// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // TLS.H - // // // Encapsulates TLS access for maximum performance. // #ifndef __tls_h__ #define __tls_h__ #ifdef FEATURE_IMPLICIT_TLS #ifdef _WIN64 #define OFFSETOF__TLS__tls_CurrentThread 0x08 #define OFFSETOF__TLS__tls_EETlsData 0x18 #else #define OFFSETOF__TLS__tls_CurrentThread 0x04 #define OFFSETOF__TLS__tls_EETlsData 0x0c #endif // _WIN64 #ifdef _TARGET_WIN64_ #define WINNT_OFFSETOF__TEB__ThreadLocalStoragePointer 0x58 #else #define WINNT_OFFSETOF__TEB__ThreadLocalStoragePointer 0x2c #endif #endif // FEATURE_IMPLICIT_TLS // Pointer to a function that retrieves the TLS data for a specific index. typedef LPVOID (*POPTIMIZEDTLSGETTER)(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a platform-optimized version of TlsGetValue compiled // for a particular index. Can return NULL - the caller should substitute // a non-optimized getter in this case. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- POPTIMIZEDTLSGETTER MakeOptimizedTlsGetter(DWORD tlsIndex, LPVOID pBuffer = NULL, SIZE_T cbBuffer = 0, POPTIMIZEDTLSGETTER pGenericImpl = NULL, BOOL fForceGeneric = FALSE); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Frees a function created by MakeOptimizedTlsGetter(). //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID FreeOptimizedTlsGetter(POPTIMIZEDTLSGETTER pOptimizedTlsGetter); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For ASM stub generators that want to inline Thread access for efficiency, // the Thread manager uses these constants to define how to access the Thread. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum TLSACCESSMODE { TLSACCESS_GENERIC = 1, // Make no platform assumptions: use the API // TLS TLSACCESS_WNT = 2, // WinNT-style TLS TLSACCESS_WNT_HIGH = 3, // WinNT5-style TLS, slot > TLS_MINIMUM_AVAILABLE }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WinNT store the TLS in different places relative to the // fs:[0]. This api reveals which. Can also return TLSACCESS_GENERIC if // no info is available about the Thread location (you have to use the TlsGetValue // api.) This is intended for use by stub generators that want to inline TLS // access. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TLSACCESSMODE GetTLSAccessMode(DWORD tlsIndex); #endif // __tls_h__