// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// ==++==
// ==--==
// File: IPCHeader.h
// Define the LegacyPrivate header format for COM+ memory mapped files. Everyone
// outside of IPCMan.lib will use the public header, IPCManagerInterface.h
#ifndef _IPCManagerPriv_h_
#define _IPCManagerPriv_h_
// We must pull in the headers of all client blocks
// @todo - resolve these directory links
#include "../debug/inc/dbgappdomain.h"
#include "perfcounterdefs.h"
#include "ndpversion.h"
#include "ipcenums.h"
// Entry in the IPC Directory. Ensure binary compatibility across versions
// if we add (or remove) entries. If we remove an block, the entry should
struct IPCEntry
DWORD m_Offset; // offset of the IPC Block from the end of the Full IPC Header
DWORD m_Size; // size (in bytes) of the block
// Newer versions of the CLR use m_Flags field
const USHORT IPC_FLAG_X86 = 0x4;
* The CLR opens memory mapped files to expose perfcounter values and other
* information to other processes. Historically there have been three memory
* mapped files: the BlockTable, the LegacyPrivateBlock, and the
* LegacyPublicBlock.
* BlockTable - The block table was designed to work with multiple runtimes
* running side by side in the same process (SxS in-proc). We have defined
* semantics using interlocked operations that allow a runtime to allocate
* a block from the block table in a thread-safe manner.
* LegacyPrivateBlock - The legacy private block was used by older versions
* of the runtime to expose various information to the debugger. The
* legacy private block is not compatible with in-proc SxS, and thus it
* must be removed in the near future. Currently it is being used to expose
* information about AppDomains to the debugger. We will need to keep the
* code that knows how to read the legacy private block as long as we
* continue to support .NET 3.5 SP1.
* LegacyPublicBlock - The legacy public block was used by older versions
* of the runtime to expose perfcounter values. The legacy public block is
* not compatible with in-proc SxS, and thus it has been removed. We will
* need to keep the code that knows how to read the legacy public block as
* long as we continue to support .NET 3.5 SP1.
/**************************************** BLOCK TABLE ****************************************/
const DWORD IPC_BLOCK_SIZE = 2048;
#if defined(TIA64)
#define IA64MemoryBarrier() MemoryBarrier()
#define IA64MemoryBarrier()
struct IPCHeader
// Chunk header
Volatile m_Counter; // value of 0 is special; means that this block has never been touched before by a writer
DWORD m_RuntimeId; // value of 0 is special; means that chunk is currently free (runtime ids are always greater than 0)
DWORD m_Reserved1;
DWORD m_Reserved2;
// Standard header (m_hInstance was removed)
USHORT m_Version; // version of the IPC Block
USHORT m_Flags; // flags field
DWORD m_blockSize; // Size of the entire shared memory block
USHORT m_BuildYear; // stamp for year built
USHORT m_BuildNumber; // stamp for Month/Day built
DWORD m_numEntries; // Number of entries in the table
// Directory
IPCEntry m_table[eIPC_MAX]; // entry describing each client's block
extern BOOL __SwitchToThread(DWORD dwSleepMSec, DWORD dwSwitchCount);
class IPCHeaderLockHolder
LONG m_Counter;
BOOL m_HaveLock;
IPCHeader & m_Header;
IPCHeaderLockHolder(IPCHeader & header) : m_HaveLock(FALSE), m_Header(header) {}
BOOL TryGetLock()
LONG oldCounter = m_Header.m_Counter;
if ((oldCounter & 1) != 0)
return FALSE;
m_Counter = oldCounter + 1;
if (InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG *)(&(m_Header.m_Counter)), m_Counter, oldCounter) != oldCounter)
return FALSE;
m_HaveLock = TRUE;
return TRUE;
BOOL TryGetLock(DWORD numRetries)
DWORD dwSwitchCount = 0;
for (;;)
if (TryGetLock())
return TRUE;
if (numRetries == 0)
return FALSE;
__SwitchToThread(0, ++dwSwitchCount);
void FreeLock()
_ASSERTE(m_Header.m_Counter == m_Counter);
m_Counter = (m_Counter == 0) ? 2 : m_Counter;
m_Header.m_Counter = m_Counter;
m_HaveLock = FALSE;
if (m_HaveLock)
class IPCHeaderReadHelper
IPCHeader m_CachedHeader;
IPCHeader * m_pUnreliableHeader;
BOOL m_IsOpen;
IPCHeaderReadHelper() : m_pUnreliableHeader(NULL), m_IsOpen(FALSE) {}
BOOL TryOpenHeader(IPCHeader * header)
m_pUnreliableHeader = header;
// Read the counter and the runtime ID from the header
m_CachedHeader.m_Counter = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_Counter;
if ((m_CachedHeader.m_Counter & 1) != 0)
return FALSE;
m_CachedHeader.m_RuntimeId = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_RuntimeId;
// If runtime ID is 0, then this block is not allocated by
// a runtime, and thus there is no further work to do
if (m_CachedHeader.m_RuntimeId == 0)
m_IsOpen = TRUE;
return TRUE;
// Read the rest of the values from the header
m_CachedHeader.m_Reserved1 = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_Reserved1;
m_CachedHeader.m_Reserved2 = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_Reserved2;
m_CachedHeader.m_Version = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_Version;
m_CachedHeader.m_Flags = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_Flags;
m_CachedHeader.m_blockSize = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_blockSize;
m_CachedHeader.m_BuildYear = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_BuildYear;
m_CachedHeader.m_BuildNumber = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_BuildNumber;
m_CachedHeader.m_numEntries = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_numEntries;
// Verify that the header did not change during the read
LONG counter = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_Counter;
if (m_CachedHeader.m_Counter != counter)
return FALSE;
// Since we know we got a clean read of numEntries, we
// should be able to assert this with confidence
if (m_CachedHeader.m_numEntries == 0)
_ASSERTE(!"numEntries from IPCBlock is zero");
return FALSE;
else if (m_CachedHeader.m_numEntries > eIPC_MAX)
_ASSERTE(!"numEntries from IPCBlock is too big");
return FALSE;
if (m_CachedHeader.m_blockSize == 0)
_ASSERTE(!"blockSize from IPCBlock is zero");
return FALSE;
else if (m_CachedHeader.m_blockSize > IPC_BLOCK_SIZE)
_ASSERTE(!"blockSize from IPCBlock is too big");
return FALSE;
// Copy the table
for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_CachedHeader.m_numEntries; ++i)
m_CachedHeader.m_table[i].m_Offset = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_table[i].m_Offset;
m_CachedHeader.m_table[i].m_Size = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_table[i].m_Size;
if (i == eIPC_PerfCounters)
if(!((SIZE_T)m_CachedHeader.m_table[i].m_Offset < IPC_BLOCK_SIZE) && ((SIZE_T)m_CachedHeader.m_table[i].m_Offset + m_CachedHeader.m_table[i].m_Size <= IPC_BLOCK_SIZE))
_ASSERTE(!"PerfCounter section offset + size is too large");
return FALSE;
// If eIPC_MAX > numEntries, then mark the left over
// slots in m_table as "empty".
for (DWORD i = m_CachedHeader.m_numEntries; i < eIPC_MAX; ++i)
m_CachedHeader.m_table[i].m_Offset = EMPTY_ENTRY_OFFSET;
m_CachedHeader.m_table[i].m_Size = EMPTY_ENTRY_SIZE;
// Verify again that the header did not change during the read
counter = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_Counter;
if (m_CachedHeader.m_Counter != counter)
return FALSE;
m_IsOpen = TRUE;
return TRUE;
void CloseHeader()
m_IsOpen = FALSE;
m_pUnreliableHeader = NULL;
BOOL HeaderHasChanged()
LONG counter = m_pUnreliableHeader->m_Counter;
return (m_CachedHeader.m_Counter != counter) ? TRUE : FALSE;
BOOL IsSentinal()
return (m_CachedHeader.m_Counter == 0);
DWORD GetRuntimeId()
return m_CachedHeader.m_RuntimeId;
USHORT GetIPCVersion()
return m_CachedHeader.m_Version;
BOOL UseWow64Structs()
#if !defined(_TARGET_X86_)
return ((m_CachedHeader.m_Flags & IPC_FLAG_X86) != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
return FALSE;
IPCHeader * GetCachedCopyOfHeader()
return &m_CachedHeader;
IPCHeader * GetUnreliableHeader()
return m_pUnreliableHeader;
void * GetUnreliableSection(EIPCClient eClient)
if (!m_IsOpen)
_ASSERTE(!"IPCHeaderReadHelper is not open");
return NULL;
if (eClient < 0 || eClient >= eIPC_MAX)
_ASSERTE(!"eClient is out of bounds");
return NULL;
if (m_CachedHeader.m_table[eClient].m_Offset == EMPTY_ENTRY_OFFSET)
_ASSERTE(!"Section is empty");
return NULL;
return (BYTE*)m_pUnreliableHeader + (SIZE_T)m_CachedHeader.m_table[eClient].m_Offset;
// We opted to return void* instead of PerfCounterIPCControlBlock* because this
// forces the caller to do an explicit cast. If UseWow64Structs() returns FALSE,
// then the caller should cast to PerfCounterIPCControlBlock*. If UseWow64Structs()
// return TRUE, then the caller should cast to PerfCounterWow64IPCControlBlock*
void * GetUnreliablePerfBlock()
return GetUnreliableSection(eIPC_PerfCounters);
const DWORD SXSPUBLIC_IPC_SIZE_NO_PADDING = sizeof(IPCHeader) + sizeof(struct PerfCounterIPCControlBlock);
const DWORD SXSPUBLIC_WOW64_IPC_SIZE_NO_PADDING = sizeof(IPCHeader) + sizeof(struct PerfCounterWow64IPCControlBlock);
struct IPCControlBlock
// Header
IPCHeader m_Header;
// Client blocks
struct PerfCounterIPCControlBlock m_perf;
// Padding
#pragma pack(push, 4)
struct IPCControlBlockWow64
// Header
IPCHeader m_Header;
// Client blocks
PerfCounterWow64IPCControlBlock m_perf;
// Padding
#pragma pack(pop)
static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(IPCControlBlock) == IPC_BLOCK_SIZE);
static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(IPCControlBlockWow64) == IPC_BLOCK_SIZE);
struct IPCControlBlockTable
IPCControlBlock m_blocks[IPC_NUM_BLOCKS_IN_TABLE];
IPCControlBlock * GetBlock(DWORD index)
{ return &(m_blocks[index]); }
static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(IPCControlBlockTable) == IPC_BLOCK_TABLE_SIZE);
typedef DPTR(IPCControlBlockTable) PTR_IPCControlBlockTable;
typedef DPTR(IPCControlBlock) PTR_IPCControlBlock;
/**************************************** LEGACY ****************************************/
// LegacyPrivate header - put in its own structure so we can easily get the
// size of the header. It will compile to the same thing either way.
// This header must remain completely binary compatible w/ older versions.
// Notes:
// This header contains a "module handle" field which is platform dependent in size.
// That means for a 64 bit process to read IPC header of a 32 bit process, we cannot
// use the same class definition. The class would be different on the two platforms.
// Hence LegacyPrivateIPCHeaderTemplate is templatized on the type of the module handle. The
// IPC writers always use HINSTANCE as the parameter. The IPC reader has to know
// whether it is reading IPC block of a 32 bit process. If so it uses DWORD as the
// parameter so that the resulting LegacyPrivateIPCHeader is similar in format to the one
// written by the 32 bit process at the other end.
// The DWORD 'm_dwVersion' was split into two two USHORTS named 'm_Version' and
// 'm_Flags'. The upper bits of 'm_dwVersion' were never used, nor was 'm_dwVersion'
// used to determine whether an IPC block was valid or compatible. Thus, splitting
// the 'm_dwVersion' into two USHORTs should not introduce any compatibility issues.
struct LegacyPrivateIPCHeaderTemplate
// header
USHORT m_Version; // version of the IPC Block
USHORT m_Flags; // flags field
DWORD m_blockSize; // Size of the entire shared memory block
TModuleHandle m_hInstance; // instance of module that created this header
USHORT m_BuildYear; // stamp for year built
USHORT m_BuildNumber; // stamp for Month/Day built
DWORD m_numEntries; // Number of entries in the table
typedef LegacyPrivateIPCHeaderTemplate LegacyPrivateIPCHeader;
// This fixes alignment & packing issues.
// This header must remain completely binary compatible w/ older versions.
struct FullIPCHeaderLegacyPrivate
// Header
LegacyPrivateIPCHeader m_header;
// Directory
IPCEntry m_table[eLegacyPrivateIPC_MAX]; // entry describing each client's block
// This fixes alignment & packing issues.
// This header must remain completely binary compatible w/ older versions.
struct FullIPCHeaderLegacyPublicTemplate
// Header
struct LegacyPrivateIPCHeaderTemplate m_header;
// Directory
IPCEntry m_table[eLegacyPublicIPC_MAX]; // entry describing each client's block
// In hindsight, we should have made the offsets be absolute, but we made them
// relative to the end of the FullIPCHeader.
// The problem is that as future versions added new Entries to the directory,
// the header size grew.
// Thus we make IPCEntry::m_Offset is relative to LEGACY_IPC_ENTRY_OFFSET_BASE, which
// corresponds to sizeof(LegacyPrivateIPCHeader) for an v1.0 /v1.1 build.
#ifdef _TARGET_X86_
// On non-x86 platforms, we don't need to worry about backwards compat.
// But we do need to worry about alignment, so just pretend that everett was 0,
// and solve both problems.
// When a 64 bit process reads IPC block of a 32 bit process, we need to know the
// LEGACY_IPC_ENTRY_OFFSET_BASE of the latter from the former. So this constant is defined
// Size of LegacyPublicIPCControlBlock for Everett and Whidbey
// LegacyPrivate (per process) IPC Block for COM+ apps
struct LegacyPrivateIPCControlBlock
FullIPCHeaderLegacyPrivate m_FullIPCHeader;
// Client blocks
struct PerfCounterIPCControlBlock m_perf; // no longer used but kept for compat
struct AppDomainEnumerationIPCBlock m_appdomain;
WCHAR m_instancePath[MAX_LONGPATH];
typedef DPTR(LegacyPrivateIPCControlBlock) PTR_LegacyPrivateIPCControlBlock;
#if defined(_TARGET_X86_)
// For perf reasons, we'd like to keep the IPC block small enough to fit on
// a single page. This assert ensures it won't silently grow past the page boundary
// w/o us knowing about it. If this assert fires, then either:
// - consciously adjust it to let the IPC block be 2 pages.
// - shrink the IPC blocks.
static_assert_no_msg(sizeof(LegacyPrivateIPCControlBlock) <= 4096);
// LegacyPublic (per process) IPC Block for CLR apps
struct LegacyPublicIPCControlBlock
FullIPCHeaderLegacyPublicTemplate m_FullIPCHeaderLegacyPublic;
// Client blocks
struct PerfCounterIPCControlBlock m_perf;
// LegacyPublicWow64IPCControlBlock is used by a 64 bit process to read the IPC block
// of a 32 bit process. This struct is similar to LegacyPublicIPCControlBlock, except
// that all pointer (ie platform dependent) sized fields are substituted with
// DWORDs, so as to match the exact layout of LegacyPublicIPCControlBlock in a 32 bit process
#pragma pack(push, 4)
struct LegacyPublicWow64IPCControlBlock
FullIPCHeaderLegacyPublicTemplate m_FullIPCHeaderLegacyPublic;
// Client blocks
PerfCounterWow64IPCControlBlock m_perf;
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef DPTR(LegacyPublicIPCControlBlock) PTR_LegacyPublicIPCControlBlock;
// Inline definitions
#include "ipcheader.inl"
#endif // _IPCManagerPriv_h_