// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //***************************************************************************** // WinWrap.h // // This file contains wrapper functions for Win32 API's that take strings. // // The Common Language Runtime internally uses UNICODE as the internal state // and string format. This file will undef the mapping macros so that one // cannot mistakingly call a method that isn't going to work. Instead, you // have to call the correct wrapper API. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __WIN_WRAP_H__ #define __WIN_WRAP_H__ //********** Macros. ********************************************************** #if !defined(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif // // WinCE uniformly uses cdecl calling convention on x86. __stdcall is defined as __cdecl in SDK. // STDCALL macro is meant to be used where we have hard dependency on __stdcall calling convention // - the unification with __cdecl does not apply to STDCALL. // #define STDCALL _stdcall //********** Includes. ******************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include "registrywrapper.h" #include "longfilepathwrappers.h" #if defined(_PREFAST_) || defined(SOURCE_FORMATTING) // // For PREFAST we don't want the C_ASSERT to be expanded since it always // involves the comparison of two constants which causes PREfast warning 326 // #undef C_ASSERT #define C_ASSERT(expr) #endif #include "palclr.h" #if !defined(__TODO_PORT_TO_WRAPPERS__) //***************************************************************************** // Undefine all of the windows wrappers so you can't use them. //***************************************************************************** // wincrypt.h #undef CryptAcquireContext #undef CryptSignHash #undef CryptVerifySignature // winbase.h #undef GetBinaryType #undef GetShortPathName #undef GetLongPathName #undef GetEnvironmentStrings #undef FreeEnvironmentStrings #undef FormatMessage #undef lstrcmp #undef lstrcmpi #undef lstrcpyn #undef lstrlen #undef CreateMutex #undef OpenMutex #undef CreateEvent #undef OpenEvent #undef CreateSemaphore #undef OpenSemaphore #undef CreateWaitableTimer #undef CreateFileMapping #undef OpenFileMapping #undef LoadLibrary #undef LoadLibraryEx #undef GetModuleFileName #undef GetModuleHandle #undef GetModuleHandleEx #undef CreateProcess #undef GetCommandLine #undef GetEnvironmentVariable #undef SetEnvironmentVariable #undef ExpandEnvironmentStrings #undef OutputDebugString #undef FindResource #undef FindResourceEx #undef BeginUpdateResource #undef UpdateResource #undef EndUpdateResource #undef GetPrivateProfileInt #undef GetSystemDirectory #undef GetTempPath #undef GetTempFileName #undef SetCurrentDirectory #undef GetCurrentDirectory #undef CreateDirectory #undef RemoveDirectory #undef GetFullPathName #undef CreateFile #undef SetFileAttributes #undef GetFileAttributes #undef GetFileAttributesEx #undef DeleteFile #undef FindFirstFileEx #undef FindFirstFile #undef FindNextFile #undef SearchPath #undef CopyFile #undef CopyFileEx #undef MoveFile #undef MoveFileEx #undef CreateHardLink #undef CreateNamedPipe #undef WaitNamedPipe #undef LookupPrivilegeValue #undef GetVersionEx // winuser.h #undef MAKEINTRESOURCE #undef GetUserObjectInformation #undef GetMessage #undef SendMessage #undef CharLower #undef CharNext #undef MessageBox #undef GetClassName #undef LoadString #undef GetCalendarInfo #undef GetDateFormat #undef GetTimeFormat #undef LCMapString // winnetwk.h #undef WNetGetConnection // Win32 Fusion API's #undef QueryActCtxW #endif // !defined(__TODO_PORT_TO_WRAPPERS__) // // NT supports the wide entry points. So we redefine the wrappers right back // to the *W entry points as macros. This way no client code needs a wrapper on NT. // // wincrypt.h #define WszCryptAcquireContext CryptAcquireContextW #define WszCryptSignHash CryptSignHashW #define WszCryptVerifySignature CryptVerifySignatureW // winbase.h #define WszGetEnvironmentStrings GetEnvironmentStringsW #define WszFreeEnvironmentStrings FreeEnvironmentStringsW #ifndef USE_FORMATMESSAGE_WRAPPER #define WszFormatMessage FormatMessageW #else #define WszFormatMessage CCompRC::FormatMessage #endif #define Wszlstrcmp lstrcmpW #define Wszlstrcmpi lstrcmpiW #define WszCreateMutex CreateMutexW #define WszOpenMutex OpenMutexW #define WszCreateEvent CreateEventW #define WszOpenEvent OpenEventW #define WszCreateWaitableTimer CreateWaitableTimerW #define WszCreateFileMapping CreateFileMappingW #define WszOpenFileMapping OpenFileMappingW #define WszGetModuleHandle GetModuleHandleW #define WszGetModuleHandleEx GetModuleHandleExW #define WszGetCommandLine GetCommandLineW #define WszSetEnvironmentVariable SetEnvironmentVariableW #define WszExpandEnvironmentStrings ExpandEnvironmentStringsW #define WszOutputDebugString OutputDebugStringW #define WszFindResource FindResourceW #define WszFindResourceEx FindResourceExW #define WszBeginUpdateResource BeginUpdateResourceW #define WszUpdateResource UpdateResourceW #define WszEndUpdateResource EndUpdateResourceW #define WszGetPrivateProfileInt GetPrivateProfileIntW #define WszGetSystemDirectory GetSystemDirectoryW #define WszCreateNamedPipe CreateNamedPipeW #define WszWaitNamedPipe WaitNamedPipeW #define WszLookupPrivilegeValue LookupPrivilegeValueW // winuser.h #define WszMAKEINTRESOURCE MAKEINTRESOURCEW #define WszGetUserObjectInformation GetUserObjectInformationW #define WszGetMessage GetMessageW #define WszSendMessage SendMessageW #define WszCharLower CharLowerW #define WszCharNext CharNextW #define WszMessageBox LateboundMessageBoxW #define WszGetClassName GetClassNameW #define WszLoadString LoadStringW #define WszRegOpenKeyEx ClrRegOpenKeyEx #define WszRegOpenKey(hKey, wszSubKey, phkRes) ClrRegOpenKeyEx(hKey, wszSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, phkRes) #define WszRegQueryValue RegQueryValueW #define WszRegQueryValueEx RegQueryValueExW #define WszRegQueryValueExTrue RegQueryValueExW #define WszRegQueryStringValueEx RegQueryValueExW #define WszRegQueryInfoKey RegQueryInfoKeyW #define WszRegEnumValue RegEnumValueW #define WszRegEnumKeyEx RegEnumKeyExW #define WszGetCalendarInfo GetCalendarInfoW #define WszGetDateFormat GetDateFormatW #define WszGetTimeFormat GetTimeFormatW #define WszLCMapString LCMapStringW #define WszMultiByteToWideChar MultiByteToWideChar #define WszWideCharToMultiByte WideCharToMultiByte #define WszCreateSemaphore CreateSemaphoreW #define WszQueryActCtxW QueryActCtxW #ifdef FEATURE_CORESYSTEM // CoreSystem has CreateSemaphoreExW but not CreateSemaphoreW. #undef WszCreateSemaphore #define WszCreateSemaphore(_secattr, _count, _maxcount, _name) CreateSemaphoreExW((_secattr), (_count), (_maxcount), (_name), 0, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED | SYNCHRONIZE | SEMAPHORE_MODIFY_STATE) // Same deal as above for GetFileVersionInfo/GetFileVersionInfoSize. #undef GetFileVersionInfo #define GetFileVersionInfo(_filename, _handle, _len, _data) GetFileVersionInfoEx(0, (_filename), (_handle), (_len), (_data)) #undef GetFileVersionInfoSize #define GetFileVersionInfoSize(_filename, _handle) GetFileVersionInfoSizeEx(0, (_filename), (_handle)) #endif // FEATURE_CORESYSTEM #ifndef _T #define _T(str) W(str) #endif //File and Directory Functions which need special handling for LongFile Names //Note only the functions which are currently used are defined #define WszLoadLibrary LoadLibraryExWrapper #define WszLoadLibraryEx LoadLibraryExWrapper #define WszCreateFile CreateFileWrapper #define WszSetFileAttributes SetFileAttributesWrapper #define WszGetFileAttributes GetFileAttributesWrapper #define WszGetFileAttributesEx GetFileAttributesExWrapper #define WszDeleteFile DeleteFileWrapper #define WszFindFirstFileEx FindFirstFileExWrapper #define WszFindNextFile FindNextFileW #define WszCopyFile CopyFileWrapper #define WszCopyFileEx CopyFileExWrapper #define WszMoveFileEx MoveFileExWrapper #define WszMoveFile(lpExistingFileName, lpNewFileName) WszMoveFileEx(lpExistingFileName, lpNewFileName, 0) #define WszCreateDirectory CreateDirectoryWrapper #define WszRemoveDirectory RemoveDirectoryWrapper #define WszCreateHardLink CreateHardLinkWrapper //Can not use extended syntax #define WszGetFullPathName GetFullPathNameW //Long Files will not work on these till redstone #define WszGetCurrentDirectory GetCurrentDirectoryWrapper #define WszGetTempFileName GetTempFileNameWrapper #define WszGetTempPath GetTempPathWrapper //APIS which have a buffer as an out parameter #define WszGetEnvironmentVariable GetEnvironmentVariableWrapper #define WszSearchPath SearchPathWrapper #define WszGetShortPathName GetShortPathNameWrapper #define WszGetLongPathName GetLongPathNameWrapper #define WszGetModuleFileName GetModuleFileNameWrapper //NOTE: IF the following API's are enabled ensure that they can work with LongFile Names //See the usage and implementation of above API's // //#define WszSetCurrentDirectory SetCurrentDirectoryW //#define WszGetBinaryType GetBinaryTypeWrapper //Coresys does not seem to have this API #if FEATURE_PAL #define WszFindFirstFile FindFirstFileW #else #define WszFindFirstFile(_lpFileName_, _lpFindData_) FindFirstFileExWrapper(_lpFileName_, FindExInfoStandard, _lpFindData_, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0) #endif //FEATURE_PAL //***************************************************************************** // Prototypes for API's. //***************************************************************************** extern DWORD g_dwMaxDBCSCharByteSize; void EnsureCharSetInfoInitialized(); inline DWORD GetMaxDBCSCharByteSize() { // contract.h not visible here __annotation(W("WRAPPER ") W("GetMaxDBCSCharByteSize")); #ifndef FEATURE_PAL EnsureCharSetInfoInitialized(); _ASSERTE(g_dwMaxDBCSCharByteSize != 0); return (g_dwMaxDBCSCharByteSize); #else // FEATURE_PAL return 3; #endif // FEATURE_PAL } #ifndef FEATURE_PAL BOOL RunningInteractive(); #else // !FEATURE_PAL #define RunningInteractive() FALSE #endif // !FEATURE_PAL // Determines if the process is running as Local System or as a service. Note that this function uses the // process' identity and not the thread's (if the thread is impersonating). // // If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS, else it returns the error code returned by GetLastError() DWORD RunningAsLocalSystemOrService(OUT BOOL& fIsLocalSystemOrService); #ifndef Wsz_mbstowcs #define Wsz_mbstowcs(szOut, szIn, iSize) WszMultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szIn, -1, szOut, iSize) #endif #ifndef Wsz_wcstombs #define Wsz_wcstombs(szOut, szIn, iSize) WszWideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szIn, -1, szOut, iSize, 0, 0) #endif // For all platforms: BOOL WszCreateProcess( LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, LPCWSTR lpCommandLine, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, BOOL bInheritHandles, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPVOID lpEnvironment, LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory, LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo, LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation ); #if defined(_X86_) && defined(_MSC_VER) // // Windows SDK does not use intrinsics on x86. Redefine the interlocked operations to use intrinsics. // #include "intrin.h" #define InterlockedIncrement _InterlockedIncrement #define InterlockedDecrement _InterlockedDecrement #define InterlockedExchange _InterlockedExchange #define InterlockedCompareExchange _InterlockedCompareExchange #define InterlockedExchangeAdd _InterlockedExchangeAdd #define InterlockedCompareExchange64 _InterlockedCompareExchange64 #define InterlockedAnd _InterlockedAnd #define InterlockedOr _InterlockedOr // // There is no _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer intrinsic in VC++ for x86. // winbase.h #defines InterlockedCompareExchangePointer as __InlineInterlockedCompareExchangePointer, // which calls the Win32 InterlockedCompareExchange, not the intrinsic _InterlockedCompareExchange. // We want the intrinsic, so we #undef the Windows version of this API, and define our own. // #ifdef InterlockedCompareExchangePointer #undef InterlockedCompareExchangePointer #endif FORCEINLINE PVOID InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ( __inout PVOID volatile *Destination, __in_opt PVOID ExChange, __in_opt PVOID Comperand ) { return((PVOID)(LONG_PTR)_InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG volatile *)Destination, (LONG)(LONG_PTR)ExChange, (LONG)(LONG_PTR)Comperand)); } #endif // _X86_ && _MSC_VER #if defined(_ARM_) & !defined(FEATURE_PAL) // // InterlockedCompareExchangeAcquire/InterlockedCompareExchangeRelease is not mapped in SDK to the correct intrinsics. Remove once // the SDK definition is fixed (OS Bug #516255) // #undef InterlockedCompareExchangeAcquire #define InterlockedCompareExchangeAcquire _InterlockedCompareExchange_acq #undef InterlockedCompareExchangeRelease #define InterlockedCompareExchangeRelease _InterlockedCompareExchange_rel #endif #if defined(_X86_) & !defined(InterlockedIncrement64) // Interlockedxxx64 that do not have intrinsics are only supported on Windows Server 2003 // or higher for X86 so define our own portable implementation #undef InterlockedIncrement64 #define InterlockedIncrement64 __InterlockedIncrement64 #undef InterlockedDecrement64 #define InterlockedDecrement64 __InterlockedDecrement64 #undef InterlockedExchange64 #define InterlockedExchange64 __InterlockedExchange64 #undef InterlockedExchangeAdd64 #define InterlockedExchangeAdd64 __InterlockedExchangeAdd64 __forceinline LONGLONG __InterlockedIncrement64(LONGLONG volatile *Addend) { LONGLONG Old; do { Old = *Addend; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange64(Addend, Old + 1, Old) != Old); return Old + 1; } __forceinline LONGLONG __InterlockedDecrement64(LONGLONG volatile *Addend) { LONGLONG Old; do { Old = *Addend; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange64(Addend, Old - 1, Old) != Old); return Old - 1; } __forceinline LONGLONG __InterlockedExchange64(LONGLONG volatile * Target, LONGLONG Value) { LONGLONG Old; do { Old = *Target; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange64(Target, Value, Old) != Old); return Old; } __forceinline LONGLONG __InterlockedExchangeAdd64(LONGLONG volatile * Addend, LONGLONG Value) { LONGLONG Old; do { Old = *Addend; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange64(Addend, Old + Value, Old) != Old); return Old; } #endif // _X86_ // Output printf-style formatted text to the debugger if it's present or stdout otherwise. inline void DbgWPrintf(const LPCWSTR wszFormat, ...) { WCHAR wszBuffer[4096]; va_list args; va_start(args, wszFormat); _vsnwprintf_s(wszBuffer, sizeof(wszBuffer) / sizeof(WCHAR), _TRUNCATE, wszFormat, args); va_end(args); if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { OutputDebugStringW(wszBuffer); } else { fwprintf(stdout, W("%s"), wszBuffer); fflush(stdout); } } typedef int (*MessageBoxWFnPtr)(HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpText, LPCWSTR lpCaption, UINT uType); inline int LateboundMessageBoxW(HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpText, LPCWSTR lpCaption, UINT uType) { #ifndef FEATURE_PAL // User32 should exist on all systems where displaying a message box makes sense. HMODULE hGuiExtModule = WszLoadLibrary(W("user32")); if (hGuiExtModule) { int result = IDCANCEL; MessageBoxWFnPtr fnptr = (MessageBoxWFnPtr)GetProcAddress(hGuiExtModule, "MessageBoxW"); if (fnptr) result = fnptr(hWnd, lpText, lpCaption, uType); FreeLibrary(hGuiExtModule); return result; } #endif // !FEATURE_PAL // No luck. Output the caption and text to the debugger if present or stdout otherwise. if (lpText == NULL) lpText = W(""); if (lpCaption == NULL) lpCaption = W(""); DbgWPrintf(W("**** MessageBox invoked, title '%s' ****\n"), lpCaption); DbgWPrintf(W(" %s\n"), lpText); DbgWPrintf(W("********\n")); DbgWPrintf(W("\n")); // Indicate to the caller that message box was not actually displayed SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return 0; } inline int LateboundMessageBoxA(HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType) { if (lpText == NULL) lpText = ""; if (lpCaption == NULL) lpCaption = ""; SIZE_T cchText = strlen(lpText) + 1; LPWSTR wszText = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchText * sizeof(WCHAR)); swprintf_s(wszText, cchText, W("%S"), lpText); SIZE_T cchCaption = strlen(lpCaption) + 1; LPWSTR wszCaption = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchCaption * sizeof(WCHAR)); swprintf_s(wszCaption, cchCaption, W("%S"), lpCaption); return LateboundMessageBoxW(hWnd, wszText, wszCaption, uType); } #if defined(FEATURE_CORESYSTEM) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) #define MessageBoxW LateboundMessageBoxW #define MessageBoxA LateboundMessageBoxA #endif // FEATURE_CORESYSTEM #endif // __WIN_WRAP_H__