// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // // ==++== // // // ==--== //***************************************************************************** // File: IPCSharedSrc.cpp // // Shared source for COM+ IPC Reader & Writer classes // //***************************************************************************** #include "stdafx.h" #include "ipcshared.h" #include "ipcmanagerinterface.h" #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR #include "AppXUtil.h" #endif #if defined(FEATURE_IPCMAN) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Close a handle and pointer to any memory mapped file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void IPCShared::CloseMemoryMappedFile(HANDLE & hMemFile, void * & pBlock) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCS::CloseMemoryMappedFile: closing 0x%08x\n", hMemFile)); if (pBlock != NULL) { if (!UnmapViewOfFile(pBlock)) _ASSERTE(!"UnmapViewOfFile failed"); pBlock = NULL; } if (hMemFile != NULL) { CloseHandle(hMemFile); hMemFile = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on the pid, write a unique name for a memory mapped file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void IPCShared::GenerateName(DWORD pid, SString & sName) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; const WCHAR * szFormat = CorLegacyPrivateIPCBlock; szFormat = L"Global\\" CorLegacyPrivateIPCBlock; sName.Printf(szFormat, pid); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on the pid, write a unique name for a memory mapped file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void IPCShared::GenerateNameLegacyTempV4(DWORD pid, SString & sName) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; const WCHAR * szFormat = CorLegacyPrivateIPCBlockTempV4; szFormat = L"Global\\" CorLegacyPrivateIPCBlockTempV4; sName.Printf(szFormat, pid); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on the pid, write a unique name for a memory mapped file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void IPCShared::GenerateLegacyPublicName(DWORD pid, SString & sName) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; const WCHAR * szFormat = CorLegacyPublicIPCBlock; szFormat = L"Global\\" CorLegacyPublicIPCBlock; sName.Printf(szFormat, pid); } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Based on the pid, write a unique name for the IPCBlockTable on Vista and Higher //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT IPCShared::GenerateBlockTableName(DWORD pid, SString & sName, HANDLE & pBoundaryDesc, HANDLE & pPrivateNamespace, PSID* pSID, BOOL bCreate) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; #define SIZE 100 const WCHAR * szFormat = CorSxSPublicIPCBlock; static HMODULE hKernel32 = NULL; if(hKernel32 == NULL) hKernel32 = WszGetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"); if(hKernel32 == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); return hr; } //We are using static function pointers so that we dont call GetProcAddress every time //We know that the Writer will call this function only once and the reader (perfmon) is a single //threaded App. Therefore its safe to assign static local variables in this case. typedef WINBASEAPI BOOL (WINAPI ADD_SID_TO_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR)(HANDLE*, PSID); static ADD_SID_TO_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR * pAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor = NULL; typedef WINBASEAPI HANDLE (WINAPI CREATE_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR)(LPCWSTR,ULONG); static CREATE_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR * pCreateBoundaryDescriptor = NULL; typedef WINBASEAPI HANDLE (WINAPI CREATE_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE )(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, LPVOID, LPCWSTR); static CREATE_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE * pCreatePrivateNamespace = NULL; typedef WINBASEAPI HANDLE (WINAPI OPEN_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE)(LPVOID,LPCWSTR); static OPEN_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE * pOpenPrivateNamespace = NULL; if(pAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor == NULL) pAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor = (ADD_SID_TO_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR *)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor"); if(pCreateBoundaryDescriptor == NULL) pCreateBoundaryDescriptor = (CREATE_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR *)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "CreateBoundaryDescriptorW"); if(pCreatePrivateNamespace == NULL) pCreatePrivateNamespace = (CREATE_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE *)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "CreatePrivateNamespaceW"); if(pOpenPrivateNamespace==NULL) pOpenPrivateNamespace = (OPEN_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE *)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "OpenPrivateNamespaceW"); _ASSERTE((pAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor != NULL) && (pCreateBoundaryDescriptor != NULL) && (pCreatePrivateNamespace != NULL) && (pOpenPrivateNamespace != NULL)); if ((pAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor == NULL) || (pCreateBoundaryDescriptor == NULL) || (pCreatePrivateNamespace == NULL) || (pOpenPrivateNamespace == NULL)) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; } WCHAR wsz[SIZE]; swprintf_s(wsz,SIZE, CorSxSBoundaryDescriptor, pid); ULONG flags = 0; if (RunningOnWin8()) { // on win8 we specify this flag regardless if the process is inside an appcontainer, the kernel will do the right thing. // note that for appcontainers this flag is necessary regardless of producer or consumer, ie you can't create a boundary // descriptor in an appcontainer process without adding the appcontainer SID (the API call will fail). flags |= CREATE_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_APPCONTAINER_SID; } pBoundaryDesc = (*pCreateBoundaryDescriptor)((LPCWSTR)&wsz, flags); if(!pBoundaryDesc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); return hr; } SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SIDWorldAuth = SECURITY_WORLD_SID_AUTHORITY; if(!AllocateAndInitializeSid( &SIDWorldAuth, 1,SECURITY_WORLD_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, pSID)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); return hr; } if(!(*pAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor) (&pBoundaryDesc,*pSID)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); return hr; } #ifndef FEATURE_CORECLR // when pid != GetCurrentProcessId() it means we're the consumer opening other process perf counter data if (pid != GetCurrentProcessId()) { // if the target process is inside an appcontainer we need to add the appcontainer SID to the boundary descriptor. NewArrayHolder pbTokenMem; hr = AppX::GetAppContainerTokenInfoForProcess(pid, pbTokenMem); if (FAILED(hr)) { // failed to open the target's process, continue on // assuming that the process isn't in an AppContainer. _ASSERTE(pbTokenMem == NULL); } else { if (hr == S_FALSE) { // not an appcontainer _ASSERTE(pbTokenMem == NULL); } else { // process is an appcontainer so add the SID PTOKEN_APPCONTAINER_INFORMATION pAppContainerTokenInfo = reinterpret_cast(pbTokenMem.GetValue()); _ASSERTE(pAppContainerTokenInfo); _ASSERTE(pAppContainerTokenInfo->TokenAppContainer); if (!(*pAddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor)(&pBoundaryDesc, pAppContainerTokenInfo->TokenAppContainer)) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } } #endif // FEATURE_CORECLR if(bCreate) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *pSA = NULL; IPCShared::CreateWinNTDescriptor(pid, FALSE, &pSA, PrivateNamespace, eDescriptor_Public); pPrivateNamespace = (*pCreatePrivateNamespace)(pSA, (VOID *)(pBoundaryDesc), (LPCWSTR)CorSxSWriterPrivateNamespacePrefix); if(!pPrivateNamespace) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } IPCShared::DestroySecurityAttributes(pSA); if(!pPrivateNamespace) { //if already created by a different version of the runtime we return OK. if(hr ==HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { hr = S_OK; } else { return hr; } } } else { pPrivateNamespace = (*pOpenPrivateNamespace)((VOID *)(pBoundaryDesc), (LPCWSTR)CorSxSReaderPrivateNamespacePrefix); if(!pPrivateNamespace) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); return hr; } } szFormat = (bCreate ? CorSxSWriterPrivateNamespacePrefix L"\\" CorSxSVistaPublicIPCBlock : CorSxSReaderPrivateNamespacePrefix L"\\" CorSxSVistaPublicIPCBlock); sName.Printf(szFormat); hr=S_OK; return hr; } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Free's the handle to a boundary descriptor and a SID //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT IPCShared::FreeHandles(HANDLE & hBoundaryDescriptor, PSID & pSID) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(hBoundaryDescriptor != NULL) { static HMODULE hKernel32 = NULL; if(hKernel32 == NULL) hKernel32 = WszGetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"); if(hKernel32 == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); return hr; } typedef WINBASEAPI VOID (WINAPI DELETE_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR)(HANDLE); static DELETE_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR * pDeleteBoundaryDescriptor = NULL; if(pDeleteBoundaryDescriptor == NULL) pDeleteBoundaryDescriptor = (DELETE_BOUNDARY_DESCRIPTOR *)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "DeleteBoundaryDescriptor"); _ASSERTE(pDeleteBoundaryDescriptor != NULL); if (pDeleteBoundaryDescriptor == NULL) { hr = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; } else { (*pDeleteBoundaryDescriptor)(hBoundaryDescriptor); hBoundaryDescriptor = NULL; } } if(pSID != NULL) { FreeSid(pSID); pSID = NULL; } return hr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Free's the handle to a boundary descriptor, a SID and a handle to a privatenamespace //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT IPCShared::FreeHandles(HANDLE & hBoundaryDescriptor, PSID & pSID, HANDLE & hPrivateNamespace) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = IPCShared::FreeHandles(hBoundaryDescriptor,pSID); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; if(hPrivateNamespace != NULL) { static HMODULE hKernel32 = NULL; if(hKernel32 == NULL) hKernel32 = WszGetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"); if(hKernel32 == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); return hr; } typedef WINBASEAPI BOOL (WINAPI CLOSE_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE)(HANDLE, ULONG); static CLOSE_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE * pClosePrivateNamespace; if(pClosePrivateNamespace == NULL) pClosePrivateNamespace = (CLOSE_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE *)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "ClosePrivateNamespace"); _ASSERTE(pClosePrivateNamespace != NULL); if (pClosePrivateNamespace == NULL) { hr = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; } else { BOOL isClosed = (*pClosePrivateNamespace)(hPrivateNamespace,0); hPrivateNamespace = NULL; if(!isClosed) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); } } } return hr; } HRESULT IPCShared::CreateWinNTDescriptor(DWORD pid, BOOL bRestrictiveACL, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES **ppSA, KernelObject whatObject) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return IPCShared::CreateWinNTDescriptor(pid, bRestrictiveACL, ppSA, whatObject, eDescriptor_Private); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup a security descriptor for the named kernel objects if we're on NT. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT IPCShared::CreateWinNTDescriptor(DWORD pid, BOOL bRestrictiveACL, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES **ppSA, KernelObject whatObject, EDescriptorType descType) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = NO_ERROR; // Gotta have a place to stick the new SA... if (ppSA == NULL) { _ASSERTE(!"Caller must supply ppSA"); return E_INVALIDARG; } *ppSA = NULL; ACL *pACL = NULL; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *pSD = NULL; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *pSA = NULL; // Allocate a SD. _ASSERTE (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH == sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)); pSD = new (nothrow) SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR; if (pSD == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto errExit; } // Do basic SD initialization if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(pSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); goto errExit; } // Grab the ACL for the IPC block for the given process if (!InitializeGenericIPCAcl(pid, bRestrictiveACL, &pACL, whatObject, descType)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto errExit; } // Add the ACL as the DACL for the SD. if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSD, TRUE, pACL, FALSE)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); goto errExit; } // Allocate a SA. pSA = new (nothrow) SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; if (pSA == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto errExit; } // Pass out the new SA. *ppSA = pSA; pSA->nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); pSA->lpSecurityDescriptor = pSD; pSA->bInheritHandle = FALSE; // uncomment this line if you want to see the DACL being generated. //DumpSD(pSD); errExit: if (FAILED(hr)) { if (pACL != NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < pACL->AceCount; i++) DeleteAce(pACL, i); delete [] pACL; } if (pSD != NULL) delete pSD; } return hr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper to destroy the security attributes for the shared memory for a given // process. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void IPCShared::DestroySecurityAttributes(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *pSA) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; } CONTRACTL_END; // We'll take a NULL param just to be nice. if (pSA == NULL) return; // Cleanup the DACL in the SD. SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *pSD = (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*) pSA->lpSecurityDescriptor; if (pSD != NULL) { // Grab the DACL BOOL isDACLPresent = FALSE; BOOL isDefaultDACL = FALSE; ACL *pACL = NULL; BOOL res = GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pSD, &isDACLPresent, &pACL, &isDefaultDACL); // If we got the DACL, then free the stuff inside of it. if (res && isDACLPresent && (pACL != NULL) && !isDefaultDACL) { for(int i = 0; i < pACL->AceCount; i++) DeleteAce(pACL, i); delete [] pACL; } // Free the SD from within the SA. delete pSD; } // Finally, free the SA. delete pSA; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Given a PID, grab the SID for the owner of the process. // // NOTE:: Caller has to free *ppBufferToFreeByCaller. // This buffer is allocated to hold the PSID return by GetPrcoessTokenInformation. // The tkOwner field may contain a poniter into this allocated buffer. So we cannot free // the buffer in GetSidForProcess. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT IPCShared::GetSidForProcess(HINSTANCE hDll, DWORD pid, PSID *ppSID, __deref_out_opt char **ppBufferToFreeByCaller) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE hProc = NULL; HANDLE hToken = NULL; PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY pSID = NULL; TOKEN_OWNER *ptkOwner = NULL; DWORD dwRetLength; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::GSFP: GetSidForProcess 0x%x (%d)", pid, pid)); // Grab a handle to the target process. hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pid); *ppBufferToFreeByCaller = NULL; if (hProc == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::GSFP: Unable to get SID for process. " "OpenProcess(%d) failed: 0x%08x\n", pid, hr)); goto ErrorExit; } // Get the pointer to the requested function FARPROC pProcAddr = GetProcAddress(hDll, "OpenProcessToken"); // If the proc address was not found, return error if (pProcAddr == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::GSFP: Unable to get SID for process. " "GetProcAddr (OpenProcessToken) failed: 0x%08x\n", hr)); goto ErrorExit; } typedef BOOL WINAPI OPENPROCESSTOKEN(HANDLE, DWORD, PHANDLE); // Retrieve a handle of the access token if (!((OPENPROCESSTOKEN *)pProcAddr)(hProc, TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100, "IPCWI::GSFP: OpenProcessToken() failed: 0x%08x\n", hr)); goto ErrorExit; } // Get the pointer to the requested function pProcAddr = GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetTokenInformation"); // If the proc address was not found, return error if (pProcAddr == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::GSFP: Unable to get SID for process. " "GetProcAddr (GetTokenInformation) failed: 0x%08x\n", hr)); goto ErrorExit; } typedef BOOL GETTOKENINFORMATION(HANDLE, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS, LPVOID, DWORD, PDWORD); // get the required size of buffer ((GETTOKENINFORMATION *)pProcAddr) (hToken, TokenOwner, NULL, 0, &dwRetLength); _ASSERTE (dwRetLength); *ppBufferToFreeByCaller = new (nothrow) char [dwRetLength]; if ((ptkOwner = (TOKEN_OWNER *) *ppBufferToFreeByCaller) == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::GSFP: OutOfMemory... " "GetTokenInformation() failed.\n")); goto ErrorExit; } if (!((GETTOKENINFORMATION *)pProcAddr) (hToken, TokenOwner, (LPVOID)ptkOwner, dwRetLength, &dwRetLength)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::GSFP: Unable to get SID for process. " "GetTokenInformation() failed: 0x%08x\n", hr)); goto ErrorExit; } *ppSID = ptkOwner->Owner; ErrorExit: if (hProc != NULL) CloseHandle(hProc); if (hToken != NULL) CloseHandle(hToken); return hr; } /* static */ DWORD IPCShared::GetAccessFlagsForObject(KernelObject whatObject, BOOL bFullControlACL) { _ASSERTE(whatObject >= 0 && whatObject < TotalKernelObjects); DWORD dwAccessFlags = 0; if (!bFullControlACL) { if (whatObject == Section) dwAccessFlags = (STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL | SECTION_MAP_READ) & ~WRITE_DAC & ~WRITE_OWNER & ~DELETE; else if (whatObject == Event) dwAccessFlags = (EVENT_ALL_ACCESS) & ~WRITE_DAC & ~WRITE_OWNER & ~DELETE; else if (whatObject == PrivateNamespace) dwAccessFlags = FILE_MAP_READ; } else { _ASSERTE(whatObject != PrivateNamespace); if (whatObject == Section) dwAccessFlags = CLR_IPC_GENERIC_RIGHT; else if (whatObject == Event) dwAccessFlags = EVENT_ALL_ACCESS; } _ASSERTE(dwAccessFlags != 0); return dwAccessFlags; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function will initialize the Access Control List with three // Access Control Entries: // The first ACE entry grants all permissions to "Administrators". // The second ACE grants all permissions to the monitoring users (for perfcounters). // The third ACE grants all permissions to "Owner" of the target process. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL IPCShared::InitializeGenericIPCAcl(DWORD pid, BOOL bRestrictiveACL, PACL *ppACL, KernelObject whatObject, EDescriptorType descType) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; struct PermissionStruct { PSID rgPSID; DWORD rgAccessFlags; } PermStruct[MaxNumberACEs]; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SIDAuthNT = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwAclSize; BOOL returnCode = false; *ppACL = NULL; DWORD i; DWORD cActualACECount = 0; char *pBufferToFreeByCaller = NULL; int iSIDforAdmin = -1; int iSIDforUsers = -1; int iSIDforLoggingUsers = -1; #if !defined (DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) NewArrayHolder pbTokenMem; PTOKEN_APPCONTAINER_INFORMATION pAppContainerTokenInfo = NULL; #endif PermStruct[0].rgPSID = NULL; HINSTANCE hDll = WszGetModuleHandle(L"advapi32"); if (hDll == NULL) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: Unable to generate ACL for IPC. LoadLibrary (advapi32) failed.\n")); return false; } _ASSERTE(hDll != NULL); // Get the pointer to the requested function FARPROC pProcAddr = GetProcAddress(hDll, "AllocateAndInitializeSid"); // If the proc address was not found, return error if (pProcAddr == NULL) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: Unable to generate ACL for IPC. " "GetProcAddr (AllocateAndInitializeSid) failed.\n")); goto ErrorExit; } typedef BOOL ALLOCATEANDINITIALIZESID(PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY, BYTE, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, PSID *); BOOL bGrantAllAccess = ((descType == eDescriptor_Private) ? TRUE : FALSE); // Create a SID for the BUILTIN\Administrators group. // SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID + DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS = all Administrators. This translates to (A;;GA;;;BA). if (!((ALLOCATEANDINITIALIZESID *) pProcAddr)(&SIDAuthNT, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &PermStruct[0].rgPSID)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: failed to allocate AdminSid: 0x%08x\n", hr)); goto ErrorExit; } // GENERIC_ALL access for Administrators PermStruct[cActualACECount].rgAccessFlags = GetAccessFlagsForObject(whatObject, bGrantAllAccess); iSIDforAdmin = cActualACECount; cActualACECount++; // Next, we get the SID for the owner of the current process. hr = GetSidForProcess(hDll, GetCurrentProcessId(), &(PermStruct[cActualACECount].rgPSID), &pBufferToFreeByCaller); DWORD accessFlags = 0; if (whatObject == Section) { //special case, grant SECTION_MAP_WRITE for current owner just to support inProc SxS. accessFlags = GetAccessFlagsForObject(whatObject, bGrantAllAccess) | SECTION_MAP_WRITE; } else { accessFlags = GetAccessFlagsForObject(whatObject, bGrantAllAccess); } PermStruct[cActualACECount].rgAccessFlags = accessFlags; // Don't fail out if we cannot get the SID for the owner of the current process. In this case, the // share memory block will be created with only Admin (and optionall "Users") permissions. // Currently we discovered the anonymous user doesn't have privilege to call OpenProcess. Without OpenProcess, // we cannot get the SID... // if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { cActualACECount++; } #if _DEBUG else LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: GetSidForProcess() failed: 0x%08x\n", hr)); #endif // _DEBUG if (descType == eDescriptor_Public) { DWORD dwRet = ((ALLOCATEANDINITIALIZESID *) pProcAddr)(&SIDAuthNT, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_MONITORING_USERS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &PermStruct[cActualACECount].rgPSID); if (dwRet) { // "Users" shouldn't be able to write to block, delete object, change DACLs, or change ownership PermStruct[cActualACECount].rgAccessFlags = GetAccessFlagsForObject(whatObject, FALSE); iSIDforUsers = cActualACECount; cActualACECount++; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: failed to allocate Users Sid: 0x%08x\n", hr)); // non-fatal error, so don't goto errorexit } dwRet = ((ALLOCATEANDINITIALIZESID *) pProcAddr)(&SIDAuthNT, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_LOGGING_USERS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &PermStruct[cActualACECount].rgPSID); if (dwRet) { PermStruct[cActualACECount].rgAccessFlags = GetAccessFlagsForObject(whatObject, FALSE); iSIDforLoggingUsers = cActualACECount; cActualACECount++; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: failed to allocate Domain Logging Users Sid: 0x%08x\n", hr)); // non-fatal error, so don't goto errorexit } #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) // when running on win8 if the process is an appcontainer then add the appcontainer SID to the ACL // going down this code path means we're creating the descriptor for our current PID. _ASSERTE(pid == GetCurrentProcessId()); hr = AppX::GetAppContainerTokenInfoForProcess(pid, pbTokenMem); if (FAILED(hr)) { // failed to open the target's process, continue on // assuming that the process isn't in an AppContainer. _ASSERTE(pbTokenMem == NULL); } else { if (hr == S_FALSE) { // not an appcontainer _ASSERTE(pbTokenMem == NULL); } else { // process is an appcontainer so add the SID pAppContainerTokenInfo = reinterpret_cast(pbTokenMem.GetValue()); _ASSERTE(pAppContainerTokenInfo); _ASSERTE(pAppContainerTokenInfo->TokenAppContainer); PermStruct[cActualACECount].rgPSID = pAppContainerTokenInfo->TokenAppContainer; PermStruct[cActualACECount].rgAccessFlags = GetAccessFlagsForObject(whatObject, FALSE); ++cActualACECount; } } #endif // !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(FEATURE_CORECLR) } _ASSERTE(cActualACECount <= MaxNumberACEs); // Now, create an Initialize an ACL and add the ACE entries to it. NOTE: We're not using "SetEntriesInAcl" because // it loads a bunch of other dlls which can be avoided by using this roundabout way!! // Get the pointer to the requested function pProcAddr = GetProcAddress(hDll, "InitializeAcl"); // If the proc address was not found, return error if (pProcAddr == NULL) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: Unable to generate ACL for IPC. " "GetProcAddr (InitializeAcl) failed.\n")); goto ErrorExit; } // Also calculate the memory required for ACE entries in the ACL using the // following method: // "sizeof (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE.SidStart) + GetLengthSid (pAceSid);" dwAclSize = sizeof (ACL) + (sizeof (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof (DWORD)) * cActualACECount; for (i = 0; i < cActualACECount; i++) { dwAclSize += GetLengthSid(PermStruct[i].rgPSID); } // now allocate memory if ((*ppACL = (PACL) new (nothrow) char[dwAclSize]) == NULL) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: OutOfMemory... 'new Acl' failed.\n")); goto ErrorExit; } typedef BOOL INITIALIZEACL(PACL, DWORD, DWORD); if (!((INITIALIZEACL *)pProcAddr)(*ppACL, dwAclSize, ACL_REVISION)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: InitializeACL() failed: 0x%08x\n", hr)); goto ErrorExit; } // Get the pointer to the requested function pProcAddr = GetProcAddress(hDll, "AddAccessAllowedAce"); // If the proc address was not found, return error if (pProcAddr == NULL) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: Unable to generate ACL for IPC. " "GetProcAddr (AddAccessAllowedAce) failed.\n")); goto ErrorExit; } typedef BOOL ADDACCESSALLOWEDACE(PACL, DWORD, DWORD, PSID); for (i=0; i < cActualACECount; i++) { if (!((ADDACCESSALLOWEDACE *)pProcAddr)(*ppACL, ACL_REVISION, PermStruct[i].rgAccessFlags, PermStruct[i].rgPSID)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_GetLastError(); LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO100, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: AddAccessAllowedAce() failed: 0x%08x\n", hr)); goto ErrorExit; } } returnCode = true; goto NormalExit; ErrorExit: returnCode = FALSE; if (*ppACL) { delete [] (*ppACL); *ppACL = NULL; } NormalExit: if (pBufferToFreeByCaller != NULL) delete [] pBufferToFreeByCaller; // Get the pointer to the requested function pProcAddr = GetProcAddress(hDll, "FreeSid"); // If the proc address was not found, return error if (pProcAddr == NULL) { LOG((LF_CORDB, LL_INFO10, "IPCWI::IGIPCA: Unable to generate ACL for IPC. " "GetProcAddr (FreeSid) failed.\n")); return false; } typedef BOOL FREESID(PSID); // Free the SID created earlier. Function does not return a value. if( iSIDforAdmin != -1 ) ((FREESID *) pProcAddr)(PermStruct[iSIDforAdmin].rgPSID); // free the SID for "Users" if (iSIDforUsers != -1) ((FREESID *) pProcAddr)(PermStruct[iSIDforUsers].rgPSID); // free the SID for "Performance Logging Users" if (iSIDforLoggingUsers != -1) ((FREESID *) pProcAddr)(PermStruct[iSIDforLoggingUsers].rgPSID); return returnCode; } #endif // FEATURE_IPCMAN