// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File: SortVersioning.h // // Purpose: Provides access of the sort versioning functionality on // downlevel (pre-Win7) machines. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace SortVersioning { // Helpers for the sorting library typedef struct sorting_handle SORTHANDLE, *PSORTHANDLE; typedef PSORTHANDLE (*SORTGETHANDLE) ( __in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in_opt CONST NLSVERSIONINFO * lpVersionInformation, __in_opt DWORD dwFlags ); typedef void (*SORTCLOSEHANDLE) ( __in PSORTHANDLE pSortHandle ); typedef int (*SORTGETSORTKEY) ( __in PSORTHANDLE pSortHandle, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_ecount(cchSrc) LPCWSTR pSrc, __in int cchSrc, __out_bcount_opt(cbDest) LPBYTE pDest, __in int cbDest, __reserved LPVOID lpReserved, __reserved LPARAM lParam); typedef int (*SORTCHANGECASE) ( __in PSORTHANDLE pSortHandle, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_ecount(cchSrc) LPCWSTR pSrc, __in int cchSrc, __out_ecount_opt(cchDest) LPWSTR pDest, __in int cchDest, __reserved LPVOID lpReserved, __reserved LPARAM lParam); typedef int (*SORTCOMPARESTRING) ( __in PSORTHANDLE pSortHandle, __in DWORD dwCmpFlags, __in LPCWSTR lpString1, __in int cchCount1, __in LPCWSTR lpString2, __in int cchCount2, __reserved LPVOID lpReserved, __reserved LPARAM lParam); typedef int (*SORTFINDSTRING) ( __in PSORTHANDLE pSortHandle, __in DWORD dwFindNLSStringFlags, __in_ecount(cchSource) LPCWSTR lpStringSource, __in int cchSource, __in_ecount(cchValue) LPCWSTR lpStringValue, __in int cchValue, __out_opt LPINT pcchFound, __reserved LPVOID lpReserved, __reserved LPARAM lParam); typedef BOOL (*SORTISDEFINEDSTRING) ( __in PSORTHANDLE pSortHandle, __in NLS_FUNCTION Function, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_ecount(cchStr) LPCWSTR lpString, __in INT cchStr); typedef int (*SORTGETHASHCODE) ( __in PSORTHANDLE pSortHandle, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_ecount(cchSrc) LPCWSTR pSrc, __in int cchSrc, __reserved LPVOID lpReserved, __reserved LPARAM lParam); #define SORT_NAME_SIZE 85 // NOTE: This needs to stay in sync with the sorting dll's handle declaration typedef struct sorting_handle { DWORD dwSHVersion; // Sort handle version struct sorting_handle *pNext; // next for when it gets stuck in a hash table __nullterminated WCHAR sortName[SORT_NAME_SIZE]; // Name of this sort DWORD dwDefinedVersion; // Defined Version # for this node DWORD dwNLSVersion; // NLS Version # for this node SORTGETSORTKEY pSortGetSortKey; // Pointer to GetSortKey function SORTCHANGECASE pSortChangeCase; // Pointer to ChangeCase function SORTCOMPARESTRING pSortCompareString; // Pointer to CompareString function SORTFINDSTRING pSortFindString; // Pointer to FindString function SORTISDEFINEDSTRING pSortIsDefinedString; // Pointer to IsDefinedString function SORTGETHASHCODE pSortGetHashCode; // Pointer to GetHashCode function (v2) } SORTHANDLE, *PSORTHANDLE; // Pointer to our sort handle BOOL IsAvailableVersion(__in_opt CONST NLSVERSIONINFO * pVersion); DWORD SortNLSVersion(); SORTGETHANDLE GetSortGetHandle(__in DWORD dwVersion); PSORTHANDLE GetSortHandle(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in_opt CONST NLSVERSIONINFO * pVersion); int WINAPI SortCompareString(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in DWORD dwCmpFlags, __in_ecount(cchCount1) LPCWSTR lpString1, __in int cchCount1, __in_ecount(cchCount2) LPCWSTR lpString2, __in int cchCount2, __in_opt CONST NLSVERSIONINFO * lpVersionInformation, __reserved LPVOID lpReserved, __reserved LPARAM lParam ); __success(return != 0) int WINAPI SortDllCompareString( __in PSORTHANDLE pSort, __in DWORD dwCmpFlags, __in_ecount(cchCount1) LPCWSTR lpString1, __in int cchCount1, __in_ecount(cchCount2) LPCWSTR lpString2, __in int cchCount2, __in_opt LPVOID lpReserved, __in_opt LPARAM lParam); __success(return != 0) int LCMapStringEx (__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in DWORD dwMapFlags, __in_ecount(cchSrc) LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, __in int cchSrc, __out_ecount_opt(cchDest) LPWSTR lpDestStr, // really this should be __out_awcount_opt(dwMapFlags & LCMAP_SORTKEY, cchDest) __in int cchDest, __in_opt CONST NLSVERSIONINFO * lpVersionInformation, __reserved LPVOID lpReserved, __reserved LPARAM lParam ); __success(return != 0) int WINAPI SortDllChangeCase( __in PSORTHANDLE pSort, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_ecount(cchSrc) LPCWSTR pSrc, __in int cchSrc, __out_ecount_opt(cchDest) LPWSTR pDest, __in int cchDest, __in_opt LPVOID lpReserved, __in_opt LPARAM lParam ); __success(return != 0) int WINAPI SortDllGetSortKey( __in PSORTHANDLE pSort, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_ecount(cchSrc) LPCWSTR pSrc, __in int cchSrc, __out_bcount_opt(cbDest) LPBYTE pDest, __in int cbDest, __in_opt LPVOID lpReserved, __in_opt LPARAM lParam ); int WINAPI SortFindString(__in LPCWSTR lpLocaleName, __in DWORD dwFindNLSStringFlags, __in_ecount(cchSource) LPCWSTR lpStringSource, __in int cchSource, __in_ecount(cchValue) LPCWSTR lpStringValue, __in int cchValue, __out_opt LPINT pcchFound, __in_opt CONST NLSVERSIONINFO * lpVersionInformation, __reserved LPVOID lpReserved, __reserved LPARAM lParam); __success(return != 0) int WINAPI SortDllFindString( __in PSORTHANDLE pSort, __in DWORD dwFindNLSStringFlags, __in_ecount(cchSource) LPCWSTR lpStringSource, __in int cchSource, __in_ecount(cchValue) LPCWSTR lpStringValue, __in int cchValue, __out_opt LPINT pcchFound, __in_opt LPVOID lpReserved, __in_opt LPARAM lParam); BOOL WINAPI SortIsDefinedString(__in NLS_FUNCTION Function, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_opt CONST NLSVERSIONINFOEX * lpVersionInfo, __in LPCWSTR lpString, __in int cchStr ); BOOL SortGetNLSVersion(__in PSORTHANDLE pSort, __in NLS_FUNCTION Function, __inout NLSVERSIONINFO * lpVersionInformation ); BOOL WINAPI SortDllIsDefinedString( __in PSORTHANDLE pSort, __in NLS_FUNCTION Function, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_ecount(cchStr) LPCWSTR lpString, __in INT cchStr); __success(return != 0) int SortDllGetHashCode( __in PSORTHANDLE pSort, __in DWORD dwFlags, __in_ecount(cchSrc) LPCWSTR pSrc, __in int cchSrc, __in_opt LPVOID lpReserved, __in_opt LPARAM lParam ); }