// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // This include file determines how BitVec is implemented. // #ifndef _BITVEC_INCLUDED_ #define _BITVEC_INCLUDED_ 1 // This class simplifies creation and usage of "ShortLong" bitsets. // // Create new bitsets like so: // // BitVecTraits traits(size, pCompiler); // BitVec bitvec = BitVecOps::MakeEmpty(&traits); // // and call functions like so: // // BitVecOps::AddElemD(&traits, bitvec, 10); // BitVecOps::IsMember(&traits, bitvec, 10)); // #include "bitset.h" #include "compilerbitsettraits.h" #include "bitsetasshortlong.h" typedef BitSetOps BitVecOps; typedef BitSetShortLongRep BitVec; // These types should be used as the types for BitVec arguments and return values, respectively. typedef BitVecOps::ValArgType BitVec_ValArg_T; typedef BitVecOps::RetValType BitVec_ValRet_T; #endif // _BITVEC_INCLUDED_