// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "jitpch.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma hdrstop #endif #include "bitset.h" #include "bitsetasuint64.h" #include "bitsetasshortlong.h" #include "bitsetasuint64inclass.h" // clang-format off unsigned BitSetSupport::BitCountTable[16] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4 }; // clang-format on #ifdef DEBUG template void BitSetSupport::RunTests(Env env) { typedef BitSetOps LclBitSetOps; // The tests require that the Size is at least 52... assert(BitSetTraits::GetSize(env) > 51); BitSetType bs1; LclBitSetOps::AssignNoCopy(env, bs1, LclBitSetOps::MakeEmpty(env)); unsigned bs1bits[] = {0, 10, 44, 45}; LclBitSetOps::AddElemD(env, bs1, bs1bits[0]); LclBitSetOps::AddElemD(env, bs1, bs1bits[1]); LclBitSetOps::AddElemD(env, bs1, bs1bits[2]); LclBitSetOps::AddElemD(env, bs1, bs1bits[3]); typename LclBitSetOps::Iter bsi(env, bs1); unsigned bitNum = 0; unsigned k = 0; while (bsi.NextElem(&bitNum)) { assert(bitNum == bs1bits[k]); k++; } assert(k == 4); assert(LclBitSetOps::Equal(env, bs1, LclBitSetOps::Union(env, bs1, bs1))); assert(LclBitSetOps::Equal(env, bs1, LclBitSetOps::Intersection(env, bs1, bs1))); assert(LclBitSetOps::IsSubset(env, bs1, bs1)); BitSetType bs2; LclBitSetOps::AssignNoCopy(env, bs2, LclBitSetOps::MakeEmpty(env)); unsigned bs2bits[] = {0, 10, 50, 51}; LclBitSetOps::AddElemD(env, bs2, bs2bits[0]); LclBitSetOps::AddElemD(env, bs2, bs2bits[1]); LclBitSetOps::AddElemD(env, bs2, bs2bits[2]); LclBitSetOps::AddElemD(env, bs2, bs2bits[3]); unsigned unionBits[] = {0, 10, 44, 45, 50, 51}; BitSetType bsU12; LclBitSetOps::AssignNoCopy(env, bsU12, LclBitSetOps::Union(env, bs1, bs2)); k = 0; bsi = typename LclBitSetOps::Iter(env, bsU12); bitNum = 0; while (bsi.NextElem(&bitNum)) { assert(bitNum == unionBits[k]); k++; } assert(k == 6); k = 0; typename LclBitSetOps::Iter bsiL = typename LclBitSetOps::Iter(env, bsU12); bitNum = 0; while (bsiL.NextElem(&bitNum)) { assert(bitNum == unionBits[k]); k++; } assert(k == 6); unsigned intersectionBits[] = {0, 10}; BitSetType bsI12; LclBitSetOps::AssignNoCopy(env, bsI12, LclBitSetOps::Intersection(env, bs1, bs2)); k = 0; bsi = typename LclBitSetOps::Iter(env, bsI12); bitNum = 0; while (bsi.NextElem(&bitNum)) { assert(bitNum == intersectionBits[k]); k++; } assert(k == 2); } class TestBitSetTraits { public: static void* Alloc(IAllocator* alloc, size_t byteSize) { return alloc->Alloc(byteSize); } static unsigned GetSize(IAllocator* alloc) { return 64; } static unsigned GetArrSize(IAllocator* alloc, unsigned elemSize) { assert(elemSize == sizeof(size_t)); return (64 / 8) / sizeof(size_t); } static unsigned GetEpoch(IAllocator* alloc) { return 0; } }; void BitSetSupport::TestSuite(IAllocator* env) { BitSetSupport::RunTests(env); BitSetSupport::RunTests(env); BitSetSupport::RunTests, BSUInt64Class, IAllocator*, TestBitSetTraits>( env); } #endif const char* BitSetSupport::OpNames[BitSetSupport::BSOP_NUMOPS] = { #define BSOPNAME(x) #x, #include "bitsetops.h" #undef BSOPNAME }; void BitSetSupport::BitSetOpCounter::RecordOp(BitSetSupport::Operation op) { OpCounts[op]++; TotalOps++; if ((TotalOps % 1000000) == 0) { if (OpOutputFile == nullptr) { OpOutputFile = fopen(m_fileName, "a"); } fprintf(OpOutputFile, "@ %d total ops.\n", TotalOps); unsigned OpOrder[BSOP_NUMOPS]; bool OpOrdered[BSOP_NUMOPS]; // First sort by total operations (into an index permutation array, using a simple n^2 sort). for (unsigned k = 0; k < BitSetSupport::BSOP_NUMOPS; k++) { OpOrdered[k] = false; } for (unsigned k = 0; k < BitSetSupport::BSOP_NUMOPS; k++) { bool candSet = false; unsigned cand = 0; unsigned candInd = 0; for (unsigned j = 0; j < BitSetSupport::BSOP_NUMOPS; j++) { if (OpOrdered[j]) { continue; } if (!candSet || OpCounts[j] > cand) { candInd = j; cand = OpCounts[j]; candSet = true; } } assert(candSet); OpOrder[k] = candInd; OpOrdered[candInd] = true; } for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < BitSetSupport::BSOP_NUMOPS; ii++) { unsigned i = OpOrder[ii]; fprintf(OpOutputFile, " Op %40s: %8d\n", OpNames[i], OpCounts[i]); } } }