// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. // #ifndef SECURITYUTIL_H #define SECURITYUTIL_H #include "winnt.h" // Security utility class. This is currently used by the debugger right-side and dbgshim to figure out the // SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES to use on various IPC objects (named events, etc.). // This is pretty debugger specific, and so perhaps doesn't actually belong in utilcode (that's just the most // convenient way to share it between mscordbi and dbgshim.dll). This is also a pretty big mess. All of // this ACL craziness is already gone in Arrowhead, so it's not a high priority to clean this up. class SecurityUtil { public: // // This will generate ACL containing the current process and // an allowed ACE on the target process of the given pid. // // Host should free returned *ppACL by calling FreeACL // static HRESULT GetACLOfPid(DWORD pid, PACL *ppACL); static void FreeACL(PACL pACL); static HRESULT GetMandatoryLabelFromProcess(HANDLE hProcess, LPBYTE * ppbLabel); static DWORD * GetIntegrityLevelFromMandatorySID(PSID psidIntegrityLevelLabel); // instance functions. SecurityUtil is used to minimized memory allocation when converting // pACL to SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES // The needed memory to hold SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES and SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR are embedded // in the SecurityUtil instance. // SecurityUtil(PACL pACL); ~SecurityUtil(); HRESULT Init(); HRESULT Init(HANDLE pid); HRESULT GetSA(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES **PPSA); private: HRESULT SetSecurityDescriptorMandatoryLabel(PSID psidIntegrityLevelLabel); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES m_SA; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR m_SD; PACL m_pACL; // Saved by SetSecurityDescriptorMandatoryLabel so that the memory can be deleted properly PACL m_pSacl; bool m_fInitialized; }; #endif // !SECURITYUTIL_H