DEF(SWR_RRD, IS_SF_WR|IS_R1_RD, NONE) // write [stk], read reg IF_DEF(SRW_RRD, IS_SF_RW|IS_R1_RD, NONE) // r/w [stk], read reg IF_DEF(SRD_CNS, IS_SF_RD, CNS ) // read [stk], const IF_DEF(SWR_CNS, IS_SF_WR, CNS ) // write [stk], const IF_DEF(SRW_CNS, IS_SF_RW, CNS ) // r/w [stk], const IF_DEF(SRW_SHF, IS_SF_RW, CNS ) // shift [stk], const //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following formats are used for indirect address modes //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF_DEF(ARD, IS_AM_RD, SPEC) // read [adr] (indirect call req. SPEC) IF_DEF(AWR, IS_AM_WR, AMD ) // write [adr] IF_DEF(ARW, IS_AM_RW, AMD ) // r/w [adr] IF_DEF(RRD_ARD, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_RD, AMD ) // read reg , read [adr] IF_DEF(RWR_ARD, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_WR, AMD ) // write reg , read [adr] IF_DEF(RRW_ARD, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_RW, AMD ) // r/w reg , read [adr] IF_DEF(RRW_ARD_CNS, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_RW, AMD_CNS) // r/w reg , read [adr], const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_ARD, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD, AMD ) // write reg , read reg2, read [adr] IF_DEF(RWR_ARD_CNS, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_WR, AMD_CNS) // write reg , read [adr], const IF_DEF(RWR_ARD_RRD, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD, AMD) // write reg , read [adr], read reg2 IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_ARD_CNS, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD, AMD_CNS) // write reg , read reg2, read [adr], const IF_DEF(RWR_RRD_ARD_RRD, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_WR|IS_R2_RD|IS_R3_RD, AMD_CNS) // write reg , read reg2, read [adr], read reg3 IF_DEF(ARD_RRD, IS_AM_RD|IS_R1_RD, AMD ) // read [adr], read reg IF_DEF(AWR_RRD, IS_AM_WR|IS_R1_RD, AMD ) // write [adr], read reg IF_DEF(ARW_RRD, IS_AM_RW|IS_R1_RD, AMD ) // r/w [adr], read reg IF_DEF(AWR_RRD_RRD, IS_AM_WR|IS_R1_RD|IS_R2_RD, AMD ) // write [adr], read reg, read reg IF_DEF(ARD_CNS, IS_AM_RD, AMD_CNS) // read [adr], const IF_DEF(AWR_CNS, IS_AM_WR, AMD_CNS) // write [adr], const IF_DEF(ARW_CNS, IS_AM_RW, AMD_CNS) // r/w [adr], const IF_DEF(AWR_RRD_CNS, IS_AM_WR|IS_R1_RD, AMD_CNS) // write [adr], read reg, const IF_DEF(ARW_SHF, IS_AM_RW, AMD_CNS) // shift [adr], const ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef IF_DEF ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // DEFINE_IS_OPS #endif // DEFINE_ID_OPS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // clang-format on