project(ClrJit) # Disable the following for UNIX altjit on Windows if(CLR_CMAKE_PLATFORM_UNIX) add_compile_options(-fPIC) add_definitions(-DFEATURE_MERGE_JIT_AND_ENGINE) add_library(ClrJit STATIC ${SHARED_LIB_SOURCES} ) add_dependencies(ClrJit coreclrpal gcinfo) else() add_library(ClrJit ${SOURCES} ) # Disable up to here (see above) the following for UNIX altjit on Windows # Enable the following for UNIX altjit on Windows # add_library(ClrJit # SHARED # ${SHARED_LIB_SOURCES} # ) # Enable the following for UNIX altjit on Windows #target_link_libraries(ClrJit # utilcode # gcinfo # runtime_library # ) # Disable the following for UNIX altjit on Windows endif(CLR_CMAKE_PLATFORM_UNIX)